University of Stirling, UK
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Late Quaternary Sediment Fluxes From Tropical Watersheds
- Seasonal Snow Cover in Tundra Environments:Patterns, Processes and Scaling.
- Determining the age of CO2 Released From Mountain Birch Forest and Heath in Arctic Sweden
- An attempt to extract climatic factors from δ13C record of sphagnum peat cores in both the hemispheres
- Symptoms of change in multi-scale observations of arctic ecosystem carbon cycling
- The Sub-Arctic Carbon Cycle: Assimilating Multi-Scale Chamber, Tower and Aircraft Flux Observations into Ecological Models
- Vertical variation of δ13C of sphagnum in the four peat cores collected from both the hemispheres
- The influence of climate on soil carbon turnover times derived from carbon flux and pool data
- Variability in apparent soil organic carbon turnover times across climate zones and vegetation classes
- A new peat bog testate amoeba transfer function and quantitative palaeohydrological reconstructions from southern Patagonia
- Adaptation of soil microbial activity will accelerate the climate change induced release of C from the world's soils
- Spatial variability of absorption properties in Lake Balaton, Hungary
- Aquatic carbon and GHG export from a permafrost catchment; identifying source areas and primary flow paths.
- Cd Mobility in Anoxic Fe-Mineral-Rich Environments - Potential Use of Fe(III)-Reducing Bacteria in Soil Remediation
- Phosphates at the Surface of Mars: Primary Deposits and Alteration Products
- Utilising conservative tracers and spatial surveys to identify controls on pathways and DOC exports in an Arctic catchment.
- Winter Insulation By Snow Accumulation in a Subarctic Treeline Ecosystem Increases Summer Carbon Cycling Rates
- Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Peatland Pools
- Modelling methane fluxes from managed and restored peatlands
- Sources and Age of Aquatic DOC, CO<SUB>2</SUB> And CH<SUB>4</SUB> Exported From a Swedish Peatland
- Automated Grouping of Opportunity Rover Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer Compositional Data
- Plumbing the Aquatic Conduit for Terrestrial Carbon: How far can we get with Hydrological Connectivity?
- Abundant Pre-Industrial Carbon Emitted by Arctic Inland Waters
- Examining the role of shrub expansion and fire in Arctic plant silica cycling
- Martian Chemical and Isotopic Reference Standards in Earth-based Laboratories — An Invitation for Geochemical, Astrobiological, and Engineering Dialog on Considering a Weathered Chondrite for Mars Sample Return.
- The impact of shrubbification on soil organic matter accumulation
- Ecotypes impact GPP in Eriophorum vaginatum L. with implications for the Arctic C cycle.
- Local Thermal Properties of Asteroid Ryugu observed with Thermal Infrared Imager onboard Hayabusa2
- Plant productivity varies with experimental soil drying and active layer deepening across ecotypes of a dominant Arctic sedge
- Probing the Panglossian Paradigm: Local Adaptation in Eriophorum vaginatum and its Relation to Functional Traits
- Surface Thermophysical Properties of Near Earth Asteroid (162173) Ryugu from in-situ Observations: First Results from the MASCOT MARA Radiometer.
- Surface grain sizes of the touch down sites revealed by proximity imaging by Hayabusa2
- The HP<SUP>3</SUP> Instrument Package for the InSight Mission: A Tool to Explore the first few Meters of the Martian Interior.
- Thermo-physical properties of asteroid 162173 Ryugu by TIR on Hayabusa2
- Alleviating ecosystem service degradation in China: how can knowledge about local practitioners' needs inform how critical zone science can best be shared with those who need it?
- Biogeographical constraints on a tussock forming sedge and its impact on near surface Arctic carbon stocks
- Carbon Dioxide Ice within the Subsurface of Mars
- The Ecohydrological Effects of Reducing Throughfall and Fog Inputs in a Tropical Cloud Forest
- Integrating time and space in tropical phenology to track climate change
- Nitrogen partitioning and isotopic fractionation in granitic rocks and minerals: A case study of the Devonian Loch Doon pluton, SW Scotland.
- Totally topography? Assessing the resilience of blanket peatlands to climate change using Winter's concept of the `hydrologic landscape' and the DigiBog model
- Evaluation of Global Wave Reanalyses Performance for Extreme Waves in Coastal Areas
- How Much Inundation Occurs in the Amazon River Basin?
- Multidecadal Variability in Winter Wave Storminess off the Outer Hebrides (Northwest Scotland)
- Social Learning and Co-Designing an Earth Observation-based Malaria Early Warning System