University of Utrecht, Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research
flowchart I[University of Utrecht, Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (291)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (32)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Congener Profiles of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Firn and ice From Lomonosovfonna, Svalbard.
- Temperature-Salinity Oscillations, Sudden Transitions, and Hysteresis in Laboratory Experiments and Layered Models
- The Importance of the Gas/Aerosol Partitioning for Climate Modeling
- Climate Reconstructions Derived From Global Glacier Length Records
- A Significant Thirteenth-century CO<SUB>2</SUB> Increase in Stomatal Frequency an ice core Records
- A Statistical Approach to Estimating the Contribution of Glaciers to Future Sea-level Rise.
- Tectonically Induced Changes of the Global Thermohaline Circulation
- Equilibrium Dynamics of Tide-dominated Ebb-tidal Deltas: A Numerical Model
- Ocean gateways and the thermohaline circulation through the Cenozoic
- A net source of ocean mass from Antarctica
- Climate Model Boundary Conditions for Four Cretaceous Time Slices
- Influence of Organic Emissions from the Ocean Surface on Marine Aerosol and Cloud Characteristics
- Regional to Continental Scale Inversion of Methane Fluxes from Tall Tower Concentration Observations
- Resolution Dependence of Winter Arctic Sea Ice Decline in Response to a Quadrupling of CO2
- The Increasing Trend of Deuterium in Atmospheric H2 and CH4 Based on Cape Grim Air Archive
- Uncertainties in the present-day and future surface mass balance of the Greenland ice Sheet
- A 3-million-year reconstruction of climate, ice volume and sea level; identifying mechanisms behind the inception of Northern-Hemisphere glaciation and the mid-Pleistocene transition
- Effect of firn depth and density variations on elevation changes in Antarctica reveals opposing ice sheet mass balance pattern
- Inverse Modeling of Atmospheric Methane Emissions Using 4D-Var
- Isotope fractionation in the stratospheric removal of CH4 and N2O - effects of transport and chemistry and relevance for the global isotope budgets
- Modeling Future Sea Level Rise From the Melt of Glaciers: Assessment of Uncertainties
- News about methane emission from plant matter
- The Antarctic Ice Sheet during Cenozoic climates: Experiments with a simple climate model.
- The isotope signature of methane emitted from plant matter upon irradiation with UV light
- A Box Model of the Miocene Mediterranean Sea With Emphasis on the Effects of Closure of the Eastern Gateway
- A new high-resolution assessment of Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance: 1957- 2008
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment over Antarctica from combined GRACE and ICESat satellite data
- Impact of North Atlantic Abrupt Cold Events on Monsoonal Phasing
- Interannual cross-shore sandbar migration
- Observations of intra-wave suspended sediment transport under acceleration-skewed oscillatory flow
- The response of the Mediterranean thermohaline circulation to changes in the ocean gateway
- Three Ice Core Records From Svalbard To Reveal Important Differences In Regional Climate Development During The Past 700 Years
- Velocity changes in the ablation zone of the Greenland ice sheet.
- A fifty year reconstruction of freshwater fluxes from the Greenland Ice Sheet
- ECHAM simulation of aerosol optical thickness for the IMPACT campaign (May 2008)
- Improved parameterization of marine ice dynamics and flow instabilities for simulation of the Austfonna ice cap using a large-scale ice sheet model
- Recent findings on methane emissions from vegetation (Invited)
- Simulation of maturity and decay of methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3) in the atmosphere
- Simulation of the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance during the Eemain Using a Regional Atmospheric Climate Model
- Simulation of δ18O in Svalbard precipitation by the regional circulation model REMOiso: a comparison with GNIP and ice core data
- Stratospheric impact on tropospheric winds deduced from potential vorticity inversion in relation to the Arctic Oscillation
- The Importance of Groundwater Convergence to Dry-season Evaporation in the Danube Basin
- Towards resolving recent Greenland mass loss (Invited)
- Accelerations in GPS horizontal coordinates due to increased ice loss in Greenland (Invited)
- Analyzing the role of topography and sediment disturbances on the initial formation of sorted bedforms
- Evidence for Substantial Englacial Retention of Surface Meltwater
- Future climate and surface mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet using a regional atmospheric climate model: a contribution to Ice2Sea
- GIA simulation with plastic and visco-plastic ice models on a laterally heterogeneous 3D Earth model for Scandinavia
- Greenland Ice Sheet retreat during the Eemian
- Importance of Insolation Anomalies for Eemian Greenland Ice Sheet Melt
- Improved global atmospheric HDO/H2O retrievals with SCIAMACHY
- Improving degree-day melt modeling of the Greenland ice sheet in the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM)
- Including snowdrift in a regional climate model of Antarctica: preliminary results
- Measurement of the isotope diffusion rate in firn, in the lab and in the field (Invited)
- Measuring the impact of observations on the predictability of the Kuroshio Extension in a shallow-water model
- Recent Large Increases in Freshwater Fluxes from Greenland Into the North Atlantic
- Sensitivity of the MOC to Enhanced Greenland Freshwater Run-Off in a Global Eddy-Resolving Ocean Model
- Surface melt on the Greenland Ice Sheet in the Nuuk and Kangerlussuaq regions
- The kinematic response of Petermann Glacier, Greenland to ice shelf perturbation
- Thousand years of winter surface air temperature variations in Longyerbyen, Svalbard Archipelago and Vardø, northern Norway, reconstructed from Svalbard ice core oxygen isotope data
- 'Wind Glaze' Characteristics and Extent on the East Antarctic Plateau
- Antarctic ice-sheet and oceanographic response to eccentricity forcing during the late Oligocene and early Miocene
- Changes in Greenland firn layer modulate meltwater runoff
- Climatic mass balance of Austfonna ice cap, Svalbard over 2004-2007, from a distributed, coupled energy balance and snow pack model
- Comparison of an isotopic AGCM with new quasi global satellite measurements of water vapor isotopologues
- Controls on Greenland Ice Sheet Runoff from a Land Terminating Glacier
- Daily and seasonal glacier velocity change on Kronebreen, Svalbard, as measured using FORMOSAT-2 imagery and in situ continuous GPS
- Emissions of molecular hydrogen (H2) and its isotopic signature from residential heaters and waste incinerators
- Evaluation of postglacial rebound models combining GRACE, InSAR, regional atmospheric climate modeling and radar altimetry data
- Future surface mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet using a regional atmospheric climate model
- Impact of model resolution on wind climate, snowdrift and surface mass balance of Adélie and Victoria Land, East Antarctica
- Methane Emission from the Murchison Meteorite Induced by Ultraviolet Radiation and its Potential Impact on the Martian Atmosphere
- New observations of VOC emissions and concentrations in, above, and around the Central Valley of California
- Nitrogen containing organic compounds in aerosols: results from TD-PTR-MS measurements during the CALNEX campaign
- Numerical simulations of cyclic behavior in the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM)
- Rapid dynamic thinning events during 1985-2010 on Upernavik Isstrøm, West Greenland
- River-tide interactions observed from novel measurement methods and modelling: implications for pathways of sediment and delta morphology
- Seasonal and inter-annual mass variability in Antarctica from GRACE
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Glyoxal: photochemical versus dark uptake and reversible versus irreversible SOA formation
- Snowdrift climate of Greenland and Antarctica
- Surface mass budget and meltwater discharge from the southwest Greenland ice sheet during record-warm year 2010
- The impact of an Indonesian river system on tropical coastal ecosystems: synthesis of results
- A 300 years of environmental and climate archive for western Spitsbergen from Holtedahlfonna ice core
- A combined plant and reaction chamber setup to investigate the effect of pollution and UV-B radiation on biogenic emissions
- A data-driven approach for the determination of Antarctic GIA
- A revised estimate of glacial-isostatic adjustment based on GPS uplift rates and its impact on Antarctic ice-mass trends from GRACE
- Abiotic emissions of methane and reduced organic compounds from organic matter
- Antarctic QuikSCAT-RACMO surface melt comparisons: Evaluating the microwave response to snowpack liquid water
- Application of TES HDO/H2O averaging kernel to the ECHAM 4 model using the improved and non-improved lower troposphere vertical resolution dataset
- Blue ice areas in East Antarctica - interaction between ice dynamics and surface mass balance
- Continuous-flow IRMS technique for determination of Δ17O in (stratospheric) CO2 using complete oxygen isotope exchange with cerium oxide
- Contribution of the surface mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet to 21st-century sea level rise as simulated by the global climate model CESM
- Dominant circulation patterns for the Rhine basin and their use in the interpretation and removal of the bias present in an ensemble climate output of precipitation
- Evaluating glacier melt models of different complexities and data sources - case studies at Storbreen and Nigardsbreen, Norway
- Evidence of Meltwater Retention within the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Global Scale Observations of the Stable Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Molecular Hydrogen
- Greenland mass changes from 1960 to 2100: Hindcasting and forecasting with PISM and RACMO2/GR
- How does ice sheet loading affect ocean flow around Antarctica?
- Ice Sheet Hydrologic Network Development and Functioning Examined with In Situ River Discharge from Nested Watersheds in Southwest Greenland
- Ice sheets and land water mass contributions to interannual and long term regional sea level from GRACE, Insar and regional climate model output
- Improving accuracy of glacial isostatic adjustment models and ice mass balance using GRACE, InSAR, altimetry, and regional atmospheric climate model output
- Irreversible mass loss from Canadian Arctic glaciers
- Modeling Stable Water Isotopes in Monsoon Precipitation during the Previous Interglacial
- New, High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Accumulation Rate Measurements and Their Validation of Climate Models and Implication for the Recent Sea-Level Contribution from West Antarctica
- On the discrepancies in the δD - H2O tape recorder observations by Envisat/MIPAS and SCISAT/ACE-FTS
- Seasonal velocities of eight major marine-terminating outlet glaciers of the Greenland Ice Sheet from continuous in situ GPS instruments
- Sedimentological constraints to the spatio-temporal evolution of the first Cenozoic Antarctic glaciation
- Simulations with the KNMI regional climate model RACMO2 in contribution to CORDEX
- Study of subaqueous melting of Store Glacier, West Greenland using ocean observations and numerical simulations
- The perennial firn aquifer as a storage mechanism on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The role of melt, storage and tapping of supra glacial lakes in runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The role of the mass balance - elevation feedback for Greenland ice sheet scenarios in the next century
- The seasonal cycle in the present day mass budget of the Greenland ice sheet
- Thickness Changes and Ice-Ocean Interactions of the Totten and Moscow University Glaciers, East Antarctica
- Trends in Antarctic Peninsula surface melting conditions from observations and regional climate modelling
- Ultraviolet-radiation-induced methane emissions from meteorites and the Martian atmosphere
- Wind extremes in the North Sea basin under climate change: an ensemble study of 12 CMIP5 GCMs
- An Improved Mass Budget for the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Analysis of organic compounds in industrial and preindustrial ice samples from an Alpine glacier in Switzerland
- Comparison of the composition and gas/particle partitioning of organic acids in monoterpene and isoprene dominated environments
- Constraining methane formation/removal pathways with stable isotopes in different aquatic environments throughout the summer season in the Kolyma Region, North-East Siberia
- Constraining the recent mass balance of Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers, West Antarctica with airborne observations of snow accumulation (Invited)
- Constructing a steady-state firn pack for the Antarctic Peninsula as initialization for RACMO2
- Destabilization of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream
- Extreme accumulation on Patagonian ice fields revealed by high-resolution regional climate modeling
- Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment (FirnMICE) (Invited)
- Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss and Outlet Glacier Dynamics from Laser Altimetry Record (1993-2013) (Invited)
- Greenland Ice sheet mass balance from satellite and airborne altimetry
- How accurately do we know interannual variations of surface mass balance and firn volume in Antarctica?
- Ice Record of δ13C for Atmospheric CH4 during the Last Termination
- Ice Sheets and Land Water Mass Contribution to Sea Level Fingerprint from GRACE, InSAR, and Regional Climate Model Output
- Limits in detecting ice sheet mass loss acceleration due to climate variability
- Mass loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet since the Little Ice Age, implications on sea level
- Mass-balance inferences from the Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment (FirnMICE)
- Melt trends above the equilibrium line of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the period of 2003-2012 (Invited)
- Meteorological Conditions and Surface Energy Balance on Vestfonna Ice Cap, Nordaustlandet, Svalbard
- Methane emissions from tropical wetlands in LPX: Algorithm development and validation using atmospheric measurements
- Multi-century projections of Greenland ice sheet evolution with a coupled ice sheet-AOGCM: paleo-trend, sensitivity to greenhouse forcing, and evaluation of elevation-feedback
- Periodic signals are observed in the GRACE SMB time series over Greenland and Antarctica by the IMF analysis
- Present and future variations in Antarctic firn air content
- Projections of Twenty-first Century Regional and Coastal Sea-level Changes (Invited)
- Quantification of Semi-Volatile gas-phase Organic Compounds (SVOCs) & Organic Aerosol species and the role of SVOCs in Secondary Organic Aerosol formation
- Satellite-based estimates of present-day Antarctic GIA and ice mass change
- Seasonal and interannual variation of the subaqueous melt rate of Store Glacier, West Greenland
- Spatial pattern of mass loss processes across the Greenland Ice Sheet from the Little Ice Age to 2010
- The Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment: Visualizing Firn Densification Models to Characterize Uncertainty in the Physics of Firn Densification
- The Greenland melt event 2012 recovered with GRACE
- Towards Estimate of Present Day Ice Melting in Polar Regions From Altimetry, Gravity, Ocean Bottom Pressure and GPS Observations
- Towards a dynamic Greenland ice sheet in an earth system model
- Towards the Full Exploitation of Satellite Gravimetry for Ice Mass Balance and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Antarctica
- Using GRACE measurements of time variable gravity, elevation changes from ICESat, OIB and ENVISAT and surface mass balance outputs from RACMO to improve ice mass balance estimates
- Widespread Hydrologic Events Beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- A novel method for the detection of persistent and recurrent climatic regimes as almost invariants of the transfer operator
- Changing Surface-Atmosphere Energy Exchange and Refreezing Capacity of the Lower Accumulation Area, West Greenland
- Characteristics of the Sinking Branch of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a Global Ocean Model - the Impacts of Model Resolution
- Constraints on Snow Accumulation and Firn Density in Greenland Using GPS Receivers
- Determining Firn Compaction Rates Using Repeat-Track Radar Surveys in West Antarctica and Greenland
- Divergent trajectories of Antarctic ice shelf surface melt under 21<SUP>st</SUP> century climate scenarios
- Division of net sediment discharge over bifurcations in tidal channels
- Gas-particle partitioning of organic acids during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS): measurements and modeling
- Impact of Greenland Ice Sheet Melt on Future AMOC Evolution
- Low-Frequency Variability of the Western Boundary Currents at the Gappy Western Pacific Using a Shallow-Water Equation Model : Basic Bifurcation Diagram
- Model Spatial Resolution and Snowfall on Ice Sheets
- Near-surface climate of the Antarctic Peninsula as simulated by a high-resolution regional atmospheric climate model
- New insights in the ongoing surge of the Austfonna icecap
- Recent Changes in Ices Mass Balance of the Amundsen Sea Sector
- Satellite observation of winter season liquid meltwater storage within Greenland's firn aquifer: 1992-2014
- Summer Snowfall Impact on Greenland Ice Sheet SMB
- Tropical Forests, Savannas and Grasslands: Bridging the Knowledge Gap Between Ecology and Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
- Understanding the Role of Wind in Reducing the Surface Mass Balance Estimates over East Antarctica
- A Decade of Elevation and Mass Changes of the North Atlantic Glaciers and Ice Caps
- A Multi-Peaked Mid-Holocene Relative Sea-Level Highstand on the Sunda Shelf, Indonesia
- A downscaled 1 km dataset of daily Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance components (1958-2014)
- An Iterative, Geometric, Tilt Correction Method for Radiation and Albedo Observed by Automatic Weather Stations on Snow-Covered Surfaces: Application to Greenland
- Carbon cycle relevant measurements with the TROPOMI instrument on the Sentinel 5 Precursor mission
- Constraining the Methane Budget Variations after the Pinatubo Eruption using a Combined Forward and Inverse Modeling Approach
- CryoSat Estimates of Greenland Elevation Change, 2011-2014, under Varying Surface Melt Conditions.
- Estimation of Global Methane Emissions for 2000-2012 using the CarbonTracker Europe-CH<SUB>4</SUB> Data Assimilation System
- Evolution of a Greenland Ice sheet Including Shelves and Regional Sea Level Variations
- Freshwater fluxes into the subpolar North Atlantic from secular trends in Arctic land ice mass balance
- GlacierMIP - A Model Intercomparison of Global-scale Glacier Mass-balance Models and Projections
- High Temporal Resolution Measurements and Modeling of the Isotopic Composition of Methane in Europe
- Insights into supraglacial lake evolution on the Larsen-B ice shelf
- Is the Wilkins Ice Shelf a Firn Aquifer? Spaceborne Observation of Subsurface Winter Season Liquid Meltwater Storage on the Antarctic Peninsula using Multi-Frequency Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
- Modeling Subglacial Meltwater Plumes across Greenland's Outlet Glaciers: Implications for Ice-Ocean Coupling in a Warming Climate
- Modeling of Svartisen Ice Cap, Northern Norway, Using In-situ Observations and Remote Sensing of Ice Velocity and Volume Changes
- On the Contribution of Clouds to Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss
- On the use of satellite-derived CH4:CO2 columns in a joint inversion of CH4 and CO2 fluxes.
- Seasonal ice flow patterns as indicators of subglacial hydrology on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Several firn core records suggest relatively stable accumulation rates during the past two centuries over the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica
- Snow and firn density variability on the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets from observations, the MAR regional climate model, and the RACMO firn model
- Taking the Firn into Account: Elevation Change of the Greenland Ice Sheet due to Surface Mass Balance and Firn Processes, 1960-2014
- The Origin(s) of the Methane Excess in the Shallow East Siberian Arctic Shelf Unraveled with Triple Isotope Analysis
- The Surface Mass Balance of the Antarctic Peninsula at 5.5 km horizontal resolution, as simulated by a regional atmospheric climate model
- A Hydro-Mechanical Flow Line Model for Simulating Surge Behaviour of Variegated Glacier, Alaska
- Adjacent fjords and glaciers respond differently to ice sheet surface melt in West Greenland
- Antarctic-wide changes in ice sheet surface velocities and glacier discharge
- Cloud-Induced Stabilization of Greenland Surface Melt
- Extensive meltwater storage in an East Antarctic ice shelf
- GOSAT CO<SUB>2</SUB> Inversion Inter-comparison Experiment Phase-II and multi-year global fluxes inferred from the NIES flux inversion system
- Glacier geometry sets inland thinning limits around Greenland
- In-situ GPS records of surface mass balance, firn compaction rates, and ice-shelf basal melt rates for Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica
- Large Regional Sea-level Oscillations on Human Timescales, Revealed by Mid-Holocene Corals
- Long Term Elevation Change of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from Multi-Mission Satellite Altimetry
- Modeling Greenland Ice Sheet Snow and Firn Densities: Role of Dry Snow Density, Liquid Water, and Model Setup
- Results of the Greenland Ice Sheet Model Initialisation Experiments ISMIP6 - initMIP-Greenland
- Rise in central west Greenland surface melt unprecedented over the last three centuries
- Sensitivity of Near Surface Antarctic Temperature and Melt to Circulation Variability
- Snow, Firn and Ice Heterogeneity within Larsen C Ice Shelf Revealed by Borehole Optical-televiewing
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- Channelized melting drives thinning under Dotson ice shelf, Western Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Estimation of basin-scale ice sheet surface mass balance from space
- Foehn and temperature-based melt patterns over the Larsen C Ice Shelf as simulated by the MAR regional climate model
- Ground-penetrating radar evidence of refrozen meltwater in the firn column of Larsen C Ice Shelf
- Ice shelf structure and stability: Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Importance of flexure in response to sedimentation and erosion along the US Atlantic passive margin in reconciling sea level change and paleoshorelines
- Improved regional sea-level estimates from Ice Sheets, Glaciers and land water storage using GRACE time series and other data
- Re-assessing Present Day Global Mass Transport and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment From a Data Driven Approach
- Remotely-sensed and in-situ observations of Greenland firn aquifers
- Sea-Level Allowances along the World Coastlines
- Trends in ice sheet mass balance, 1992 to 2017
- Winter in Antarctica: dark, cold, windy, and .... wet?? Measurements and modeling of extensive wintertime surface melt
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- <SUP>18</SUP>O<SUP>18</SUP>O and <SUP>17</SUP>O<SUP>18</SUP>O in atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> to study present and past tropospheric ozone photochemistry
- Are transition season melt events on the Greenland Ice Sheet driven by Baffin Bay sea ice-atmosphere interactions?
- Characterizing Meltwater Within a Firn Aquifer on the Greenland Ice Sheet using Active Source Seismology
- Combined near-surface geophysical measurements to characterize a firn aquifer in the southeastern part of the Greenland ice sheet
- Comparisons of Tropospheric CO Measurements from Sentinel-5P TROPOMI and Terra MOPITT
- Does bare-ice subsurface water storage explain over-prediction of Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone runoff and ice surface lowering by climate models?
- Early Last Interglacial ocean warming drove substantial ice mass loss from Antarctica
- GCP-CH<SUB>4</SUB> round 3: protocols and first results of atmospheric inversions
- Greenland-wide Glacier Response to Runoff and Retreat: Evaluating Outlet Glacier Changes on Monthly to Multi-year Scales
- Implementation and Testing of the Experimental Design for ISMIP6 Standalone Ice Sheet Simulations
- Increased cloud cover enhances mass loss of north Greenland
- Jakobshavn's 20 years of Acceleration and Thinning Interrupted by Regional Ocean Cooling
- MEMO<SUP>2</SUP>: MEthane goes MObile - MEasurements and MOdelling - First Results
- Optimising Analytical Methods for Determining <SUP>17</SUP>O excess of Carbonates
- Overview and experimental design for the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- Present and future ice mass loss of the North-Atlantic glaciers estimated from satellite observations
- Regional Grid Refinement in an Earth System Model: Impacts on the Simulated Greenland Surface Mass Balance
- Remapping of Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance Anomalies for Large Ensemble Sea-level Change Projections
- Seasonal analysis on organic aerosol chemical composition by TD-PTR-MS at Cabauw observatory
- Seasonal variations in the velocity and thickness of land-terminating glaciers in west-central Greenland
- Simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Using a New Ice-Shelf Basal Melt Parametrization Based on the Dynamics of Meltwater Plumes
- Small Pacific and Indian Ocean Islands among first hit by Sea-level Rise
- The Impact of Waves on Future Changes in Extreme Sea Levels at Coastal Sites with Sandy Beaches
- Tidally-induced inertial waves in the subsurface ocean of Enceladus
- Active subglacial water storage detected at Helheim Glacier, southeast Greenland, through detailed elevation reconstruction
- CESM2 climate forcing (1950-2014) yields realistic Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance and recent trends
- Contribution range of land water storage change to regional sea level rise over the 21<SUP>st</SUP>century
- Current limitations of signal separation over ice sheets using satellite gravimetry, satellite altimetry, and firn-process modeling
- Deep glacial troughs and stabilizing ridges hidden beneath the ice around the coast of Antarctica
- Deriving Accumulation From Above: Annual Accumulation Rates (2009-2017) in Southeast Greenland Using Airborne Snow Radar and Comparison With Regional Climate Models
- Effects of spatial patterns of ocean heat uptake on the inter-model spread of the Transient Climate Response
- Evaluation of CloudSat's cloud-profiling radar for mapping snowfall rates across the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Fast and Slow Responses of Equatorial SST Pattern to CO<SUB>2</SUB> Forcing
- How waves slow down the amplification of extreme water levels due to sea-level rise
- Measurements of solar light transmission in bare glacier ice: Implications for subsurface meltwater production in the Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone
- New constraint on the global CO<SUB>2</SUB> oxygen isotope recycling time and implications for gross primary productivity
- Patterns of alluvial deposition in tropical Andean lake consistent with ENSO trigger
- Predicting Indian Ocean Dipole Index using Machine Learning Algorithms
- Projections of Antarctic ice sheet evolution over the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century from the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- Results of the ISMIP6 Standalone Greenland Ice Sheet Projections
- Seasonal evaluation of surface mass balance and firn model outputs from satellite and airborne lidar mapping
- Snowmelt-Albedo Feedback: How Does It Impact Antarctic Surface Melt Rates?
- Test of chemical mechanisms for the NO<SUB>3</SUB> oxidation of isoprene in the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR
- 22<SUP>nd</SUP> century tipping point in refreezing accelerates Greenland ice sheet mass loss
- A state space filtering framework to jointly evaluate satellite geodesy and model products in Antarctica
- Characterizing Cold Pool Interactions Over Land with Observational Data from the Netherlands
- Companion satellites measuring within day surface kinematics in the cryosphere
- Contribution of Subtropical Spiciness Anomalies to Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability
- ENSO Variability and Predictability in a Warm Climate
- Eddy memory as a cause of intra-seasonal variability of the Southern Hemisphere baroclinic annular mode
- Influence of föhn winds on surface melting in Northeast Greenland and their relationships with atmospheric rivers
- Ocean dispersal of the 2019 Tonga pumice raft and insights on submarine eruption mechanisms (SW Pacific)
- On calculating the sea-level contribution in marine ice-sheet models
- Surface Melting Drives Fluctuations in Airborne Radar Penetration in West Central Greenland
- The importance of utilizing multiple methane source tracers when measuring European cities.
- Closing the Antarctic Void: Tighter Constraints on Biogeographic Affinities of Modern Dinoflagellate Cysts in the Southern Ocean with Implications for Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Reconstructions
- Contemporary Characteristics of the Antarctic Firn Layer (1979-2020)
- Direct and Indirect Pathways of Convected Water Masses and Their impacts on the Overturning Dynamics of the Labrador Sea
- Estimating Ice Discharge at Greenland's Three Largest Outlet Glaciers Using Local Bedrock Uplift
- Future Ablation Zone Expansion Enhances Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance Variability
- Increased variability in Greenland Ice Sheet runoff from satellite observations
- Optimizing and Discovering Models of Glacier Processes with Neural Networks Embedded in Differential Equations
- Outburst of a subglacial flood from the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Quantifying wind shear effects on the dimensions of shallow cumulus clouds over the Amazon
- Reversing Sahelian Droughts via Regional Geoengineering
- Using MIPAS satellite data and NOAA surface observations to constrain the global budget of carbonyl sulfide (COS)
- Antarctic Ice Stream Thickening under Pliocene Warmth
- Dynamics of Carbonyl Sulfide Ecosystem Fluxes at a Boreal Forest, Wetland and River and an African Sisal Plantation
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Shepherd
- Amber Leeson
- Andy Aschwanden
- Bert Wouters
- Brice Noël
- Camille Abadie
- Caroline A. Katsman
- Facundo Sapienza
- Ivan Mammarella
- Jordi Vilà‐Guerau de Arellano
- Julie D. Pietrzak
- Kenneth D. Mankoff
- Louise Sandberg Sørensen
- Maria Rugenstein
- Martin Truffer
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Michael G. Bevis
- Nathaniel A. Lifton
- P. Artaxo
- Paul Spence
- Peter Kuipers Munneke
- Rachel I. Albrecht
- Redouane Lguensat
- Richard S. Jones
- S. A. Montzka
- Sanne Veldhuijsen
- Sebastian B. Simonsen
- Shfaqat Abbas Khan
- Stefanie Ypma
- Surendra Adhikari
- Timo Vesala
- William Colgan