Macquarie University, Australia
flowchart I[Macquarie University, Australia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (329)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (71)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Macquarie University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Macquarie University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Demonstrating the Importance of `` Good" Models of Land Surface Hydrological Processes
- Detrital zircon study along the Tsangpo River, SE Tibet
- Search for the Evolution of Steroid Biosynthesis in the Geological Record
- Geochemical Controls on the Mobility of Lead and Silver in Tropical Floodplain Sediments.
- Holocene Deglaciation of Mac.Robertson Land, East Antarctica
- Last Glacial Maximum extent and timing of ice retreat in the Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf region
- A Direct Determination of the Fractionation Factors Involved in the Making and Breaking of S-O Bonds in Sulfates
- Decadal sediment accumulation rates on the floodplain of the Strickland River, Papua New Guinea
- Learning in Authentic Earth and Planetary Contexts
- Post-wildfire Hydrological Response in an ENSO Dominated Environment
- Seaside, Oregon, Tsunami Vulnerability Assessment Pilot Study
- The NASA-Macquarie University Pilbara Education Project: Connecting the public to `science in the making' via virtual reality and the Internet
- East Antarctic Ice Sheet: Stability Since the mid Holocene and Vulnerability to Sea Level Change
- Seasonal Fluxes and Cycling of Trace Metals in Semi-Arid Fluvial Systems: Leichhardt River, Queensland, Australia
- Southwest Pacific Subtropical Mode Water: a Climatology
- Spectral estimates of the first few Rossby wave baroclinic modes in the South Pacific Ocean from satellite altimeters and testing of theories against these observations
- The leaf economic spectrum drives litter decomposition within regional floras worldwide
- Effects of a Severe Drought on a Boreal Forest Ecosystem
- Nitrogen Limitation is Reducing the Enhancement of NPP by Elevated CO2 in a Deciduous Forest
- Vegetation over hydrologic control of sediment transport over the past 100,000 yr
- (226Ra/230Th) excesses and the formation of high Mg andesitic lavas in the Western Bismarck arc, Papua New Guinea
- A new tool for Quaternary geochronology? Direct dating of fine-grained volcanic products using uranium isotopes
- Can Foraminifera be used to Identify Storm Deposits in Shallow-Water Tropical Reef Settings?: Examining the Impact of Cyclone Hamish on the Foraminiferal Assemblages of Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
- Hadean Boninites and TTG Genesis
- Metallic Liquid Segregation Mechanisms: Texturally-Based Models for Estimating Timescales of Core Formation
- Polygenetic magmatism in a monogenetic field: an isotopic investigation from the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
- Sediment residence time and landscape evolution in arid Australia
- The role of eclogite in the metasomatism and Cenozoic magmatism of Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Tsunami sediments and their foraminiferal assemblages
- (dis)connectivity in Catchment-Scale Sediment Cascades: Forecasting Responses in Sediment Flux Associated with Various Forms of Environmental Change
- 3D structures of crust and uppermost mantle and azimuthal anisotropy in Tibet and surrounding regions from ambient noise tomography
- A core observational data model for enhancing the interoperability of ontologically annotated environmental data
- Continents, Super-Continents, Mantle Thermal Mixing, and Mantle Thermal Isolation
- Late Quaternary mega-lakes of central Australia: varying moisture sources and increased continental aridity
- Sources of Sea Salts to Coastal Antarctica
- Stopping the Palaeoproterozoic plate tectonic machine: effects on melt production from 3D mantle convection simulations (Invited)
- The Medieval Climate Anomaly - A View From Down Under
- A window of opportunity for plate tectonics in evolution of Earth-like planets?
- Can increased nitrogen uptake at elevated CO2 be explained by an hypothesis of optimal root function?
- Climate and carbon accumulation in northern peatlands during the last 1000 years
- Lithospheric controls on Earth evolution
- Neogene Climate Change and the Impact on the Hydrostatigraphy of the Lower Namoi Catchment, Australia
- Persistent Low Frequency Blocking Anomalies In The Southern Hemisphere Extratropical Atmospheric Longwave Pattern During The Medieval Climate Anomaly
- Reappraisal of magma genesis under the Kamchatka arc with uranium-series isotopes
- Redistribution of Trace Elements During Refertilization of Oceanic Mantle: A LA-HR-ICPMS Study of ODP Site 1274 Peridotites
- Source symmetry in the Azores mantle plume: new constraints from Li-B-O isotopes
- The Oxidation State of Terrestrial Basalts and its Link with the Mantle
- Time Constraints on Soil Evolution from Uranium-series Isotopes in the South-eastern Australian Highlands: Evidences for a Coupling Between Soil Erosion and Production
- Centennial - Scale Shoreface, Shoreline And Sand Transport Change In Response To Tasman Sea Wave Climate Variability During The Late Holocene
- Climatic control on erosion in the Himalayas over the past 40 ka
- Climatic drivers of variability in the response of NPP to elevated CO2. A model-data comparison at two FACE sites in the south eastern US
- Co-optimal Distribution of Leaf Nitrogen and Hydraulic Conductance in Plant Canopies
- Controls on atmospheric methane during the last interglacial
- Core Formation in Planetesimals: Textural Analyses From 3D Synchrotron Imaging and Complex Systems Modeling
- Correlations among leaf traits provide a significant constraint on the estimate of global gross primary production
- Defining global syndromes of fire and the relationship of these to biomes, climate and human activity
- Drivers of trends and interannual variability in water balance evapotranspiration over the late 20th century
- Evaluation of the CMIP5 palaeo-simulations using palaeoclimate reconstructions
- Fusion Of Proxy And Model Data To Resolve Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation Patterns During The Common Era
- Mechanisms underlying consistent large-scale responses of temperature to past and future forcing
- Model-Based Meta-Analyses Of Terrestrial Vegetation Function
- The impact of extreme precipitation on plant growth and water relations
- The uppermost mantle evolution during back-arc spreading: Microstructural and petrological characteristics of Ichinomegata peridotite xenoliths in the back-arc region of Japan Islands
- Towards a plant carbon model based on satellite and climate observations: near real-time monitoring of primary production constrained by multiple data streams
- Two Styles Of Lithosphere Stabilisation As Recorded By Post Orogenic A-Type Magmas From Each Side Of The Tasman Line, Australia
- Water use and water use efficiency at elevated CO2: a model-data intercomparison at two contrasting temperate forest FACE sites
- A synthesis of sedimentary records of Australian environmental change during the last 2000 years
- An N-TIMS Br Isotopic Study of Australian Playa Lakes
- Can we relate respiration rates of bark and wood with tissue nitrogen concentrations and branch-level CO2 fluxes across woody species?
- Characterization of insoluble nanoparticles in Antarctic ice cores
- Chondrules as Natural Analogs for Metal Segregation: Analyses from 3D Synchrotron Imaging
- Competing ecosystem model hypotheses for the CO<SUB>2</SUB> response of a nutrient and water limited mature woodland
- Developing and testing models for creep of polycrystalline ice: new laboratory approaches
- Ecosystem modelling, scaling, benchmarking and data assimilation for the Australian continent
- Environmental Drivers of Whole-Ecosystem Methane Fluxes from a Lowland Evergreen Forest
- Evaluating the predictability of terrestrial ecosystem carbon fluxes integrating long term eddy-covariance and biometric observations with multi-model ensembles (Invited)
- Evidence-based modelling of diverse plant water use strategies on stomatal and non-stomatal components under drought
- Glacial and Holocene climates of Australia reconstructed by vegetation-model inversion
- Global climate, vegetation and human controls on burnt area: evidence contradicts modelling assumptions
- Greenhouse to Icehouse Antarctic Paleoclimate and Ice History from George V Land and Adélie Land Shelf Sediments
- Impact of the 2012 US drought on ecosystem carbon and water fluxes (Invited)
- Implications of introducing realistic fire response traits in a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model
- Increased carbon uptake in the eastern US due to warming induced changes in phenology
- Interpretation of tree-ring data with a model for primary production, carbon allocation and growth
- Long-term increase in forest water-use efficiency observed across ecosystem carbon flux networks (Invited)
- Lower crustal assimilation in oceanic arcs: insights from an osmium isotopic study of the Lesser Antilles
- Magnetofossils as tracers of oxygenation change: a case study from the stratified Pettaquamscutt River Estuary
- Model-experiment synthesis at two FACE sites in the southeastern US. Forest ecosystem responses to elevated CO[2]. (Invited)
- Modeling climate change impacts on primary production by the terrestrial biosphere
- Multi-observable thermochemical tomography of the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the Western/Central US
- On the global relationships between photosynthetic water-use efficiency, leaf mass per unit area and atmospheric demand in woody and herbaceous plants
- Source stacking for numerical wavefield computations: application to continental and global scale seismic mantle tomography
- The effect of grain boundary sliding on the rheology of polymineralic rocks: Nature and numerical experiments
- The missing biology in land carbon models (Invited)
- Theoretical analysis of the global land carbon cycle: what determines the trajectory of future carbon uptake?
- Trends and interannual variability in water-balance evapotranspiration across Australia
- Vegetation turnover and nitrogen feedback drive temperate forest carbon sequestration in response to elevated CO[2]. A multi-model structural analysis
- A comprehensive theory for the coupling between terrestrial carbon and water cycles, supported by stable carbon isotope measurements from leaves
- Accelerating the connection between experiments and models: The FACE-MDS experience
- Accounting for propagation outside of the model boundaries in regional full waveform inversion based on adjoint methods
- Anisotropic Shear Velocity Models of the North American Upper Mantle Based on Waveform Inversion and Numerical Wavefield Computations.
- Biophysical control of leaf temperature
- Chemical homogenization by fluid-present deformation in chromitites: An example from Golyamo Kamenyane chromitites, SE Bulgaria
- Climates of the past, lessons for the future: emerging results from the CMIP5 model evaluation exercise
- Computational Environments and Analysis methods available on the NCI High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data (HPD) Platform
- Crustal and Uppermantle Structure of Northeast China from Ambient Noise and Teleseismic Earthquake Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- Deformation of the deep crust: Insights from physiochemical characteristics of deformation microstructures of plagioclase and quartz in gneiss from the Salt Mylonite Zone, Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Determining the Dominant Controls of Land Surface Phenology: Implications for Global Modeling
- Eastern Australian Coastal Behaviour in Response to Extreme Storm Climate Between 1600-1900 AD, Determined from a Coupled Climate Reconstruction and Coastal Morphodynamic Approach
- Fluid-controlled fabric development across a brittle-ductile shear zone: an example from a Wyangala Batholith, Australia
- Fluid-induced transition from Kyanite- to bimineralic Eclogite: A petrological, geochemical and mass balance approach to mantle eclogites
- High pressure experimental study of eclogite with varying H<SUB>2</SUB>O contents
- Holocene Sedimentary Record of Unusual Primary Productivity, Dalton Polynya, Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
- Improved texture measurement during deformation of polycrystalline olivine at high pressure
- Inter-annual variability of carbon fluxes in temperate forest ecosystems: effects of biotic and abiotic factors
- International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 349 and Multidisciplinary Research in the South China Sea
- Large-Scale Data Collection Metadata Management at the National Computation Infrastructure
- Lessons from Dynamic Heds: Diagonite Microstructures Suggest Solid-State Deformation, Annealing and Incipient Differentiation
- Life with and Life without Plate Tectonics
- Live Ship-to-shore Video Events from the JOIDES Resolution during International Ocean Discovery Program Expeditions
- Magmatic Processes and Systems Deduced from Single Crystals
- Modulation of Leaf Economic Traits and Rates by Soil Properties, at Global Scale
- Net Carbon Uptake Has Increased through Warming-Induced Changes in Temperate Forest Phenology
- Open-Source Data Assimilation for Land Models and Multiscale Observations.
- Optimal Stomatal Behaviour Around the World: Synthesis of a Global Stomatal Conductance Database and Scaling from Leaf to Ecosystem
- Sampling of Total Mercury in Sand on Sydney Beaches and Assessment of Risk of Exposure to Children
- Sedimentation in a Submarine Seamount Apron at Site U1431, International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 349, South China Sea
- The Global ecosystem Production in Space and Time (GePiSaT) Model of the Terrestrial Biosphere
- The Impact of Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Plant Production Responses to Drought: A Model-Data Comparison at Four US FACE Sites.
- The Importance of Redox Reactions in Fluid Transport Systems in the Earth's Deep Mantle: Evidence from Nano-Inclusions
- The NCI High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data (HPD) Platform to Support the Analysis of Petascale Environmental Data Collections
- The genesis of the Dunite Transition Zone in the Oman Ophiolite: new insights from Major and Rare Earth Elements.
- Thermo-compression of pyrope-grossular garnet solid solutions: non-linear compositional dependence
- Thermochemical Structure and Stratification of the Hudson Bay Lithosphere, Northern Canada: Evidence from Multi-Observable Probabilistic Inversion
- Towards coupled modeling of grain-scale non-equilibrium thermodynamics and mantle-scale geodynamics
- Trace Elements in Olivine in Italian Potassic Volcanic Rocks Distinguish Between Mantle Metasomatism by Carbonatitic and Silicate Melts
- Warm Spring Reduced Impact of Summer Drought on Carbon Cycling
- Water in the Cratonic Mantle: Insights from FTIR Data on Lac de Gras Xenoliths (Slave Craton, Canada)
- What's in a Shell? - Interactions of Chemistry and Structure at Submicron Levels in Bivalve Shells
- A Mobile App for Geochemical Field Data Acquisition
- A Sm-Nd eclogite and U-Pb detrital zircon study of a probable Baltic HP-UHP metamorphic terrane in the Greenland Caledonides
- A reduced basis approach for implementing thermodynamic phase-equilibria information in geophysical and geodynamic studies
- An Early, Transient, Impact-driven Tectonic Regime in the Hadean?
- An odyssey of environmental pollution: the rise, fall and remobilization of industrial lead in Australia
- Assumption Centred Modelling of Ecosystem Responses to CO<SUB>2</SUB> at Six US Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment Experiments.
- Competing ecosystem model hypotheses for the CO<SUB>2</SUB> response of a nutrient- and water-limited mature Eucalypt woodland (EucFACE)
- Constraints on Biogenic Emplacement of Crystalline Calcium Carbonate and Dolomite
- Diagnosing Model Uncertainty on Terrestrial Carbon Cycle with Field manipulative experiments
- Enhanced understanding of the terrestrial carbon cycle through multiple constraints in model-data-integration approaches
- Excellent amino acid racemization results from Holocene sand dollars
- Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Field Evidence for Optimal Acclimation of Leaf Nitrogen to Environmental Gradients
- Fine Scale ANUClimate Data for Ecosystem Modeling and Assessment of Plant Functional Types
- Global Climatic Controls On Leaf Size
- Imaging Anisotropic Layering with Bayesian Inversion of Multiple Data Types
- Insights into mantle heterogeneities: mid-ocean ridge basalt tapping an ocean island magma source in the North Fiji Basin
- Interactions among mid-ocean ridges, plumes and Large Igneous Provinces
- Interannual modulation of subtropical Atlantic boreal summer dust variability by ENSO
- Mapping sub-crustal reflectors in southwestern Spain
- Measuring and modelling ecosystem productivity: a PhenoCam-based approach.
- Mineral texture based seismic properties of meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous rocks in the orogenic wedge of the Central Scandinavian Caledonides
- Modelling evapotranspiration during precipitation deficits: identifying critical processes in a land surface model
- Multi-centennial reconstruction of Aleutian climate from coralline algae
- Nucleation processes occurring during dynamic recrystallization in ice
- Os isotope evidence for a differentiated plume head reservoir for the Ontong Java Nui source
- Paleoproterozoic Collisional Structures in the Hudson Bay Lithosphere Constrained by Multi-Observable Probabilistic Inversion
- Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications of Paleoproterozoic Metapelitic Rocks in the Archean Kongling Complex from the Northern Yangtze Craton, South China
- Petrologically-constrained thermo-chemical modelling of cratonic upper mantle consistent with elevation, geoid, surface heat flow, seismic surface waves and MT data
- Predicting the maximum rate of carboxylation based on the coordination hypothesis of leaf resource allocation
- Process-based upscaling of surface-atmosphere exchange
- REE chemistry of MORB and OIB explained by microchemical disequilibrium melting models
- Short-Term Weather Variability is an Important Control of Interannual Variability in Carbon and Water Fluxes in Temperate Forests
- Southward Ejection of Subcontinental Lithosphere and large-scale Asthenospheric Enrichment beneath central Chile resulting from Flat Subduction
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Methane Mole Fractions and Exchanges in and Between Soil, Snow, and the Atmosphere in a Tundra System in Northern Alaska
- Strain localisation in two-phase materials: Insights from centimetre-scale numerical models and laboratory experiments with ice mixtures
- The Capricorn Orogen Passive source Array (COPA) in Western Australia
- The Formation of Micro Diamonds in Dislocation Creep Controlled by the C:O:H Ratio of NAMS
- The Oxidation State Of Iron In Chromite As A Record Of Deep Earth Processes
- The Paleoclimate Reanalysis Project
- Thermophysical Structure of the Crust Beneath the US Intermountain West from Multi-Observable Probabilistic Inversion
- Towards a universal trait-based model of terrestrial primary production
- Tracking CO<SUB>2</SUB> Geosequestration Using Downhole Gravity Gradiometry, Otway Basin, Victoria, Australia.
- Validation and attribution of solar induced fluorescence (SIF) from OCO-2: first results
- What role does plant physiology play in limiting species distribution?
- Crustal radial anisotropy in Northeast China and its implication for the regional tectonic extension
- D-DIA High Pressure Facility at the Australian Synchrotron: First Results
- Discrepancies between Leaf and Ecosystem Measures of Water-Use Efficiency
- Fowl play? Forensic environmental assessment of alleged discharge of highly contaminated effluent from a chicken slaughterhouse
- High resolution crustal and upper mantle velocity model of northern Ordos block from surface wave tomography: evidence for the on-going craton reactivation
- Magma interaction in the root of an arc batholith
- Microstrain and short-range ordering of Ca and Mg cations in pyrope-grossular garnet system
- Post-glacial mantle evolution in Southern Chile and the development of the Carrán-Los Venados volcanic field (40'20<SUP>o</SUP>S)
- River Sensitivity and Catchment Connectivity: Key Controls on Geomorphic Response and Effectiveness
- Seasonal, inter-annual and decadal drivers of tree and grass productivity in an Australian tropical savanna.
- Surface-Air Mercury Fluxes Across Western North America: A Synthesis of Spatial Trends and Controlling Variables.
- The Genesis of Silicic Arc Magmas in Shallow Crustal Cold Zones
- The Geomorphology, Hydrology and Evolution of a Chain of Ponds River System: A Poorly Recognised and Unique River Planform Type.
- The holy grail of soil metal contamination site assessment: reducing risk and increasing confidence of decision making using infield portable X-ray Fluorescence (pXRF) technology
- Thermo-chemical structure of the North China Craton from multi-observable probabilistic inversion: extent and causes of cratonic lithosphere modification
- Tracing Magmatic Degassing Timescales at Soufrière Hills Volcano using Short-Lived Uranium Series Isotopes
- Using the VegeSafe community science program to measure, evaluate risk and advise on soil-metal contamination in Sydney backyards
- Water Sources of Temperate Upland Swamps of Eastern Australia. Implications for Groundwater Management and Climate Change.
- A multi-model assessment of terrestrial biosphere model data needs
- Adjoint tomography of Empirical Green's functions from ambient noise in Southern California
- Controls on desert dune activity - a geospatial approach
- Eddy Covariance Measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4 </SUB>before and after a Wetland Restoration, Tomago NSW, Australia: A Blue Carbon Investigation
- Floodplain Hydrodynamics and Ecosystem Function in a Dryland Wetland
- Inception and Early Evolution of the Aleutian Arc
- Landform evolution modeling of fine-grained sedimentation on alluvial fans on Mars and Earth
- Multi-Hypothesis Modelling Capabilities for Robust Data-Model Integration
- Preparing for Sea-level Rise: Conflicts and Opportunities in Coastal Wetlands Coexisting with Infrastructure
- Reappraisal of MORB redox state using both Fe and S speciation
- Relationships between Hg Air-surface exchange, Soil Moisture and Precipitation at a Background Vegetated Site in South-Eastern Australia.
- Sediment erosion in the Yangtze River subaqueous delta: magnetic and radionuclide evidences
- 3D Autocorrelation Reflectivity Imaging of the Magmatic Plumbing System of Mount St Helens
- A link between seamount volcanism and structures of the deep Earth
- Amazon rainforest responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> hinge on plant phosphorus use and acquisition: model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment.
- An assessment of global photosynthesis using multiple remote sensing-based models
- Classifying degrees of geological-control on reef, shore platform and perched beach morphodynamics
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure of the Alpine Region Unraveled by Transdimensional Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion Data
- Evolution of the Tantabiddi Terrace During the Last Interglacial: Evidence of Sea-Level Changes and Reef Response
- Exploring the Interior Exposome Using Citizen Science: Initial Results From the New DustSafe Initiative
- FLUXNET methanesynthesis activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions
- Insights into changes in crust formation mechanisms across the Archean-Proterozoic Transition: Receiver function observations in the Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia
- Magnesium isotope evidence that accretional vapour loss shapes planetary compositions
- Magnetic and gravity modelling of a granitic intrusion in eastern Australia
- Methodology for assessing exposure, vulnerabillity and risk due to mass flows in the city of Arequipa, Peru
- Neutron imaging for calculating hydrogen diffusivity in polycrystalline forsterite aggregates
- Parallel MCMC multi-algorithm strategies for the thermochemical structure of lithosphere
- Resilience of the Macquarie Marshes to one of the worst droughts on record: observations and modelling results
- Spatial variations in crustal structure and shear wave velocity across the Canning Basin, NW Australia
- Temporal and geochemical evolution of the Afanasy Nikitin - 85° E Ridge, Central Indian Ocean, R/V SONNE cruise SO258/1
- The fate of carbon in a mature eucalypt woodland under CO<SUB>2</SUB> enrichment and phosphorus limitation
- Thermal acclimation of leaf respiration consistent with optimal plant function
- Using an Eco-geomorphological Model to Predict Blue Carbon Sequestration in Coastal Wetlands under Sea-level Rise and Human Pressures
- A Thermal-based Three-Source Energy Balance Model to Estimate Evapotranspiration for a Dynamic and Complex Tree-Grass Ecosystem
- Acknowledging The Elephants: New Directions And Tests Of Least-Cost Optimality Theory
- Ammonium in phlogopite and its effects on the nitrogen budget of Earth's mantle
- CIFALPS seismic experiment reveals high-resolution characteristics of continental subduction channel beneath western Alps, Europe
- Carbonate transfer from subducting slab to mantle wedge by diapirism and melting
- Contaminants in residential living environments: exposure risk assessed from thousands of analyses of soil and dust from Australian homes
- Contamination of soil and dust with arsenic, copper and lead from smelting operations in Namibia: implications for human health exposures
- Decadal biomass increment is stimulated by CO<SUB>2</SUB>-enrichment in early-succession woody ecosystems
- Disentangling the regional climate impacts of competing vegetation responses to elevated [CO<SUB>2</SUB>]
- Dryland wetland are extremely resilient to drought-flood pulses, but will they survive the combined effects of climate variability and change?
- Event Classification of the Mount St Helens Nodal dataset Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
- Examining optimal photosynthetic profiles within vegetation canopies
- First results of the AIRBOX Antarctic campaign on the RSV Aurora Australis during 2018/2019 resupply season
- Forecasting future global biodiversity: Predicting current and future global plant distributions, community structure, and ecosystem function
- Global bioclimatic controls of leaf nitrogen: an implementation of Least-Cost Optimality Theory
- Hydrogen incorporation in olivine: Insight from minor, trace and ultra-traces atomic impurities
- Identifying regions of drought mortality risk for tree species: a case study focussed on SE Australia.
- Impacts of Mining on Human Health
- Including 3D Magnetotelluric Data into Joint Probabilistic Inversions
- Lithospheric and deep mantle structure of the North Atlantic Region from joint probabilistic inversion of seismic, satellite, and geochemical datasets
- Long Memory: Structural Differences in Continental Upper Mantle at the Grenville Front in Quebec.
- Measurement and assessment of Pb exposure risk from indoor dust in Broken Hill Australia) homes
- Pollution and Health: Grand Challenges in GeoHealth for the Next Century
- Predicting carbon sequestration capacity of Australian coastal wetlands under sea level rise and human pressures.
- Public Perceptions of Volcanic Hazards and Risk in Australia
- Quantitative prediction of leaf economics
- Sedimentary Vanadium Isotope Signatures from An Oxygen Transect across the California Mexico Margin
- Seismic observations of ponding plumes beneath the mantle transition zone
- Shear Wave Splitting Observations in the Middle and Western Australian Cratons
- Temporal and spatial statistical analysis of children's blood lead exposures in Australian oldest lead mining town of Broken Hill
- The D<SUB>48</SUB> Proxy: Calibration and Beyond
- The Tale of Two Cratons: Upper Mantle Anisotropy under the Superior and West Australian Cratons
- Thermochemical imaging of the lithosphere and upper mantle from geophysical observations: what can we really see?
- Tomographic Evidence beneath the Indian Ocean for a Mesozoic South-dipping Subduction System in Southern Tethys
- Tracing anthropogenic trace element contamination of natural and human systems in the South Pacific using honey bees as a key biomarker
- Updatable, high-resolution seismic velocity models of the Australian lithosphere
- A Reduced Order Approach for Joint Probabilistic Inversions of 3D Magnetotelluric and Surface Wave Data
- An Open-source 3D Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Modeling Code using ASPECT
- Assessing habitat services in semiarid floodplain wetlands during droughts
- Coastal wetland response to sea-level rise: migration and flow attenuation affect their accretion capacity.
- Craton evolution: a more complex story from thermochemical imaging of the lithospheric and sub-lithospheric mantle
- Delineating valley segments of variable length across a catchment using coarse resolution DEMs
- How magnetotellurics can aid cryosphere studies: mantle rheology, GIA, surface heat flow and basal melting.
- Imaging Australia's Lithospheric Architecture: Implications for our Understanding of Mineral Systems
- Impacts of cascading environmental hazards on Australian plant biodiversity
- Improving cross-correlations of ambient noise using an rms-ratio selection stacking method
- Improving the spatio-temporal characterization of grass flowering in Australian rainfed grasslands using digital time-lapse photography and landscape phenology from Sentinel-2 and MODIS.
- Integrating magnetotelluric and seismic geophysical observations to improve upper mantle viscosity estimates beneath polar regions
- Interpretation of conductivity variations in magnetotelluric models of cratonic lithospheric mantle with the new open-source software MATE.
- Missing the Forest for the Trees: How accurate is the MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields Tree Cover and does it matter?
- New Crustal Vs Model along an Array in South-east China: Seismic Characters and paleo-Tethys Continental Amalgamation
- Numerical constraints on heat flux variations and lithospheric thinning associated with passage of the Iceland plume beneath Greenland
- Seismological evidence for the earliest global subduction network at 2 Ga ago
- Tasman Leakage: a different kind of ocean gateway
- The AuScope Geochemistry Laboratory Network
- Thermochemical structure of the Superior craton from multi-observable probabilistic inversion
- 3-D sedimentary structures beneath southeastern Australia constrained by Passive seismic array data
- A Basin-Scale, Dynamic Sediment (Dis)Connectivity Model to Reconstruct Historical Geomorphological Disruptions and Explore Future Sediment Transport Trajectories
- Continental Orogens and Role in Lithosphere Evolution Examples from the South China Block
- Cube2sph: a toolkit enabling accurate and efficient continental-scale seismic wave simulation using SPECFEM3D
- Development of Williams Ridge (Kerguelen Plateau) and Broken Ridge: Tectonics, Hotspot Magmatism, Microcontinents, and Australias Extended Continental Shelf
- Does maximum wetland area translate to maximum carbon burial under accelerated sea-level rise?
- Effects of urbanization on hourly rainfall in relation to tropical cyclones- Inference from observations and convection-permitting model experiments over the South China Great Bay Area
- Extracting Moho reflected body waves from ocean storms
- Global Indoor Dust Microplastics Exposure: Quantification and Risk Assessment
- Greenlands Lithospheric Structure Based on Integrated Modelling with Multiple Geophysical Datasets
- High-resolution crustal and uppermost mantle structure beneath the central Cathaysia Block, South China, from ambient noise
- Hydrous Shear Zones in the Lower Arc Crust are Sites of Melt Transfer
- Improving cross-correlations of ambient noise using an rms-ratio selection stacking method
- Inference of the 3D Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Greenland and Eastern Canada Using a Joint Inversion of Regional Datasets
- Influence of El Nino-Southern Oscillation on the Long-term Record of Floods over Bangladesh
- Integrating thermochemical modelling and seismic observations to constrain temperature, composition, and geodynamics of Earths upper and mid mantle
- Intercomparing Global Foliar Trait and Canopy Height Maps: Upscaling Approaches and Spatial Patterns
- Lithospheric Structures beneath Mid-continent Rift Revealed by Full-waveform Joint inversion of Ambient-Noise Data and Teleseismic P waves
- Preliminary earthquake catalogue for an ongoing temporary seismic network in SW Australia derived using machine-learning phase picker and an automated workflow
- Shear-velocity and anisotropic model of the Alaskan lithosphere obtained by ambient-noise adjoint tomography
- Sources and pathways of PFAS exposure in firefighter residential environments
- The Deep Structure of the Alps Based on the CIFALPS Seismic Experiment: Rifting Inheritance, Mantle-Wedge Exhumation, and their Impact on Continental Collision
- Thermochemical structure of Gondwana terranes from multi-observable probabilistic inversion
- Upper Mantle Vs Structure of East Asia Using Full Waveform Tomography
- Zircons as tracers for ignimbrite flare-ups in the Central Andes: Sources and processes of magma generation
- Craton Evolution Revealed by Sharpness of the Mid-lithospheric Discontinuities in North China
- Enhanced 3-D Seismic Structure of Southwest Australia
- Finite Element Analysis of temperature distribution inside a high-pressure sample assembly
- Imaging the Alaskan Lithosphere Based on Full-waveform Joint Inversion of Seismic Ambient Noise and Local Earthquake Data
- Inconsistencies in Ocean Temperature Monitoring for Coral Reef Applications
- Lithospheric Structure of Hyderabad India Revealed by Multi-observable Probabilistic Inversion
- Melting of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica since the Last Glacial Maxima Revealed by Beryllium Isotope Ratios and Grain Size Analysis of Marine Sediment Records
- Seeing Through the Effect of Magmatic Differentiation on the Mo Isotopic Composition of Tonga-Kermadec Arc Lavas
- The Grain- Boundary Ionic Conduction Induced by Interdiffusion between Minerals and the Implication to Conductive Anomalies in the Deep Earth
- The Thermochemical Structure of Superior Craton from Multi-Observable Probabilistic Inversion
- Thermochemical maps reveal persistent stagnation of plumes and slabs in the mantle transition zone
- WA-Array: A high-resolution passive-source seismic survey across Western Australia
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alexandra L. Post
- Andrea Castelletti
- Anthony A. P. Koppers
- B. L. N. Kennett
- Benjamin Dechant
- Benoît Tauzin
- Bo Wan
- C. Rychert
- Carl Tape
- Chiara Civiero
- Chi‐Yung Tam
- Christopher J. Merchant
- Derek W.T. Jackson
- Derya Gürer
- Douglas A. Wiens
- Ethan E. Butler
- F. A. Darbyshire
- F. Abdulghafur
- Fenglin Niu
- Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben
- Gerhard Wörner
- Haibo Huang
- Holly Croft
- Huaiyu Yuan
- Isla H. Myers‐Smith
- J. F. Rodríguez
- Jeannine Cavender‐Bares
- Jing‐Jia Luo
- Joanne M. Whittaker
- Juan Carlos Afonso
- Kai Wang
- Kirstie Fryirs
- Klaus Gessner
- Liang Zhao
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- M. Willbold
- Marco G. Malusà
- Mark Patrick Taylor
- Markus Reichstein
- Max Moorkamp
- Maxim D. Ballmer
- Meghan Miller
- Min Chen
- Minghui Zhao
- N. C. Schmerr
- Nicholas Harmon
- Nicolas B. Cowan
- Nima Madani
- Pascal Audet
- Ping Tong
- Ping Zhang
- R. Dave
- S. M. Hansen
- Sandra M. Durán
- Sascha Brune
- Sergei Lebedev
- Sidao Ni
- Simone Salimbeni
- Stephen Obrochta
- Steven G. Sandi
- Thomas Bodin
- V. H. F. Neo
- Walid Mansour
- Weijia Sun
- Yadvinder Malhi
- Yang Chu
- Yingjie Yang
- Yujiang Xie
- Yūsuke Yokoyama
- Zihan Huang
- Álvaro Moreno-Martínez