University of British Columbia, Okanagan
flowchart I[University of British Columbia, Okanagan] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (42)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (10)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Late-Quaternary Climate Change Within the Beringian Buckle: Multidisciplinary Results From St. Michael Island
- Towards Better Utilization of NEXRAD Data in Hydrology an Update
- Twenty years after: Medium-term streamflow response to salvage harvesting in a snowmelt dominated catchment
- Techniques for Efficiently Managing Large Geosciences Data Sets
- Evaluation of Methods for Estimating the Effects of Vegetation Change and Climate Variability on Streamflow
- After the fire’s out: Catchment-scale effects of wildfire on runoff and flow regime in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Holocene summer-temperature variation in Alaska: Quantitative reconstruction and possible solar forcing
- Study of phosphorus loading and the surface and subsurface hydrology of calcareous Clear Lake, Manitoba, Canada
- Memory Estimation in the Simulated Moisture Storages and other Hydroclimatological Variables over a Drought-Prone Catchment
- An Early Pleistocene Till, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada
- Holocene temperature history at the west Greenland Ice Sheet margin reconstructed from lake sediments
- A chemical mechanism to explain matrix effects in multi-collector ICP-MS
- Forecasting the Effects of 21st Century Climate Change on Eighteen Ski Resorts in the Western United States
- Petrochronologic study of granites in the eastern Nepal Himalaya
- A Global Review on the Effects of Land Cover and Climate Changes on Water Resources at Large Watersheds: Implications for Management
- A novel nanoparticle approach for imaging nutrient uptake by soil bacteria
- The Influence of El Niño and La Niña on Winter Climate Conditions at 138 Ski Resorts in Western North America
- Identifying microbial habitats in soil using quantum dots and x-ray fluorescence microtomography
- The Year Without a Ski Season: An Analysis of the Winter of 2015 for Three Ski Resorts in Western Canada Using Historical and Simulation Model Forecasted Climate Data
- Analysis and Comparison of the Temperature and Snowfall Conditions for the Winters of 2014/15 and 2015/16 at Three Ski Resorts in British Columbia, Canada
- The cumulative effects of forest disturbance and climate variability on baseflow in a large forested watershed
- Foredune morphodynamics and seasonal sediment budget patterns at Humboldt Bay, Arcata, California.
- Responses of forest carbon and water coupling to thinning treatments at both the leaf and individual tree levels in a 16-year-old natural Pinus Contorta stand
- Spatial Analysis of the Effects of the Anomalous Winter of 2014/15 on 157 Ski Resorts Located in Western North America
- Foredune dynamics after vegetation disturbance and re-establishment: Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge
- Comparison of Landscape-Level Fire and Carbon Transfer Histories from a Retrospective Carbon Budget Model to those from Sediment Records, Sooke Lake Watershed, British Columbia, Canada.
- Deformation mechanisms in the hydrated lower crust: Competitive strain softening processes in the Eastern Athabasca Mylonite Triangle.
- Importance of Crop Drive-Rows in Soil Carbon Sequestration: a Regional Study of Grape, Apple and Cherry Cropping Systems
- Metamorphic reactions, deformation and fluid migration during early subduction
- Shear zone- to crystal-scale orientation analysis of the crystallographic vorticity axis in the Eastern Highlands shear zone, Canadian Appalachian orogen.
- The Impact of 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Climate Change on Ski Season Length for Western North American Ski Resorts Under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 Emission Scenarios
- How do mantle plume - plate boundaries interactions affect Earth's surface evolution?
- Quartz petrofabrics and RSCM thermometry constrain the P-T-t history of the UHP Tso Morari metamorphic complex, northern India: cool, shallow, and possibly slow
- Nappe stacking in the lower continental crust. An example from the Proterozoic Snowbird tectonic zone, Northern Saskatchewan.
- Protracted Eocene to Oligocene Exhumation of the Tso Morari UHP Nappe, Northwestern Himalaya: Insights from Thermometry and Microstructural Analysis
- A Global Synthesis of Hydrological Sensitivities to Deforestation and Forestation
- Petrochronologic Constraints on the Timing and Duration of Sill and Dike Emplacement and Associated Contact Metamorphism of Hornfels in the Alta Aureole, Utah, from Zircon and Monazite LA(SS)-ICP-MS
- Skier Demand and Snow Conditions in the Thompson Okanagan Region
- The fate of primitive hydrospheric water on Earth and Mars: constraints from petrology, gravity, and topography
- Timescales of Subduction Initiation and Evolution of Thermal Regimes (the Oman Metamorphic Sole Record)
- Timing of slip across the South Tibetan detachment system andYadong-Gulu graben, Eastern Himalaya
- Titanite petrochronology records multiphase construction of the Little Cottonwood stock, Utah U.S.A. accommodated by an upper crustal shear zone