University of South Florida, St Petersburg
flowchart I[University of South Florida, St Petersburg] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (160)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (76)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- <SUP>234</SUP>Th, <SUP>228</SUP>Th, and <SUP>210</SUP>Pb Fluxes in the Cariaco Basin
- Fine-Scale Volcano-Tectonic Patterns Along the Hotspot and Non-Hotspot Influenced Fastest Spreading Parts of the East Pacific Rise, and Their Relation to Hydrothermal Activity
- A Multi-proxy Approach to Distinguish Between Changes in SST and Meltwater Input in the Gulf of Mexico Back to MIS 3.
- Benthic Fluxes of Radium in Indian River Lagoon, Florida
- Deglacial Warming in the Gulf of Mexico Preceded Laurentide Ice Sheet Meltwater Input: Implications for Tropical Climate Forcing
- Geologic structure and hydrodynamics of Egmont Channel: an anomalous inlet at the mouth of Tampa Bay, Florida
- Holocene and Pleistocene Marine and Non-marine Sediment from Tampa Bay, Florida
- The Mid Pleistocene Climate Transition Recorded in a Hemipelagic Sediment Drift (ODP Leg 194): Implications for the Understanding of Continental Margin Sediment Sources and Sinks
- Abrupt Climate Change During the Last Glacial Cycle Based on Gulf of Mexico Sediments
- Sediment Deposition and Accumulation in a Seasonal Repository of the Fly River Shelf Clinoform, Papua New Guinea
- Sediment and nutrient accumulation in Bear Lake post reconnection with Bear River
- Biogeochemical Fluxes of Carbon and Nitrogen in Surface Waters of the Cariaco Basin: A Combined Rate Measurement and Isotopic Approach
- Freshwater input into the Gulf of Mexico Prior to the 8.2 cal kyr BP Cool Event in Greenland Ice Core Records
- Seasonal and Interannual fCO2 Variability in a Tropical Coastal Upwelling System
- Sources of autochtonous and allochtonous particulate material to the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
- The importance of small but local vs. large rivers in the region on the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
- Uptake and Loss of <SUP>226</SUP>Ra in Tissues of Freshwater Mussels: A Reciprocal Transplant Experiment Between Two Florida Lakes
- 226Ra, 228Ra, 223Ra and 224Ra in a groundwater-augmented Florida lake
- A High-Resolution Record of Meltwater Discharge and Deglacial Warming in the Gulf of Mexico
- Enhancing Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts by Aligning Measurement, Vision, Goals and Objectives
- Environmental Variability in the Florida Keys: Impacts on Coral Reef Resilience and Health
- Intercomparison of Speleothem and Lake Geochemical Proxy Records for Interpreting Paleoydrologic Conditions on Sub-Tropical North America During the Late Holocene
- Ocean Science in a K-12 setting: Promoting Inquiry Based Science though Graduate Student and Teacher Collaboration
- Sub-Millennial Scale Climatic and Hydrologic Variability in the Gulf of Mexico during the Early Holocene
- Cadmium Diagenesis in Polluted Sediments of a Tropical Estuary of SE Brazil
- Current Patterns on the West Florida Shelf from Joint Self-Organizing Map Analyses of HF Radar and ADCP Data
- In Situ Mass Spectrometry: Underwater Measurements and Miniaturization
- Large submarine groundwater inputs to Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
- Seeing beyond the pipeline: MSPHD'S a growing experience
- Studying the radiogeochemistry of the Caribbean National Forest and the BONUS Power Plant in Puerto Rico.
- Assimilation of High-Frequency Radar Currents in a Nested Model of the West Florida Shelf
- Broader Impact Actualized: Collaborative Efforts that Facilitate Successful Movement of Underrepresented Students Through the Pipeline
- CDOM Characterization of Surface Waters and Groundwater in Tampa Bay, FL: A Spectroscopic and Radioisotopic Approach
- Deepening of the mixed layer during ice-rafting events: implication for the Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Field Characterization for Remediation of Trinitrotoluene in Sediment and Water from Vieques, Puerto Rico
- Louisiana Shelf Hypoxic Zone Mixing Rates determined from Radium and Radon
- Millennial-scale deep ocean ventilation and sea-surface variability during the last four glacial cycles: a new assessment for the Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet growth
- Radiogeochemical Properties and Cycling at the Caribbean National Forest El Verde Research Station and Surrounding Region on the Island of Puerto Rico
- SCUBAnauts International: Exploration and Discovery in the Ocean Sciences
- Small Scale Characterization of the Presence of the Explosive Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro- 1,3,5,7 tetrazocine (HMX) Near Former Naval Sites on Vieques Island, Puerto Rico
- Validating a Biogeochemical Watershed Disturbance and Climate Change Proxy: Tampa Bay. FL
- A 1400-Year Sedimentary Record from the Pigmy Basin, Gulf of Mexico Reveals Strong Decadal-Scale Linkages Between Solar Variability, Gulf of Mexico Moisture Balance, and Hydrologic Conditions over the North American Continent
- A Trajectory Forecast Model as an Event Response Tool: Tracking an Anhydrous Ammonia Spill in Tampa Bay
- Identifying Historical Occurrences of HABs Using Sedimentary Algal Pigments
- Integrated Multi-Mission Altimeter Data for Climate Research
- Meltwater routing and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation: A Gulf of Mexico perspective
- STREAMS - Supporting Underrepresented Groups in Earth Sciences
- A High-Resolution SST Climatology Set for Next Generation NOAA Coral Reef Watch Decision Support System
- Fluorescence characteristics of oil during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
- Laurentide Ice Sheet meltwater and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation since the last glacial maximum: A view from the Gulf of Mexico
- Organic Carbon Burial in Brazilian Mangrove Sediments (Invited)
- Gulf of Mexico Climate, Laurentide Ice Sheet History, and Global Sea Level Change During the Last Glacial Cycle
- Monitoring Global Freshwater Resources with GRACE
- Analysis of Coastal Sediment Plume Dynamics in Puerto Rico using MODIS/Terra 250-m Imagery
- Dengue Fever Trends and Climate Change in San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Husbandry Trace Gas Emissions from a Dairy Complex By Mobile in Situ and Airborne and Spaceborne Remote Sensing: A Comex Campaign Focus
- Influence of Sea-Level Rise and Storms on Soil Accretion Rates in the Mangrove Forests of Everglades National Park, USA
- Maintaining the Accuracy of a Sea Surface Height Climate Data Record from Multi-mission Altimeter Data
- Testing the Role of Microbial Ecology, Redox-Mediated Deep Water Production and Hypersalinity on TEX<SUB>86</SUB>: Lipids and 16s Sequences from Archaea and Bacteria in the Water Column and Sediments of Orca Basin
- Use of Real Time Satellite Infrared and Ocean Color to Produce Ocean Products
- Organic Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Accumulation Rates in the Soils of the Everglades Mangrove Ecotone
- Seasonal extension of the Nile River plume into the Mediterranean Sea measured by its optical properties from satellite products
- Urgent and Compelling Need for Coastal and Inland Aquatic Ecosystem Research Using Space-Based Sensors
- Carbon stocks in mangroves, salt marshes, and salt barrens in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA: Vegetative and soil characteristics.
- Chronicling ice shelf history in the sediments left behind
- Controls on Soil Organic Matter in Blue Carbon Ecosystems along the South Florida Coast
- Development of a Florida Coastal Mapping Program Through Local and Regional Coordination
- Sedimentary and Vegetative Impacts of Hurricane Irma to Coastal Wetland Ecosystems across Southwest Florida
- A Hierarchical, Synoptic, and Dynamic Seascape Framework for Observing and Understanding Pelagic Biodiversity
- A century of erosion and deposition of a marsh planform - which has been more important at sculpting the landscape?
- Are Mangroves More Effective Carbon Sinks than Previously Thought? A Comparison of Sediment Ages Versus Radiocarbon Ages Seems to Suggest So.
- Associating Benthic Habitats with the Geomorphology and Depositional History of Bathymetric Features on the West Florida Shelf
- Benthic reflectance, optical depth, and IOP retrieval in Apalachee Bay, Florida
- Combining multispectral VIS-SWIR polarimetry and UV-NIR hyperspectral imagery to retrieve aerosol and ocean color properties from remote sensing: case studies for airborne RSP and GCAS observations
- Heterogeneous patterns of mangrove disturbance and recovery from Hurricane Irma
- Interoperability and Reproducibility through FAIR-aligned Best Practices - an ocean exemplar of a development hub for archiving and expanding best practices
- Satellite Year-Round Methane Measurements for the Arctic: Towards Elucidation of Methane Growth After 2014
- Short-term biogeochemical variability in two subtropical estuaries
- The Pole-to-Pole Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) of the Americas: Building a Regional Community of Practice for Understanding and Conserving Life in the Ocean
- The Tampa Bay Coastal Ocean Model (TBCOM) Performance for Hurricane Irma
- The USF Sloan Foundation University Center of Exemplary Mentoring: A Model for Increasing PhD Diversity in the Ocean Sciences
- Using Essential Biodiversity Variables and Essential Ocean Variables, FAIR Guiding Principles, and the Principles of Action Ecology to Inform Our Understanding of Changing Marine Ecosystems
- Visualizing and interacting with large-volume biodiversity data using the MBON Data Portal
- Will mangrove encroachment mitigate carbon loss with saltwater intrusion in subtropical coastal wetlands?
- A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) Pole-to-Pole of the Americas in support of conservation and sustainable use of living resources in the sea
- A dynamic, global seascape framework for observing and understanding biodiversity patterns in ocean ecosystems
- Aerosol impacts on biogeochemical cycles: new insights for ocean and land systems
- An investigation into daytime HONO chemistry in the marine boundary layer at Tudor Hill Marine Atmospheric Observatory in Bermuda
- Coastal Flooding - Learning by Doing: Building Community Resilience Through a Transdisciplinary Approach to Enhance Resilience and Preparedness in Select Neighborhoods - Bridging research, Decision Makers and Community
- Dynamic satellite seascapes as biogeographic framework for tracking seasonal shifts of phytoplankton assemblages in south Florida waters
- Enhanced 3-D Mapping for Habitat, Biodiversity, and Flood Hazard Assessments of the Southern US
- IXTOC - 1 Oil Spill (Southern Gulf of Mexico), an Analog for Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Increased Accommodation Space and OC Stabilization Enhance the Efficiency of the Mangrove Blue Carbon Sink
- Measurements of nitric acid and particulate nitrate in the Marine Boundary Layer in Bermuda
- New Visions for Oil Spill Preparedness from the Perspective of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout, the Sediment Slumping at Taylor Energy, and Continued Ultra-Deep Oil Exploration and Production in Frontier Region
- Observing Changes in the Mangrove Forests of the South Florida Everglades following Hurricane Irma using Remote Sensing Measurements
- Orbital-scale record of Ross Sea ocean temperatures across the Miocene Climatic Optimum and Middle Miocene Climate Transition
- Physical and chemical characterization of sediments from Mercer Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica
- Potential impacts of mercury released from thawing permafrost
- Sea-level rise and storms alter soil carbon dynamics of southwest Florida mangrove forests
- The fate of spilled-oil from the water column to the seafloor: Lessons learned from geochemical analyses of sediments after the DWH spill
- The need for comprehensive benthic baselines and monitoring programs prior to marine petroleum extraction: Lessons learned form the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Trace and Minor Element Composition of Coastal Sediments off NW Cuba Reveal History of Anthropogenic Contamination
- Vulnerability and Resilience of Species and Ecosystems to Large-Scale Contamination Events: Lessons Learned from Deepwater Horizon
- "Godzilla" African Dust Event of June 2020: Impacts of Air Quality in the Greater Caribbean Basin, the Gulf of Mexico and the United States
- Amazonian floodplains are a major global carbon sink
- Comparison of dust forecast (GEOS-5 and WRF-Chem), satellite observations and ground-based aerosol measurements in the Caribbean region during the 2020 Summer African dust season
- Evaluating long-term change in the biogeography of Large Marine Ecosystems of the Americas derived from dynamic satellite seascapes.
- Influence of past climate change on subglacial microbial communities and biogeochemical processes beneath Siple Coast ice streams, West Antarctica
- Linking earth observation data and air quality ground based stations to analyze African Dust impacts on public health in Puerto Rico
- Mid-Holocene Retreat and Late Holocene Re-advance of the Grounding Line in the Ross Sea Sector
- Resilience of the Mangrove Coast: Understanding Links between Degradation, Recovery, and Community Benefits at the National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) of Jobos Bay (SE Puerto Rico) and Rookery Bay (SW Florida) - A NERR System Science Collaborative Program
- The ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team: Synergies Across Land, Air, and Sea
- The influence of COVID-related emissions reductions on surface ocean pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and pH
- Understanding the Community Perception of "Godzilla" Mega African Dust Event over Puerto Rico in June 2020: Strategy to improve Air Quality Early Warning Systems
- Variations in Surface Temperature at the Land-Water Interface from ECOSTRESS Imagery
- What can advances in Antarctic deglacial sediment <SUP>14</SUP>C dating tell us about grounding line evolution?
- When Artificial Connections to the Sea do not Control Eutrophication: Lessons for Urban Coastal Management from the MARICÁ Lagoon (brazilian Southeast)
- Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over the past 1.5 million years
- Arctic-Boreal Wetland Vegetation Communities Mapping in the Peace-Athabasca Delta Using AVIRIS-NG Hyperspectral Data
- COVID-19 Patients and Physicians Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions of SARS-CoV-2 and Saharan dust Outbreaks Impact in Puerto Ricos Public Health: A Cross Sectional Study
- Drilling into the past: Using sub-ice archives to assess the Holocene (in)stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Embankment Reduces Oxidative Riverine Organic Carbon Loss and Changes the Carbon Cycle
- Historical and environmental drivers of microbial community structure in West Antarctic subglacial lake sediments
- Impacts of the Loop Current state on transport connectivity in the Gulf of Mexico
- Insights into the Iron Isotope Composition of the Bulk Silicate Earth from Fresh and Fertile Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths from Tariat, Mongolia
- Microfossil fingerprints of glacial stability: Using diatoms and foraminifera to reconstruct the history of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Monitoring Antarctic Bottom Water Transport Variability with GRACE and GRACE-FO
- New detailed bathymetry data from Amundsen Sea continental shelf reveal more comprehensive paleo ice flow pattern
- Nowcast/Forecast of the Tampa Bay, Piney Point Effluent Plume: A Rapid Response
- Ocean color and thermal frontal zones in the Gulf of Mexico
- On the Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Through its Penetrative, Ring Shedding and Retracted States
- Partitioning early Holocene North American v. Antarctic ice melt from high-resolution reconstructions of sea-level rise and glacial isostatic adjustment modeling
- Putting productivity proxies to the test with GEOTRACES data
- Seasonal Dependency of the Atmospheric Oxidizing Capacity of the Marin Boundary Layer of Bermuda
- Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of the Submesoscale Energetics in the Gulf of Mexico
- Stable Isotope Maps of 18O and 13C from Southern Ocean Stylasterid Corals Support Two-Stage Biomineralization
- The ferric-ity ferrous wheel beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- The life and death of a subglacial lake in West Antarctica
- Verifying Glacial-Interglacial Cycles in the Pleistocene Drillcore Sequence from IODP Site U1532, Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
- Water quality monitoring in complex coastal environments: leveraging seagrass physiology towards more relevant satellite ocean color algorithms
- Who is Affected by Saharan Dust in Puerto Rico: a spatial analysis and citizens perspective from Godzilla Dust Event in June 2020
- A New Theory of Turbulence in Tropical Cyclones and its Implementation for an Analysis of Hurricane Ian (2022)
- Air Sea Heat Exchange and Stratification Seasonal Cycles on the West Florida Shelf Identified from Long-term Mooring Data
- Antarctic Ice Sheet growth during the Miocene Climatic Optimum
- Coastal Ocean Response to Hurricane Ian as Simulated by the WFCOM and TBCOM Nowcast/Forecast Systems
- Constraints on the Timing and Extent of Deglacial Grounding Line Retreat in West Antarctica from Subglacial Sediments
- Exploring the Impact of a Southern Ocean Anticyclonic Eddy on Biogeochemical Structure Using BGC-Argo Float Observations
- Grounding-Zone Retreat and Marine Sediment Transport from Holocene to Present along Thwaites Glacier in the Eastern Amundsen Sea
- Net Ecosystem Production Inferred from Monthly Water Quality Surveys in Tampa Bay, Florida, United States
- Progress Toward Creating GRACE and GRACE-FO Mascons for Studying Ocean Dynamics
- Quantifying Wave Error on SWOT Sea Surface Height in the Southern Ocean
- Seasonal Pigment-Based Characterization of Phytoplankton Functional Types in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: 2016 to 2021
- Sedimentary Record of Pre-Satellite Retreat of Pine Island Glacier, Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
- Selective Preservation of Terrestrial Organic Carbon in the Guianas Mudbanks Offshore the Amazon River
- Storm surge simulations based on an Ian-like Hurricane over Tampa Bay
- The USF Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System (COMPS) Buoys: Surviving Hurricane Ian
- The formation of tidally-modulated landforms at rapidly retreating grounding lines
- The influence of glaciers on iron cycling and export across a latitudinal gradient in Chilean Patagonian
- Using data-driven modeling to predict estuarine water quality response to changes in upstream land use, management, and climate
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alastair G C Graham
- Alexander B. Michaud
- Alexander K. Nickerson
- Amy Leventer
- Andreas Lang
- B. E. Rosenheim
- Brent M. Goehring
- Cheryl S. Harrison
- Christopher B. Gardner
- Chuanmin Hu
- D. A. Kaplan
- D. P. Chambers
- David Butman
- Denise K. Kulhanek
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- E. D. Kyzivat
- F. O. Nitsche
- Fenix Garcia‐Tigreros
- Himanshu Save
- I. M. Browne
- Ian Bailey
- J. A. Bonin
- J. P. Dodd
- James D. Kirkham
- Jan Erik Arndt
- Jesse Farmer
- Jing Chen
- Jonathan P. Warnock
- Julia S. Wellner
- Jun A. Zhang
- Karsten Gohl
- Katharine R Hendry
- Kelly Hogan
- Kimberly P. Wickland
- L. C. Smith
- Lara F. Pérez
- Lauren M. Simkins
- Lisa Tauxe
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Maureen E Raymo
- Michael E Weber
- Min Xu
- Nathan Reaver
- Osamu Seki
- Pablo Méndez‐Lázaro
- R. H. Levy
- R. Mark Leckie
- Raymond G. Najjar
- Rebecca Totten Minzoni
- Robert D Larter
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert G. Striegl
- Robert McKay
- Robert Weisberg
- S. M. Elardo
- S. R. Hemming
- S. W. Tyler
- Sarah Z. Rosengard
- T. M. King
- T. Pavelsky
- Theodore Langhorst
- Tim M. Conway
- Torbjörn E. Tornqvist
- Trevor Williams
- Trista J. Vick‐Majors
- Tristan J. Horner
- Valier Galy
- Veronica Tamsitt
- Vincent Rossi
- Wendy D. Graham
- Won Sang Lee
- Xiao Yang
- Yasin Elshorbany
- Yasmina M. Martos
- Yonggang Liu
- Yunfang Sun