Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota
flowchart I[Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (47)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Water table and overbank flow frequency changes due to suburbanization-induced channel incision, Virginia Coastal Plain, USA
- Climate during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Wasatch Mountains Inferred from Glacier Mass-Balance and Ice-Flow Modeling
- Cosmogenic Surface-Exposure Age Limits for Latest-Pleistocene Glaciation and Paleoclimatic Inferences in the American Fork Canyon, Wasatch Mountains, Utah, U.S.A.
- Hydrologic Fluctuations Resulting From Climatic Variability Cause Methylation Events in Peatlands Impacted by Elevated Sulfate Deposition
- Late Quaternary Glacier Retreat in the Mongolian Altai
- Dissolved Organic Matter and Biogeochemical Hotspots in a Northern Peatland Catchment
- Mercury-Sulfur Interactions in an Experimental Peatland
- NASA's Student Airborne Research Program as a model for effective professional development experience in Oceanography
- WebViz: A web browser based application for collaborative analysis of 3D data
- Mapping Depth to Bedrock in a Tropical Pre-Montane Wet Forest in Costa Rica
- How is Physical Depositional Setting Related to Silica Chemistry in the Platte River, USA?
- Mercury Dynamics In Sub-Arctic Lake Sediments Across A Methane Ebullition Gradient
- Mercury export pathways in thawing Peatlands: Insights from Stordalen, Sweden
- Methane Concentrations and Biogeochemistry in Lake Sediments from Stordalen Mire, Sub-Arctic Sweden
- Methane and Carbon Dioxide Production Rates in Lake Sediments from Sub-Arctic Sweden
- Sediment Mobilization in Ravines Draining Minnesota Cropland
- The CME Rate over Four Solar Cycles: Filling the Final Gap with MLSO MK3 Observations [1989-1996]
- Climate Science across the Liberal Arts Curriculum at Gustavus Adolphus College
- Observations of Undergraduate Geoscience Instruction in the US: Measuring Student Centered Teaching
- The Physical and Biochemical Alteration of the Platte River by Phragmites australis, an Invasive Species of Wetland Grass
- Chromium Isotopes in Carbonate Rocks: New Insights into Proterozoic Atmospheric Oxygenation
- Hydrochemical Signatures of Glacier Melt and Groundwater Storage on Volcán Chimborazo, Ecuador
- Modeling the role of groundwater and vegetation in the hydrological response of tropical glaciated watersheds to climate change
- Pb inventory in an ombrotrophic bog decreases over time
- Constraining the redox landscape of the mid-Proterozoic oceans: new insights from the carbonate uranium isotope record
- Eco-hydrogeologic changes in glacierized watersheds under climate change
- Geodetic mass balance measurements on debris and clean-ice tropical glaciers in Ecuador
- Identifying agricultural land management successes and water quality improvements at the sub-watershed scale: A case study in south-central Minnesota
- Quantifying Glacier Volume Change Using UAV-Derived Imagery and Structure from Motion Photogrammetry
- Syntectonic Deposition of Plio-Quaternary Sediments in the Santa Rosalia Basin of Baja California Sur, Mexico
- A critical zone approach to solving the stream discharge problem in vulnerable tropical glacierized watersheds
- Modeling Hydrochemical Dynamics in a Glacierized Watershed Using an Integrated Reactive-Transport Watershed Model
- Recent Evolution of Glacier Termini in the Tropical Andes of Ecuador
- Hydrogeochemical characterization of glacierized volcanic watersheds in the subhumid inner tropics
- Impacts of Extreme Precipitation on Water in the Subsurface
- Microstructural and geochemical analysis of rutilated quartzite from the Wildhorse Detachment, Pioneer Mountains, Idaho: Implications for strain and mid-crustal rheology
- Spatiotemporal variability of hydrochemistry in a tropical glacierized watershed in the Andes
- Evaluating upslope vegetation migration in a tropical mountainous watershed
- Mars Sample Selection Using a Highly Constrained Tactical Timeline: A GHOST Terrestrial Analog Field Study.
- The impact of enhanced sulfate deposition and recovery on mercury dynamics and water quality in a peatland catchment
- Atmospheric Circulation and Local Water Sources Complicate the Interpretation of Oxygen Isotopes in Tropical Glacier Watersheds: An Example from Ecuador.
- Solute export pattern and chemical weathering in tropical glacierized watersheds
- Train the facilitators: Applying Lessons from URGE to NAGT Professional Development Programming
- A Probabilistic Model of Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities from Auto-picked Precursor Data
- Climate Change and Cleaner Emissions Decrease Methylmercury Export from Peatland Headwater Catchments
- Effects of Driving Parameter Filtering on SWPSNN Model Performance
- Investigating Distinct Drivers of Hydrochemical Change Across the Vulnerable Glacierized Tropics