Biosphere 2
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Isotopic Partitioning of CO2 and Evapotranspiration Fluxes in a Semi-Arid Savanna: Effects of Sampling Height and Monsoon Rains
- The effect of soil moisture on nitrous oxide production rates in large enclosed ecosystems
- Quantification of Potential Arsenic Bioavailability Using Chelating Resins in Spatially Varying Geologic Environments at the Watershed Scale
- The Consequences of a Two Water Source Ecosystem on the Surface Carbon and Water Exchange in a Semiarid Riparian Woodland
- Above- and Below-ground Biomass, Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange, and Soil Respiration in a Poplar Populus deltoides Bartr.) stand : Changes after 3 years of Growth under Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Description and Preliminary Results From an On-Line Method of Analysis of δ <SUP>13</SUP>C and δ <SUP>18</SUP>O of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- N<SUB>2</SUB>O production pathway change during drought and following wet-up in a controlled rainforest at Biosphere 2 Center
- Fostering Environmental Literacy For A Changing Earth: Interactive and Participatory Outreach Programs at Biosphere 2
- Dynamics of natural system hillslope silicate weathering: coupling water transit time with REYs in solution
- Effect of Dissolved Organic Matter on Basalt Weathering Rates under Flow Conditions
- Hysteresis of Soil Moisture Spatial Heterogeneity and the "Homogenizing" Effect of Vegetation
- Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Larrea tridentate (Creosote bush) during the North American Monsoon
- Dissolution of Unfired and Fired Propellants and Transport of Released Nitroglycerine, 2,4-Dinitrotoluine, and Nitroguanidine in Soils
- Fault zone evolution and topographic change detection using LiDAR
- Monitoring the sensitivity of active gully erosion to individual runoff events and seasonal soil moisture changes
- Native, Arid Green Design: Strategies to Combat Urban Heat Island Effect
- Re-connecting Urban Ecohydrology to Improve Ecosystem Functioning: The Role of Local-scale Green Infrastructure
- Responses of wind erosion to disturbance in a desert scrub grassland: grass vs. bush cover, and a snapshot into recovery
- The Role of Water Subsidy on Vegetation Dynamics in a Semiarid Grassland Catchment: Comparison between Field Measurements and 3-D Ecohydrological Modeling
- Assessing the ecosystem service potential of Tucson AZ's urban forest
- Ecophysiological responses of native and invasive grasses to simulated warming and drought
- Ecosystem-Scale Compensation Point Analysis of Formic and Acetic Acid in the Central Amazon
- High-resolution topographic change detection of an active earthflow using airborne and terrestrial LiDAR, Mill Gulch, California
- Inclusion of photosynthetic activity and exogenous antecedent conditions significantly improves predictability of soil respiratory efflux from multiple microhabitats
- Influence of Snow Cover Duration on Soil Evaporation and Respiration Efflux in Mixed-conifer Ecosystems
- Minimal watering regime impacts on desert adapted green roof plant performance
- Plants and microorganisms as drivers of mineral weathering
- Quantifying Landscape Evolution From Terrestrial LiDAR and Environmental Process Monitoring
- Rainsplash diffusion: Experimental smoothing of landscapes
- Resilience of the spatial patterning of soil resources in creosote-encroached grassland
- Soil respiration responses to variation in temperature and moisture availability under woody plants and grasses
- A Comparative study of Volatile Organic Compounds from two desert plant species growing in Southern Arizona
- A landscape in three biospheres: biological rock weathering in a model ecosystem
- Can erosion control structures in large dryland arroyo channels lead to resilient riparian and cienega restoration? Observations from LiDAR, monitoring and modeling at Rancho San Bernardino, Sonora, MX
- Ecohydrological responses of a model semiarid system to precipitation pulses after a global change type dry-down depend on growth-form, event size, and time since establishment
- Emergent properties of climate-vegetation feedbacks in the North American Monsoon Macrosystem
- Evaluating dryland ecological and river restoration using repeat LiDAR and hydrological monitoring
- Evaluation of Arroyo Channel Restoration Efforts using Hydrological Modeling: Rancho San Bernardino, Sonora, MX
- Forest growth predicts soil N2O flux in Amazon basin
- Inorganic nitrogen cycling in ephemeral urban waterways of the semi-arid Southwest
- Life on rock. Scaling down biological weathering in a new experimental design at Biosphere-2
- Quantifying thermal constraints on carbon and water fluxes in a mixed-conifer sky island ecosystem
- Socio-Ecohydrologic Agents And Services: Integrating Human And Natural Components To Address Coupled System Resilience
- Species-specific and seasonal differences in chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic light response among three evergreen species in a Madrean sky island mixed conifer forest
- The hills are alive: Earth surface dynamics in the University of Arizona Landscape Evolution Observatory
- Understanding the biological underpinnings of ecohydrological processes
- Determining the Carbon Transport Rate of an Enclosed Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem in Biosphere 2
- Modeling the Climate and Hydrological Controls of the Expansion of an Invasive Grass Over Southern Arizona
- Precipitation pulse dynamics of carbon sequestration and efflux in highly weatherable soils
- Role of plant-rock interactions in the N cycle of oligotrophic environments
- Soil Respiration Responses to Variation in Temperature Treatment and Vegetation Type
- Strategies for cooler cities? Ecophysiological responses of semi-arid street trees to storm water harvesting
- Using photographic art to connect researchers with public audiences
- An Experimental and Modeling Synthesis to Determine Seasonality of Hydraulic Redistribution in Semi-arid Region with Multispecies Vegetation Interaction
- Aspect as a Driver of Soil Carbon and Water Fluxes in Desert Environments
- Carbon Balance in an Olive Orchard of SE Spain: Influence of Weed Cover
- Effects of Climate Change and Vegetation Type on Carbon and Nitrogen Accumulation during Incipient Soil Formation
- Impacts of hydraulic redistribution on overstory-understory interactions in a semiarid savanna
- Insights from a network of long-term measurements of biosphere-atmospheric exchanges of water vapor and carbon dioxide in southern Arizona
- Physical Basis for Storage-Dependent Age Distributions of Water Discharged from an Experimental Hillslope
- Seasonal and Topographic Variation in Net Primary Productivity and Water Use Efficiency in a Southwest Sky Island Fores
- The Photovoltaic Heat Island Effect: Larger solar power plants increase local temperatures
- Biosphere 2, a nexus of partner networks that improve student experiences and outcomes
- Carbon and nitrogen accumulation and fluxes on Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO) slopes
- Carbon uptake in granular basalt is mitigated by added organic carbon.
- Controlled experiments of hillslope co-evolution at the Biosphere 2 Landscape Evolution Observatory: toward prediction of coupled hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological change
- Elemental Redistribution at the Onset of Soil Genesis from Basalt as Measured in a Soil Lysimeter System
- Establishment of quantitative hydrological indexes for studies of hydro-biogeochemical interactions at the subsurface.
- Evaluating the Effects of Fire on Semi-Arid Savanna Ecosystem Productivity Using Integrated Spectral and Gas Exchange Measurements
- Impact of hydraulic redistribution on multispecies vegetation water use in a semi-arid ecosystem: An experimental and modeling synthesis
- Improving Our Ability to Assess Land Management and Disturbance by Linking Traditional Ecosystem Measurements with UAV Spectral Analysis
- Investigation of Hydrological Response of Three Identical Artificial Hillslopes at the Landscape Evolution Observatory
- Linking genes to ecosystem trace gas fluxes in a large-scale model system
- Measuring volatile organic compounds and stable isotopes emitted from trees and soils of the Biosphere 2 Rainforest
- Microbial community assembly patterns under incipient conditions in a basaltic soil system
- Microbial drivers of spatial heterogeneity of nitrous oxide pulse dynamics following drought in an experimental tropical rainforest
- Noninvasive methods for dynamic mapping of microbial populations across the landscape
- Projected effects of vegetation and organic matter on soil carbon dynamics after rainfall in a model basalt landscape.
- Real-time isotope monitoring network at the Biosphere 2 Landscape Evolution Observatory resolves meter-to-catchment scale flow dynamics
- Recovery of Methane Consumption by Secondary Forests in the Amazon River Basin
- Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of microbial life in artificial landscapes
- The effect of elevated CO<SUB>2 </SUB>and temperature on nutrient uptake by plants grown in basaltic soil
- Toward a simple, repeatable, non-destructive approach to measuring stable-isotope ratios of water within tree stems
- Accessible Science and Technology: Augmented Reality Simulations Have Positive Impact on Visitor Experience at Biosphere 2
- An improved and practical approach for estimating catchment-scale response functions through power spectral analysis
- Coupling Hydrologic Processes and Geochemical Weathering Patterns in a Fully Controlled Basaltic Soil Lysimeter
- Ecosystems under the glass: leveraging a model ecosystem to evaluate carbonyl sulfide as a tracer for ecosystem carbon and water cycling
- Experimental observation of a hillslope-scale rank StorAge Selection function: Process controls on its functional form, time variability, and hysteresis
- Immersive undergraduate research experiences: maximizing benefits for diverse students
- Net Soil Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO in a Mesocosm Experiment with Incipient Basaltic Tephra
- Salinity Enhancement in a Tidal River Floodplain
- Scaling of flow quantiles and mean catchment fluxes and storage provides empirical formulation of the flow duration curve
- The influence of isoprene emission on biogeochemical responses of tropical forests to climate from leaves to ecosystems
- The pulse of a semi-arid forest: intra-seasonal progression of water and carbon exchange.
- Tree stems methane emissions research: a path forward
- A comparison of transit time distribution vs. fraction of young water to characterize storage in a mountain headwater catchment: does the tail matter?
- Applying Thermal Infrared Imaging to Calculate Spatial and Temporal Evaporation Rates at the Landscape Evolution Observatory
- Biosphere 2: The Changes of Soil Composition and Properties in Time in the Rainforest Biome
- Effect of unrepresented heterogeneity in soil hydrology on prediction uncertainties and parameter estimation using data assimilation
- Identifying the organic and inorganic products of incipient weathering in natural environments
- Modifying a catchment-scale model for structural soundness: a Monte-Carlo calibration of a leaking landscape
- Nonparametric estimation of time-variable transit time distribution and SAS function: A transfer function model approach
- Predicting Fate of Munitions Constituents in the Environment
- Re-Evaluating a Stable Isotope (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O) Approach for Estimating the Temperature of Photosynthesis
- Spatial differences and temporal change in organic matter composition across artificial hillslope during incipient soil formation
- Spatial-Temporal Variability on Soil Respiration in 20 Year Old Enclosed Rainforest
- The benefits of team-building and student empowerment for diverse REU cohorts
- Tracing recent carbon from photosynthesis to stem and soil respiration in an experimental tropical rainforest in response to drought
- Machine learning of a hysteretic hydrological signature: A case study with the catchment sensitivity function
- Physical interpretation of transit time distributions in a model hillslope via geophysical imaging of ages of water.
- Relevance of heterogeneity of soil hydraulic material properties for predicting hillslope discharge