University of Arizona, Department of Hydrology and Water Resources
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Material in Two Southwestern Desert River Systems
- A Comparison of Spatial Statistical Techniques for the Development of a Validation Data set for Mesoscale Modeling of Snow Water Equivalence
- Advances in Parameter Estimation and Data Assimilation for Hydrologic Modeling
- Alternative Conceptual Models of Unsaturated Flow at the Maricopa Environmental Monitoring Site
- Applications of satellite data assimilation for improved model estimations in semi-arid lands.
- Borehole Geophysics and Surface Electromagnetic Induction Surveys to Describe Ephemeral Channel Recharge in the Sierra Vista Subwatershed of the Upper San Pedro Basin
- Climate Variability, Dissolved Organic Carbon, UV Exposure, and Amphibian Decline
- Conditioning Steady State Mean Stochastic Flow Equations on Head and Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements
- Deep Temperature Profiles to Evaluate Recharge in the Desert Southwest, United States
- Derived continental U.S. land surface hydrologic fluxes and state variables, 1950-2000
- Effectiveness of Hydraulic Tomography: Sandbox Experiments
- Effects of Nitrogen Deposition on Rocky Mountain Ecosystems: Beyond the Front Range.
- Energy, Water, and Carbon Dioxide Exchange of a Riparian Mesquite Stand
- Formaldehyde (HCHO) and Hydrogen Peroxide (H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>) in Air, Snow and Interstitial Air at South Pole During ISCAT 2000
- From Gullies to Glaciers: A Continuum of Evidence Supporting a Recent Climate Change on Mars
- High Resolution Climate Histories from Greenland Ice Cores: Placing 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Changes in a Longer Perspective
- Ideality and Dissolution Dynamics of Multicomponent NAPL in Groundwater Systems
- In-Situ Characterization of Soil-Water Content at the Lysimeter and Field Scales Using Gas-Phase Partitioning Tracer Tests
- Infiltration Into Sandy Alluvial Deposits: Effects of Moisture-Dependent Anisotropy?
- Investigation of Carbon Flux Modeling using Multi-criteria Calibration Techniques
- Land data assimilation: A possible centerpiece of CUAHS modeling activities?
- Mars Plate Tectonics: Surface Geology and Analyses of Topographic and Geophysical Data
- Mean and Variance of DNAPL Finger Development in a Saturated, Randomly Heterogeneous Porous Medium.
- Measuring the distribution of surface energy and water fluxes in a riparian mesquite savannah-type ecosystem.
- Modification of Temperature Sensors to Aid in Determining Streamflow Timing and Duration
- On Radar Rainfall, Catchment Runoff and the Response Scale
- On the proper treatment of heterogeneous interfaces in unstaturated soils
- Plate Tectonics and the Long-Term Global Water Cycle of Mars
- Quantifying the Redistribution of Pore Water After Infiltration Using Ground Penetrating Radar
- Relationship Between Landscape Character, UV Exposure, and Amphibian Decline
- Research Infrastructure for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science: Planning Highlights and Update
- Sea-Salt Record of the EPICA - Dome C Deep Ice Core
- Seasonal Dynamics of Water, Carbon, and Energy Flux in Mesquite Forest: Project Overview and Preliminary Results
- Solute Sources and Budget for the Rio Grande above El Paso, Texas
- Solutions of the Stochastic Richard's Equation for Soils with Arbitrary Relative Hydraulic Conductivity Functions
- South Pole HOx Chemistry: New Insights Based on ISCAT 2000 Observations
- Statistical Estimation of Heterogeneities: A New Frontier in Well Testing
- TCE Dissolution and the Effect of Length Scales on Dissolution Rates
- Using Volunteer Data in Scientific Research: Combining GLOBE and USGS Data to Relate Surface Water Alkalinity With Regional Geology
- Using a Bed Sediment Thermograph From Beneath an Ephemeral Stream to Identify Periods of Flow
- <SUP>32</SUP>Si in Wet and Dry Deposition as an Input to the Vadose Zone
- A Shuffled Complex Evolution Metropolis algorithm for optimization and uncertainty assessment of hydrological model parameters
- A Spatially-Explicit Snow Model of a Mid-latitude Alpine Basin
- Accounting for Conceptual Model Uncertainty via Maximum Likelihood Bayesian Model Averaging
- Active Hydrogeomorphic Processes and the Formation of Dark Slope Streaks on Mars
- Autonomous Science Analysis with the New Millennium Program-Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
- Behavior of Boron and Boron Isotopes During Uptake by Atriplex canescens: Desert Plants as Samplers of Boron from Soils and Groundwater
- Bivariate Drought Recurrence Analysis Using Paleoclimatic Records
- Can Your Global Climate Modeling Project Use a Global Soil Moisture Data Set?
- Clues to Coral Reef Health: Integrating Radiative Transfer Modeling and Hyperspectral Data
- Determination of the Subsurface Water Balance Within a Semi-Arid Sky Island
- Effect of Randomly Varying Capillary Pressure on Sharp Front Propagation and Instability
- Ensemble forecasting study on an extensive snowfall in the western U.S. using RSM
- Gaussian finite element closure of steady state unsaturated flow in randomly heterogeneous soils
- Helping Resource Managers Understand Hydroclimatic Variability and Forecasts: A Case Study in Research Equity
- Importance of accumulation timing in preservation of HNO<SUB>3</SUB> at Summit, Greenland
- Incorporating Remotely Sensed Snow Surface Grain Size Into Spatially Distributed Snowmelt Modeling
- Intertwined Seasonalities: The Key to Reconstructing Atmospheric Formaldehyde (HCHO) and Hydrogen Peroxide (H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>) From Ice-Core Records
- Measurements of Whole Canopy Water Status Using an Impulse Time Domain Transmission Technique
- Mixing Model Analysis of Solute Sources in a Semi-Arid Stream
- Modeling and Estimation of Bank Storage in a Gaining Reach of the San Pedro River, Arizona
- Modeling, Calibration, and Sensitivity Analysis of Coupled Land-Surface Models
- Neural Network Prediction of Ephemeral Streamflow Using Bed-Sediment Thermographs
- Nonlocal and Localized Analyses of Conditional Mean Transient Flow in Bounded, Randomly Nonuniform Domains
- Numerical Modeling for Integrated Design of a DNAPL Partitioning Tracer Test
- Quantifying Saline Groundwater Discharge to the Rio Grande using <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr and [Ca]/[Sr] Ratios
- Quantifying Salinization of the Upper-Middle Rio Grande Using a Basin-Scale Water and Chloride Mass Balance Model
- Radial flow to a well under transient conditions in an infinite randomly heterogeneous aquifer
- Rainfall-Runoff Modelling: New Tools and New Horizons
- Remote Robotic Geology: Learning from the MER-FIDO Field Test Site
- Response of alpine streams and groundwater to climatic variability and changes in atmospheric deposition of sulfur and nitrogen
- Sediment Dynamics Over a Stable Point bar of the San Pedro River, Southeastern Arizona
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Concentrations Along a 90km Reach of the San Pedro River, AZ.
- Stochastic Fusion of Information for Imaging the Vadose Zone--in memory of Professor Allan Gutjahr.
- Stochastic Fusion of Information: An application to Monitoring Water Movement in STVZ Infiltration Field Site
- Synoptic Sampling of Dissolved Nitrogen Species and Organic Carbon in the Rio Grande Basin
- The NAME, Topographically Enhanced Precipitation Observing Network in Northwest Mexico
- The Northwestern Slope Valleys Region, Mars: A Prime Target for the Future Exploration of Mars
- The Treatment of Heterogeneous Interfaces in Soil
- Understanding Riparian Ecosystem Function: Linking Biogeochemistry and Hydrology at Multiple Scales
- A Comparison of Surface and Surface-Borehole ERT Arrays for Monitoring Subsurface Hydrologic Processes at the INEEL Site
- A Decision Support System for Demand Management of the Rio Conchos Basin, Mexico
- Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (ALSM) for Enhanced Riparian Water Use Estimates, Basin Sediment Budgets, and Terrain Characterization
- Analysis of Measurement Error and Estimator Shape in Three-Point Hydraulic Gradient Estimators
- Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Data into the Biome-BGC Ecosystem Model to Improve the Prediction of Energy and Carbon Exchange in Southwestern Mountain Island Forests
- Bivariate Drought Characterization Using Nonparametric Approaches
- Calibration and Regionalisation of Rainfall-Runoff Models
- Calibration and application of a distributed land surface model for a semi-arid basin using remotely sensed data
- Carbon limitation of heterotrophic respiration under seasonal snowpacks: Implications for carbon balance in seasonally snow-covered ecosystems
- Characterization of Newly-Formed Manganese (Hydr)oxides in Biofilms in Pinal Creek, Arizona
- Clues to Coral Reef Ecosystem Health: Spectral Analysis Coupled with Radiative Transfer Modeling
- Combined Parameter and State Estimation of Hydrological Models Using Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Core Atmospheric Measurements at the Summit, Greenland Environmental Observatory: GEOSummit
- Development of an Air Permeameter for Monitoring Changes in Hydraulic Conductivity of Surface Soils due to Fire: Measurements Made Following the 2003 Aspen Fire in Sabino Canyon, Arizona
- Evaluating Satellite-based Rainfall Estimates for Basin-scale Hydrologic Modeling
- Evaluation of the Noah Land-surface Model for Semi-arid Sites in the Southwestern United States
- FTIR Spectroscopic Study of Mn(II) Oxidizing Pseudomonas putida GB1 Biofilms on ZnSe, Ge, and CdTe Crystal Surfaces
- Fanay-AugŠres Revisited: Stochastic Continuum Modeling of Flow and Transport in a Crystalline Rock Mass
- Ground and Space-based Sensor Web System: Streamlining Spacecraft Observation Response to Flood Detection.
- High-Resolution Dust Flux Records at Siple Dome and Other West Antarctic Sites
- In-stream Indicators to Reduce Parameter Uncertainty in Hydrologic Models
- Locally Motivated GLOBE Investigations - A Key to Success
- Long-Term Decline of South Pole Neutron Rate
- Maximum Likelihood Bayesian Averaging of Spatial Variability Models in Unsaturated Fractured Tuff
- Monsoon Season Surface Water Chemistry Response Following Wildfire: 2003 Aspen Fire in Sabino Canyon, Arizona
- Multi-Century Greenland Ice Sheet Accumulation Variability and the North Atlantic Oscillation
- Numerical Simulations Used to Test the Effects of Lithology and Recharge Rates on Temperature Profiles Beneath Ephemeral Streams in Southern Arizona
- Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using ANN-Cloud Classification System
- Reactive Transport of Nitrate in Northern California Groundwater basins: An Integrated Characterization and Modeling Approach
- Rheological properties of slope streaks with anastomosing patterns on Mars
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability in Colorado River and Rio Grande Snowcover Patterns: 1995-2002
- Solution of Transient Flow in Heterogeneous Media Using Analytic Elements in Laplace Space
- Streamlining Spacecraft Observation Response to Volcanic Activity Detection with a Ground and Space-based Sensor Web System.
- The Ecohydrological Interactions Between Mesquite and its Water Sources
- The Effects of Sea Surface Temperatures on North American Monsoon Rainfall in 2003
- The GLOBE Soil Moisture Campaign and SMEX03: Making it Real for Teachers
- The GLOBE Soil Moisture Campaign's Light Bulb Oven
- Use of artificial neural networks in prediction of subsurface hydrological processes
- Using Airborne LIDAR Data to Determine Old vs. Young Cottonwood Trees in the Riparian Corridor of the San Pedro River
- A 700-Year Regional History of Greenland Ice Sheet Accumulation
- A Semiarid Long-Term Hydrologic Observatory at the Continental Scale: The Upper Río Grande Basin
- Adaptive Fusion of Stochastic Information for Imaging Fractured Vadose Zones
- Bridging the Gap Between Gephysical Measurements and Hydrological Modelling
- Characterizing Dissolution Dynamics of Spatially Distributed Immiscible Liquid
- Comparison of Methods to Estimate Ephemeral Channel Recharge, Walnut Gulch, San Pedro River Basin, Arizona
- Dynamics of labile and recalcitrant soil carbon pools in a sorghum Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) agroecosystem
- Estimating Prior Model Probabilities Using an Entropy Principle
- Estimation of Moisture-Dependent Anisotropy in Effective Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Moisture-Retention Curve Using Spatial Moments of Moisture Plumes.
- First Observations of Atmospheric Hydrogen Peroxide (H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>) and Methylhydroperoxide (CH<SUB>3</SUB>OOH) in West Antarctica: Comparison of Experiment and Model Results
- Geologic Windows Through Time on Mars
- Integration of Complex Models Into a System Dynamics Based Basin Scale Planning Model for the Upper Rio Grande
- Inverse Stochastic Moment Analysis of Transient Flow in Randomly Heterogeneous Media
- Measurements of OH and HO2 + RO2 at Summit Greenland
- Measurements of snow grain hydroxyl radical at Summit, Greenland
- Modeling Multi-process Transport of Pathogens in Porous Media
- Modeling and analysis of atmospheric chemistry over the South Pole during ANTCI
- Nonlocal Analysis of Mean Non-Reactive Solute Transport in Bounded Randomly Heterogeneous Media
- On the Possibility of Using River Stage Tomography to Characterize the Aquifer Properties of the Choshuishi Alluvial Fan, Taiwan
- On-Board Cryospheric Change Detection By The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
- Photochemical HCHO and H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> Processing in Snow at Summit, Greenland, and at South Pole
- Potential Effects of Wildfire on Watershed Hydrologic Response: Sabino Creek Basin, Arizona
- Simulation of Conjunctive Agricultural Water Use with the new FARM package for MODFLOW-2000
- Stochastic fusion of information to characterize DNAPL source zones: conceptual framework and preliminary results from theoretical, computational, and experimental studies
- Successful Detection of Floods in Real Time Onboard EO1 Through NASA's ST6 Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment (ASE)
- The impact of the selective logging in the energy-water and carbon exchange processes using optimization algorithms on the SiB2 model over a tropical forest.
- A Multi-faceted Investigation of the Effects of Wildfire on a Southern California Watershed
- A Seasonal Comparison of Nutrient Cycling Along two Reaches of the San Pedro River, AZ
- A System Dynamics Model to Improve Water Resources Allocation in the Conchos River
- Amazon Rainforest Phenology Observed From Space
- Blueprint for Perturbative Solution of Flow and Transport in Strongly Heterogeneous Composite Media Using Fractal and Variational Multiscale Decomposition
- Can Basin-scale Recharge be Estimated Reasonable with Water Balance Models?
- Challenges in Incorporating Uncertainty in Models of Surface Water Quality
- Changes in Nutrient Concentrations After a Chaparral Wildfire
- Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probe: Non-Invasive Measurement of Soil Water Content
- Cryptosporidium Parvum Transport Through Natural Porous Media
- Design and Testing of a Soil-Corer Air Permeameter
- Development of an Integrated Hydrologic Model to Explore the Feasibility of Water Banking and Markets in the Southwestern US
- Effect of Unsaturated Flow on Delayed Response of Unconfined Aquifiers to Pumping
- Effects of Boundaries and Conditioning on Macrodispersivity
- Effects of use of sloping boreholes on vadose zone monitoring
- Enhancing Water Supply Reliability Through Improved Predictive Capacity and Response
- Evaluating Riparian and Agricultural Systems as Sinks for Surface Water Nutrients in the Upper Rio Grande
- Experimental Investigation of DNAPL Mass Flux Reduction as a Function of Source Zone Mass Removal
- Exploring Information Theory for improving Hydrologic Model Performance
- Fusion of Multiple Levels of Subsurface Information for Imaging and Hydrologic Analysis
- ISCO Demonstration Project at Tucson International Authority Superfund Site
- Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management in Arid/Semi-arid Regions: Data, Modeling, and Assessment
- Landforms Produced by Permafrost-Volcano Interactions, Arctic Alaska
- Martian and Ionian Analogs of Permafrost-Volcano Interactions in Alaskan Permafrost
- Modeling Ferrous-Ferric Iron Chemistry With Application to Martian Surface Geochemistry.
- Multi-frequency Array Acoustic Logging With Fiber Optic Cable Transmission System
- Numerical Simulations of River Stage/Precipitation Tomography
- Potential Effects of Wildfire on Watershed Hydrologic Response: Sabino Creek Basin, Arizona.
- Potential of Electrical Resistivity Tomography Characterizing Transport Processes in Groundwater - Synthetic Case Studies
- Quantification and Characterization of Chloride Sources in the Rio Grande, Southwestern United States
- Quantifying the Effects of Vegetation and Water Source on Water Quality in Three Watersheds in Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico.
- Quantifying the effects of vegetation on a montane snowpack, Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM
- Reducing Uncertainty in Coupled Land Surface-Atmosphere Modeling Via Simultaneous State and Parameter Estimation
- Revolutionising Science-Driven Deep Space Mission Operations Using Autonomously-Operating Spacecraft as Demonstrated with ASE on EO-1.
- Sequential Pumping Tests at a Well Field, Montalto Uffugo Scalo, Italy
- Short-term Changes in Suspended Sediment Rating Curves Following Wildfire
- Soil hydrophobicity and permeability after the Old Fire in the San Bernardino Mountains, California
- Steam flow generation in semi-arid, forested and seasonally snow-covered catchments, Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Synoptic Sampling of the Rio Grande: A River Basin-Scale View of Hydrologic Processes and Water Quality
- Toward Improved Calibration of a Semi-arid Distributed Flash-Flood Model: A Hierarchical Sensitivity Scheme for Model Evaluation
- Transforming Information into Models: A Discussion of Uncertainty and Its Treatment
- Using Airborne Lidar to Differentiate Cottonwood Trees in a Riparian Area and Refine Riparian Water Use Estimates
- Using Lava Flows to Constrain Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates: Lessons from Hawaii
- Watershed Classification Based on Hydrologic Response Behavior
- A Baseline for Identifying Improvements in Hydrologic Forecasts: Assessment of Water Supply Outlooks for the Colorado River Basin
- A Prototype Environmental Observatory in Northern New Mexico
- A State-Dependent Parameterization for Root Zone - Groundwater Coupling
- Application of the Hillslope Péclet Number to a Headwater Catchment
- Catchment Classification and Hydrological Similarity
- Characterizing Different Sources of Uncertainty Using Parameter Estimation and Statistical Learning Methods
- Characterizing Post-fire Hydrologic Response Using End Member Mixing Analysis
- Comparison of Debris Flows Generated in Adjacent Unburned and Recently-Burned Areas, Coronado National Memorial, Arizona
- Correcting for nucleogenic ^{36}Cl in cosmogenic ^{36}Cl dating of volcanic rocks from the Erciyes volcano, Central Turkey
- Decision Support Tools: Strategies for Effectively Linking Hydroclimatic Science and Society
- Detecting Fracture Connectivity with Hydraulic/Pneumatic Tomography Surveys
- Diagnostic Evaluation of a Distributed Watershed Modeling Approach
- Differences in Nutrient Sources Caused by Variations in Monsoon Strength and Land Use/Land Cover, Middle Rio Grande, NM
- Dissolution and Mass Flux Dynamics of Immiscible Liquids in Hetergeneous Media
- Distributed Parameter Estimation for Flash Flood and River Prediction
- Early Holocene glaciation in Turkey: large magnitude, fast deglaciation and possible NAO connection
- Estimating Stream Chemistry During the Snowmelt Pulse Using Remotely Sensed Snow Observations and a Coupled Snowmelt and Biogeochemical Modeling Approach
- Estimating Terrestrial Water Storage Changes in the Colorado River Basin: Atmospheric Data Analysis, Satellite Remote Sensing and Hydrologic Modeling
- Evaluating the Suitability of CPTEC Reanalysis Data Over the LBA Study Area as Atmospheric Forcing for use in SALDAS and Regional Parameter Optimization Studies
- Flood Detection by Autonomous Satellite Operations: the ASE Experience
- Fully Coupled Saturated-Unsaturated Analysis of Pumping Tests in Compressible Unconfined Aquifers: The Cape Code Case Study
- Geochemical Signatures of Springs Response to Recent Climate Change in a Semi-Arid Region, Middle Verde River Watershed, Arizona
- Geostatistical interpretation of transient pumping tests in randomly heterogeneous confined aquifers
- Joint Geostatistical Interpretation of Hydraulic and Electrical Data from a Pumping Test
- Magnitude of flash floods on the rise in the Sabino Creek, Arizona
- Measurement of Air-Water Interfacial Areas in Unsaturated Water-Wet Sandy Porous Media Using Synchrotron X-ray Microtomography
- Model Structure Identification and Correction through Data Assimilation
- Modeling Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change the Case of the Transboundary San Pedro Basin
- Modeling Land Use Change In A Tropical Environment Using Similar Hydrologic Response Units
- Multi-Objective Calibration of Conceptual and Artificial Neural Network Models for Improved Runoff Forecasting
- Multi-scale field investigation of water flow pathways and residence times in mountainous catchments
- On-Board Cryosphere Change Detection With The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
- Parallel Computational Methodology for Hydraulic Tomography
- Post-fire Changes in Air Permeability and Hydraulic Conductivity of Soils Following 2003 Aspen Fire in Sabino Canyon, AZ
- Qualitative Uncertainty Assessment for Distributed Surface Water Quality Models
- Recent Advances in Laplace Transform Analytic Element Method (LT-AEM) Theory and Application to Transient Groundwater Flow
- Requirements of Operational Verification of the NWSRFS-ESP Forecasts
- Sampling strategy for transient hydraulic tomography
- Scenario Development for Water Resources Planning and Management
- Stable isotopes yield new insights into flash-flood composition and routing in a semi-arid watershed
- Stochastic Information Fusion for Monitor Water Movement in the Vadose Zone
- Streamflow Forecasts in Poorly Documented Basins from Meteorological Fields
- Study of High Robust Three Dimensional Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Modeling of Ground Penetrating Radar for a Heterogeneous Environment
- Taking the Pulse of Hydrology Education
- The UNH Earth Systems Observatory: A Regional Application in Support of GEOSS Global-Scale Objectives
- The effects of forest vegetation on snow accumulation, ablation, and meltwater routing, Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM
- Towards Model Diagnosis in Hydrologic Models: Evaluation of the abcd Water Balance Model Using the HCDN Dataset
- Using Airborne Lidar to Predict Leaf Area Index in Cottonwood Trees and Refine Riparian Water Use Estimates
- Water Plan 2030: A Dynamic Education Model for Teaching Water Management Issues
- iCronus : A Computational Tool for Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating
- A Novel Approach to Parameter Identification for Distributed Hydrologic Modeling
- A signature index approach to diagnostic evaluation and parameter estimation of watershed models
- An Integrated Hierarchical Approach to Hydrologic Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Analysis
- Analysis of TRMM and gauge rainfall in the La Plata River Basin in South America for hydrologic predictions
- Analysis of the Argyre Planitia (Mars) Sinuous Ridges Using Early MRO Images
- Application of GIS Based Tools for Groundwater Recharge and Evapotranspiration Estimation: Arc-Recharge and RIPGIS-NET
- Are The Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment In Amazonia (LBA) Representative Of Long-Term Climatology? A Study Using Climate Weather Stations In Brazil.
- Artificial Streams, Distorted Processes: The Effect of Effluent on Stream-Aquifer Interactions
- Comparison of Models Used to Evaluate Mass Removal and Mass Flux Reduction
- Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Complexity: A Model-Based Scenario Approach to Supporting Integrated Water Resources Management
- Deep Electromagnetic Imaging(EMI) Simulations for Realistic Heterogeneous Earth Models
- Determination Of Baseflow Inputs In A The San Miguel River Basin, A Riparian Area In The North American Monsoon Region
- Development of Pneumatic Inverse Model for Estimating Permeability and Porosity of Unsaturated Soils
- Diagnostic Evaluation of the abcd Monthly Water Balance Model for the Conterminous United States
- Distributed Parameter Estimation Using a Regularization Approach
- Dynamic Multicriteria Evaluation of Conceptual Hydrological Models
- Ecohydrological controls on snowmelt partitioning in a mixed-conifer sub-alpine forest, Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Effects of Climate Variability on Water Storage in the Colorado River Basin
- Evolution, structure and function of hydrologic subsystems in hillslopes
- Examining the Effects of Geomorphology on Hydrologic Transit Times Using Liquid Water Isotopes
- Forecast uncertainty in semi-arid flash flood modeling using radar rain input
- Ground-Water Sources, Flow-Paths, and Residence Times in the Middle Verde River Watershed, Northern Arizona
- How does a priori estimated spatial structure of the K field affect hydraulic tomography results?
- Hydraulic Tomography in Fractured Granite: The Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Site, Japan
- Identifying an Optimal ERT Measurement Set to Estimate Contaminant Plume Mass
- Is Spatial Proximity of Watersheds a Sufficient Guide to Hydrologic Similarity?
- Model Structure Identification and Correction Through Data Assimilation
- Modeling Evaluation of Retention and Release of Atmospheric Deposition N in Mixed Coniferous Forests, San Bernardino National Forest, CA
- Modelling Stream Aquifer Interactions During Floods and Baseflow Upper San Pedro River, Southeastern Arizona
- No Ocean Source for Enceladus' Plumes
- Paleoflood Hydrology of the Dolores River, Colorado and Utah
- Paleohydrologic controls on methanogenesis in organic-rich saline aquifers
- Processes Controlling Stream Flow Chemistry in Semiarid, Forested Catchments, Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Quantifying Land Use and Land Cover Effects on Urban Runoff Water Quality.
- Quantifying the Effects of Forest Canopy Cover on Snow Accumulation and Ablation at a Continental, Mid-latitude Site, Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM
- Quantifying the Effects of Storm Track, Topography, and Vegetation on Chemical Loading to a Montane Snowpack, Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM
- Quantifying the Hydrologic Effect of Climate Variability in the Lower Colorado Basin
- Relationship Between Spatial Discretization and the Parameters and Model Performance of Precipitation-Runoff and Water Balance Models
- Roles of Clathrate Hydrates in Crustal Heating and Volatile Storage/Release on Earth, Mars, and Beyond
- Routing Water and Sediment in the Rillito River Using IALLUVIAL2: A Comparison Study.
- Significance of Overland Flow in Sustaining Water Resources of Arid and Semi-Arid Rivers - Water Quantity and Quality Implications
- Sources of Nitrate to Tucson, Arizona Groundwaters.
- Subsurface Stream Processes and Spatiotemporal Controls on Nutrient Cycling Upper San Pedro River, AZ
- The Use of Distributed Temperature/Light Probes to Capture the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Snowmelt and Headwater Stream Discharge
- The Value of Scenario Development in Environmental and Socio-economic Policy Applications
- Transient Analytic Element Solutions for Flexible Aquifer Test Analyses
- Travel Time Distribution Modeling in the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Uncertainty Assessment for Surface Water Quality Models: The Challenge of Sparse Data
- Use of gravity and drawdown information to estimate hydraulic properties during unconfined aquifer testing
- Using Lidar to distinguish leaf area index in cottonwood trees and improve riparian water use estimates in the Upper San Pedro River Basin
- WaterNet: The NASA Water Cycle Solutions Network
- A Comparison of Sequential vs Continuous Data Inversion Approaches for the Hydraulic Tomography Inverse Problem
- A Multi-Tracer Approach to Determine the Impacts of Agricultural Irrigation Recharge on Groundwater Sustainability in the Columbia Plateau Basalt Aquifers, Central Washington, USA
- A New Approach to Analyze Pumping Test in Unconfined Aquifers
- A national hydrological model for New Zealand
- Assessing Impacts of Climate Change in a Semi-Arid Watershed Using Downscaled IPCC Climate Output
- Assessing the Performance of the Simple Biosphere 3 (SiB3) Model in the Amazon Basin
- Biogeochemical Connectivity in a Semi-Arid River Basin: San Pedro River , Arizona, USA
- Blueberries on Earth and Mars: Correlations Between Concretions in Navajo Sandstone and Terra Meridiani on Mars.
- COSMOS: COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System planned for the United States
- Can a Groundwater Flow Model BE Validated? Encouraging, Positive Evidence from Laboratory Hydraulic Tomography Experiments
- Combining End-Member and Reaction Path Modelling: A case study on Hydrologic Structure in an Alpine Catchment
- Controls on the Hydrologic Response to Climate and Land Cover Change of Headwater Streams
- Data- and parameter-induced uncertainty estimation for Land Surface Models. A SiB3 case study in the LBA domain
- Defining Flood Recharge Processes: Lower Bill Williams River, Western Arizona
- Developing a Domain Ontology: the Case of Water Cycle and Hydrology
- Development, Diagnostic Correction and Application of Hydrologic Models to Water Balance Assessments at the National Scale
- Does Shape Matter? Landform Controls on Recession Characteristics of the Hydrologic Response
- Effects of groundwater recharge rates and nutrient supply on metabolic pathways for coal bed methane generation in the Powder River Basin
- Estimating the Uncertain Mathematical Structure of Hydrological Model via Bayesian Data Assimilation
- Estimation of permafrost thawing rates in a sub-arctic catchment using recession flow analysis
- Evidence for Relatively Recent Hydrothermal Activity Due to an Impact within the Syrtis Major
- Field measurement of average soil moisture content using cosmic-ray neutrons: a ground truthing tool for the SMAP mission
- Fuzzy Logic and Glacier Dynamics Assessment: New Paradigms for Operational Hazard Detection Systems
- Geomorphology From Earth Orbit - Can it be Done?
- Glaciers along the Copper River, Alaska, Controlled by Landslides, Vegetation, Lakes, Rivers (and Climate)
- Global change enhances vegetation vulnerability to drought: Warmer drought kills pinyon pines faster.
- HiRISE Observations of Glacial Morphologies in Argyre Planitia, Mars
- Impact of Source-Zone Architecture and Flow-Field Heterogeneity on Reductions in Mass Flux
- Improving Riparian Land Surface Flux Estimation Through Root Zone Groundwater Interaction in Semiarid Environments
- Improving Seasonal to Annual Predictions of Climate Variability and Water Availability at the Catchment Scale
- Late Quaternary Paleoclimates of Turkey From Glacial Records and Their Link to the Climate Change of the Past Century
- Mean Flow and Turbulence Near a Series of Dikes
- Modeling the effects of N deposition, precipitation variability, and soil texture on winter annual production and fire risk in Southern California deserts
- Modular Curriculum for Hydrologic Advancement (MOCHA)
- Multiple-Criteria Calibration of a Distributed Model Using Prior Information
- Particle tracking in transient groundwater flow fields with the Laplace transform analytic element method
- Practical Use of Eddy Covariance in Non-Ideal Landscapes: Pilot Study on a Small, Enclosed Turfgrass Setting
- Progressive Salinization and Chemical Evolution of the Rio Grande (New Mexico) Driven by Interaction of Deep Brine Leakage with Agricultural Processes
- Pumping Test Determination of Unsaturated Aquifer Properties
- Quantifying Spatial and Temporal Variability of Mountain System Recharge in Semi-Arid Catchments
- Reconciling Theory With Observations: Elements of A Diagnostic Approach To Model Evaluation
- Remote-Controlled Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Concurrent Ground-Penetrating Radar Laboratory
- Riparian Dendrochemistry: Detecting Rare-Earth Elements in Trees along an Effluent- Dominated Desert River
- Solute Sourcing and Hydrologic Response to Monsoon Precipitation Along a Gradient of Urban Land Use
- Subglacial recharge into carbonate bedrock aquifers and generation of microbial methane in adjacent organic-rich shales: southwestern Ontario, Canada
- The Monsoon-90 / SALSA / EOS / SUDMED / SAHRA / HELP / USPP Experience: A Progression of Interdisciplinary Integration of Science and Decision Making over 20 years.
- The Role of Climatic Variability on Rio Grande Salinity and Water Balances
- The rheology of water-methanol slurries: Implications for cryovolcanism on Titan
- Time to Change the Way we Collect and Analyze Data for Characterizing the Subsurface
- Understanding Differences in the Performance of a Precipitation-Runoff Model on the Regional Scale
- Understanding how Geomorphology and Climate Define the Hydrologic Catchment Response
- Understanding the Importance of Aspect on Mountain Catchment Hydrology
- Use of Chemical and Isotopic Tracers for Estimating Ground-Water Recharge, Flow Paths, and Residence Times in the Middle San Pedro Basin, Southeast Arizona
- Use of the Continuous Slope-Area Method to Estimate Runoff Through Ephemeral Stream Channels in SE Arizona
- Using geostatistical, artificial neural network and inverse models to estimate 3D soil type and hydraulic property distributions in a deep volume of unsaturated soil
- WaterNet:The NASA Water Cycle Solutions Network
- What Controls Transit Time Distributions in a Mountainous Semi-arid Catchment?
- Why do models behave badly?
- A Reduced Complexity Model for Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Groundwater Contamination (Invited)
- A functional model of watershed-scale annual water balance partitioning: L’vovich, Ponce and Shetty revisited (Invited)
- A non-Markovian model of rill erosion
- An Examination of the Origin(s) of Phyllosilicates, Clorites, and Kaolinite in an Impact Crater in Syrtis Major, Mars
- Analytical Solution for Flow to a Partially Penetrating Well with Storage in a Confined Aquifer
- Assessing impacts of climate change in a semi arid watershed using downscaled IPCC climate output
- Assimilation of Remotely-Sensed Snow information to improve streamflow predictions in the Southwestern US
- Biosphere2 and Earthbuzz
- Can Regional Climate Models Improve Warm Season Forecasts in the North American Monsoon Region?
- Catchment Classification: An empirical analysis of hydrologic similarity and its controls (Invited)
- Catchment-scale biogeochemical filtering: A preliminary evaluation of chemical export in four Experimental Watersheds. (Invited)
- Challenges and Opportunities for Hydrology Education - The Blue Book, Now and the Future
- Colorado River Basin Terrestrial Water Storage Dynamics and Vegetation Response
- Comparison of vadose zone flow simulations based on hydraulic parameters derived from lab data, pedotransfer functions, Bayesian updating and inverse modeling
- Controls on Stormwater Runoff Quality and Quantity in Semi-arid, Urban Catchments
- Defining the role of flood recharge across multiple scales
- Delays in vegetation responses to precipitation and temperature in the Colorado River Basin: an MSSA approach
- Dynamics of natural system hillslope silicate weathering: coupling water transit time with REYs in solution
- Effect of Dissolved Organic Matter on Basalt Weathering Rates under Flow Conditions
- Estimation of Deep Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity Values Through Baseflow Hydrograph Rising Limb Analysis
- Improved solution for saturated-unsaturated flow to a partially penetrating well in a compressible unconfined aquifer
- Improving Model Identification: Reconciling Theory with Observations & The Problem of Sufficient Statistics (Invited)
- Increasing the Value of Citizen Scientist Data: Detecting and Correcting QA/QC Problems
- Influence of redox fluctuations and rainfall on pedogenic iron alteration and soil magnetic properties (Invited)
- Inter-annual and inter-catchment variability of hydrologic partitioning: The importance of the Horton index to improve hydrologic predictions in a changing environment (Invited)
- Land Surface Modeling of an Enclosed Ecosystem: Vegetation Response to Short-Term Perturbations Inside Biosphere 2 Tropical Rainforest Biome
- Landscape and climate controls on the Horton index revealed through a stochastic-analytical model (Invited)
- Medial moraines of glaciers of the Copper River Basin, Alaska: Discrete landslides dominate over other sources
- Microbes in Pliocene paleosols in volcanic terrane on Earth correlated with similar exposures on Mars
- Multiple-scale patterns of semi-arid ecohydrology: Interactions between landscape position and vegetation community (Invited)
- On the Relationship Between Soil Depth and Mean Water Transit Time in Zero-order Catchments
- On the theory relating changes in area-average and pan evaporation (Invited)
- Predicting Seasonal Evapotranspiration and Net Ecosystem Exchange: Comparative Hydrology across FLUXNET Sites (Invited)
- Proper use of MSE-based criterions for calibration and evaluation of hydrologic models
- Quantifying Dissolution and Transport of Nitroglycerine, 2,4-Dinitrotoluine, and Nitroguanidine from Fired and Unfired Propellants in the Vadose Zone
- Quantifying Mountain Block Recharge by Means of Catchment-Scale Storage-Discharge Relationships
- Regional vegetation die-off alters hydrological partitioning
- Relating variation in the annual catchment water budget to vegetation dynamics
- Spatial-Regularization to Improve Calibration of Distributed Watershed Models
- Temporal Sensitivity of Satellite-Based Remote Sensing Products to Rainfall Pulse Events in Dryland Ecosystems
- The Contribution Of Sampling Errors In Satellite Precipitation Estimates To High Flood Uncertainty In Subtropical South America
- The USA-NPN Information Management System: A tool in support of phenological assessments
- Toward an Online Community of Educators: The Modular Curriculum for Hydrologic Advancement (MOCHA)
- Uncertainties in temperature based estimates of stream-aquifer flux
- Understanding Hydrologic Catchment Similarities Through Detailed Modeling
- Unraveling the hydrological implications of regional vegetation die-off (Invited)
- Using Webcam Technology for Measuring and Scaling Phenology of Tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima) Infested with the Biocontrol Beetle (Diorhabda carinulata) on the Dolores River, Utah
- Using an Inverse Geochemical Reaction Path Model to Analyze the Effects of Climate Change on High-elevation Catchments in the Southern Rocky Mountains
- Vegetation greenness predicted by hydrologic partitioning of precipitation across climates (Invited)
- Viewing Geophysics in a Hydrologic Context (and Vice Versa) (Invited)
- Where Does the River Run? Lessons from a Semi-Arid River
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Parameter Sensitivity and Land Surface Model Optimization for the Amazon Basin
- A Screening Tool for Using Gravity in Hydrologic Investigations
- A new dynamic model of divergent plate boundary
- Air Permeability and Infiltration Differences Associated with Grass and Gravel Streambeds in an Urban Environment
- An Improved Hybrid Information Measure Based on Decomposition of Mean Square Error
- Analyzing Catchment Hydrologic Function through Process-based Behavioral Modeling
- Application of thermodynamics to quantify the energetics of pedogenesis and critical zone evolution (Invited)
- Assessing impacts of climate change in a semi arid watershed using downscaled IPCC climate output
- Catchment Classification: Connecting Climate, Structure and Function
- Changing Precipitation Patterns or Waning Glaciers? Identifying Water Supply Vulnerabilities to Climate Change in the Bolivian Andes
- Climate Change Projections using Dynamical Downscaling for the Colorado River Basin
- Climate and landscape controls on chemical weathering - regional to pedon-scale analysis (Invited)
- Collaborative Research for Water Resource Management under Climate Change Conditions
- Coordinated use of physical measurements and environmental tracers to characterize stream-aquifer interactions along two small, groundwater-connected streams
- Correcting the Mathematical Structure of a Hydrological Model via Bayesian Data Assimilation (Invited)
- Decadal Predictability in the Colorado River Basin Using Observed and Reconstructed Records
- Deriving and Evaluating a Reduced Complexity Model for PRA of Groundwater Contamination
- Determining fate and transport parameters for nitroglycerine, 2,4-dinitrotoluine, and nitroguanidine in soils
- Development of an integrated information system for Critical Zone Observatory data
- Dissolution of Unfired and Fired Propellants and Transport of Released Nitroglycerine, 2,4-Dinitrotoluine, and Nitroguanidine in Soils
- Distinct Aqueous and Hydrocarbon Cryovolcanism on Titan and Other Icy Satellites (Invited)
- Ecohydrological response to snowmelt dynamics from plot to regional scales
- Effects of measurement resolution and random measurement error on temperature based estimates of vertical stream-aquifer flux
- Environmental Controls on Soil Respiration in Semiarid Ecosystems: The Role of the Vertical Distribution of Soil Moisture
- Environmental Energy and Mass Transfer: Key to Understanding Catchment Evolution (Invited)
- Evaluating Recovery of Hydrologic Function Following Road Restoration Treatments
- Evaluation of a High-Resolution Benchtop Micro-CT Scanner for Application in Porous Media Research
- Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Glacier Hazards Assessment: Application to Predicting the Potential for Glacier Lake Outbursts
- Geochemical Modeling of Hot Spring Chemistries with Applications to Martian Silica Formation
- Geochemical and Isotopic Composition of Aerosols in Tucson
- Global Inventory of Terrestrial Glacial Megafloods
- Hunza Landslide and Monsoon Flooding in Pakistan Call for International Attention to Transboundary Natural Hazards
- Hydrologic Process-oriented Optimization of Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Ice-Sheet Aquifer Interactions within the midcontinent, USA: Implications for CO2 Sequestration (Invited)
- Monte Carlo Simulation of River Meander Modelling
- Multimodel Bayesian Analysis of the Worth of Data (Invited)
- Optimized Numerical Modeling to Estimate Runoff and Infiltration in Ephemeral Stream Channels, Southeast Arizona
- Quantifying Spatial Variability in Runoff Quality in Semi-arid Urban Catchments
- Results from the LBA Data-Model Intercomparison Project
- Role of vegetation and edaphic factors in controlling diversity and use of different carbon sources in semi-arid ecosystems
- Satellite Monitoring and Characterization of the 2010 Rockslide-Dammed Lake Gojal, North Pakistan
- Saturated-unsaturated flow to a partially penetrating well with storage in a compressible aquifer
- Sources and Cycling of Carbon in Two Semi-Arid Catchments, Valles Caldera Preserve, NM: Insights From Carbon Isotopes
- Streamflow Simulations in the Salt and Verde River basins using Statistically and Dynamically Downscaled Climate Scenarios
- Temporal variations in riverbed hydraulic properties due to sediment transport during floods: Implications for groundwater-surface water interaction and composition
- The GIS-based geologic investigation of the South Pole-Aitken basin region of the Moon using SELENE elemental information
- The Validation of Hydraulic Tomography for Filed Pumping Tests
- Tier-Scalable Reconnaissance Missions for Autonomous Exploration and Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Climate Change with Particular Application to Glaciers and their Environs
- Tracking Varying Mean Transit Time in a Semi-Arid Catchment
- Trends in Snowpack Depths and the Timing of Snowmelt in the River Basins of the Intermountain West
- Understanding The Approaches Used by Different Communities To Model the Terrestrial Hydrosphere
- Vegetation controls on soil hydraulic properties and implications for the hydrologic variability of soils: observations and modeling
- Well Definedness, Scale Consistency, and Resolution Issues in Groundwater Model Parameter Identification
- A Multi-Gage Calibration Approach for Modeling a Semiarid Santa Cruz watershed in Arizona-Mexico Border
- A Numerical Model for Turbulent Shallow-Water Flow over Arbitrary Topography
- ASTER and Ground Observations of Vegetation Primary Succession and Habitat Development near Retreating Glaciers in Alaska and Nepal
- Are Log Permeabilities Gaussian? Their Increments May Tell
- Assessing Water Management Impacts of Climate Change for a semi-arid Watershed in the Southwestern US
- Can a COSMOS probe measure other environmental variables other than water content in the soils?
- Carbon, water and weathering limitations in the semi-arid critical zone
- Characterizing Fluid/Fluid Interfacial Areas for Non-Wetting/Wetting Fluid Pairs in Natural Porous Media
- Citizen and Professional Scientists as Partners in the Scientific Endeavor
- Climate Change over the Southwestern U.S. as predicted by Regional Climate Models
- Co-evolution of Vegetation, Sediment Transport and Infiltration on semi-arid hillslopes
- Combining KINEROS with SM-hsB for Flash Flood Predictions in Small to Medium Sized Watersheds
- Determining Controls on Variable Response Times from Nested Sub-catchments
- Determining solute inputs to soil and stream waters in a seasonally snow-covered mountain catchment in northern New Mexico using Ge/Si and 87Sr/86Sr ratios
- Diagnosing the influence of model structure on the simulation of water, energy and carbon fluxes on bark beetle infested forests
- Distinguishing grass from ground using LiDAR: Techniques and applications
- Ecohydrology of Lodgepole Pine Forests: Connecting Transpiration to Subsurface Flow Paths and Storage within a Subalpine Catchment
- Effect of Data Correlation on Model Weights
- Estimating Catchment-Scale Snowpack Variability in Complex Forested Terrain, Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM
- Estimating infiltration rates for intermittent streams in the semiarid southwest: implications for ecosystem processes
- Evapotranspiration Partitioning Using Rapid Measurements of Isotopic Composition of Water Vapor in a Semi Arid Evergreen Forest
- Extended Power-Law Scaling of Air Permeabilities Measured on a Block of Tuff
- Feedbacks between Vegetation and the Water and Energy Cycles in Semiarid Regions
- Fine-Resolution Modeling of the Santa Cruz and San Pedro River Basins for Climate Change and Riparian System Studies
- Future directions for the remediation of sites contaminated by Nonaqueous Phase Liquids
- Hydrological Analysis of Catchment Behavior through Process-based Modeling along a Climate Gradient
- Impacts of urbanization on nitrogen cycling and aerosol, surface and groundwater transport in semi-arid regions
- Inverse Geochemical Reaction Path Modelling and the Impact of Climate Change on Hydrologic Structure in Snowmelt-Dominated Catchments in the Southwestern USA
- Limitations of Hydraulic Tomography or Methods of Interpretation?
- Long-term Effects of Ethanol Addition on Denitrification At The Uranium Mill Tailing Site In Monument Valley, Arizona
- Modeling the Impact of Climate and Population Change Scenarios in a Semi-arid Aquifer
- Monitoring Carbon Fluxes from Shallow Surface Soils in the Critical Zone
- Multimodel Bayesian Optimization of Data Collection Schemes
- Multiple model analysis with discriminatory data collection (MMA-DDC): A new method for improving measurement selection
- New Rainfall and Evaporation Recorder
- Non-linear feedbacks between climate change, hydrologic partitioning, plant available water, and carbon cycling in montane forests
- Numerical Investigation of Apparent Multifractality of Samples from Processes Subordinated to Truncated fBm
- Numerical Simulation of Sediment Plug Formation in Alluvial Channels
- Obliquity-Controlled Water Vapor/Trace Gas Feedback in the Martian Greenhouse Cycle
- Optimizing data collection for applied groundwater management through Outcome Prioritized Assessment (OPA)
- Patterns and controls of inorganic nitrogen cycling in ephemeral urban waterways of the semi-arid Southwest
- Permeability Scaling of Kozeny-type Equations
- Predicting soil thickness and dust content in upland watersheds of the Mojave Desert
- Radar Investigations at Apollinaris Mons, Mars: a non-Volcanic composition for the Fan Deposits and the Potential for a Caldera Paleolake
- Sources and amounts of Nitrogen Deposited in Sky-Island Ecosystems
- Stochastic Inverse Modeling of Sequential Pumping Tests in Unconfined Aquifers
- TDR-EC: A Rapid Subsurface Characterization of Particle Size & Hydrologic Properties
- Temporal and spatial dynamics of carbon and nitrogen in headwater snow-dominated catchments, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico
- The Impacts of Pine Tree Die-Off on Snow Accumulation and Distribution at Plot to Catchment Scales
- The Paleoflood Record of the Upper Colorado River near Moab, Utah
- Thresholds in Xeric Hydrology and Biogeochemistry
- Top Down Modeling and Catchment Classification: Insight into hydrologic processes/function and hydrologic similarity
- Understanding the spatiotemporal distribution of soil moisture in a southern Arizonan dryland
- Use of Plant Hydraulic Theory to Predict Ecosystem Fluxes Across Mountainous Gradients in Environmental Controls and Insect Disturbances
- Using high-resolution gravity and pumping data to infer aquifer parameters
- Water, Carbon, and Nutrient Cycling Following Insect-induced Tree Mortality: How Well Do Plot-scale Observations Predict Ecosystem-Scale Response?
- An Exploration of the Importance of Flood Heterogeneity for Regionalization in Arizona using the Expected Moments Algorithm
- Apparent Multifractality and Dragon Kings in Observed and Synthetic Random Field Samples
- Carbon and nutrient cycling in ephemeral streams in the American Southwest
- Carbon and water, the energy for weathering and chemical denudation
- Catchment classification as a learning framework
- Characterization of Persistent Volatile Contaminant Sources in the Vadose Zone
- Connections between transport in events and transport at landscape-structuring timescales
- Cross-correlation Analysis between Observed Heads and Hydraulic Parameters during Soil Column Experiments
- Data Assimilation of Cosmic-ray Derived Soil Moisture
- Depth-averaged Two-dimensional Model for Sediment Transport in Unsteady Flow
- Determining solute inputs to soil and stream waters in a seasonally snow-covered mountain catchment in northern New Mexico using Ge/Si, <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr and ion chemistry
- Determining the Importance of Calibration for Predicting Relative Changes in Streamflow from Land Use/Cover Changes
- Effects of drip irrigation under plastic film with saline water on cotton growth and yields
- Effects of forest structure on snow accumulation and melt derived from ecohydrological instrument clusters across the Western US
- Estimates of near surface water flux at intermediate spatial scales using a cosmic-ray neutron probe
- High Performance Computing-based Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Santa Cruz and San Pedro River Basin at Very High Resolution
- Himalayan Glacier Disasters: Changing Geomorphological Process Landscape, or a Changing Human Landscape?
- Hydrologic response to modeled snowmelt input in alpine catchments in the Southwestern United States
- Informing Decisions with a Climate Synthesis Product: Implications for Regional Climate Services
- Inorganic nitrogen cycling in ephemeral urban waterways of the semi-arid Southwest
- Insects, Fires, and Climate Change: Implications for Snow Cover, Water Resources and Ecosystem Recovery in Western North America
- Measurement selection for groundwater-surface water investigations using Discrimination-Inference to Reduce Expected Cost Technique (DIRECT)
- Measuring Total Surface Moisture with the COSMOS Rover
- Methane and carbon dioxide dynamics in peatland lake sediments from arctic Sweden
- Modeling the Sensitivity of a Semi-arid Groundwater System to the Seasonality and Quantity of Recharge and Evapotranspiration
- Nitrogen dynamics in chaparral ecosystems: Limitations to the use of traditional N saturation indicators
- Predicting Regime Shifts in Flow of the Gunnison River Under Changing Climate Conditions
- Production, gaseous loss and export of N in urban desert stream ecosystems
- Rare earth elements as reactive tracers of biogeochemical weathering in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory
- Remote Sensing Approach to Drought Monitoring to Inform Range Management at the Hopi Tribe and Navajo Nation
- Scaling of Fractured Rock Properties
- Surface-compositional Properties of Lava Plains in Syria-Thaumasia Block, Mars
- Testing an Ensemble Kalman Filter for Assimilation of Soil Moisture into HYDRUS 1D and Coupled Crop Model
- The Effect of Terrain Aspect on Interannual Variability of Hydrologic Response in Mountainous Catchments in New Mexico
- The fate of carbon dioxide injected into a coal-bearing formation
- The iGrav superconducting gravimeter: a geophysical/hydrological field instrument
- Using Uranium-series Isotopes to Trace Water Sources to Streamflow and Estimate Soil Formation Rates in a Semiarid Montane Catchment
- Water-storage change measured with high-precision gravimetry at a groundwater recharge facility in Tucson, USA.
- What controls the shape of transit time distributions?
- A Blue/Green Water-based Accounting Framework for Assessment of Water Security
- A Multi-Model Real Time Forecasting Prototype System in the Mara Basin (Kenya/Tanzania)
- A cross-site comparison of factors controlling streamwater carbon flux in western North American catchments (Invited)
- Advanced Hydraulic Tomography Analysis Strategies--A Numerical Study based on Field Observations
- An Information Theory Perspective on Uncertainty Quantification and Bayes Law (Invited)
- An effective hyper-resolution pseudo-3D implementation of small scale hydrological features to improve regional and global climate studies
- Application of Hydraulic Tomography to Shallow Alluvial Sediments: A Case Study
- Assessing the Sensitivity of a Semi-arid Aquifer to the Quantity of Recharge and Evapotranspiration using a Seasonalized Model
- Comparing runoff pathways from burned and unburned slopes of a boreal catchment
- Compensatory vapor loss and biogeochemical attenuation along flowpaths mute the water resources impacts of insect-induced forest mortality
- Constraining Glacial Runoff Contributions to Water Resources in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia using Environmental Tracers
- Coupled soil respiration and transpiration dynamics from tree-scale to catchment scale in dry Rocky Mountain pine forests and the role of snowpack
- Coupling of stochastic moment equations and Ensemble Kalman Filter for groundwater flow data assimilation (Invited)
- Cross-correlations Between Observed Head and Aquifer Heterogeneity and A Temporal Sampling Strategy for Hydraulic Tomography Analysis
- Do fire disturbances account for missing C in snow dominated headwater catchments in NM?
- Ecosystem scale measurements of biomass water using cosmic-ray neutrons
- Evaluation of a Heterogeneity Preserving Inversion Method for Subsurface Unsaturated Flow
- Extreme Value Analysis of Sub-Gaussian Random Fields Subordinated to tfBm or tfGn
- Flood Heterogeneity as a Tool for Exploring Flood Frequency-Climate Linkages from a Watershed Perspective
- Fluid Chemistry Dynamics Before and After Fire in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory
- Himalayan/Karakoram Disaster After Disaster: The Pain Will Not Be Ending Anytime Soon
- Increased accuracy through variable-baseline gradient measurements with superconducting gravimeters
- Independent naturalists make matchless contributions to science and resource management (Invited)
- Information-Based Analysis of Data Assimilation (Invited)
- Insights on Biogeochemistry from the Triple Isotope System of Nitrate (Invited)
- Interfacial Partitioning Tracer Test Measurement of NAPL-Water Interfacial Areas in Porous Media under Two-Phase Flow Condition
- Kingian Co-Evolution of the Water and Mineral/Rock Components for Earth and Mars: Implications for Planetary Habitability (Invited)
- Land-atmosphere carbon cycle research in the southern Rocky Mountains
- Modeling anomalous transport in randomly heterogeneous media with nonlocal moment equations
- On The Need for an Information-Based Approach to Evaluating Model Structural Hypotheses (Invited)
- Pre- and Post-Fire Infiltration Rates in a Montane Mixed Conifer Ecosystem
- Re-assessing H and C Isotope Signatures of Biogenic Methane in Coalbeds and Shales: Metabolic Pathways and Alternative Influences
- Recent Advances of Information Entropy Estimation Method for Practical Hydrological Variables
- Scaling up the Hydrologic Effects of Forest Thinning in Semi-Arid Basins of Arizona
- Spatial scale dependence of ecohydrologically mediated water balance partitioning (Invited)
- Thermal Conductive Heat Transfer and Partial Melting of Volatiles in Icy Moons, Asteroids, and Kuiper Belt Objects (Invited)
- Tradeoffs of modifications of storm water managements systems for nitrogen loss pathways in semi-arid ecosystems
- Transport and Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter in Soil Interstitial Water Across Forested, Montane Hillslopes
- Usefulness of Flux Measurements in Mapping Fractures Using Hydraulic Tomographic Survey
- Using Hydrologic Response Functions and Transit Time Distributions to Investigate Dynamic Catchment Behavior (Invited)
- Activation of Persulfate by Iron Filings and Oxidation of 1,4-Dioxane
- Contaminated Groundwater Remediation by Catalyzed Hydrogen Peroxide and Persulfate Oxidants System
- Groundwater level response in U.S. Principal Aquifers to natural climate variability on interannual to multidecadal timescales
- Hydrologic-Based Soil Texture Classification
- Quantifying Groundwater Recharge Uncertainty: A Multiple-Model Framework and Case Study
- The effects of rock type and landscape position on solution chemistry of soils in the Biosphere 2 Desert Site of the Santa Catalina Mountains Critical Zone Observatory
- Three-dimensional prediction of soil physical, chemical, and hydrological properties in a forested catchment of the Santa Catalina CZO
- A forensics-based approach for assessing incipient heterogeneity of a hydrologic system.
- Attenuation and Transport Mechanisms of Depleted Uranium in Groundwater at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Site 300
- Biogeochemistry of metalliferous mine tailings during phytostabilizatio
- Building a Co-Created Citizen Science Program with Community Members Neighboring a Hazardous Waste Site
- Comparison of Interfacial Partitioning Tracer Test and X-ray Microtomography Measurements of Immiscible Fluid-Fluid Interfacial Areas within the Identical System
- Dissecting the Hydrobiogeochemical Box
- Disturbance-driven Changes in Soil Exoenzyme Activity and Biogeochemistry of Colorado Forests
- Effects of redox fluctuations on microbial community ecology post-wildfire in a high elevation mixed-conifer catchment in northern New Mexico.
- Environmental Research Translation: Enhancing Interactions with Communities at Contaminated Sites
- Examining the Impacts of Wildfire on Throughfall and Stemflow Chemistry and Flux at Plot and Catchment Scales
- How Might Recharge Change Under Projected Climate Change in Western US?
- Identification of Novel Fluid-Fluid Interfacial Area in Geologic Media
- Impact of Electron Donor selection on In-situ Biosequestration of Uranium
- Influence of Organic Matter - Mineral Interfacial Reactions on Metal(loid) Speciation and Bioaccessibility
- Measuring NAPL-Water Interfacial Areas to Evaluate the Effectiveness of In-Situ Chemical Oxidation for DNAPL-Contaminated Source Zones: A Two-Dimensional Flow Cell Study
- Microbial Diversity and Metal Speciation Changes in Mine Tailings Following Compost-Assisted Direct Planting: A Four-Year Superfund Site Field Study
- Pilot-Scale In-situ Biosequestration of Uranium in Groundwater at the Monument Valley UMTRA Site
- Probabilistic modeling of soil development variability with time
- Scale-dependent interactions between vegetation, landscape, and climate: How critical zone structure influences ecohydrological reslience in a rapidly changing world
- Seasonality of Groundwater Recharge in the Basin and Range Province, Western North America
- Sensitivity Analysis and Insights into Hydrological Processes and Uncertainty at Different Scales
- Soil Microbial Nitrogen Cycling Responses to Wildfire in a High Elevation Forested Catchment in Jemez Mountains, NM
- Soil degradation and amendment effects on soil properties, microbial communities, and plant growth
- Tetrachloroethene degradation by reducing-agent enhanced Fe(II)/Fe(III) catalyzed percarbonate
- The Natural Activation Ability of Subsurface Media During In-Situ Chemical Oxidation of 1,4-Dioxane
- Tools and perspectives for a unified approach to understanding microbial ecology in the critical zone
- Using Vapor Phase Tomography to Measure the Spatial Distribution of Vapor Concentrations and Flux for Vadose-Zone VOC Sources
- A Centimeter-Scale Investigation of Geochemical Hotspots in a Soil Lysimeter
- A Model-Data Intercomparison of Carbon Fluxes, Pools, and LAI in the Community Land Model (CLM) and Alternative Carbon Allocation Schemes
- A multi-tracer approach coupled to numerical models to improve understanding of mountain block processes in a high elevation, semi-humid catchment
- A novel method to improve MODIS AOD retrievals in cloudy pixels using an analog ensemble approach
- Analysis of Flow and Transport in non-Gaussian Heterogeneous Formations Using a Generalized Sub-Gaussian Model
- Changing Energy Inputs at Earth's Surface Translates to Differences in Water Availability, Weathering Rates, and Biotic Activity at Depth
- Coring the deep critical zone in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory, Valles Caldera National Preserve, Northern New Mexico
- Estimating black carbon concentrations from combustion tracers: synergistic perspective using in-situ measurements, multi-satellite retrievals, and chemical transport model
- Fusing Satellite-Derived Irradiance and Point Measurements through Optimal Interpolation
- Integrating remote sensing hyperspectral data and point measurements to map soil properties across a landscape
- Microbial Community Activity is Insensitive to Passive Warming in a Semiarid Ecosystem
- Microbial community recovery post-fire in a high elevation mixed conifer catchment in response to varied precipitation regime.
- Modeling and observations of dust aerosols during the North American Monsoon
- Overview of the NCAR-MOPITT reanalysis, investigation of chemical error correlations
- Physical Basis for Storage-Dependent Age Distributions of Water Discharged from an Experimental Hillslope
- Progress Towards Improved MOPITT-based Biomass Burning Emission Inventories for the Amazon Basin
- Strategies Influencing Spatial Heterogeneity of Microbial Life in a Soil Lysimeter
- Sub-CMC solubilization of dodecane by rhamnolipid in saturated porous media
- Subsurface Environment Sampler for Improved In Situ Characterization of Subsurface Microbial Communities
- A hybrid hillslope hydrological model for use in the Noah-MP land surface model
- Aerosol, cloud, and precipitation interactions in Eastern North Atlantic
- An Event-based Assessment of Uncertainty in Measurements Between Multiple Precipitation Sensors During the North American Monsoon
- An electrical resistivity-based method for investigation of subsurface structure
- An improved Rosetta pedotransfer function and evaluation in earth system models
- Atmospheric Observations of Carbon Dioxide and Quantification of Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide and Emission Inventories using Radiocarbon in the Korean Peninsula during the KORUS-AQ Field Campaign
- Bias Correction of Satellite Precipitation Products (SPPs) using a User-friendly Tool: A Step in Enhancing Technical Capacity
- Biogeochemical control points in a water-limited critical zone
- Carbon and nitrogen accumulation and fluxes on Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO) slopes
- Catchment-scale groundwater recharge and vegetation water use efficiency
- Catchment-scale redistribution of lithogenic solutes and black carbon over three years following wildfire in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, USA
- Changes in DOM Character and Composition during Spring Snow Melt in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory.
- Controlled experiments of hillslope co-evolution at the Biosphere 2 Landscape Evolution Observatory: toward prediction of coupled hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological change
- Diagnostics of sources of tropospheric ozone using data assimilation during the KORUS-AQ campaign
- Effects of Topography-based Subgrid Structures on Land Surface Modeling
- Elemental Redistribution at the Onset of Soil Genesis from Basalt as Measured in a Soil Lysimeter System
- Enhancements to the WRF-Hydro Hydrologic Model Structure for Semi-arid Environments
- Establishment of quantitative hydrological indexes for studies of hydro-biogeochemical interactions at the subsurface.
- Evolution of concentration-discharge relations revealed by high frequency diurnal sampling of stream water during spring snowmelt
- Exploring Multiple Constraints of Anthropogenic Pollution
- Forecasting Global Horizontal Irradiance Using the LETKF and a Combination of Advected Satellite Images and Sparse Ground Sensors
- Future projection of design storms using a GCM-informed weather generator
- GPM Precipitation Estimates over the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed/LTAR site in Southeastern Arizona
- Green Infrastructure Increases Biogeochemical Responsiveness, Vegetation Growth and Decreases Runoff in a Semi-Arid City, Tucson, AZ, USA
- How do the radiative effects of springtime clouds and water vapor modulate the melt onset of Arctic sea ice?
- Hydrologic and environmental controls on uranium-series and strontium isotope ratios in a natural weathering environment
- Hydrologic functioning of the deep Critical Zone and contributions to streamflow in a high elevation catchment: testing of multiple conceptual models
- Impact of Wildfire on Solute Release in Forested Catchments, Jemez River, New Mexico, USA
- In-situ Biosequestration of Uranium: Monument Valley Project
- Influence of subsurface environment on oxidant activation and 1,4-dioxane degradation by in-situ chemical oxidation
- Insights into the base of the critical zone from geophysical logging and groundwater flow testing at U.S. Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) and critical zone study sites (CZs)
- Investigation of Hydrological Response of Three Identical Artificial Hillslopes at the Landscape Evolution Observatory
- Joint Evaluation of Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) High-resolution Global Near-Real Time CO and CO2 Forecasts during KORUS-AQ Field Campaign
- Long-term Observations of Intense Precipitation Small-scale Spatial Variability in a Semi-arid Catchment
- Microbial community assembly patterns under incipient conditions in a basaltic soil system
- Microbial ecology of soda lakes: investigating sulfur and nitrogen cycling at Mono Lake, CA, USA
- New Physical Algorithms for Downscaling SMAP Soil Moisture
- Optimization and Modeling of Extreme Freshwater Discharge from Japanese First-Class River Basins to Coastal Oceans
- Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture: A Comparison of Optical and Thermal Methods
- Sensitivity of CAM-Chem/DART MOPITT CO Assimilation Performance to the Choice of Ensemble System Configuration: A Case Study for Fires in the Amazon
- Short-term climate change impacts on Mara basin hydrology
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Drought in Pakistan through High-Resolution Daily Gridded In-Situ Observations
- Technological advances in cosmogenic neutron detectors for measuring soil water content
- The Effect of Initial Irrigation Conditions on Heap Leaching Efficiency
- The Impact of Solid Surface Features on Fluid-Fluid Interface Configuration
- The Performance of the Hybrid-3D Hydrological Model at the Catchment Scale
- Validation of SMAP Root Zone Soil Moisture Estimates with Improved Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probe Observations
- A High-Resolution Global Map of Soil Hydraulic Properties Produced by a Hierarchical Parameterization of a Physically-Based Water Retention Model
- A New Unmanned Aircraft System-Assisted Optical Trapezoid Model for Soil Moisture Assessment
- A hybrid multiscale vertically-integrated/full-dimensional model for multiphase flow in the subsurface
- A microbial-based soil organic carbon decomposition model coupled with Noah-MP: development and test in semiarid grassland
- An Improved Pole-Pole Array and SLE for Electrical Resistivity Surveys
- An improved and practical approach for estimating catchment-scale response functions through power spectral analysis
- Assessing Green Infrastructure Function Across North America with Citizen Scientists and Affordable Sensors
- Carbon monoxide budget during KORUS-AQ, first joint assimilation of NUCAPS CrIS and MOPITT CO retrievals
- Climate-based Formulation for Long-term Catchment-scale Baseflow and Direct Runoff
- Comparative Assessment of Water Quality at the Rainwater-Harvesting Basin and Neighborhood Wash Scales
- Coupling Hydrologic Processes and Geochemical Weathering Patterns in a Fully Controlled Basaltic Soil Lysimeter
- Demonstrating the Added Values of Suction Losses for Channel Infiltration in WRF-Hydro Hydrologic Model and its Applications in Semiarid Region
- Ecosystems under the glass: leveraging a model ecosystem to evaluate carbonyl sulfide as a tracer for ecosystem carbon and water cycling
- Electrostatic Fields Over Land and Ocean in Florida Thunderstorms
- Enhancements to the WRF-Hydro Hydrologic Model Structure for Semi-arid Environments
- Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry and Exploration (Project EDDIE): Using Large Datasets to Build Quantitative Literacy
- Evaluating Groundwater Use and Sustainability in the California Central Valley: Using Remote Sensing Data to Dynamically Constrain Groundwater Extraction Rates in an Integrated Hydrologic Model
- Evaluation of CERES-MODIS Ed4 Cloud Macrophysical Properties using 11-yr ARM Ground-based Observations over the Arctic.
- Evaluation of autoconversion and accretion enhancement factors in GCM warm-rain parameterizations using ground-based measurements at the Azores
- Experimental observation of a hillslope-scale rank StorAge Selection function: Process controls on its functional form, time variability, and hysteresis
- First Applications of GLM Data for National Climate Assessment (NCA) Studies
- Geological slip rate estimate for the Calico Fault at Newberry Springs, California: new age constraints from optically stimulated luminescence dating
- Green Stormwater Infrasturcture Function Interactions with Maintenance
- Image-based multiscale formulation for pore-scale compressible Darcy-Stokes flow
- Impact of Wildfire on Solute Fluxes in Forested Catchments, Jemez River Basin, New Mexico, USA.
- Impact of initialized land temperature on sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction (ILSTSS2S) - A GEWEX/GASS Initiative
- Improving the Quantification of Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide using Radiocarbon Measurements from the KORUS-AQ Field Campaign
- Improving the Representation of Subgrid Topographic Effects in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Investigation of hydrological response of three identical artificial hillslopes at the Landscape Evolution Observatory
- Investigation of the Robustness of Parameter Sensitivity Estimates from Different Spatial Samples
- Large-scale changes in subsurface water budgets from oil and gas production
- Project Harvest: Engaging Diverse Citizen Scientists in Rainwater Quality Monitoring
- Rapid Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Properties using Shortwave Infrared Imaging
- Regional Aridity Drives Urban Nighttime Vegetation Derived Air Cooling
- Regional Climate Variability over Northern South America According to a WRF Multi-decadal Simulation
- Runoff increases due to urbanization in a semi-arid city
- Scaling of flow quantiles and mean catchment fluxes and storage provides empirical formulation of the flow duration curve
- Seasonal Influences of Aerosol Type on Low-Level Cloud Microphysical Properties under Different Airmasses at the ARM-SGP site
- Short-term CO/CO2 Ratios and Modeled CO Tracers for Assessing Regional Transport Over the Seoul Megacity During the 2016 KORUS-AQ Field Campaign
- Signatures of obliquity and eccentricity in soil chronosequences
- Simulating groundwater surface water interactions across the continental US with an integrated hydrologic model
- Snowpack Change from 1982-2016 over Conterminous United States
- Soil biogeochemistry and microbial community recovery post-wildfire in a mixed conifer forest in northern New Mexico
- The Influence of Multi-Process Retention on the Transport of Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS) in the Presence of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs)
- The retention of PFAS at the air-water interface during transport in unsaturated porous media
- The simulation of marine subtropical stratocumulus decks in E3SMv1 as compared to other U.S. models
- Towards a Chemical Inverse Modeling System Experiment: First Results on CO Inter-comparison
- Tracking Fossil Fuel Emissions in East Asia by Combining Model Simulations, Satellite Observations, and Field Measurements of the CO-to-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Ratio
- Transport of graphene and graphene oxide in saturated porous media
- Unexpected slowdown of US pollutant emission reduction in the past decade
- Using integrated, continental scale hydrologic simulation to unravel interconnections and feedbacks
- Weathering in the Deep Critical Zone: Mineralogical Controls on Aqueous Geochemistry in the Deep Subsurface
- A Brief Survey of Native Community Concerns Regarding Water Resources
- A Budyko-type formulation for baseflow and direct runoff.
- A Modeling Study of the Spatial Structure of Electric Fields Near Tall Towers
- A Universal Multi-fractal Approach to Assessment of Spatiotemporal Extreme Precipitation over the Loess Plateau of China
- A comparison of transit time distribution vs. fraction of young water to characterize storage in a mountain headwater catchment: does the tail matter?
- A novel hybrid nano-continuum modeling framework for the transport processes in kerogen
- Adsorption of PFOA at the Air-Water Interface during Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media.
- An elasticity approach to quantify the effects of climate variability and ecological restoration on sediment discharge change in the Loess Plateau, China
- Applying Thermal Infrared Imaging to Calculate Spatial and Temporal Evaporation Rates at the Landscape Evolution Observatory
- Assessing the Utility of CO<SUB>2</SUB>:CO Correlations in Improving Top-down Estimates of Fossil-fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions
- Assessing the impact of lateral groundwater flow on flood risk in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Assessment of Satellite and Reanalysis Precipitation Products over Arctic Sea Ice
- Biogeophysical Soil Constituents Associated with Revegetation Success of Reclaimed Mine Tailings in Southern Arizona
- Bioswales modify soil properties, increasing soil organic matter, increase infiltration rates, and maintenance has the potential to decrease these benefits
- Buried woodchips or biochar as a means of soil productivity and carbon restoration: Effects on microbial activities, soil carbon cycling and plant cover in a semiarid ecosystem
- CHIP - Continental Hydrologic Intercomparison Project: A Conceptual Evaluation Framework for Large-Scale Hydrology Model Comparisons
- Characteristics of Ice Cloud-Precipitation of Warm Season Mesoscale Convective Systems over the Great Plains
- Characteristics of Upward Leader Currents Measured at the KSC Industrial Area Tower
- Characterization of Sprites and Their Parent Lightning Flashes Occurring in and Around Florida
- Connections between shallow and deep structure of an extrusive critical zone influence hydrochemical response.
- Convective-permitting modeling for retrospective sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) forecasting using the framework of the Coordinated Regional Ensemble Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)
- Coupling Irrigation Demand With Drought Conditions
- Decadal cycling of mineral-associated soil carbon
- Declined Decrease of Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Past Decade
- Developing a New Snow Cover Fraction Scheme for Hydrological Predictions
- Disentangling age distributions of long-screened production wells for quantifying mountain-block recharge
- Does vertical resolution matter when using a 1-D radiative transfer model to solve for cirrus cloud forcing?
- Drought Effect on Dust Storm Severity and Predictability
- Dynamic pore-network modeling of gas-condensate flow and nanoconfined phase behavior in liquid-rich shale formations
- Effects of lateral flow on surface-atmosphere feedbacks and convection in a coupled mesoscale atmospheric and distributed hydrologic modeling system for a semi-arid environment
- End-to-End Workflow-Driven Hydrologic Analysis for Different User Groups in HydroFrame
- Exploring ML Tools to Identify Subsurface Voids Using Air Pressure Monitoring - Training on Coupled Unsaturated Water Flow and Air Flow Models
- Extreme weather impact assessments in arid and semi-arid regions through sub-seasonal regional climate forecasting
- From Science to Conservation: Using Community Outreach and Video Storytelling to Explore Career Paths in Environmental Sustainability
- Fully-implicit dynamic pore-network modeling of multiphase flow and phase change in porous media
- Further Improvement of Surface Flux Estimation in the Unstable Surface Layer Based on Large-Eddy Simulation Data
- How Uncertainties in Precipitation Estimates are Mapped on to Our Understanding of the Relationship Between Arctic Precipitation and Arctic Sea Ice
- Hydroframe: A Software Framework to enable Continental Scale Hydrologic Simulation
- Hydrologic Representation Complexity in Land Surface Models Influences GRACE Signal Restoration in Forward Modeling Approaches
- Hydrological Evaluation of Influence of Green Infrastructure on Neighborhood-Scale Semi-Arid Nested Catchments
- Impact of Green Infrastructure on Hydrologic Responses of a Highly Engineered Commercial Catchment
- Impact of PFAS on Water Distribution in the Vadose Zone
- Impact of vertical resolution of PBL measurements on the computation of PBL's interaction with surface and the free atmosphere
- Implementation and evaluation of channel infiltration in the NOAA National Water Model for semi-arid environments
- Improved Observation of Global Precipitation During the Satellite Era
- Improved Quaternary Hydrogeological Structure Model Based on Audio Magnetotelluric Sounding Data and Borehole Data
- Improvement of the Global Precipitation Climatology Project in High Latitudes Using the Latest Satellite and Surface Observations
- Improving Access to Continental-Scale Hydrology Models for Research and Education - A Subsetting Adventure
- Improving the Representation of Soil Moisture Dynamics in Land Surface Models
- Improving the software architecture for a continental scale integrated modeling framework for better software productivity: Boundary Conditions, Programming Abstractions, and Developments in the ParFlow modeling platform
- Inclusion of Snowpack in the CPC Leaky Bucket Model for Soil Moisture Monitoring
- Increased Likelihood of Appreciable Afternoon Rainfall over Wetter Soils under Limited Atmospheric Dynamic Influence
- Influence of wildfire disturbances on solute mobilization through the critical zone
- Investigating the Reproducibility of Hydraulic Properties with Time-Variable Head Boundary by Hydraulic Tomography
- Investigation of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions under Different Absorptive Aerosol Regimes using ARM SGP Ground-Based Measurements
- Investigation of DNAPLs Contaminants Migration Process in a Sandbox Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Lessons Learned in Simulation-Based Uncertainty Quantification for Satellite Retrievals
- Linking near surface geophysics to critical zone architecture and biogeochemical processes
- Long Term Slip Rate of Camp Rock Fault (Eastern California Shear Zone) and Implications for the Regional Understanding of Geological Rates
- Mapping the Impact of Local Terrain on Lightning Ground Attachment Location
- Measuring Air-Water Interfacial Area for Porous Media Using the Aqueous Interfacial Partitioning Tracer Test Method
- Modeling the fate of hydraulic fracturing fluids and injection of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in shale formations: Coupling geomechanics and two-phase flow in fractured media
- Modifying a catchment-scale model for structural soundness: a Monte-Carlo calibration of a leaking landscape
- Multicomponent Transport Modeling of Uranium Biosequestration
- Nonideal Transport and Extended Elution Tailing of PFOS in Soil and Aquifer Sediment
- Paleoflood Hydrology on the lower Green River, upper Colorado River Basin, USA
- Physically-Based Machine Learning for Hydrological Modeling
- Pore-Scale Modeling of Fluid-fluid Interfacial Area in Variably Saturated Porous Media Containing Micro-scale Surface Roughness
- Predicting Fate of Munitions Constituents in the Environment
- Quantifying Regional Cirrus Cloud TOA Daytime Radiative Forcing in an Evolving Arctic
- Quantifying the Amazon Water Cycle Using Atmosphere, Land and Ocean Data
- Re-Evaluating a Stable Isotope (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O) Approach for Estimating the Temperature of Photosynthesis
- Remote Sensing of ET Over U.S. Southwest Irrigated Agriculture
- Remotely-Sensed Assessment of Water Stress in the Lake Urmia Basin
- Representing the Topographic Effects on Solar Radiation in the National Water Model to Improve Snowmelt Runoff Prediction
- Retrieving marine boundary layer cloud and drizzle microphysical properties using ground-based and aircraft in situ measurements during ACE-ENA
- Sensitivity of Simulated Mountain-Block Hydrology to Heterogeneous Soil Depth and Recharge
- Simulating Air and Water Flow in the Vadose Zone Using Updated MODFLOW 6 and HYDRUS 1-D
- Spatial differences and temporal change in organic matter composition across artificial hillslope during incipient soil formation
- Stratocumulus Cloud Clearings: Statistics from Satellites, Reanalysis Models, and Airborne Measurements
- Subgrid variations of the cloud water and droplet number concentration over the tropical ocean: satellite observations and implications for warm rain simulations in climate models
- Subtropical Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Deck Spatial Errors in the E3SMv1 Atmosphere Model
- The Co-transport of PFAS and Cr(VI) in Porous Media
- The Dynamics of the Uncertainty and Parameter Sensitivity in Modeling Semi-arid Systems.
- The Impact of PFAS Adsorption to NAPL-Water Interfaces on PFAS Retention and NAPL Mobilization
- The effect of topographic processes on runoff simulation over the continental US
- Transport Induced Mineral Dissolution Through Intensive Hydrological Cycles in Incipient Basalt Hillslopes
- Transport of GenX in Saturated and Unsaturated Soil
- Understanding Anthropogenic Combustion in Major Cities of Africa from Multiple Data Streams
- Understanding the Recent Enhancement in Precipitation Variability over California
- Use of QSPR to Predict PFAS Adsorption to Carbonaceous Materials
- Using Diverse Data Sets to Assess Satellite-Based Snowfall Accumulation and Gauge Undercatch Correction Factors
- Using HYDRUS Soil Moisture Modeling to Improve Drought Index Usage on Arizona's Rangelands
- Water cycling (pools and movement) through an enclosed tropical forest in response to drought.
- Water storage capacities in the unsaturated root-zone: a key to estimate root-zone soil moisture from remotely-sensed near-surface soil moisture
- Where is the bottom of the critical zone? Evidence for deep, stacked critical zones from airborne EM and hydrological models in Reynolds Creek CZO
- Why does Terrestrial Water Storage Decline in Dryland River Basins? A Case Study of the Euphrates river basin
- Within-flash time evolution of cloud-top optical emissions: Implications for satellite-based lightning observations
- A Climatology of Marine Boundary Layer Cloud and Drizzle Properties derived from Ground-based Observations over the Azores
- A Historical Analysis of Surface Water Storage Development and River Bifurcation in the United States
- A Model Ensemble Approach to Explore Structural vs. Parameter Uncertainty in Karst Systems with Unmapped Conduits
- A Retrospective Analysis of Observed US Reservoir Operations: What Actually Happens During a Drought?
- A Spectral Analysis to Explore Signal Filtering Properties of Watersheds
- A TRMM/GPM Composite Climatology and its Use in the New Version of GPCP
- A Validation and Comparison of Unique, Analytically-derived Hydraulic Conductivity Datasets Using the Upper Colorado River Basin as a Testbed
- A mathematical model for the release, transport, and retention of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the vadose zone
- A satellite-derived ice cloud parameterization for numerical weather prediction models
- Advances in understanding runoff generation processes at the catchment scale
- Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Marine Boundary Layer Clouds based on Aircraft and Ground-based Measurement over Eastern North Atlantic
- Assessing the performance of a hyper resolution, integrated hydrology-land surface model across the contiguous United States: Advancing high fidelity estimates of continental-scale energy and water fluxes with ParFlow-CLM
- Characteristics of Unconnected Upward Leader Currents Measured at the KSC Industrial Area Tower
- Characterizing PFAS Retention and Transport in Soil
- Climate Change and Terrestrial Water Storage Decline over the Euphrates River Basin
- Climate, land cover, and parent material drive global patterns of soil C partitioning and persistence
- Cloud and Drizzle Properties Retrieved from Ship-Based Observations during MAGIC
- Cloud software for enabling community-oriented integrated hydrologic modeling
- Combining environmental tracers and numerical modeling to estimate mountain-front recharge components in the Tucson Basin
- Comparison between multiple physical-based hydrologic models in modeling groundwater-surface water interactions in a coastal watershed
- Consistency of Global SWE and Precipitation Variations using Satellite, In-Situ and Reanalysis Products
- Differences in Number of Tiny Things in Dry Lands Under Trees and Open Spaces
- Evaluating the Roles of Dynamics, Physics, and Dynamics-Physics Interactions in CAM6 and EAMv1 Simulated Clouds and Aerosols over the Western North Atlantic Ocean
- Evaluating the temporal implications of land cover change on watershed hydrology across the continental US with an integrated hydrologic model
- Evaluation of Solute Export of Biogeochemically Active Species in Neighborhood-Scale Semi-Arid Nested Catchments
- Evaluation of groundwater contributions to long-term persistence of land-surface hydrological fluxes in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Exploiting synergies between air quality and greenhouse gas measurements in refining bulk emission characteristics
- Exploring the Role of Man-made and Natural Storage in the Drought Resilience of Two Semi-arid Catchments
- Extreme Cold-Season Precipitation Regimes in Eastern North America: Dynamic-Thermodynamic Analysis
- Extreme supersaturation in CESM2 and E3SM simulations: sensitivity to step time-stepping and impact on model climate
- Fossil Groundwaters: Relict of Past Climates or Flow System Size?
- Global Analysis of Atmospheric Rivers Precipitation using Remote Sensing and Reanalysis Products
- Global Trends in Evapotranspiration Dominated by Increases Across Cropland Regions: Insights Into Sustainability in Food Production
- Green stormwater infrastructure and water resources in the urban built environment: opportunities and barriers in a coupled natural-human system.
- Hydrologic Intermediaries - a Missing Link between Modelers and Stakeholders
- Hydrological recovery after a severe wildfire in a chaparral dominated, mountainous watershed
- Hypothesis Testing using Long Short-Term Memory Networks Applied to Large Pixel-Scale Datasets
- Identifying Patterns in Long Term Streamflow Variability and Predictability in the Upper Colorado River Basin using a Nonlinear Dynamics Approach
- Impact of Lateral Flow on Surface Water and Energy Budgets over the Great Plains - A Modeling Study
- Impacts of Long-range Transport of Aerosols on Marine Boundary Layer Clouds in the Eastern North Atlantic
- Implications of model resolution and parameterization for modeling water management impacts on land-surface, surface, and subsurface processes
- Introduction to the Updated GPCP Monthly Product - V3.1
- Large-eddy Simulations of Marine Boundary-layer Clouds during the ACTIVATE Campaign: Sensitivities to Large-scale Forcings
- Long-range transport patterns into the tropical northwest Pacific during the CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex aircraft campaign: chemical composition, size distributions, and the impact of convection
- Machine learning analysis of morphometry-extreme flood links in the Lower Colorado River Basin
- Mathematical modeling of the long-term retention and leaching of PFAS in the vadose zone
- Melt Season Precipitation Influence on and Response to Early and Late Arctic Sea Ice Melt Onset
- Modeling the Thermodynamic Phase Behavior of Hydrocarbon Mixtures in Nanopores
- Modeling the long-term retention and leaching of PFAS in the vadose zone
- Oceanic influences on Sahelian extreme spring temperatures: insights from CMIP6 numerical experiments
- On the Potential of the Advance Very High-Resolution Radiometer for Precipitation Retrieval in High Latitudes Using Machine Learning
- PFAS Retention and Leaching in Soils & the Vadose Zone
- Physical interpretation of transit time distributions in a model hillslope via geophysical imaging of ages of water.
- Post-wildfire Streamflow Reconstruction Using Artificial Neural Network Model
- Profiles of MBL cloud and drizzle microphysical properties retrieved from ground-based observations and validated by aircraft in-situ measurements over the Azores
- Relevance of heterogeneity of soil hydraulic material properties for predicting hillslope discharge
- Representing Plant Hydraulics in Noah-MP and Its Responses to Different Representations of Soil Hydraulics
- Residence time of basinal fluids and paleo flow system in the Paradox Basin using radio-krypton isotopes
- Saudi Arabia extreme weather ensemble forecast evaluation at sub-seasonal timescale
- Sea-Surface Temperature and Deep Convection as a Paired Predator-Prey System in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico Prior to and During Tropical Storm Cindy in June 2017 Using GHRSST MUR Level 4 Global Foundation SST Analysis, A-Train and Geostationary Satellite, and ECMWF-Interim Reanalysis Data
- Sector-based inversion of CO emissions during the COVID-19 lockdown
- Snowfall Retrieval from Satellite-based Microwave Humidity Sounders using Machine Learning Methods
- Spatiotemporal trends in observed precipitation and streamflow variability across California
- Synthesizing Stormwater Infrastructure in United States Cities: Are we speaking the same language?
- Teaching Students to use "Big" Data in an Online Teaching Environment
- The Aerosol Cloud Meteorology Interactions over the Western Atlantic Experiment (ACTIVATE): Concept and First Results
- The Anthropocene in the Deep Subsurface
- The ParFlow Sand Tank Model: An Educational Resource at the Interface of Hydrology and Computer Science
- The added value in CMIP6 models for simulating west African rainfall and its related extreme indices.
- The clouds over Southern Ocean during MARCUS field experiments
- The impact of climate change in the relationship of methanogens and sulfate reducing bacteria in a peat bog
- The summertime low clouds: bridging large-scale circulation and sea ice variations over the Arctic
- Time-step sensitivity, process coupling, and subtropical marine stratocumulus in EAMv1
- To impermeable, and beyond: Expanding conceptual models for the hidden hydrogeosphere
- Toward Improving Snowpack Prediction and Snow Cover Fraction Parameterization in Land Surface Models
- Transferring Learning Between Machine Learning and Physics-Based Approaches to Improve Characterization of Watershed Behavior.
- Two-Stage Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for Calculating Atmospheric Motion Vectors
- Understanding Potential Impacts of Climate Change and Mining on Mountain Block Recharge in a Semi-arid Headwater Catchment via Natural Tracer and End-member Mixing Analyses
- Understanding the Dynamics of Parameter Importance for Global Parameterization of Modeling Semi-Arid Watersheds.
- Uranium Biosequestration and Biosequestered Uranium Re-oxidation Multicomponent Transport Modeling
- Using Machine Learning Techniques to Optimize Subsurface Hydrologic Data Collection
- Vertical Dependence of Horizontal Variation of Cloud Microphysics: Observations from the ACE-ENA field campaign and implications for warm rain simulation in climate models
- What is the role of hydrological science in the age of machine learning?
- Hypothesis Testing Using Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Improving Understanding of Continental- and Regional-Scale Snowpack Dynamics
- Understanding the Information Content in the Hierarchy of Model Development Decisions: Learning From Data
- Developing Catchment-Scale Physical-Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Models Using Machine-Learning
- Towards the Hydrological Interpretability of Long-Short Term Memory Machine Learning Modeling