Pennsylvania State University, School of Engineering
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Comparison of New Mexico Tech VHF Interferometer and Arecibo radar data of lightning
- Global Ocean Circulation During Cretaceous Time
- Infrastructure and Components of a Long Term Hydrologic Observing System for the Susquehanna River Basin
- Infrastructure to Support Hydrologic Research: Information Systems
- Numerical Modeling of Surface Runoff
- Permeability Changes in Porous-fractured Media Controlled by Mechanical and Chemo-mechanical Effects
- Reactive Chemical Transport Under Multiphase System
- Simulation of North American Hydrology With a New Coupled Model
- ALTUS Cumulus Electrification Study (ACES): The application of a UAV for close over-flights of thunderstorms
- Antarctic Ice and Sediment Flux in the Oligocene Simulated by a Climate-Ice Sheet-Sediment Model
- Coupled Climate-Ice Sheet Simulations of the Early Cenozoic History of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Is the NAO a breaking wave?
- Quantitative Constrained Imaging of Dissolution and Precipitation in a Natural Fracture
- Reaction-based modeling of quinone-mediated bacterial iron(III) reduction
- Resonant Acoustic Measurement of Vapor Phase Transport Phenomenon
- Salinity Variation in the Eocene Australo-Antarctic Seaway: A Record of the Waxing and Waning of Antarctic Ice?
- Scaling Properties of Laboratory-Generated Stream Networks
- Sea surface conditions, ocean gateways, and global ocean conveyor
- Southern freshwater impacts and global ocean circulation
- Spontaneous Switching of Permeability Changes in a Limestone Fracture Under net Dissolution
- Analysis of Dissipation Response for the Piezoprobe and DVTP-P on ODP LEG 204
- Atmospheric and land surface measurements in a prototype hydrologic observatory
- CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System and its role in hydrologic observatories
- Constraining Fold-shape Models With Simultaneous Non-linear Regression to Characterize Fold Related Fractures
- Identifying Characteristic Responses of Hydrological and Geochemical Behavior at Hillslope and Catchment Scales
- Implementing a Network of Hydrologic Observatories
- Inter-basin Versus Meridional Ocean Freshwater Disparity and Global Ocean Conveyor
- Latitudinal and Longitudinal Basin-scale Surface Salinity Contrasts and Freshwater Transport by Ocean Thermohaline Circulation
- Modeling of the Early Cenozoic History of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Natural Organic Matter-Promoted Metal Inhibition of Hematite Bioreduction
- Observations of Thunderstorm Effects on Middle-Atmosphere Ionizable Constituents
- Ocean Response to Possible Southern Meltwater Pulses During Eocene-Oligocene Cooling Climate Trend: A Sensitivity Ocean Modeling Study
- Surface water, groundwater, and social science measurements in a prototype hydrologic observatory
- The Dynamics of Equatorial Atmospheric Angular Momentum
- The Hydroclimatic Response of the Whitewater River Basin: Influence of Groundwater Time Scales
- The Upward Directed Poynting Flux over a Thunderstorm
- A Conceptual Framework for SAHRA Integrated Multi-resolution Modeling in the Rio Grande Basin
- A Framework for the Development and Analysis of Parsimonious Watershed Models
- Alliance for Earth Sciences, Engineering and Development in Africa
- Design of a Dual-Pressure Port Penetration Probe for Pore Pressure Measurements in Ocean Drilling
- Dynamic Micro-CT Study of Fracture-Matrix Flow During Capillary Imbibition in Layered Berea Sandstone
- ETRS Arrays: Boundary layer-to-water table total flux measurement system
- Global Ocean Sensitivity to Local Geologically Short-Term Variability of Freshwater Fluxes
- Hydroxyl and Atomic Oxygen Airglow Response to Short-Period Gravity Waves Undergoing Vertical Reflection
- Integrated, Multi-Scale Modeling for Process, Parameter and Policy Research at the River Basin Scale
- Is there a bi-Polar Ocean Seesaw?
- Modeling Freshwater Impacts on Ocean Circulation During the Miocene at 20 and 14 Ma
- Optical Emissions of Sprite Streamers in Weak Electric Fields
- The University Scientist's Role in Promoting Collaborative K-12 Professional Development
- A Coupled Ice-sheet/Ice-shelf/Sediment Model Applied to Antarctica: Forced and Unforced Variations.
- Constrained Observations of Stress- and Chemistry-Mediated Changes in the Transport Properties of Fractured Rocks via Physical and Chemical Signals Supplemented by X-ray CT
- Effects of Photoionization on Similarity Properties of Streamers at Various Pressures in Air
- Ensemble modeling of flows in ungaged catchments
- Forecasting of Convectively Generated Gravity Waves in the Middle and Upper Atmosphere
- In-situ pressure measurements in the Ursa Basin, Northeast Gulf of Mexico
- Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management in Arid/Semi-arid Regions: Data, Modeling, and Assessment
- Long-Term Interactions of Streamflow Generation and River Basin Morphology
- Modeling shear flow and postsunset stability in the equatorial F region ionosphere
- Toward Improved Calibration of a Semi-arid Distributed Flash-Flood Model: A Hierarchical Sensitivity Scheme for Model Evaluation
- Turbulence and Mixing at the Equatorial Mesopause: Results From a Rocket/Radar Experiment
- Watershed Classification Based on Hydrologic Response Behavior
- A Coupled Ice-sheet/Ice-shelf/Sediment Model Applied to a Marine-margin Flowline: Patterns of Sediment Deposits
- A Microphysical Model for Strong Velocity-weakening in Phyllosilicate-bearing Fault Gouges
- A numerical study of convectively generated gravity waves over the maritime continent region using the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model
- Adapting RegCM3 to the South Polar region: Results from a 10-year nested simulation.
- Catchment Classification and Hydrological Similarity
- Coupling Sediment Transport with the Integrated Hydrologic Model (PIHM)
- Coupling hydrologic processes across different spatio-temporal scales: The Juniata River Basin
- Diagnostic Evaluation of a Distributed Watershed Modeling Approach
- Hydraulic Diffusivity and Wellbore Storage from Pressure Monitoring in the Nankai Accretionary Prism
- Kinetics of Fe Release from Organic Ligand Complexes: Implications for Fe Isotopes?
- Micromodel Investigation of Capillary Pressures in a Rough CT-scanned Fracture
- Modeling the Semiannual Variation of Thermospheric Neutral Density
- Overpressure in shallow sediment at the Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico
- PIHMgis: A "Tightly Coupled" GIS Framework for Integrated Hydrologic Modeling
- Permeability Evolution in Compacting Aggregates: Effects of Grain Size Distribution
- Scenario Development for Water Resources Planning and Management
- Simulating Thermal-Hydrologic-Mechanical-Chemical Evolution Surrounding Fluid Injection in a Fractured Porous Geothermal Reservoir
- Taking the Pulse of Hydrology Education
- Testing Integrated Observation Strategies within a Pilot Watershed-scale Real-time Hydrologic Monitoring Network (RTH_Net)
- The Possibility of Generation of NO-gamma Emissions in Sprite Discharges
- The effect of dilatancy and compaction on the stability and permeability of a fluid infiltrated fault
- Three-Dimensional Fractal Modeling of Intracloud Lightning Discharge in a New Mexico Thunderstorm and Comparison With Lightning Mapping Observations
- Weathering Reactions in Soils on Peoria Loess Document Mineral Weathering Kinetics as a Function of Climate
- A Comparison of In-Channel Dead Zone and Hyporheic Zone Transient Storage Parameter Estimates Between a 1st and 5th Order Stream
- A Novel Approach to Parameter Identification for Distributed Hydrologic Modeling
- A new approach to the calibration of complex watershed models in ungauged basins using regionalized hydrologic indices
- A signature index approach to diagnostic evaluation and parameter estimation of watershed models
- Benchmark Experiments for Higher-Order and Full Stokes Ice Sheet Models
- Channel Reconfiguration Impacts on Solute Transient Storage Dynamics in the Provo River, Utah
- Channel-Streambed Interactions Over and Under Ice
- Characterization of Fracture Capillary Pressure from Geo-statistical Analysis of Rough Fracture Structures
- Characterization of Microbial Communities in Coal Mine Drainage Treatment Systems With Elevated Manganese
- Daytime Observations of Mid-latitude Sporadic-E and QP Radar Echoes
- Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Complexity: A Model-Based Scenario Approach to Supporting Integrated Water Resources Management
- Distributed Parameter Estimation Using a Regularization Approach
- Effects of Soil Warming and Drying on Methane Cycling in Northern Peatlands
- Elucidating the Holocene Relative Sea-Level History of the US Atlantic Coast
- Enhancing the Solution of Large Monitoring Network Design Problems Using a New Epsilon- Dominance Hierarchical Bayesian Optimization Algorithm
- Estimating 3D Variation in Active-Layer Thickness Beneath Arctic Streams Using Ground- Penetrating Radar
- Evaluation of a Bias Aware Ensemble Kalman Filter Using a Scaled Aquifer Transport Experiment
- Flow Data for Solute Transport Modeling from Tracer Experiments in a Stream Not Continuously Gaining Water
- Forecast uncertainty in semi-arid flash flood modeling using radar rain input
- Hydro-Mechanical Processes in Faulting: an Experimental Analysis of the Variability of Dilatancy in Simulated Fault Gouge
- Impact of Pore Size and Salt Precipitation on the Evaporation From Porous Media
- Increased Active Layer Development Associated with Thermokarst Activity in Continuous Permafrost Region in the Brook Range foothills, Alaska
- Influence of Morphology and Permafrost Dynamics on Surface Water - Groundwater Exchange in Arctic Headwater Streams under Present and Enhanced Thaw Conditions
- Introducing real-world hydrology case studies into an undergraduate engineering curriculum
- Mechanism of infrasound radiation from sprites
- Photoionization Models Based on Radiative Transfer and Helmholtz Equations for Sprite Streamer Modeling
- Relationships Between Stream - Ground Water Exchange and Topography of the Channel, Valley, and Watershed
- Scenario Planning for Water Resources: a Forward-looking Approach Combining Science, Demographic Trends and Policy
- Simulations of Late Paleozoic Continental Ice Sheets Under Orbital and CO2 Forcing
- Stoichiometry of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Regeneration Interactions in the Hyporheic Zones of Arctic Streams Draining Areas of Continuous Permafrost
- Synoptic Analysis of the Pacific-North American Teleconnection Pattern
- Synthesizing Earth's geochemical data for hydrogeochemical analysis
- Thermokarst Distribution in the Noatak Basin, Alaska: Increased Frequency and Correlations with Local and Regional Landscape Variables
- Time scale and feedback of zonal mean flow variability
- Topographic Controls on Hillslope-Riparian Water Table Continuity in a set of Nested Catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains, Montana
- Towards a Dynamic Digital Observatory: Synthesizing Community Data and Model Development in the Susquehanna River Basin and Chesapeake Bay
- Uncertainty Analysis in Environmental Modeling: Towards Improved Evaluation and Diagnostics of Hydrological and Environmental Models (2nd International IAHS-PUB Workshop 15th-18th July 2007 in Bertinoro, Italy)
- Upward Electrical Discharges From Thunderstorms
- A Lower Threshold for North Atlantic ice Rafting in the Late Pliocene Than the Late Pleistocene in Response to Low-slung Slippery ice Sheets?
- Adaptive Environmental Sensing Network in a Forested Watershed
- Addressing Model Bias and Uncertainty in Three Dimensional Groundwater Transport Forecasts for a Physical Aquifer Experiment
- Anomalous electrical signals associated with microbial activity: Results from Iron and Nitrate-Reducing Columns
- Assessing the role of different wetland methane emission pathways with a biogeochemistry model
- Catchment Classification and Services, Considering Societal Needs in Classification
- Characterization of Surface Transient Storage Zone Exchange and Flow Dynamics in a 3rd-Order Stream, Massachusetts
- Combining PUB and climate change scenarios for long-term water resource modeling in South Africa
- Comparison of Model Structure in Multiple-Transient Storage Modeling of Solute Transport in Streams: Nested Versus Competing Storage Zones
- Comparison of acceleration, expansion and brightness of sprite streamers obtained from modeling and high-speed video observations
- Controls on the Hydrologic Response to Climate and Land Cover Change of Headwater Streams
- Determining Surface Transient Storage Zone Residence Time Distributions from Whole Stream Solute Injections
- Hyporheic Restoration in Streams and Rivers
- Impact of Eddy Diffusivity on Seasonal Variations of the Thermosphere
- Influence of Geography and Carbon Dioxide on Oceanic Circulation and Seawater δ18O
- Influence of Thermokarst Failures on Hillslope and Stream Water Quality
- Investigating multi-decadal scale changes in ENSO variability using a coupled A/OGCM
- Landscape Structure as a 1st Order Control on Whole Catchment Hydrologic and Solute Response Characteristics Across Contrasting Climate Conditions
- Mechanism of Lightning Associated Infrasonic Pulses from Thunderclouds
- Mn Enrichment in Surface Soils: A Signal for Dust?
- Model Case Study of Convectively Generated Waves in the Maritime Continent and Northern Australia
- Modeling West Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth and Retreat Through the Last 5 Million Years
- Modeling the Effect of Quasi-Drained Fault Zone Dilatancy on Friction Constitutive Properties
- Modular Curriculum for Hydrologic Advancement (MOCHA)
- Numerical modeling of the formation of the screening charge near the thundercloud boundaries and its impact on the initiation and early stages of development of blue and gigantic jets
- Partitioning Surface and Hyporheic Transient Storage in Streams of Increasing Size
- Rainfall characteristics define the value of streamflow observations for the calibration of distributed watershed models
- Robust Dynamic Parameter Estimation for Hydrological Models
- Strong Velocity Weakening in Fault Gouges: Results from Rock Analogue Experiments
- The Miocene Climate at 20 and 14 Ma: A Model Study With the Focus on Freshwater
- The NJIT-UACNJ-PSU Collaborative: A spatially scanning middle atmospheric lidar system in northwest New Jersey
- Understanding how Geomorphology and Climate Define the Hydrologic Catchment Response
- Using Nanotechnology to Identify and Characterize Hydrological Flowpaths in Agricultural Landscapes
- Variability in stream flow and specific discharge along three headwater streams in central Montana, USA
- What Have We Done? The State of Hyporheic Characterization
- A Translation of Metrics from Single Transient Storage Zone to Multiple-Transient Storage Zone Models of Solute Transport in Streams
- Air Heating Associated with Transient Luminous Events
- Catchment Classification: An empirical analysis of hydrologic similarity and its controls (Invited)
- Challenges and Opportunities for Hydrology Education - The Blue Book, Now and the Future
- Complex Process Couplings Related to Deep Geologic Sequestration and Energy Recovery (Invited)
- Fabric Induced Weakness of Tectonic Faults
- Imaging Hyporheic Zone Solute Transport Using Electrical Resistivity
- Improving Flash Flood Prediction in Multiple Environments
- Is Simpler Better? A Visualization-based Exploration of How Parametric Screening Influences Problem Difficulty and Equifinality in Multiobjective Calibration
- Multiscale, Multiphysics Modeling in Terrestrial Watersheds: Atmosphere-Tidal Interactions (Invited)
- Quantification of immiscible fluid distribution of an oil-wet and water-wet bead pack imaged using x-ray computed microtomography
- Rainfall-runoff model calibration at an ungauged catchment using the map-correlation method
- Scientific Basis for a Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical-Biological Experimental Facility at DUSEL Homestake
- Sensitivity-Informed De Novo Programming for Many-Objective Water Portfolio Planning Under Uncertainty
- Signatures and time scales of the stable isotope network in the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Solute load sensitivity to stream flow gains and losses in transport simulations in coupled stream-subsurface systems
- The Effect of Beaver Activity on the Ammonium Uptake and Water Residence Time Characteristics of a Third-Order Stream Reach
- The Recent Meteor Radar at Penn State: Design, Implementation, and Observations
- The Relation between Magnetospheric State Parameters and the Occurrence of Night-Time Mid-Latitude Plasma Depletions in the F-Region
- The influence of coarse woody debris in the development of hydromorphic complexity within recently deglaciated streams
- Toward an Online Community of Educators: The Modular Curriculum for Hydrologic Advancement (MOCHA)
- Understanding Hydrologic Catchment Similarities Through Detailed Modeling
- Understanding the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Stream Temperature Across Pennsylvania
- Virtual Laboratories to Achieve Higher-Order Learning in Fluid Mechanics
- A fast finite volume model for 2D shallow water flow
- Analyzing Catchment Hydrologic Function through Process-based Behavioral Modeling
- Arecibo's Thermospheric Gravity Waves and the Case for an Ocean Source (Invited)
- Biodegradation of Deep-Sea Oil Spill at the Gulf of Mexico: an Estimate of Half Life Time
- Boundary Layer Flow and Heat Transfer near Vertical Heated Boreholes in Water-Saturated Rock: An Approach to the THMCB Experiment at DUSEL Homestake
- Catchment Classification: Connecting Climate, Structure and Function
- Comparison of Stream-Groundwater Interactions in Two Restoration Approaches
- Context Conundrums: Observations and Conceptual Models are Primary Controls on Interpretations of Temporal and Spatial Scales of Stream-Groundwater Interactions (Invited)
- Does Electrical Resistivity Imaging mesh with solute transport data obtained from tracer studies in hyporheic zones?
- Evidence of mobile/immobile flow at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory using the stable isotope network
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Capillary Imbibition in Fractured Sandstone under Controlled Fracture Flow Conditions
- Finite-Difference Time-Domain Modeling of Infrasonic Waves Generated by Supersonic Auroral Arcs
- Geophysical imaging to inform hyporheic flow and solute transport dynamics in 2- and 3-dimensions (Invited)
- How do relative magnitudes of down- and cross-valley hydraulic gradients vary with flow dynamics? Analysis over daily, storm, and seasonal baseflow recession timescales
- How do storm dynamics change solute transport and transient storage in headwater streams?
- Hydrogeophysical Monitoring of Transport Processes: Are Chemically "Conservative" Tracers Electrically Conservative? (Invited)
- Identification and Classification of Wetlands using Physics based Distributed Hydrologic Model
- Many-objective Groundwater Monitoring Network Design Using Bias-Aware Ensemble Kalman Filtering, Evolutionary Optimization, and Visual Analytics
- Molecular analysis of benthic biofilms from acidic coal mine drainage, Pennsylvania, USA
- Multi-Year Periodicity of SOUFRIÈRE Hills Volcano, Montserrat, Replicated by Conduit Plug Formation and Flow Dynamics (Invited)
- On the inception of streamers from sprite halo events produced by lightning discharges with positive and negative polarity
- Permeability Evolution of Shale and Coal Under Differential Sorption of He, CH4 And CO2
- Real-Time Implementation of the Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Modeling System: The Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Saline Evaporation from Porous Media: Characteristics of Salt Precipitation and Its Effect on Evaporation
- Snow Dynamics in a Polar Desert, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Soil responses to rapid warming events inside and outside of thermokarst features during the snow season in arctic Alaska
- Stopping and restarting eruptions - Controls on Periodicity Revealed through Geodetic Imaging (Invited)
- Strontium isotopes as an indicator of water-rock reaction for the Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical-Biological (THMCB) Experimental Facility at DUSEL
- The relation between the E-region gravity waves and the F-region plasma depletions observed with an all-sky imager at Arecibo
- Understanding and Prediction : An Evolving Paradigm for Modeling Hydrologic Process Feedbacks at Multiple Scales
- Understanding the Dynamic Interaction between Precipitation and Distributed Watershed Model Behavior (Invited)
- Use of DC Resistivity Tomography to Investigate Thermokarst Features, Toolik Lake area, Alaska, USA
- Variability in Headwater Stream Behavior Across the United States
- Vertical Profiles of NOx, O3, and Volatile Organic Compounds in a Deciduous Forest Canopy
- Watershed reanalysis: data assimilation from strip charts to embedded sensor networks (Invited)
- What is the Nondominated Formulation? A Demonstration of de Novo Water Supply Portfolio Planning Under Deep Uncertainty
- When is Small Scale Information Important in Determining Large Scale Mineral Dissolution Rates? (Invited)
- 'age' of water: a physics based, fully coupled, distributed model for watershed assessment
- Changing Seasonality in the Arctic and its Influences on Biogeochemical Processing in Tundra River Networks
- Charge transfer to the ionosphere and to the ground during thunderstorms
- Controls of mineralogy and hydrology on weathering fluxes in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Development of a global education environment to study the Equatorial Ionosphere with Cognitive Radars
- Environmental controls of Cadmium desorption during CO2 leakage
- Estimation of source altitudes of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes produced during the stepping of lighting leaders
- Examining effects of changing seasonality on arctic stream nutrients using a model of in-stream and hyporheic zone biogeochemical cycling
- Exploring the worth of geophysical data for characterizing three dimensional transport and heterogeneity in laboratory aquifer experiment
- Field Scale Controls of Uranium Bioreduction Efficacy: the Role of Physico-chemical Heterogeneity
- How does transient storage change as a function of valley position and flow rate?
- How does valley-bottom hydrology control stream-aquifer interactions in a headwater mountain stream?
- Hydrological Analysis of Catchment Behavior through Process-based Modeling along a Climate Gradient
- Hyporheic Zone Study at Susquehanna/Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Identification of large scale billows-like structure in the neutral Na layer over Arecibo
- Impact of successive lightning strokes on the initiation and propagation of sprite streamers
- Influences of seasonality, geomorphology, and hydrology on primary production and respiration in Arctic stream ecosystems
- Multi-Period Many-Objective Groundwater Monitoring Design Given Systematic Model Errors and Uncertainty
- Observations of the Intra-seasonal oscillations in the tropical MLT and lower atmosphere
- Optimization of CO2-Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery Accommodating Swelling-Induced Permeability Evolution
- Outlet Glacier-Ice Shelf-Ocean Interactions: Pine Island Glacier in the Amundsen Sea Embayment
- Phosphorus Mobility in the Landscape: First Steps to Linking Hydrology and Microbiology
- Progress Toward a Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical-Biological (THMCB) Experiment in the Homestake Mine Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory
- Reactive Transport Modeling of Microbe-mediated Fe (II) Oxidation for Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Regional Modeling of Jakobshavn Glacier: Contribution to SeaRISE Effort
- Regional Modeling of Thwaites Glacier: Dynamic Changes in the Amundsen Sea Embayment
- Seasonal Comparison of Snow Distribution and Aerial Ablation within the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Sobol' Variance Decomposition of an Integrated Assessment Model's Global Sensitivities
- Solute, Discharge, and Nutrient Dynamics at Sub-daily Timescales in Glacial Meltwater Streams of the McMurdo Dry Valleys
- Spatio-temporal Variability of Controls on Water Balance Components in a Western Mountainous Headwater Basin
- Stability of the Grounding Zone of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes produced by energetic electrons during the stepping of lightning leaders
- The Role of Mineral Spatial Distribution in Determining Dissolution Rates
- The Virtual Watershed Observatory: Cyberinfrastructure for Model-Data Integration and Access
- To Trust or Not to Trust: Assessing the consistency of controls across hydrologic models
- Top Down Modeling and Catchment Classification: Insight into hydrologic processes/function and hydrologic similarity
- Wetlands Response to Climate Change across Susquehanna River Basin
- A Many-Objective Analysis of Supply and Demand Management Options for the Thames Basin
- A Many-Objective Approach to Developing Adaptive Water Supply Portfolios in the 'Research Triangle' Region of North Carolina
- A Two-Scale Parameterization for Distributed Watershed Modeling Using National Data and Evolutionary Algorithm
- Analysis of Coherent Scatter Observations collected with the new Penn State VHF Meteor Radar
- Analysis of Groundwater-induced Hydrologic Patterns and Controls in a Great Lakes Watershed Using a Subsurface - Land Surface Processes Model
- Big trouble in a little box: Can we distinguish groundwater transport hypotheses given observational uncertainties?
- Characterizing spatiotemporal dynamics of wetted soils across a polar desert landscape, McMurdo Dry Valleys Antarctica
- Comparison of Stable Isotope Composition in Precipitation between Atmospheric General Circulation Models and Shale Hills Critical Zone Observations
- Continuous Monitoring of CH4 Emissions from Marcellus Shale Gas Extraction in South West Pennsylvania Using Top Down Methodology
- Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs): Integrating measurements and models of Earth surface processes to improve prediction of landscape structure, function and evolution
- Dependence of Positive and Negative Sprite Morphology on Lightning Characteristics and Upper Atmospheric Ambient Conditions
- Emerging Dependencies and Controls for Carbon Dioxide Stabilization Policies
- Evolution of Permeability and Induced Seismicity during Reservoir Stimulation; Role of Fluid Pressure and Thermal Transients on Reactivated Fractured Networks
- Evolutionary Agent-based Models to design distributed water management strategies
- Examining scaling issues of hydrologic and carbon processes using PAWS-CLM
- Exploring controls on saline tracer movement within the hyporheic zone using finite-element modeling and electrical resistivity
- Extreme Values Analysis of McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research (LTER)
- Fracture Patterns within the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Impacts of Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Production on Regional Air Quality
- Implications of changes in hydrologic behavior for catchment classification through time
- Investigation of the structure and stability of SnO<SUB>2</SUB> nanocrystal and its surface-bound water
- Many Objective Robust Decision Making for Complex Environmental Systems Undergoing Change
- Network representation of pore scale imagery for percolation models
- ONEMercury: Towards Automatic Annotation of Earth Science Metadata
- Parameter Estimation of a Physically-Based Land Surface Hydrologic Model Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Physics of Streamer-to-Leader Transition at Reduced Air Density and Its Implications for the Vertical Structuring of Gigantic Jets
- Predicting glacier evolution: Why additional data is critical
- Property Evolution of Fractured Wellbore Cement under Dynamic Flow Conditions Relevant to Geological Carbon Sequestration
- Quantitative predictions of streamflow variability in the Susquehanna River Basin
- Reactive Transport Modeling and Geophysical Monitoring of Bioclogging at Reservoir Scale
- Saturation-history-dependent wettability and its impact on macroscale two-phase flow: As determined by lattice Boltzmann modeling
- Scalar Dispersion Inside Plant Canopies: The Role of Turbulence Intermittency
- Spatial and temporal patterns of hydrologic connectivity between upland landscapes and stream networks
- Stream characteristics determine the importance of transient storage processes
- The Essential Terrestrial Variables (ETV's) in Support of a National Framework for Numerical Watershed Prediction
- The Role of Spatial Distributions of Reactive Minerals and Flow Velocity in Determining Overall Dissolution Rates
- Time series analysis of geophysical images to quantify subsurface transport of solute plumes
- Using Time-Varying Sensitivity Analysis to Understand the Effects of Model Formulation on Model Behavior
- A New Hydrologic-Morphodynamic Model for Regolith Formation and Landscape Evolution
- Assessing the performance of linear and non-linear soil carbon dynamics models using the Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Borg-MOEA
- Battling Arrow's Paradox to Discover Robust Water Management Alternatives
- Characteristics of Mesospheric Na Distribution over Arecibo, Puerto Rico
- Considering uncertainty in climate change projections through a new decision-centric approach to global change impact assessment on water resources tested in a Pennsylvania watershed
- Dependence of the Number of Counts in Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes on the Source-to-satellite Radial Distance
- Developing approaches to hindcast and earthcast climate controls on solute fluxes during shale weathering in the Critical Zone
- Development of a New and Fast Linear Solver for Multi-component Reactive Transport Simulation
- Effect and relevance of the artificial drainage system when assessing the hydrologic impact of the imperviousness distribution within the watershed
- End of the trend: Cold desert ecosystem responses to climate variability
- Evolution of Stiffness and Permeability in Fractures Subject to - and Mechanically-Activated Dissolution
- Influence of hydro-climatic conditions, soil type, and application matrix on potential vadose zone export of PPCPs
- Interpreting isotopic analyses of microbial sulfate reduction in oil reservoirs
- Key variables influencing patterns of lava dome growth and collapse
- Land, Water and Society in the Maya Lowlands
- Low Frequency Radio Signals from Sprite Streamers
- Mechanism of Column and Carrot Sprites Derived from Optical and Radio Observations (Invited)
- Mineral Spatial Distribution in Determining Rates: When does it matter?
- On the Vertical Structuring of Gigantic Jets
- Pore-Scale Investigation on Stress-Dependent Characteristics of Granular Packs and Their Impact on Multiphase Fluid Distribution
- Pore-scale lattice Boltzmann modeling and 4D x-ray computed microtomography imaging of fracture-matrix fluid transfer
- Porosity and Permeability Evolution in Cemented Rock Cores under Reactive Flowing Conditions: Comparative Analysis between Limestone and Sandstone Host Rocks
- Quantifying Storage in Regional Great Lakes Watersheds Using GRACE,MODIS Products and Coupled Subsurface - Land Surface Process Models
- Resolving Key Uncertainties in Subsurface Energy Recovery: One Role of In Situ Experimentation and URLs (Invited)
- Resolving the High Resolution Soil Moisture Pattern at the Shale Hills Watershed Using a Land Surface Hydrologic Model
- Stochastic streamflow dynamics in urbanizing basins
- Tethered Satellites as an Enabling Platform for Operational Space Weather Monitoring Systems
- Understanding hydrologic budgets, dynamics in an arid basin and explore spatial scaling properties using Process-based Adaptive Watershed Simulator (PAWS)
- Understanding the Hydrological Controls on the Water Chemistry at the Watershed Scale Using an Integrated Hydro-Thermo-Geochemical Model PIHM-RT
- Uranium Bioreduction Rates Across Scales During a Biostimulation Field Experiments at Rifle, Colorado
- Urbanization-driven hydrological process change in Conestoga River watershed in Lancaster of Pennsylvania
- Argus: An Io observer mission concept study from the 2014 NASA/JPL Planetary Science Summer School
- Biogeochemical and Hydrological Heterogeneity and Emergent Archetypical Catchment Response Patterns
- Evolving Spatial Heterogeneity Induced by Preferential Carbonate Dissolution in Fractured Media
- Exploring the Influence of Topography on Belowground C Processes Using a Coupled Hydrologic-Biogeochemical Model
- How do changes in dissolved oxygen concentration influence microbially-controlled phosphorus cycling in stream biofilms?
- Integrated Microbial Trait Based-Reactive Transport Modeling Approach Towards Understanding Microbial Reservoir Souring and Desouring
- Monitoring and Modeling Microbial Sulfate Reduction and Inhibition in a Mesoscale Tank Experiment
- Naturally Ocurring Polyphosphate-accumulating Bacteria in Benthic Biofilms
- Rapid Water Uptake and Limited Storage Capacity at Height of Growing Season in Four Temperate Tree Species in a Central Pennsylvania Catchment
- Reconstructing the role of landuse change on water yield at the Maya urban center Tikal, Guatemala [700-800 AD]
- Strontium Isotopes as Tracers for Contamination from Potential Marcellus Shale Waters
- The Interplay of Regolith Evolution and Watershed Hydrodynamics on Shale Weathering Fluxes
- Towards Improved High-Resolution Land Surface Hydrologic Reanalysis Using a Physically-Based Hydrologic Model and Data Assimilation
- Understanding Cr(VI) sorption in heterogeneous porous media using column experiments and reactive transport modeling
- Assimilating the Cosmic-Ray Soil Moisture Observing System Measurements for Land Surface Hydrologic Model Parameter Estimation Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Catchment hydrological change from soil degradation: A model study for assessing urbanization on the terrestrial water cycle
- Comparison of Two Conceptually Different Physically-based Hydrological Models - Looking Beyond Streamflows
- Factors Influencing Phosphorous Cycling in Biogeochemical 'Hot Spots'
- Field measurements of fault slow slip and associated seismicity
- Fracture permeability evolution during shearing: The role of shear-induced dilation
- History matching and parameter estimation of surface deformation data for a CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration field project using ensemble-based algorithm
- Model Selection Coupled with a Particle Tracking Proxy Using Surface Deformation Data for Monitoring CO<SUB>2</SUB> Plume Migration
- Quantifying the Temporal Inequality of Nutrient Loads with a Novel Metric
- Slow Dynamics in Berea Sandstone: a Non-logarithmic Relaxation at Early Times Revealed by Dynamic Acousto-Elasticity.
- The Computable Catchment: An executable document for model-data software sharing, reproducibility and interactive visualization
- Understanding the Concentration-Discharge Relationship of Chloride and Magnesium in Shale Hills Using RT-Flux-PIHM
- Using CO to NO<SUB>X</SUB> Ratios to Understand the Impact of Photoactive Roadways on Urban Atmospheric Chemistry and their Efficiency in Mitigating Air Pollution
- Using WITCH to determine the factors that govern shale weathering and solute fluxes in the Critical Zone
- Water-regolith-energy Interaction in Landscape Evolution and Its Influence on Forming Asymmetric Landscape: An Example from the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory of Central Pennsylvania
- A Rate Law of Magnesite Dissolution in Heterogeneous Porous Media: the Role of Residence Time and Effective Surface Area
- Assimilating the cosmic-ray soil moisture observing system measurements for understanding watershed hydrodynamics
- Characterizing reach-scale flow resistance in mountain streams using structure-from-motion surveys and computational fluid dynamics simulation
- Determination of coefficient of restitution for sediment saltation using high-speed 3D particle tracking
- Effect of Polyphosphate-accumulating Organisms on Phosphorus Mobility in Variably Saturated Sand Columns
- Factors Influencing Divergent Patterns of Phosphorus Availability in NY and PA Biogeochemical `Hotspots'
- Flow Through Cement Fracture Under Geological Carbon Sequestration Conditions: Critical Residence Time as a Unifying Parameter for Fracture Opening or Self-Sealing Behavior
- Heterogeneous alternation of fractured rock driven by preferential carbonate dissolution
- History Matching for Fractured Reservoirs using Mimetic Finite Differences and Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Nitrogen Cycling Considerations for Low-Disturbance, High-Carbon Soil Management in Climate-Adaptive Agriculture
- On the Relation Between Transient Elastic Softening and Permeability Increase in fractured shale and granite
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Flood Inundation Mapping Using Streamflow Ensembles and Multiple Hydraulic Modeling Techniques
- Surface Features Parameterization and Equivalent Roughness Height Estimation of a Real Subglacial Conduit in the Arctic
- Temporal clustering of flow events: Application of a stochastic framework applied to hormone transport and preferential flow
- Transient Permeability Enhancement via Dynamic Stressing: The Role of Shear Displacement
- Understanding Hydrogeochemical Processes at the Watershed Scale Using RT-Flux-PIHM
- Understanding controls of hydrologic processes across two monolithological catchments using model-data integration
- Using Isotopic Age of Water as a Constraint on Model Identification at a Critical Zone Observatory
- <p>Hydraulic Roughness and Flow Resistance in a Subglacial Conduit
- 3D Numerical simulation of bed morphological responses to complex in-streamstructures
- Baseline Geochemistry of Natural Occurring Methane and Saline Groundwater in an Area of Unconventional Shale Gas Development Through Time
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> convective dissolution controlled by temporal changes in free-phase CO<SUB>2</SUB> properties
- Chemical Degradation of Polyacrylamide during Hydraulic Fracturing
- Computational Modeling of Hydrodynamics and Scour around Underwater Munitions
- Computational Modeling of Sinkage of Objects into Porous Bed under Cyclic Loading
- Coupling Cellular Automata Land Use Change with Distributed Hydrologic Models
- Magnesite Dissolution Rates Across Scales: Role of Spatial Heterogeneity, Equilibrium Lengths, and Reactive Time Scales
- Prolongation of SMAP to Spatio-temporally Seamless Coverage of Continental US Using a Deep Learning Neural Network
- Qualitatively Modeling solute fate and transport across scales in an agricultural catchment with diverse lithology
- Reactive Transport of Marcellus Shale Waters in Natural Aquifers: the Role of Mineralogical Compositions and Spatial Distribution Patterns
- Temporal trends and spatial patterns in nutrient export along the Mississippi River and its Tributaries
- The East River, Colorado Community Watershed: Hydrobiogeochemical Studies Spanning Scales and Disciplines
- The importance of temporal inequality in quantifying vegetated filter strip removal efficiencies
- Two-phase flow simulation of scour around a cylindrical pile
- Understanding controls of hydrologic processes across two headwater monolithological catchments using model-data synthesis
- Understanding the hydrologic and geochemical control of regolith formation on shale in a hilly landscape
- Accumulation of Oil and Gas Wastewater Contaminants in Freshwater Bivalves
- Air Light: Understanding its Make-up
- Application of machine-learning tools to extract patterns in long-term DOC monitoring data: an integrated, multi-scale approach
- Co-precipitation of calcite and sulfur at depth signifies biotic activity at the onset of weathering in crystalline rocks from temperate climates
- Combining long-term observations with experiments to test hypotheses on stream water dissolved organic carbon dynamics at the Sleepers River Research Watershed
- Comparing preferential flow between two catchments with contrasting lithologies
- Consolidation behavior, permeability, and compressional wavespeeds of sediment entering the eastern Aleutian subduction zone: Implications for the evolution of subducted sediments
- Coupled Assessment of Elastic and Hydraulic Properties of Fractured Rock
- Critical measurements of hydrologic response in a first-order, forested catchment at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (SSHCZO)
- Dependence of Fracture (Fault) Permeability Evolution on Surface Roughness
- Discovery of a 3.46 Ga-old Asteroid Impact Crater in the East Pilbara District, Western Australia
- Efficacy and Impacts of Using Produced Water for Dust Suppression on Rural Roads
- Forecasting effects of climate and land use on terrestrial water dynamics, soil development, and biogeochemical cycling
- Hydrologic Control of Catchment-Scale Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Dynamics
- HyporheicFoam: An Open Source Solver for Coupled Simulation of Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions
- Integrating Models Through Knowledge-Powered Data and Process Composition
- Introducing a new storm surge risk mitigation modeling framework of intermediate complexity designed to assist policymakers in identifying and optimizing combinations of risk mitigation strategies considering the multiple objectives of divergent stakeholders.
- Land use and lithology controls on export of nitrate and other solutes from headwaters to HUC10 watersheds
- Modeling Hydrochemical Dynamics in a Glacierized Watershed Using an Integrated Reactive-Transport Watershed Model
- Modeling coupled natural and human systems in lake catchments reveals feedbacks among land-management decisions, water quality degradation, and altered property values
- Modeling of Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport around Porous In-stream Structures
- Moving Towards Sustainable Land Management in the Chesapeake Bay Through Novel Engagement Strategies
- Precursory changes in p- and s- phase amplitudes and velocities linked to accelerated fault creep during laboratory slip instabilities
- Probing changes in frictional state due to normal stress perturbations using controlled-source ultrasonics
- Radium Removal from Marcellus Shale Produced Water Using a Synthetic Clay
- Recovery from Acid Deposition in the Mississippi River
- Salinization Assessment and Radium Co-precipitation Characterization in Western U.S. Produced Water Streams: Implications for Beneficial Use as Disposal Management
- Separating Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainties of Time Series Deep Learning Models for Soil Moisture Predictions
- Temporal Trends and Spatial Patterns of Nutrient Export along the Mississippi River and its Tributaries
- The East River, Colorado Community Watershed: Hydrobiogeochemical Studies Spanning Scales and Disciplines
- The Effect of Roughness on the Elasticity and Permeability of Fractured Media
- The Food-Energy-Water nexus of US Biofuels
- The Impact of Fabric Evolution on Elastic Properties in Natural and Synthetic Clay-Rich Gouge
- Ultrasonic Monitoring of Fracture Propagation and Complexity in Laboratory-Scale Hydraulic Fracturing Experiments
- Understanding Contrasting Concentration-discharge (CQ) Behaviors in a Seasonally Snow-covered Watershed
- Understanding Hydrobiogeochemical Controls of Nutrient Export Using Process-based Watershed Modeling
- Understanding emerging contaminants in the environment: Moving from fear to empowerment
- Understanding the importance of soil aggregate destabilization as mechanism of stream DOC increase in two Northeastern headwater catchments.
- Upscaling Hydrological Dynamics at the Watershed Scale
- Urbanization in desert watersheds challenges the traditional 'urban stream syndrome'
- Validating machine learning hypothesis about soil thickness impacts on hydrologic fluxes using a process-based surface-subsurface model
- a New Numerical Solver for Simulating Porous Media Flow Based on Immersed Boundary Method
- A Flexible Deep Learning Data Integration Framework to Improve Streamflow Forecast and Provide Hydrologic Insights over the Continental US
- A fast/automated watershed modeling workflow with the Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model (PIHM): Essential data, simulation, applications and visualization
- Alteration of shale anisotropic pores under uniaxial compression condition: An investigation using small-angle neutron scattering
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- Applying deep learning in estimating parameters for hydrologic model
- Coal mine methane in China: potential uses and benefits for both climate and air quality
- Consolidation behavior, permeability, and compressional wavespeeds of sediment entering the eastern Aleutian subduction zone: Implications for the evolution of subducted sediments
- Coordinating air pollution and clean power strategies in India for health and climate objectives
- Critical Zone Measurements: Development of Novel Experimental Deployments to Further Our Understanding of Hydrological Processes
- Data synergy effects of time-series deep learning models in soil moisture projection and near-real-time forecast
- Designing a critical zone research coordination network to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Deviations in point of zero charge with nanoscale pore geometries of synthesized silica-based materials
- Do we need to account for dynamic changes in subsurface plumbing to project blue water stocks and fluxes?
- Ecohydrological and biogeochemical dynamics of urban stormwater in arid central Arizona
- Frequency content of lab earthquakes for the spectrum of failure modes, from slow slip to elastodynamic rupture
- Hydrogeomorphic Nature of Road-Stream Crossings in Forested Headwater Catchments: A Case from Pennsylvania's Stone Valley Experimental Forest
- Hydrologic time series deep learning: projection, forecast, uncertainties and data integration
- Importance of cross-border team science in permafrost research for risk mitigation
- Influence of Fracture Roughness on the Elastodynamic and Hydraulic Properties of Fractured Rock
- Investigating the Nonlinear Elastic Behavior of Unconsolidated Granular Media with Dynamic Acousto-Elastic Testing
- Linear flow model with piecewise constant coefficients for infinite-acting reservoirs with pressure-dependent properties
- MINT: An intelligent interface for understanding the impacts of climate change on hydrological, agricultural and economic systems
- Modelling the effects of climate-responsive soil parameters on continental-scale hydrologic stores and fluxes in the Community Land Model (CLM) 5.0
- Near-real-time forecast of satellite-based soil moisture using time series deep learning models
- Properties of hydrologic deep learning and its value for catchment science
- Seismic Ambient Noise and Electrical Resistivity Imaging of Subsurface Water Changes in the Susquehanna Shale Hills CZO, Pennsylvania
- Spatiotemporal variability of hydrochemistry in a tropical glacierized watershed in the Andes
- Stream chemistry responses to anomalous warming in a high-elevation mountain watershed: Coal Creek and the upper East River, Colorado
- The Influence of Fracture Aperture on Permeability and Elastic Nonlinearity: An Integrated Analytical and Empirical Investigation
- The Physics of Elastic Precursors to Laboratory Earthquakes
- The Surprisingly Inexpensive Cost of Decentralized Emission Control Strategies
- Using apparent respiratory quotient and fixed potential electrodes to quantify iron redox in upland soils of the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- What are Key Drivers of Projected Riverine Flood Risk?
- A new carbonate reservoir prediction method and its application in the South Atlantic Ocean
- A physics-informed deep learning method for prediction of CO2 storage site response
- An efficient deep learning mechanism for cross-region generalization of landslide events
- Are the mass transfer parameters in an in-stream transient storage model physically meaningful?
- Automated deep-learning-based soil moisture planning and forecast system for planning against natural disasters
- Best Management Practices for Diffuse Nutrient Pollution: Wicked Problems Across Urban and Agricultural Watersheds
- Biogeochemical response of the coupled river-hyporheic zone system to organic matter inputs and unexpected sensitivity to temperature
- Capturing continental-scale dissolved oxygen patterns using deep learning and big data
- Cloud-based interactive database management suite integrated with deep learning-based annotation tool for landslide mapping
- Consolidation behavior, permeability, and compressional wavespeeds of sediment entering the eastern Aleutian subduction zone: Implications for rock properties along the plate interface
- Coupled hyporheicFoam solver for flow and reactive transport in streams and hyporheic zones: strengths, weaknesses, and future development
- Critical Risk Indicators (CRIs) for the electric power grid: A survey and discussion of interconnected effects
- Critical Zone network cluster research: Using Big Data approaches to assess ecohydrological resilience across scales
- Deep learning of the precursory signatures in active source seismic data for improved prediction of laboratory earthquake
- Developing a Deep Learning Framework to Build Temporally Continuous Daily Nitrate Time-series Data for Agricultural Watersheds
- Developing and Testing a Long Short-Term Memory Stream Temperature Model in Daily and Continental Scale
- Does woody encroachment accelerate carbonate weathering?
- Economic Complexity of Virtual Water Flows
- Electrochemical monitoring of shallow soils in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory for real-time measurement of metal redox reaction dynamics
- Evaluation of a sample handling protocol for reliable laboratory space weathering simulations via ion irradiation and in situ characterization of olivine powders
- Field and Laboratory Identification of Lithium-Enriched Clay from the Mercer Formation in Central and Western Pennsylvania
- From parameter calibration to parameter learning: Revolutionizing large-scale geoscientific modeling with big data
- From soil to stream: reading subsurface structure from stream chemistry
- Globally Mapped Adaptations across Water, Food, and Energy Systems: Interlinkages, Synergies, and Consequences
- Identifying Controlling Factors of Calcium Concentration in US Streams Using a Machine Learning Approach
- Identifying Controls of Climate and Watershed Characteristics on Concentrations of Dissolved Silica (DSi)
- Improving multi-month streamflow forecast in CONUS using Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks
- Improving pedotransfer functions: A new framework to predict soil saturated hydraulic conductivity
- Investigating Explicit and Implicit Decisions of Modelers Across Three Watershed Models
- Investigating the Impacts of Disruption on Interdependent Critical Infrastructure across the Food, Energy, Water, Nexus
- Investigating the role of thermo-poro-elastic stresses and deformation on induced seismicit
- Leveraging Flow Duration Information to Improve Streamflow Prediction in Data-sparse Regions with Deep Learning Models
- Mapping the challenges of deep-learning-powered flood forecasting: from data-rich region to data-scarce regions
- Modeling reactions of ozone with human skin and clothing to quantify formation of semivolatile organic compounds
- Nitrogen Pollution Embedded in Commodity Supply Chains and Trade; Linking Systems and Scales across Water, Energy, and Land
- On the Pre-, Co-, and Post-seismic Evolution of Elastic Wave Properties for Slow and Fast Laboratory Earthquakes
- Physics Guided Deep Learning Models for Hydrology
- Quantifying Streambed Hydrological Exchange Flows Using Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry and Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling
- Quantifying Virtual Nitrogen Transfers in the US Food Trade and Mapping Associated Uncertainties
- Relating the Elastodynamic Stiffness of Fractured Rock to Fracture Aperture Distribution and Geometry
- Responses of Critical Zone Soil Processes to Climate: A Meta Analysis
- Rock Physics-Based Joint Assimilation of Seismic and Pressure Data for Monitoring and Predicting CO2 Plume Migration: a Cranfield Case Study
- Routing flood waves through the river network utilizing physics-guided machine learning and the Muskingum-Cunge Method
- Subsurface Flow Path and Stream Chemistry Response to Warming in a High Elevation Mountain Watershed in Colorado
- Subsurface structure controls water transit time, carbon transformation, and carbonate weathering at the hillslope scale
- The Relation Between Fracture Aperture and Hydro-mechanical Properties: An Experimental and Analytical Approach
- The fragility of the United States food supply chain multilayer network
- The impact of volatile organic compounds on ozone formation in the suburban area of Shanghai
- The influence of fault slip rate on temporal variations in frequency-magnitude statistics of acoustic emissions throughout the laboratory seismic cycle
- The silver lining of COVID-19: estimation of short-term health impacts due to lockdown in the Yangtze River Delta region, China
- Transcending the uniqueness of places with large-sample multi-physics catchment modeling based on machine learning
- Transferring hydrologic data across the continent-how do data from US catchments benefit flood prediction in other countries?
- Typology of Food-Energy-Water Systems in the United States
- Understanding bicarbonate concentrations across the continental US using machine learning models
- Watery Research Boundaries: Studying Language, Collaboration, and Content Overlap Between Research on Transboundary Water Resources and Water Security
- rSHUD: An R Package Facilitating Quick and Reproducible Hydrologic Deployment Worldwide.