Oklahoma State University
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Argon Ages of Ba-rich Phengitic Muscovite From Subduction Zone Complexes: Samana Peninsula, Dominican Republic and Franciscan Complex, USA
- Asymmetric Dipole-Flow Test in a Fractured Carbonate Aquifer
- Near Surface Variable Estimation with MODIS Data, Validation Using the Oklahoma Mesonet
- Polymetamorphic Garnets in the Menderes Massif (Western Turkey): Insights into the Metamorphic History of a Complexly-Deformed Region
- Young monazite ages timing extension and contraction: Problems and interpretations
- Compiling Web-Based Topical Pages for Teaching Geoscience With Visualizations
- Understanding the TVX Relationship between NDVI and Surface Temperature for the Varying Landscape of Oklahoma
- Black Shales as Sources of Trace Metals to the Weathering Environment
- Crustal Thickness Variations in the Aegean Region and its Implications for the Extension of Continental Crust
- In situ ion microprobe monazite and zircon ages from India`s Southern Granulite Terrain
- Structural Evolution of the Central Menderes Metamorphic Core Complex, Western Anatolia, Turkey
- The Geologic Structure of the Tebesti and Ennedi; Not Just Plateaus, Mountains, and Inland Seas
- Bacterial Nanowires Facilitate Electron Transfer in Saturated Porous Media
- Cenozoic Extension of the Southern Menderes Massif along the Kayabuku Shear Zone, Western Anatolia Extended Terrane, Turkey
- Deciphering extensional dynamics within the Menderes Massif, Western Turkey
- Insights into the deformation history of the Menderes Massif (Western Turkey)
- Kinematics of Post-Collisional Extensional Tectonics and Exhumation of the Menderes Massif in the Western Anatolia Extended Terrane, Turkey
- Attenuated geophysical signatures associated with ongoing remediation efforts at Wurtsmith Air Force Base, Oscoda, Michigan
- Continental Extension in Basin and Range, USA and Western Anatolia Extended Terrane (WAET) in western Turkey: A review
- Deciphering monazite ages in the Menderes Massif in Western Turkey, using cathodoluminescence, electron microprobe and ion microprobe techniques
- Generation of Hummocky Flow Morphology Revealed through Ground-based LiDAR Measurements of Actively Inflating Pahoehoe Lavas
- Impacts of improved land surface representations in a regional climate model with use of MODIS land surface temperature
- Potentially Non-Reversible Changes in Biogeochemical Cycling of an Alpine Wetland in Responses to Changes in Climate, Green Lakes Valley, Colorado
- Recharge in Karst Shrublands of Central Texas: Monitoring Drip Rates in Shallow Caves
- Sedimentary Trace Metal-Organic Interactions as Proxies for Oceanic Redox Conditions
- Strike-Slip displacement along the Furnace Creek Fault Zone, southern Basins and Ranges, Death Valley, California
- Tectonic significance of southward shear sense indicators in central and southern Menderes Massif, western Turkey
- The behavior of monazite in pelitic assemblages from Menderes Massif, western Turkey: Implications for timing and deciphering rates of extension
- An Improved Method for Determining Barometric Efficiency
- Bull Creek Environment and the ET Event
- Complex Conductivity Response to Nanomaterials in a Sand Matrix
- Global change enhances vegetation vulnerability to drought: Warmer drought kills pinyon pines faster.
- Irrigation impacts on regional climate from satellite
- Coastal response to accelerated sea-level rise (>4 mm/yr) based on early-mid Holocene coastal evolution in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico
- Effects of Land Use Change From Grassland Pasture and Wheat to Switchgrass in the Southern Great Plains
- Estimating Recharge through Playa Lakes to the Southern High Plains Aquifer
- Multi-sourced, 3D geometric characterization of volcanogenic karst features: Integrating lidar, sonar, and geophysical datasets (Invited)
- Simulating Impacts Of Woody Plant Encroachment On Regional Climate In The Southern Great Plains
- Soil Moisture Dynamics under Corn, Soybean, and Perennial Kura Clover
- Spatial & Temporal Geophysical Monitoring of Microbial Growth and Biofilm Formation
- Using 2D and 3D Modeling to Infer the Depth of the Okavango Dyke Swarm
- Early results of the SMAP In Situ Sensor Testbed
- Fault Growth and Propagation and its Effect on Surficial Processes within the Incipient Okavango Rift Zone, Northwest Botswana, Africa (Invited)
- Frequency Domain Full-Waveform Inversion in Imaging Thrust Related Features
- Investigation of biogeophysical signatures at a mature crude-oil contaminated site, Bemidji, Minnesota
- Mechanisms Controlling Variability of Lake Salinity in Dune Environments in a Semi-arid Climate: The Nebraska Sand Hills (Invited)
- Nitrogen Cycling in the Black Sea on Glacial-Interglacial Time Scales
- Quantifying Evapotranspiration (ET) for Wetlands in South Florida Ranchlands
- Spectral induced polarization signatures from a crude-oil contaminated site undergoing biodegradation, Bemidji, MN
- A Hydrogeophysical Conceptual Model of Mount Toondina Impact Crater, South Australia
- Distributed Temperature Sensing at the SMAP-Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (MOISST)
- ERI investigation of fluid flow in the Nacimiento Fault, New Mexico
- Early Results from the Soil Moisture Active Passive-Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (SMAP-MOISST)
- Groundwater Recharge in Juniper Woodlands: Insights from Long-Term Monitoring of Cave Drip Rates
- Hydrogeophysical Evidence for Groundwater Mixing At Freeling Spring Group, South Australia
- Integrating Scientific Content with Context to Connect Educators with the Complexities and Consequences of Climate Change
- Irrigation with Treated Urban Wastewater for Bioenergy Crop Production in the Far West Texas
- Long Term Geoelectrical Monitoring of Deep-water Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf Coast
- Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements as a Proxy for Hydrocarbon Biodegradation
- Nitrogen Isotope Profiles Through the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary: Comparing Records from the New Jersey Coastal Plain and Demerara Rise
- Soil moisture and flux sensing at 0.25-10,000 m scales using fiber optics
- A new model for the spectral induced polarization signature of bacterial growth in porous media
- Bayesian Maximum Entropy Approach to Mapping Soil Moisture at the Field Scale
- Create powerful Broader Impact Tools and k-16 inquiry lessons aligned to next generation standards for this generation of science students by building a partnership between scientists and educational coordinators
- Determining Paleoredox Conditions Across the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction at Blake Nose: Evaluation of Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes and Trace Metal Profiles
- Development and Application of a Message Metric for NOAA NWS Tsunami Warnings and Recommended Guidelines for the NWS TsunamiReady Program
- Development and Implementation of an inquiry lesson for grades 6-12 explicitly teaching the Nature and Process of Science, from ship to shore, for core data of the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg)
- EXTENT AND KINEMATICS OF ASWA SHEAR ZONE IN UGANDA AND SOUTH SUDAN USING AIRBORNE GEOPHYSICAL AND REMOTE SENSING DATA. A. Katumwehe. 1, E. A. Atekwana. 1, M.G. Abdelsalam.1 1Oklahoma State University, Boone Pickens School of Geology, Stillwater, USA
- Early Conclusions of the Soil Moisture Active Passive Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (SMAP-MOISST)
- Field-scale evidence for biogeophysical signatures resulting from natural attenuation of a well characterized crude oil spill
- Fracture patterns formed from hydration in serpentinite from Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
- Integration of high-resolution field-based thermal data with synoptic spaceborne thermal data for surface characterization
- Investigating the Effect of Saturation and Wettability on Spectral Induced Polarization of Biodegraded Oil in Porous Media
- Last Glacial Maximum Development of Parna Dunes in Panhandle Oklahoma, USA
- Long-term autonomous resistivity monitoring of oil-contaminated sediments from the Deepwater Horizon spill
- Quantifying Biofilm in Porous Media Using Rock Physics Models
- Seasonal Solute Cycling by Evapotranspiration and Flooding in a Semi-Arid Delta: The Okavango Delta, Botswana
- Soil Moisture-Based Drought Monitoring in Oklahoma
- Understanding Alginate Gel Development for Bioclogging and Biogeophysical Experiments
- A Remote Sensing Based Approach for the Assessment of Debris Flow Hazards Using Artificial Neural Network and Binary Logistic Regression Modeling
- A high resolution method for soil moisture mapping at large spatial and temporal scales
- Charged Particles in Chaotic Magnetic Fields
- Connectivity of preferential pathways for flow and transport in soils (Invited)
- Crustal and mantle structure and anisotropy beneath the incipient segments of the East African Rift System: Preliminary results from the ongoing SAFARI
- Curie Point Depth Estimates Beneath the Incipient Okavango Rift Zone, Northwest Botswana
- Effects of fertilization and drought on substrate decomposition and inorganic nitrogen concentration in a managed loblolly pine forest
- Exploring the Possible Role That Solid Phase LNAPL Biodegradation End Products Have on Electrical Biogeophysical Signatures
- Hydro-biogeochemical Controls on Geophysical Signatures (Invited)
- Investigating processes that control the chemistry during refilling of Lake Ngami in semiarid northwest Botswana
- Investigating the Complex Conductivity Response of Different Biofilm Components
- Large-scale drought-induced vegetation die-off: expanding the ecohydrological emphasis more explicitly on atmospheric demand. (Invited)
- On the Sensitivity of SIP to the Presence and Transport of Nanoparticles in Saturated Porous Media
- Rock Physics Models of Biofilm Growth in Porous Media
- Streamflow and groundwater dynamics for a rangeland watershed under change in land surface conditions and climate in the south-central Great Plains
- The Complex Conductivity Signature of Geobacter Species in Geological Media
- Using Interdisciplinary Research Methods to Revise and Strengthen the NWS TsunamiReadyTM Community Recognition Program
- A Warning System for Rainfall-Induced Debris Flows: A Integrated Remote Sensing and Data Mining Approach
- Advances in the use of Distributed Temperature Sensing for measuring soil moisture
- Elastic Wave Imaging of in-Situ Bio-Alterations in a Contaminated Aquifer
- Evaluating Nitrogen Isotope Measurements in Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
- Integrated Analysis of Airborne Geophysical Data to Understand the Extent, Kinematics and Tectonic Evolution of the Precambrian Aswa Shear Zone in East Africa.
- Investigating the Effectiveness of Mineral Precipitate as a Tool in the Removal of Heavy Metals from Mine Waters
- Investigation of the Role of Cosmic-Ray Extensive Air Showers in the Initiation of Lightning
- Monitoring soil water dynamics at 0.1-1000 m scales using active DTS: the MOISST experience
- Near Surface Imaging Using P- and SH- Full Waveform Inversion
- Numerical Solution of Poroelastic Wave Equation Using Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method
- Strain Partitioning and Localization within Dobe Graben Using Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-INSAR) and Shuttle Radar Terrain Model
- The Lithospheric Structure of Southern Africa from Magnetotelluric Sounding
- The Precambrian Singo Igneous Complex (SIC), Uganda Revealed As a Mineralized Nested Ring Complex Using High Resolution Airborne Radiometric and Magnetic Data.
- Workflow Integrating Fracture Permeability Characterization and Multiphase Flow Modeling for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage and Risk Assessments in Fractured Reservoirs
- A Comparative Study of T<SUB>1</SUB> and T<SUB>2</SUB> Relaxation in Shale
- A Study Of Fluid Pressure Migration Within The North-Central Oklahoma Seismic Gap
- Actively Heated Fiber Optics for Distributed Soil Moisture Measurements: Addressing Field Calibration and Spatial Variability
- Carbon and Water Vapor Fluxes of Dedicated Bioenergy Feedstocks: Switchgrass and High Biomass Sorghum
- Chemical and isotopic characteristics of hot springs along the along the Neogene Malawi rift.
- Crustal Structure Beneath the Luangwa Rift, Zambia: Constraints from Potential Field Data
- Developing an Operational System for Daily 800-m Resolution Soil Moisture Estimates across Oklahoma
- Evaluating the use of Spectral Induced Conductivity to Detect Biofilm Development within Porous Media
- Evapotranspiration Partitioning with Sub-Daily Isotopic Measurement in a Sub-Humid Grassland Ecosystem
- Field Evidence for Magnetite Formation by a Methanogenic Microbial Community
- Foliar carbon dynamics of piñon and juniper in response to experimental drought and heat
- Forecasting Precipitation over the MENA Region: A Data Mining and Remote Sensing Based Approach
- Gravity Transects across the Karonga Fault in the Northern Malawi Rift
- Imaging of the Rupture Zone of the Magnitude 6.2 Karonga Earthquake of 2009 using Electrical Resistivity Surveys
- Indications of Coupled Carbon and Iron Cycling at a Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Site from Time-Lapse Magnetic Susceptibility (MS) Profiles
- Investigating the Influence of Pre-Existing Basement Structures on the Propagation of the Malawi Rift using SRTM, RADARSAT, and Aeromagnetic Data
- Mapping Extensional Structures in the Makgadikgadi Pans, Botswana with remote sensing and aeromagnetic data: Implication for the continuation of the East African Rift System in southern Africa
- Mapping Precambrian Basement Fabric with Magnetic Data in the Karonga Basin Area and its Control on the Development of the Malawi Rift.
- Mid-lithospheric Discontinuity Beneath the Malawi Rift, Deduced from Gravity Studies and its Relation to the Rifting Process.
- Modeling Transient Root-zone Soil Moisture Dichotomies in Landscapes with Intermixed Land Covers
- Recent Developments in Active and Passive Distributed Temperature Sensing for Soil Moisture Monitoring
- Region-Wide Soil Carbon Assessment Across "the Land of Pines"
- Retaining Underrepresented Minority Undergraduates in STEM through Hands-on Internship Experiences
- Seismological Investigations of Crustal and Mantle Structures Beneath the Incipient Okavango Rift
- Self Potential as an indicator of biogeochemical transformations during active hydrocarbon biodegradation processes
- Soil moisture and properties estimation by assimilating soil temperatures using particle batch smoother: A new perspective for DTS
- Strain Accommodation and its Relationship to Pre-existing Structures along the Karonga Fault, Malawi
- Use of the Complex Conductivity Method to Monitor Hydrocarbon Degradation in Brackish Environments
- Woody Plant Invasion Changes Soil Water Storage Dynamics And Shifts Runoff Generation Mechanisms
- 2009 Karonga Earthquake associated with reactivation of structures within the Mugesse Shear Zone, Malawi: Evidence from aeromagnetic data
- Assessing the potential of spectral induced polarization to detect in situ changes in iron reduction
- Constraining trace metal paleo-proxies for black shale deposition in upwelling systems: the Benguela upwelling system offshore Namibia
- Control study on Evapotranspiration partitioning for grassland through on-situ isotopic measurement
- Current State of Climate Education in the United States: Are Graduate Students being Adequately Prepared to Address Climate Issues?
- Determining the dynamics of evapotranspiration from fragmented forests under drought in southwestern Amazonia using Landsat imagery
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Agricultural Management Practices under Climate Change for Water Quality Improvement in a Rural Agricultural Watershed of Oklahoma, USA
- Evaluation of Biogeochemical Processes and Rock-Water Interactions in the Black Warrior Basin Coalbed Methane Reservoir (Alabama, USA) Via Isotopic Characterization of Formation Water Samples
- Evolution of the Broadly Rifted Zone in Southern Ethiopia Through Gravitational Collapse of Dynamic Topography
- For a Limited Time Only? How Long Can Trees Maintain Enhanced Chemical Defenses During Pre-Mortality Heat and Drought Stress
- Geophysical investigation of liquefaction and surface ruptures at selected sites in Oklahoma post the 2016 Mw 5.8 Pawnee, OK earthquake
- High Magnetic Susceptibility in a Highly Saline Sulfate-Rich Aquifer Undergoing Biodegradation of Hydrocarbon Results from Sulfate Reduction.
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath The Central Africa Shear Zone And Its Surrounding In Cameroon Deduced From Satellite Gravity Data
- Long Term Precipitation Patterns Assessment and Prediction over the Mediterranean Basin
- Magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for the hydrobiogeochemical cycling of iron within the water table fluctuation zone at hydrocarbon contaminated sites
- Magnetotelluric Studies of Fault Zones Surrounding the 2016 Pawnee, Oklahoma Earthquake
- Microbiological Insights of the Cycling of Chloroperoxidase-Reacted Organic Matter
- Morpho-Tectonic Evidence of Multi-Stage Uplift History of the Southeastern Ethiopian Plateau, the East African Rift System
- Multi-Year Analysis of Hydrocarbon-Degrading Microbial Communities at the Petroleum-Contaminated site in Bemidji, Minn.
- New Data on Quaternary Surface Offset and Slip Rates of the Oquirrh Fault (Utah, USA) from DSMs made with Structure-from-Motion Methods
- Oxidation of Methane by Sulfate in Marine Sediments is apparently non-stoichiometric: What are we missing?
- Quantifying and Contrasting Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Vadose Zone Moisture under Different Vegetation Types Using Electrical Resistivity Imaging
- Seismic characterization of Aquifer structure in Kharga basin- Egypt
- Soil moisture spatial patterns at three different scales explored using three different soil moisture measurement devices
- Stimulation of microbial methanogenesis from oil and CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Cushing oil field
- Strain Accommodation of Cenozoic Rifting in the Northern Margin of the Shire Graben, Southern Malawi Rift
- Temporal Changes in Magnetic Susceptibility Induced by Microbial Manipulation of Iron Minerals
- Test of Taylor's Hypothesis with Distributed Temperature
- The lithospheric Structure of the Sahara Metacraton From Joint Analysis of Satellite Gravity Gradients and Seismological Data
- The response of ecosystem carbon pools to management approaches in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations
- Throughfall reduction and nutrient availability effects on carbon balance in loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States
- Application of DSSAT-CROPGRO-Cotton Model to Assess Long Term (1924-2012) Cotton Yield under Different Irrigation Management Strategies
- April 3, 2017 M<SUB>w </SUB>6.5 Moiyabana, Botswana Earthquake resulted from extensional reactivation of Precambrian Limpopo Belt thrust splay: Evidence from potential field data and Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) analyses
- Assessing the Current Status of Atmospheric Radiation Modelling: Progress, Challenges and the Needs for the Next Generation of Models
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dynamics in winter wheat and canola under different management practices in the Southern Great Plains
- Climate variability and productivity of grassland under different management systems
- Combined GPS and seismic monitoring of a 12-story structure in a region of induced seismicity in Oklahoma
- Comparison of Three Soil Moisture Sensor Types Under Field Conditions Based on the Marena, Oklahoma, In Situ Sensor Testbed (MOISST)
- Constraining Basin Depth and Fault Displacement in the Malombe Basin Using Potential Field Methods
- Crustal structure of an exhumed IntraCONtinental Sag (ICONS): the Mekele Basin in Northern Ethiopia.
- Drought and Fragmentation Impacts on Forest Evapotranspiration in Southwestern Amazonia
- Early Diagenesis of Trace Elements in Modern Fjord Sediments of the High Arctic
- Effect of vegetation on the energy balance and evapotranspiration in tallgrass prairie: a paired study with eddy covariance systems
- Effects of cover crops incorporation and nitrogen fertilization on N<SUB>2</SUB>O and CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions
- Evaluating the Least Cost Selection of Agricultural Management Practices in the Five Mile Creek area of Fort Cobb Watershed, Oklahoma, USA
- Evaluation of UAS for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Monitoring as Part of the 2017 CLOUD-MAP Flight Campaign
- Evapotranspiration Fluxes in Winter Wheat Under Contrasting Grazing and Tillage Management Practices in the Southern Great Plains
- Evidence for Crustal and Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle Decoupling beneath the Malawi Rift
- Fault Reactivation by Fluid Injection: Evidence from Magnetotelluric and Potential Field Imaging of Injected Wastewater in Seismogenic Faults in Pawnee, Oklahoma
- Filling the gap: using non-invasive geophysical methods to monitor the processes leading to enhanced carbon turnover induced by periodic water table fluctuations
- Geomorphic Proxies to Test Strain Accommodation in Southwestern Puerto Rico from Digital Elevation Models
- Geomorphic Response to Spatial and Temporal Tectonic uplift on the Kenya Rift of East African Rift System
- Imaging of the Subsurface Expression of the Bilila-Mtakataka Fault Using Electrical Resistivity in the Central Malawi Rift
- Impact of Climate Change on Potential, Attainable, and Actual Wheat Yield in Oklahoma
- Investigating Anthropogenic Perturbations on Carbon Cycling in AN Urbanized Tropical West African Estuary
- Microbial Enrichment from Six Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids and Biogeochemical Characteristics of Flowback Waters in Oklahoma Shale Formations
- Multi-Sourced Satellite Observations of Land Cover and Land Use Change in South and Southeast Asia with Challenging Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts
- Orientations of Pre-existing Structures along the Scarp of the Bilila-Mtakataka Fault in the Central Malawi Rift.
- Point of no return: experimental determination of the lethal hydraulic threshold during drought for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda)
- Predicting Tree Mortality Die-off Events Associated with Hotter Drought and Assessing Their Global Consequences via Ecoclimate Teleconnections.
- Role of the Precambrian Mughese Shear Zone on Cenozoic faulting along the Rukwa-Malawi Rift segment of the East African Rift System
- Soil moisture monitoring with long term in situ sensors: Lessons from MOISST.
- Strain Accommodation and Displacement of the Lake Malombe Basin Border Faults in the Malawi Rift from Electrical Resistivity Imaging
- Tectonic Impact on the Sedimentary Magnetic Record in Active Margin Settings
- The 3D Mesonet Concept: Extending Networked Surface Meteorological Tower Observations Through Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- The Relationships of Subparallel Synthetic Faults and Pre-existing Structures in the Central Malawi Rift
- Thermal and Crustal Structure Beneath the Northern Segment of the Western Brach of the East African Rift System: Constraints from Gravity and Magnetic Data
- Trace Gas Quantification with Small Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Transport of barium through dolomite rocks under the presence of guar gum and brine salinities of hydraulic fracturing wastewater
- Universal Algorithms for Plant Phenotyping: Are we there yet?
- Water-related Spectral Reflectance Indices: Principle, Constructing, Application, and Improvement
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar ages of muscovite from the Appalachian hinterland and foreland basin
- A preliminary look at the impacts of assimilating UAS data into high resolution WRF simulations of the San Luis Valley
- A rapid launch of near-term ecological forecasting: Chasing tree die-off experimentally during an intensifying drought
- Active tectonic influence on the evolution of drainage and landscape in the Kenya Rift, East African Rift System
- An Assessment of Offshore Plugging and Abandonment (P&A) Material Issues and Future Advances
- Assessing the potential of spectral induced polarization to detect in situ changes in biofilm development
- Carbon Storage Assessment of the Southeastern United States Outer Continental Shelf
- Carbon dioxide storage assessment in mid-south Atlantic Ocean, offshore southeast united states.
- Challenges of Calibrating SWAT for Arid/Semiarid Agricultural Regions
- Characterization of Wellbore Cement Additive Gilsonite Sealing Behavior with Hydrocarbon Interaction Implication for Wellbore Plugging
- Deformation Difference between Shale Caprock and Shale Reservoir Rock
- Dynamics of Benthic Iron Cycling and Sediment-Water Column Fluxes in Glacially Impacted Arctic Fjords
- Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Southeastern United States Outer Continental Shelf.
- Evapotranspiration and ecosystem water use efficiency of alfalfa under rainfed condition in the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- Evapotranspiration partitioning based on d-excess and its in situ application in tallgrass prairie
- Examine the impact of different managements on grassland productivity at global FLUXNET sites
- Heterotrophic respiration and the divergence of productivity and carbon sequestration
- Impact of landscape patterns on runoff and nutrient discharge in a peri-urban watershed
- Information measures of land-carbon source-sink dynamics
- Isotope and Trace Element Profiles Across the K-Pg at Bass River, New Jersey, USA: Untangling Global Versus Local Control of Paleoenvironmental Conditions
- LAPSE-RATE: Advancement of Science and Technology during the 2018 ISARRA Flight Week
- Marine Geophysical Data Integration and Spatial Analyses for Locating Favorable Locations for Wind Energy Development Offshore South Carolina
- Newly Identified Subsurface Stratigraphic Unit in the Southeastern U.S.: Red Beds of Hazlehurst and Cessation of Triassic Rifting
- Overwhelming Heat Waves: Climate Envelope Development for Pinus edulis Seedlings
- Picture worth a thousand words: updating repeat photography for the 21st century scientist.
- Preliminary evaluation of realtime predictions with WRF LES using UAS and surface-based remote-sensing data collected during 2018 ISARRA Flight Week
- Random and systematic errors in mixed sensor networks
- Resistance, resilience, and recovery of gross primary production of forests and grasslands to drought in the Ouachita Highlands of Oklahoma, USA
- Response of grassland phenology to burning and grazing in different climatic conditions in Southern Oklahoma
- The Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen: New Insights from Aeromagnetic, Seismic Reflection and Magnetotelluric Data Analyses
- Three-Dimensional Thermobaric Model of a Gas Hydrate System at Woolsey Mound, Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Towards Brokered Alignment of Long-Tailed Observations (BALTO)
- Trace Metal and Iron Cycling in Deep-Subsurface, Coal Bed-Containing Sediments off Shimokita (Japan)
- Upscaling of in situ soil moisture measurements based on phase space analysis
- Velocity Model for CO2 Sequestration in the Southeastern United States Atlantic Continental Margin
- Volume change in fine-grained sediments due to pore water salinity changes: gas hydrate-bearing sediments and pore water freshening during gas hydrate dissociation
- Was the Alleghanian Suture a Strike-Slip Boundary?
- An improved Newhall Simulation Model for predicting soil moisture
- Analysis of Rainfall and Temperature Trends using Mesoscale Climatological Records in Oklahoma, U.S.
- Climate Change Impact Assessment for an Agricultural Watershed in the U.S. Desert Southwest
- Comparing the impacts of continuous and rotational grazing on tallgrass prairie landscape using the National Agriculture Imagery Program imagery
- Contamination by Drilling Fluids on Wellbore Cement Plugs
- Coupled SWAT-MODFLOW Modeling for Determining Groundwater Sustainability Under Climate and Pumping Scenarios in a Semi-Arid Agricultural Watershed
- Effects of Vegetation Gradual and Abrupt Change on Soil Moisture and Surface Energy Fluxes
- Evaluating the Universality of the Temperature Structure Parameter in the Atmospheric Surface Layer using a Small Unmanned Aircraft System
- Fault Characterization in Mississippi Canyon Area, Eastern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Fault Sealing Potential
- Impact of juniper encroachment and removal on sediment yield in the south-central Great Plains, USA
- In-situ experiments and quantification of the influence of preferential subsurface flow on water and contaminant transfer through riparian buffers
- Inflatable Kite Development and Operations for High Altitude Tethered Observations
- Investigating an Ocean Anoxic Event occurrence in the Southern Hemisphere using Geochemical Methods
- Isotopic Partitioning of Evapotranspiration over a Mesic Grassland during Two Wetting-drying Episodes
- Local and Temporal Variability of Biogeochemical Trace Metal Cycling in Marine Surface Sediments
- Managing Tallgrass Prairies for Productivity and Ecological Function: A Long Term Grazing Experiment in the Southern Great Plains, USA
- Modeling Salinity in a Semi-arid Agricultural Watershed Using SWAT-Salt
- Multi-scale Quantitative Analysis of Microporosity in Carbonate Fabrics
- Multi-temporal assessment of grassland plant diversity using imaging spectroscopy
- Not dead yet: costs and consequences for conifers surviving extreme hydraulic failure.
- Predicting Barrier Materials Fracturing from NanoIndentation
- Predicting the Tensile Failure due to of Carbon Dioxide Storage.
- Responses of ecosystem-atmosphere exchange to precipitation pulses in adjacent native and introduced prairie pastures
- Responses of tallgrass prairie to continuous and rotational grazing under different climate conditions
- Sealing Wellbores at the end of their lifecycle to restore subsurface seal integrity and prevent offshore wellbore leakage
- Subsurface Extent and Significance of Jurassic Red Beds in the Southeastern U.S.: New Insights on Continental Rifting in Eastern North America
- The National Soil Moisture Network: Building a strategy from the ground up
- The Open-Source EarthCube Cyberinfrastructure BALTO: Applications in Earth Science
- The effect of temperature and ontogeny on the physiological mechanism of drought-induced tree mortality in pines
- The impact of depositional conditions and seafloor structures on trace metal cycling in continental margin sediments
- UAS Based Photogrammetric Data Processing of Area Based Metrics in Inland Aquatic Ecosystems
- Urban Water Management Outlook in the Southwestern and South Central United States
- Variability in gross primary productivity of native and managed pastures to climatic variability and management practices
- Virtual Eddy-Covariance Towers: Real-time process-based modeling of surface energy fluxes, soil moisture, and soil temperature for dynamic vegetation
- A new dolomite filtration method to remove heavy metals from produced water
- A pore-scale numerical investigation on the impact of heterogeneity in predicting flow properties of carbonate rocks.
- Above- and belowground effects of non-native earthworms in tallgrass prairie.
- Adaptive Agricultural Water Management to Cope with Warm-Dry Future in the US Desert Southwest
- Advancing Biogeosciences and Tectonophysics Research through Novel Developments in Near Surface Geophysics
- Application of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)-based RGB and Multispectral Data to Monitor Winter Wheat During the Growing Season
- Carbonation of Olivine Microparticles in Wellbore Cement to Mitigate Carbon dioxide Attack
- Detecting and Mapping Abrupt Landscape Change in Permafrost Regions of Siberia
- Detecting frequent harvesting of alfalfa using active and passive remote sensing
- Effects of Mineralization on Carbon Sequestration in the South Georgia Embayment of the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf
- Examining the Relationships Between Chemical Properties and VNIR Reflectance Properties of Kentucky Soils using In-situ Data
- Experimental Models of Cloud Downbursts in a Crossflow
- Foot-print Scale Real-time Modeling Tool of Surface Energy Fluxes, Evapotranspiration, Soil Moisture, and Soil Temperature: Application in the the Southern Great Plains
- Generation of synthetic ground motions for induced seismic events in Oklahoma using varied fault orientations
- Geological Characterization and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Potential of the Newly Identified Red Beds of Hazlehurst Beneath the Georgia and South Carolina Coastal Plain
- Geospatial training of landscape architects to facilitate a coupled human natural systems approach to designing built environments
- High-Altitude Inflatable Structure Kites: Advancement of Weather Forecasting, Energy Harvesting, and Inflatable Kite Systems
- Identification of Atmospheric Gravity Waves with Emphasis on Classification and Characterization
- Igneous Ring Complexes in Africa: Where and Why?
- Improved Wellbore Cement with Graphene Nanoplatelets for Primary and Plug and Abandonment Cementing
- Integrated Seismic Analysis: Using Model-Based Inversion to Predict Geologic Reservoir Properties
- Kite or Balloon Based Sensor System for Lower Troposphere Monitoring
- Oklahoma's induced seismicity: did we revive intraplate earthquakes?
- Preliminary Observations from High Altitude Solar Balloons
- Real-time Weather Awareness for Enhanced Advanced Aerial Mobility Safety Assurance
- Remote Sensing of Tall Fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus) Plant Health with Varying Endophyte and Fertilizer Types: A Case for Improving Poultry Manuresheds
- Scale-dependence of remote sensing of biodiversity: A test in grasslands under different management practices
- Soil moisture variations alter the chemical and biological stability of mineral-associated organic matter
- Student Involvement in Collaborative Scientific Research: A Case Study from Atmospheric Gravity Wave Radiosonde Field Campaigns
- Temporal and Spatial Evolution of a Transient, Fault-Controlled Thermogenic Hydrate System at Woolsey Mound, Gulf of Mexico
- Thermotectonic History of the Southern Malawi Rift and Northern Shire Graben Border Faults: Insights From Apatite Fission Tracks and Remote Sensing Analyses
- Treatment of produced water for dissolved oil and heavy metals: Methanogenic degradation coupled to dolomite filtration
- Use of Soil Moisture Data in Agricultural Water Management: On-farm Sensor Research and Perspectives from Irrigators
- Acclimation to variable nitrogen:phosphorus ratios affects the ionome and physiology of a nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria
- Analyzing Terrestrial Carbon Flux Site Distribution Across the Arctic
- Atmospheric Infrasound & Seismic Observations during Severe Storms from the IRIS USArray
- Cooling effects of green fodder expansion in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Detection of Oak Wilt Disease from Tree to Landscape Scales
- Developing a ground observation network to monitor carbon fluxes across the Arctic-boreal zone
- Engaging Oklahoma: Bridging the Science Policy Gap
- Environmental Flows to Support Riparian Forest Galleries in the Middle Rio Grande/Bravo Basin
- Estimating the Magnitude of Completeness for Earthquake-Generated Infrasound Bulletins in Southern Nevada
- Event Detection at an Infrasound Array in Oklahoma
- Experimental Observations of the Boundary Layer and Movement in Varying Topography with Unmanned Systems
- Filling in the Gaps of the Pore Density to Oxygen Relationship in Benthic Foraminifera
- Fire, insect, and disease-caused tree mortalities increased in forests of greater structural diversity during drought
- High Altitude Kite Operations and Observations
- Impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on global CO2 emission using SMAP satellite data
- Impact on the Sedimentary Microbial Community Related to Temporal Changes in Trace Element Concentrations
- Implementing Balloon-based Unmanned Systems for Solar Cell Performance Evaluations at Stratospheric Altitudes
- Improving Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts for Surface Water Irrigation Districts By Incorporating Soil Moisture Information Derived from Remote Sensing
- Intercomparison of UAS-based Atmospheric Measurements at the DOE ARM Southern Great Plains Site
- Kite or Balloon Based Sensor System for Lower Troposphere Monitoring
- Mapping Invasive Alien Plants in Grasslands through Remote Estimation of Vegetation Functional Traits
- Micro-geochemistry and Micro-geomechanics towards understanding proppant shale rock interaction: A Caney Shale case study, southern Oklahoma, USA
- Monitoring harmful algal blooms in Marion and Grand reservoirs using unmanned systems
- Progress Towards Balloon-Based Seismic Studies on Venus
- Realtime building monitoring for rapid response to earthquakes
- Regional Ray-Tracing of Atmospheric Gravity Waves During the Total Solar Eclipse Over South America on December 14th, 2020
- Seismic Inversion for Carbon Storage in the South Atlantic Offshore Region and Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
- Seneca Fault Damage Zone: Insights from Field Observations of (TournaisianVisean) Carbonates in Northeastern Oklahoma
- Slip Rate Determination of the Punta Montalva Fault in Southwestern Puerto Rico using LiDAR Data.
- Strain Accommodation along Early-Stage Rift-Bounding Faults, Bilila-Mtakataka Fault, Southern Malawi
- Tectonostratigraphy of the northern Okavango Delta and Rift Zone, Botswana
- Time-lapse Seismic Monitoring of a Transient, Fault-controlled Thermogenic Hydrate System at Woolsey Mound, Gulf of Mexico
- Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Trustworthy Projections of Hydrological Droughts in a Karstic Aquifer
- Using relative carbon isotope abundance to determine root and fungal consumption by native and non-native earthworms.
- Wind Sensing in Urban Environments with Uncrewed Systems
- Zero Pressure Solar Balloons for Infrasound Detection on Earth and Beyond
- Zero Pressure Solar Balloons for Observing Gravity Wave Detection
- A Geospatial Approach to Mapping Groundwater Risk in the Irrigated Indus Basin
- A Hybrid Machine Learning (ML) Model to Downscale GRACE Data for Improved Quantification of Water Storage Changes in the Indus Basin
- A numerical investigation into the effect of pore shapes on single-phase flow through heterogenous porous media.
- Aeropod Profiler System for Atmospheric Measurement and Aerospace Education
- An Integrative Methodology to Assess Carbon Storage Resources in Offshore Environments with Sparse Data
- Assessing the Impact of Spatial and Spectral Resolution of Spectral Data on Retrieval Accuracy of Sorghum and Corn Nitrogen Content
- Authentic Partnerships to Engage Diverse Audiences
- Calculating a Minimum Colocation Period for Successful Inter-Calibration of In Situ Soil Moisture Sensors
- Can airborne and SBG-like imaging spectroscopic data capture plant diversity in naturally-assembled heterogeneous grassland ecosystems?
- Classic Oceanic Crustal Section Recovered by Alvin Submersible Divers from the Puerto Rico Trench North Wall
- Community-driven Action Plan for the Hydrology Section to Improve DEI(Justice)
- Continuous Nitrous Oxide Flux Monitoring using Eddy Covariance and its Impact on GHG balance from Dryland Sorghum Cropping Systems in the Southern Great Plains
- Defensive Duct Dynamics: Balancing Resin Production and Growth in Pinus taeda of the Southeastern U.S.
- Detecting Frequent Harvest of Alfalfa with Spatio-temporal Fused Data
- Diverged changing trends in mega-fires in the southern and northern Great Plains
- Does Land Derived Nutrients Drive Water Column Carbon and Nutrient Cycling in Mangrove Tidal Creeks at the Land-Sea Interface?
- Effects of Operational Strategies in Seasonal Underground Hydrogen Storage in Natural Gas Fields
- Engaging Oklahoma: Community Science and Water Quality
- Experimental Observation of Boundary Layer and Movement of Topographically Varying Desert Dunes with Unmanned Systems
- Fault Structure and Segmentation of the Punta Montalva Fault in Southwestern Puerto Rico Using High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models
- How Do Early Diagenetic Processes In Arctic Fjord Sediments Change As Glaciers Retreat?
- How Do Spatial and Spectral Resolutions Affect Our Ability to Detect Grassland Invasive Plants?
- Implications of Environmental Water Allocation Scenarios for Agricultural Water Availability in a Desert River Basin
- Ingraining Sustainability in Geoscience Academic Offering
- Mapping Floodplain Wetlands Using Flood Image Classification and Topographic Buffering
- Multi-instrument, Realtime Monitoring of Seismically Vulnerable Structures
- Physicochemical controls of methanogenic oil degradation from petroleum produced water
- Progress Towards Balloon-Based Seismic Studies on Venus
- Reconstructing gap-filled groundwater level database for defective observational wells in the Irrigated Indus Basin
- Removal of toxic metals from petroleum produced water by dolomite filtration
- Response of Agricultural Productivity to Water Storage Changes in Water-rich and Water-limited areas across the Ogallala Aquifer Region
- Solar Balloon Communication and Altitude Control for Multi-Balloon Sensor Swarms
- Solar Balloon Trajectory Performance Prediction and Evaluation
- Subpixel spectral diversity: Using endmember diversity as a proxy for plant diversity
- The Influence of High-Tides on the Physiochemical Properties of Tidal Creeks of the Wouri Estuary
- Understanding Effects of Structural Diversity on Forest Productivity Under Drought
- Understanding Harmful Algal Blooms using Unmanned Systems and Water Quality Models
- Urban Impacts on UAS Observations
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Komjáthy
- Abhiram Siva Prasad Pamula
- Alexander B. Michaud
- Alexandra Jonko
- Ali Mirchi
- Allan Katende
- Amy M. Trowbridge
- Andrew P. Bunger
- Arfan Arshad
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian Greene
- Brian R. Elbing
- Briana M. Wyatt
- C Petrin
- C. C. Knapp
- Caitlyn Hall
- Carlos E. Ramos‐Scharrón
- Daniel A. Laó‐Dávila
- Daniel Bowman
- David Mimoun
- Dominick M. Ciruzzi
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Elizabeth A. Pillar-Little
- Elyn Humphreys
- Emad Hasan
- Estella A. Atekwana
- Estella A. Atekwana
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- F. L. Vernon
- Folarin Kolawole
- Geli Zhang
- Gijs de Boer
- Harriet Zoe Yin
- Hendratta Ali
- Henry D. Adams
- J. B. Johnson
- J. H. Knapp
- J. P. Canales
- Jack Elston
- Jeannine Cavender‐Bares
- Jennifer M. Jackson
- Jennifer S. Haase
- Jessica Cofrancesco
- Jesús N. Pinto‐Ledezma
- Jie Gong
- Jinwei Dong
- John D. Wilding
- K. H. Rubin
- Lauren Haygood
- Leonard O. Ohenhen
- Léo Martire
- M. D. Behn
- Marguerite Mauritz
- Marta E Torres
- Martijn Pallandt
- Mathias Goeckede
- Michael H. Cosh
- Nicolas Huerta
- Nicole D. Wagner
- Olubukola Ishola
- Oyewande O. Ojo
- Quentin Brissaud
- Ram L. Ray
- Raphaël Garcia
- Siddharth Krishnamoorthy
- Susan M. Natali
- Timothy W. Lyons
- Torben R. Christensen
- Tyson Ochsner
- V. Lakshmi
- Victoria A. Walker
- William P. Hammond