Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Seasonal Dependence of DOC Export From five Boreal Catchments in Northern Sweden
- Soft Data: An approach for linking observations to models in catchment hydrology
- Identifying Interactions Between Rhizosphere Activity and Leaf Litter Decomposition - a Novel Approach
- Inverse Calibration of the Dual-Permeability Model MACRO: Theoretical Analysis and Application to Microlysimeter Experiments.
- Landscape controls on streamwater carbon export during spring flood in northern Sweden
- Nonlinear Response of Lake Ice Breakup to Changes in Air Temperature
- Total Carbon Export from a Boreal Forested Catchment and the Relative Importance of Temperature and Flow
- Episodic spring release of CH4 through complete snow cover at a boreal mire as measured with micro-meteorological gradient technique
- Landscape regulation of nitrogen export during snowmelt in boreal watersheds of northern Sweden
- Riparian Zone Controls on the Chemical Dynamics of DOC-Rich Runoff from a Boreal Hillslope
- The Impact of Flow on Spatial Variability of Streamwater Chemistry in a Boreal Catchment
- Modeling compensated root water and solute uptake
- Predicting Hyporheic Exchange of Water and Solutes in Streams on the Basis of a Priori Estimates of Stream Physical Characteristics
- Scaling relationship for surface water transport in stream networks and sub-surface flow interaction
- Solute Transport in the Root Zone: Problem Formulation and Analytical Solutions
- Boreal Soil and Air Warming (BoSAW): a Manipulative Experiment on the Effects of Warming on Boreal Forest C budgets
- Modelling the Production and Transport of DOM in Soils, Making use of 14C
- Chemical Speciation and Mobilization of Mercury and Methyl Mercury at Sub-anoxic Conditions in Wetlands and Sediments with Special Emphasis on Organic Thiols
- Formation of Methyl Mercury During Restoration of Forested Wetlands in Relation to Hg, S and Fe Geochemistry
- Importance of Dissolved Neutral Hg-Sulfides, Energy Rich Organic Matter and total Hg Concentrations for Methyl Mercury Production in Sediments
- Linking hydrology and denitrification kinetics in treatment wetlands
- Where does boreal stream DOC come from? - Quantifying the contribution from different landscape compartments using stable C isotope ratios.
- A new Insight Into Microscale Soil Organic Matter Dynamics - From Single Particles to Aggregates
- Carbon cycling in fine roots of several mature forests: results using either locally-derived or bomb-derived radiocarbon enrichment
- Carbon in Deep Soil: why does it just sit there?
- Conceptualizing landscape controls on catchment transit times in different geomorphic provinces
- Controls of Carbon Exchange in a Boreal Minerogenic Mire
- Fine Root Longevity Still Under Debate
- Of Bacteria and clouds: when microbial substances trigger cloud formation in Earth 's atmosphere
- Variability of Carbon Exchanges Between Two Contrasting Northern Peatlands
- Choice of reference levels for dissolved organic carbon - a critical step for acidification assessments
- Factors Controlling Streamwater Mercury-DOC Relations Across Watersheds
- Impact of Forest Harvesting Operations on the Export of Total Mercury and Methylmercury to Aquatic Ecosystems
- Not all Surface Waters show a Strong Relation between DOC and Hg Species: Results from an Adirondack Mountain Watershed
- Spatial and temporal variability of mercury run-off during 8.5 years in 19 boreal forest streams within the Swedish national monitoring program
- Forestry and Mercury: Understanding the connection in order to break it (Invited)
- Model development for estimations of northern forest GPP from MODIS time series data
- Quantifying Ecological Memory of Plant and Ecosystem Processes in Variable Environments
- Seasonality of DOC Mobilization after Clear-Cutting in Boreal First-Order Streams - Supply Limitation or Changing Flow Pathways?
- Belowground Carbon Allocation to Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Links Biogeochemical Cycles of Boron and Nitrogen
- Can increased nitrogen uptake at elevated CO2 be explained by an hypothesis of optimal root function?
- Climate induced shifts in hydrologic flow pathways and carbon mobilization for a high-latitude, high-altitude catchment
- Digital terrain analysis as a tool for upscaling riparian zone characteristics in a Swedish boreal catchment: Prediction of soil attributes, hydrologic conditions, and stream morphology
- Effect of nitrogen supply on the transfer of carbon and nitrogen in ectomycorrhizal symbioses in a boreal forest
- Effects of an artificial drought on carbon cycling in an Amazonian forest
- Energy Transformations of Soil Organic Matter in a Changing World
- Evaluating Eddy Covariance Flux Filtering Methods For Producing Ecosystem-Representative Carbon Exchange Estimates For A Fetch-Limited Temperate Forest
- Importance of soil frost and winter climate for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in northern boreal soils
- Modeling GPP in the Nordic Forest Landscape Using MODIS Time Series Data
- Modeling Phosphorus Dynamics in Multi-branched River and Lake Systems in the Lake Simcoe Catchment, Ontario, Canada
- Regulation of stream water dissolved organic carbon concentrations ([DOC]) during snowmelt in forest streams; the role of discharge, winter climate and memory effects
- The power of plant phenology monitoring networks - latitudinal patterns in phenology variance
- A Composite Approach to Reconstructing Sea Surface Temperatures in the NE North Atlantic Ocean
- Development of cost effective nutrient management strategies for a watershed with the DSS FyrisCOST
- Modeling analysis of the benefits of Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) for sustainable agriculture in arid regions
- Recovery of soil base saturation following termination of N deposition: Increased biological weathering?
- Stable Isotope Analysis of Reindeer Diet in Northern Sweden and Norway
- A roadmap for climate change adaptation in Sweden's forests: addressing wicked problems using adaptive management
- Adaptation of soil microbial activity will accelerate the climate change induced release of C from the world's soils
- Carbon dioxide and methane concentrations in Swedish headwater streams: Spatial and seasonal patterns
- Cross-scale ensemble predictions of dissolved organic carbon dynamics in a network of contrasting boreal forest streams
- Evaluating Eddy Covariance Flux Filtering Methods For Producing Ecosystem-Representative Carbon Exchange Estimates For A Fetch-Limited Temperate Forest
- Evaluating effects of climate variability, extreme weather events and thinning on carbon and water exchanges in managed temperate forests in eastern Canada
- Experimental and model analysis of evapotranspiration and percolation losses in present and future rainfall scenarios in seasonally dry tropics
- Goldilocks and three factors that make mercury in fish more than just mercury deposition: sulfur, land use and climate (Invited)
- Impact of the 2010 drought on Amazonian carbon dynamics and fluxes
- Optimal plant water use across temporal scales: bridging eco-hydrological theories and plant eco-physiological responses
- Significant 20 Year Increases in Organic Carbon Concentrations have not changed how Intra-Annual Variability is Driven by Hydrology and Seasonality across a Boreal Landscape
- Temperature response of litter and soil organic matter decomposition is determined by chemical composition of organic material
- The uptake and storage of radio-cesium and radio-strontium by spring wheat - a modeling study based on a field experiment
- Can Stream Rating Curves be Modeled from Large-Scale, Low-Resolution Airborne Laser Scanning Data?
- Catchment sensitivity to changing climate conditions: the importance of landscape characteristic
- Climate variability and management impacts on carbon uptake in a temperate pine forest in Eastern Canada using flux data from 2003 to 2013
- Effects of Tree Canopy Structure and Understory Vegetation on the Effectiveness of Open-Top-Chamber in Manipulating Boreal Forest Microclimate
- Estimation of Dynamic Storage across Northern Catchments
- Geomorphic controls on riparian zone hydrology, carbon pools and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon
- Hydrological Footprints of Urban Developments in the Lake Simcoe Watershed, Canada: A Combined Paired-Catchment and Change Detection Modeling Approach
- Influence of vegetation on water isotope partitioning across different northern headwater catchments
- Irrigation Strategies and Crop Breeding As Complementary Measures for Improved Water Management and Ecosystem Services
- Lack of Evidence for Pervasive DOC Concentration Increases in the Mississippi River Basin
- Landscape controls on spatiotemporal variability of specific discharge in a boreal region
- Leaf Area Adjustment As an Optimal Drought-Adaptation Strategy
- Multiple independent constraints help resolve net ecosystem carbon exchange under nutrient limitation
- N limited herbivore consumer growth and low nutrient regeneration N:P ratios in nutrient poor Swedish lakes along a gradient in DOC concentration
- New Insights into Fluvial Carbon Responses to Future Forest Management and Climate Change Obtained from Multi-Scale Modelling of Biogeochemical Processes
- Quantifying the risks of winter damage on overwintering crops under future climates: Will low-temperature damage be more likely in warmer climates?
- Scaling of increased dissolved organic carbon inputs by forest clear-cutting in a boreal forest - What arrives downstream?
- Seedling establishment at the alpine tree line - Can there be too much winter protection?
- Soil Microbial Mineralization of Cellulose in Frozen Soils
- Soil storage and plant controls on carbon and water fluxes in seasonally dry ecosystems
- Testing the sensitivity of boreal headwaters using a forest clear-cutting experiment: The impact of changing flow-pathways and soil warming on dissolved organic carbon concentrations in streams
- The Importance of Winter for Controlling the Growing Season Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) of Boreal Forests
- Water Use Efficiency as a Means for Up Scaling Carbon Fluxes from Leaf to Stand
- Catchment Sensitivity to Changing Climate Conditions: Does the Landscape Control Hydrological Responses?
- Climate Variability over India and Bangladesh from the Perturbed UK Met Office Hadley Model: Impacts on Flow and Nutrient Fluxes in the Ganges Delta System
- Export of Greenhouse Gases Across the Soil/Stream Interface in a Boreal Headwater Stream
- Global Patterns in Leaf Respiration and its Temperature Response
- Is nutrient uptake by plant roots sensitive to the rate of mass flow? Reappraisal of an old chestnut for spatially distributed root systems
- Modelling the influence of elevation and snow regime on winter stream temperature in the rain-on-snow zone
- Nitrogen Fertilization Modifies the Phenology of Ground CO<SUB>2</SUB> Efflux in a Boreal Scots Pine Forest
- Relationships between vegetation dynamics and hydroclimatic drivers in the northern high-latitude uplands
- Sources and Age of Aquatic DOC, CO<SUB>2</SUB> And CH<SUB>4</SUB> Exported From a Swedish Peatland
- Sources and Fate of DIC in Swedish Streams
- Ten-year interannual and seasonal variability of stream carbon export from a boreal peatland in northern Sweden
- The contribution of reserves and anthropogenic habitat for functional connectivity and resilience of ephemeral wetland networks
- Tipping points of terrestrial biome carbon storage
- VeWa: Assessing Vegetation Effects on Water Flows and Mixing in Northern Mountain Environments using Stable Isotopes and Conceptual Runoff Models
- A thermal analysis based model to quantify centennially persistent organic carbon in temperate soils
- An optimality framework to predict decomposer carbon-use efficiency trends along stoichiometric gradients
- Climate Change Effects of Forest Management and Substitution of Carbon-Intensive Materials and Fossil Fuels
- Conceptualisation of Snowpack Isotope Dynamics in Spatially Distributed Tracer-Aided Runoff Models in Snow Influenced Northern Cathments
- Defining, Measuring, and Incentivizing Sustainable Land Use to Meet Human Needs
- Drought-related leaf phenology in tropical forests - Insights from a stochastic eco-hydrological approach
- Ecohydrological partitioning of water at long-term experimental sites in Northern latitudes using stable isotopes
- Enhanced Carbon Uptake from Nitrogen Deposition in North American Forests is a Species Dependent Phenomenon
- Macropore Network Connectivity and Preferential Flow
- Mercury Emission to the Atmosphere Dominates Annual Mass Balance of a Boreal Peatland: Time to Rethink Timelines for Recovery?
- Modelling the Influence of Ectomycorrhizal Decomposition on Plant Nutrition and Carbon Sequestartion in Boreal Forst Ecosystem
- Phosphorus Dynamics in High Latitude Soils
- Radial diffusion, vertical transport, and refixation of labeled bicarbonate in scots pine stems
- Simulation Study Based Analysis of the Statistical Properties of Biomass Estimators that use a Sample of GEDI Lidar Measurements
- Assessing Water-use Relationships in a Perennial Kernza Field
- Global Water Cycle Diagrams Minimize Human Influence and Over-represent Water Security
- How Much Can Remotely-Sensed Natural Resource Inventories Benefit from Finer Spatial Resolutions?
- Investigating the Sustainability of Perennial Agriculture
- Preferential flow from pore to landscape scales
- Spatial Variability of Soil Physical Properties Obtained with Laboratory Methods and Their Relation to Field Electrical Resistivity Measurements
- Species- to continental-scale influences of nitrogen and sulfur deposition on tree growth and mortality across the conterminous United States
- Statistical Properties for Hybrid Estimators of Biomass that use GEDI Waveform Data
- The Ecohydrological Context of Drought and Classification of Plant Responses
- The Swedish Research Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science - SITES
- The essential value of long-term experimental data for hydrology and water management
- Timescales of subsurface water storage and release- Multiple models of transit time distribution tested against tracers
- Two tales of legacy effects on stream nutrient behaviour
- Using organic matter gradients to predict mercury cycling following environmental changes
- A Water Cycle for the Anthropocene
- Assessing trends on tree species diversity and biomass change across human-dominated tropical forests
- Evaluating our Ability to Predict Future Nitrate Concentrations in Groundwater Based on a Few Key-Measurements
- From ecohydrology to ecosystem change: linking plant water use and plant water status during drought
- Hydrological disconnection of deep groundwater in Krycklan
- Shaking of microcosms underestimates anaerobic methane oxidation in paddy soil: evidence from headspace- and belowground <SUP>13</SUP>C isotope labeling
- Storm-driven variability of biogeochemical cycling at ecohydrological interfaces
- The Hyporheic Zone as a Hotspot of C-Cycling in a Small Boreal Stream: Lessons Learnt from Experimental Flow Manipulations
- The influence of cellulose crystallinity on its microbial decomposition in boreal forest soil
- Towards a new method for measuring peatland CH<SUB>4</SUB> oxidation with high temporal resolution
- Transit Time Distributions on a Boreal Catchment Using a 14 Year Data Time Series.
- Using Biogeochemical Tracers to Quantify Catchment Resilience to Nutrient Loading
- Using satellite soil moisture data for spatio-temporal calibration of a distributed eco-hydrological model
- Assembly of microbial communities in thawed permafrost and implications for carbon processing
- Effects of Drought and High Temperature on Carbon and Energy Exchange in Nordic Forest Ecosystems
- Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>, Mycorrhiza, and the Boreal Forest Carbon Balance
- Hidden interactions between riparian groundwater and boreal streams in Sweden
- Impact of Plant Diversity and Nitrogen Addition on Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Belowground Biodiversity in Biofuel Cropping Systems
- Measurement of Hyporheic Flowpaths and Residence Times at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution: A Field Application of a Newly Developed, Small and Inexpensive Electrical Conductivity Sensor.
- Nonlinear increases in water-use efficiency near maximum height: their influence on inferred CO<SUB>2</SUB> response
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- Seismic characterization of soil structure - field observations and modeling
- Simulating tree-ring widths and stable carbon isotopes with a forest growth model
- Will seemingly redundant predator communities maintain stable biological control in the future?
- A Global Analysis of Streamflow in a Changing World
- Do Headwater Lakes Moderate Downstream Temperature Response to Forest Harvesting?
- Evaluating stream CO2 outgassing via Drifting and Anchored flux chambers in a controlled flume experiment
- Forestry and mercury: Site specific factors that influence the catchment sensitivity to forest harvest
- Hysteresis Patterns During Storms Suggest that Vegetative Cover Mediates Nitrate Export in Two Agricultural Watersheds
- Microbial transformations of mercury species in rice paddy soils: methylation, demethylation and reduction
- Reindeer use of low Arctic tundra correlates with landscape structure
- SWIR-Based Moisture Index to Detect the Temporal Fluctuation of Water Table Depth in Northern Peatlands
- Stomatal Optimization Models Ranked by Predictive and Functional Accuracy at Ecosystem Scales
- Where and when tracer data diagnoses the architecture of catchment permeability that controls flow-paths and transit times?
- A data-model intercomparison of the carbon-phosphorus interaction under elevated CO2 in a mature forest ecosystem (EucFACE)
- Assessment of Water Productivity and Crop Stress in Agrivoltaic Systems
- Beyond emissions factors: Aquatic ecosystems as sources and sinks of N2O
- Can Tree-Ring Chemistry Be Used to Monitor Atmospheric Nanoparticle Contamination over Time?
- Comparing Heuristic and Optimization-Based Models of Transpiration and Assimilation under Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration
- Do Plants Respond to High-Frequency Sunflecks in Canopies?
- Early but not late growing season warming enhances peatland net ecosystem carbon dioxide uptake
- East Asian summer monsoon and Westerly Jet driven climatic and surface conditions changes in NE China drylands since the Late Pleistocene
- Energetic Return on Investment Determines Overall Soil Microbial Activity
- Hydrological connectivity effects of forest management interventions measured with isotope hydrograph separation after clear cuts and wetland restoration
- Hydrological control of CO2-fluxes from subarctic lakes
- Infectious Diseases and the Changing Climate in the Northern/Arctic Region
- Magnetic Life of Young Suns: Data Constrained Model of the Corona and Wind from k1 Ceti
- Metrics, Measurements, and Methods for Advancing Ecosystem Model Evaluation
- Modelling Nutrient Limitation During Litter Decomposition
- Overcoming equifinality in catchment hydrology: The relative value of stable isotope tracer from different points in space and time.
- Revisiting stomatal optimization: a new dynamic-feedback approach highlights the importance of memory effects
- Source Dependencies and Model Structures Impact Information Pathways in Ecohydrologic Models
- Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Water- and Nitrogen Uptake in two contrasting Boreal Scots Pine Forest Stands - and the importance of within stem distribution profiles
- The GEDI Gridded Biomass Product: Patterns of Coverage and Precision After Two Years of Operation
- Using physics-based machine learning to estimate unobserved quantities: A case study for landscape-scale soil and vegetation conductances to heat and water vapor
- Dryland productivity under a changing climate: global trends, key drivers, and uncertainties
- Flow in Frozen Lakes: Groundwater Contributes to the Build-up of CO2 and CH4 in an Ice-Covered Lake
- Global change effects on calcium promotes shifts in zooplankton community compositions in northern lakes
- Industrial era mercury fate along a peatland chronosequence reveals controls on mercury accumulation
- Instabilities in spring N export caused by cumulative effects of climate changes, acidification recovery, and forest harvesting activities in northern temperate forests
- Modeling dynamics of stand density by linking ingrowth and mortality with stand structural and environmental factors
- Standardization of Eddy Covariance Measurements: Role of Setup, Calculation and Filtering
- The Biogeochemical Model Database bgc_md2, a Python Package for Fast Comparison and Benchmarking of Element Cycling Models
- The promise and limits of boreal peatlands as a nature-based hydrological solution: Defining the effects of peat swelling/shrinking on extreme events - and the rest of the hydrological regime
- Trade-off Between N and P Retention with Different Floodplain Designs in Remediated Agricultural Headwaters
- Using Ecohydrological Optimality to Parameterize Plant Water Use Strategies
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Ali Ameli
- Allison E. Goodwell
- Andrew Bennett
- Aneesh Kumar Chandel
- Anke M. Herrmann
- Arjun Chakrawal
- Artemi Cerdà
- Bart Nijssen
- Belinda E. Medlyn
- Carlos A. Sierra
- Christopher J. Still
- Claudia Teutschbein
- Cuijuan Liao
- Daniel S. Goll
- Dario Papale
- David M. Lawrence
- Dominic Vachon
- Elyn Humphreys
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Frans‐Jan W. Parmentier
- Gabriel G. Katul
- Gabriel J. Bowen
- Georgia Destouni
- Hjalmar Laudon
- Holger Metzler
- Hyungwoo Lim
- Irena F. Creed
- Jan Seibert
- Jason A. Leach
- Jon M. Wells
- Julie Leloup
- Jürgen Knauer
- Katrin Fleischer
- Kevin Bishop
- Laura Castañeda‐Gómez
- Laura Duncanson
- Lawrence B. Flanagan
- Lifen Jiang
- Linnia Hawkins
- Lixin Wang
- Louis J.P. Dufour
- Luc Abbadie
- Ludovic Foti
- Lukas Hallberg
- M. Guêdel
- Manuel Helbig
- Maoya Bassiouni
- Maria Cristina Rulli
- Masahito Ueyama
- Matthew Hipsey
- Matthias M. Boer
- Maxime Durand
- Meng Jin
- Mingkai Jiang
- Nam Jin Noh
- Naoise Nunan
- Paolo Cherubini
- Raúl Ochoa‐Hueso
- Reimo Lutter
- Richard P. Fiorella
- Simone Fatichi
- Stanislaus J. Schymanski
- Stefano Manzoni
- Stephen P. Good
- Timothy J. Griffis
- Trevor F. Keenan
- Verónika Ceballos-Núñez
- William J. Riley
- Xiaojuan Yang
- Xue Feng
- Yu Zhou
- Z. A. Mekonnen