University of Mississippi
flowchart I[University of Mississippi] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (259)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (23)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Conceptual Hydrogeologic Models for the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho
- Electrical Evolution of Thunderstorms and Lightning
- Impact of Hydraulic Property Measurement Errors on Geostatistical Characterization and Stochastic Flow and Transport Modeling
- Modeling Unsaturated Flow and Transport using Zones: Aliasing Errors
- Recycling Sequestered Bacteria Through Natural Hydrogeologic Processes
- The Effects of Charge and Electrostatic Potential on Lightning Propagation
- Using Simulated Emergent Vegetation to Alter Stream Flow Direction Within a Straight Experimental Channel
- A Study of Soil Dynamic Behaviors Over Large Scale Strians During Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Testing
- Analysis of the Gusev Crater Landing Ellipse Utilizing High-Resolution MOC Images
- Diffusion as a Rate Limiting Factor on the Evolution of Strontium Isotope Ratios in Fractured Rock
- Further Studies of the Electrical Alignment of Ice Crystals in Thunderstorms
- Influence of Wetted-Phase Structure on the Electrical Conductivity-Moisture Content Relationship
- Locations of Electric Charge in Developing Thunderstorms
- The Effects of Potential Wells on Low Altitude Lightning
- The Sound of Pore Filling
- Using Environmental Isotopes, Geochemistry, and Aquifer Temperature to Address Flow Regimes Within the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.
- Analytical Solutions Of The Degenerate Diffusion Equation
- Charting a Course for the Infrasound Renaissance
- Describing the Spatial Continuity of Gas Hydrate Deposits Using Indicator Variography
- Generating Reproducible Heterogeneity for Laboratory Flow and Transport Experiments
- Initial Electrification of Thunderstorms: Evidence for a Connection Between Precipitation and Electrical Charging
- Lightning Initiation Locations as a Remote Sensing Tool of Large Thunderstorm Electric Fields
- Lightning Initiation Locations as a Remote Sensing Tool of Thunderstorm Electrical Evolution
- One Dimensional Simulations of Lightning Activity in New Mexico Thunderstorms
- Phase Structure in a Centrifugal Field: Impact of Capillary Heterogeneity and Angular Velocity
- Rain Induced Infiltration Into Soil With Dynamic Surface Seals
- Report to the Department of Defense on Infrasonic Re-entry Signals From the Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-107) (Revision 3.0)
- Acoustic Techniques for Measuring Surface Sealing and Crusting of Agricultural Soils
- Defining the Spatial Structure of Sedimentary Interbeds within Basalt at the Idaho National Laboratory Vadose Zone Research Park
- Flow Dimension Analysis of Pumping Tests in Geometric and Random Fields
- Observed Electric Fields Associated with Lightning Initiation
- Spatial Variability of Electrical Conductivity and Its Relationship to Soil Properties at The University of Mississippi Soil Moisture Observatory
- Yazoo River Basin (Lower Mississippi River) Hydrologic Observatory
- A Monte Carlo Model of Relativistic Runaway Breakdown in Realistic Thunderstorm Situations
- A theory of microbarom radiation into atmosphere and ocean
- Assessment of Septic System Performance Using Remote Sensing Technology
- Current Propagation in Narrow Bipolar Pulses
- Electrical Structures in the Stratiform Precipitation Region of Mesoscale Convective Systems
- Flow Dimension Analysis of Pumping Tests for use in Hydraulic Tomography
- Generalized Radial Transport for Tracer Tests in Fractured Rock
- Lightning-Induced Transient Electric Fields and Currents in the Global Electric Circuit
- Quantitative Analysis of Land Loss in Coastal Louisiana Using Remote Sensing
- Steady-State Contributions of Mesoscale Convective Systems to the Global Circuit
- Antibacterial Activity of Hawaiian Corals: Possible Protection from Disease?
- Application of the Empirical Mode Decomposition to Seismic Reflection and Ground Penetrating Radar Data
- Balloon Measurements of Electric Fields in Thunderstorms: A Modern Version of Benjamin Franklin's Kite
- Earth Science Enterprise Solutions Network User Needs Analysis
- Estimations of Electrical Conductivity Above Thunderstorms
- Evolution of Above-cloud Electric Fields and Lightning
- Generation of Transmissivity Fields with Non-radial Flow Dimensions
- Geophysical Investigations of Soil Moisture in North Mississippi Loams
- Modeling Transient Currents in the Global Electric Circuit
- Modeling the Electric Structure of Small Storms and Their Contribution to the Global Electric Circuit
- On the Formation and Stability of MCS Stratiform Charge Layers
- Quantitative Comparison of Dense Cloud Detection of an Evolutionary Image Classification Algorithm to the MODIS Cloud Mask and to the VIIRS Cloud Mask
- Rapid Prototyping of Simulated VIIRS Data in the SERVIR Fire Rapid Response System
- Seismo-acoustic imagery of a carbonate/hydrate mound in the Gulf of Mexico
- Simulation of Groundwater Age Distributions Using Radioactive Solutes in Double-Porosity Media
- Testing the Potential of Next Generation VIIRS Satellite Data to Monitor Food Security: A Case of Mesoamerica
- Transient Currents in the Global Electric Circuit due to CG Lightning
- A New Vulnerability Assessment Approach for Surface Water and Groundwater
- A Vulnerability Assessment Approach for Dams of Mississippi
- Development of Floating Wave Barriers for Cost Effective Protection of Irrigation and Catfish Pond Levees
- Development of GIS-Based Database and Vulnerability Analysis Tools for Mississippi Groundwater, Surface Water, and Dams
- Electrical Structure and Preliminary Breakdown of Lightning Flashes in Three New Mexico Thunderstorms
- Estimations of Current Densities Above, Below, and Within a Thunderstorm
- Hudson Submarine Canyon Head Offshore New York and New Jersey: A Dynamic Interface
- Investigating Pathways from the Earth Science Knowledge Base to Candidate Solutions
- Investigating Satellite Rainfall Based Flood Modeling in Anticipation of GPM: Understanding the Worth of Spatial Downscaling and Satellite Rainfall Uncertainty
- Methane concentrations and biogeochemical gradients within acoustic wipe-out zones at a Gulf of Mexico cold seep
- Modeling Transient and Quasi-stationary Electric Fields in a Thundercloud
- Monitoring of Ash Ejection from Ecuadorean Volcanoes Using Infrasound
- Solving Steady Evaporation-Driven Flow Through a Shallow Aquifer With Piecewise Continuous Forms of Hydraulic Relationships
- Stability Analysis of a Large-scale Landslide Mass: a Case Study From Three Gorges Reservoir, China
- The NASA Earth Science Knowledge Base (ESKB)
- Thunderstorm Precipitation Current Measurements
- Transient Currents in the Global Electric Circuit due to CG and IC Lightning
- A "Fossil Vadose Zone" from the Triassic Cooper Canyon Formation (Dockum Group) of West Texas
- A Tribute to Hank Bass: The Past, Present, and Future of US Infrasound Research
- Energy estimates for lightning flashes
- Enhanced Bank-Stability Modeling With Coupled Geotechnical, Hydraulic and Near-Bank Groundwater Sub-Models: Development and Validation
- Estimating Thunderstorm Generator Currents
- Estimating flooding potential associated with dam breach using GIS-based modeling
- Estimations of Electrical Conductivity above Thunderstorms
- Full and Open Access to Data in the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS): Implementing the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles
- Integration of Thirty Years of Hydrogeological Investigations at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Site
- On the Origin of the 5 Second Period Microbarom/Microseism Signal from Isolated Hurricanes
- Parameter Estimation of Transmissivity Fields with Non-radial Flow Dimensions
- Application of a New Infrasound Sensor Technology in a Long Range Infrasound Propagation Experiment
- Development and Application of First- and Second-Pass Clutter-Reduction Techniques for Nuclear Blast Detection at Infrasound Stations
- Discovery and Characterization of Cold Seep Vents Using a Mass Spectrometer Operating aboard an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Estimations of Generator Currents in a Thunderstorm and Their Effect on the Global Electric Circuit
- Geologic structures associated with the carbonate/hydrate mound in Mississippi Canyon Block 118, Gulf of Mexico
- Hudson Canyon Offshore New York and New Jersey: Active Circular Depressions, Fans, Ravines, Methane Discharge and Water Masses
- Microbarom Source Strengths from Spectral Ocean Surface Wave Models
- Modeling the Effects of Strain During Progressive Failure of Root-Reinforced Soils
- Nano-scale Petrography of Permian-Basin Halite by TEM
- On the current state of our understanding of the microbarom noise peak (Invited)
- Rockyhock and Kimbel Carolina Bays: Extraterrestrial Impact or Terrestrial Genesis?
- The Fate of Failed Bank Material and Implications for Lateral Retreat: Lake Tahoe Basin
- The effect of low-altitude meteorology on long-range infrasound propagation
- Theoretical and experimental studies of the waveforms associated with stratospheric infrasonic returns
- Thermospheric signals from Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador
- Trans-Mediterranean Infrasound Propagation in Summer: Theory and Observations
- A large scale infrasound array deployment in the American West
- Correlated High-speed Video and Multi-frequency Electromagnetic Observations of Lightning
- Estimations of Thunderstorm Generator Currents and Their Effect on the Global Electric Circuit
- Locating Initial Breakdown Pulses of Lightning Flashes
- Measurements of Wave Attenuation Through Model and Live Vegetation in a Wave Tank
- The Detection of Elevated Methane Concentration Indicate the Presence of Deep-Water Plumes Northwest of the DWH Site
- The Discovery of Deep Oil Plumes at the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Site (Invited)
- The Use of Statistical Downscaling to Project Regional Climate Changes as they Relate to Future Energy Production
- Three-dimensional mapping of lightning currents using LINET VLF magnetic sensors
- What is learned about amplitude and waveform from geometric acoustics?
- A wide-angle modal expansion for infrasound propagation in the atmosphere
- Acoustic behaviors of unsaturated soils
- Application of the Fourier Pseudo-Spectral Method to Infrasound Propagation
- Characterization of Hydraulically Significant Discontinuities in Mudrocks at the Waste Control Specialists (WCS) Site, West Texas
- Connecting the historic 2011 Mississippi River flood to marsh sedimentation on the Delta
- Continuous In Situ Measurements of Near Bottom Chemistry and Sediment-Water Fluxes with the Chimney Sampler Array (CSA)
- Creating a Partnering Community Aimed to Foster Climate Literacy in the Southeastern United States
- Design and Development of a High Impedance Amplifier For Use With Piezoelectric Infrasound Microphones
- Detection of Infrasonic Energy From Tornado-Producing Storms
- Does the "sleeping Dragon" Really Sleep?: the Case for Continuous Long-Term Monitoring at a Gulf of Mexico Cold Seep Site
- Experimental Investigation of Wave Attenuation Through Vegetation
- Geochemical Arrays at Woolsey Mound Seafloor Observatory
- Groundwater Modeling of Playa-Focused Recharge at the Southwestern Edge of the High Plains Aquifer in West Texas
- Hydrographic and suspended sediment measurements of the Mississippi River plume during the historic 2011 flood: a coupled satellite analysis and boat survey approach to determine an efficiency factor for sediment trapping in the nearshore zone
- Influence of Capillary Heterogeneity on Leakage of CO2 from a Borehole
- Infrasound as a remote sensing technique for the upper atmosphere
- Initial Breakdown in Intracloud and Cloud-to-ground Lightning Flashes
- LIS-LINET Comparison and Polarity of Cloud Strokes in Florida
- Locating Preliminary Breakdown Pulses in Lightning Flashes
- Measuring in situ methane concentrations over time at Gas Hydrate seafloor observatories
- Microtremor measurements at the University of Mississippi campus
- Performance Assessment of a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site using GoldSim Integrated Systems Model
- Recent developments on the prediction and interpretation of infrasonic signals from large explosions
- Refraction of the Cyclonic Microbarom Signal by the Cyclonic Winds
- Results from the regional deployment for the 2011 Sayarim experiment
- Return Stroke-Like Upward Illumination Occurring Immediately After Lightning Return Strokes
- Simulating Air-Entrapment in Low Permeability Mudrocks using a Macroscopic Invasion Percolation Model
- The Hydrogeologic Conditions in the Upper Dockum Group at the Waste Control Specialists Site, West Texas
- The Influence of Ideological Filters upon Education about Climate
- Unsaturated flow modeling for performance assessment of a radioactive waste disposal facility in Andrews County, Texas
- Wind noise reduction in infrasound and near-infrasound measurements
- Acoustic source signal and directivity for explosive sources in complex environments
- Characterization of high-altitude winds from infrasound observations
- Coincident observation of lightning using spaceborne spectrophotometer and ground-level electromagnetic sensors
- Drought assessment using MODIS products in an agricultural setting of Mississippi Delta
- Evolution and location of lightning events that cause terrestrial gamma ray flashes (TGFs)
- Luminosity Coincident with Initial Breakdown Pulses in Lightning
- Mesoscale detection, tracking and characterization of tornadoes by acoustic radiation
- Modeling Stepped Leaders Using a Time Dependent Multi-dipole Model and High-speed Video Data
- Observation of the Young-Bedard Effect using Infrasonic Observations from the 2010 and 2011 Atlantic Hurricane Seasons
- The estimation of upper atmospheric wind profile updates from infrasound data
- The interaction of sound with a poroelastic ground
- Atmospheric sounding with infrasonic waves: from larger to smaller scale
- Evaluation of Hydraulically Significant Discontinuities in Dockum Group Mudrocks in Andrews County, Texas
- On the generation and refraction of the microbarom signal by hurricanes over the Atlantic Ocean (Invited)
- On the percentage of lightning flashes that begin with initial breakdown pulses
- Stepped-to-dart Leaders in Cloud-to-ground Lightning
- Time-Lapse Seismic Tomography and Electrical Resistivity Mapping of a Small Embankment Dam with Possible Zones of Weakness
- Use of Modified Transmission Line Models to reproduce Initial Breakdown Pulse Waveforms
- Compact Intracloud Discharge Locations Compared To Thunderstorm Radar Echo Structure
- Gravel Particles Entrainment and Deposition under Unsteady Flow Conditions
- Leader formation during the Initial Breakdown stage of a lightning flash
- Site Specific Probabilistic Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis for Surrounding Communities of The Geysers Geothermal Development Area
- Types of Narrow Bipolar Pulse Wave Shapes Obtained With a Dense Array of Ground-Based E-change Sensors
- An Experimental Study of the Statistical Scaling of Turbulent Surface Pressure in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- An M-component with a Concurrent Dart Leader Traveling along Different Paths during a Lightning Flash
- Electrical Structure of Real Thunderstorms in Relation to Energetic Radiation Production
- Electrostatic Changes Observed with Narrow Bipolar Pulses
- Initial Electric Field Changes of Lightning Flashes in Two Thunderstorms
- Initiation Locations of Lightning Flashes in Two Florida Thunderstorms
- Peak Currents and Propagation Velocities of Initial Breakdown Pulses in Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flashes
- Comparison Of Lightning Data From Electric Field Change And Electric Field Derivative Antennas
- Electric Field Change and VHF Radiation during Lightning Initiation
- Inception of Subsequent Stepped Leaders in Lightning
- Long Range Propagation Model Based Estimation of Infrasonic Signal Source Strength
- Using Multi-Disciplinary Data to Compile a Hydrocarbon Budget for GC600, a Natural Seep in the Gulf of Mexico
- A Study of WWLLN Events in Florida Thunderstorms
- A Weighty Subject: Exploration for Heavy Minerals Across the State of Mississippi
- A new record of the Paleocene Carbon Isotope Maximum from the Mississippi Embayment
- A numerical study of granular dam-break flow
- Chloride Transport in Heterogeneous Formation
- Comparison of hybrid spectral-decomposition artificial neural network models for understanding climatic forcing of groundwater levels
- Detrital zircon provenance of the Hartselle Sandstone Unit, Southeastern USA: Insights into sediment source, paleogeography, and setting
- Estimation of Hydraulic Parameters and Aquifer Properties for a Managed Aquifer Recharge Pilot Study in The Lower Mississippi River Basin
- Generalized Radial Transport Model for Interpreting Convergent Flow Tracer Tests in Fractured Rock
- Identifying Groundwater Recharge from an Oxbow Lake-Wetland System Based on Hydrologic Monitoring and Temperature Tracing
- Impact of Ocean Wave Climate on Double-Frequency Microseisms and Evaluation of Seismic Site Effect in Northern Mississippi, USA
- Implications of Earth analogs to Martian sulfate-filled Fractures
- Initial Breakdown Pulse Amplitudes in Intracloud and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flashes
- Investigation and Characterization of Acoustic Emissions of Tornadoes Using Arrays of Infrasound Sensors
- Modeling internal wave generation by seamounts in oceans
- Modernized Approach for Generating Reproducible Heterogeneity Using Transmitted-Light for Flow Visualization Experiments
- On the Transition from Initial Leader to Stepped Leader in Negative Cloud-to-ground Lightning
- Peak Source Power Associated with Positive Narrow Bipolar Lightning Pulses
- Prediction of hydrocarbon surface seepage potential using infiltrometer data
- Reducing Risk in Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) in Soft Sedimentary Environments
- Science Outreach and the Religious Public: The Source Makes All the Difference
- The significance of the Medicine Hat Block (southern Alberta, northern Montana) in the assembly of Laurentia: New interpretations from recent single grain zircon geochronological and geochemical data
- Timing of Late Cretaceous Gulf Coast volcanism and chronostratigraphic constraints on deposition of the Ripley Formation from a newly recognized bentonite bed, Pontotoc County, Mississippi
- Variable Flow Pathways and Geochemical History of Seepage Under Mississippi River Levees: 2011, 2015, and 2016 Floods
- a Comparative Case Study of Reflection Seismic Imaging Method
- Comparison of Different Engineering Models of Narrow Bipolar Pulses
- Comparisons of Narrow and Classic Initial Breakdown Pulses in Mississippi Lightning Flashes
- Exploring Source Regions of Single- and Double-frequency Microseisms Recorded in Eastern North American Margin (ENAM) by Cross-correlation
- Hydrologic-geologic threshold effects on groundwater-surface water interaction
- Infrasound Propagation in Tropospheric Ducts
- Low Altitude Negative Narrow Bipolar Events
- Modeling Initial Breakdown Pulses of CG Lightning Flashes Using Modified Transmission Line and Numerical Solution to Fredholm Equation
- Numerical simulations of partially saturated granular dam-break flows
- Optimizing Sensor Placement for Nuclear Forensics with Multiple Data Types
- Upward Connecting Leaders of Lightning Flashes to Flat Water and Flat Ground
- Water and Silico-Magnesium Molecules in the Early Stages of Planet Formation
- A Predictive Framework for Detecting Surface-Generated Infrasound by Balloon-Borne Sensors in Venus's Upper Troposphere
- Analysis of infrasound array measurements corresponding to tornadic storms in North Alabama
- Bayesian Analysis of Infrasound Observations for Atmospheric Parameter Update, Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling and Application to the Humming Road Runner Dataset
- Comparison of Two Mechanisms of M Components Based on Their Electrodynamic Models
- Empowering Secondary Teachers to Enhance Instruction through the Power of Data and Geospatial Inquiry
- Feb 11: Girls InSpace at Arecibo Observatory
- Modeling Initial Breakdown Pulses of Intracloud Lightning Flashes
- The Mechanism of the Origin and Development of Lightning from the Initial Event to the IBPs
- Ultra-high Speed Video Observations of Intracloud Lightning Flashes
- Assessing the Temporal Coherency of the Stratosphere Using Infrasound Signals from Repeating Explosions
- Modeling multiscale temporal hydroclimatic forcing of long-term historical groundwater levels using hybrid wavelet analysis-artificial neural network models for geohydrologic characterization
- Results and Recommendations of the Infrasound Propagation Working Group
- Testing Groundwater Quality in the Bazile Groundwater Management Area using Citizen Science: A valuable approach
- A sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Tuscaloosa Group in southwest Alabama and south and north central Mississippi
- Advancing STEM Education by Promoting Water Literacy in K-12 Education
- Automated River Width Extraction from Remotely Sensed Images
- Classification of infrasonic waveform returns along thermospheric ground-to-ground paths
- Comparative Study of Beach Erosion and Shoreline Recession Using XBeach in Non-hydrostatic Mode
- Detecting Large Explosions using Infrasound Data Augmentation and Machine Learning
- Electrodynamic Model of the M-components and K-changes
- Geochronology of Archean Gneissic rocks in the Southern Bighorn Mountains, USA
- Hydrostratigraphic Modeling of the Lower Mississippi-Gulf Region
- Implementation of open source geospatial web applications for integrated groundwater management in Southeastern US
- Interaction Assessment Between Tallahatchie River-Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer and Low Flow Management
- Lithofacies Modeling Utilizing Generative Adversarial Networks and Geostatistics
- Lithofacies Modeling to Investigate Hydrostratigraphy of Regional Aquifer Systems in Louisiana and Southwestern Mississippi, USA
- New Analyses Reveal a High Variability of Methane Release Over the Last 50 kys at Woolsey Mound (Gulf of Mexico).
- Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Processes of Flow and Salinity and Their Impacts on Fish Suitability in the Mississippi Sound and Lake Pontchartrain due to Bonnet Carre Spillway Flood Release
- Numerical Study of Influences from Time-variant Streambed Conductance on Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions during Storm Events
- Origin of clay lamellae in a Typic Hapludult under upland hardwood old-growth forest in northern Mississippi
- Provenance of the Dewey Lake Redbeds, Delaware Basin (Southeast New Mexico and West Texas), USA: U-Pb Detrital Zircon Ages
- Regional Subsetting of GRACE-Derived Groundwater Storage Estimates for West Africa
- Soil carbon and nutrients change with pine invasion into eucalypt forests
- Staying Grounded: Establishing Baseline Critical Zone Conditions in Mississippi Prior to the Onset of Paleocene-Eocene Hyperthermals
- Tectonic Origin of the Mississippi River Using Evidence from the Cretaceous McNairy Sand.
- Trail Ridge: A critical hydrologic interface protecting the Okefenokee Swamp
- Using Geophysics and Luminescence Geochronology to Determine the Age and Extent of the Adams Mill Fault at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, Washington, D.C.
- Using Rotosonic Coring and Airborn Electromagnetic Data to Characterize the Mississippi River Valley Aquifer: Preliminary Results
- Using the Material Point Method (MPM) to Simulate Dry and Two-Phase Granular Dam-Breaks
- Application of Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Aquifer Characterization at Shellmound, MS
- Assessing terrestrial-aquatic microbiome connectivity in non-perennial streams
- Extreme Sediment Accretion: Shear-Velocity Structure across the Indo-Burman Forearc Margin from Joint Inversion of Surface-Wave and Scattering Constraints
- Numerical Study of the Effects of the Capillary Fringe on Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer through Assimilation of NLDAS data
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Amy J. Burgin
- Andrew M. O’Reilly
- C. J. W. Carchedi
- Daniel P. Ames
- David Fee
- E. C. Seybold
- Frank T.-C. Tsai
- Ivana Kolmašová
- J. B. Gaherty
- Jennifer N. Gifford
- Jonathan M. Plett
- Leigh G. Terry
- Lydia H. Zeglin
- Maribeth Stolzenburg
- Michael S. Steckler
- Norman L. Jones
- O. Santolı́k
- Paige M. Hansen
- Patricia Persaud
- Petr Kašpar
- S. Rondenay
- Samuel C. Zipper
- T. C. Marshall