British Geological Survey, Edinburgh
flowchart I[British Geological Survey, Edinburgh] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (175)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (40)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Crustal Structure of the British Isles: A Receiver Function Perspective
- Insights into the tectonics of the British Isles from seismic tomography
- April 2000 Geomagnetic Storm: Ionospheric Drivers of Large Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Potential for Application of PSInSAR Data for Tectonic Modelling in Subduction Areas
- The Significance of Absent Earthquakes: What is the Weight of a Historian's Opinion?
- Anisotropic Parameter Estimation From PP and PS Waves in 4-Component Data
- JWaveViewer -- An extensible, platform-independent waveform viewer for Earthworm
- The Collapse of the Lava Dome at Soufriere Hills Volcano, 12-13 July 2003
- The Rise and Fall of the Soufriere Hills Volcano Lava Dome, Montserrat, BWI, July 2001-July 2003: Science, Hazards, and Volatile Public Perceptions
- Data Modeling, Development, Installation and Operation of the ACEX Offshore Drilling Information System for the Mission Specific Platform Expedition to the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean.
- Standardizing geologic data interchange: GeoSciML from the IUGS/CGI datamodel collaboration
- 3D Local Earthquake Tomography of England and Wales
- Bulk Mineralogy of 15 Million years of continuous sea-ice and iceberg input to the Arctic Ocean
- Frequency-dependent shear-wave splitting and the detection of melt-induced anisotropy
- The Acquisition of Source, Path and Site Effects from Micro-earthquake Recordings; Application to the UK.
- U-Pb Geochronology and Hf-isotope constrains on Formation of Archaean Crust From the Lewisian of NW Scotland, Great Britain
- Volatile Contents of Melt Inclusions From Andesite Pumice at Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, West Indies
- Ground-Based Thermal Infrared Monitoring of Dome Growth at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- The GeoSciML Logical Model
- Time Series Radar Observations of a Growing Lava Dome
- A Comparison of two Recent Damaging Earthquakes in the UK
- Chicken or Egg? Turning Earthquakes Into Virtual Seismometers
- Core Flow Modelling From Satellite-Derived 'Virtual Observatories'
- Crustal structure of Montserrat and Surrounding Area From Integrated Onshore, Ocean Bottom and Multichannel Reflection Seismic Data
- Earlybird seismic processing system recent upgrades
- Insights Into the Magmatic System and Crustal Structure at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat (Lesser Antilles) From Plutonic Nodules
- Probing the Causes of Epeirogenic Uplift Beneath NW Europe
- Regional uplift episodes along the NE Atlantic margin constrained by stratigraphic and thermochronologic data
- Seismic Velocity Structure of the Island of Montserrat From Reflection/Refraction Tomography
- Stratigraphy of the Anthropocene
- The Peach Debrite: Investigating a North East Atlantic Mass Movement Deposit.
- Ambient Noise Tomography of the British Isles
- Dome forming eruptions: a global hazards database
- Fracture network heterogeneity in continental lithosphere: An example from the Lewisian Gneiss Complex, NW Scotland
- Global and Local Geomagnetic Field Modeling from Satellite Data: What we can Learn from Spherical Slepian Functions
- Links Between Eustatic History, Sequence Architecture, and Lithofacies Associations Put to the Test: IODP Exp313 Drilling on the NJ Margin
- First results from IODP Expedition 325 to the Great Barrier Reef: unlocking climate and sea level secrets since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Geo-Seas - building a unified marine geoscientific data infrastructure for Europe
- Ice streaming and the demise of the Last British Ice Sheet: geomorphological evidence, modelling experiments, and cosmogenic nuclide chronology
- Neoproterozoic palaeogeography of the West Africa Craton constrained by detrital zircon provenance
- New evolutionary insights into granite genesis preserved in the trace element compositions of apatite and zircon
- Quantifying Site Specific Holocene Soil Erosional Events Using Depth-Profiles of Cosmogenic In-Situ C-14 and Be-10
- Volcanic architecture of the Afar Rift
- Detection and characterization of debris avalanche and pyroclastic flow dynamics from the simulation of the seismic signal they generate: application to Montserrat, Lesser Antilles
- Identification and characterization of eruption sites and lava flows within the Manda-Hararo rift segment, Afar Depression, Ethiopia
- Method meets application: on the use of earthquake scenarios in community-based disaster preparedness and response
- A tale of two magmas: Petrological insights into mafic and intermediate Plinian volcanism at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
- Comparing InSAR observations of incremental fault growth in the 2005-2010 Dabbahu (Ethiopia) rifting episode with cumulative displacement-length measurements from high-resolution LiDAR
- Ethiopian Geothermal Resources Inferred from Electromagnetic (AMT/MT, TEM) Data and Seismic Noise Interferometry
- Geographic Variability of the Lithospheric Magnetic Power Spectra on Earth and Mars: Theory, Observation, Interpretation
- Ground-based magnetometer arrays and geomagnetically induced currents in power grids: science and operations
- Investigation of Global Lightning using Schumann Resonances measured by High Frequency Induction Coil Magnetometers in the UK
- Modelling the Evolution of a Passive Margin: Application to the Rockall Trough
- Rolling the dice on the ice; New modes for underway data acquisition in the Arctic Ocean
- Seismological Insights into the Structure of the Lesser Antilles
- Space Weather opportunity from Swarm products in near real time
- The English Channel tsunami of 27 June 2011 - a probable meteorological source
- A history of deglaciation in the central North Sea: seabed incisions in bathymetric and seismic data
- A space-borne, multi-parameter, Virtual Volcano Observatory for the real-time, anywhere-anytime support to decision-making during eruptive crises
- Compiling the 'Global Earthquake History' (1000-1903)
- Crustal structure variations along the Lesser Antilles Arc
- DomeHaz, a Global Hazards Database: Understanding Cyclic Dome-forming Eruptions, Contributions to Hazard Assessments, and Potential for Future Use and Integration with Existing Cyberinfrastructure
- Episodic glacially derived thrusts: a case study from the central North Sea Basin
- FUTUREVOLC: A European volcanological supersite in Iceland, a monitoring system and network for the future (Invited)
- Generating synthetic wave climates for coastal modelling: a linear mixed modelling approach
- Glacial and post-glacial history of Lake Windermere, The Lake District, UK: integrating high resolution multibeam bathymetry, airborne LiDAR, and sediment cores
- Magma movements and Iceland's next eruptions (Invited)
- New observations on relative sea-level change since the late Glacial from the British and Irish continental shelf and their implications for understanding earth-ice-ocean interactions
- Novel Uncertainty Structures Observed in UK Ambient Noise Tomography
- Post-glacial sea-level history for NE Ireland (Belfast Lough) based on offshore evidence
- Post-glacial sea-level history for SW Ireland (Bantry Bay) based on offshore evidence
- Radiocarbon dating of marine material: mollusc versus foraminifera ages
- Retrospective Seismological Observations: Recording yesterday's earthquakes on seismometers installed today
- Shallow seafloor glacial features reveal ice streaming and re-advance of the last British Ice Sheet, offshore eastern Scotland and north-eastern England, UK
- Storm-generated bedforms and relict dissolution pits and channels on the Yucatan carbonate platform
- Volcanic unrest in Kenya: geological history from a satellite perspective
- Analysis of shear-wave splitting from volcano-tectonic events at Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat.
- British Geological Survey remotely operated sea bed rockdrills and vibrocorers: new advances to meet the needs of the scientific community.
- Cenozoic Contourite Drift Development in the Norwegian - Greenland Sea Area: Paleoceanographic Implications
- Direct Observation of Rhyolite Magma by Drilling: The Proposed Krafla Magma Drilling Project
- Glacistore: Understanding Late Cenozoic Glaciation and Basin Processes for the Development of Secure Large Scale Offshore CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage (North Sea).
- Mineralogical Evidence for the Palaeohydrogeological Stability of a Deep Groundwater System in Fractured Rock, in West Cumbria, Northwest England
- Observations and modeling of the crustal structure and Moho strength variation along the Lesser Antilles Arc
- Simulating Geomagnetically Induced Currents in the Irish Power Network
- The Carboniferous carbon isotope record from sedimentary organic matter: can we disentangle the carbon cycle?
- Untangling a crystal storm through time: how do 500 diffusion stopwatches inform our view of Eyjafjallajökull 2010?
- Vector-based one-line model for shoreline evolution: application to explore wave-climate control on bay morphology
- A Climatological Analysis of Geoelectric Field Variations
- Earthquake Forecasts for Gorkha Immediately Following the 25<SUP>th</SUP> April, M=7.8 Mainshock
- Opening the closed box: lattice diffusion in zircon?
- Using Cold-water Coral Mini-mounds as Analogue for Giant Mound Growth: Assessment of Environmental Drivers and Anthropogenic Impact
- An Appraisal of Methodologies to Determine the Thickness of a Thin CO<SUB>2</SUB> Layer using 3D Seismic Data at the Sleipner CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Site, Norwegian North Sea
- Combining seismology and petrology to study the variation in crustal discontinuity strength along the Lesser Antilles Arc
- DIaaS: Data-Intensive workflows as a service - Enabling easy composition and deployment of data-intensive workflows on Virtual Research Environments
- Evolution of ice sheets in the early Quaternary of the central North Sea: 2.58 Ma to 0.78 Ma
- IODP/ICDP Expedition 364-Drilling the Cretaceous-Paleogene Chicxulub impact crater: Insights into large craters formation and their effect on life.
- Long term Geomagnetically Induced Current observations from New Zealand
- Modelling GIC Flow in New Zealand's Electrical Transmission Grid
- Monitoring Induced Seismicity; Discrepancies in the Local Magnitude Scale and Implications for the UK Traffic Light Scheme
- NASA LWS Institute GIC Working Group: GIC science, engineering and applications readiness
- Reconstruction of the Final Phases of Activity and Retreat of the North Sea Lobe Ice Stream during the Late Devensian
- Residual Topography at the Edges of the Icelandic Plume
- Together at last? Geochemical and Geodetic Data Independently Explained with the same Causal Mechanism.
- A New Paradigm for New Oceans
- Applying machine-learning techniques to Twitter data for automatic hazard-event classification.
- National Seabed Mapping Programmes Collaborate to Advance Marine Geomorphological Mapping in Adjoining European Seas
- Predicting Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Groundwater Boreholes Using Self-Potential Data
- Real-time Geomagnetic Data from a Raspberry Pi Magnetometer Network in the United Kingdom
- S-ProvFlow: provenance model and tools for scalable and adaptive analysis pipelines in geoscience.
- Testing GIC Mitigation Protocols by Modelling Transformer-Level GIC Flow in New Zealand's Electrical Transmission Grid
- The Cordón Caulle rhyolite lava flow: an exceptional case study
- The Powell Volcano Remote Sensing Working Group Overview
- Verification of a Schumann Resonance Inversion Method for Global Lightning Activity in Absolute Units
- A Framework Approach to Modelling the Risk of Extreme Geomagnetic Space Weather Events
- An equivalent current system method and its application to Earth's core field
- Analysis of fracture/fault filled gas hydrate deposits in the Vestnesa Ridge
- Circumventing Data Scarcity in Volcanology: The Search for Analogue Volcanoes in Global Databases
- Improving Geophysical Modelling and Measurement of Space Weather Impacts in UK Ground-Based Infrastructure
- Improving Physics-based Earthquake Forecasting During the 2016-2017 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence
- Improving the Modelling and Measurement of GICs in Spain
- IoT-Hub: A new cloud data-platform for monitoring and analyzing IoT
- Modelling Exposure through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) for Developing Countries: Increasing Availability and Access to More Robust Risk Information
- Rift history, syn-rift sedimentation and paleoenvironment of the Corinth Rift basin: IODP Expedition 381 preliminary results
- Science, stories and citizens: exploring scientific knowledge through art.
- Signature-based decomposition of uncertainties in 21<SUP>st</SUP> century projections of a glacier-fed river flow regime
- The Role of Geological Surveys in Addressing Societal Challenges Through Science Diplomacy
- The antithesis of frozen flux: a purely diffusive model for geomagnetic secular variation.
- Toward rapid characterization of the 2016 Central Apennines, Italy earthquake sequence: a case study
- Addressing the disaster risk reduction needs of end users in emerging countries using Earth Observation (EO) data and innovative risk products as a part of the "Modelling Exposure through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR)" project.
- An automatically generated high-resolution earthquake catalogue for the 2016-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence, including P and S phase arrival times
- Digital Rock Physics Analysis of Core Integrity using Deep Neural Networks and Computer Vision
- LSDTopoTools: open-source software for topographic analysis
- METEOR: Constructing methodologies for multi-hazard impacts on exposure in developing nations.
- Modeling of the slide and tsunami generation from the 12/22/18 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano (Sunda Straits, Indonesia): comparison with recent field surveys of slide deposits and tsunami impact
- Next Steps for Induced Geo-Electric Fields Benchmarks
- Prospective and Pseudo-prospective Aftershock Forecasts after the July 2019 M6.4 Searles Valley and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquakes
- Temporal Changes of River Surface Microlayer Characteristics during Dry to Wet Season Transition in Tropical rainforest of Guyana
- The Magmatic and Eruptive Evolution of the 1883 Explosive, Caldera-forming Eruption of Krakatau, Indonesia
- The UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow, Scotland: Constructing a New Facility for Mine Water Geothermal Research in an Urban Setting
- The complex interaction pattern between slow-slip events and earthquakes in Central Alaska
- Using Comparative Hydrology to Understand Process Controls on the Spatial Variability of Groundwater Recharge across Africa.
- Using the Heterogeneity of Fault Structures and Earthquake Sources to Improve the Performance of Physics-based Earthquake Forecasts
- A New Data Set of Line GICs measured with the Differential Magnetometer Method in the UK High Voltage Power Grid for the Years 2018-2020
- Application of spherical Slepian functions to the inversion of virtual observatory satellite magnetic data into localised regions of flow on the core-mantle boundary
- Contaminated High-Frequency Data in Borehole Geophones from Induced Seismicity in the UK
- Global Lightning Behavior in the Transition from Cold to Warm Phase in Two Super El Niño Events
- How should we react to induced seismicity? Accounting for natural uncertainty within traffic light systems
- Insights from modelling the climate-glacier-groundwater response cascade in a glacierised headwater catchment
- Investigating the Causes of Unrest at Aluto Volcano, Central Main Ethiopian Rift, with Probabilistic Seismic Imaging
- Pipe-to-Soil Potential Modelling in the UK Gas Transmission Network
- Probabilistic Forecasting of Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Seismicity Using an Injection-Rate Driven ETAS Model
- Satellite and ground observations show mixed messages when it comes to plume dynamics at Anak Krakatau in 2018
- Scrutinising Volcanic Grain Size Distributions - The Influence of Particle Shape, Density and Number
- Tunnel Valley Infill and Genesis: Insights from High-Resolution 3D Seismic Data and Numerical Modelling of Subglacial Water Flow in the North Sea
- UK Space Agency's METEOR project: Making the case for Earth Observation (EO) data for insurance in developing countries
- Assessing Effects of Conservation Agriculture and Conventional Tillage on Groundwater Recharge
- Assessing Water Storage Changes using GRACE Satellites Considering Climate Teleconnections in Major African Aquifers
- Channelised meltwater drainage beneath deglaciating ice sheets
- Downhole geoelectrical monitoring and distributed temperature sensing to support mine water geothermal research at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow, Scotland
- Empirical Evidence of Focused Groundwater Recharge in Semi-arid Tanzania
- Energetic Electron Precipitation-related Changes in the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity as Indicated by Schumann Resonance Measurements
- Giant Piston Coring during IODP Exp 386: A new core collection method in IODP for deep water sediments.
- IODP Expedition 377: Arctic Ocean Paleoceanography (ArcOP) - Toward a Continuous Cenozoic Record from a Greenhouse to an Icehouse Earth
- Rheological Investigations of Volcaniclastic Debris Flows from Campania Plain (southern Italy).
- Subglacial meltwater channel formation beneath deglaciating ice sheets
- Tektonika, unlocking Earth Sciences
- AC Global Circuit Variation over 19 Consecutive Days
- Low Latitude Geomagnetic Activity Using a Dst index Proxy
- Now- and Forecasting of Space Weather Impacts on Ground-Based Infrastructure in the UK using New Magnetotelluric Data
- Probing Into The Crust Through Eastern Scotland
- Rapid Deposition and Intense Mineralization of Organic Matter Drive Marine Silicate Weathering in the Japan Trench: Initial Results From IODP Expedition 386
- The 2015 Earthquake Swarm of Fentale Volcano: Multi-hazard Threat for Ethiopia's Access to the Coast
- Towards improved geoelectric field estimations for the British Isles – a new 3D conductivity model: inversion tests and preliminary results
- Ultra-stable interferometry for seafloor environmental monitoring on a global scale
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alexander Y. Sun
- Amy Gilligan
- Andrew Curtis
- Bridget R. Scanlon
- Cecilia Clivati
- Ciarán Beggan
- Clare E. Bond
- David G. Cornwell
- Davide Calonico
- Derek W.T. Jackson
- Earle Williams
- Gemma Richardson
- James D. Kirkham
- Jeff Lapierre
- Jonathan Chambers
- Jorge Alberto Castellanos
- Joseph Eggington
- Juliane Hübert
- József Bór
- Kathy Whaler
- Kristen St. John
- Mads Huuse
- Marta E Torres
- Michael Stock
- Michael Strasser
- Min Luo
- Mitsuteru Sato
- Mohamed Gouiza
- Mohammad Shamsudduha
- Natsumi Okutsu
- Péter Steinbach
- R. Said
- Richard G. Taylor
- Robert D Larter
- Rüdiger Stein
- S. Toczko
- S. Vargas Domínguez
- Susanne M. Straub
- Tamás Bozóki
- Yakun Liu