University of Tromso, Norway
flowchart I[University of Tromso, Norway] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (338)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (75)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Ground-based Study of Proton Aurora from Tromso, Norway
- Detection of Filamentary Structures in the Polar Ionosphere Using the EISCAT Svalbard Radar as an Interferometer
- Observed relationship between rayed aurora and intense ion upflows near the polar cap boundary
- Software Radar Data Architectures for Optimal Science Yields
- Software Radar Technology and the Open Radar Initiative
- A New Phase of Exploration and Understanding: Planning for The International Polar Year - 2007/2008
- Comparing height profiles of the ionospheric electron density derived from remote sensing of UV- and X-ray emissions and from EISCAT radar data
- Development of and Initial Results From Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Measurement Systems at Tromsø, Norway
- Identification of bottom-simulating reflectors related to gas hydrates, silicate diagenesis, and other P/T dependent sediment processes
- Observations of Langmuir Waves in the High-Latitude Winter Auroral Ionosphere
- Evidence of Naturally Occurring Wave-Wave Interactions in the Polar Ionosphere and its Relation to Naturally Enhanced Ion Acoustic Lines
- Norwegian Research Strategies on gas Hydrates and Natural Seeps in the Nordic Seas Region (GANS)
- Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes at a Bragg Wavelength of 16 cm
- Optical evidence for Alfven wave breaking in the near-Earth magnetosphere
- A stochastic theory for temporal fluctuations in Self-Organized Critical systems.
- Do Sandpile Models Explain Observations of Complex Dynamics in Solar Flares and Polar Aurora?
- Gas Hydrates on the Norway-Barents Sea-Svalbard margin(GANS)
- Investigating the "divergence problem" with stable carbon isotopes from tree rings.
- Investigations Based on the 3D Distribution of Optical Emissions at High Latitudes Obtained by ALIS
- Long-term Meteor Radar Observations of Atmospheric Winds and Tides in the Polar Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere above Svalbard and Tromso
- Numerical Simulation for Generalized Aurora Computed Tomography
- Peculiar Carbonate-Rich HP/UHP Rocks from the Tromso Nappe - Metacarbonatite or Remobilized Marble?
- Relative Order of Auroral Transient Structure During Substorm Activation
- The use of long-time EISCAT data series for improving ionospheric corrections models - First results
- Water Masses and Brine Formation on the Southwestern Svalbard Margin During the Last 20,000 Years
- Determining the Northern Boundary of the Jan Mayen Microcontinent, North Atlantic, by use of OBS MCS and Gravity Data
- Dynamics of the Auroral Electrojet Index Time Series
- High Latitude Meospheric and Lower Thermospheric Tide Observed from Ground-based and Spaceborne instruments
- Recent sounding rocket flights of a mesospheric charged dust detector
- Solar Transmission Through Sea Ice in the Fram Strait: Implications for Biology and Climate
- Stochastic Modeling of Fluctuations in Large-scale Properties of the Solar Wind or the Magnetosphere-ionosphere System
- An optical statistical analysis of the dayside open/closed [|#28#|]field line boundary location
- Architecture of a low-angle normal fault zone, southern Basin and Range (SE California)
- Brine formation in the Nordic seas: Stable isotope signals in foraminifera from Holocene and glacial sediments
- Climatic and oceanographic changes during the last two millennia in the Fram Strait: foraminiferal and isotopic evidence
- Gas Hydrate Occurrence at the Northernmost Segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Gas Hydrates on the Norway - Barents Sea - Svalbard margin (GANS); an overview and preliminary results
- Grounding zone system in outer Bjørnøyrenna, Barents Sea - constraints on its genesis and timing
- Large iceberg ploughed ridges in the southwestern Barents Sea
- Multiproxy reconstruction of rapid paleooceanographic changes in the SW Barents Sea during the Late Glacial- Early Holocene transition
- Optical ring formation by refraction from artificially produced density enhancements in HF heating experiments at HAARP
- Pliocene paleoceanographic change in the Arctic: foraminifers and stable isotope evidence from ODP 910
- Recent Investigations of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes (PMSE) Subject to RF Modification with the MORRO and the EISCAT Radars
- Simulation of δ18O in Svalbard precipitation by the regional circulation model REMOiso: a comparison with GNIP and ice core data
- Subglacial Morphology And Sediment Discharge Of The Storfjorden And Kveithola Palaeo-Ice Streams (NW Barents Sea) During The Last Deglaciation
- Virtually Shaping the Future of Polar Research
- Warm-water flow above deep water methane hydrates at an Arctic continental margin - A view on climate impacts
- Winter carbon dioxide effluxes from Arctic ecosystems - A presentation of a novel trace gas method and comparison with previously used methodologies
- A 320-year AMM+SOI Index Reconstruction from Historical Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Records
- A multi radar study of global polar cap patch dynamics and morphology
- A sodium lidar project at Tromsø, Norway: First report on test observations at Wako, Japan and current status
- Active Gas Venting Through Hydrate-Bearing Sediments on the Vestnesa Ridge, Offshore W-Svalbard
- Characteristics and temporal significance of middle Eocene laminated sediments from the central Arctic
- Classification and Comparison of Fluid flow Systems in the SW Barents Sea
- Deglaciation of the Western Margin of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet - a Swath Bathymetric and Sub-Bottom Seismic Study from Eglacom Nice-Streams Data in the Kveithola Trough
- Discerning hidden scaling in mean-reverting multifractal processes
- Distributed ground-based optical observations of polar cap patches
- Evidence for a strong felsic lower crust during melt-assisted deformation (Invited)
- First joint measurements of the overshoot effect of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes (PMSE) at 54 and 224 MHz excited by artificial electron heating
- Geologic and Experimental Investigation of Strain Localization in Lower Crust Amphibolites
- Late Weichselian and Holocene environmental conditions in Sassenfjorden and Tempelfjorden, Spitsbergen, inferred from multi-proxy analyses
- Modelling the coronal helium abundance with low helium heating rates
- On the dynamics of the magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms and substorms
- Propagation direction of the nighttime mesospheric gravity waves in the OH airglow images at Tromsø, Norway in winter 2009
- Radiogenic argon loss in experimentally deformed muscovite and biotite determined by in situ ultraviolet laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar geochronology (Invited)
- Sea surface temperatures in the subpolar North Atlantic over the last 230 years and their relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation and great salinity anomalies
- The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists - A Model for Young Researcher Programs
- Thousand years of winter surface air temperature variations in Longyerbyen, Svalbard Archipelago and Vardø, northern Norway, reconstructed from Svalbard ice core oxygen isotope data
- Trends from Levy-walk statistics in solar activity - a link to multidecadal and secular trends in Earth climate?
- A comparison of lakes in the Kolyma River region that receive inputs of Holocene and Pleistocene origin
- Cavitating Langmuir Turbulence in the Terrestrial Aurora
- Coccolith-Carbonate Sedimentation in the Northern North Atlantic : an Holocene Perspective
- Dislocation Creep of Dry Quartz
- Experimental Deformation, Partial Melting, and Compositional Changes in Perthitic K-feldspar at High Pressure and Temperature
- Holocene surface and deep water variability in the eastern Fram Strait - expanding the multiproxy perspective by radiogenic isotope tracers
- Hydroacoustic, geochemical and visual studies of methane release from the shelf and slope offshore West Spitzbergen
- Imaging fluid migration-path networks for understanding the geo-constraints associated with fluid flow and venting mechanisms in gas-hydrated sediments of SW Barents Sea
- Integrated stratigraphy of the Eocene Wilkes Land Margin, Antarctica; preliminary results from IODP Expedition 318; Dinoflagellate cysts
- Mechanical anisotropy and the common occurrence of misoriented faults
- Metamorphic reactions, deformation localization and rheological evolution of gabbro to eclogite transformation: A case study from Lofoten Anorthosite Complex, Norway
- Miocene through Pleistocene Diatom biostratigraphy, the Antarctic margin off Wilkes Land, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 318 rise sites
- Morphology and sedimentation along the Kongsfjord Channel System, Svalbard continental margin, European Arctic
- Multi-Frequency Observations of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes (PMSE) Under Artificial Electron Heating at EISCAT
- Planktic foraminifera faunas, temperature and salinity in the Gulf Stream during the last 30,000 years: influence of meltwater via the Mississippi River
- Preliminary results from the RV Poseidon 419 expedition to the methane seepage area off West Spitzbergen, Arctic Ocean
- Slow Pseudotachylites
- Strain localization processes in a suite of sheared gabbros: examining the rheology of the lower crust
- The APECS Virtual Poster Session: a virtual platform for science communication and discussion
- The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists - Developing a Continuum of Polar Research
- The Changing Arctic and Subarctic Environment (CASE): a european network on marine biotic indicators of recent climate changes in the Nordic seas and adjacent domains
- Water in quartz? - A comparison of naturally and experimentally deformed crystals
- "Bunched Black Swans" in Complex Geosystems: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to the Additive and Multiplicative Modelling of Correlated Extreme Bursts
- A Composite Approach to Reconstructing Sea Surface Temperatures in the NE North Atlantic Ocean
- A Detailed View of Rockslide Deformation Patterns in Northern Norway Using Both Ascending and Descending High-Resolution TerraSAR-X Satellite InSAR Data
- A case study on upward propagating gravity wave in the polar MLT region
- Atmospheric gravity waves observed in OH airglow images from 78°N
- Extensive InSAR observations of the Jettan rockslide in northern Norway, using Radarsat-2, TerraSAR-X, and corner reflectors
- Fluid Leakage Pathways and Shallow Gas Accumulation in Peon field, northern North Sea
- Near real-time geomagnetic data for space weather applications in the European sector
- Preliminary results of new benthic foraminifera Mg/Ca temperature calibrations and reconstruction of bottom water temperatures and salinity from a transect along the northern branch of the North Atlantic Current
- Retarded deglaciation of north-Spitsbergen fjords during the last glacial - an example of bathymetric controls on the dynamics of retreating glaciers
- Sea Surface Temperature Seesaw between the Subpolar North Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea during the Late Holocene
- Shallow Gas and Gas Hydrates in the Barents Sea Imaged by High-Resolution 3D Seismic Data
- Simulations of Aperture Synthesis Imaging Radar for the EISCAT_3D Project
- The early Pliocene diatom biochronology in the Southern Ocean: evidence from Sites U1359 and U1361 off Wilkes Land margin, Antarctica
- The effect of muscovite on the recrystallization of experimentally deformed quartz under general shear
- Thermospheric atomic oxygen density estimates using the EISCAT Svalbard Radar
- UAVSAR Ocean Observations: Small Eddies, Oil Spills, and Someday Sea Ice
- 'Predicting' Northern Hemisphere Temperature for the Previous Millennium based on a Parametric Stochastic-Dynamic Model Trained on the Instrumental Global Temperature and Forcing Records
- A statistical study of the polar mesosphere summer echoes overshoot effect with EISCAT VHF during the present solar cycle
- Benthic foraminiferal δ18O-Mg/Ca from the SE Nordic seas during the last 65 kyr
- Climate reconstruction from a methane influenced environment
- Comparison between triangulated auroral altitude and precipitating electron energy flux
- Early Pleistocene to Holocene glacial activity along the southern Alaska continental shelf inferred from the sedimentary record in the northern Gulf of Alaska - preliminary results
- Effectiveness of Generalized Aurora Computed Tomography for the EISCAT_3D project
- Effects of increased snow cover on the rates and sources of ecosystem respiration from high arctic tundra
- Fault-related amorphous materials and their influence on the rheological behavior of fault zones (Invited)
- High resolution P-Cable 3D seismic study of pockmarks and shallow fluid conduits at the Snøhvit reservoir in the SW Barents Sea
- Holocene Palaeoenvironment on Kamchatka
- Interplay between climatic and tectonic processes in the St. Elias foreland, southern Alaska: Evolution of a glaciated convergent margin since the mid-Pleistocene
- Is equilibrium climate sensitivity the best predictor for future global warming? (Invited)
- Last glacial ice sheet dynamics and deglaciation on Svalbard inferred from fjord records (Invited)
- Leakage assessment and identification of fluid leakage scenarios at CO2 storage sites (Invited)
- Long Range Memory and Trends in Model Data
- Methane Emissions from the Arctic OCean to the Atmosphere: Present and Future Climate Effects (MOCA)
- Naturally-enhanced Electrostatic Modes and Cavitating Turbulence in the Ionosphere
- Neogene marine sedimentary record of the Gulf of Alaska: from the glaciers to the distal submarine fan systems
- Offshore permafrost decay and massive seabed methane escape in water depths >20 m at the South Kara Sea shelf
- On the Electromagnetic Forcing of Atmospheric Neutral Winds
- Optical Emissions Enhanced by O and X Mode Ionosphere HF Pumping: Similarities and Differences
- Potential links between onshore tectonics and terrestrial organic carbon delivery to distal submarine fan environments: IODP Site U1417, Surveyor Fan, Gulf of Alaska
- Sea ice and snow evolution in Rijpfjorden, Svalbard, and the importance of superimposed ice formation
- Southern Alaska glaciations recorded in deep-sea diamicts: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 341 (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal patterns of Pleistocene biogenic sediment accumulation in the Gulf of Alaska
- Spatial and temporal variability in the onset of the growing season (phenology) on Svalbard, Arctic Norway - measured by MODIS satellite data
- Spatial scale dependence of the long-range memory properties of Earth surface temperature
- The EISCAT_3D Project in Norway: E3DN
- The Planeterrella experiment: from individual initiative to networking
- The effect of muscovite on the fabric evolution of quartz under general shear
- The effect of sedimentation in a subglacial lake on the dynamics of an artificial ice stream
- Variations of the neutral temperature inside an SSL during a night of high auroral activity above Tromsø
- 4D Time-Lapse Seismic Analysis of Active Gas Seepage Systems on the Vestnesa Ridge, Offshore W-Svalbard
- A study of the character of mesospheric gravity waves observed with MF radar at Poker Flat, and Tromsø
- Altitude variations of the peak auroral emissions within auroral structures
- Ancient CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from the High Arctic-Svalbard in Winter: Responses to Deeper Winter Snow in a Permafrost Dominated Landscape
- Atmospheric methane emissions along the western Svalbard margin
- CAT-scan analysis in scientific drilling: effective routine data acquisition and processing of whole cores, split cores and u-channels
- Cenozoic Contourite Drift Development in the Norwegian - Greenland Sea Area: Paleoceanographic Implications
- Creep Cavitation in Lower Crustal Shear Zones
- Dynamics of large submarine landslide from analyzing the basal section of mass-transport deposits sampled by IODP Nankai Trough Submarine Landslide History (NanTroSLIDE)
- Eastward Propagating Auroral Vortices Observed in the Post-Midnight Sector
- Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Stock in the Midtre Lovénbreen Moraine, Svalbard
- First Measurements of Aspect Sensitivity of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes by a Bistatic Radar System
- First simultaneous and co-located measurements of the overshoot effect in the Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes at 56 and 224 MHz
- GREECE Sounding Rocket Mission Overview
- Gasometric anomalies in bottom sediments of the Barents Sea as instrument of Modern Petroleum System study
- Last Glacial - Present Glacial Activity in East Greenland Fjords Inferred from Swath Bathymetry and High-Resolution Seismic Data
- Late Pleistocene biogenic sedimentation in the Gulf of Alaska: A biogeochemical perspective from IODP Expedition 341
- Long-range memory in temperature reconstructions from ice cores; glacial vs interglacial climate conditions
- Modulation of Seafloor Seepage by Faulting and Cracking of Deep Water Gas-Hydrate Systems at the Vestnesa Ridge, Fram Strait
- Nonthermal Electrostatic Plasma Modes in the Ionosphere
- On the Symmetry of Ionospheric Polar Cap Patch Exits Around Magnetic Midnight
- Persistent Intermediate Water Warming during Cold Stadials in the SE Nordic Seas during the Last 65 Kyr
- Quaternary Contourite Drifts of the Western Spitsbergen Margin
- Rapid response of Arctic land ice during Dansgaard-Oeschger events and variation in water exchange between the Atlantic and Arctic oceans
- The Nature of the Macroweather-Climate Scaling Break in Holocene Climate
- The Opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic and Climatic Dynamics - an IODP Initiative
- The Pliocene Sea Ice Cover in the Arctic Ocean
- The Statistical Differences Between the Gridded Temperature Datasets, and its Implications for Stochastic Modelling
- Ultra-Slow Tectonics, Sediment Drifts, and Gas Hydrates in the Arctic Fram Strait
- A New Spectropolarimeter to Study the Polarization of Earth's Auroral Emission Lines
- A hierarchic approach to examining panArctic vegetation with a focus on the linkages between remote sensing and plot-based studies.
- Albedo and its relationship with seasonal surface roughness using repeat UAV survey across the Kangerlussuaq sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Calibrating the Grigg's' Apparatus using Experiments performed at the Quartz-Coesite Transition
- Evidence of phase nucleation during olivine diffusion creep: a new perspective for mantle strain localization and Plate tectonics
- Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea)
- GRAAL - Griggs-type Apparatus equipped with Acoustics in the Laboratory: a new instrument to explore the rheology of rocks at high pressure
- Methane Release and Pingo-Like Feature Across the South kara Sea Shels, an Area of Thawing Offshore Permafrost
- Oil Slick Characterization Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Origins and Driving Mechanisms for Shallow Methane Accumulations on the Svyatogor Ridge, Fram Strait
- Pingos, craters and methane-leaking seafloor in the central Barents Sea: signals of decomposing gas hydrate releasing gas from deeper hydrocarbon reservoirs?
- Rapid growth and seasonal persistence of efficient subglacial drainage under kilometre thick Greenland ice
- Reconstructing Glaciers on Mars
- Reconstructing Methane Emission Events in the Arctic Ocean: Observations from the Past to Present
- Seasonal Changes of Arctic Sea Ice Physical Properties Observed During N-ICE2015: An Overview
- Simultaneous quantification of methane and carbon dioxide fluxes reveals that a shallow arctic methane seep is a net sink for greenhouse gases
- Stresses and pressures at the quartz-coesite transition in shear experiments
- Submarine Landslides along the Siberian part of Lomonosov Ridge: Triggering Mechanisms, Timing and Significance
- Subsurface pCO<SUB>2</SUB>, nutrient levels and ventilation in the Norwegian Sea during the past 135 kyr
- TRACEing Last Glacial Period (25-80 ka b2k) tephra horizons within North Atlantic marine cores and exploring links to the Greenland ice-cores
- The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (Care II) to Study Artificial Dusty Plasmas in the Upper Atmosphere
- The Role of Sea Ice for Vascular Plant Dispersal in the Arctic
- Tidewater Dynamics at Store Glacier, West Greenland from Daily Repeat UAV Survey
- Use DNA to learn from the past: how modern and ancient DNA studies may help reveal the past and predict the future distribution of species
- Warming Climate and Changing Societies - a Challenge or an Opportunity for Reindeer Herding?
- Water weakening in experimentally deformed milky quartz single crystals
- Submarine Mass Wasting on Hovgaard Ridge, Fram Strait, European Arctic
- A Pan-Arctic Synthesis of Cold Season Carbon Emissions
- Arctic Sediment Transport from Land to Sea - An Integrated Study of Coastal - Marine Processes and Deposits in Dicksonfjorden, Svalbard
- Early-warning signals for the small ice cap instability.
- Global Surface Temperature Response Explained by Multibox Energy Balance Models
- Gradual Warming in the North Atlantic during D-O Events Synchronous with Antarctic and Southern Hemisphere Warmings
- High-Resolution Mapping of Sea Ice, Icebergs and Growlers in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, using Ground Based Radar, Satellite, and UAV
- High-Resolution Seismic Velocity Analysis of Multicomponent OBS Data in Gas Hydrate Saturated Sediments of Vestnesa Ridge, Western Svalbard Margin
- Holocene ocean and sea ice history in the European Arctic from past to present warm extremes: preliminary results from NE Svalbard
- Human-animal agency in reindeer management: Sami herders' perspectives on Fennoscandian tundra vegetation dynamics under climate change
- Ice retreat and deglaciation history of Storfjorden, SE Svalbard
- In situ validation of segmented SAR satellite scenes of young Arctic thin landfast sea ice
- Initiation of a Low-Angle Normal Fault Active Across the Upper Brittle-Plastic Transition, Chemehuevi Mountains, CA
- Interaction of Cryospheric and Oceanographic Processes Along the Central-East Greenland Margin
- Late Quaternary glacial/interglacial variability in Arctic sea ice and related organic carbon flux: A 180 ka record from Yermak Plateau
- Magnetosphere - ionosphere coupling process in the auroral region estimated from auroral tomography
- New Data Constraints on Past Antarctic Ice Sheet Extent and Retreat in the Weddell Sea Embayment
- Observed Variability of Tsunamigenic Potential of Enormous Submarine Landslides Explained Through Modeling - A Comparison of the Holocene Storegga and Trænadjupet Events.
- Occurrence and Characteristics of Thermally Excited 630.0 nm Emissions in the Polar Ionosphere
- On the Late Cenozoic Evolution of the Norwegian Arctic Continental Margin
- Past and Present Glacial Sedimentary Environments in Krossfjorden, Western Svalbard: Glacier Front Evolution
- Pseudoproxy Experiments Using the BARCAST Reconstruction Technique: Effects on Spatiotemporal Persistence Properties
- Quantification of Magnitude of Net Erosion in the SW Barents Sea using Sonic Velocities and Compaction Trends in Shales and Sandstones
- Reconstruction of the extent and variability of late Quaternary ice sheets and Arctic sea ice: Insights from new mineralogical and geochemical proxy records
- Seasonal thickness changes of Arctic sea ice north of Svalbard and implications for satellite remote sensing, ecosystem, and environmental management
- Soil Organic Carbon STOCK in the Glacier Foreland of Midtre LOVÉNBREEN, in the High Arctic
- Splay Fault Branching from the Hikurangi Subduction Shear Zone: Implications for Slow Slip and Fluid Flow
- Subglacial gas hydrate regulate ice stream flow
- Surface water hydrology and the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The Mesospheric Sodium Layer as a Remotely, Optically Pumped Magnetometer for Investigation of Birkeland Currents
- The asymmetric geospace during a magnetic storm on August 17, 2001
- Timing and pacing of Pliocene climate and paleoenvironmental change in southwestern Australia (IODP Exp. 356, Site U1459).
- Ultra-High Resolution Late Pleistocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Records From the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Exp. 341 Sites U1418 and U1419)
- Arctic Sea Ice Structure and Texture over Four Decades Using Landsat Archive Data
- Deep ocean ventilation in the Central Fram Strait during the past 35 kyr
- Delayed and reduced carbon uptake in a subarctic peatland following an extreme winter event
- Extensive Glacier Advances During the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition on Svalbard
- From discrete auroral arcs to the magnetospheric generator: numerical model and case study
- Giant seafloor craters formed by hydrate-controlled large-scale methane expulsion from the Arctic seafloor after ice sheet retreat
- Greenland's 20th Century retreat illuminated - great spatial variability with strong connections to subglacial topography and fjord bathymetry
- Holocene environmental changes recorded in Dicksonfjorden and Woodfjorden, Svalbard: impacts of global climate changes in a glacial-marine system
- Ice flow and subglacial hydrology coupled modeling of Russel Glacier, West Greenland
- Improved spatial and temporal characteristics of ionospheric irregularities and polar mesospheric summer echoes using coherent MIMO and aperture synthesis radar imaging
- Investigating palaeo-subglacial lakes in the central Barents Sea
- Make it fun for everyone: visualization techniques in geoscience
- New details about the LGM extent and subsequent retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet from the easternmost Amundsen Sea Embayment shelf
- Poleward Energy Transport: Is the Standard Definition Physically Relevant at All Time Scales?
- Radio Observations of the Ionosphere From an Imaging Array and a CubeSat
- Relict thermokarst carbon source kept stable within gas hydrate stability zone of the South Kara Sea
- Subglacial drainage of the Eurasian Ice Sheet Complex during the last glacial period
- Submarine melting from repeat UAV surveys of icebergs
- Thermally Excited 630.0 nm Emissions in the Polar Ionosphere
- UAV based mapping of variation in grassland yield for forage production in Arctic environments
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- Analysis of fracture/fault filled gas hydrate deposits in the Vestnesa Ridge
- Cenozoic Erosion of the Barents Sea Shelf, Norwegian Arctic: A Review
- Controls on Methane Emissions in Glaciated Margins
- Dust Detection in Space by Wave Instruments
- Dust Impact Measurements from Spacecraft
- Electron Energy Spectrum Estimation from Incoherent Scatter Radar Measurements
- Exploring the Polar Mesosphere - a Grand Challenge
- Fluxes of precipitating magnetospheric electrons from ground-based optical observations of auroral arcs
- Gas Hydrate Dynamics at Ultra-Slow Spreading Ridges in the Fram Strait, Offshore Western Svalbard
- Gas Hydrate Occurrence and Saturation in the Barents and Norwegian Sea Using Industry Well Logs and Seismic Data
- Geological and glaciological control on an Arctic Ocean gas hydrate reservoir.
- High and middle latitude neutral mesospheric density response to geomagnetic storms
- Ice Sheet-Gas Hydrate Interactions: Examples from the Polar North Atlantic.
- Integrated stress modelling and seismic investigation of near-surface fluid migration offshore Svalbard
- Integrating clinic and climate to shed new light on Kawasaki Disease
- Multi-wavelength modeling of an auroral arc observed with EISCAT and ALIS using the Aeroplanets model
- Post-LGM ice sheet dynamics in the southern Weddell Sea, Antarctica
- Project and Community Management in Polar Sciences - Challenges and Opportunities
- Reconstructing Late Holocene Sea-level Change and Impacts on Prehistoric Settlements in the Lofoten Islands, Norway
- Role of Greenland's snowline for amplifying ice sheet melt
- The 2018 OUTREACH Expedition as a case study bridging the science-policy boundary to foster international collaborations, identify priorities and enhance pan-Arctic connectivity
- The Characterization of Hydrate Provinces in Europe: a Review of Available Evidence
- The responsibility of the 16-day wave for the SW1- and SW3-tidal-like signatures during 2009 and 2013 sudden stratospheric warming events
- Thicker Snow Cover Triggers Lateral Permafrost Carbon Loss Both Through Enhanced Warming and Surface Runoff
- An MF/HF Antenna Array for Radio and Radar Imaging of the Ionosphere
- Analysis of high resolution wind fields of the upper atmosphere observed with a multistatic meteor radar network
- Continuous records of human-environment interaction in the Lofoten Islands of Arctic Norway based on fecal lipids and alkenone paleothermometry
- Exploring Ice-Covered Oceans, Top to Bottom: Experiences in the Arctic with NUI(5k)
- Gas Hydrate Systems: A Statistical and Geospatial Approach Using Industry Well Log Data
- Multi-scale along-margin variations in breakup volcanism at the Eastern North American Margin identified by magnetic anomaly modeling
- Normal grain growth of quartz by experiment and discussion on the effect of grain size reduction by deformation in natural conditions
- Observing Mesospheric Turbulence With SpecularMeteor Radars: A Novel Method for EstimatingSecond-Order Statistics of Wind Velocity
- Optimization of efficient ancient DNA extraction from lake sediment
- Seismic Signature of Shear Zones: Insights from 2-D PSF-based Convolution Modelling
- Small Charged Grains Outside the Heliopause as a Source of Information About More Distant Regions: An Opportunity for the Interstellar Probe
- Sub-kilometer numerical forecasting of atmospheric boundary layer in an Arctic fjord-valley system during polar night
- Water pumping in mantle shear zones: From field observations to experimental evidence
- Altered Ice Algal Phenology In A Changing Cryosphere
- Combining seafloor imagery with pore water chemistry at Arctic cold seeps: a new case study from the SW Barents Sea
- Computation of glacial and tectonic stress off Svalbard: implications for seabed methane seepage along the Vestnesa Ridge
- Correlation between seepage activity and micro seismicity on the Vestnesa Ridge, NW- Svalbard continental margin
- Cross-platform application of a sea ice classification method considering incidence angle dependency of backscatter intensity and its use in detecting deformed ice
- Deep Ocean storage of heat and CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Arctic Mediterranean during the last glacial period
- Developing an Ionospheric Sounding Mode Using Chirp Ionosondes of Opportunity for the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station : Status and Early Results
- Effect of Regional Forcing on Fault-related Seepage off West-Svalbard
- Elevation Changes of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet Interior During the Last Deglaciation
- Enhancing Arctic sea surface height and sea ice freeboard mapping with off-track leads
- Ice core studies of autumn-to-spring sea ice evolution at the MOSAiC floe
- Ku- and Ka-band Radar Penetration and Scattering - Altimetric Measurements over Evolving Snow and Sea Ice during MOSAiC
- Ku- and Ka-band Radar Signatures Of Winter Snow-Covered Sea Ice: Observations from the 2019-2020 MOSAiC International Arctic Drift Expedition
- Lake Water Isotope Gradients in Arctic Norway, Sweden and Finland: Implications for Proxy-based Precipitation Reconstructions
- Large source of mercury from the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- MOSAiC's Pan Arctic Water Isotope Network: Sea ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions observed with water vapor isotope measurements from land and an icebreaker
- Platelet Ice under Arctic Pack Ice in Winter
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Regional Analysis of Climate Feedbacks and Sensitivity
- Sea Ice Deformation at MOSAiC
- Snow Accumulation and Redistribution Patterns in the Central Arctic
- Snow depth on the MOSAiC floe from autumn to spring: Continuous point measurements vs. weekly snow distributions
- The Impact of Bottom Water Temperature on Glacial Retreat and Methane Release in Storfjorden Trough, NW Barents Sea
- The subglacial lake at Russell Glacier catchment, West Greenland, that wasn't there
- Winter sea ice and snow mass balance from repeated transects in MOSAiC Central Observatory
- Constraining Rheology and Deformation Processes of Wet Quartzite from High-Pressure and High-Temperature Experiments
- Natural gas hydrate is pervasive on continental margins
- What Can Grain Size Distributions of Muddy Glacimarine Strata Reveal About Proximal Tidewater Ice Dynamics? Tales From IODP Site U1419, Gulf of Alaska
- A Year-Round Satellite Sea Ice Thickness Record from CryoSat-2
- Analysis of Early-Warning Signals for Arctic Summer Sea Ice Loss
- Compositional Variations in Mica and Apatite as Recorder of Lamproite Magma Evolution: Evidence from Eastern India
- Constraining Rheology and Deformation Processes of Fine-grained Quartz Aggregate from High-Pressure and High-Temperature Experiments
- Deglaciation and Holocene paleoceanography of the northeast Greenland Shelf
- Delivery and Recycling of Iron on the Eurasian Arctic Continental Shelf through the Last Deglaciation and Early Holocene
- Dust Impact Detection by the Solar Orbiter RPW/TDS
- Energy budget diagnosis of changing climate feedback
- HF Sounding Using Software Defined Radio
- Hydrothermal processes in a lamproite magmatic system unravelled by the compositional variations in apatite
- Intercomparing Arctic winter radar and laser freeboards obtained from CryoSat-2, AltiKa and ICESat-2 over the common mission period October 2018 - April 2021
- Local, regional, and global ionospheric disturbances following the Tonga volcanic eruption
- Multi-year observations of horizontal wind frequency spectra in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere by multistatic specular meteor radars
- Spatial Second-Order Statistics of Horizontal Mesospheric and Lower Thermospheric Winds
- Strain Localization and Weakening during Eclogite-Facies Transformation in Experimentally Deformed Plagioclase-Pyroxene Mixtures
- Subauroral and midlatitude traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) in the vicinity of storm enhanced density (SED) and subauroral polarization stream (SAPS)
- Subseasonal to Seasonal Predictions of Polar Low Activity using a Hybrid Statistical-Dynamical Approach
- The Multiyear Sea Ice area budget of the Arctic Ocean: export, melt, replenishment and a recent plateau
- The Upper Carboniferous Hyrnefjellet Formation on Svalbard: An update on the depositional evolution
- Tracing the drivers and impacts of amplified Arctic water cycle with coupled water vapor and seawater isotopic measurements
- Two Significant Low-latitude Ionospheric Effects of the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption: Strong Development of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Pronounced X-pattern of Equatorial Ionization Anomalies
- Unambiguous High-Resolution VHF Coherent Radar Observations of the E-region by the Fully Digital ICEBEAR-3D Radar
- Vertical wind observations from multi-static meteor radar networks considering the continuity equation
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- Alan Liu
- Alek Petty
- Aleksandra Smyrak-Sikora
- Alex T. Chartier
- Alun Hubbard
- Ann E. Cook
- B. B. Cael
- B. G. Kopec
- Brian J. Harding
- Christof Pearce
- Christopher J. Smith
- D. Píša
- David G. Babb
- Deepak K. Karan
- Diego Janches
- E. G. Thomas
- E. S. Klein
- Ercha Aa
- Facundo Poblet
- G. C. Hussey
- Guiping Liu
- Gunter Stober
- H. Kil
- Hannu Marttila
- Harikrishnan Charuvil Asokan
- Harry Heorton
- Hugues Raimbourg
- Ingrid Mann
- Isobel Lawrence
- J. Federico Conte
- J. Souček
- J.-P. St.-Maurice
- Jack Landy
- Jacques Précigout
- Jakub Vaverka
- Jana Šafránková
- Jeffrey M. Welker
- Jiří Pavlů
- Jonah Bloch‐Johnson
- Jonathan M. Gregory
- Jorge L. Chau
- Juha Vierinen
- Julian Janocha
- K. A. McWilliams
- Libor Nouzák
- Liying Qian
- Magnus Fagernes Ivarsen
- Michel Tsamados
- Mitchell Bushuk
- N. A. Frissell
- P. J. Erickson
- Philip Goodwin
- R. E. Daniell
- R. Eastes
- R. S. Lieberman
- Richard G. Williams
- Robert B. Kerr
- S. Pedron
- Shun‐Rong Zhang
- Sibdas Ghosh
- Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- T. J. Immel
- Thomas Ulich
- W. Rideout
- Wen Yi
- Wenbin Wang
- Xuguang Cai
- Y. Nishimura
- Yue Deng
- Zdeněk Němeček
- Zhuo Wang
- Zishun Qiao
- Л. П. Гончаренко