Pennsylvania State University, Department of Geosciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Methane-rich Proterozoic Atmosphere: Possible Link to the Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth Glaciations
- Abrupt Climate Change: Overview
- Adsorption of Water on the TiO<SUB>2</SUB> (Rutile) [110] Surface: A DFT Study
- Coevolution of Bedrock Channels and Hillslopes on a Topographically Pre-steady-state, Growing Fold
- Complex Drainage Response to Migrating Tectonic Uplift: Example from the Northern California Coast Ranges.
- Crustal Structure Near the Mendocino Triple Junction, California From Broadband Receiver Functions
- Effects of Normal Stress and Humidity on Frictional Strength of Granular Fault Gouge
- Enhancing the West Antarctic Meteorological Record With Artificial Neural Networks
- Extending records of the isotopic composition of atmospheric N<SUB>2</SUB>O back to 1900 A. D. from air trapped in snow at South Pole
- Fault Creep on the Hayward Fault, CA: Implications for Fault Properties and Patterns of Moment Release
- Faulting Parameters and Depth Estimates for Earthquakes in Eastern Asia
- Fe Release and Isotopic Fractionation During Dissolution of Hornblende and Goethite in the Presence of Soil Bacteria
- Fracture-dominated Fluid Flow in Gas Hydrate System on Blake Ridge:Fluid Flux, Permeability and Gas Column Height
- Inferences of Ice Processes From Properties
- Initiation of Subduction in a Complex Transpressional Regime, Fiordland, New Zealand
- Insights Into Vulcanian Fountain Collapse Mechanisms Revealed by Multiphase Numerical Simulations, and the Influence of Volatile Leakage on Eruptive Style
- Integrating Real-time Earthquakes into Natural Hazard Courses
- Laboratory Results Indicating Intrinsically Stable Frictional Behavior of Illite Clay
- Linking Observations and Physics of Fluvial Bedrock Erosion in an Active Mountain Belt, East Central Taiwan
- MODIS Snow-Cover Products
- Modeling Receiver Functions in the Mississippi Embayment: Effect of a Thick Sedimentary Cover
- Multiparameter Measurements at Montserrat and their Interpretation: Honoring the Memory of Bruno Martinelli
- Nucleation Process, and the Associated Convection Current, in a Fault Model with Dilatancy and Fluid Movements
- Observational and Theoretical Analysis of Shock Waves Associated with Vulcanian Explosions.
- Performance and Applications of an Automated Ice Fabric Analyzer.
- Pleistocene to Present Stability of the Continental Slope, Offshore New Jersey
- Pn Tomography in Tanzania: Implications for Precambrian lithospheric controls on the development of the East African Rift System
- Quantification of Subduction Zone Metamorphic Devolatilization From Computed High Pressure Phase Equilibria
- Rapid Climate Change at Siple Dome, Antarctica
- Sensitivity of Pine Island Glacier to Changes in Ice Shelf and Basal Conditions : Modelling and Experiments.
- Small-Volume, Highly Mobile Pyroclastic Flows Formed by Rapid Sedimentation From Pyroclastic Surges on Montserrat: An Important Volcanic Hazard Around Lava Domes
- Soil gas transport along the San Andreas fault, Parkfield, CA: field observations and numerical modeling
- Sources of multiphase and very-long period signals accompanying dome growth and collapse activity at Merapi volcano, Indonesia
- Stick Slip, Creep and Frictional Behavior of Laboratory Fault Zones Subject to Time-Dependent Fluctuations of Normal Load
- Stick-Slip Characteristics of Sheared Granular Layers
- Structure, Kinematics, and Thermal/Erosion History of the eastern Central Range, Taiwan
- Tertiary Chemical Structure of the Afar Plume: Evidence From Primitive Mafic Lavas From Turkana, N. Kenya
- The FISH-SIMS Approach: Isotopic Imprints of Methane in Diverse Microbial Assemblages
- The Juan de Fuca Slab-window and Coast Range Volcanics, California: Correlation between Subducted Slab Age and Mantle Wedge Geochemistry
- Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Exhumation and Erosion in the Taiwan Orogen
- Thicknesses and Poisson's Ratios in the Iberian Crust as Inferred From Receiver Functions
- Uplift Patterns in the Forearc of the Middle America Trench, Costa Rica: Implications for Mass Balance and Fore-arc Kinematics
- Was Early Mars Warmed by CH<SUB>4</SUB>?
- 'Prepare Immediately for Whatever Is Going to Happen Next': A Paleoclimatic View of the Future
- Antarctica and IGY: New Frontiers in "A Continent for Science"
- Apparent Stress Scaling Relations for Mining-Induced Seismicity
- Biochemical Analyses of Dissimilatory Iron Reduction by Shewanella oneidensis
- Compaction State and Excess Fluid Pressure of Sediments From ODP Site 1073, US Mid-Atlantic Continental Margin
- Crustal Structure Beneath the Tibetan Plateau Using Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion Observations
- Decadal Scale Tropical Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Indices as Recorded by a Modern Dominican Coral (1935-1996)
- Deformation along non-accreting convergent margins, Costa Rica
- Dynamics of Bedrock Channels: a Field-based Comparison of Channel Characteristics in Response to Variability of Rock Competence and Rock-Uplift
- Earthquake Scaling Relations
- Etch Pit Formation and Metal Release During Siderophore-Promoted Dissolution of Iron-Silicate Surfaces
- Extraterrestrial Water
- Focal Mechanisms for Recent Earthquakes in the ANSS Mid-America Region
- Geomorphic Insights into the Links Between Mantle Flow and Crustal Deformation in the Northern California Coast Ranges.
- Graded glaciers?: Supercooling Controls on Deepening of Subglacial Troughs
- Greenhouse Models of Early Mars Climate
- How Does the Kunlun Fault End?
- Ice Sheet Stability during the Late Ordovician: Obliquity Forcing with 8-12x Pre-industrial Levels of Atmospheric pCO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Iron Fractionation During Microbial Reduction of Iron
- Landscape Evolution in Orogens with Significant Lateral Advection of Rock: Insights from Numerical Simulations of Fault-Bend Folds
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath The Middle East, Southern Europe, and North Africa
- MIF in Archean Rocks: An Evidence of S8 Aerosols in the Archean Atmosphere?
- Magnitude of Abrupt Warming in Central Greenland 38.4 ky BP From Nitrogen and Argon Isotopes in Trapped Air in Glacial Ice
- Magnitude-Dependent Minimum Focal Depth for Earthquakes in Eastern North America
- Mechanisms of Adsorption of the Neutral Polysaccharide Dextran on Hematite, Goethite and Amorphous Silica
- Metamorphic Devolatilization in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Subduction Factory
- Methane Greenhouses and Anti-Greenhouses During the Archean Era
- Microbial Influences on Trace Metal Cycling in a Meromictic Lake, Fayetteville Green Lake, NY
- Microbial Tungsten Extraction From Basalt Under Hydrothermal Conditions (100°C)
- Middle Miocene Paleoceanography in the Southern High-Latitudes Off Tasmania: Stable Isotope Records from ODP Sites 1170 and 1172
- Mineral Mesoporosity and its Effect on the Adsorption of Organic Matter
- Near-real-time Earthquake Notification and Response in the Classroom: Exploiting the Teachable Moment
- Overpressures above the decollement at Nankai: ODP Sites 808 and 1174
- Passive Acoustic Sensing of Fluvial Bedload Transport: A Flume Study
- Periodic Density Functional Theory Calculations of Sr(II) and Zn(II) Adsorption onto the (110) Face of Rutile
- Quantitative Constrained Imaging of Dissolution and Precipitation in a Natural Fracture
- Relocating the Hypocenters of an Earthquake Swarm Near Waiouru, South East of Ruapehu, North Island, New Zealand
- S-Wave Velocity Models Under the Saudi Arabian Portable Broadband Deployment: Evidence for Lithospheric Erosion Beneath the Arabian Shield
- Seismic Source Inversion As A Multiple-Objective Optimization Problem
- Short-Period Surface-Wave Tomography Beneath the Central and Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Short-Range Interaction Energies and Forces Between Glucose and Silica
- Structural Analyses of the Kahiltna Terrane: A Kinematic Record of the Collision of the Talkeetna Superterrane
- Structures of Si-Carbohydrate Aqueous Complexes: Comparison of NMR Spectra and Molecular Orbital Results
- The Effect of Particle Dimensionality on Granular Friction: Comparison of Laboratory and Numerical Approaches
- The Kinematic Analyses of the Central Range, Taiwan: A Regional Scale Pop-Up Structure
- The Sequestration and Protection of Organic Matter Within Mineral Mesopores
- The Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, is "log logistic"
- The terrestrial biosphere: a missing C sink during the Mid-Miocene climate change?
- The use of Eddy Covariance in Monitoring Volatile and Heat Fluxes at Solfatara Volcano, Naples, Italy
- Thermochronometry and Exhumational Steady State in Taiwan
- Time-Resolved Structural Analysis of Cation Exchange Reactions in Birnessite Using Synchrotron XRD
- Variation of thrust-fault displacement and deformation style along segments of the Ostler fault zone, New Zealand.
- Warming Early Mars With CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- West Antarctic Ice Stream Discharge Variability: the evidence, a mechanism, and its implications
- 3D Onshore-Offshore Seismic Investigation of Kilauea Volcano, HI
- 40 Million Years of Mafic Volcanism in Turkana, Kenya: Geochemical Insights
- A Prominent Rise in Tropical SST during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum as inferred from Mg/Ca, Isotope, and other data
- A Speleothem Climate Record of the Last Deglaciation From Southwestern Oregon
- Abrupt Change 8200 Years Ago: The Smoking Gun?
- Analysis of Dissipation Response for the Piezoprobe and DVTP-P on ODP LEG 204
- Anisotropic complexity in Tanzania and Kenya from teleseismic shear-wave splitting
- BRIE: The Penn State Biogeochemical Research Initiative for Education
- Biomarkers Indigenous to Late Archean Rocks
- Borehole Strainmeters on Montserrat: the CALIPSO Project and the July 2003 Eruption.
- CALIPSO Borehole Instrumentation Project at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, BWI: Data Acquisition, Telemetry, Integration, and Archival Systems
- CALIPSO Borehole Instrumentation Project at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, BWI: Overview and Prospects
- CALIPSO Borehole Station Observations Before and During the July 2003 Montserrat Eruption
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> as a Primary Driver of Phanerozoic Climate Change
- Consolidation Characteristics of Hydrate Saturated Sediments from ODP Site 1244, Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Continental Margin
- Crustal Structure Beneath the Ethiopian Plateau, Afar Depression, and the Main Ethiopian Rift from Receiver Functions
- Crystallinity, textures and chemistry of "old and youthful" lavas from Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia: understanding evolving eruptive behavior
- Displacement Gradients on the Eastern Kunlun Fault: Implications for the Kinematics of Deformation in Tibet
- Effect of Calcite Surfaces on Chiral Separtion of Amino Acids
- Effects Of Conduit Flow Parameters On Vulcanian Explosion Characteristics
- Effects of Variable Normal Stress on Shear Strength and Friction
- Fluorapatite as Inorganic Phosphate Source for the Cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120
- Friction Mechanics at the Updip Limit of Seismogenic Faulting Along Subduction Megathrusts.
- Geochemical Overview of the East African Rift System
- Glaciogeophysics at Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- High Methane Abundance in the Archean and Proterozoic Atmosphere. Why CO2 is not Enough.
- Ice stream D, West Antarctica, subglacial conditions from a combined seismic reflection, refraction, gravity and radar survey
- Implications of the 8/21/2003 Mw 7.2 Fiordland New Zealand Earthquake for the Development of the Alpine Fault Plate Boundary
- Investigation of crustal structure throughout Middle East, North Africa and Southern Europe using receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion
- Is Your Class a Natural Disaster? It can be... The Real Time Earthquake Education (RTEE) System
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath Asia From Surface-Waves and Receiver Functions
- Lithostatic Gas Pressures and Venting at Southern Hydrate Ridge
- Mantle plumes as cause of long-lasting cratonic uplift implications for southern Africa
- Methane Greenhouses and Anti-Greenhouses During the Precambrian
- Microstructural Study of Synthetic Sintered Diamond and Comparison with Carbonado, a Natural Polycrystalline Diamond
- Modeling Saccharide, Amino Acid and Organophosphate Adsorption to Silica and Fe-Hydroxides
- Near-Seafloor Overpressure in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Interpreted from Laboratory Experiments
- Near-antipodal PKPdf observations from the Trans-Antarctic Mountains Seismic Experiment (TAMSEIS): Constraints on inner-core anisotropy from a seismic deployment in Antarctica
- Neoproterozoic Seawater Sulfur Isotopes and the Evolution of Microbial Sulfur Species
- Neotectonics of the Panamint Valley fault zone: Active slip on a low-angle normal fault system
- On the Origin of Mesozoic Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs): An Overview
- Optimized steep dip Fourier finite-difference migration using Chebyshev polynomials and Simulated Annealing
- Organic matter diagenesis and nitrogen isotopes in Cretaceous black shales ODP Leg 207, Demarara Rise.
- Outburst Flooding and Surge Initiation
- Permafrost Landscapes on Earth: Lessons for Mars and Europa
- Protection of Organic Matter from Enzyme Degradation by Mineral Mesopores
- Pyroclastic Flows, Rockfalls, and Heightened Magma Flux Associated With the Merapi Volcano Eruption of 1992-1998, Central Java, Indonesia
- Rate dependence of acoustic emissions generated during granular shear
- Reversal of ice-stream surface slope: constraints from a simple model.
- Seismo-acoustics, VLP and ULP signals, and other comparisons of surface broadband and CALIPSO borehole data at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, B.W.I.
- Shear-Wave Splitting due to Rifting and Precambrian Accretion of Ethiopia
- Strength Through Options: Providing Choices for Undergraduate Education in the Geosciences
- Structure and Seismicity of West Antarctica
- Structure of the Lithospheric Keel Beneath the Tanzania Craton From the Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface-Wave Dispersion
- Study of the texture and fabric in the Taylor Dome ice core.
- Subduction at an Erosive Margin: Effects of Bathymetry on Fore arc Deformation in Costa Rica
- Subglacial Sediments as a Control on the Location of Ice Streams C and D, West Antarctica, from Seismic Refraction and Reflection Imaging
- Surface-wave Derived Focal Mechanisms in Mid-America
- Tectonics from topography: Methods, Application, and Limitations
- The Effect of Dynamic Stress on Shear Strength and Stability in Laboratory Faults
- The Effect of Humidity and Particle Characteristics on Friction and Stick-slip Instability in Granular Fault Gouge
- The Global Significance of a Deep-sea Isotopic Event During the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event Recorded in Japan
- The Origin of the African Superswell
- The Rise and Fall of the Soufriere Hills Volcano Lava Dome, Montserrat, BWI, July 2001-July 2003: Science, Hazards, and Volatile Public Perceptions
- Tidal Pumping and the Fate of Wastewater Nutrients in the Florida Keys
- Uplift and River Incision Within the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau from Regional Patterns of Channel Steepness
- Upper Mantle Seismic Velocity Structure beneath East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula
- Upper mantle attenuation structure beneath East Africa from relative t* measurements
- Use of a rate- and state-dependent friction law to parameterize subglacial tills
- Variations in Frictional Behavior of Fault Gouge Along a low Angle Normal Fault System.
- <SUP>15</SUP>N depleted nitrogen isotope values in Cretaceous black shales: paleoceanographic event or diagenesis.
- Biogeochemical Processes in Late Archean Marine Biosphere Revealed by Isotopic and Molecular Records
- Changes in Seismogenic Zone Coupling Along the Middle America Margin?
- Comparative Laboratory and Numerical Simulations of Shearing Granular Fault Gouge: Micromechanical Processes
- Comprehensive geophysical study of the Transantarctic Mountains
- Constraints on the Timing and Kinematics of Deformation Within a Thick-skinned, Inner Forearc Thrust System, Northeastern Japan Margin
- Decoupled Shelf-Ocean Phytoplankton Productivity Responses Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Design of a Dual-Pressure Port Penetration Probe for Pore Pressure Measurements in Ocean Drilling
- Development of the Holocene Clinoform in the Gulf of Papua
- Earthquake Rupture Processes Along the Philippine Trench
- Events at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary as Recorded in Shelf Sediments From the Californian Margin
- Evidence for Quaternary Slip on a Low Angle Normal Fault: Searles Valley, CA
- Evidence for a westward dipping upper mantle thermal anomaly beneath Kenya, East Africa from body wave tomography
- Evidence for in-situ methane production in ice based on anomalous isotope analyses
- Evolution Of The West Antarctic Rift System And the Importance of Crustal Heat Production
- Experimental Constraints on Pelite Melting in Subduction Zones: a New Approach Using HP Metapelites
- Fatty Acids in Tubeworm-Associated Sediments in the Gulf of Mexico
- Fe Isotope Fractionation: Effect of Desferrioxamine Mesylate (DFAM) and Reduction of Goethite by Total Membrane Fraction of Shewanella oneidensis
- Field Instrumentation With Bricks: Wireless Networks Built From Tough, Cheap, Reliable Field Computers
- Focal mechanisms from regional earthquakes in East Africa and refinements in stress patterns
- GSAC - Generic Seismic Application Computing
- Geologic framework for the East Antarctic Ice Sheet: Geophysical Constraints
- Geology of Smooth Ridge: MARS-IODP Cabled Observatory Site
- Geometric Properties of Bifurcating Delta Distributary Channels
- Granular Friction in Laboratory Shear-Zone Tests on Volcanic Sediments
- Hydrogen Isotope Ratios of Leaf Waxes in C3 and C4 Grasses Record Meteoric Water and Aridity Signatures
- In the Footsteps of Charles Darwin: Patterns of Coastal Subsidence and Uplift Associated with Seamount Subduction, Basal Fore-arc Erosion and Seamount Accretion in Latin America
- Isotopic Stage 3 Deposition and Stage 2 Erosion of a Clinoform in the Gulf of Papua: Regional Tectonics Versus Eustatic Sea-Level Change
- Laboratory Study of Frictional and Rheological Properties of Till From Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Longitudinal Deviatoric Stresses in Streaming Flow: results from a simple model
- Mechanism for free gas migration through South Hydrate Ridge hydrate system
- Mllenniall-Scale Climate Variability in the Subtropical Atlantic During the Middle Pleistocene
- Modeling Open System Metamorphic Devolatilization of Subducted Metabasalts
- Molecular Proxy Approaches for Paleohydrology
- North Atlantic freshening and ice-age abrupt climate change--8k and older
- Nye Lecture: We're All Glaciologists Now: Ice in the Climate System
- Perturbations to the Carbon and Sulfur Cycle During the Permian-Triassic Boundary Event in Southern China
- Possible Geometry and Implications for Potential Blind Thrusts Beneath the Marin County - Mt. Tamalpais Region
- Precise Hypocenter Location of High-Frequency-Onset Earthquakes, Tomography, and Changing Stress Conditions Beneath Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- Present day Fault Kinematics of Northern Baja California, Mexico
- Radioisotopically Dated Climate Record Spanning the Last Interglacial in Ice from Mount Moulton, West Antarctica
- Repeating earthquakes may indicate a relation between fault healing and proximity to a mainshock asperity
- Revisiting ODP Site 690 to Assess the Responses of Marine Carbonate Chemistry to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Sedimentary Nitrogen Stable Isotopes and Variations in Nutrient Cycling in the Holocene Black Sea
- Seismic activity in the Transantarctic Mountains recorded by the TAMSEIS seismic array.
- Silicate Veining Above an Ascending Mantle Plume - Evidence from New Ethiopian Xenolith Localities
- Simultaneous Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion For Lithospheric Structure Beneath The Middle East, North African, Central Asia, And Parts of Europe
- Slip Distribution and Temporal Slip Rate Variability on the San Andreas and San Jacinto Fault Zones, Southern California
- Source mechanisms of strong vulcanian explosions at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, B.W.I., from moment tensor inversions of very-long-period data
- Spatial and Temporal Variations Along the New Zealand Plate Boundary: Decoupling, Delamination, and Localization
- Successful Geoscience Pipeline Activities for High School and College Students
- Tectono-magmatic Segmentation on the Reykjanes Peninsula
- Teleseismic P-wave Velocity Tomography Beneath The Arabian Peninsula
- Testing models of fluvial incision under conditions of differential rock uplift
- The Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event: Linkage of High-Resolution Terrestrial and Marine Records of a Major Climate Perturbation During Peak Greenhouse Conditions.
- The Chemical Weathering End Member of the Coupled Physical and Chemical Weathering System
- The Influence of a Subglacial Dilatant Till Beneath the Upstream Reaches of Bindschadler Ice Stream: Implications for Streaming Ice Flow
- The Latest Hits: Investigating the Recent Cratering Record on Mars
- The Microbial Karst Sulfuric Acid Dynamo
- The Peru Margin as an Authigenic Mineral Factory, Evidence From Surface Sediments and Oceanography
- The evolution of atmospheric carbon dioxide since the middle Eocene: a biomarker perspective
- The role of changing seasonality in North Atlantic abrupt climate changes
- Thermal structure beneath Tanzania from attenuation measurements using teleseismic P wave spectra
- Top Down and Bottom up: A Comparison of Coccolith Sr/Ca Ratios and Benthic Foraminiferal Accumulation Rates as Indicators of Paleoproductivity
- Tree Rings as Climate Proxies in Susquehanna River Basin Streamflow
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy of the Ross Sea, Trans-Antarctic Mountains, and East Antarctica From SKS Splitting Analysis
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Transantarctic Mountains From Body-Wave Tomography and Receiver Functions Using TAMSEIS Data
- Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Seismic Velocity Structure Beneath Ethiopia
- Upper mantle structure beneath Ethiopia from a joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion
- Using Receiver Functions to Analyze Rapid Transitions in Crustal Structure and Deformation in Northern California
- Using nirS gene expression as a proxy for denitrification rate
- Validation of TITAN2D flow model code for pyroclastic flows and debris avalanches at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, BWI
- A Broadband Seismological Investigation of the Cameroon Volcanic Line
- A Discordancy Between Short-Term Sedimentation Rate Using Pb-210, Cs-137 and Pu and Long-Term Sedimentation Rate Using C-14
- A new high-performance 3D multiphase flow code to simulate volcanic blasts and pyroclastic density currents: example from the Boxing Day event, Montserrat
- Application of Rhizon Porewater Samplers to Shipboard Operations, IODP Expedition 308, Northeast Gulf of Mexico
- Archaeal Diversity Associated with Deep Sea Whalefalls
- Balancing Demographic, Diversity and Specialty in Faculty Recruiting: Two Decades of Experience From the Department of Geosciences at The Pennsylvania State University
- Carbonate Lysocline and d13C Changes at the PETM:How Much Carbon?
- Constraints on Pore Pressure in Subduction Zones From Geotechnical Tests and Physical Properties Data
- Control of ice stream stick-slip dynamics by frictional healing
- Crustal Dehydration and Overpressure Development on the San Andreas Fault
- Crustal Thickness and Poisson's Ratio of Continental Crust
- Daisen Volcano, Southwest Japan: Does the Slab Melt?
- Deformation Analyses and Lithologic Characterization in Overpressured Basins Based on Logging While Drilling and Wireline Results from the Gulf of Mexico
- Deformation and Fault Slip Along Plate Boundaries - Exploiting the Variations Between Geodetic and Geologic Observations
- Digital Imaging of Ice Cores: Early Results
- Distinguishing Between Pelagic and Allochthonous Deposition in High-Resolution Records of Aptian-Albian Oceanic Anoxic Events at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 398, North Atlantic Ocean
- Diversity and Variability of Geoporphyrins and Chlorins During Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event II.
- Dynamic Response of Tidewater Glaciers During the Holocene, Glacier Bay, Alaska
- Dynamic interaction between pore fluids and faulting along the Costa Rica Decollement (ODP Legs 170 and 205)
- Effect of Hydration State on the Frictional Properties of Montmorillonite-based Fault Gouge
- Estimation of Underground Permeability and Porosity of Slope Sediments in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, IODP Expedition 308
- Evidence for Melt Injection in the Crust of Northern California?
- Examining the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath the Transantarctic Mountains From Receiver Functions Using TAMSEIS Data
- Examples of Mass Wasting and Hemipelagic Sedimentation of Brazos-Trinity Basin #4 and Ursa Basin, Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Field-Measured Infiltration Properties of Mojave Desert Soils
- Friction Constitutive Properties of Fault Zone Materials
- Geochemical, Textural and Petrographic Indicators for Eruptive Behavior at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia
- Geological Consequences of Unequal Loading of Sedimentary Units, at Passive, Transform, and Convergent Margins
- High-Resolution C and N isotopic Records from the Aptian-Albian of Northeastern Mexico: Insight into OAE 1a and 1b Environmental Dynamics
- High-resolution seismic reflection images crossing the Sumatran seismogenic zone: Sumatra Earthquake And Tsunami Offshore Survey (SEATOS), 2005
- Hydrogeology of the Ursa Region, Northern Gulf of Mexico, IODP Expedition 308 Sites U1322 and U1324
- Hydrologic Monitoring in the Nankai Accretionary Prism
- Ice-flow sensitivity to variable resistive stresses
- In-situ pressure measurements in the Ursa Basin, Northeast Gulf of Mexico
- Incorporating Hydrologic Insight into Geophysical Inversion: Resolution Limitations and Direct Estimation of Solute Plume Moments
- Influence of along-strike temperature differences on 3-D fluid flow patterns in the Nicoya margin subduction zone, Costa Rica
- Integrating Fragmentation Criteria with Dynamic Conduit Models: the Significance of Syn-eruptive Bubble Expansion in Vulcanian Explosions
- Investigating the Copper Isotope Composition of Red Mountain Creek: a Stream Affected by Acid Mine Drainage
- Istopically Defined Source Reservoirs of Primitive Magmas in the East African Rift.
- Joint Geophysical and Hydrologic Constraints on Shallow Groundwater Flow Systems in Clastic Salt Marshes of the South Atlantic Bight
- Laboratory Study of Till Rheology
- Lithospheric Deformation Beneath the Ethiopian Plateau
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath Ethiopia Using Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Group Velocities
- Local Magnitude Scale and Seismicity for Ethiopia, East Africa
- Microbial Diversity and Population Structure of Extremely Acidic Sulfur-Oxidizing Biofilms From Sulfidic Caves
- Mineral-Scale Sr Isotopic Study of Plagioclase in the Mafic Dikes of the North American Wall and the Diorite of the Rockslides, Yosemite Valley, California
- Modeling Fluid Flow in a Low Flux Methane Hydrate Province: A Multifaceted Geophysical Approach
- Modeling Glacial Stagnation With Higher-Order Flow-line Models
- Overview of the evolution of clay mineralogy in the Gulf of Mexico: implications for regional climate and drainage history of the Mississippi and Brazos-Trinity Rivers
- Paleocurrent analysis and physical properties of deep-sea mud cores collected from NW Pacific and Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Patterns in Frozen Ground
- Polysaccharide Adsorption to Alumina and Silica Surfaces: Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation and Molecular Dynamics Simulations Studies
- Pore Water Chemistry as Sensitive Indicators for Fluid Flow in Brazos-Trinity Basin #4 and Ursa Basin, Northeast Gulf of Mexico (IODP Expedition 308)
- Profiling Lithospheric Strength: Determining the Depth Extent of Seismicity in the Zagros Mountains Using Moment Tensor Inversion of Regional Earthquakes
- Redox speciation and biogeochemical gradients: Assessing spatial niches and monitoring dynamics in natural systems with voltammetric microelectrodes
- S-wave Velocity Structure, Mantle Xenoliths, and the Upper Mantle Beneath the Kaapvaal Craton
- Sedimentologic and Geometric Characterization of Turbidites of Brazos-Trinity Basin IV in the Gulf of Mexico: Preliminary Results of IODP Expedition 308
- Slope Failure Geometry and Physical Properties at IODP Sites U1322, U1323, and U1324, Ursa Basin, Northeast Gulf of Mexico
- Stratigraphic Evolution of Brazos-Trinity Basin IV, Western Gulf of Mexico: Preliminary Results of IODP Expedition 308
- Synkinematic veining and thermal transect across a formation-bounding out-of-sequence-thrust, Kodiak Accretionary Complex
- The Explosion of March 2004 at Montserrat: Constraints From Borehole Strain Data
- The Lithospheric Shear-Velocity Structure of Eastern Eurasia
- The Magmatic Plumbing System of Quaternary Basalts in the Main Ethiopian Rift
- The Morphodynamics of Sub-aerial Natural Levees
- The Role of Surface Roughness and Material Properties in Determining the Frictional Characteristics of Synthetic Granular Fault Gouge
- Thermal Evolution of a Simple Thrust Sheet: Two-dimensional Modeling and Application to Thrust Kinematics
- Three Dimensional Variations in Fluid Pressure and Fluid Production Within Nankai Trough Subduction Zone
- Tomographic Imaging of Upper Mantle P- and S-wave Velocity Heterogeneity Beneath the Arabian Peninsula
- Toward Real-Time Continuous, Automated Hydrogeophysical Monitoring of Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Results of a Pilot-Scale Experiment, Charleston, South Carolina
- Towards a Precise Age Model of IODP Holes U1319B and U1320B (Leg 308, Brazos-Trinity Basin IV, Gulf of Mexico) with Paleo- and Rock Magnetic Methods
- Tracking 3D Tracer Migration: Non-stationary Conditioning of Resistivity Tomograms to Simulated Concentrations
- Transient fluvial incision in the upper reaches of the Yellow River: Base-level fall or differential rock uplift?
- Triggering Mechanisms of Slope Instability Processes on the Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope: Preliminary Results From IODP Expedition 308
- Upper mantle and transition zone structure beneath Ethiopia: Regional evidence for the African Superplume
- Upper mantle structure beneath the Transantarctic Mountains and East Antarctic Craton from P and S body wave tomography
- What Does the Absence of Mass-independent Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes at 2.8-3.2 Ga say About the Early Atmosphere?
- A Century of Earthquakes: A New Global Seismicity Map
- A reinterpretation of fracturing and fold development at Teton Anticline, Sawtooth Range, Montana: Focus on the fracturing of concretions in the Morrison Formation
- Body and Surface wave tomography for the Arabian Peninsula and Red Sea
- Cocos Ridge Collision: Tectonic Escape and Mountain Building in Central America
- Crust and upper mantle structure beneath the Transantarctic Mountains, East Antarctic Craton and West Antarctic Rift System from the TAMSEIS project
- Density Functional Theory Study of Controls on Equilibrium Fe Isotope Fractionation
- Discovery of Probable > 3.43 Ga Paleolaterites in the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
- Discovery of till deposition at the grounding line of Whillans Ice Stream and implications for ice stream stability
- Disseminated Museum Displays and Participation of Students from Underrepresented Populations in Polar Research: Education and Outreach for Joint Projects in GPS and Seismology Solid Earth Science Community
- Driven Slip in the Northern Section of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Dynamic Lubrication and the Stability of Subglacial Water Pockets
- Economically optimal risk reduction strategies in the face of uncertain climate thresholds
- Evolution of Fault Friction Following Large Velocity Jumps
- Evolution of the Plate Boundary Through New Zealand since 25 Ma Implications for the Development of the Alpine Fault
- Frictional Properties of Sand Collected from the 1906 Rupture Zone of the San Andreas Fault at Alder Creek, CA}
- From Slab Window to Plate Boundary: Making the San Andreas Fault System
- How overconfident are current climate change projections?
- Hydraulic Diffusivity and Wellbore Storage from Pressure Monitoring in the Nankai Accretionary Prism
- Ice Cores and Self-organizing Maps: A Study of Recent Climate in Greenland
- Imaging Dissimilatory Iron Reduction with Hydrogeophysical Tools: Scaling up From the Beaker to the Field
- Impact of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on Continental Margins and Implications for the Carbon Cycle in Near-Shore Environments
- Insight into the basal mechanics of ice streams from passive seismic observations
- Interseismic Coupling, Quaternary Uplift Rates, and Fore arc Deformation Along the Costa Rican Segment of the Middle American Trench
- Isotope Fractionation During Microbial Metal Assimilation
- Kinetics of Dissimilatory Iron Reduction in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1: Scaling From Purified Proteins to Whole Cell Cultures
- Kinetics of Fe Release from Organic Ligand Complexes: Implications for Fe Isotopes?
- Laboratory Study of Nonlinearity and Fabric-Dependence of Till
- Late Holocene Drought Record From Castor Lake, North-Central Washington State
- Limestone Corrosion and Sulfur Cycling by Biofilms in the Frasassi Caves, Italy
- Lithospheric Structure in Eastern Africa and the Arabian Plate from Joint Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersion Data and Receiver Functions
- Mantle Transition Zone Structure Beneath Kenya, East Africa
- Methyl Sulfide Production by a Novel Carbon Monoxide Metabolism in Methanosarcina acetivorans
- Modeling the Effect of Grounding-Zone Sediment Wedges on the Stability of Ice Streams to Sea Level Rise
- Modern Hydrothermal Systems and the Oxygen Isotopic Evolution of Seawater
- Neural Network Classification of Receiver Functions as a Step Towards Automatic Crustal Parameter Determination
- Nitrogen Isotopes and Chemocline Depth in Stratified Basins
- Online Measurement of the Intramolecular Isotopic Composition of Acetate in Natural Porewater Samples
- Orbitally Tuned C and N Isotopic Records of Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event1a in Northeastern Mexico and Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 398, North Atlantic Ocean
- Overpressure in shallow sediment at the Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico
- Permeability Evolution in Compacting Aggregates: Effects of Grain Size Distribution
- Physical Properties of Stacked Slumps in the Ursa Region, Northern Gulf of Mexico (IODP Expedition 308) Determined from Log, Core, and Seismic Data
- Plume-Lithosphere Interaction in the Ethiopian CFB Province: Breaking up Gondwana
- Pn Wave velocities beneath the Ethiopian Plateau and Main Ethiopian Rift.
- Precise Hypocenter Location of High-Frequency-Onset Earthquakes, During the Initial Stages of Activity at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- Prelude to the Livello Bonarelli (OAE 2): Cyclostratigraphy and Astrochronology in the Cenomanian
- Quantifying the source regions of observed pore water B and δ^{11}B signatures at shallow depths in forearcs
- Reconstructing Paleoaltimetry from D/H Measurements of Lipid Biomarkers
- Relocations and Rupture Processes of Large Plate Boundary Earthquakes in Fiordland, South Island, New Zealand
- Remote Detection and Monitoring of Glacial Slip from Whillans Ice Stream using Seismic Rayleigh Waves Recorded by the TAMSEIS Array
- Representing the effects of lateral spreading during ponded infiltration: an inverse modeling approach
- Results for the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath the Transantarctic Mountains From Receiver Functions
- Shear Induced Pore Pressure Generation in Montmorillonite-Based Fault Gouge
- Spatial Distribution of Pore Pressure and Effective Stress at the Western Nankai Trough Plate Interface Based on 3D Seismic Reflection Data
- Systematic Li isotopic fractionation in melt inclusions from Volcan Jorullo, Mexico
- Temporal Changes in Extensional Strain Rate in Northern Owens Valley California and Implications for the Eastern California Shear Zone.
- Terrace Riser Evolution and use as Passive Markers of Fault Displacement: An Example From the Kunlun Fault in Northeastern Tibet.
- Testing fluvial incision models in landscapes undergoing differential rock uplift
- The Effect of Thermal Refraction on Heat Flow Scatter near the San Andreas Fault, Parkfield, CA
- The Fix is On! Nitrogen isotope evidence for high surface-water iron availability during Oceanic Anoxic Event II
- The Late Permian Ocean: What's the Big Stink?
- The Morphology and Stability of Bifurcations in the Mossy River Delta, Saskatchewan, Canada
- The Role of the Ocean in the Paleocene Eocene Carbon Cycle
- The effect of dilatancy and compaction on the stability and permeability of a fluid infiltrated fault
- The equilibrium fractionation factor between CaCO3 and Ca2+ (aq): Fractionation mechanisms and diagenetic Ca isotope effects
- Transient Landscape Response to Increased Coupling Across a Subduction Zone Interface, Talamanca Range, Costa Rica
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line From Preliminary Body-wave Tomography
- Upper Mantle Structure of Southern Africa From Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion
- Variation of Desert Soil Hydraulic Properties with Pedogenic Maturity
- A Potential Reconciliation of Short-Term Geodetic and Long-Term Geological Strain-Rate Estimates Across the Owens Valley
- A Younger Dryas glacierization in the Venezuelan Andes
- A compound specific nitrogen isotope record utilizing multiple geoporphyrins and chlorins for Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 at Demerara Rise
- A first calving law for ice shelves: spreading-rate control of calving rate
- A stability diagram for fine-grained, cohesive fluvial-channel bifurcations
- Active Forearc Response to CO-NZ-CA Triple Junction Migration, Southern Central America
- Anaerobic Biodegradation of Pristane by Nitrate Reducing Bacteria
- Calcium Isotopes in Marine Sediments and Soils: Paleoceanography, Diagenesis, and Soil Processes
- Calving Dynamics in an Ice-Stream/Ice-Shelf Model: Are Basal and Lateral Drag Stabilizing?
- Changes in Seismogenic Zone Coupling Along the Middle America Margin?
- Characteristics of Recent Moderate-Magnitude Seismic Activity in the Gulf of Mexico
- Characterizing source properties of events in Southern Africa
- Comparison of the Lithospheric Structure Beneath Kenya and Ethiopia From Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Velocities
- Considering the effects of diagenesis on the Ca isotope geochemical proxy
- Constraints on the Timing and Kinematics of Deformation Within a Thick-skinned, Inner Forearc Thrust System, Northeastern Japan Margin
- Controls on Fe Isotope Fractionation During Organic Complexation: the Importance of Covalent Bonding
- Controls on channel width in large rivers dissecting the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Core Across the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD - Photographs, Physical Properties Data, and Core-Handling Procedures
- Crustal Structure And Tectonic Evolution Of The Kaapvaal Craton
- Data Integration for Interpretation of Near-Surface Geophysical Tomograms
- Deformation of Torfajokull Caldera, Iceland
- Depth to Detachment Estimates for the Tanos and West Tanos Faults, Hagen Embayment, New Mexico
- Development of Autonomous, Robotic Meteorological Stations for Improved Ice Sheet Climate Monitoring.
- Does Aerosol Geoengineering the Earth's Climate Pass a Cost-Benefit Test?
- Does Tibetan lower crust flow? Preliminary constraints from a reconnaissance investigation of lacustrine shorelines around Siling Co, Tibet
- Ecological Impact of Climate Change on Leaf Economic Strategies Across the Paleocene- Eocene Thermal Maximum, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
- Effect of Comminution on Bed - Sediment Size in a Fluvial System With a Flood Hydrograph
- Effects of Geologically Short-Lived Surface Water Perturbations on the Calcareous Nannoplankton as Exemplified by the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event OAE1d
- Electrochemical Characterization Shewanella oneidensis () Mr-1 MtrABC
- Empirical Retrieval of Surface Melt Intensity using coupled MODIS Optical and Thermal Measurements over the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Exploring the Seismic Wavefield with EarthScope's Transportable Array
- Feasibility study on the use of ICESat laser altimetry data for the study of Himalyan mountain glacier mass balance.
- Flow Structure and Secondary Flows in Fine-grained Bifurcate Channels
- Frictional Behavior of Materials in the 3D SAFOD Volume
- Frictional and Hydrologic Properties of Clay-Rich Fault Gouge
- From Convergence to Subduction - Plate Boundary Formation through New Zealand
- Geochemical Consequences of Lithospheric Delamination in the Eastern Mediterranean: Evidence From Young Turkish Basalts
- Geoelectrical Evidence of Bicontinuum Transport in Ground Water
- Geophysical observations from the South Pole region of the Antarctic Ice Sheet: Evidence for a subglacial lake?
- Global Warmth and Nutrient Trapping Enhance End-Paleozoic Euxinia in an Earth System Model
- Ground-Based Thermal Infrared Monitoring of Dome Growth at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- High Pressure Granitic Melt in Eclogite: Is it Internally Derived?
- High-Resolution LiDAR Topography of the Plate-Boundary Faults in Northern California
- Hydro-Mechanical Processes in Faulting: an Experimental Analysis of the Variability of Dilatancy in Simulated Fault Gouge
- Ice Sheets and Abrupt Change
- Impedance-Based Measurement of Suspended Sediment Concentrations
- Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Waves in the Main Ethiopian Rift
- LiDAR Acquisition for the GeoEarthScope Community
- Lithium in melt inclusions records crustal assimilation at Volcan Jorullo, Mexico
- Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary from S-receiver functions in Ethiopia
- Lobe Shifting in the Gulf of Papua: Internal or External Forcing?
- Low Intrinsic Attenuation and High Scattering Attenuation Near 1Hz in the Crust of the Tanzanian Craton
- Mantle support of the East African Rift System
- Mantle-derived fluids and their potential role in weakening the San Andreas Fault
- Marine Archaea lipids: patterns and provenance in the water-column
- Microbial community evolution across a granitic chronosequence, Santa Cruz, California
- Modeling the Deposition of Deglaciation Moraines
- Morphology and Hydraulics of Nine Sand-bed Fluvial Bifurcations from the Mossy Delta, SK: Implications for Their Stability
- New Data Products Available at the IRIS Data Management Center
- No More Snow Pits? Potential to Retrieve Bulk Snow Pack Structure from Transient Barometric Pressure Waves measured from a Prototype Embedded Wireless Sensor Network
- P- and S-wave Tomography of the Cameroon Volcanic Line Used to Discriminate Between Formation Models
- Pore Pressure Development in Sub-Décollement Sediments in Subduction Zones: Insights From Laboratory Data and Numerical Modeling
- Providing Authentic Research Experiences for Pre-Service Teachers through UNH's Transforming Earth System Science Education (TESSE) Program
- Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Structure of the Cameroon Volcanic Line Region
- Rayleigh wave tomography of southern Africa: Preliminary results from AfricaArray
- Recent Climate in Greenland Through Ice Cores and Self-organizing Maps
- Reconstructing paleoaltimetry with D/H isotopic measurements on lipid biomarker
- Results from SCS Profiling of the Sumatra accretionary prism: insights into tsnamigenesis
- Revising Estimates of the Methane Production Pathway in Peatland Porewater Using Intramolecular Isotopic Analyses of Acetate
- Shear Wave Velocity Structure Of The Bushveld Complex
- Simultaneous GPS and teleseismic monitoring of glacial stick-slip of Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica.
- Slip-rate gradients along the eastern Kunlun fault: Implications for crustal strength in eastern Tibet
- Slow Erosion by a Fast Glacier
- Structure of the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath Kenya, East Africa
- Supporting Inquiry-based Earth System Science Instruction with Middle and High School Earth Science Teachers
- Surface water saturation state and calcareous nannoplankton production across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Tectono-magmatic Segmentation on the Reykjanes Peninsula
- The Afar Plume and Ethiopian Lithosphere: A Hf and He Isotope Study of Primitive Quaternary Rift Lavas.
- The Development of the San Andreas Plate Boundary through Northern California: Insights from GPS, Crustal Structure, and Lithospheric Modeling
- The Effect of Vibration on Stick-slip Behavior in Sheared Granular Media: Implications for Earthquake Recurrence and Triggering
- The Geochemical Figure Print of an Early Paleozoic OAE
- The Transforming Earth System Science Education (TESSE) program
- The role of basement relief in the structural evolution of the Naryn intramontane basin, Kyrgyz Tian Shan
- Transient incision of the Yellow River: a response to drainage basin integration across the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Two Plumes Beneath the East African Rift System: a Geochemical Investigation into Possible Interactions in Ethiopia
- 3-D finite element modeling of ground deformation induced by a pressurized dyke conduit: Application to Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat (W.I.)
- A Comparison of Compression Behavior of Mudrock Core Samples from the Nankai Margin, SW Japan and the Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico
- A Modern Analogue for Proterozoic Inverse Carbon Isotope Signatures
- A Potentially Non-Steady State Pinedale Glacial Maximum, as Indicated by Half Moon Lake Glacial Valley, Wyoming
- Active Uplift Within the Inner Forearc Along the Japan Trench, Northeastern Honshu
- Ambient Noise Rayleigh Wave Tomography in Antarctica From the TAMSEIS Array
- Biosignatures in Middle Cambrian Paleosols
- Boulder Recycling, Moraine Degradation, and Their Effects on Cosmogenic Exposure Dating of Moraines
- Calcium Isotope Geochemistry: Research Horizons and Nanoscale Fractionation Processes
- Capturing crustal deformation signals with a new high-rate continuous GPS network in Iceland
- Carbon Isotope Chemostratigraphy, the Baby and the Bathwater
- Carbonate Associated Sulfate in a Stromatolite from the Eocene Green River Formation
- Channel width adjustments to a transient increase in fluvial erosion rates
- Co-variation of Boron Concentrations and Isotope Ratios in Glasses From the Laki- Grimsvotn Fissure Eruption of 1783-1784
- Colorado River System of the Southwestern U.S.: Analysis of the Longitudinal Profile, Differential Incision, and Hypothesis for Dynamic Uplift and Rapid Incision in the Last 6 Ma
- Constraint on Basal Conditions in the Onset Region of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland, through Seismic Amplitude Variation with Offset (AVO) Analysis
- Constraints on the magma chamber and conduit system of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- Crustal Structure Along the Transantarctic Mountain Front Using Receiver Functions
- Crustal Structure Of Southern Africa
- Crustal Structure in Cameroon From Receiver Function Analysis
- Crustal structure of Montserrat and Surrounding Area From Integrated Onshore, Ocean Bottom and Multichannel Reflection Seismic Data
- E-MORB- And OIB-Type Metabasalts From The Karakaya Complex: Trace Element Evidence For Melting Across The Spinel-Garnet Transition
- Effect of Climate Cycling and Meltwater Plumbing on Ice-Sheet Grounding-Line Migration
- Effects of Basal-Melting Distribution on the Retreat of Ice-Shelf Grounding Lines
- Effects of Heterogeneous Permeability on Surface Heat Flow Near Parkfield, CA
- Environmental Controls on Hopanoid Distributions: Field and Culture Studies
- Evaluating Neogene Uplift and Denudational History of the Colorado Rockies Using River Profiles and Incision Records
- Evolution of a Ridge-Transform Intersection, Northern Iceland
- Examining the Ability of Sulfur-Bearing Gases to act as Biosignatures on Anoxic Planets
- Exploring the implications of a dynamic Ca cycle in the Cenozoic
- Frictional and Hydrologic Properties of Fault Gouge From a Mega-splay Fault at the Nankai Subduction Zone, Sampled by NanTroSEIZE IODP Drilling
- GIS-based statistical mapping technique for block-and-ash pyroclastic flow and surge hazards
- Geomicrobiology and hopanoid content of sulfidic subsurface vent biofilms, Little Salt Spring, Florida
- Geomorphic insights into the growth of eastern Tibet and implications for the recurrence of great earthquakes
- Hydrologic Control on Bacterial Nitrogen Fixation in the Holocene Black Sea
- Hypothesis for epeirogenic uplift above the Jemez lineament: Is Neogene doming recorded by river profiles and terraces?
- Interannual climate variability recorded by late Miocene laminated gypsums: evidence for ENSO in the Mediterranean
- Investigating The Cause And Consequences Of Oceanic Anoxia
- Joint Inversion of P- and S-Wave Receiver Functions and Surface-Wave Dispersion Velocities
- Late Miocene - Pliocene exhumation of the Qinghai Nan Shan (Northeastern Tibetan Plateau) constrained by adjacent Chaka basin magnetostratigraphic architecture
- Leveraging Educational, Research and Facility Expertise to Improve Global Seismic Monitoring: Preparing a Guide on Sustainable Networks
- Linking International Development Actors to Geophysical Infrastructure: Exploring an IRIS Community Role in Bridging a Communications Gap
- Lithospheric Scale Deformation in Mega-thrust Subduction Zones
- Low-Velocity Zone Structure Beneath the Kaapvaal Craton From S-wave Receiver Functions
- Meter-long microbial ropes from euxinic cave lakes
- Mn Enrichment in Surface Soils: A Signal for Dust?
- Modeling Iceberg Calving From Ice Shelves Using a Stress Based Calving Law: The Stabilizing Effect of Vertical Compression
- Modeling the Effect of Quasi-Drained Fault Zone Dilatancy on Friction Constitutive Properties
- Modern and Ancient Precipitation O-18/O-16 and D/H Gradients on the Tibetan Plateau
- Nanoscale Phase Stability Reversal During the Nucleation and Growth of Titanium Oxide Minerals
- New Constraints on Late Pleistocene - Holocene Slip Rates and Seismic Behavior Along the Panamint Valley Fault Zone, Eastern California
- Observations of Dynamic Weakening in Simulated Fault Gouge
- Organic Matter Reponse to Orbital Rhythms at Olduvai Gorge c. 1.80 Ma
- Paleoaltimetry of the Early Miocene-Pliocene Oiyug basin, southern Tibet
- Permeability anisotropy in marine mudstones in the Nankai Trough, SW Japan: Implications for hypothesized lateral fluid flow and chemical transport outboard of the trench
- Porosity vs. Permeability Behavior of Shallow Mudstones in the Ursa Basin, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
- Pre-Snowball Earth ecosystems, insights from nitrogen isotopes in the Neoproterozoic Kwagunt Formation of the Chuar Supergroup, Grand Canyon.
- Pressure Oscillation in Magma Chamber due to Replenishment During Volcanic Eruptions
- Rapid outer forearc uplift inboard of the Panama Triple Junction: Burica Peninsula, southern Central America
- Reaction-Specific Slab Fluid Compositional Models
- Reconciling Geodesy and Geology at Subduction Plate Boundaries: Forearc Translation and Orogeny
- Regional Body-wave Tomography Reveals a Linear Deep-seated Low-velocity Zone Beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line
- Regularly Spaced (in time) Seismic Events Originating From Beneath David Glacier in the Transantarctic Mountain Range of Antarctica
- Rethinking the mass budgets of erosive subduction zones: Evidence for coupled outer forearc subsidence and inner forearc shortening
- SHOTPUT: A mission proposal to study composition and origins of small bodies in the outer solar system through fly-by and impactor science
- Seismic Event Locations Beneath Montserrat
- Seismic Velocity Structure of the Island of Montserrat From Reflection/Refraction Tomography
- Shear Velocity Structure of the Cameroon Volcanic Line Region from Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities
- Shear Wave Velocity Structure Of The Bushveld Complex
- Simulating the Initial Dynamics of the 18 May 1980 Mount St.Helens Blast
- Six months later: Testing the Coulomb stress change model by examining calculations made immediately after the 12 May, 2008 Ms=8.0 Wenchuan earthquake
- Solar Evolution and Climate on the Terrestrial Planets
- Source Mechanisms of High-Frequency-Onset Earthquakes Recorded Beneath Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, During SEA-CALIPSO Deployment, Oct-Dec 2007
- Source Mechanisms of Mine-Related Seismicity, Savuka Mine, South Africa
- Spatial Structure in North American Regional Carbon Dioxide Fluxes Evaluated With a Simple Land Surface Model
- Spatio-temporal Variability of Melt Intensity over the Greenland ice sheet from 2000-2005 using coupled MODIS Optical and Thermal Measurements
- Sphagnum's coup de grace: Carbon flow to acetate in northern peatlands
- Statistical Analysis of Climate and Biotic Variability During the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Stochastic Integration of Crosshole Resistivity and Tracer Test Data for Improving Hydrological Predictions
- Strong Velocity Weakening in Fault Gouges: Results from Rock Analogue Experiments
- Structure of the Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Across the Arabian Peninsula
- Surface Melt Magnitude Retrieval Over Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica Using Coupled MODIS Optical and Thermal Satellite Measurements During the 2002-03 Melt Season
- Surface-wave Tomography of East African Rift System using Ambient Seismic Noise
- Teleseismic Imaging of Crustal Structure and Magma Storage Regions Beneath Montserrat
- The Development of the Hayward-Rodgers Creek-Maacama Plate Boundary Fault System
- The Impact of Splay Faults on the Fluid Budgets of Subduction Zones: A Modeling Approach
- The Montserrat Soufriere Hills Explosion of March 2004: Magma Geometry and Incompressibility From Borehole Strain Data
- The Nitrogen Cycle During the Transition to Euxinia
- The Paleoecology of Eocene Nannoplankton and Global Oceanographic Variability During the Early-Middle Eocene
- The Role of Advection on Fault Zone Temperature after an Earthquake: Implications for Rapid Response Drilling
- The critical slip distance for fault zones of finite width
- The effects of fault zone architecture on earthquake triggering
- Time-Dependent Strengthening Rates in Simulated Fault Gouge and Implications for Fault Zone Processes.
- Timing and Magnitude of Upper Crustal Shortening in the Gonghe Basin Region of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Trace Element Mobility During Partial Melting and Metasomatism of an Alkali-Rich Eclogite
- Understanding Vulcanian Explosions at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, using Dilatometer Data
- Unraveling faulting in a complex earthquake sequence in the South Iceland Seismic Zone.
- Upper Plate Deformation in Response to Aseismic Ridge Subduction along a Convergent Margin - the Piano Player Model: Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Visualizing the Seismic Wavefield With EarthScope's Transportable Array
- Volcano-Tectonic History of the Island of Montserrat, West Indies, From Seismic Reflection Profiles
- What Are Students Learning in a Popular Large Enrollment General Education Geoscience Course: Assessment of Learning Strategies
- 3D Structure of Iran and Surrounding Areas From The Simultaneous Inversion of Complementary Geophysical Observations
- A high-resolution record from Svalbard of carbon release during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- A “Mini-CORK” “smart bridge plug” for initial NanTroSEIZE borehole monitoring
- Analysis of Recent Major Outer-Rise Earthquake Rupture Characteristics
- Anisotropic basal roughness beneath upper Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Atmospheric Chemistry on Planets in the Habitable Zone of F, G, K and M Main Sequence Stars (Invited)
- Boron isotope variation in matrix glasses and inclusions from the Skaftar Fires eruption reflects incorporation of altered material in the Icelandic crust
- Ca Isotope Fractionation During Gypsum Precipitation in a Sulfidic Cave
- Calibrating the Lower Cretaceous Time Scale with U-Pb Zircon Ages from the Great Valley Group
- Carbon isotopic exchange between dissolved inorganic and organic carbon
- Conduit dynamics for Vulcanian explosions at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from strainmeter data
- Constraining Formation Models for the Cameroon Volcanic Line Using Broadband Seismic Data
- Constraints on the Exhumation History of the Klamath Mountains Block from Preliminary Thermal Modeling
- Crust and Upper Mantle Shear Wave Structure of Antarctica From Seismic Ambient Noise
- Deciphering the Holocene Duration of a Small Rhone Glacier, Switzerland, using in situ 10Be and 14C (Invited)
- Detailed geochemical analysis of a garnetite vein in eclogite, Ring Mountain, CA
- Detecting pyroxenite in the genesis of Afar plume lavas using Ni concentrations in olivine
- Development of the New Zealand and San Andreas Continental Transforms: From Plate Kinematics to Lithospheric Geodynamics (Invited)
- Downhole Hydrologic Testing in the Kumano Basin and Underlying Sediments: Results from NanTroSEIZE Expedition 319
- Dynamic Stress Stimulates Flow in Fractures
- Effects of Acoustic Waves on Stick—Slip Behavior in Sheared Granular Media With Implications to Dynamic Earthquake Triggering and Slow Slip
- Effects of Kinematic Constraints on Teleseismic Finite-Source Rupture Inversions: Great Peruvian Earthquakes of 23 June 2001 and 15 August 2007
- Examining the Relationship between Surface Melt Magnitude and Outlet Glacier Terminus Changes using coupled MODIS Optical and Thermal Signatures and LANDSAT over Vatnajokull Ice Cap from 2000-2008
- Exploring Lithologic Controls on Solute Transport at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (Invited)
- Extraction and Analysis of Seismic Body Waves from Ambient Noise for Crustal Imaging on Montserrat, with Implications for Temporal Monitoring
- Fabric Induced Weakness of Tectonic Faults
- Fault Zone Strengthening and Tectonic Reactivation (Invited)
- First riser drilling in Scientific Ocean Drilling history, Observatory drilling and casing in the Nankai Trough (IODP Exp 319)
- First time real-time mud gas monitoring during riser drilling in the Kumano Basin (IODP Exp 319)
- Folding Mechanism of a Kilometer-Scale Anticline Inferred from Systematics of Deformed Detrital Phyllosilicate Grains in the Fold Limbs
- Frictional Behaviour of Weak Phyllosilicate-Rich Fault Rocks: Powdered vs. Solid Foliated Samples
- Gaia Through Time: The Coevolution of Life and Climate
- Geochemical Evolution of Miocene Volcanism in Western Anatolia, Turkey Related to Orogenic Collapse
- Geochemical Features of Extensional Mafic Lavas from Sivas, Central Anatolia (Turkey) Reflect Subduction-Related Source Modification
- Geochemically Deduced Mantle Dynamics Beneath the Main Ethiopian Rift. (Invited)
- Geochemistry and age of the Essimingor volcano, northern Tanzania (East Africa)
- Geochemistry of 24 Ma Basalts from Northeast Egypt: Implications for Small-Scale Convection Beneath the East African Rift System
- Geomorphic Response to Crustal Evolution of the Plate Boundary, northern California
- Great Samoa Earthquake (Mw = 8.2) of 29 September 2009
- Helium Isotopic Ratios of Core Samples from IODP Exp. 319 (NanTroSEIZE Stage 2)
- Ice sheets and sea level: interdisciplinary opportunities and integrative imperatives (Invited)
- Imaging Hyporheic Zone Solute Transport Using Electrical Resistivity
- Influence of Stress History on Elastic and Frictional Properties of Core Material from IODP Expeditions 315 and 316, NanTroSEIZE Transect: Implications for the Nankai Trough Accretionary Prism
- Initiation of Magma Fragmentation Leading to Vulcanian Explosions
- Insights to PETM Terrestrial Records from Global Patterns in Carbon Isotope Fractionation by Modern Plants
- Investigating Grounding Zones by RAGEing WISSARDs
- Joint Inversion of P- and S-wave Receiver Functions and Dispersion Velocities in Europe
- Links between tectonism and exhumation in the Spanish Pyrenees: Evidence from apatite fission track analysis and Ar fault dating
- Mapping composition in dust-producing regions: Extending geochemical measurements over large scales with remote sensing
- Meteoric water in normal fault systems: Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic measurements on authigenic phases in brittle fault rocks
- Model-data fusion at scales from site to globe: Uncertainty assessment, network design and multiple data constraints
- Morphodynamics of a Bifurcation on the Wax Lake Delta, LA
- New Quaternary slip-rate estimates for the central Garlock fault in SE California - Evidence for large transient slip-rates
- New experimental insights into the frictional behavior of the San Andreas Fault
- New insights into the electrical properties of ice and permafrost
- Nutrient stoichiometry of temperate trees and effects on the coupled cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and cations in soil
- Oblique Convergence, Slab Trajectories, and the Thermal-deformational Path of Subducting Lithosphere: Implications for Rupture Segmentation (Invited)
- Osmium isotopic evidence for recycled oceanic crust in East African Rift Volcanism
- Outlet Glacier-Ice Shelf-Ocean Interactions: Is the Tail Wagging the Dog?
- Paleoaltimetry from Fossil Leaves: Errors Bigger than Mountains
- Perfect model experiments in cosmogenic exposure dating of moraines
- Plate Motions in South Iceland from Modeling of EGPS
- Poisson’s Ratio of the Upper Crust Beneath Montserrat
- Putting the Younger Dryas Cold Event into Context (Invited)
- Quantifying Heat Flow from a Restless Caldera: Shallow Measurement from a Vapor Dominated Area of the Yellowstone Plateau Volcanic Field
- Reflection Imaging of Deep Structure beneath Montserrat using Microearthquake Sources
- Regional Geochemical Trends in Young Basalts Along the Central Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey
- Regional Upscaling of Eddy Flux Measurements in the Upper Midwest, USA: Influence of Land Cover Heterogeneity and Model Parameterization on Regional Carbon Fluxes
- Responses to Rapid Climate Change: Osmium Isotopic Evidence for Changing Weathering Fluxes in Response to the Paleocene-Eocene Hyperthermal Event
- Seismic Anisotropy Beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line from SKS and SKKS Splitting Analysis
- Seismic Anisotropy of the Antarctic Upper Mantle from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis of POLENET and AGAP Seismograms
- Seismic structure of the Gamburtsev Mountains, East Antarctica and surrounding regions from surface wave tomography
- Shear band formation and poromechanical properties; application to unlithified sand, Humboldt County, CA
- Shear wave velocity structure of the upper mantle beneath southern Africa from Rayleigh wave tomography
- Spatial structure in North American regional CO2 fluxes evaluated with a simple land surface model
- Stability of Soil Carbon Fractions - from molecules to aggregates
- Statistical interpretation of the rate of carbon isotope changes at the onset of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Stress and Pore Pressure Measurement in IODP Riser Drilling: An Example from Expedition 319, Kumano Basin offshore SW Honshu, Japan
- Structural geology of cuttings and cores recovered from below the Kumano forearc basin, Nankai accretionary margin of Japan: Expedition 319 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)
- Structure of the Crust Beneath Cameroon (West Africa) From the Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Group Velocities and Receiver Functions
- Surface Elevation Changes at the Front of the Ross Ice Shelf; Implications for Basal Melting
- Tectonic setting of Cretaceous basins in NE Tibet: Insights from the Jinguum basin
- Tectonic, Lithologic and Climatic Controls on Stream Gradients across the Colorado Plateau and Rocky Mountains
- Teleseimic Analysis of Repeating Events Beneath the Aceh Basin, Northern Sumatra
- Temporal and Spatial Variations in Plate Motion Across a Ridge-Transform Intersection, Northern Iceland
- The 29 September Mw8+ Samoa Earthquake: Tectonic drivers and reactivated detachment faults?
- The biggest control knob: carbon dioxide in Earth’s climate history (Invited)
- The crustal structure of Uganda inferred from joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave group velocities
- The skill of different ocean tracers in reducing uncertainties about projections of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Thermal forcing of ice sheets (Invited)
- Thermochronologic constraints on the development of The East Coast Basin along New Zealand’s Hikurangi Margin
- Topographic signature of Plio-Quaternary contraction in the northeastern Japan forearc
- Uplift of late Quaternary marine terraces in the forearc of the Middle America Trench due to active thrusting inboard of the Panama Triple Junction, Burica Peninsula
- Upper Mantle Seismic Velocity Structure Beneath Eastern Africa and the Origin of Cenozoic Extensional Tectonism (Invited)
- Upper Mantle Structure of the Eastern Africa from Body Wave Tomography
- Using S-wave Receiver Functions to estimate crustal structure beneath ice sheets: an application to the Transantarctic Mountains, the Gamburtsev Mountains, and the East Antarctic Craton
- Using Seismic Anisotropy to Detect Mean Ice Crystal Orientation in the Jakobshavn Glacier
- West Antarctic Ice-core Records of Sea-Ice Variability: A Neural Network Perspective
- geoPebble: Combined Seismic, Acoustic, and GPS Sensor with Wireless Communications for Glaciological Applications
- 2000-2008 GPS measurements of postseismic deformation following the June 2000 earthquakes in South Iceland
- 3D Structure of Iran and Surrounding Areas From The Simultaneous Inversion of Complementary Geophysical Observations
- 3D image of an active magma chamber beneath Montserrat, Lesser Antilles, from first-arrival travel-time tomography (Invited)
- A Distribution-Based Parameterization for Difference Tomographic Imaging of Solute Plumes
- A Geoelectrically-Monitored Tracer Test At The Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) Site In Columbus, Mississippi
- A Laughing Gas Greenhouse for the Proterozoic?
- A comparison of transpressional boundaries: what New Zealand can tell us about tectonics in New Guinea
- An experimental investigation of multiple sulfur isotope fractionations during heterogenous reactions between SO2 and activated carbon
- An experimental study of Li partitioning between olivine and diopside at mantle conditions
- An integrated radar and seismic analysis of basal roughness beneath upper Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Analysis of Repeating Events and Implications for Fault Zone Behavior Beneath the Aceh Basin, Northern Sumatra
- Anatomy of a Plate Boundary at Shallow Crustal Levels: a Composite Section from the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Anisotropy in the western branch of the East African Rift - New shear-wave splitting results
- Beyond Optimality: Risk Management Approaches to Climate Change (Invited)
- Biomarker and molecular isotope approaches to deconvolve the terrestrial carbon isotope record: modern and Eocene calibrations
- Broken foreland basins in the India-Eurasia collision zone and in the central Andes: tectonic, geomorphic and sedimentologic similarities (Invited)
- Calcareous Nannoplankton and Rapid Climate Change: Was High Climate Variability Responsible for Nannofloral Turnover during the PETM and Plio-Pleistocene?
- Carbon addition during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Model inversion of a new, high-resolution carbon isotope record from Svalbard
- Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Pursuant to the Great Oxidation Event: Evidence from the Paleoproterozoic of Fennoscandia
- Comparing slip behavior and hydromechanical properties of fault systems in the Nankai subduction zone
- Connecting the African Superplume to the Anomalous Upper Mantle beneath East Africa and Western Arabia: Results from Adaptively Parameterized P-wave Tomography
- Context Conundrums: Observations and Conceptual Models are Primary Controls on Interpretations of Temporal and Spatial Scales of Stream-Groundwater Interactions (Invited)
- Crustal Structure and Composition of the Congo Craton by P-wave Receiver Function Analysis
- Crustal Structure of the Gamburtsev Mountains, East Antarctica, from S-wave Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities
- Dating metasomatism: U/Pb ages of titanite overgrowth on rutile from the Catalina Schist migmatites, Catalina Island
- Depositional Environments of Late Danian Plant Localities: Chubut Provice, Patagonia, Argentina
- Detection of Seismic Sources Associated with Ice Movement in Antarctica using the AGAP and POLENET Seismic Deployments
- Determining the Importance of Microbial Processes on Gas Composition in Debris-Rich Antarctic Basal Ice Using Isotope Geochemistry
- Developing Regionally Downscaled Probabilistic Climate Change Projections for the Southeast Regional Assessment Project
- Developing Students' Understanding of Complex Systems in the Geosciences (Invited)
- Development of a Four-Element Geophone for Reflection Seismic Profiling on Glaciers
- Development of an arcuate fold-thrust belt as a result of basement configuration: an example from the Rocky Mountain Front Range, Montana
- Did the destruction of methane hydrates cause sudden increases in the atmospheric CO2 level during the Phanerozoic era?
- Diffuse plate boundary and microplate motion: is the Sierra Nevada an independent block?
- Disequilibrium phenocryst textures in an Andean volcanic complex: mixing or rapid decompression?
- Does Electrical Resistivity Imaging mesh with solute transport data obtained from tracer studies in hyporheic zones?
- Does transpiration matter to the hydrogen isotope ratios of leaf wax n-alkanes? (Invited)
- East Antarctic Seismic Anisotropy from Shear-wave Splitting Analysis of AGAP Seismograms
- Effect of Subsidence Styles and Fractional Diffusion Exponents on Depositional Fluvial Profiles
- Effects of Aridity and Vegetation on Plant-wax δD in Modern Lake Sediments
- Evidence for a deep crustal hot zone beneath the Diamante Caldera-Maipo volcanic complex, Southern Volcanic Zone
- Evidence for a diverse microbial community in a 3.46 Ga ocean from ABDP#1 core
- Exhumational and incisional response to active faulting in the Japanese forearc, northeast Honshu
- Extension axes in the Kumano forearc basin from inversion of fault populations mapped in a 3D seismic volume, Nankai Trough, SE Japan
- FAR-DEEP: organic carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of early Paleoproterozoic sediments from Fennoscandia
- Faulting processes during early-stage rifting: seismicity analysis of the 2009-2010 Northern Malawi earthquake sequence
- Foliar Stable Isotope Dynamics in a Closed-Canopy Tropical Forest: Towards a Better Understanding of Terrestrial Productivity in the Past
- Frictional properties of low-angle normal fault gouges and implications for low-angle normal fault slip
- Geochemical Insights Into Multi-Component Mantle Beneath the Anatolian Plate
- Geophysical imaging to inform hyporheic flow and solute transport dynamics in 2- and 3-dimensions (Invited)
- Glacier Seismicity and Basal Sliding: Field Experiments at Engabreen, Norway
- High-resolution grain size analysis and its significance for detecting ocean acidification at the onset of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; 55Ma) (Invited)
- How do relative magnitudes of down- and cross-valley hydraulic gradients vary with flow dynamics? Analysis over daily, storm, and seasonal baseflow recession timescales
- How do storm dynamics change solute transport and transient storage in headwater streams?
- Hydrogeophysical Monitoring of Transport Processes: Are Chemically "Conservative" Tracers Electrically Conservative? (Invited)
- Hyporheic Flow and Heat Transport Within a Bed-to-Bank Transect of a Large Regulated River: Colorado River, Austin, TX
- Ice Front Position, Thinning and Speed Variability of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland (Invited)
- Ice in the Hot Box—What Adaptation Challenges Might We Face? (Invited)
- Ice-core Reconstructions of West Antarctic Sea-Ice Variability: A Neural Network Perspective
- Imaging the rupture of the 27 February 2010 Chile (Mw 8.8) earthquake via backprojection of P, PP, and PKP waves
- Incorporating Real-time Earthquake Information into Large Enrollment Natural Disaster Course Learning
- Insights into the Tectonic Development of the Klamath Mountains Province from Thermal Data and Modeling
- Insights on frictional processes in sheared clastic marine sediments using ultrasonic nondestructive testing
- Inter-Lab Strength and Friction Correlations on SAFOD Samples
- Laboratory Obtained Deformational Properties of Ice as Related to Field Based Observations of Repeating Ruptures Beneath David Glacier, Antarctica
- Land surface model parameterization strategies and North American regional CO2 flux interannual variability examined with a simple land surface model
- Lithospheric S-velocity structure of Antarctica inverted from surface waves
- Long-Lived, Sub-Surface Layers of Toxic Oil in the Deep-Sea: A Molecular Organic and Isotopic Geochemical Approach to Understanding their Nature, Molecular Distribution, Origin and Impact to the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Mapped Submarine Landforms in Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica, Indicate Past Ice Shelf Disintegration and Grounding line Retreat
- Mapping the brittle-ductile transition in shales
- Measurements of seismic attenuation in ice: A potential proxy for englacial temperature?
- Metabolic Strategies in Energy-Limited Microbial Communities in the Anoxic Subsurface (Frasassi Cave System, Italy)
- Molecular analysis of benthic biofilms from acidic coal mine drainage, Pennsylvania, USA
- Multi-Year Periodicity of SOUFRIÈRE Hills Volcano, Montserrat, Replicated by Conduit Plug Formation and Flow Dynamics (Invited)
- Nd-Sr-Hf-Pb Isotopic Evidence for a Mantle Plume Origin for the Mafic Rocks from the Palaeotethyan Karakaya Complex, Turkey
- Nonlinear Dynamical Triggering of Slow-Slip
- Origin of microseisms in equatorial and southern Africa from analysis of broadband arrays
- Origins of hematite and redox-sensitive elements in a 3.46 Ga jasper-basalt sequence in ABDP #1 core from Pilbara, Western Australia
- Paleoseismologic evidence for late Holocene earthquakes on the Southern Panamint Valley fault zone: Implications for earthquake clustering in the Eastern California Shear Zone north of the Garlock fault
- Permeability of the San Andreas Fault Zone at Depth
- Phosphorus Speciation and Phosphate Oxygen Isotope Systematics of Type Euxinic Marine Deposits from Middle Devonian North America
- Quantification of subsurface pore pressure through IODP drilling
- Quantifying pressure solution and lithification: tying elastic moduli measurements to changes in porosity and deformation style in sheared granular aggregates
- Quasi-Periodic Stick-Slip of Glaciers and Ice Streams (Invited)
- Rayleigh wave tomography in the Main Ethiopian Rift using ambient noise
- Receiver functions on ice: crust and mantle properties from POLENET
- Repeating LP events and increases in high-frequency seismic energy preceding the December 1999 eruption of the quiescently active Telica Volcano, Nicaragua
- Resolution and Trade-offs in Finite Fault Inversions for Large Earthquakes Using Teleseismic Signals (Invited)
- Rock uplift and transient landscape development in response to subduction of the Cocos Ridge, Central American Volcanic Arc
- Scale dependant compensational stacking of channelized sedimentary deposits
- Searching for earthquake swarms and aseismic deformation in the Western U.S
- Seismic expression of magma-induced crustal strains and localized fluid pressures during initial eruptive stages, Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat
- Shear wave velocity structure of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa
- Solution composition-dependence of the Ca isotope composition of inorganic calcite
- Stochastic fusion of dynamic hydrological and geophysical data for estimating hydraulic conductivities: insights and observations (Invited)
- Stopping and restarting eruptions - Controls on Periodicity Revealed through Geodetic Imaging (Invited)
- Strain Partitioning Between the Slab and the Upper Plate: Implications for the Deformational Efficiency of Subduction
- Strain localization versus distributed deformation along strike-slip faults in eastern Tibet (Invited)
- Surface Deformation of Eyjafjallajokull Volcano During the 2009-2010 Unrest (Invited)
- Temperature and carbon isotope histories for early Eocene hyperthermals: events linked by a similar causal mechanism? (Invited)
- The 20 March 2008, Mw 7.1, Northern Tibet Normal Faulting Earthquake
- The Ca Isotopic Composition of Dust-Producing Regions
- The bumpy path to grounding-line (in)stability—past, present and future (Invited)
- The crustal structure of East Africa
- Titan2D simulations of dome-collapse pyroclastic flows for crisis assessments on Montserrat
- Toilets and the Smart Grid: A role for history and art in communicating assessed science for Earth—The Operators' Manual
- Trace element mobility during rutile replacement by titanite: Open vs. closed system examples from the Franciscan Complex, CA
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, East Antarctica via Body-Wave Tomography
- Using meteoric 10Be to track soil erosion and transport within a forested watershed, Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, PA
- Using ocean tracers to reduce uncertainties about ocean diapycnal mixing and model projections
- Using the VEPP website in a Master of Education in Earth Sciences course (Invited)
- Variations in the magnitude of non mass dependent sulfur fractionation in the Archean atmosphere
- Vegetation: A natural capacitor for contaminant metals input into the Critical Zone (Invited)
- Wedge deformation and erosional exhumation in the Spanish Pyrenees: erosion rates track deformation
- When is Small Scale Information Important in Determining Large Scale Mineral Dissolution Rates? (Invited)
- "EARTH: The Operators' Manual" - a hybrid model (TV+online+in-person) to effectively communicate climate change science alongside sustainable energy solutions
- A new perspective on Tertiary basin evolution in northeastern Tibet:Evidence for crustal extension during the middle Tertiary
- A statistical and experimental approach for assessing the preservation of plant lipids in soil
- A viscoelastic flowline model applied to tidal forcing of Bindschadler Ice Stream, Antarctica
- An alternative explanation for forearc subsidence along the Northeast Japan "erosive" margin?
- An organic geochemical investigation into lipid distribution at Imperial Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Are molecular and isotopic patterns in modern plants representative of ancient floras? Examples from Paleocene and Eocene floras and sediments in the Bighorn Basin (WY, USA)
- Bayesian Model Averaging of Heterogeneous Climate Model Ensembles
- Bioturbation of forested shale soils by tree throw in the Appalachian Mountains
- Brightness and Polarization of Extrasolar Planet Oceans and Atmospheres
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments Through the Visiting Workshop Program
- Bumps in the long road to flat
- Cocos Ridge Collision as a Driver for Plate Boundary Deformation in the Western Caribbean
- Comparing particle-size distributions in modern and ancient sand-bed rivers
- Conditions for Velocity-Weakening Friction in Cataclastic Fault Rocks
- Constraints on Kunlun and Haiyuan left-lateral strike-slip fault evolution, northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Constraints on in situ stresses in the Nankai Trough, offshore SW Japan from borehole breakouts and laboratory measurements of rock strength
- Constraints on regolith formation and erosion rates at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, PA, determined using meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be
- Constraints on the Magma Plumbing System of Hekla and the Plate Boundary in South Iceland from Geodetic GPS Measurements 2000-2010
- Crustal Modeling in Africa; Towards high Resolution Models using GOCE Satellite Gravity Data
- Crustal structure of the Main Ethiopian rift inferred from ambient noise tomography
- Deformation cycle of the Grímsvötn sub-glacial volcano, Iceland, measured by GPS
- Depth-varying Rupture Properties of Subduction Zone Megathrust Faults
- Developing Empirically-Based Ground Truth Criteria for Varying Geological Complexity using Regional Seismic Networks
- Development of a summer field-based hydrogeology research experience for undergraduates
- Direct Geoelectrical Evidence of Mass Transfer at the Lab scale
- Does Late Miocene Exhumation Along the Western Slope of the Colorado Rockies Reflect Differential Rock Uplift?
- Early evolution of the continental crust, the oxygenated atmosphere and oceans, and the heterogeneous mantle
- East African upper mantle shear wave velocity structure derived from Rayleigh wave tomography
- Education, energy, toilets, and Earth: The Operators' Manual
- Effects of Cocos Ridge Collision on the Western Caribbean: Is there a Panama Block?
- Effects of stress paths on physical properties of sediments at the Nankai Trough subduction zone
- Estimation of air sea heat fluxes and ocean mixing climatology caused by tropical cyclones on basin and annual scale
- Ethics as an Integral Component of Geoengineering Analysis
- Evidence for hydrological changes in far-field seismic waveforms from Whillans Ice Stream fast slip events
- Experimental observations and a mesoscale constitutive model of rocks undergoing stress-driven melt segregation
- Exploring the Spatial Distribution of Excessive Fluid Pressures in the Forearc: A modeling study
- Exploring the worth of geophysical data for characterizing three dimensional transport and heterogeneity in laboratory aquifer experiment
- Frictional properties of olivine at high temperature with applications to the strength and dynamics of the oceanic lithosphere
- Further thoughts on Younger-Dryas-type abrupt climate change
- Geotechnical Testing of Slope Sediments on the Nankai accretionary prism: Implications for Erosion and Unroofing
- Global Carbon Cycle Perturbations and Implications for Arctic Hydrology during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Greenhouse Warming on Early Mars and Extrasolar Planets plus a Critique of the Martian Valley Impact Hypothesis
- High-Temperature Deformation of Enstatite Aggregates
- How did the Tibetan Plateau grow? A view from Eastern Tibet
- How does valley-bottom hydrology control stream-aquifer interactions in a headwater mountain stream?
- Impact of Siberian Trap volcanism on the end-Permian and Early Triassic carbon cycle
- Important Results From Shallow Seismic Observations at the Ancient Hierakonpolis Temple-Town Site in Upper Egypt
- Influence of Topographic Stress on Rock Fracture: a Numerical Model for Arbitrary Surface Topography and Comparison with Borehole Observations
- Insights into the Tectonic Development of the Klamath Mountains Province from (U-Th)/He Data and Other Constraints
- Joint Inversion of P- and S-Wave Receiver Functions and Surface-Wave Dispersion in Africa
- Joint Seismic and Radar Analysis of the Subglacial Environment of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Linking the Fe-, Mo-, and Cr isotope records with the multiple S isotope record of Archean sedimentary rocks
- Microbial activity in debris-rich basal ice; adaption to sub-zero, saline conditions
- Mineralogical Controls of Fault Healing in Natural and Simulated Gouges with Implications for Fault Zone Processes and the Seismic Cycle
- Net Manageable Nitrogen: Definition and Rationale for a New Approach to Nitrogen Management in Moderately Impacted Watersheds
- Nitrogen cycling following The Great Oxidation Event, evidence from the Paleoproterozoic of Fennoscandia.
- North American terrestrial biological carbon fluxes and flux model errors evaluated with a simple land surface model
- Online learning tools in an M.Ed. in Earth Sciences program
- Outlet Glacier-Ice Shelf-Ocean Interactions: Pine Island Glacier in the Amundsen Sea Embayment
- Partitioning deformation in subduction regimes throughout the earthquake cycle
- Physicochemical Processes of Frictional Healing and Lithification: Effects of Normal Stress and Water on Stick-Slip Stress Drop and Friction in Synthetic Fault Gouge
- Pore Network Simulation to Develop Electrical Petrophysical Relations in the Presence of Mass Transfer
- Preparing Future Geoscience Professionals: Needs, Strategies, Programs, and Online Resources
- Quantifying Key Climate Parameter Uncertainties Using an Earth System Model with a Dynamic 3D Ocean
- Regional Modeling of Jakobshavn Glacier: Contribution to SeaRISE Effort
- Regional Modeling of Thwaites Glacier: Dynamic Changes in the Amundsen Sea Embayment
- Relationships between sediment caliber and delta shoreline geometry and stratigraphy
- Seasonal influences on firn layering and bubble trapping, WAIS Divide, West Antarctica
- Seismic Interferometry Applied to SEA-CALIPSO Seismic Recordings: Body and Surface Waves Extraction from Ambient Noise on Montserrat, WI
- Seismic Noise Levels Across Antarctica
- Seismic anisotropy across the east African plateau from shear wave splitting analysis
- Seismology and Satellite Gravity; is There Any Relation?
- Significant along-strike variations in fault gouge thickness, friction coefficient and mineralogy, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Snowball Earth: Skating on Thin Ice?
- Sobol' Variance Decomposition of an Integrated Assessment Model's Global Sensitivities
- Spatial variations in stress from shear-wave splitting analysis at Hekla Volcano, Iceland
- Stability of the Grounding Zone of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Steady-state bedrock river response to tectonic and lithologic variations across active folds at the northwest Himalayan front
- Strain Partitioning in a Propagating Ridge System: Inter and Intra-Ridge Strain Accumulation in South Iceland
- Stream-Groundwater Interactions in Streams Wetting Up and Drying Down
- Streaming Seismograms into Earth-Science Classrooms
- Surface and Subglacial Measurements of a "Spring Event" at Engabreen, Norway
- Surface-Wave Multiple-Event Relocation and Detection of Earthquakes along the Romanche Fracture Zone
- The Mg isotopic composition of marine pore fluids from ODP Site 807A (Ontong Java Plateau): Implications for the Cenozoic Mg chemistry of the ocean
- The Role of Mineral Spatial Distribution in Determining Dissolution Rates
- The Role of Vegetation in the Forms of Tropical Lowland Deltas
- The inflation and deflation episodes in the Krísuvík geothermal area
- The influence of lateral variation in basal elevation and resistance on the retreat of streaming ice
- The mechanical behavior and weakening mechanisms of smectite-rich SAFOD gouge at seismic slip-rates
- The rise of C4 grassland ecosystems, a climate puzzle
- Thin Section Analysis of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core
- Towards a physically plausible upper bound of sea-level projections
- Tracking the Effect of Sea Ice Cover on Microseismic Noise Using Two Seismic Arrays in Antarctica
- Uncertainties and ensembles in global climate models: open issues with model dependence, performance, and robustness (Invited)
- Uncertainty of permeability and specific storage due to experimental error during data acquisition for pulse-transient technique
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains & East Antarctica from Body-Wave Tomography
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Whitmore Mountains, West Antarctic Rift System, and Marie Byrd Land from Body-Wave Tomography
- Using Reactive Transport Modeling to Understand Changes in Electrical Conductivity Associated with Bacterial Growth and Respiration
- Using Regional Moment Tensors to Constrain Earthquake Processes following the 2010 Darfield and 2011 Canterbury New Zealand Earthquake Sequences
- Visualizing how Seismic Waves Propagate Across Seismic Arrays using the IRIS DMS Ground Motion Visualization (GMV) Products and Codes
- What Helps More-Spatial or Temporal Extent of Flux Towers-in Upscaling CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux?
- "Preaching To The Choir" And Empowering The Congregation: Using Facebook And Face Time To Counter Denial
- 3D Lithosphere structure of the Antarctic plate and its implications on the plate evolution
- A Fiery Investigation of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) using Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): Preliminary Results
- A High Resolution Carbon Dioxide Record for the Last Deglaciation from the WAIS Divide Ice Core
- Accumulation-rate history at Siple Dome, West Antarctica, using bubble number-density
- AfricaArray International Geophysics Field School: Applications of Near Surface Geophysics to challenges encountered in mine planning
- Along- and cross-axis variations in crustal rift structure observed in the Main Ethiopian Rift
- Angiosperm n-alkane distribution patterns and the geologic record of C4 grassland evolution
- Bathymetry and geological structures beneath the Ross Ice Shelf at the mouth of Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica, modeled from ground-based gravity measurements
- Bedrock Channel Adjustment to Variations in Tectonics and Lithology at the Himalayan Front in Northwest India
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Biomarker and Carbon Isotope Signals from Leaf to Terrestrial Archive
- Coenzyme F430, quantification and isotope analysis from the Eel River Basin California
- Comparing and Contrasting the Active Component of Subglacial and Supraglacial Microbial Communities Through Transcriptional Analyses
- Comparing previous warm periods using preliminary results from a long ice sheet model run on Greenland
- Competition for Ammonia Structures the Composition of a Hydrothermal Microbial Community
- Constraints on in situ stress across the shallow megasplay fault offshore the Kii Peninsula, SW Japan from borehole breakouts
- Continuous Monitoring of CH4 Emissions from Marcellus Shale Gas Extraction in South West Pennsylvania Using Top Down Methodology
- Controls on upper plate deformation through the earthquake cycle in subduction zones
- Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs): Integrating measurements and models of Earth surface processes to improve prediction of landscape structure, function and evolution
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of Antarctica from Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- Crustal Structure of the Khartoum Basin, Sudan
- Deep Magma Accumulation at Hekla Volcano, Iceland, Insights from Geodetic Data
- Deformation of the Western Caribbean: Insights from Block and Geodynamic Models of Geodetic, Seismic and Geologic Data
- Developing A Large-Scale, Collaborative, Productive Geoscience Education Network
- Distribution of coseismic and aseismic textures of a "baby" fault
- Dynamics of the anoxygenic phototrophic community in meromictic Fayetteville Green Lake (NY) and the associated sedimentary pigment record
- Earth Futures: a General Education Sustainability Course at the Pennsylvania State University
- Effects of temperature and pore fluid chemistry on frictional properties of laboratory fault zones
- Emerging Dependencies and Controls for Carbon Dioxide Stabilization Policies
- Exploring Interactions Between Subduction Zone Earthquakes and Volcanic Activity in the South Central Alaskan Subduction Zone
- Exploring controls on saline tracer movement within the hyporheic zone using finite-element modeling and electrical resistivity
- Factors impacting manganese transport from soils into rivers using data from Shale Hills CZO
- Fault Mechanics and Earthquake Physics: Insights From Laboratory Studies Of Fault Rocks Recovered In Scientific Drilling
- Fault roughness and grain size distribution: the onset of isotropy
- Fracture Patterns within the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Frictional, Hydraulic, and Acoustic Properties of Alpine Fault DFDP-1 Core
- Geologic controls on the motion of Whillans Ice Stream from ground-based geophysical studies during the WISSARD project
- Global nannoplankton dynamics across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: A statistical approach
- Greenhouse Warming of Early Mars with h2 and CO2
- Ground-Based Geophysical Surveys of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream
- Grounding Zone Heterogeneity in West Antarctica
- Hydrogen Escape from early Earth and Mars
- Ice-shelf tidal flexure and subglacial pressure variations
- Incremental strain history of the Taiwan orogenic belt, measured from syntectonic pressure shadows
- Influence of Temperature on Frictional Strength and Healing Properties of Water Saturated Granular Fault Gouges During Dynamic Slip Instabilities
- Insights to fossil and geochemical archives of forest structure from foliar flux, isotopic and biomarker gradients in modern canopies
- Investigating Mantle Structure with Broadband Seismic Arrays in Madagascar and Mozambique
- Investigating controls on calcium isotope ratios in marine carbonates and barite over the Cenozoic
- Investigation of remnant versus active deformation in the lithosphere beneath south Africa from shear-wave splitting
- Kinematic evolution of the Northeast Japan convergent margin and implications for plate boundary dynamics
- Landscape patterns from plant biomarkers across early human habitats (ca. 1.845 Ma)
- Late Cenozoic Colorado River Incision and Implications for Neogene Uplift of the Colorado Rockies
- Late Cenozoic sedimentation in Pilot Knob Valley, California
- Learning about climate sensitivity
- Lithospheric Velocity Structure Along the Dead Sea Transform From the Joint Inversion of P- and S-Wave Receiver Functions and Dispersion Velocities
- Lithospheric structure of the southern African subcontinent from surface wave tomography
- Mantle structure beneath eastern Africa: Evidence for a through going-mantle anomaly and its implications for the origin of Cenozoic tectonism in eastern Africa
- Model Predictions of the Nannoplankton Response to the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Natural and anthropogenic variations in methane sources during the past two millennia
- Nazca - South America Convergence and Motion of the North Andes Block
- Oceanic Plate Boundary Seismicity Offshore of the U.S. Pacific Northwest and Southwestern Canada
- Organic geochemical constraints on paleoelevation
- PBS Plus Facebook: The Old And New Communication Of Climate Science (Please "Like" And "Share" This Abstract)
- Permeability and consolidation behavior of sediments subducting at the Japan Trench: Implications for physical properties in the high slip region of the 2011 Tohuko-Oki earthquake
- Permeability and of the San Andreas Fault core and damage zone from SAFOD drill core
- Plant-derived terpenoids as paleovegetation proxies: evaluation of the proxy with Paleocene and Eocene megafloras and plant biomarkers in the Bighorn Basin, USA
- Predicting glacier evolution: Why additional data is critical
- Probabilistic Projections of Corn Yield Damages in the Eastern United States Due to Climate Change
- Probing the Architecture of the Weathering Zone in a Tropical System in the Rio Icacos Watershed (Puerto Rico) With Drilling and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
- Probing the Isotopic Composition of Surface Waters Across Isotopic Extremes of Cryogenian Carbonates
- Quantification of in situ pore pressure and stress in regions of low frequency earthquakes and anomalously low seismic velocity at the Nankai Trough
- Quantifying the Uncertainty in Climate Sensitivity due to Random Realizations of Unresolved Climate Noise
- REE variation in alkaline mafic lavas across the North Tanzanian Divergence zone, a possible indicator of varying lithospheric thickness
- Reaching Out Beyond The "Usual Suspects" And Traditional Media: Re-Branding Climate Change As A Problem With Feasible Solutions
- Records of transient avulsion-related river patterns in ancient deposits: evidence for different styles of channel-floodplain coupling
- Regional Climate Projections Incorporating Structural, Initial Conditions, and Forcing Scenario Uncertainties
- Rough-crust subduction, upper plate structure, and variable fault behavior at the northern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Scaling property of fault roughness in rocks
- Seasonal variations in aridity and temperature characterize changing climate during the last deglaciation in New Zealand
- Shallow water redox conditions from Permian-Triassic boundary microbialites: The rare earth element and iodine geochemistry of carbonates from Turkey and South China
- Simulation of Clay Mineral Dehydration Along the NanTroSEIZE Transect, SW Japan: Implications for Fault Properties and Fluid Flow
- Source characteristics of a West Antarctic ice stream
- Structural Controls of the Friction Constitutive Properties of Carbonate-bearing Faults
- Structural and functional diversity of microbial communities beneath the hydrothermal vent at the Iheya North field of the Mid-Okinawa Trough (IODP Expedition 331)
- Subduction-driven, long-duration, margin-parallel extension in the Klamath Province, California and Oregon, in mid-Tertiary time
- Surface and Subsurface Fault Displacements from the September 2010 Darfield (Canterbury) Earthquake
- Terrestrial N constraints on the global C cycle: Exploring the potential for reconstruction from isotopic measurements on chlorophyll degradation products in soil
- Test the Ocean Acidification Hypothesis during the End-Permian Mass Extinction Using an Earth System Model
- The 1707 M8.7 Hoei Earthquake Triggered the Largest Historical Eruption of Mt. Fuji
- The Archean kerogen paradox
- The Role of Spatial Distributions of Reactive Minerals and Flow Velocity in Determining Overall Dissolution Rates
- The Role of Survivor Incumbency on the Evolutionary Recovery of Calcareous Nannoplankton from the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) Mass Extinction
- The State of the Ca Isotope Proxy
- The upper mantle shear wave velocity structure of East Africa derived from Rayleigh wave tomography
- Upper mantle phase velocity and shear wave velocity structure beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line region
- Uranium, Ce and Fe(III) enrichments in Archean igneous rocks indicating the early development of the oxygenated atmosphere-ocean-crust system
- Using EarthScope Data to Engage Teachers in Research
- Using Regional Moment Tensors to Constrain the Kinematics and Stress Evolution During the 2010-2012 Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquake Sequence
- Volcanic Outgassing and the Rise of Atmospheric O2
- Weak middle crust beneath central Tibet: constraints from shoreline deformation around Siling Co
- A New Hydrologic-Morphodynamic Model for Regolith Formation and Landscape Evolution
- A potential record of slow slip earthquakes from the Kodiak Accretionary Complex and the role of silica redistribution
- A theoretical and field-based study on the formation and shape of fluvial levees
- Abrupt Climate Change in the Arctic (and Beyond): An Update (Invited)
- Abrupt Climate Change: Overview, and Sea-Level Rise (Invited)
- Acceleration of acoustical emission precursors preceding failure in sheared granular material
- Analysis of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath West Antarctica using P-wave receiver functions
- Bacterial growth in a simulated Martian subsurface environment
- Basal conditions and ice dynamics inferred from radar-derived internal stratigraphy of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream
- Cenozoic extension, volcanism and plateau uplift in eastern Africa and the African Superplume
- Characterizing the effect of initial conditions uncertainty on climate projections
- Constraining Key Ice-Sheet Uncertainties Using Total Mass Balance Observations
- Constraining the Static Deformation Process of the Great 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Using High Rate GPS
- Constraints on the Late Holocene Anthropogenic Contribution to the Atmospheric Methane Budget
- Could Ocean Acidification Have Caused the End-Permian Mass Extinction? - An Earth System Model Evaluation
- Cross-CZO Contrasts: Aspect Controls and Critical Zone Architecture
- Deformation of Northwestern South America from GPS Geodesy
- Dependence of the time scale of the Greenland Ice Sheet's response to imposed temperature change
- Depth variation of upper mantle seismic discontinuities in the region of the Tonga subduction zone
- Depth-dependent frictional properties of natural and simulated subduction megathrust fault gouges
- Dynamics of the methane profile through the water column of meromictic Fayetteville Green Lake, N.Y
- Effects of magma and conduit conditions on transitions between effusive and explosive activity: a numerical modeling approach
- Electrical Potentials Observed During Frictional Stick-Slip - A Semiconductor Mechanism
- Elucidating the controls on the Mg isotopic composition of marine pore fluids
- Engaging Both Teachers and Students in Current Slow Slip GPS Data Research
- Environmental and biosynthetic influences on carbon and hydrogen isotope ratios of leaf wax n-alkanes
- Evidence for particle mobilization as a mechanism for permeability enhancement via dynamic stressing
- Evolution of Stiffness and Permeability in Fractures Subject to - and Mechanically-Activated Dissolution
- Experimental and Analytical Evaluation of Stressing-Rate State Evolution in Rate-State Friction Laws
- Fault Friction and Physics: Lessons from SAFOD (Invited)
- Fluid Budgets Along the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand: the Effect of a Subducting Seamount on Fluid Pressure
- Fossil Leaves and Fossil Leaf n-Alkanes: Reconstructing the First Closed Canopied Rainforests
- Geologic controls on fracture distributions within the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Geomorphic mapping of floodplain accessory channels with implications for floodplain morphodynamics
- Geoscience and the 21st Century Workforce
- Going Steady: Using multiple isotopes to test the steady-state assumption at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (Invited)
- Grounding line control of rupture initiation and propagation during Whillans Ice Stream slip events (Invited)
- High lake levels at Siling Co, central Tibet, during MIS 5e - 6
- High-frequency Seismic Signals in Antarctica Triggered by the 2010 Mw8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake
- Ice sheet (de)stabilization via grounding zone processes (Invited)
- Ice-sheet driven enhancement of geothermal flux: preliminary model results
- In-situ creation of internal layer folds in radio-echo sounding data of ice sheets from variable basal conditions
- Influence of Protolith Composition and Sliding Velocity on the Microfabric of Fault Gouge: Experimental Results
- Influence of landscape disturbance patterns on modeled carbon fluxes and associated uncertainty
- Internal structure of the shallow Japan Trench décollement: insights into the long-term evolution of the margin and coseismic slip processes
- Interpretation of a leak-off test conducted near the bottom of the Kumano Forearc Basin strata at IODP Site C0002 in the Nankai accretionary complex, SW Japan
- Investigating the effect of hydrothermal conditions on the subvent biosphere of the Okinawa backarc basin
- Key variables influencing patterns of lava dome growth and collapse
- Long Term Observations of Subsurface Pore Pressure in the Kumano Basin and Upper Accretionary Wedge along the NanTroSIEZE Transect, offshore Japan: Signals from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Magmatic Conduit Metallogenic System - A New Model for the Origin of Ore-deposits
- Microbial communities of the Costa Rica Margin: contamination controls and community analysis
- Mineral Spatial Distribution in Determining Rates: When does it matter?
- Mineralogical Mapping of the Banded Iron Formations using Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Spectroscopy and micro-Raman Spectroscopy
- Oceanic anoxic events: remarkable in their occurrence or their absence? (Invited)
- On the influence of strain rate in acousto-elasticity : experimental results for Berea sandstone
- Origin of the 'dike-like' structure and transitions in eruptive styles at Colton Crater, northern Arizona: San Francisco Volcanic Field REU
- Paleomagnetic records of core samples of the plate-boundary thrust drilled during the IODP Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST)
- Physical properties and Consolidation behavior of sediments from the N. Japan subduction zone
- Preliminary Results for Crustal Structure in Southeastern Africa from P-wave Receiver Functions
- Quantifying the signature of the industrial revolution from Pb and Cd isotopes in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Quarzt Fabric Insights Across a Low P-High T Shear Zone
- Receiver function analysis and preliminary body wave tomography of the MACOMO network in Madagascar
- Reconciling Pre- and Co-Seismic Deformation at Megathrusts: Tohoku Informing Cascadia
- Reduced Aftershock Productivity in Regions with Known Slow Slip Events
- Response to long-period seismic waves recorded by broadband seismometer and pore pressure sensor at IODP Site C0002, Nankai Trough
- Short-term seismic quiescence immediately preceding explosions during the 2011 eruption of Telica Volcano, Nicaragua
- Simultaneous Inversion of Receiver Functions, Surface-wave Dispersion, and Gravity observations for Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Central United States
- Strain Accumulation and Release in the South Iceland Seismic Zone (Invited)
- Subduction-Zone Metamorphic Pathway for Deep Carbon Cycling: Evidence from the Italian Alps and the Tianshan
- Tag team tectonics: mantle upwelling and lithospheric heterogeneity ally to rift continents (Invited)
- The Greenland melt event 2012 recovered with GRACE
- The origin of summertime crust and surface hoar formation at the WAIS Divide site, West Antarctica
- Three dimensional crust and upper mantle velocity structure of Antarctica from seismic noise correlation (Invited)
- Three-dimensional shear velocity structure of the African lithosphere from Rayleigh wave tomography
- Triggered Aseismic Slip Adjacent to the 6 February 2013 Mw 8.0 Santa Cruz Islands Megathrust Earthquake
- Upper mantle velocity structure beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line region and implications for the formation of mantle hot lines
- Using C and S isotopes to elucidate carbonic versus sulfuric acid reaction pathways during shale weathering in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Water-Organic-Rock Reactions Recorded in Pores in Shales from the Marcellus and Rose Hill Formations (Invited)
- Wetland plant waxes from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- What Can You Learn From A Million Receiver Functions?
- Why 'Science + Solutions' Is An Effective & Essential Climate Communications Strategy (Invited)
- Accreting Planets in the Habitable Zones of M-Stars Are Too Hot to Retain Liquid Water
- Carbon and hydrogen isotope composition of plant biomarkers as proxies for precipitation changes across Heinrich Events in the subtropics
- Carbon isotopes of plant biomarkers record past changes in the carbon cycle, but separating signal from noise is key to reducing uncertainties
- Detecting Small Earthquakes on Remote Oceanic Transform Faults
- Full-Waveform Validation of a 3D Seismic Model for Western US
- Hillslope response to differences in aspect-related microclimate
- Investigation of SMOS Sea Ice Thickness Retrieval with respect to the Ice Temperature Gradient within an Ice Layer
- Joint Inversion of Seismic and Gravity Data for Velocity Structure and Hypocentral Locations of the Colombian Subduction Zone
- Remote Imaging of Earthquake Characteristics Along Oceanic Transforms
- Role of Silica Redistribution in the Rate-State Behavior of Megathrusts: Field Observations and Experimental Results
- Simultaneous Inversion of Receiver Functions, Surface-wave Dispersion, and Gravity Observations for Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Central and Eastern United States
- Some conifer clades contribute substantial amounts of leaf waxes to sedimentary archives
- Stochastic Monte-Carlo Markov Chain Inversions on Models Regionalized Using Receiver Functions
- The Complex Physical-Chemical Interaction of Fracking Fluids with Gas Shale
- The Influence of the Soil Water Balance Within Catchment Hillslopes on Runoff Variability and Fluvial Incision
- Using Low Cost Environmental Sensors in Geoscience Education
- Using shallow seismic tomography to characterize patterns of near-surface weathering and the mobile-immobile regolith transition: Implications for the erodibility and morphology of hillslopes.
- Coupling of Activity at Neighbouring Volcanoes in Iceland: Ground Deformation and Activity at the Bárðarbunga-Tungnafellsjökull and Eyjafjallajökull-Katla Volcano Pairs
- Crustal and Uppermantle Velocity Structure of Greenland from Ambient Noise and Earthquake Surface Wave Tomography
- Deformation derived from GPS geodesy associated with Bárðabunga 2014 rifting event in Iceland
- Detecting and Locating Small Earthquakes Along Remote Oceanic Transform Faults
- Determining the Total Volume of the 2.05 Ga Bushveld Magmatic Event: Correlation of the Molopo Farms Complex, Botswana
- East Asia Regionalization Based on Receiver Functions
- Englacial Structures as Indicators of the Controls on Ice Flow
- External forcing modulates Pine Island Glacier flow
- Flow Dynamics and Stability of the NE Greenland Ice Stream from Active Seismics and Radar
- Fracture density and grain size controls on the relief structure of threshold landscapes
- Greenland Flow Dynamics: (De)coding Process Understanding
- Grounding Zones, Subglacial Lakes, and Dynamics of an Antarctic Ice Stream: The WISSARD Glaciological Experiment
- Large Earthquake Potential in the Southeast Caribbean
- Magma-tectonic interactions in Kīlauea's Southwest Rift Zone in 2006 through coupled geodetic/seismological analysis
- Prolific Sources of Icequakes: The Mulock and Skelton Glaciers, Antarctica
- Quantifying Multi-Objective Tradeoffs under Deep Uncertainty in the Design of Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Strategies
- Relative earthquake location for remote offshore and tectonically active continental regions using surface waves
- Simultaneous Inversion of Interpolated Receiver Functions, Surface-wave Dispersion, and Gravity Observations for Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Eastern United States
- Subhorizontal stretching, oblique collision, and landscape evolution in the Central Range of Taiwan
- The northeast Japan margin: an example of slow accretion rather than tectonic erosion?
- Upper-Crustal Structures Beneath Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica and their Influence on Ice Dynamics
- 3-D Surface Deformation Model from Sub-pixel Correlation of Optical Imagery and InSAR
- A New Digital Elevation Model for Hercules Dome, Antarctica from CryoSat-2 Altimetry - Toward Site Selection for the Next Antarctic Deep Ice Core
- Alkalinity-salinity relationship in the Chesapeake Bay
- Anisotropy in P and S-wave velocities in exhumed metasediments from the Aleutian Megathrust: Implications for the interpretation of low velocity zones
- Changes in physical properties of the Nankai Trough megasplay fault induced by earthquakes, detected by continuous pressure monitoring
- Characteristics and habitat of deep vs. shallow slow slip events
- Characterizing Subsurface Lithology and Hydrological Processes at the Susquehanna Shale Hills CZO Using Multi-scale Near-surface Geophysical Measurements
- Characterizing reach-scale flow resistance in mountain streams using structure-from-motion surveys and computational fluid dynamics simulation
- Climate Cycling on Early Mars Caused by the Carbonate-Silicate Cycle
- Colluvial signatures of Pleistocene sediment production in central Pennsylvania
- Computer-Aided Discovery Tools for Volcano Deformation Studies with InSAR and GPS
- Coupling Fluid Flow and Mechanics of the Hikurangi Subduction Zone Through Numerical Modeling
- Critically Tapered Wedges and Critical State Soil Mechanics: Porosity-based Pressure Prediction in the Nankai Accretionary Prism.
- Direct Observations of In Situ Stress State in a 3 Kilometer Deep Borehole in the Upper Plate, Nankai Trough Subduction Zone: IODP Site C0002
- Electrical Resistivity Imaging is Consistent with Shallow Interflow Within the Garner Run Subcatchment of the Susquehanna Shale Hills Czo
- Engaging Diverse Students Through International Collaboration and Professional Preparation
- Evaluating Metrics of Drainage Divide Mobility
- Evaluating the Role of Divide Migration in Landscape Evolution: Analysis of Response Timescales
- Evaluating the effect of lithology on porosity development in ridgetops in the Appalachian Piedmont
- Extremophiles in Household Water Heaters
- First System-Wide Estimates of Air-Water Exchange of Carbon Dioxide in the Chesapeake Bay
- Forecasting volcanic explosions based on seismic quiescence
- Forward Modeling of Receiver Functions to Determine Crustal Structure of the Eastern Limb in TheBushveld Complex, South Africa
- Geochemistry and mineralogy of mafic Icelandic hyaloclastites
- High Resolution Shear-Wave Velocity Structure of Greenland from Surface Wave Analysis
- Hydrology-driven forcing of margin location of the NE Greenland Ice Stream
- Integrated geophysical study to understand the architecture of the deep critical zone in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory (Puerto Rico
- Interactive Visualizations of Complex Seismic Data and Models
- International postseismic response after the Mw=7.8 April 16, 2016 Pedernales Earthquake in Ecuador
- Investigating the material strength dependence of unstressed frictional aging
- Investigating the mechanisms of shale porosity development to understand hydrologic controls on hillslope scale weathering in a comparison across CZOs
- Iron Isotope Fractionation in the Bushveld Igneous Complex Provide Insight into Fractional Crystallization
- Isotopic constraints on the age of fluid migration and faulting in the deep Nankai accretionary prism at IODP Site C0002
- Limit cycles at the outer edge of the habitable zone
- Links Between Clay Dehydration and Plate Boundary Earthquakes Along the Costa Rica Subduction Megathrust
- Magmatic fluid processes revealed by a joint analysis of seismic and InSAR data in an early continental rift
- Mantle wedge serpentinisation in a cold subduction setting: implications for slow-slip, subsidence, and large, negative, gravity anomalies
- Measuring the Seismic and Acoustic Time of Flight - Lessons in Earthquakes and Thunder
- Mechanics of fold-and-thrust belt systems based on geomechanical modeling
- Methane-related metabolisms of deep-sea sediments captured with a colonization experiment.
- Micro-Scale Sulfur and Carbon Isotope Analysis of a Neoarchean Stromatolite: Evidence for a Profound Redox Transition in Shelf Margins prior to the Great Oxidation Event
- Microclimate Controls on the Evolution of Critical Zone Architecture in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Modeling of February 1993 Intrusion Seen by JERS-1 Satellite, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Multidisciplinary Studies of the 2015-2016 Eruption of Momotombo Volcano, Nicaragua
- Multiple Sulfur Isotopes In The Molopo Farms Complex May Shed Light On Mechanisms Of Mineralization In The Bushveld Igneous Complex
- Near-field observations of an offshore Mw 6.0 subduction thrust earthquake from an integrated seafloor and sub-seafloor borehole monitoring network at the Nankai Trough
- No Evidence for Connectivity between the Bushveld Igneous Complex and the Molopo Farms Complex from Forward Modeling of Receiver Functions
- Noble Gases Trace Earth's Subducted Water Flux
- Origin of Andesites at Hasandağ, Central Anatolia: Timescales of Magma Mixing and Eruption
- Physical properties and fluids along the Aleutian Megathrust: Insights from the integration of laboratory experiments and regional geophysical surveys
- Poro-elastic Properties of Whillan's Ice Stream Till: Implications for Basal Stick-Slip
- Post-Delamination Magmatism at the Hasandag Cinder Cone Province, Central Anatolia
- Predicting Failure Under Laboratory Conditions: Learning the Physics of Slow Frictional Slip and Dynamic Failure
- Quantifying the spatial variability in critical zone architecture through surface mapping and near-surface geophysics
- Rain Microphysics Uncertainty Quantification and Development of a Polarimetric Radar Forward Simulator for the Bayesian Observationally-constrained Statistical-physical Scheme (BOSS)
- Relative Earthquake Locations Using Surface Waves in Continental Regions
- Repeating and triggered slow slip events in the near-trench region of the Nankai Trough detected by borehole observatories
- Scaly fabrics and veins of the Mugi and Makimine mélanges in the Shimanto belt, SW Japan
- Seafloor alteration, oxygen isotopes and climate
- Sediment consolidation at the Cascadia margin deformation front and its impact on megathrust slip behavior
- Seismic Velocity Structure Beneath the Eastern United States and Northern Mississippi Embayment
- Seismic imaging all along the Alaska subduction megathrust
- Seismic signals from the slab surface within and downdip of the thrust zone: blind men and the elephant?
- Sequence of slow slip events and low frequency earthquakes in the shallow part of the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone observed by seafloor observation network.
- Shallow observatory installations unravel earthquake processes in the Nankai accretionary complex (IODP Expedition 365)
- Surface Features Parameterization and Equivalent Roughness Height Estimation of a Real Subglacial Conduit in the Arctic
- The 100th Meridian Climate Divide & Its Present and Future Impact on the Human Geography of the American Great Plains
- The Relationship between Elastic Properties and Shear Fabric in Clay-Rich Fault Gouge
- The Response of Phanerozoic Surface Temperature to Variations in Atmospheric Oxygen Concentration
- Towards Decadal Hindcasts of Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers, West Antarctica
- Trace Elements in the Dullstroom Volcanics Provide Insight for the Origin of the Bushveld Igneous Complex
- Transient Permeability Enhancement via Dynamic Stressing: The Role of Shear Displacement
- Upper-crustal structures in Byrd Subglacial Basin, West Antarctica, revealed by ground-based and airborne geophysical data
- Using Stream Chemistry Measurements by Scientists and Nonscientists to Assess Leakage from Oil and Gas Wells in Pennsylvania
- Using multi-scale remote sensing techniques to quantify hillslope channel coupling in bedrock landscapes
- Using polarimetric radar observations and probabilistic inference to develop the Bayesian Observationally-constrained Statistical-physical Scheme (BOSS), a novel microphysical parameterization framework
- A Moment-Based Polarimetric Radar Forward Operator for Rain Microphysics
- A generalized drop size distribution normalization method for bulk microphysics schemes
- Airborne Characterization of Local CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions and Variability over CONUS during ACT-America
- Applying Data Mining Techniques to Chemical Analyses of Pre-drill Groundwater Samples within the Marcellus Formation Shale Play in Bradford County, Pennsylvania
- Assessing uncertainties in gridded emissions: A case study for fossil fuel carbon dioxide (FFCO2) emission data
- Assessment of MFLL column CO<SUB>2</SUB> measurements obtained during the ACT-America field campaigns
- Bed Conditions at WAIS Divide, West Antarctica, and Implications for Ice Sheet Stability
- Biomarkers and their stable isotopes in Cenozoic sediments above the Chicxulub impact crater
- Characterizing Slow Slip Applying Machine Learning
- Clustering P-Wave Receiver Functions To Constrain Subsurface Seismic Structure
- Column-Integrated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations Measured by MFLL During ACT-America Flight Campaigns
- Constraints on the Crustal Structure of the Malawi Rift from Far Offset Lacustrine Refraction Data
- Controls on the slope and relief of headwater channels in steep landscapes: Field constraints from the San Gabriel and San Jacinto Mountains, CA
- Down and Out at Pacaya Volcano: A Glimpse of Magma Storage and Diking as Interpreted From GPS Geodesy
- Dynamics of fault slip near the stability transition combining laboratory and numerical experiments
- Evidence for Strong Controls from Preexisting Structures on Border Fault Development and Basin Evolution in the Malawi Rift from 3D Lacustrine Refraction Data
- Exsolution lamellae as fast diffusion pathways in rutile: implications for U-Pb thermochronology and Zr thermometry
- Fault creep and strain partitioning in Trinidad-Tobago: Geodetic measurements, models, and origin of creep
- Frictional Behavior of Altered Basement Approaching the Nankai Trough
- Frictional properties of relic fore arc metasediments from Kodiak Island, AK: Implications for slip in the upper accretionary prism
- Frictional properties of the Nankai frontal thrust explain recurring shallow slow slip events
- Frictional response of simulated faults to normal stresses perturbations probed with ultrasonic waves
- Full Waveform Adjoint Seismic Tomography of the Antarctic Plate
- Grain scale observations of stick-slip dynamics in fluid saturated granular fault gouge
- Impacts of floodplain restoration on nitrogen transformation pathways on the Cosumnes River, California
- Intensity Modulation Techniques for Continuous-Wave Lidar for Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements
- Inter-annual variability and trend detection of urban CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO emissions
- Intraplate Earthquakes and Deformation within the East Antarctic Craton
- Investigations of greenhouse gas variability across frontal structures in the lower troposphere during winter: Findings from the ACT - America Winter 2017 Campaign
- Lithospheric Structure of Greenland from Ambient Noise and Earthquake Surface Wave Tomography
- Lithospheric drip magmatism and magma-assisted rifting: a case study in the Western Rift, East Africa
- Machine Learning of Fault Friction
- Mantle Noble Gas Contents Controlled by Serpentinite Subduction
- Mantle Noble Gas Contents Controlled by Subduction of Serpentinite
- Measuring Paleolandscape Relief in Alluvial River Systems from the Stratigraphic Record
- Mechanical behavior in the Nankai inner accretionary prism, IODP Site C0002
- Methane Emissions Estimation from a Dairy Farm using Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Microseismicity along major Ross Ice Shelf rift resulting from thermal contraction of the near-surface firn layer
- Multi-scale geophysical study to model the distribution and development of fractures in relation to the knickpoint in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory (Puerto Rico)
- Multi-species constraint of anthropogenic and biogenic processes over North America during ACT-America summer 2016 and winter 2017 aircraft campaigns
- Near-surface elastic changes in the Ross Ice Shelf arising from transient storm and melt forcing observed with high-frequency ambient seismic noise
- Normal-Faulting in Madagascar: Another Round of Continental Rifting?
- Numerical Investigation of Dewatering and Fluid Pressure in the Western Nankai Subduction Zone: Implications of Lithostratigraphic Controls
- Ocean Wave-to-Ice Energy Transfer Determined from Seafloor Pressure and Ice Shelf Seismic Observations
- Overview of Lidar Contributions to the Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America (ACT-America) Program
- Photogrammetric Analysis of Changes in Crater Morphology at Telica Volcano, Nicaragua from 1994 to 2016
- Polarization Analysis of Ambient Seismic Noise Green's Functions for Monitoring Glacial State
- Porosity evolution during weathering of Marcellus shale
- Progress toward improving regional atmospheric inversions using airborne measurements: Results from ACT-America
- Qualitatively Modeling solute fate and transport across scales in an agricultural catchment with diverse lithology
- Quantifying global fossil-fuel CO2 emissions: from OCO-2 to optimal observing designs
- Quantifying methane emissions from coal and natural gas sources along the northwestern Appalachian
- Quantifying the imprint of mesoscale and synoptic-scale atmospheric transport on total column carbon dioxide measurements
- Rates of mantle cooling and exhumation during rifting constrained by REE-in-pyroxene speedometry
- Recycling and recharge processes at the Hasandağ Stratovolcano, Central Anatolia: Insights on magma chamber systematics from plagioclase textures and zoning patterns
- Relation Between the Molopo Farms and Bushveld Complexes: An Analysis of Pyroxene Exsolution Lamellae
- Scaly fabrics and veins of tectonic mélanges in the Shimanto Belt, SW Japan
- Seismic Structure of the Antarctic Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Unearthed by Full Waveform Adjoint Tomography
- Seismic and thermal structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Antarctica from inversion of multiple seismic datasets
- Simulating Groundwater Dynamics across the Contiguous United States Using MODFLOW-OWHM
- Simulating Ice Dynamics in the Amundsen Sea Sector
- Slip behaviour of experimental faults subjected to fluid pressure stimulation: carbonates vs. shales
- Stationarity: Insights toward Determining a Sonic Anemometer's Coordinate System
- Structural and parameteric uncertainty quantification in cloud microphysics parameterization schemes
- Surface-Wave Relocation of Remote Continental Earthquakes
- The Effect of Experimental Weathering on the Multiscale Pore Structure of Granites: A (U)SANS, Imaging Analysis
- The Effects of Shear Strain, Fabric, and Porosity Evolution on Elastic and Mechanical Properties of Clay-Rich Fault Gouge
- The Evolution of Porosity During Weathering of Serpentinite and the Creation of Thin Regolith in the Appalachian Piedmont
- The North American Energy System: Chapter 3 of SOCCR-2
- The Post-Earthquake Stress State on the Tohoku Megathrust as Constrained by Reanalysis of the JFAST Breakout Data
- The evolution of the Gutenberg-Richter, b-value, throughout periodic and aperiodic stick-slip cycles
- The interaction of the flux errors and transport errors in modeled atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations
- The recent seismicity of Teide volcano, Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain)
- The use of fair-weather cases from the ACT-America Summer 2016 field campaign to better constrain regional biogenic CO2 surface fluxes
- Toward a Multi-City Framework for Urban GHG Estimation in the United States: Methods, Uncertainties, and Future Goals
- Trace elements in garnet reveal multiple fluid pulses in eclogite, Ring Mountain, CA
- Transport of CO<SUB>2</SUB> by Summer Weather Systems in Mid-latitudes
- Understanding controls of hydrologic processes across two headwater monolithological catchments using model-data synthesis
- Upper mantle structure beneath the northern part of the East African Plateau using data from the NE Uganda temporary seismic network
- Using a spatially-distributed hydrologic biogeochemistry model with nitrogen transport to study the spatial variation of carbon stocks and fluxes in a Critical Zone Observatory
- Validation of OCO-2 Small-Scale Variability Using Lidar and In-situ Observations from ACT-America Campaigns
- A New Harmonized Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Data Product and its Applications
- A Quantitative Model of the Global Rare Earth Element Cycle and Implications for Variability in the REE Composition of Ancient Oceans
- A multi-year gridded data product of surface biogenic carbon fluxes for North America: Evaluation and analysis of results
- A time-series analysis software package (Acycle) for paleoclimate research and education
- Across the Great Divide: The Flow-to-Fracture Transition and the Future of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Adapting a commercial Quantum Cascade Laser Spectrometer for simultaneous airborne observation of several greenhouse gases
- Airborne CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emission Estimates Sensitivity to Regional Background at Indianapolis with the Assistance of WRF-Chem Model
- Airborne CO2 Lidar Measurements during ACT-America 2016-2017 Field Campaigns
- Alkenones in Pleistocene sediments from Lake Olduvai, Tanzania
- Atmospheric Carbon and Transport (ACT) - America: A multi-year airborne mission to study fluxes and transport of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> across the eastern United States
- Broadband seismic response of the Ross Ice Shelf to tidal forcing observed by stations near grounded ice margins
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dynamical Downscaling in 2016 over the contiguous United States using WRF-VPRM, a weather-biosphere-online-coupled model
- Calibration and Identification of Agent-Based Models for Flood Impacts
- Carbon Deposition and Burial in Estuarine Sediments of the Contiguous United States.
- Cenozoic mafic volcanism in NW Saudi Arabia: geochemical and petrological evidence for interaction between peridotite and metasomatic fluids
- Changes in Crater Morphology at Telica Volcano through Differencing of Point Clouds: Insights into Triggering Vulcanian Explosions
- Changes in Photosynthetic Microbial Communities in a 'Pink' Soda Bay in the Chicxulub Crater after the K/Pg Extinction
- Chapter 4: Urban Systems
- Characterizing CO<SUB>2</SUB> Transport Errors for Regional Inversions Using a Coupled Carbon-Atmospheric Data Assimilation System
- Chemical vs physical influences on weathering at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone: Preliminary Results from a 3D seismic imaging experiment
- Climatic Thresholds for Widespread Ice Shelf Hydrofracturing and Ice Cliff Calving In Antarctica: Implications for Future Sea Level Rise
- Co-precipitation of calcite and sulfur at depth signifies biotic activity at the onset of weathering in crystalline rocks from temperate climates
- Combined Lidar Measurements of Methane, Aerosols, and Planetary Boundary Layer Heights over Urban and Rural Environments with the NASA High Altitude Lidar Observatory
- Concurrent subduction and exhumation of high-pressure rocks: a case study from the Western Alps
- Constraints on Ridge-to-Valley Critical Zone Structure from the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Constraints on the Lithospheric Structure and Tectonic Evolution of Greenland from Surface Wave Tomography
- Continental Scale Patterns of Seismic Anisotropy from more than a Decade of Shear Wave Splitting Measurements in Antarctica
- Continued Evaluation of OCO-2 Small-Scale Variability Using Lidar and In Situ CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations from the ACT-America Campaign
- Coupled Assessment of Elastic and Hydraulic Properties of Fractured Rock
- Declining Alkalinity Sink in the Potomac River Estuary
- Defining the Importance of Upland Landscapes Using Critical Zone and Other Similar Observatories
- Deformation Behavior of Persistently Restless Telica Volcano, Nicaragua, during Unrest in 2015
- Density Functional Theory Predictions of Intramolecular Isotope Fractionation of Organic Molecules due to Sorption to Mineral Surfaces.
- Determination of XCO<SUB>2</SUB>Concentrations from Airborne Lidar Measurements During ACT-America
- Diffusion (dis)equilibration of Cr-spinels and Fo-rich olivines at the Red Sea - Dead Sea Transform
- Does topography along the Cascadia forearc reflect permanent deformation of North America?
- Dynamic earthquake triggering promoted by system criticality at Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos Islands
- Dynamics of Explosive PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Growth Events in Beijing
- Elastic moduli and physical properties of fault rock and protolith associated with SSEs at the Northern Hikurangi margin, NZ
- Enhanced lithospheric mantle thinning in the melt-poor Malawi Rift
- Establishing a baseline of the annual variability of pteropod shell thickness in the Cariaco Basin
- Estuarine Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux from Space: with Application to Chesapeake and Delaware Bays
- Evaluating the Origin of Pyroxenite Xenoliths in the East African Rift System via Re-Os Isotopes and Highly-Siderophile Elements
- Evaluation of methods for selecting climate models from a large ensemble to simulate future hydrological change
- Evaluations of modeled ABL depth and boundary layer wind over Indianapolis, IN
- Evidence for globally enhanced microbial activity during the immediate aftermath of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary impact
- Expanded record of East African Pleistocene orbital pacing from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- Expression of rock strength in the morphology, bedrock exposure, and erosion rate of steep hillslopes in southern California, USA
- Feedback Between Dike Intrusions, Opening in the Deep Rift Zones, and Flank Motion, Suggested by the Numerical Modeling of Geodetic Data Spanning 1993-1997 at Kilauea Volcano
- Field and Laboratory Investigations of Bio-induced Calcium-carbonate Precipitation Mechanisms at the Origin of Whiting Events
- Fire Distinguishers: Molecular and isotopic tools for identifying grassland burning in deep time
- Fire dynamics following the K/Pg mass extinction informed by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and stable isotopes
- Frontal Gradients of CO2 as sampled by ACT-America Flights and a Box Model
- Full moment tensors of caldera earthquakes during the 2018 eruption of Sierra Negra, Galápagos
- Geochemical and Genomic Characterization of a Microbially-Mediated Dynamic Sulfur Cycle in Santa Paula Creek, CA
- Grid-resolution dependence of meridional decomposition of CO<SUB>2 </SUB>transport during cold front passages
- Ground Deformation associated with the 2018 eruption of Sierra Negra volcano and the source mechanism of the initial M5.3 earthquake
- High resolution UAV surveys of bedrock rivers in Taiwan reveal connections between lithology, structure, and channel morphology
- Horizontal Patterns of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations in Global Inversion Models, as Evaluated Against ACT-America Aircraft Data
- How are Sediments Incorporated Into Lower Continental Crust? A Monazite-based P-T-t Investigation of the Ivrea Zone
- Ice Cliffs: A Region Primed for Enhanced Flow or Failure?
- Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM) studies of controls on stability of Thwaites and Pine Island Glaciers, West Antarctica
- Ice shelf shear margins and sub-ice-shelf channels: Investigating stability impacts on Pine Island Glacier
- Impacts of Tropical and Extratropical Diabatic Heating on Stationary Wave Forcing and Arctic Warming
- Implications of jet stream and monsoon flow patterns on regional atmospheric inversions of CO<SUB>2 </SUB>fluxes over North America
- Improving biospheric models of net ecosystem exchange in the eastern U.S. to inform top-down anthropogenic CO<SUB>2 </SUB>emission estimates during the growing season in the DC/ Baltimore metropolitan area
- InSAR Time Series Analysis and 3D Mixed Boundary Element Modeling of Deformation Behavior at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala
- Innovations in Regulatory and Economic Approaches to Managing Methane
- Interannual to Sub-Daily Fluctuations in Thwaites Glacier Speed Associated with Ocean Forcing and Calving
- Interseismic deformation along the southern Kurile trench - Reexamination of forearc sliver behavior and megathrust locking -
- Intrabasin faults accommodate significant cumulative and recent extension in the early stage Malawi Rift, East Africa
- Investigating Short-Period Microseisms near Lake Malawi using a Broadband Array of Onshore and Lake-Bottom Seismometers
- Investigating climate change versus land use controls on hillslope erosion and valley sedimentation at the Cole Farm study watershed, central Pennsylvania
- Joint Modeling of Fault Related Fold Kinematics and Marine Terrace Uplift to Estimate Active Fault Slip Rates in North Canterbury, New Zealand
- K-Ar dating of fossil seismogenic thrusts in the Shimanto accretionary complex, southwest Japan
- Learning From Observed Crustal Deformation Following Ten M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.0-9.5 Subduction Earthquakes
- Long-Term Recovery of Life in the Chicxulub Crater
- Love wave Tomography of Antarctica from Ambient Noise Data
- Low-Yield Seismic Source Discrimination Using Local and Regional Observations
- Mantle transition zone beneath West Antarctica: Expanded mapping in previously unstudied region
- Mapping geochemistry onto geophysics to understand the architecture of shale weathering in the shallow subsurface
- Measurement and interpretation of bubble number-density evolution through the upper 1200 meters of the SPC14 South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore)
- Mentoring Diversity is a Team Effort: Example from an International REU Site
- Microseismicity along Major Ross Ice Shelf Rift Resulting from Tidal Stresses and Thermal Contraction of the Near-Surface Firn Layer
- Minor and Accessory Phase Controls on the Geochemistry of Exhumed Rocks from Subducted Slabs
- Modeling Diagenesis on Subduction Interfaces
- Modeling the Potential Tsunami Effects on Patong Beach, Phuket, Thailand
- Modulation of seismic activity in Kilauea's East Rift Zone by summit inflation and deflation
- Monitoring ground deformation and lava accumulation in volcanic craters using UAS image acquisitions and 4D photogrammetry
- Moving Ecosystem Carbon Cycle Models Forward: Strategies for Improved Assessment and Prediction
- Multi-Institution Collaborative: Student Experience in Airborne Research in the Mid-Atlantic Region (SEAR-MAR)
- Near-surface Geophysical Characterization of Cole Farms in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Near-surface geophysical methods at multiple scales of measurement to understand variation in erosion rates and water storage in the Luquillo CZO, Puerto Rico
- Ocean Circulation Causes Strong Variability in Mid-Atlantic Bight Net Community Production
- Offset Magma Supply Imaged with InSAR at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
- Oxidized micrometeorites are not a proxy for Archean atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB>
- P and S models of upper mantle structure beneath the northern Kenya rift and East African Plateau using new data from northeastern Uganda
- Paleoceanographic Constraints on the Origin and Early Evolution of the Coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (300 kya)
- Pathways to the Paris Agreement targets are narrow and rapidly closing
- Phenomenological Model of Frequency-independent-Q Viscoelastic Behavior Using Fractal Mechanical Network
- Predictability and Dynamics of the Record-Breaking Intensification of Hurricane Patricia (2015)
- Preliminary Petrography and Mineral Chemistry of Potassic Mafic Lavas from the Virunga Volcanic Province, Rwanda
- Probabilistically Informing a New Class of Particle-Property-Predicting Bulk Ice Microphysics Schemes with Polarimetric Radar Observations
- Pyroxenite Xenoliths Preserve Partial Melting Event in the Western Rift, Uganda
- Quantification of modeled atmospheric CO<SUB>2 </SUB>uncertainty from various sources using ACT-America aircraft data
- Quantifying Methane Fluxes in an Area of Shale Gas Development in a Northeastern Pennsylvania Watershed
- Quantifying Regional Methane Fluxes from the U.S. Gulf Region Using Long-Transect Aircraft Observations
- Quantifying Water and Solute Fluxes Through Deep Tropical Vadose Zone Soils
- Quantifying state-of-stress and surface deformation in magmatic rift zones:Eastern Rift, Africa
- Red Sea Multiphase Deformation: Implications of early rifting delocalization on the Arabian Margin present-day deformation field
- Seasonal Variability in Local CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission Sources over CONUS using Airborne In-Situ Combustion Efficiencies
- Seasonal Variability of Carbonate Chemistry in the Chesapeake Bay
- Seismicity in Central West Antarctica Revealed by POLENET Seismic Stations
- Sensitivity of Arctic boundary layer cloud streets to modeling resolution
- Significance of Morphological Change in Braarudosphaera Following the K-Pg Mass Extinction Event at "Ground Zero"
- Silica Kinetics and Subduction Zone Slip Behavior
- State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Carbon Management Experiences and Opportunities
- State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Key Findings from Assessing a Decade of Science, Decisions, and Management Impacts
- Strategies, practices, and challenges for interagency co-authorship in an international science and development program
- Stratigraphic control of landscape response to base-level fall, Young Womans Creek, Pennsylvania, USA
- Stratigraphic controls on bedrock channel morphology in the Finger Lakes, New York, USA
- Synoptic and Meso Scale Variability in Greenhouse Gases across Fronts in Four Seasons
- The June 26, 2018 Eruption of Sierra Negra Volcano, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador: Pre-, Co- and Post-Eruptive Deformation from GPS Geodesy
- The SOCCR2 Architecture: What did over 200 minds across government, academic and private institutions assess across North America? Why and How We Did It.
- The Thermomechanical Evolution of Extended Lithosphere: Inheritance, Depth-Dependent Thinning and Detachment Faults.
- The Value of Being There: Toward a Science of Immersive Virtual Field Trips
- The Weathering of Rock to Regolith: Activity of Deep Roots in Bedrock Fractures
- The effects of episodic tremor and slip in the Cascadia subduction zone on upper plate deformation and stress accumulation during the earthquake cycle
- The importance of the North Atlantic warming hole for future changes in the variability of the North Atlantic jet
- The use of gridded fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions inventory for climate mitigation applications: Errors, uncertainties, and current and future challenges
- Thermal structure of the Antarctic lithosphere constrained by 2-decade seismic data
- Toward Using OCO-2 Observations and Lagrangian Modeling to Estimate Urban Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Middle East
- Toward a Universal Workbench for Visualization and Quantitative Exploration of Earth Science Data in Immersive Virtual Reality
- Upper Mantle Heterogeneity Revealed in Central and Eastern West Antarctica from P and S Body Wave Tomography
- Using Phase Amplitude Ratios to Differentiate Blast, Collapse, and Fault Slip Seismic Events from Deep Gold Mines in South Africa
- Using citizen science and stream methane to locate and understand hydrocarbon-related contaminant sources in Pennsylvania
- Using ground-based structure-from-motion photogrammetry to quantify heterogeneity in bedrock hillslope morphology
- Vadose drips support subsurface biofilms at Wishing Well Cave, VA
- Warmer Waters Welcome Increased Nutrient Loading: Linking Effects of Future Climate Change to Chesapeake Bay Hypoxia
- Warming Early Mars with Climate Cycling: The Effect of CO2-H2 Collision-Induced Absorption
- What Makes Waves in Some Parts of the Rocks Inside Our World Go Fast?
- Winding down the Chicxulub impact: The transition from impactites to normal marine sedimentation
- "Then new problems came, from above and below…": Heinrich Events and the future of West Antarctic ice
- 2D seismic imaging in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: New constraints on subsurface structure and weathering
- A machine learning-based ensemble model to detect methane contamination in groundwater within hydrocarbon production areas across the United States
- A new view of the Eocene greenhouse world from paleoclimate data assimilation
- A suite of high-resolution atmospheric carbon dioxide simulations in support of the OCO-3 SAM map-mode observation - how should we use the OCO-3 SAM mode observation? What do we expect from the data?
- Active granulite-facies metamorphism in extending lower continental crust: Rio Grande Rift, NM
- An Exploration of Extreme Precipitation from Tropical Cyclones over the Eastern United States in Variable-Resolution CAM
- Assessing the impact of new observations on improved understanding of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Astrochronology and Geochemistry for the Doushantuo Formation of Ediacaran of Yichang in South China
- Available Fossil Fuel Resources, Decarbonization Rates, and Economic Growth are Key Drivers of Business-As-Usual Feasibility of Paris Climate Targets
- Benefits of International Collaboration for Professional and Scholar-Network Development: A 4-year Evaluation of NSF PIRE: E-FIRE
- Biogeochemical evidence for Pleistocene environmental changes in lacustrine sediments from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- Bridging Chinese Landscape Painting and geosciences
- Bringing the Field to the Classroom: Immersive Virtual Fieldtrips in Undergraduate Geoscience Courses
- Building a Bridge: AN Example of Linking Global-Scale CO2 Fluxes to High-Resolution Urban CO2 Emissions
- Ceres as an Astrobiology Target
- Challenges and Future Directions for Moment Tensor Determination
- Climate uncertainty in agricultural modeling: the effects of downscaling and bias-correction
- Comparing basin-scale avulsion dynamics in three ancient fluvial systems to understand how floodplain sedimentation influences avulsion patterns
- Comparison of the observed and modeled CO<SUB>2</SUB> mole fraction observations during ACT-America 2016-2018
- Connecting Lower Mount Sharp Strata: how does the Clay-bearing Unit in Glen Torridon Relate to the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars
- Constraining seasonal biogenic and fossil fuel CO2 during the ACT-America campaigns: observations using critical tracers and model comparisons
- Constraint of terrestrial model parameters from ensemble forward simulations
- Constraints on shallow subglacial structure beneath Thwaites Glacier from joint inversion of receiver function and surface wave data
- Coordinated Rapid Response to the 2015-16 Eruption of Volcan Momotombo, Nicaragua
- Crack dynamics revealed by time-lapse acoustic attenuation and velocity: insights from active acoustic emission experiments
- Critical Zone Measurements: Development of Novel Experimental Deployments to Further Our Understanding of Hydrological Processes
- Cyclostratigraphy of the Lower Triassic terrestrial successions in the Junggar Basin, northwestern China
- Decomposing the decadal scale Cascadia GPS velocity field and associated implications for plate interface locking
- Deep Learning Application on Volcanic Deformation Detection and Blind Source Separation in InSAR Data
- Deep and rapid thermo-mechanical erosion by a small-volume lava flow
- Deformation of a Basaltic Shield Volcano: Uplift, Trapdoor Faulting, Eruption Triggering and Subsidence associated with the 2018 eruption of Sierra Negra Volcano, Galapagos
- Degradation of the biomolecules in Europa-like ice conditions due to exposure to ionizing radiation.
- Detecting and Identifying Nuclear Reactor Operational Events using Seismo-acoustic Signals
- Detecting and tracking thunderstorm-quakes by fiber-optic distributed acoustic sensing array data
- Diel Cycling of Organic Matter Enrichments in the Surface Microlayer of the Broadkill River
- Direct and indirect impacts of basal channels on ice-shelf stability
- Documentation of Diatom and Cyanobacteria Associated Calcification in a Lacustrine Whiting Event at Fayetteville Green Lake, New York, USA
- Dry sediment loading of headwater channels fuels post-wildfire debris flows in bedrock landscapes
- Effect of Space Weather on Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate
- Ensuring reusability of water quality data: what have we learned as both data users and providers?
- Environmental Drivers of the Late Neogene Expansion of C<SUB>4</SUB> Ecosystems
- Establishing calibration standards for remote sensing retrievals of greenhouse gases
- Evaluation and Potential Impacts of OCO-2 XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Variability at Regional and Synoptic Scales, using Lidar and In Situ Observations from the ACT-America Campaign
- Evaluation of Column CO<SUB>2</SUB>Retrieval from Intensity-Modulated Continuous-Wave Differential Absorption Lidar Measurements during ACT-America
- Evolved gas and X-ray diffraction analyses of sedimentary rocks in Gale Crater, Mars: Results from the Vera Rubin Ridge to the Glen Torridon Clay Unit.
- Exploring North Atlantic and North Pacific Decadal Climate Prediction Using Self-Organizing Maps
- Exploring relationships between intrusions and faulting processes during Kīlauea Volcano's June, 2007 eruption
- Finite-frequency Fréchet Kernels for Adjoint Tomography of Frequency-independent Q
- Flank Motion at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala, Revealed Through InSAR Time-series Analysis
- Fluvial paleomorphodynamic reconstructions from 3D seismic data: evaluating the role of floodplain conditions and backwater hydrodynamics in the Triassic Mungaroo Formation (Northwest Australia)
- Frequency content of lab earthquakes for the spectrum of failure modes, from slow slip to elastodynamic rupture
- Genomic Expansion of Archaeal Lineages Resolved from Deep Costa Rica Sediments
- Geochemical insights into post-glacial volcanism in Iceland's Eastern Volcanic Zone: the Tungnaárhraun lava flows
- Glacial cooling and climate sensitivity revisited
- Gravity anomalies reveal volcano-tectonic interaction in an active distributed volcanic field, Blackfoot Reservoir volcanic field (ID)
- Groundwater Transport of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from a Former Fire Fighter Training Site
- Heterogeneous Uppermost Mantle Structure Beneath Central and Eastern West Antarctica
- How high to elevate a building to manage deeply uncertain riverine flood risks?
- Iceberg Calving and Meltwater Plumes at Helheim Glacier, Visualized in High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Icequakes Triggered by Tidal and Thermal Stresses along a Major Ross Ice Shelf Rift
- Impact of the North Atlantic Warming Hole on Sensible Weather
- Improved Representation of Climate System Uncertainties Reduces Extreme Social Cost of Carbon Estimates
- In-situ investigation of periodic bedrock ridges in the Glen Torridon area with the MSL Curiosity rover, Gale crater, Mars
- Influence of Fracture Roughness on the Elastodynamic and Hydraulic Properties of Fractured Rock
- Integrated Early Triassic time scale of geomagnetic polarity, cyclostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and geochemical excursions from South China and its global correlation
- Investigating the Nonlinear Elastic Behavior of Unconsolidated Granular Media with Dynamic Acousto-Elastic Testing
- Kinetic, Mechanical, and Fluid Flow Models for the Behavior of the Subduction Interface
- Laboratory observations of frictional stability and fault zone evolution under heterogeneous friction, rheology, and stress conditions
- Land use versus climate controls on erosion at a farmed headwater catchment in central Pennsylvania
- Large Swell Events Impacting the Ross Ice Shelf and the Harmonic Excitation of Ice Shelf Seismic Waves
- Lithospheric Xenoliths Record Thermal and Magmatic Signature of Rift Development Beneath Ross Island, Antarctica
- Mitigation of Tropospheric Effects on X-band InSAR Time-Series Datasets over Nicaraguan Volcanoes
- Monitoring urban greenhouse gas emissions: Lessons from the NIST greenhouse gas measurements test-bed program
- Multi-scale Deep Learning Seismic Full Waveform Inversion
- Noise Characterization of Distributed Acoustic Sensing Monitoring Data in Urban Areas: Preliminary Results
- Observations from P/S Amplitude Ratios from Local-Distance Mine Related Seismic Events and Earthquakes in South Africa
- Onset of patchy bedrock exposure on hillslopes indicates switch from weathering to bedrock fracture spacing control on sediment size delivered to river networks
- Open-system major-element behavior during prograde subduction metamorphism: a metabasalt transect through Alpine Corsica
- Orbital forcing in the Middle Triassic of the eastern Tethys: implications for paleoclimate and eustasy
- P- and S-Wave Velocity Structure Beneath Southern Africa from Body Wave Tomography: New Constraints on Craton Structure and the Southwestern Branch of the East African Rift System
- Palagonite growth rates and O isotopes in basaltic hyaloclastites from natural samples and experiments
- Petrogenesis of Lamprophyres from Central Sakarya (NW Anatolia, Turkey): Intraplate Magmatism at the Onset of Slab Rollback
- Place-based education - an immersive technologies perspective
- Plate Tectonics in Three Dimensions: Lessons Learned
- Potential of the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence to Enhance Earthquake Activity along Low-Angle Detachment Faults in Panamint and Searles Valley, California
- Precise Relative Magnitude and Relative Location Estimates of Low-Magnitude Industrial Blasts in Pennsylvania and Wyoming
- Preliminary investigation of fire response to precessional oscillations in climate and vegetation in Pleistocene East Africa
- Probing shale weathering under ridge and valley: an integrated approach from geochemistry to geophysics
- Quantifying rock strength controls on bedrock river morphology in Taiwan with kilometer scale UAV surveys
- Recent advances in cavity-thermal ionization mass spectrometry for high-precision isotope analysis
- Results from the Curiosity Rover's Traverse Through the Clay-Bearing Glen Torridon Region in Gale Crater
- Revival of the microbial neritic ecosystems and carbon cycling at the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary: A compound-specific isotope study from El Kef, Tunisia
- Rocks, Minerals, and the History of Art: Bolstering Student Engagement through Integrative Studies
- Role of the Eastern Shear Margin in Thwaites Glacier's Dynamics
- Rossby wave breaking through the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century in a global climate model
- Seismic Ambient Noise and Electrical Resistivity Imaging of Subsurface Water Changes in the Susquehanna Shale Hills CZO, Pennsylvania
- Seismic full waveform inversion procedure for characterizing critical zone subsurface structure: a case study at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Slow Slip Explained by Combined Influence of Stability Transition and Velocity Dependence of Friction
- South-eastern Caribbean-South America Plate Boundary Deformation from Geodesy: Strain Partitioning and Fault Behaviour
- Stratigraphy, Sedimentary Signatures, and Processes Associated with the Chicxulub Asteroid Impact in the Gorgonilla Island K/Pg Section
- Student-led organizations as a mechanism for improving department culture
- Taking regional atmospheric inversions to the next level: Lessons from the ACT-America mission
- Temperature Variations in Tectonic Mélanges: Constraints from Oxygen Isotope Thermometry
- The Distribution and Occurrence of Solifluction Lobes and their Role in Mediating Hillslope Biogeochemistry
- The History, Challenges, and Achievements of Passive Broadband Seismic Investigations in Antarctica
- The Influence of Fracture Aperture on Permeability and Elastic Nonlinearity: An Integrated Analytical and Empirical Investigation
- The Physics of Elastic Precursors to Laboratory Earthquakes
- The Th/U cycle in serpentinites
- The Use of Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) to Image Solifluction Lobes in the Garner Run Subcatchment of The Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- The azimuthal seismic anisotropy of Antarctica from ambient noise Rayleigh waves
- The history of ocean carbonate chemistry indicated by rare earth elements
- The influence of rock properties on the morphology of headwater channels in the Guadalupe Mountains, TX.
- The use of ERI and Seismic refraction to constrain soil depth and geologic structure at Cole Farms Agricultural Site in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Tidally Induced Icequake Swarms at the Grounded Margins of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Towards systematic probing for Milankovic cycles in borehole logging data and complex settings
- Trace-element immobility during prograde subduction metamorphism: a metabasalt transect through Alpine Corsica
- Tracking Kerogen Weathering and Recycled Fossil Carbon Accompanying Cenozoic Climate and Landscape Perturbations
- Tracking Paleogene Lake-Level Change and its Long-Term Cyclicities by Using Sedimentary Noise
- Tropical Variability from the Last Glacial Maximum to Present
- Two pulses of carbon released during the onset of Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Unsupervised Classification of Acoustic Emissions from Catalogs and Fault Time-to-Failure Prediction
- What Clay and Pyrite Grains Reveal about Water and Oxygen Transport in a Shale During Weathering
- What HabEx and LUVOIR can tell us about Habitability, Inhabitation, and Biosigning
- What Have we Learned About U.S. Methane Emissions? A Synthesis of Discoveries From the ACT-America Mission
- What are Key Drivers of Projected Riverine Flood Risk?
- What drove partial melting of Earth's youngest exposed migmatites? Insights from monazite petrochronology of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis
- What is the role of climate sensitivity in extreme sea-level rise scenarios?
- <SUP>Understanding How GCM Momentum Flux Parameterization Impacts Simulated Boundary Layers in Tropical Cyclones</SUP>
- A New Seismology-Derived Geothermal Heat Flux Map and Its Tectonic Implications
- A New Typology for Representing Human Decision Making in MultiSector Dynamics (MSD) Models
- A new analysis of the global detrital zircon record with inferences regarding the growth and rise of the continental crust
- A source-oriented evaluation of CO2 inverse flux estimates in North America using ACT-America
- A tighter constraint on Earth-system sensitivity from long-term temperature and carbon-cycle observations
- An integrated multi-objective appraisal of mitigation and climate engineering under uncertainty
- Antarctic Network - Polar Earth Observing Network: Achievements from Ten Years of Autonomous Measurements
- Automatic atmospheric correction for shortwave hyperspectral remote sensing data using a time-dependent deep neural network
- Basement and Crustal Structure Across the Appalachian Basin Using Seismic Reflection Data and the Joint Inversion of P-wave Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion
- Bifurcations at the Stability Transition of Earthquake Faulting
- Breaking the Taboos of STEM Instruction: Remote Learning in the Sudden Pandemic
- Building seismic velocity and attenuation models using Hessian-based multiparameter viscoacoustic full waveform inversion
- Causes and Impacts of Sea Ice Variability in the Sea of Okhotsk Assessed with CESM
- Changes in greenhouse gas emissions observed in Indianapolis, IN during the COVID-19 shutdown
- Channel morphology transition between colluvial-headwater channels and concave-fluvial channels co-locates with spatial patterns of historic debris flow runouts, in-channel bedrock strength, and in-channel sediment storage
- Characteristics of airplane-induced ground motion recorded by three-component(3-C) geophone and distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) in cities
- Climate and Energy: All on the Same Side
- Constraint of terrestrial model parameters from ensemble forward simulations
- Constraints from plagioclase on the post-glacial magma storage and ascent beneath the Barðarbunga volcanic system
- Crustal structure of Namibia from P-wave receiver functions
- Data sampling from the space and urban fossil-fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions: do we measure often enough?
- Deep Learning for Ground Penetrating Radar Velocity Inversion
- Deep learning of the precursory signatures in active source seismic data for improved prediction of laboratory earthquake
- Determining Nonstationary Dynamic Events during an Air-Sea Interaction Field Campaign
- Diamond-Bearing Metasediments Point to Thick, Cool Lithospheric Root Established by the Mesoarchean beneath Parts of the Slave Craton (Canada)
- Effects of Source Scaling on Local-Distance P/S Amplitude Ratios for Seismic-Source Discrimination
- Erosion rates before and after the Mid-Pleistocene Transition in periglaciated central Appalachia
- Event attribution frameworks for quantifying climate change impacts on hurricane rainfall
- Exploring Atmospheric Variability Due to Arctic Sea Ice Loss with Machine Learning
- Exploring Societal Problems with Data: Assessing Impacts on Water Quality with the Shale Network Database
- Exploring feedbacks between subduction-zone seismicity, mineral reactions, and fluid pressure using an integrated numerical model: MEFISTO
- Exploring sea-level rise uncertainties using CMIP5/CMIP6 ensembles combined with a reduced complexity climate model (Hector-BRICK)
- Exploring the Origin of Pyroxenites using Spinel Compositions of Western Rift Ugandan Xenoliths
- FROST: Frozen Regolith Observation and Sampling Tool
- Factors controlling the transport and distribution of microplastics in a coastal plain estuary: A modeling study of the Chesapeake Bay
- Fault Time-to-Failure Forecasting using LSTM and Unsupervised Classification
- Faulting and Fore-arc Sliver Transport in the Nicaraguan Subduction Zone
- Field and Laboratory Identification of Lithium-Enriched Clay from the Mercer Formation in Central and Western Pennsylvania
- Fire response to changes in hydroclimate and vegetation in Pleistocene East Africa
- Flow-path Influences Chlorite Oxidation and Dissolution in a Watershed
- Fluid-Rock Interaction at Sub-Arc Conditions: A Petrological Investigation of an Eclogite-Facies Vein System, Eclogite Zone, Eastern Alps
- Fore-Arc Sliver Transport Mechanism in Nicaragua Revealed by Upper-Plate Earthquakes
- From hot to cold: Assessing the mineralogical diversity of hydrothermal vent plume particles on Earth with an eye towards hydrothermally active icy ocean worlds
- Gravity Anomalies in Blackfoot Reservoir Volcanic Field, Idaho constrain intrusion geometries, intrusive:extrusive volume ratio, and volcano-tectonic interaction.
- Heat Sources for Crustal Anatexis in the Upper-to-Middle Crust: Pressure-Temperature-Time Constraints from the Trois Seigneurs Massif, French Pyrenees
- Hillslope morphology drives variability of detrital <SUP>10</SUP>Be erosion rates in steep landscapes
- Holocene Regional Ice History of Southwest Greenland: Driver of Viking Out-Migration?
- Imaging transient stick-slip processes near a subglacial conduit using a nodal seismic array
- Impact of Ice Particle Shape Effects on Arctic Mixed-Phase Cloud Presence
- Impact of wildfires on formation of secondary organic aerosols over the Amazon rainforest
- Improving Net Ecosystem Production Estimates Using Weighted Regression and Bayesian Statistical Methods for Apalachicola Bay, FL
- InSAR Time-series Analysis Unravels Persistent Flank Motion During 2010-2014 at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala
- Influence of anaerobic oxidation of methane on the precipitation of the seep carbonates of the Moreno Formation, Panoche Hills, California
- Investigating African Mantle Structure with Adaptively Parameterized P-wave Tomography
- Investigating Decadal Variability in the North Atlantic Using a New Time-evolving Self-organizing Maps Method
- Investigating Upstream to Downstream Evolution of Ancient Fluvio-Deltaic Channels using Quantitative Seismic Geomorphology
- Investigating the sources and extent of groundwater contamination in areas of extensive oil, gas, and coal extraction using data mining
- Laboratory volcano geodesy: Inversion of three-dimensional surface displacements induced by analog magma intrusion in sandbox experiments
- Lithologic controls on orogen and reach scale variability in bedrock river morphology and sediment cover across the Taiwan Central Range
- Locating Basal Microseismicity in Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica using QuakeMigrate, for Statistical Pattern Recognition
- Microstructures in a glacial shear margin
- Nature and scale of lithospheric heterogeneity: xenoliths and lavas at Toro Ankole, Uganda
- Near Surface Seismic Fiber Optic Monitoring Experiment at Pennsylvania State University
- Non-detection of O2/O3 informs frequency of Earth-like planets with LUVOIR but not HabEx
- OCO-3 SAM mode: Spatiotemporal Variability of XCO<SUB>2</SUB> over the Los Angeles Megacity
- On the Pre-, Co-, and Post-seismic Evolution of Elastic Wave Properties for Slow and Fast Laboratory Earthquakes
- One Year of Continuous Biogeochemical Monitoring of Carbonate Factory Sites in Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA
- P/S amplitude ratios for mining related events in South Africa: Implications for low-yield explosion monitoring
- Petrogenesis of mafic lavas from Harrat Uwayrid, Saudi Arabia: geochemical characteristics and tectonic implications of lower lithospheric melting
- Petrologic re-evaluation of classic Tauern Window (Austria) rocks corroborates the first P-T path calculated from chemical zoning in garnet.
- Quantifying Spatiotemporal Patterns of Grain Size, Roughness, and Flow Resistance in the Liwu River, Taiwan
- Quantifying Streambed Hydrological Exchange Flows Using Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry and Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling
- Quantifying bankfull flow widths of single-threaded rivers from preserved bar clinoforms
- Quantifying changes in bed state and grain mobility in steep bedrock rivers through repeat UAV photogrammetry surveys
- Quantifying the morphologies and hydrodynamics of paleorivers in four dimensions: Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, Utah, USA
- Quantifying the ocean carbon sink for 1994-2007: Combined evidence from multiple methods
- Radial Anisotropy and sediment thickness of West and Central Antarctica estimated from Rayleigh and Love wave velocities
- Real-time earthquake location via convolutional neural network and data fusion
- Reconstructing Conditions Driving Bar Migration and Preservation in Alluvial Rivers
- Relating the Elastodynamic Stiffness of Fractured Rock to Fracture Aperture Distribution and Geometry
- Retrieving Cloud Ice Number Concentration From Polarimetric Radar
- Revised Chronology of Northwest Laurentide Ice-Sheet Deglaciation from Beryllium-10 Exposure-Dated Erratics on the Western Canadian Shield
- Revised Methods for the Application and Interpretation of the Rare Earth Element Paleoenvironmental Proxy
- Role of Basalt Alteration on Slip Behavior at the Hikurangi Subduction Zone
- Role of Fluid Flow, Silica Kinetics, and Fault Zone Strengthening in Slip Behavior within the Seismogenic zone
- Seismic Imaging of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa
- Seismic Observations of Four Thunderstorms Using an Underground Fiber-Optic Array
- Short Term Effects of 2019 Early Summer Floods on Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Midwestern and Southern Regions of the United States as Seen from the NASA GEOS Model
- Silicate particles are transported through the deep critical zone at Rio Icacos, Puerto Rico
- Slip Rate-Dependent Friction as a Universal Mechanism for Slow Slip Events
- Soft instruments shape optimal investment pathways: integrating home elevation with flood insurance under deep and dynamic uncertainty
- Space Weather from the Young Sun and the Origin of Life: Setting Up the Earliest Metabolisms
- Spatio-temporal Evolution of the Magma Plumbing System at Masaya Caldera
- Surface wave tomography of Southern Africa using ambient noise analysis
- Temporal variability in Permian Basin methane emissions during a period of volatile oil prices triggered by COVID-19
- The Failure Forecast Method applied to the GPS and seismic data collected in the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) in 2011-2020.
- The Punctuated Continuum of Plate Tectonics Revealed by Global Igneous Rocks
- The Relation Between Fracture Aperture and Hydro-mechanical Properties: An Experimental and Analytical Approach
- The distribution of weathering fronts under valley and ridge
- The influence of fault slip rate on temporal variations in frequency-magnitude statistics of acoustic emissions throughout the laboratory seismic cycle
- The influence of turbulence memory associated with curved trajectories: A pseudo-second-order closure for near-surface turbulence and an application to idealized tornadoes
- The stratigraphic sensitivity of rift-basin fills to changing climatic and tectonic conditions during rift evolution
- Three-dimensional seismic structure of Shale Hills watershed: evidence of hydrologic and lithologic imprints on deep Critical Zone Structure
- Tidally forced icequakes near the grounding line of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica.
- Tracing a Geochemical Reaction from Nanometers to Kilometers: Pyrite Oxidation
- Tracking anthropogenic seismic noise variations during the COVID-19 pandemic using fiber optic sensors
- Tying large-scale meteorological patterns to northeastern U.S. extratropical cyclones with climate data and self-organizing maps
- Uncertainties in Driving Agricultural Models with Downscaled and Bias-Corrected Climate Information
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy of Antarctica from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Upstream-migrating channel blockage causes rivers on fluvial fans to dechannelize and avulse
- Urban greenhouse gas emission response to COVID-19 shutdowns
- Using Eddy Covariance to Measure COVID-19's Impact on CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Emissions in Indianapolis, IN
- Using GIS and mass balance techniques to investigate how hillslope and tributary proximity influence the transport of nitrate from cultivated land to surface water
- Utilizing Coupled <SUP>234</SUP>U/<SUP>238</SUP>U and <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr to Understand Fate of Uranium and Strontium from Phosphate Fertilizers in an Agricultural Watershed
- Validation of the Aeroplanets/Aerochemistry Model in a Present-Day Earth Simulation
- Vegetation-climate interactions in Dhofar, Oman from the mid-Holocene to present
- Visualizing Earthquake Locations in an Immersive Learning Environment
- Volcanic Forecasting with Intermittent Infrared Images via Deep Learning
- Water Flowpath and Bedrock Geology Control Pyrite Weathering Across Spatiotemporal Scales
- What is Causing (Permanent) Uplift in Southern Cascadia?
- Carbonate clumped isotope constraints on burial, uplift and exhumation histories of the Colorado Plateau