University of Utrecht, Department of Earth Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Can Seismic Inversion-Comprehensive Numerical Basin Modeling be Used to Predict the State of the Earth in the Presence of Incomplete and Noisy Information?
- Closure of the Tethys Ocean: Plate Reconstructions and Mantle Structure
- Delayed Cooling of the Earth's Mantle due to Variable Thermal Conductivity
- Eastern Mediterranean Sapropel 1 is the Result of Increased Primary Production
- Effects of Pore Fluid Chemistry on Pressure Solution in Calcite at Room Temperature: an Experimental Study
- Enhanced Phosphorus Regeneration During Formation of Eastern Mediterranean Sapropels
- Geographic Variation of Magnetic Characteristics of Remagnetized Devonian Limestones in the Ardennes
- Is the Juan de Fuca Plate driven by neighbor plates?
- Magmatic and hydrothermal controls on trace element output at active volcanoes as recorded by spherules of sulfur in acid crater lakes
- Multiple Sources In Ultrapotassic Arc Magmas Inferred From Combined Microthermometry And In-Situ Chemical Analysis Of Melt Inclusions In Olivine And Clinopyroxene Phenocrysts From Batu Tara Volcano, Indonesia
- Numerical Mantle Convection Models With a Flexible Thermodynamic Interface
- Palaeoenvironmental Indications of Enhanced Primary Productivity During Pliocene Sapropel Formation
- Present Status and Applications of the Astronomical (Polarity) Time Scale for the Mediterranean Late Neogene
- Reconstruction of Middle to Late Miocene Events in the Mediterranean Area: Benthic Foraminiferal Evidence
- Seasonal variations in geochemistry of the hyperacidic Ijen Crater Lake, East Java, Indonesia
- Terminal Stage Subduction in the Central Mediterranean: Horizontal and Vertical Motions in a Dynamic Framework
- The Gibbs Energy Formulation and Equation of State of MgSiO3 Perovskite
- The Present-Day Tectonic Setting of Taiwan Based on an Analysis of GPS and Seismological Data.
- The Surface Deformation of the Western US Deformation Zone Inferred From 626 Motion Vectors.
- The Viability and Style of the Modern Plate-Tectonic Subduction Process in a Hotter Earth
- A New Perspective on Seismic Constraints for 3D Mantle Density Suggests Strong Variations in Iron Content.
- Age-Dependent Seismic Thickness and Mechanical Strength of the Australian Lithosphere
- Composite Grain Size Sensitive and Grain Size Insensitive Flow of Naturally Deformed Calcite Mylonites : Evidence From Quantitative Microstructural Analysis
- Crustal Motions in the Eastern Carpathians (Vrancea)
- Evidence for Active Subduction Beneath Gibraltar
- Links Between Faulting of the Incoming Ocean Plate and Earthquakes in the Slab of Subduction Zones
- Melting and Dynamics of a Ridge-Centered Plume and the Effect on Geophysical Observables with Application to Iceland
- More negative Clapeyron slope in the perovskite-ilmenite MgO-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> system can be accommodated in existing data bases
- Numerical Models of Mantle Convection Based on Thermodynamic data for the MgO-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> Olivine-Pyroxene System
- Reactive Transport Modelling of pH Dynamics in Aquatic Sediments
- Secular Cooling Rates of the Mantle : Various Influences
- The Effect of Dynamic Recrystallization on Rheology, Microstructure and Grain Size Distribution: Inferences From Experiments on Polycrystalline Halite
- Thermal and Compositional Variations Inferred from Global Mantle Tomography
- Eastward Mantle Drag on the Caribbean Plate: Insights from Neotectonic Modeling
- Electrical properties of polycrystalline olivine: evidence for grain boundary transport
- Framboidal Vaterite and its Transformation to Calcite
- Global Travel Time Tomography Using ANSS Real Time Data
- Grain Size Reduction and Deformation Mechanisms in Ultra-Fine-Grained Shear Zones From the Lherz Peridotite
- Impact of Temperature and Pressure Dependent Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity and Core-Mantle Coupling on Planetary Thermal Evolution
- Inversion of Surface and S Wave Forms for Seismic-Velocity Perturbations Relative to a Three-Dimensional Reference Model
- Mesozoic-Cenozoic history of subduction within the Tethyan region as inferred from seismic tomography and plate tectonic reconstructions
- Numerical modelling of drainage basin evolution and alluvial fan stratigraphy
- On the Strength Contrast Between Naturally Deformed Crust and Mantle Rocks.
- Robust Compositional Heterogeneity Throughout the Mantle Inferred from Probabilistic Tomography
- Thermal and compositional anomalies beneath the North American continent
- Travel Time Tomography of the Uppermost Mantle Beneath Europe
- A High-Resolution, Shear-Speed Model of the Upper Mantle
- An early Eocene transient warming ( ∼ 53 Ma): Implications for astronomically-paced early Eocene hyperthermal events.
- Changes in Seismogenic Zone Coupling Along the Middle America Margin?
- Correlation Between in-situ Redox Reaction Rates and Microbial Biomass Distribution in Porous Media Influenced by Different Transport Regimes
- Dynamic Grain Growth in Forsterite Aggregates Experimentally Deformed to High Strain
- Effects of Micro-Heterogeneities on Laboratory-Scale Pc-Kr-S Relationships
- From Oceanic Lithosphere Subduction To Continental Collision: Influence Of The Plate Contact
- Impact of Inconsistencies in Experimental Thermodynamic Data on Thermophysical Properties of Planetary Mantles
- Kinematic Behaviour and Active Tectonics of the SE Asia Triple Junction Inferred by GPS Measurements in Sulawesi (Eastern Indonesia)
- Modeling of Bioclogging in Porous Media - Approaches and Uncertainties
- Simulations and Theory of Density-Dependent Dispersion in Weakly Heterogeneous Porous Media
- The Role Played by Radiative Heat-Transfer in Earth's Thermal History
- Anisotropic Seismic Structure Beneath Cratons From Interstation Surface-Wave Dispersion Measurements on GSN and Geofon Data
- Assessment of Finite-Frequency Theory for Regional Surface Wave Tomography
- Bayesian Neural Networks With an Application to Global Crustal Structure
- Bullard Lecture: the Recording of the Ancient Geomagnetic Field
- Defining Macro-Scale Pressure From the Micro-Scale
- Effect Of Air-Water Interface On Microorganism Transport Under Unsaturated Conditions
- Equilibrium Dynamics of Tide-dominated Ebb-tidal Deltas: A Numerical Model
- Experimental and Numerical Study to Investigate Dynamic Capillary Pressure Effect in Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
- Extremely High Late Paleocene - Early Eocene Sea Surface Temperatures On The North Pole
- Global P Travel-Time Tomography With an Extended Data Set and a 3-D Starting Model
- How accurate and precise is multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometery for measurement of δ34SV-CDT and δ33SV-CDT?
- Kinetics of Microbial Fe(III) Reduction: From the Laboratory to the Field
- Lithospheric-scale plate boundary response to changes in plate motion
- Mantle Dynamics of Super-Earth Extrasolar Planet under Extreme Temperature and Pressure Conditions Extreme Temperature and Pressure conditions
- Mantle Flow Across the Baikal Rift Constrained With Integrated Seismic Measurements
- Paleomagnetic Evidence for Large Scale Southward Translation of Crimea (East European Platform) During the Jurassic
- Pressure Solution: a Voigt-type Visco-Plastic Model with a Cole-Cole Distribution of Relaxation Times
- Strength of Rocks Affected by Deformation Enhanced Grain Growth
- The seismic structure of the asthenosphere as seen by surface waves
- A High-Resolution Geochemical Investigation of the OAE 3 (Demerara Rise) - New Insights Into the Behaviour of Trace Metals and Phosphorus
- Bioenergetic Analysis of the Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Diverse Biogeochemical Environments
- Critical evaluation of Richards' equation for unsaturated flow in soil
- Deep Structure and Evolution of the Cyprus Arc, With Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of Anatolia
- Diagenetic Processes Around the Sulfate/Methane Transition - How do They Alter Sedimentary Signals on the Zambesi Deep-Sea Fan (SW Indian Ocean)?
- Finite-Frequency Sensitivity of Global Seismic Waves to Anisotropy Based Upon Adjoint Methods
- Global Upper-Mantle Tomography With the Automated Multimode Inversion of Surface and S Wave Forms
- Global warming leads the carbon isotope excursion at the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
- High-Resolution trace element studies on Tektites from Maastrichtian/Danian (K/T) Strata
- How does a lithospheric plate boundary adapt to changes in plate motion? An example from South Island of New Zealand
- Is anelasticity hiding chemical variations in the lowermost mantle?
- Magnetic Anisotropy of Pyrrhotite Single Crystals Within the Basal Plane by a Combination of Low-field and High-field Experiments
- Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 3, Demerara Rise: High-Resolution Geochemistry and its Paleoenvironmental Implications
- Prospects for a Gradiometry Mission for High-Resolution Mapping of Planetary Gravity Fields
- Secular variation during the Permian Superchron: a comparison between red bed and volcanic records
- Seismic Constraints on Slab Interaction With the Transition Zone
- Slab interaction with the PPV transition causes complex seismic structure near the CMB.
- Solid earth response to the Messinian salinity crisis
- Stratification of Seismic Anisotropy in the Aegean Lithosphere and Relation to Deformation
- Surface Wave Tomography Beneath the Gulf of California Rift Zone
- The gap in the Arctic Cenozoic Record: Expect the Unexpected
- A new method of generating a pore-network model for representing porous media
- Absolute Paleointensities for the Last 10Kyrs From the Hana Volcanics (East Maui, Hawaii, USA) Determined With the Multispecimen Parallel Differential pTRM Method
- An Alternative View on Absolute Paleointensity Determination
- An EBSD study of texture development and hybrid deformation mechanisms in fine grained calcite aggregates deformed in direct shear
- Changes in Seismogenic Zone Coupling Along the Middle America Margin?
- Finite-frequency sensitivity of seismic observables to mantle anisotropy based upon adjoint methods
- Fresh and Warm Arctic Ocean Surface Waters During Eocene Thermal Maximum 2
- From Oceanic Lithosphere Subduction To Continental Collision: Influence Of The Plate Contact
- Global Travel Time Tomography and Earthquake Relocation With a 3-D Reference Model
- Identifying Source Heterogeneity of Italian K-rich Volcanism With Melt Inclusions: Roccamonfina Revisited
- Implications of the Baja California Microplate Motion on the Deformation Within the Western North America Plate Boundary Zone
- In-Situ Silicon Isotope Analysis of Archean Cherts by Laser Ablation MC-ICPMS
- Investigating the Anisotropic Shear Wave Velocity Structure of the Earth's Mantle
- Late Paleocene- Early Eocene paleoenvironments in the Southwest Pacific (ODP Leg 189): Revised Stratigraphy of an Antarctic PETM Record.
- Mantel Convection Models of the D" Region
- Multiple Sources of K-rich Melts in Central Italy: Evidence From Trace-element and Pb- isotopic Signatures of Melt Inclusions in a Single Lava Flow From Latera Volcano
- Multiples: From Artifact Prediction to Image Reconstruction via Illumination
- Organic Walled Dinoflagellate Cysts and the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO): Preliminary results from ODP leg 120, Kerguelen Plateau.
- Pole-to-pole sea surface temperatures from the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum using organic and inorganic paleothermometers: the ultimate test case for climate models
- Quasi-Static Pore-Scale Network Models for Studying Pc-Sw-anw Relationship in Drainage and Imbibition
- Sequential Development of Interfering Metamorphic Core Complexes: Numerical Experiments and Comparison to the Cyclades, Greece
- Silicon Isotope Fractionation During Acid Water-Igneous Rock Interaction
- Species-selective Aerobic Degradation of Dinoflagellate Cysts - Results of a Natural Exposure Experiment
- Systematic temporal thallium isotope variations in a 72 Ma old Fe-Mn crust: A proxy for changes in ocean chemistry?
- Terminal Stage Subduction and Slab Detachment: From Structure to Dynamics
- The Algerian Margin: an Example of a Reactivation in Compression of a Complex Cenozoic Passive Margin
- The Development of Subgrains in Deformed Calcite: Influence of Stress and Temperature
- The average equilibrium capillary pressure-saturation relationship in two-phase flow in porous media
- The reliability of paleomagnetic directions
- Upscaling Reactive Transport Using a Pore-Network Model
- A Dynamic Pore-Network Model for Simulating Drainage Experiment
- Baja transfer by partial coupling with the Pacific plate
- Centennial Variability in Winter Climate and Water Column Oxygenation During Mediterranean Sapropel S1
- Continental Collision and the STEP-wise Evolution of Convergent Plate Boundaries: The Mediterranean Region
- Episodic Anoxia and Carbon Burial: a Diagenetic Modelling Perspective
- Fluid-induced Crystallization of Majoritic Garnet During Deep Continental Subduction (Western Gneiss Region, Norway)
- Formation of an ilmenite-rich outer core in the moon
- Geodynamic models of Late Oligocene subduction initiation in the Western Mediterannean
- Glacial Abrupt Cold Events: No Impact on the ITCZ Summer Position in the West Atlantic
- Global Land-Ocean Linkage: Direct Inputs of Water and Associated Nutrients to Coastal Zones via Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD)
- Interannual climate variability recorded by late Miocene laminated gypsums: evidence for ENSO in the Mediterranean
- Investigating Global Radial Anisotropy in the Earth's Upper Mantle and Transition Zone
- Large two-dimensional laboratory experiment with biodegradation of a PCE source zone
- Low Eurasian Latitudes in the Late Jurassic: Evidence for True Polar Wander
- Magnetic Properties of Fast Spreading Ocean Crust Drilled by (I)ODP Hole 1256D Into the Gabbro Zone Revealed by Fuzzy c-Means Cluster Analysis
- Palaeoarchean Barite Deposits in the Barberton Greenstone Belt: Origin and Links to Early Microbial Life
- Probability of Radial Anisotropy in the Deep Mantle
- Sedimentary Basin Structure of the Hadar Formation's Lacustrine-Dominated Depocenter (Ledi-Geraru, Afar, Ethiopia) and its Relevance for Investigating Hominin Paleoenvironments
- Shallow-Earth Thermomechanical Models of NW-Europe From GIA Constrained by GOCE Gravity Data
- Subduction Zone Diversity and Nature of the Plate Contact
- Subduction- vs- Intraplate-Type Melt Migration in the Alboran Lithospheric Mantle: Insights From the Tallante Xenoliths (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain)
- Systematic study of the effect of pH and Ionic strength on virus transport under saturated condition
- Thallium isotopes in ferromanganese crusts as a proxy for marine productivity
- The Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean: No Relationship to the Paleo-Tethys
- The response of the Mediterranean thermohaline circulation to changes in the ocean gateway
- Tomographic Errors From Wavefront Healing
- Upscaling Reactive Transport Using a Pore-Network Model
- An evaluation of Neogene tectonic reconstructions for the eastern Caribbean using tomography
- Biodegradation of a Light NAPL under Varying Soil Environmental Conditions
- Boron isotopes in Archean cherts: investigating early Earth marine conditions
- Deep-seated mantle anomalies and the dynamic impact on the African continent (Invited)
- Earth's Decelerating Tectonic Plates (Invited)
- Experimental setup for a high resolution visualization of two-phase flow in a micro-model
- Fluxes and distribution of intact glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether membrane lipids in the water column of Lake Challa, East Africa
- How important is the mantle's fingerprint on the lithospheric stress field?
- Interplay of endothermic phase transition and electron thermal conductivity results in episodic mantle convection in Super-Earth exoplanets
- Maximum Likelihood Bayesian Averaging Of Air Flow Models In Unsaturated Fractured Tuff Using Occam And Variance Windows
- Methane release from the terrestrial ecosystems of greenhouse climates: Challenges and potential (Invited)
- Modeling kinetic interphase mass transfer for two-phase flow in porous media including fluid-fluid interfacial area
- New Pore-Network Model for Simulating Quasi-Static Two-Phase Experiments in Granular Porous Media
- Reconstruction of climate change at sub-decadal resolution from marine sediment cores from the Gulf of Taranto, Mediterranean Sea
- Scalable robust solvers for unstructured FE geodynamic models, with an application to geoid calculations from high resolution tomography models in a subduction setting
- Seismic evidence for a wide-spread low velocity layer atop the 410-km discontinuity
- Signature of chemical heterogeneity within 1-D seismic reference models for the mantle (Invited)
- Surface subsidence induced by the Crandall Mine (Utah) collapse: InSAR observations and anelastic modeling
- The 29 September Mw8+ Samoa Earthquake: Tectonic drivers and reactivated detachment faults?
- Vegetation and climate changes in western Amazonia during a previous Interglacial- Glacial transition
- iTEMP: intercomparison of TEMperature Proxies for the PETM carbon injection event
- Active Arc-Continent Accretion in Timor-Leste: New Structural Mapping and Quantification of Continental Subduction
- An improved correlation of the multi-event Aptian/Albian OAE 1b
- Anastomosing Rivers are Disequilibrium Patterns
- Coupled geomechanical-geochemical aspects of CO2-sequestration in peridotites
- Experimental Recreation of Large-Scale Coastal Bedforms and Hummocky Cross-Stratification in Sheet Flow Conditions
- Experimental deformation and grain growth of pure water ice aggregates
- Flow Separation and Morphology in Sharp Meander Bends
- Fluxes and distributions of core and intact tetraether membrane lipids in the water column of Lake Challa, East Africa
- Frictional behaviour of subduction zone fault rocks at low to high sliding velocities
- Full Vector Studies of the Last 10 Thousand Years Derived From The East Maui Volcano Hawaii
- How the World Gains Understanding of a Planet: Analysis of Scientific Understanding in Earth Sciences and of the Communication of Earth-Scientific Explanation
- Initiation of the post-Oligocene subduction phase in the Western Mediterranean (Invited)
- Is there a seasonal bias in MBT-CBT temperature reconstructions? (Invited)
- Large methane reserves beneath Antarctica?
- Mantle Transition Zone Vp/Vs Ratio and Low Velocity Layers Under West US From P-to-S Conversions and Multiple Reverberations
- Object-Based Probabilistic Full Waveform Tomography. - Methodology and Application to the Australian Continental Lithosphere
- Plate boundary re-organization in the western Mediterranean
- Principal Component Tomography in Anisotropic Media (Invited)
- Quantifying uncertainties in travel time tomography using the null space shuttle
- Reconciling the geological history of western Turkey with plate circuits and mantle tomography
- Scaling Vegetation on Experimental Channel Patterns
- Sediment Mixture Controls on Morphodynamics of Experimental Deltas
- Seismic Evidence for a Global Low Velocity Layer Within the Earth's Upper Mantle
- Seismic detection of post-perovskite at the core-mantle boundary
- Stability of River Bifurcations from Bedload to Suspended Load Dominated Conditions
- Supporting Evidence for the Astronomically Calibrated Age of Fish Canyon Sanidine
- Temperature and carbon isotope histories for early Eocene hyperthermals: events linked by a similar causal mechanism? (Invited)
- The Impact of Elevated Temperatures on Continental Carbon Cycling in the Paleogene
- The Meandering-Braided River Pattern Transition Explained Empirically and with a 2D Morphodynamics Model
- The Three Stages of Uncertainty in Geophysical Models (Invited)
- The dynamics and thermo-chemical structure of LLVSP: observations and models (Invited)
- Towards absolute plate motions constrained by lower-mantle slab remnants
- Towards the quantitative resolution analysis in full seismic waveform inversion
- Transport of bacteriophage PRD1 through saturated clean sand columns as a function of pH and ionic strength
- 3D high resolution mineral phase distribution and seismic velocity structure of the transition zone: predicted by a full spherical-shell compressible mantle convection model
- A Journey Through the Mantle Transition Zone Under Western US From Single and Multiple Scattered Waves
- A new approach to near-field seismology: CMT inversions using continuous GPS waveforms
- Antarctic ice-sheet and oceanographic response to eccentricity forcing during the late Oligocene and early Miocene
- Cocos Ridge Collision as a Driver for Plate Boundary Deformation in the Western Caribbean
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structures Across the Western United States Imaged with Array Receiver Functions
- Does post-perovskite exist in the lowermost mantle? A statistical interpretation of seismic observations
- Fragmentation of the Adriatic Indenter and its bearing on changing slab configurations beneath the Alps-Carpathian-Dinaride chain
- Impacts of ocean acidification on foraminiferal calcification
- Low Seismic Wave Speeds in the Upper Mantle: Fluid and Melt Expressions in the Deep Earth?
- Modeling "secular" flank motion at Kilauea Volcano (Hawai'i) during 2000-2003
- Multi-scale full waveform inversion using teleseismic and regional data sets
- Pleistocene magnetochronology of the Shangshazui Paleolithic site in the Nihewan Basin and implications for early human evolution
- Realistic heat transport estimates for Superearth Exo-solar planets
- Reducing the dimension of seismic waveforms using autoencoders: A step towards fully non-linear tomography, and a practical tool
- Resolution Analysis in Full Waveform Inversion
- Sensitivity kernels for interstation cross-correlations
- Slip stability regimes in illite-rich fault gouge in subduction zone megathrusts
- The Influence of Non-linear 3-D Mantle Rheology on Predictions of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Models
- The role of continental collision in the separation of Arabia from Africa and the formation of the Dead Sea Fault
- Torque balance evolution of Eurasia since the Miocene
- Trapping and hysteresis in two-phase flow in porous media 1: Pore-network modeling
- Trapping and hysteresis in two-phase flow in porous media 2: Impact of pore-network model results on continuum scale models
- Two-phase flow experimental studies using micro-models; Comparison between experiment and numerical model
- <SUP>13</SUP>C fractionation of dinoflagellates - a new proxy for past CO<SUB>2</SUB> levels?
- A culture study with benthic foraminifers at different [Mg2+]: Implications for biomineralization and proxies
- A late Holocene tephrochronology for the Maya Lowlands, Central America
- A major Early Miocene thermal pulse due to subduction segmentation and rollback in the western Mediterranean region
- Analog Modeling of Continental Lithosphere Subduction
- Constraints on the sources of branched GDGTs in open ocean sediments: dust transport or in situ production?
- Controls on upper plate deformation through the earthquake cycle in subduction zones
- Direct evidence for impact winter following the Cretaceous-Paleogene bolide impact
- Frictional properties of phyllosilicate-rich fault gouges under subduction megathrust PT conditions and underlying microphysical mechanisms
- Global trends in terrestrial denitrification and N2O emissions for the period 1900-2050
- Greater India Basin hypothesis and a two-stage Cenozoic collision between India and Asia
- IODP Site U1385 ('Shackleton site'): A reference section for marine-terrestrial correlations
- Imaging the North Anatolian Fault Zone with multi-scale full waveform inversion
- Impact of glacial/interglacial changes in water column geochemistry on the diagenetic cycling of barium in Black Sea sediments
- Intensified hydrologic cycle and increased marine productivity during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
- Intrinsic versus extrinsic Anisotropy- The case of the PREM model
- Long-term effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on the mechanical behaviour of faults - a study of samples from a natural CO<SUB>2</SUB> analogue (Entrada Sandstone, Utah, USA)
- Middle Miocene environmental and climatic evolution at the Wilkes Land margin, East Antarctica
- New upper mantle P-velocity model of Eurasia resolves connections to main regional tectonic structures
- On the inclusion of interfacial area as a separate variable in quasi-static, two-phase, flow studies
- Orbitally-paced shifts in the particle size of Antarctic continental shelf sediments in response to ice dynamics during the Miocene Climatic Optimum
- Paleosecular variation during the Permo-Carboniferous Reversed Superchron: a comparison between the sedimentary and volcanic record
- Probabilistic Source Inversion of Seismic Waveform and Geodetic Data Using Neural Networks
- ROMULUS: The Regolith and Organics on Mars: Utraviolet and Lithochemical Utrecht Simulation facility
- Re-examining the global distribution of seamounts using neural network techniques
- Resolving rock exhumation versus surface uplift during arc-continent accretion on the island of Timor by integrating thermochronology and micropaleontology data
- Segregation and Alteration of Phenolic and Aliphatic Components of Root and Leaf Litter by Detritivores and Microbes
- Shear velocity structure of the Tyrrhenian region in relation to volcanism and tectonics
- Strength and elastic thickness (Te) of the North American lithosphere: main results and applicability
- Surface tension modeling on the pore-scale with dynamic contact angles and contact line movement
- Tectonic History and Mantle Structure of the Sundaland and Indonesian Region
- The Messinian evaporites in the Mediterranean: A box model study
- The Number Density of Interfaces affects Heat Transfer and Speed of Sound in Mantle Materials
- The role of and impact on the biosphere in shelf ocean anoxia during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- The role of quartz relative to phyllosilicates in determining slip stability in simulated subduction megathrust gouges
- A finite element modeling investigation on the effects of magma underplating on topographic variation and exhumation rates over long time scales
- And the Variscan Orogen Buckled
- Are recent changes in sediment manganese sequestration in the euxinic basins of the Baltic Sea linked to the expansion of hypoxia?
- Can increased biomass offset carbon release from permafrost region soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert elicitation?
- Circum-arctic biodegradability of fluvial dissolved organic carbon: A meta-analysis
- Constraining methane formation/removal pathways with stable isotopes in different aquatic environments throughout the summer season in the Kolyma Region, North-East Siberia
- Effects of fluid-rock interaction on friction and slip stability of gouge-filled faults (Invited)
- European Research Council: Funding Opportunities
- Evidence for a warm ice-free environment on the high latitude Antarctic coast (78°S) during the Middle to Late Eocene
- Exploring the impact of agriculture on nitrogen and phosphorus biogeochemistry in global rivers during the twentieth century (Invited)
- Greigite-related complex magnetic polarity records unraveled through an integrated rock magnetic analysis: A case study on Neogene sections in East Timor
- How fluids eat their way through rocks: Reactive-transport processes in low-permeability rocks (Invited)
- Late Miocene Pliocene intensification of the East Asian monsoon linked to Antarctic ice-sheet development
- Lateral strength variation in the lithosphere: a key parameter for the localization of intra-plate deformation
- Magnetic properties of variably serpentinized peridotites and their implication for remanence acquisition during the evolution of oceanic core complexes
- Magneto-, stable isotope, and cyclostratigraphy of the Mid-Cretaceous Piè di Cammoro section, Northern Apennines, Italy
- Mediterranean Sapropel Formation and Redox-Controled Preservation: the s1 Formation and its Interruption
- Modeling of Multiphase Flow through Thin Porous Layers: Application to a Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell (PEFC)
- Multiphase geodynamical modelling using Aspect
- Nanocrystalline mirror-slip surfaces in calcite gouge sheared at sub-seismic slip rates
- Natural Serpentinite Carbonation at Linnajavri, N-Norway (Invited)
- New insights to the middle Miocene pCO<SUB>2</SUB> problem (Invited)
- New palaeomagnetic results from outcrop and drill core samples of the 3.47 billion year old Komati Formation, Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa
- Patterns of deformation, exhumation and uplift across the Island of Timor: insights into the processes that control the early stages of orogenesis (Invited)
- Peroxy defects in Rocks and H2O2 formation on the early Earth
- Reactive fluid escape from subducting oceanic lithosphere
- Separating intrinsic and apparent seismic anisotropy (Invited)
- Significance of geometrical relationships between low-temperature intracrystalline deformation microstructures in naturally deformed quartz
- Surrogate models for seismological inverse problems: Constructing fast approximations to misfit functions
- The deep structure of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (Invited)
- The influence of solar activity on Nile discharge and eastern Mediterranean sapropel S1 formation during the early- to mid-Holocene
- Using nonlinear rheology in ASPECT: benchmarking and an application to subduction
- What can the Cretaceous-to-present latitude history of the Lhasa terrane tell us about plate-scale deformation in the Tibetan-Himalayan orogen? (Invited)
- What drives microplate motion and deformation in the northeastern Caribbean plate boundary region?
- Why do paleomagnetic studies in Tibet lead to such disparate paleolatitude estimates? (Invited)
- A 60 Myr Sea Surface Temperature Record of the Northern Atlantic Ocean Using a Multi-proxy Approach
- Asian Winter Monsoons in the Eocene: Evidence from the Aeolian Dust Series of the Xining Basin
- Evidence from Ice-Rafted Debris and Sediment Provenance for a Dynamic East Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Mid-Miocene Climate Transition
- Extrapolating surface structures to depth in transpressional systems: the role of rheology and convergence angle deduced from analogue experiments
- Impact of Paratethys sea on Eocene Central Asian seasonality: from climatic model to bivalves high-resolution geochemistry
- Large Vertical Axis Rotations along Neotethyan Sutures in TURKEY
- Millennial-Scale Climate Variability for the Last Glacial Cycle along the Iberian Margin based on Dinoflagellate Cysts
- Orbital forcing and climate response at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary: stable isotope records from IODP site U1334
- Reconstructing Changes in Deep Ocean Temperature and Global Carbon Cycle during the Early Eocene Warming Trend: High-Resolution Benthic Stable Isotope Records from the SE Atlantic.
- Reconstructing eddies using Mg/Ca of multiple species of planktonic foraminifera
- Shock Waves Trigger Fault Weakening in Calcite-bearing Rocks During Earthquakes
- Sodium in foraminiferal calcite as a direct proxy for salinity
- The Paleocene - Eocene Thermal Maximum: Temperature and Ecology in the Tropics
- A Microphysical Interpretation of Rate-and-State Friction Behaviour: Insights from Discrete Element Modelling
- A ~600 kyr duration Early Pleistocene record from the West Turkana (Kenya) HSPDP drill site: elemental XRF variability to reconstruct climate change in Turkana Boy's backyard
- Active Tectonics in the Tibetan Plateau Region as a Consequence of Plate-Scale Forces on the Eurasian Plate: a Model Study
- Can we use only Grain Size Data for Paleo-Flow Reconstructions?
- Dynamics of intra-oceanic subduction initiation, part 2: supra-subduction zone ophiolite formation and metamorphic sole exhumation in context of absolute plate motions
- Environmental forcing of terrestrial carbon isotope excursion amplification across five Eocene hyperthermals
- Evidence from Ice-Rafted Debris and Sediment Provenance for a Dynamic East Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Mid-Miocene Climate Transition
- Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Inner Core Structure Behind the PKP Core Phase Triplication
- Lithospheric strength variations in Mainland China: tectonic implications
- Low Frictional Strength of Alpine Fault Rocks of DFDP-1 at Elevated Temperature and Low Slip Rate
- PALEOMAGNETISM.ORG - AN Online Multi-Platform and Open Source Environment for Paleomagnetic Analysis
- Relocation of Groningen seismicity using refracted waves
- Sr isotope stratigraphy and lithogenic grain-size distributions of the Pleistocene Turkana Basin, Kenya
- Strength, stability, and microstructure of simulated calcite faults sheared under laboratory conditions spanning the brittle-ductile transition
- Subduction Zone Configuration of Central and Eastern Anatolia since the Late Cretaceous: Insights from Sedimentary Basins in the Neotethyan Suture Zone
- Surface Wave Tomography of Botswana Using Two-Station and Ambient Noise Analysis
- The Origin(s) of the Methane Excess in the Shallow East Siberian Arctic Shelf Unraveled with Triple Isotope Analysis
- Turbidity currents and turbidites: towards quantitative interpretation and prediction of process and product.
- Very low archeointensities found for Suriname from 670 to 960 AD
- A Microphysical Model for Phyllosilicate Friction
- A Preliminary Rock Magnetic Geothermometer to Evaluate Seismic Heating Signatures: Example from the Japan Trench Subduction Plate-boundary Fault Zone Drilled by IODP Expedition 343 (JFAST)
- Constraining Convergence in the Greater Caucasus Since the Eocene Through Restoring the Pontide-Lesser Caucasus-West Iranian Orocline
- Critical Velocity for Shear Localization in A Mature Mylonitic Rock Analogue
- Crust and mantle structure under Botswana - the new key-player in African geodynamics?
- Evolution and Structural Architecture of the Cenozoic Southern Sivas Fold-Thrust Belt: Implications for the Transition from Arabian Collision to Tectonic Escape in Anatolia
- From Protist to Proxy: Dinoflagellates as signal carriers for past climate and carbon cycling
- Joint inversion of GOCE gravity gradients and surface waves.
- Late Miocene-Pliocene Asian monsoon intensification linked to Antarctic ice-sheet growth
- Lithosphere Dynamics in the South-Central Mediterranean (Sicily-Calabria)
- Monitoring the Groningen Gas Reservoir by Noise Interferometry
- Oligocene-Early Miocene Magnetochronology of the Mammalian Faunas in the Lanzhou Basin—Environmental Changes in the NE Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Paleomagnetic reconstruction of the Neotethyan Suture in Central Anatolia (Turkey)
- Permeability Development at Layer Interfaces in Bedded Rocksalt
- Phosphorus in global agricultural soils: spatially explicit modelling of soil phosphorus and crop uptake for 1900 to 2010
- Reactive transport of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-rich fluids in simulated wellbore interfaces: Experiments and models exploring behaviour on length scales of 1 to 6 m
- Remagnetization of carbonate rocks in southern Tibet: perspective from rock magnetic and petrographic investigations
- Resolved <SUP>12</SUP>CH<SUB>2</SUB>D<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>3</SUB>D in CH<SUB>4</SUB> as Sensitive Indicators of Disequilibrium and Equilibrium during Microbial Methane Cycling
- Sediment Transport Capacity of Turbidity Currents: from Microscale to Geological Scale.
- Seismogenic Potential of Anhydrite-Carbonate Fault Gouge Sensitive to Pore Fluid Composition.
- Sources of Carbon during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- The Early Eocene Hyperthermal Events: Magnitude, Characteristics and Orbital Chronology.
- Thermo-compositonal anomalies of the Australian upper mantle
- 3D Instantaneous Dynamics Modeling of Present-Day Aegean Subduction
- 3D Numerical Rift Modeling with Application to the East African Rift System
- Efficient infiltration of water in the subsurface by using point-wells: A field study
- Extending the Rift Zone: evidence from central Botswana
- Implementation of sediment dynamics in a global integrated assessment model for an improved simulation of nutrient retention and transfers in surface freshwaters
- Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum linked to continental arc flare-up in Iran?
- Mineral Magnetic Properties of Partially Oxidized Siderite
- Paleoenvironmental change as seen from a multiproxy perspective in the West Turkana Kaitio core (WTK13), Kenya
- Recent Successes and Remaining Challenges in Predicting Phosphorus Loading to Surface Waters at Large Scales
- Reconstructing the paleogeography and subduction geodynamics of Greater India: how to apply Ockham's Razor?
- Sea Surface Warming and Increased Aridity at Mid-latitudes during Eocene Thermal Maximum 2
- Single Species Dinoflagellate Cyst Carbon Isotope Ecology across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Source Mechanism and Aftershock Study of the Central Botswana M6.5 Earthquake of April 3, 2017
- Thermo-compositional and strength variability of the Australian plate: clues of intraplate deformation
- "What happens to a supercritical turbidity current when it travels onto a seafloor with increasingly gentle slope?" A question by Henry Pantin.
- Comparing in-situ and ex-situ stress measurements in polymineralic rocks
- Development of full-waveform inversion for global discontinuities in the Earth's mantle
- Effects of Induced Stress on Seismic Waves: Method Validation based on Ab Initio Calculations
- Evolutionary full waveform inversion
- Exact sensitivity kernels of PP precursor traveltimes. Can we use them for inferring mantle discontinuity structure?
- High-resolution XRF-scanning records from the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Plio/Pleistocene hydroclimate variability in East Africa
- Homo erectus paleoenvironments in the early Pleistocene Denizli Basin: an integrated paleontological, sedimentological and geochemical approach
- Mapping transition zone topography beneath China by migration of ScS reverberations.
- Mechanistic modelling of the global fate of carbon in river basins
- Microstructural evolution investigated with equal channel angular pressing
- New chronostratigraphy and climate reconstructions for the Late Pliocene of the Southern North Sea Basin
- P and S wave velocity structure of the upper mantle beneath southern Africa constrained by new data from Botswana
- P wave travel time variations in the Groningen gas field caused by reservoir compaction
- Paleomagnetism in Lake Pannon; Problems, Pitfalls, and Progress in using iron sulfides for magnetostratigraphy
- Plate boundary geometry resulting from lithospheric tearing at active STEPs: an analogue model approach
- Shoaling of the deep chlorophyll maximum during Early Eocene hyperthermals
- Spatial Patterns in Ocean Warming and Deoxygenation During the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
- Structural and kinematic analyses across the Dinarides Mountains of Central Europe: inferences on the thermal evolution and fluid-flow processes
- Thermo-compositional model, strength, and strain rate variability of the Australian plateThermo-compositional model, strength, and strain rate variability of the Australian plate
- Unraveling The Lipid Biosynthetic Pathway Of Long Chain Alkenones In Haptophytes
- Aseismic to seismic transition at the brittle to ductile transition: insights from hydrothermal ring shear experiments and a microphysical model
- Accelerated full-waveform inversion using dynamic mini-batches
- Aquaculture production is a large, spatially concentrated source of nutrients in Chinese freshwater and coastal seas
- Causes of extensional deformation in subduction zones following megathrust earthquakes
- Coupled, physics-based modeling reveals earthquake displacements are critical in generating the 2018 Palu, Sulawesi tsunami
- Deciphering orbital to centennial-scale changes in Mediterranean Outflow Water during the late Pleistocene
- Decomposing the decadal scale Cascadia GPS velocity field and associated implications for plate interface locking
- Dynamics of Africa 75 Ma: from plate kinematic reconstructions to intraplate paleo-stresses
- Early Pleistocene Deposits in the Netherlands Revisited
- Effects of induced stress on seismic wave propagation
- Estimating forces and rheology from kinematic observations in the western Mediterranean
- High volumes of mineral dissolution by localized fluid pulses in UHPM metasediments of Lago di Cignana, Western Alps
- Inventory of Nitrogen Inputs to Chinese Seas for the Period 1970-2010
- Low-temperature plasticity of the upper mantle: Olivine, orthopyroxene, and harzburgite
- Managing the phosphorus in China coastal seas
- Mass-dependent dynamics of terrestrial exoplanets: impacts of high surface gravity on shallow mantle rheology, thermal conductivity and pressure release partial melting.
- On the cause of enhanced landward motion of the overriding plate after a major subduction earthquake
- Origin and alteration of suspended and sedimentary organic matter in the contrasting subtropical river systems from South China and Taiwan Island
- Orogenic architecture of the Mediterranean region and kinematic reconstruction of its tectonic evolution since the Triassic
- P- and S-Wave Velocity Structure Beneath Southern Africa from Body Wave Tomography: New Constraints on Craton Structure and the Southwestern Branch of the East African Rift System
- Plastic deformation, slip segmentation, geodynamic constraints and seafloor uplift in dynamic earthquake rupture models of the Great 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
- Reconstructing Mediterranean Seawater Circulation During the Anoxic Holocene Sapropel S1 Episode Using Nd Isotopes in Fish Debris and Foraminifera
- Resolving locked asperities and slip deficit in unlocked regions: A new inversion method applied in the South America subduction zone
- Rifting in central Botswana?
- Solar system chaos and the calibration of geologic time
- Splay fault rupture dynamics and off-fault deformation constrained by geodynamic subduction modelling
- Sticking Together: Laboratory Observations of the Time-Dependence of Cohesion
- Tectonics and Seismicity in the Northern Apennines Driven by Slab Retreat and Crustal Delamination
- The power of microbial life in marine sediments
- Tsunamigenic earthquakes preferentially occur in sediment-starved subduction zones with a rough incoming seafloor
- Using subgrain-size piezometry to measure stress in polymineralic mylonites of the Great Slave Lake shear zone
- When does slab fragmentation evolve into a STEP fault? The Kefalonia Transform Fault case study
- A lacustrine biomarker record of continental temperature in equatorial Africa over the last 170,000 years
- A method for constraining the causes of active tectonic deformation using 2D finite element models in a Bayesian framework
- Absolute mid- and high latitude temperature seasonality during greenhouse climates: Agreement between climate models and clumped isotope analysis in bivalve shells
- Adjoint Sources and Sensitivity Kernels of a Receiver Function Waveform Misfit
- Changing State of Earth's Climate for the last 66 Million Years
- Characteristics of earthquake ruptures and dynamic off-fault deformation on propagating faults
- Dynamic and quasi-dynamic modelling of earthquake cycles under rate-and-state friction from zero to three dimensions
- Ensemble data assimilation to forecast slow-slip events and earthquakes: a synthetic laboratory test
- Estimation and Forecasting of Seismic Cycles using a Fault-Slip Model with Uncertain Parameters - Implications for Data Assimilation
- Fault strength at the brittle-ductile transitional depth: Experimental study using deep fault materials along the Median Tectonic Line, Japan
- Global Incised Valley Filling During the Holocene Sea-Level Highstand - Implications for Carbon Burial
- Global climate and cryosphere controls on South Atlantic carbonate deposition since the Oligocene (30-0 Ma)
- Identifying The Drivers Of Vegetation Change On The Chinese Loess Plateau Over The Last 200,000 Years
- Intragranular stress heterogeneity records transient creep dy dislocation interactions in the Oman-UAE ophiolite
- Investigation of the roll-back subduction of narrow oceanic domains based on modelling the Carpathians subduction zone
- Liquid droplet imbibition into a paper coating layer: direct pore-scale modeling and experimental observations
- Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Global Change - Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
- Monitoring and modeling land subsidence due to hydrocarbon production integrating geodesy and geophysics
- On the cause of enhanced landward motion of the overriding plate after a major subduction earthquake
- Reconstructing deglacial warming of monsoonal East Asia using branched tetraether membrane lipids and clumped isotopes of land snails in the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Sensitivity of surface deformation to reservoir and overburden characteristics in the Groningen (Netherlands) gas field: first results
- Surface wave tomography of Southern Africa using ambient noise analysis
- Towards coupling fluid flow and rate-and-state friction in compacting visco-poro-elasto-plastic reservoirs
- Where to find aquifer statistics utilizing pumping tests? Two field studies using welltestpy.
- A Probabilistic Assessment of the Causes of Active Deformation in the East Central Mediterranean Using Spherical Finite Element Models
- Accelerated Nitrogen Cycle in Global River Basins in the Anthropocene
- Exploring the Global Index of Freshwater Eutrophication Potential for the Period 1900-2015
- Exploring the global Index of Coastal Eutrophication Potential for the period 1900-2015
- Global Spatially Explicit Legacy of Nitrogen in Groundwater
- Searching for Order in the Jungle: Probabilistic Assessment of the Causes of Active Deformation in the East Central Mediterranean Using Spherical Finite Element Models