Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
flowchart I[Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (59)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (20)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Earth Systems, Fish and Fishers: Global Dependence and a Not-so-Quiet Revolution
- On the Potential Role of Dissolved Organic Nutrients in Sustaining Export Production in the Subtropical Atlantic Ocean
- The Effect of UV-B Radiation on Dissolved Organic Matter and Nitrogen Biogeochemistry in Aquatic Environments
- DMS Air-Sea Transfer Velocity Functionality From DOGEE
- DMS transfer velocities above 10 m/s
- DOGEE-SOLAS: The Role of Surfactants in Air-Sea Gas Exchange
- The Sensitivity of the Irish Sea Temperature Structure to the Inherent Optical Properties: Model Studies and Consequences for the Ecosystem
- Maritime Aerosol Network as a component of AERONET - a satellite validation tool over the oceans
- Carbon Dioxide Transfer Through Sea Ice: Modelling Flux in Brine Channels
- Enhancement of absorption of visible light in forest canopies caused by snowy backgrounds
- Recent and future variability of pH and carbonate chemistry in the NW European Shelf
- Ship-borne measurements of aerosol optical depth over remote oceans and its dependence on wind speed
- Study of CO2 bubble dynamics in seawater from QICS field Experiment
- Microbial processes in marine ecosystem models: state of the art and future prospective
- Remote-sensing-based measurement of phytoplankton size spectrum and cell diameter in the global oceans
- Modelling the fluxes, fates and impacts of CO2 leakage, with a focus on environmental assessment and monitoring in the marine system
- Numerically modelling the sea-water and bubble plume dynamics found from the QICS project in Ardmucknish Bay
- Oceanic emissions of ammonia
- Sources and Controls on Oceanic Emission of Volatile Iodinated Compounds
- Spatial variability of absorption properties in Lake Balaton, Hungary
- Study of CO2 bubble dynamics in seawater from QICS field Experiment
- Direct observations of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound (BVOC) Air-Sea Exchange in the remote North Atlantic from the High-Wind Gas-Exchange Study (HiWinGS)
- Ecological Controls on Biogeochemical Fluxes in the Western Antarctic Peninsula: Long-Term Observations and Inverse Food Web Model Results
- Towards Integration of Ecosystem and Human Health: A Novel Conceptual Framework to Operationalise Ecological Public Health and to Incorporate Distal and Proximal Effects of Climate Change
- Two Decades of Global and Regional Sea Level Observations from the ESA Climate Change Initiative Sea Level Project
- An integrated framework to assess plausible future livelihood and poverty changes in deltas: an application to coastal Bangladesh
- Oceanic Emissions and Atmospheric Depositions of Volatile Organic Compounds
- Spatial and temporal variability of inorganic chlorine in Northwestern Europe
- Upscaling sparse, irregularly spaced in situ soil moisture measurements for calibration and validation of SMAP soil moisture products
- A New CCI ECV Release (v2.0) to Accurately Measure the Sea Level Change (1993-2015)
- Basin-scale observations of isoprene and monoterpenes in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans
- Controlling Factors on the Future Distribution of Supraglacial-lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Effects of Sea State and Wind Speed on Air-Sea Gas Exchange: Results from the 2013 HiWinGS Project
- Exploring Estimates of Net Community Production and Export Along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), 1993-2014.
- Verification of Regression-Based Upscaling Technique for Calibration/Validation of Space-Based Soil Moisture Products with Sparse In-Situ Data
- Optimization and Modeling of Extreme Freshwater Discharge from Japanese First-Class River Basins to Coastal Oceans
- The Impact of High-Turbidity Water's Seasonal and Decadal Variations on Offshore Phytoplankton and Nutrients Dynamics around The Changjiang Estuary
- Changing Arctic Carbon cycle in the Coastal Ocean Near-shore (CACOON): a new project on the changing Arctic coast
- North Atlantic dimethylsulfide variability during the North Atlantic Aerosol and Marine Ecosystem Study
- Sources of aerosol number near the southwest coast of the United Kingdom - quantification of sea spray and ship emission fluxes
- Coastal Measurements of Ozone Deposition to the Sea by Eddy Covariance
- Presence and absence of probable nitrogen limitation in seawater as indicators of microbial mercury transformations in the South Atlantic Ocean
- Satellite altimeter observations of extreme winds and waves in the 2018 and 2019 U.S. hurricane seasons, and special editing required for Jason-2 Geodetic Mission data
- Airborne measurement of particle composition and cloud condensation nuclei from shipping emission in Western Europe
- Climate precursors of satellite water marker index for spring cholera outbreak in Bengal Delta region
- DON Cycling in the Eastern Canadian Arctic Archipelago from Isotopic Data
- Going With the Flow: Using a Particle Dispersion Model to Reveal Links Between Ocean Ecosystems and Marine Aerosols
- Low input, long-read viromics reveals previously hidden abundant viruses and their genomic islands in soil and sea samples
- Maps of Active Layer Thickness in Northern Alaska via Upscaling of P-band SAR Retrievals
- Net source or sink? Direct air-sea flux measurements of greenhouse gases and volatile organic carbon on the coast
- Changing State of the Climate System
- Connecting Space-Based Missions to Existing Communities: NASA Surface Biology and Geology (SBG), EU-Copernicus and the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON)
- Exceptional 20th Century Shifts in Deep-sea Ecosystems are Spatially Heterogeneous and Associated with Local Surface Ocean Variability
- Physical Climate Changes at Global Warming Thresholds as seen in the UK Earth System Model
- Plastic plants: Exploring the role of water hyacinths on riverine macroplastic transport and dispersion
- Statistical prediction of satellite water marker index for spring cholera outbreak in northern Bay of Bengal coastal regions
- DEA Land Cover: Continental-scale Land Cover Mapping of Australia for Monitoring Landscape Change
- Downstream impacts of sub-ice processes on coastal ocean nutrient supply
- Using Machine Learning to determine the Local Wind Regime and Sand Transport Conditions from Dune Ripple Patterns on the Surface of Mars and Earth.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Andreas Baas
- Belle Tissott
- Benjamin Poulter
- Catia M. Domingues
- Charlotte L O'Brien
- Daniel Clewley
- Darrell S. Kaufman
- David Thornalley
- Gabrielle Hunt
- Graciela Metternicht
- Jinho Ahn
- Masami Nonaka
- Michael P. Meredith
- Norman Mueller
- Peter Bunting
- Sean Chua
- Stephanie Schollaert Uz
- Swadhin K. Behera
- Tim van Emmerik
- Tristan Quaife