University College of Swansea, UK
flowchart I[University College of Swansea, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (235)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (28)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Annual Cycle of MODIS Albedo, Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance and BRDF Products
- Controls on Surging in East Greenland Derived From a new Glacier Inventory
- Ice Dynamics During Svalbard Surges Using Satellite Radar Interferometry
- Postfire Response of North American Net Primary Productivity Derived from Satellite Observations
- Stable isotope analyses of palaeo-pollen records
- Surge Initiation and Termination Dynamics of Sortebrae, East Greenland
- Variability of terrestrial CO2 fluxes after volcanic eruptions
- The Carbon Cycle and the Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode: Relationships and Associated Mechanisms
- ISOMAP-UK: A Combined Data - Modelling Investigation of Water Isotopes and Their Interpretation During Rapid Climate-Change Events
- Lignin Phenol and δ <SUP>13</SUP>C Evidence of Quaternary Vegetation Change in South America
- Modelling the Re-freezing of Surface Meltwater and the Formation of Superimposed Ice on an Arctic Glacier
- Using Multiproxy Influx Data to Clarify the Origin of Carbon-Isotope Signals in Organic Matter from Late Quaternary Lake Sediments: Application to an Altitudinal Transect of Lakes on Mt. Kenya, East Africa
- Acceleration and retreat of Kangerdluggsuaq glacier, East Greenland from ERS and Envisat SAR feature tracking
- Assessing Mine-Induced Changes in the Gruvfonna Ice Cap Using Remote Methods
- Dielectric Permittivity Measurements on Glacier Ice Cores Using TDR
- Dramatic Changes in the Flow Velocity of Helheim Glacier, SE Greenland: a Result of Climate Forcing?
- Long-term High Arctic Mass Balance: Comparison of Specific Balances and Volume Changes.
- Oxygen-Isotopic Variability Across the 8.2ka Cold Event in an Ombrotrophic Peat bog on the Bonavista Peninsula, Newfoundland
- Rapid Sediment Erosion and Drumlin Formation Observed Beneath a Fast-Flowing Antarctic Ice Stream
- The Laminated Marca Shale: High-Frequency Climate Cycles From the Latest Cretaceous
- Thermal regime and ice-water content of a glacier in the European Alps using borehole and surface radar
- Tidal Modulation of the Flow of Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Adaptive Finite Element Methods in Geodynamics
- Developing High-resolution Palaeoclimate Records From Tropical Trees Using Stable Isotope Dendroclimatology
- Envisat ASAR Global Monitoring Mode: A New Approach to Monitoring Climate-Induced Change on the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets
- Glaciological challenges for IP, SP, and seismoelectrics in the 21st century
- Long-Term Volume Loss From a Svalbard Catchment Contrasts Between a Surge-type and Non-Surge-Type Glacier
- Modelling the effects of pore geometry in shallow glacier ice cores on ultrasonic wave velocity anisotropy.
- P-wave anisotropic seismic inversion using a Monte Carlo Multigrid approach, and application to multi-frequency cross-borehole seismic data collected at Glacier de Tsanfleuron, Switzerland
- Recent acceleration of glacier thinning in Svalbard
- Terrestrial Responses to Holocene Climatic Change on the Eastern Seaboard of Newfoundland
- Tidal control of ice stream flow at annual and semi-annual frequencies
- A High-Resolution Investigation of mid-Miocene Global Cooling
- Atmospheric Sulphur Archives in Tree Rings: a First Comparison With Speleothems
- Geoscientific Model Development: A new EGU Journal for Descriptions of Numerical Models of the Earth System and its components
- Investigating the "divergence problem" with stable carbon isotopes from tree rings.
- Mapping the course of an englacial channel using ground-penetrating radar at Hansbreen, Svalbard
- New Methods for Estimating Sea-Level Rise Contributions From Svalbard Glaciers
- Passive seismic signatures of a fast-flowing Alpine glacier
- The Moisture Isotopes in Biosphere and Atmosphere network (MIBA): initial results from the UK.
- The determination of the aerosol optical thickness over land using different satellite instruments and algorithms
- Has dynamic thinning switched off in south-east Greenland?
- Hydrologic response of the Greenland Ice sheet: the role of oceanographic warming
- Reconstructing Climate Using non de-trended Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios From Pine Trees in Northern Finland
- Using radar and seismic velocity to infer the water content of glacier ice
- Warm Atlantic water drives Greenland Ice Sheet discharge dynamics
- Geoelectrical monitoring of bioremediation: the DNAPL problem
- Global aerosol retrieval by synergistic use of ESA ENVISAT instruments and potential for long-term aerosol records from Sentinel-3
- Ocean regulation of glacier dynamics in south-east Greenland and implication for ice sheet mass changes
- Pattern and timing of retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet
- Role of ice-ocean interaction on glacier instability: Results from numerical modeling applied to Petermann Glacier (Invited)
- Spatial Partitioning of Net Ecosystem Production (NEP) and Ecosystem Respiration (Re) Using Airborne LiDAR, Wind Direction, and Atmospheric Stability Within a Divided Boreal Peatland/Upland Ecosystem
- Variations in Southeast Greenland fjord and coastal waters and their impact on glacier dynamics
- Widespread and Accelerated Glacier Thinning in the Svalbard Archipelago: a New Estimate of Sea-Level Contributions
- A new, 20 kyr paleotemperature record using branched GDGTs in Sacred Lake, Kenya
- Accurate seismic phase identification and arrival time picking of glacial icequakes
- Changes and drivers of marine terminating outlets in Greenland
- Controls on the calving flux of North West Svalbard glaciers
- East African Droughts of the Last 2 Millennia: Insights from Compound-Specific Hydrogen Isotopes at Sacred Lake, Mount Kenya
- Effect of Ground Surface Reflectance on LiDAR Waveforms, Height Metrics and Biomass Estimation
- Global retrieval of long-term aerosol datasets from ERS-2, ENVISAT and Sentinel-3
- Hydrogeophysical characterisation of ice-marginal moraines, with reference to moraine dam stability, Miage Glacial Lake, Italy
- Joint inversion of multi-component seismic and ground-penetrating radar GPR) data for ice-physical properties, and application to the Larsen C ice shelf
- Modelling Sensor and Target effects on LiDAR Waveforms
- Monte Carlo simulations for deriving the precision in GPR velocity estimates
- New cosmogenic exposure dates from Sermilik Fjord, southeast Greenland document rapid early Holocene retreat of Helheim Glacier
- Placing recent changes in Greenland's outlet glaciers into a historical context
- Quantification of net ecosystem exchange sampling within two mature boreal aspen stands using airborne LiDAR and a flux footprint model: Scaling to MODIS
- Testing the instability hypothesis for the formation of drumlins
- The kinematic response of Petermann Glacier, Greenland to ice shelf perturbation
- The response of the calving front of Helheim Glacier to significant warming of fjord waters, 2009-2010 (Invited)
- Three dimensional monitoring of a major calving event at Helheim Glacier using stereo terrestrial photography
- 80 Years of Frontal Changes of Marine-Terminating Glaciers in South-East Greenland
- A Comparison of Splash Erosion Behavior between Wettable and Water Repellent 'Soil' Particles
- Analysis of glass shards from distal microtephra by LA-ICP-MS: current status and future directions
- Blue Intensity in Pinus sylvestris: application, validation and climatic sensitivity of a new palaeoclimate proxy for tree ring research
- Characterization of subsurface properties with reference to evolving glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) hazards, Ngozumpa Glacier, Nepal
- Daily three dimensional monitoring of the terminus of Helheim Glacier, South East Greenland using stereo terrestrial photography
- Electrical self-potential (SP) signatures of melt-water flow in snow: theory, numerical modelling and laboratory experiments
- Englacial Drainage Systems in Himalayan Debris-covered Glaciers, and Implications for Supraglacial Lake Evolution
- Examining sub-annual variation in calving behaviour at Helheim Glacier using a 2D ice flow model
- Full-Stokes Modelling of a Calving Glacier Using a Damage-Mechanics Approach to Represent Crevassing
- GPS observations of West Greenland Ice Sheet surface motion
- Long-term global aerosol datasets from ERS-2, ENVISAT and Sentinel-3
- Modelling the ensitivity of a fast-flowing calving glacier to environmental forcing, Kronebreen, Svalbard
- North American ultra-distal tephrochronology
- Subglacial hydrological modelling of a rapid lake drainage event on the Russell Glacier catchment, SW Greenland
- Tephra constraints on RApid Climate Events (TRACE): a new initiative to precisely correlate marine and ice-core records in the North Atlantic region
- The Migration Matrix: Marine Vertebrate Movements in Magnetic Coordinate Space
- Tracing tephra horizons in the Greenland ice-cores and the potential for integrating disparate proxy records in the North Atlantic region
- What drives the Amazon green up phenomenon?
- A 2000-year European Mean Summer Temperature Reconstruction from the PAGES 2k Regional Network and Comparison to Millennium-Length Forced Model Simulations
- A New Bayesian Gridded European Summer Temperature Reconstruction from the PAGES 2k Regional Network and Comparison to Millennium-Length Forced Model Simulations
- A combined Vibroseis-Explosive survey at Halvfarryggen, a local ice dome in East Antarctica
- Cryptotephrochronology in the North Atlantic Region : Linking Greenland Ice and North Atlantic Marine Sediments
- Estimating the volume of supra-glacial melt lakes across Greenland: A study of uncertainties derived from multi-platform water-reflectance models
- Exploring causes of an intermittent topographic anomaly at the calving front of Helheim Glacier, South East Greenland
- How reliable are stable isotope records of climate from Sphagnum cellulose?
- Ice melange study in Helheim fjord from terrestrial time lapse imagery
- Identification and correlation of crypto-tephra horizons within Marine Isotope Stages 5e to 4 of the NGRIP ice-core - culmination of the SMART research project
- Incorporating spatial heterogeneity into the measurement of methane and carbon dioxide fluxes from a restored wetland
- Influences of Species Composition, Distribution, and Structure on Leaf to Footprint H2O and CO2 Fluxes at Two Boreal Regeneration Sites
- Is fire a long term sink or source of atmospheric carbon? A comprehensive evaluation of a boreal forest fire
- Mass Balance of the Northern Antarctic Peninsula and its Ongoing Response to Ice Shelf Loss
- Modelling of subglacial hydrological development during a rapid lake drainage event, West Greenland
- Monitoring Fluvial Topography at Hyperspatial Resolutions with UAS imagery and Structure from Motion
- New datasets for quantifying snow-vegetation-atmosphere interactions in boreal birch and conifer forests
- Outlet glaciers of southeast Greenland: rapid, synchronised regional retreat at the start of the Holocene?
- Real-time CO2 and Energy Exchange during the Utikuma Complex Forest Fire, Alberta, Canada
- Stable isotopes from Torneträsk, northern Sweden provide a millennial length reconstruction of summer sunshine and its relationship to Arctic circulation
- Tephras in the Greenland Ice-cores and the Synchronisation of Palaeoclimatic Records
- Urbanization impact on watershed overland flow generation under Mediterranean influence
- Wildfire ash: its production and hydro-eco-geomorphic effects in forested landscapes
- A High-Resolution Sensor Network for Monitoring Glacier Dynamics
- A new peat bog testate amoeba transfer function and quantitative palaeohydrological reconstructions from southern Patagonia
- Buoyancy-Driven Calving Dominates Summer Dynamic Mass Loss at Helheim Glacier
- Elements of systemic sensitivity and propagated uncertainty in LiDAR-based forest attribute maps (Invited)
- Glacier-sea floor interactions during advance-retreat cycles of surge-type glaciers in Svalbard (Invited)
- High-Resolution Monitoring of Glacier Dynamics During Calving Events at Helheim Glacier South-East Greenland
- Improving the spatial representativeness and temporal consistency of tower-based eddy-covariance flux measurements using environmental response functions
- LiDAR derived canopy structure and footprint modelling for interpretation of eddy-flux tower measurements at Norunda, Sweden (Invited)
- LiDAR remote sensing observations for forest assessment and recovery responses following disturbance
- Long-term Datasets of Aerosol and Surface Reflectance from ERS-2, ENVISAT and Sentinel-3
- Multi-proxy evidence of a mid-Holocene shift in the climatic system of Maritime Canada at ca. 6.8 ka BP
- Past Asian Monsoon circulation from multiple tree-ring proxies and models (Invited)
- Providing a challenge for isotope-enabled models: stable isotopic analysis of Sphagnum alpha-cellulose from raised peat bogs
- Self-Organizing Basal Hydrology for Ice Sheet Flowline Models
- Spatio-temporal rectification of tower-based eddy-covariance flux measurements for consistently informing process-based models
- Tephra constraints on rapid climatic events (TRACE): new results from the Greenland ice-cores between 25 and 45 ka b2k
- The drainage and freezing behaviour of lakes from all parts of the Greenland Ice Sheet (Invited)
- The uncertainty of modelled ICESat-2 returns across a sparse boreal forest structure gradient
- Using High Resolution LiDAR Data and a Flux Footprint Parameterization to Scale Evapotranspiration Estimates to Lower Pixel Resolutions
- improved vegetation phenology in the JULES land-surface model
- Assessing and correcting spatial representativeness of tower eddy-covariance flux measurements
- Characterising fjord circulation patterns and ice flux from time-lapse imagery at Sermilik Fjord, southeast Greenland
- Do oxygen stable isotopes track precipitation moisture source in vascular plant dominated peatlands?
- Dynamics of Glacier Calving at the Ungrounded Margin of Helheim Glacier, South-East Greenland
- Field evidence for a hybrid interfacial-coseismic seismoelectric effect
- GPR attenuation analyses using spectral ratios of primary and multiple arrivals: examples from Welsh peat bogs
- Improved Quantification of Microscale Ice Properties Using Borehole Geophysical Surveys
- Loss of Homeostatic Gas Exchange in Eastern Hemlock in Response to Pollution and Rising CO2?
- Melt Undercutting and Calving from Tidewater Glaciers: Observations and Model Results
- On the Quality of Point-Clouds Derived from Sfm-Photogrammetry Applied to UAS Imagery
- Past, present and future of wave climate, storms and morphological impacts on sandy coasts: Spain and Wales coasts examples.
- Re-evaluating the 1257 AD eruption using annually-resolved ice core chemical analyses
- Seasonal dynamics of the land surface energy balance of a boreal forest-peatland landscape affected by degrading permafrost in the Taiga Plains, Canada
- Seismoelectric coupling in partially water-saturated porous media: From the theory to the detection of saturation fronts
- Tephra constraints on Rapid Climate Events (TRACE): precise correlation of marine and ice-core records during the last glacial period in the North Atlantic region
- Terrestrial stereo photogrammetry reveals buoyancy-driven calving dominated summer dynamic mass loss at Helheim Glacier, southeast Greenland
- Tidewater glacier dynamics and the mass budget of the Northwest Greenland ice sheet
- Towards the spatial rectification of tower-based eddy-covariance flux observations
- Wavelet Analysis - A Building Block for NEON's Ecosystem Exchange Data Products
- What have the geophysicists ever done for us?
- A Simple Two-dimensional Parameterisation for Flux Footprint Predictions
- Firn structure of Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula, from in-situ geophysical surveys
- Gas Driven Fracturing of Deformable Porous Media
- High temporal and spatial resolution inverse modeling of mélange rheology at Helheim Glacier, southeast Greenland
- Improved crosshole radar data collection for the measurement of porescale water
- Land cover change in the zone of sporadic permafrost causes shift in landscape-scale turbulent energy fluxes
- Massive Ice Layer Formed by Refreezing of Ice-shelf Surface Melt Ponds: Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Reverse glacier motion during iceberg calving and the cause of glacial earthquakes
- Simulating Ice-Flow and Calving on Store Glacier, West Greenland, with a 3D Full Stokes Model
- Spatial Representativeness and Uncertainty of Eddy Covariance Carbon Flux Measurement for Upscaling Net Ecosystem Productivity to Field Scale
- TRACEing Last Glacial Period (25-80 ka b2k) tephra horizons within North Atlantic marine cores and exploring links to the Greenland ice-cores
- The Electrical Self-Potential Method as a Non-Intrusive Snow-Hydrological Sensor
- Water Levels in Crevasses Reveal Subglacial Water Pressure Variations at Helheim Glacier, South East Greenland
- A 1700 Year Record of Oceanic Influence on Jakobshavn Isbræ calving Activity Based on Marine Sediment Cores from Disko Bay
- A new Glacier Inventory of the Antarctic Peninsula as compiled from pre-existing Datasets
- A tephra based marine-ice core synchronization of the GS-9/GIS-8 transition (38-40.5 ka b2k)
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Discharge Driven by Atmosphere-Ocean Feedbacks Across the Last Glacial Termination
- Connecting the records: exploiting tephra deposits to help understand abrupt climate change
- Direct climate warming effects exceed indirect impacts of permafrost thaw on boreal landscape net CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange
- Fire as a Removal Mechanism of Pyrogenic Carbon in Soils: Effects of Fire Characteristics and Pyrogenic Carbon Properties
- Ice Flow Velocities and Response to Tidal Forcing at Helheim Glacier, South-East Greenland
- Late Holocene glacial history of Petermann Fjord, Northwest Greenland: Non-destructive CT, XRF, and magnetic results from OD1507 sediment cores
- Late Pleistocene temperature, hydrology, and glaciation in equatorial East Africa
- Multi-proxy Paleoclimate and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reconstruction from the Latest Middle Eocene Sedimentary Fill of a Subarctic Kimberlitic Maar Crater
- Snow, Firn and Ice Heterogeneity within Larsen C Ice Shelf Revealed by Borehole Optical-televiewing
- The Petermann Glacier Experiment, NW Greenland
- The impact of a large boreal wildfire on boundary-layer conditions and carbon cycling in adjacent unburned areas: case study of the 2011 Utikuma Complex fire, Alberta, Canada
- Towards a Global Assessment of Pyrogenic Carbon from Vegetation Fires
- Volcanism and the Greenland ice-cores: a new eruptive history and ash dispersal in the pan-Arctic and beyond
- Constraining Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition Using a Multi-Proxy-Multi-Model Comparison
- Evolution of Pine Island Glacier subglacial conditions in response to 18 years of ice flow acceleration
- First identification of cryptotephra from Kamchatka in a Greenland ice core and new tephra links between distal climate records from Greenland and the northwest Pacific
- Ground-penetrating radar evidence of refrozen meltwater in the firn column of Larsen C Ice Shelf
- Ice shelf structure and stability: Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Improved Discretization of Grounding Lines and Calving Fronts using an Embedded-Boundary Approach in BISICLES
- Reaching out to the hard to reach: using a science centre model to deliver public engagement with research.
- Role of ice sheet dynamics in the collapse of the early-Holocene Laurentide Ice Sheet
- Stable Carbon Isotopes in Treerings; Revisiting the Paleocloud Proxy.
- Surface melt effects on Cryosat-2 elevation retrievals in the ablation zone of the Greenland ice sheet
- Terrestrial Responses to Variability in the Southern Westerlies Inferred from Deep Holocene Peat Archives
- Winter in Antarctica: dark, cold, windy, and .... wet?? Measurements and modeling of extensive wintertime surface melt
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- Early Last Interglacial ocean warming drove substantial ice mass loss from Antarctica
- Estimating the ice thickness and bed topography of the Northern Patagonian Icefield
- Evolution of Coastal Stretches under a Changing Wave Climate
- Investigation of the Potential Respiratory Hazard of Combined Exposure to Volcanic Ash and Urban Pollutants in a Multicellular Human Lung Model
- Legacy Effects of Open Biomass Fires on Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- New developments in evaluation of record of global volcanism from polar ice cores
- On the verge of a surge; Kongsvegen, northwestern Svalbard.
- Open-source Telemetry Instrumentation for Networked and Real-time Glacier Monitoring
- Reversibility of the Marine Ice Sheet Instability
- Seasonal variations in the velocity and thickness of land-terminating glaciers in west-central Greenland
- The Construction and Validation of a Citizen Science Derived Global River Obstruction Database (GROD)
- Understanding the Impact of In-Plume Ash-Gas Interactions Upon the Respiratory Hazard of Volcanic Ash
- Active subglacial water storage detected at Helheim Glacier, southeast Greenland, through detailed elevation reconstruction
- Automatic forest plot structure characterization from terrestrial and UAV-based point clouds
- Bumps Ahead: An Investigation into the Calculation and Evolution of Roughness in Ice Shelves
- Dynamical unity of "Alaskan-type" and "Svalbard-type" glacier surges
- Fire Effects on the Global Carbon Cycle at Ranging Timescales: The Role of Pyrogenic Carbon
- Incorporating water contamination risk from wildfire ash into the decision-making process: a new online tool for researchers and end-users
- Measurement of Ice Fabric within Ice Streams using Polarimetric Phase-Sensitive Radar Sounding
- Modelling large-scale seasonal variations in water table depth over tropical peatlands in Riau, Sumatra
- Our fragmented rivers-mapping human-made river obstructions around the globe
- Pyrogenic carbon production during an extreme-intensity heathland fire
- Saddle Collapse of the Eurasian Ice Sheet in the North Sea caused by combined ice flow, surface melt and marine ice sheet instabilities
- Scaling nutrient transport kinetics of marine microbes
- Tidally-induced motion of Helheim Glacier in South-East Greenland detected by GPS
- Coupled Modelling of Water Fluxes and Electrical Self Potential in Melting Snow
- Geological Template of the Thwaites Glacier Catchment
- Physical properties of the firn layer without coring: Optimising field procedures for seismic refraction data acquisition on glaciers
- Two decades of dynamic changes on the Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf
- Advances in incorporating wildfire ash into post-fire erosion and water quality modelling
- Collapse of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf by intersecting fractures.
- Fluctuations in Borehole Water Pressure After Drilling Provide Estimates of Basal Sediment Properties Beneath Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- High-Resolution 3D Topography Under Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Impact of Improved Bedrock Geometry and Basal Friction Relations on Antarctic Vulnerability to Regional Ice Shelf Collapse
- Mapping Flow-obstructing Structures on Global Rivers
- Tree Growth in an Oak Woodland Exposed to Elevated Atmospheric CO2
- Unsupervised Learning Applied to Cryoseismic Signals: Identification of Glacier Processes from the Whillans Ice Stream
- Using Virtual Environments to Reduce Scientists Emissions and Increase Diversity: A Case Study from the International Glaciological Society
- A comparison of inverse methods and basal sliding laws applied to a hindcast model of Jakobshavn Isbræ from 2009 to 2018.
- Ice-marginal proglacial lakes across Greenland: present status and a possible future
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. M. Smith
- Anna Crawford
- Anya M. Reading
- Atsuhiro Muto
- Carolina Mayoral
- Cristina Santín
- Daniel Martín
- Diana Vieira
- Douglas I. Benn
- Elizabeth H. Altenau
- Erin C. Pettit
- Gary Sheridan
- Hester Jiskoot
- J. N. Bassis
- J. Paul Winberry
- Jan Jacob Keizer
- Josep Barba
- Keith W. Nicholls
- Martha E. Crockatt
- Martin Truffer
- Michael Durand
- Ross J. Turner
- T. A. Scambos
- T. Pavelsky
- Tavi Murray
- Theodore Langhorst
- Tony Payne
- Xiao Yang