Statoil ASA
flowchart I[Statoil ASA] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (77)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Multiscale reconstruction of shallow marine sediments using wavelet correlation
- 4D Geophysical Monitoring of the Carbon-dioxide Plume at Sleipner, North Sea: a Status Review
- Seafloor micro-gravity survey of the Sleipner CO2 sequestration site
- An optimal wavelet for the detection of surface waves in Marine Sediments
- Norwegian Research Strategies on gas Hydrates and Natural Seeps in the Nordic Seas Region (GANS)
- Two-Dimensional Inversion of Marine Electromagnetic Data Using Seismic Reflection Data as Apriori Information
- Capturing Geology in 3D - Essential Scaling of Geologic Features
- IGMAS+ A New 3D Gravity, FTG and Magnetic Modeling Software
- Virtual Geological Reality: Making Geospatial Models Applicable and Scientifically Memorable
- Benefits of satellite measurements in the Arctic region: A novel approach opens a window into crustal architecture.
- Development of the 4D Lithosphere Model (4DLM): How Exploration Research has contributed to 4 Dimensional Visualization and Interpretation of Geological and Geophysical Data
- Google Earth EC for Hydrocarbon Exploration
- Holocene Mass Movements Within the Storegga Slide Scar - a Case Study
- Improved Resolution of Moho Geometry From Modelled Internal Crustal Load Variations via a Novel Analytical Solution (ASEP) -- Norwegian Barents Sea
- Onshore-Offshore Fault Correlation: An Integrated Approach for Understanding Basin Evolution
- Potential High Latitude Hydrocarbon Venting From the Barents Sea and Gas Hydrate Response to Climate Change
- Structural Precursors to Continental Break-Up; the Faroe Islands, NE Atlantic Margin
- The Jan Mayen Microcontinent and the Evolution of the NE Atlantic Region
- Gas Hydrates on the Norway - Barents Sea - Svalbard margin (GANS); an overview and preliminary results
- Hydrate pingoes at Nyegga - natural small-scale carbon capture laboratories?
- Last deglaciation of the North Sea region
- Paleo-kinematics of ancient sedimentary sucessions: reading the rock record to disentangle autogenic and allogenic processes (Invited)
- Pore size and the lab-field reaction rate riddle
- Provenance of Neoproterozoic to Cretaceous sediments in eastern Greenland
- Satellite-based measurements of surface deformation reveal fluid flow associated with the geological storage of carbon dioxide (Invited)
- Studying the basement structure of the Ramså field on Andøya, northern Norway
- Evidence for the thickening of the lithosphere beneath accretionary continental crust from the subsidence of intercontinental basins
- Three Dimensional Geometries of Bank-attached Bar-forms in Sinuous Submarine Channels
- A coupled general circulation model for the Late Jurassic including fully interactive carbon cycling
- Anabranching and Braided Rivers Large and Small: Flood Magnitude-Frequency Morphology and Depositional Product
- Geological controls on the performance of CO2 injection and storage sites
- Two planets: Earth and Mars - One salt model: The Hydrothermal SCRIW-Model
- Combining Seismic Geomorphology and Physical Sedimentology to Resolve Depositional Processes within Submarine Channel Bends
- Evaluation of Western Mediterranean plate models using 4DPlates and SPlates software and derivation of a new hybrid model
- Field-Scale, Massively Parallel Simulation of Production from Oceanic Gas Hydrate Deposits
- Hyperextension and mantle exhumation - long terms margin weaknesses guiding inversion and initiation of subduction
- The influence of open fracture anisotropy on CO<SUB>2</SUB> movement within geological storage complexes
- An Experimental Study of Submarine Canyon Evolution on Continental Slopes
- Basin evolution, organization of faulting and the distribution of displacement within the Gulf of Corinth rift
- Gas migration and carbon capture in one of the World's largest pockmark fields, the Norwegian Sea
- Lessons learned while playing with the Arctic plate tectonic puzzle
- Perspectives and perils of using U-Pb zircon geochronology to constrain stratigraphic age: lessons from the Permian-Triassic Karoo basin, South Africa
- Receiver function constraints on crustal seismic velocities and partial melting in the Red Sea Rift, Central Afar
- Sedimentary Signal Propagation and Preservation from Land to Sea
- The effect of sedimentation in a subglacial lake on the dynamics of an artificial ice stream
- Visualizing the internal structure of subaqueous, high-concentration sediment-laden flows: implication of rheology to flow structure
- Glacistore: Understanding Late Cenozoic Glaciation and Basin Processes for the Development of Secure Large Scale Offshore CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage (North Sea).
- Insights into the ancient Mississippi drainage system from detrital zircons analyses of the modern Mississippi deep-sea fan
- Permian-Triassic Magmatism Along the Southern Gondwana Margin: Correlating Proximal and Distal Volcanic Deposits
- The Growth and Interaction of Faults in Multiphase Rifts: Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea
- The Stratigraphic Expression of Formative Processes in Channels
- Using U-Pb Detrital Zircon to Identify Evolution of Sediment Drainage in the South Central Pyrenean Foreland Basin, Spain
- Fault Growth and Interactions in a Multiphase Rift Fault Network: Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea
- Geochemical Interaction of Middle Bakken Reservoir Rock and CO<SUB>2</SUB> during CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Based Fracturing
- Geophysical Interpretation of Mantle Magmatism in the Seiland Province: the Geometry of the Reinfjord Ultramafic Complex
- High-Resolution Detrital Zircon Geo- and Thermochronometry of the Eocene Ainsa Basin, South Central Pyrenees, Spain
- Interpretation of the Crustal Structure Around the Northern Viking Graben Based on Recent Seismic Data: Assessment of Previous Models
- Reconstructing Deep-Marine Sediment Gravity Flow Dynamics from Ancient Rocks: an Example from Skoorsteenberg Fm. Tanqua Karoo
- Source-to-Sink Sediment-Budget Variability in Southern California
- Source-to-sink Dynamics in the Early Cretaceous Boreal Basin; Progradational Lobes from a Missing Source
- Supercritical Submarine Channel Morphodynamics from Integrated Investigation of the Western North American Continental Margin
- An Appraisal of Methodologies to Determine the Thickness of a Thin CO<SUB>2</SUB> Layer using 3D Seismic Data at the Sleipner CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Site, Norwegian North Sea
- Characterization of the Navy Fan Channel-to-Lobe Transition: Geomorphology, Gradient, and Structure Imaged through High-Resolution AUV Bathymetry
- Provenance evolution of Southern Pyrenees foreland basin fill during inversion and early orogenesis using detrital zircon (U-Th)/(He-Pb) double dating
- Sediment Mixing in the Holocene and Late Wisconsin Mississippi Source-To System Using Detrital Zircons
- Shallow plumbing systems inferred from spatial analysis of pockmark arrays
- Timing and Nature of Events Leading to the Formation of the Albion-Raft River-Grouse Creek (ARG) Metamorphic Core complex, Northern Great Basin, W. U.S.
- A New Paradigm for New Oceans
- Bedforms, Channel Formation, and Flow Stripping in the Navy Fan, Offshore Baja California
- Lithospheric Structure of Central Europe: Puzzle Pieces from Pannonian Basin to Trans-European Suture Zone Resolved by Geophysical-Petrological Modeling
- Rapid Cenozoic Subsidence in Gulf of Mexico and Hess Rise Conjugate Subduction
- The Newberry Deep Drilling Project (NDDP)
- The Role of Transforms in Gulf of Mexico Opening
- Combined integrated modeling of the lithospheric structures of the Western Carpathian arc
- Structural inheritance controlling Southern Pyrenean foreland basin architecture: insights from multi-proxy provenance analysis
- Pangaea dispersal and Large Igneous Provinces: Cause or effect?
- The Greenland-Iceland Ridge is Continental