Saint Louis University, Missouri
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Anisotropic Crustal Structure Inversion Using a Niching Genetic Algorithm.
- CHARGE, the CHile ARgentina Geophysical Experiment: Imaging the South Central Andean Lithosphere Using Passive Broadband Seismology
- Faulting Parameters and Depth Estimates for Earthquakes in Eastern Asia
- Limited fluid in carbonate-shale hosted thrust faults of the Rocky Mountain Fold-and-Thrust Belt (Sun River Canyon, Montana)
- Modeling Receiver Functions in the Mississippi Embayment: Effect of a Thick Sedimentary Cover
- Subduction Initiation by Extrusion Tectonics? Evidence From the Palawan Ophiolite, Philippines
- Summary of Results of Crustal Structures Using Teleseismic Waveforms from LARSE
- Thicknesses and Poisson's Ratios in the Iberian Crust as Inferred From Receiver Functions
- Upper-Mantle Seismic Structure along Fiji-California Corridor
- Velocity Structure Determination Through Seismic Waveform Modeling and Time Deviations
- A Case Study in Forensic Seismology: The 1998 Natural Gas Pipeline Explosion Near Carlsbad, New Mexico
- A Global Study of PKiKP/PcP Amplitude Ratios
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure of Southernmost South America Inferred from Regional Waveform Inversion
- Fault Zone Structure From Modeling High-frequency Waveforms of Aftershocks of the 1992 Landers Earthquakes
- Focal Mechanisms for Recent Earthquakes in the ANSS Mid-America Region
- Forensic Analysis of Seismic Events in the Water; Submarines, Explosions and Impacts
- Integrated Studies of Seismic Q and Velocity Structure in the Tethysides Belt of Southern Eurasia
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath The Middle East, Southern Europe, and North Africa
- On the (lack of a) Relationship between Mid-Ocean Ridge Migration Rates and MORB isotope geochemistry
- Progress in the Ground Calibration of GRACE data.
- Quantitative analysis of seismic trapped waves in the rupture zone of the Landers, 1992, California earthquake: Evidence for a shallow trapping structure
- S-Wave Velocity Models Under the Saudi Arabian Portable Broadband Deployment: Evidence for Lithospheric Erosion Beneath the Arabian Shield
- Shallow seismic velocity structure of the Eastern Turkey from inversion of surface waves
- The Contribution of Superconducting Gravimeters to the Study of Seismic and Subseismic Modes
- Ground Motion Scaling in Southern Spain
- Heat Generation and Strength of Seismogenic Faults Constrained by Fission-Track Data
- Investigation of crustal structure throughout Middle East, North Africa and Southern Europe using receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion
- Locating and Modeling Regional Earthquakes with Broadband Waveform Data
- New Evidence for Inner Core Scattering from Observations of PKiKP Coda
- On the Existence of Seismic Discontinuities in the Inner Core
- Shear-wave Q and it Frequency Dependence in the Crust of the Middle East and China
- Surface-wave Derived Focal Mechanisms in Mid-America
- The 2003 Western Anatolia Seismic Experiment: an Integrated Study of Crust/Upper Mantle Structure and Anisotropy in Western Turkey
- Constraints on heat generation along two (paleo)seismogenic faults in California from U-Th/He and fission-track data
- Crop phenology feedback on climate over central US in a regional climate model
- Crustal Attenuation Within The Anatolian Plateau And Surrounding Regions
- Earthquake Relocations and Moment-tensor Solutions in Western Turkey from the 2003 Seismic Recording Experiment
- Fault Structure from Double-difference Relocations and Waveform Modeling of Aftershocks of the 1992 Landers Earthquake
- GSAC - Generic Seismic Application Computing
- Issues in the Comparison of Ground Gravity with GRACE Data
- Quantifying Inner Core Scattering from PKiKP Coda Waves
- Seismic Evidence for a Complicated Inner Core Boundary
- Simultaneous Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion For Lithospheric Structure Beneath The Middle East, North African, Central Asia, And Parts of Europe
- Structure and Composition of the San Andreas Fault at Seismogenic Depths: Recent Results from the SAFOD Experiment
- Structure of the Inner Core-Outer Core Boundary Inferred From PKP<SUB>BC</SUB> Diffracted Waves
- Average Crust Model and Moho Geometry beneath Taiwan
- Crust and Upper Mantle Shear-Velocity Structure of Eastern North America From the Joint Inversion of Receiver Function and Surface-Wave Dispersion
- Crustal Attenuation within the Turkish Plateau and Surrounding Regions
- Crustal Thickness and Poisson's Ratio of Continental Crust
- Elemental and Stable Isotope Chemistry of Cuttings and Core Samples From SAFOD Drill Hole
- Fluid Migration in and Across Fault Zones With Footwall Shales and Hanging Wall Carbonates (Sawtooth Range, NW Montana)
- Improvement of the SCEC-3D Model of the Los Angeles Basin Using Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Lithologic Characterization of the Deep Portion of the SAFOD Drillhole
- Mesoscale Structure and Lithology of the SAFOD Phase I and II Core Samples
- Slowness Anomalies of PKP Phases Recorded at the Seismic Array in Eielson, Alaska (ILAR)
- The European Gravity Field 2002-2005 from GRACE and GGP Data
- The Lithospheric Shear-Velocity Structure of Eastern Eurasia
- The Peculiar Stratigraphy of Offset Troughs within the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits: Evidence for Deformation?
- Characterization of fault rock compositions, alteration mineral assemblages, and preliminary implications for fluid-rock interaction in the San Andreas Fault system at the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)
- Constraints on the velocity gradient at the base of the outer core and inner core Q from PKPBC Diffracted Waves
- Determination of Decay Rates for Precritical PKiKP Codas
- Evaluation and Calibration of Photosynthesis Model in Crop-climate Coupled Simulations
- Fine-scale heterogeneity and differential rotation of the inner core from scattered waves recorded by the LASA
- High Resolution Earthquake Relocation using Teleseismic Waveforms in Izmir, Western Turkey
- High-resolution Structures of the Landers Fault Zone Inferred from Aftershock Waveform Data
- Imaging the Three-Dimensional Crust of the Korean Peninsula by Joint Inversion of Surface- Wave Dispersion and Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Regional Travel-Time Uncertainty and Seismic Location Improvement Using a Three- Dimensional a priori Velocity Model
- Regionality of Soil Moisture-Atmosphere Feedback in the Central United States
- Relations Between Elevation and Stable Isotope Composition of Newly Fallen Snow in the Northern Wasatch Mountain Range of Utah.
- Results of Elemental, Stable Isotope, Organic Matter, and Fission-track Analyses of SAFOD Drill-hole Cuttings and Core Material
- Seismic Structure Beneath the Tibetan Plateau Using Upper Mantle Triplications
- Sensitivity of Carbon Budgets in the Continental U.S. to Soil Moisture in a Regional Ecosystem-Climate Coupled Model
- Structure of the ICB from Seismic and Gravitational Free Modes
- Synthesis of PKiKP Coda Envelopes Using Single-Scattering Theories
- An Analysis of Small-scale Heterogeneity in the Mantle with PKP Precursors Recorded at IMS Arrays using a seismic phonon method
- Array Observations of Short Period Pdiff Coda Waves
- Core Across the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD - Photographs, Physical Properties Data, and Core-Handling Procedures
- Correlations between Ozone and Secondary Organic Aerosol observed in Urban Locations
- Deformation of Sedimentary Rock Across the San Andreas Fault Zone: Mesoscale and Microscale Structures Displayed in Core From SAFOD
- Ensemble Calibration and Sensitivity Tests of a Photosynthesis Model Using an Optimization Algorithm
- GRACE Solutions for the Gravity Field over Central Europe Compared to the Surface Field as Recorded by the GGP Network.
- Lg and Pg Attenuation in the Middle East
- Modeling of Local and Regional Soil Carbon Balance under Various Agricultural Managements
- Plume Transport in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area Basin During the MILAGRO Field Campaign: WRF Simulations with Satellite-Derived Initialization of the Land Surface and Evaluation of FLEXPART Lagrangian Particle Trajectories with HSRL Lidar Data.
- Preliminary Results from SAFOD Phase 3: Implications for the state of stress and shear localization in and near the San Andreas Fault at depth in central California
- Reconstruction of Trajectories, Mixing, and Dispersion of a Mexico City Pollution Outflow Event Using In-Situ Observations From Free-Floating Altitude-Controlled Balloons
- S-wave crustal structure in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implications
- San Jacinto Fault Zone Structure from Body Waveforms of Local Earthquakes
- Simulations of Inner Core Coda Waves with a Multiple-Scattering Phonon Based Algorithm
- Structural Geometry of an Exhumed UHP Terrane in the Sulu Orogen, China: Implications for Lower Crustal Deformation and Continental Collisional Processes
- Structure and Composition of the San Andreas Fault at Seismogenic Depths: Recent Results from the SAFOD Experiment
- The impacts of resolution and boundary layer parameterization on the structure of the wind field in high resolution simulations of Hurricane Isabel (2003)
- Transition Zone Structure Beneath the Tibetan Plateau From P-Wave Triplications
- "Snowing" Core in Earth?
- "Validation of WRF Forecasts for the Development of Hurricane Helene"
- An Investigation of Bomb Cyclogenesis in NCEP's CFS Model
- Continent-wide tomographic maps of Rayleigh-wave attenuation at intermediate periods in Eurasia inferred from 1-Hz Lg coda Q variation
- Determination of Fault Plane and Rupture Direction of the April 18, 2008 Earthquake, Mt. Carmel, Illinois
- GGP - An International Project Dedicated to Studies of Geodynamics Based on Superconducting Gravimeter Observations
- Geologic Hazards Associated with Longmen Shan Fault zone, During and After the Mw 8.0, May 12, 2008 Earthquake
- New Lithospheric Model of Taiwan based on the Receiver Function Method
- Progress in Deriving Upper-Mantle Structure beneath Western U.S.
- San Jacinto Fault Zone Structures from Earthquake Relocation and Waveform Modeling.
- SdP receiver function images of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the Western U.S using USArray data
- Seasonal Anisotropy of Short-Period Seismic Noise in South Asia
- Stable Isotope Data of Veins From the 2007 SAFOD Core
- Structural Geology of Daba Shan and its Tectonic Relationships with the Sichuan Basin and Central China Orogen, China
- Variations of shear wave splitting in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake region
- A Comparison of ECMWF and GFS Initializations for the Development of Hurricane Helene 2006 as Part of NAMMA 2006
- An Investigation of Bomb Cyclone Climatology: Reanalysis vs. NCEP's CFS Model
- Analysis of the Anomalous Surface Wave Magnitudes for the North Korean Nuclear Explosions
- Calico fault zone structures inferred from local earthquake travel time and waveform modeling
- Crustal thickness variation across the Bangong-Nujiang Suture in central Tibet
- High Resolution Taiwan Moho Discontinuity Reference Model
- Imaging Taiwan Moho Discontinuity from Receiver Function Inversion, Analysis and Migration
- Imaging the ruptures of the 2009 Samoan and Sumatran earthquakes using broadband network back-projections: Results and limitations
- Impacts of Climate Change on Storm Tracks Using the PCMDI Suite of Models
- Investigating Source Locations for Body Wave Energy in Ambient Seismic Noise
- MODIS and WRF applied on Urban Heat Islands over Mexico City
- Moho Depth and Crustal Structure across the Chaochou Fault, South of Taiwan from Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Mushy Magma beneath Yellowstone
- Search for the 1S1 Slichter mode using the 2004 Sumatra earthquake
- Systematic Determination of Moment Tensor of the April 6, 2009 L'Aquila Earthquake Sequence
- The 20th April 2005 Koryakia earthquake (Russia): a case of study for its aftershock seismic sequence
- Transport and transformation of biomass burning plumes during the MILAGRO field campaign with High Spectral Resolution Lidar measurements and WRF-Flexpart simulations
- A review of the GGP network and scientific challenges (Invited)
- Calibrating SWAT with River flows, Groundwater table, and GRACE
- Characterization of Earthquake-Induced Ground Motion from the L'Aquila Seismic Sequence of 2009, Italy
- Collision and Rotation of the Yangtze block and Exhumation of HP/UHPM Rocks in the Dabie Shan orogen, China
- Crustal Structure Variation of the Tibetan Plateau From Teleseismic Receiver Function Studies
- Crustal structure in the eastern Tibetan Plateau from teleseismic receiver functions
- Depth Extent of Low-Velocity Fault Zones
- Frequency Dependent Polarization Analysis of Ambient Seismic Noise Recorded at Broadband Seismometers
- GROUND MOTION ASSESSMENT BASED ON WEAK MOTION DATA IN TAIWAN Ground Motion Assessment Based on Weak Motion Data in Taiwan
- Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in South America
- Location for aftershocks of 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and the active faults in Longmenshan region
- Rapid Estimates of the Source-Time Function and Mw using Empirical Green's Function Deconvolution
- Seismic Data QC in Support of Earthquake Source Parameter Determination
- Shear Wave Velocity Structure of the Pampean Flat Slab Region from Ambient Noise Tomography
- Source process of the 1999 Xiuyan earthquake of MS5.4 as revealed by relocation of earthquake sequence
- The Qiqinaer mafic-ultramafic complex: A newly identified ophiolitic suite in the southern Tianshan, China
- The relationship between stream flow, riparian buffers, and climate change in an agricultural landscape
- Alteration of fault rocks by CO2-bearing fluids with implications for sequestration
- Analysis of Elemental Carbon and Organic Carbon Emission Sources in St. Louis using High Resolution Back-Trajectories
- Characterization of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes Beneath Cauca, Colombia
- Crustal Structure Variation of the central Tian Shan From Teleseismic Receiver Function Studies
- Discrete-element modeling (PFC3D) of polyaxial servo-control experiments: Testing the orthorhombic fault model
- Fault plane orientations of deep earthquakes in the Izu-Bonin-Marianas subduction zone system
- Hydrological variability and uncertainty induced by climate change in the lower Missouri River Basin-based on NARCCAP simulations and SWAT model
- Imaging the Crust and Uppermost Mantle of North Central Alaska using the Joint Inversion of Ambient Seismic Noise Correlation and Receiver Function
- Intermediate-Depth Earthquake Fault-Plane Orientations in the Japan Trench
- Joint Inversion of Receiver Function, Surface Wave Dispersion and pn Delay Time Using Neighborhood Algorithm: AN Application to Hi-Climb Linear Array in Tibetan Plateau
- Land deformation in Saint Louis, Missouri measured by ALOS InSAR and PolINSAR validated with DGPS base stations
- Mercury Emission Inventory Analysis in Wisconsin using Inverse Modeling and Meso-scale Particle Trajectories
- Microphysical Retrieval and Rain Rates of Drizzling Stratocumulus
- Quantitative observation of boundary-layer NO2/SO2 from total-column measurements. New possibilities for space-based observations?
- Shear Wave Velocities in the Pampean Flat Slab Region from Rayleigh Wave Tomography: Implications for Crustal Composition and Upper Mantle Hydration
- The ANSS response to the Mw 5.8 Central Virginia Seismic Zone earthquake of August 23, 2011
- The Eastern Pacific Diurnal Cycle of Clouds, Solar Forcing, and Tropospheric Waves
- The Mechanism of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in the Hindu Kush
- The potential impacts of climate change on streamflow in agricultural watersheds of the Midwestern United States
- The structure of the crust and upper mantle in North China Craton from teleseismic receiver function
- Using Regional Moment Tensors to Constrain Earthquake Processes following the 2010 Darfield and 2011 Canterbury New Zealand Earthquake Sequences
- Analysis of Elemental and Organic Carbon Emissions in St. Louis Using a Hybrid Inverse Model Combining Particle Back-Trajectories and Forward Eulerian Simulations
- Crustal Structure Variation Across The Northern Yadong-Gulu Rift From Teleseismic Receiver Function Studies
- Earthquakes in the Eastern US - Challenges for the Future
- Magnetic, gravity, radiometric, LiDAR, and seismic data to characterize the region of the M5.8 August 23, 2011 earthquake near Mineral, Virginia
- Mapping Earthquake Fault Planes in Subducting Slabs
- Oversampling OMI SO2 to characterize large point sources, pollution transport and SO2 lifetimes in the atmosphere
- Precise Gravity Measurements for Lunar Laser Ranging at Apache Point Observatory
- Relocation of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in the Cauca Cluster, Colombia, Using Waveform Cross-Correlation and Double-Difference Methods
- Structure of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere beneath the Western US from Simultaneous Multi-Parameter Inversion
- The Potential Response of Aquatic Biodiversity in the Midwestern United States to Predicted Changes in Climate Based On Output From Landscape Scale Hydrologic Models
- The Use of Measured Suspended Sediment Concentrations at Alcatraz to Infer Net Suspended Sediment Transport at the Golden Gate
- Transport of the urban pollution plume in a mountain regime during the RoMBAS-BEACHON field study
- Tremors in the Bayou: The Events on the Napoleonville Salt Dome, Louisiana
- Understanding the Bias in Ms and MsVmax Magnitude Estimates using Regional and Upper-Mantle Synthetic Seismograms
- Use of MODIS Satellite Data to Evaluate Juniperus spp. Pollen Phenology to Support a Pollen Dispersal Model, PREAM, to Support Public Health Allergy Alerts
- Using InSAR to Analyze the Effects of Oil Extraction on the Kuparuk Oil Field
- Using Regional Moment Tensors to Constrain the Kinematics and Stress Evolution During the 2010-2012 Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquake Sequence
- A model-based evaluation of the impacts of urban expansion on flow variability and aquatic biodiversity in the Big River watershed in eastern Missouri (Invited)
- An Accurate and Efficient Method of Computing Differential Seismograms
- Assessing NO2 variability over urban areas at high spatial resolution
- Characteristics of High Frequency Ground Motions in the Maule Region (chile), Obtained from Aftershocks of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Earthquake
- Characterizing ultrafine particle growth at a pine forest site influenced by anthropogenic pollution during BEACHON-RoMBAS-2011
- Crustal Structure of the Western Hubei Province of China and its Implications for Extension and Thinning of Continental Crust
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure in Tibetan Plateau from Joint Inversion of Receiver Function, Surface Wave Dispersion and Pn Delay Time
- Earthquake source tensor inversion with the gCAP method and 3D Green's functions
- Effects of spatial pattern of green space on land surface temperature: implications for sustainable urban planning and climate change adaptation
- Estimation of Elemental and Organic Carbon Emissions in St. Louis using a Hybrid Inverse Model
- Fault Plane Orientations of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in South America
- Geometry of the Subducting Nazca Plate Beneath Colombia From Relocation of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes
- Gravimetry At The 0.1 Microgal Level - What New Can We Learn? (Invited)
- Modeling future streamflow variability in the Mobile River watershed in the Southeastern United States using SWAT coupled with climate change projections
- Monitoring coal mine induced residual land subsidence using SBAS and PSI
- Simultaneous Inversion of Receiver Functions, Surface-wave Dispersion, and Gravity observations for Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Central United States
- Source and Aftershock Analysis of a Large Deep Earthquake in the Tonga Flat Slab
- Structure of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere beneath the Western US from Simultaneous Multi-Parameter Inversion
- Temporal and Spatial Relationships Between Megathrust Earthquakes and Intraslab Stress Fields in South America
- The Significance of Ultra-Refracted Ocean Waves to Sediment Dynamics and Water Quality in Sheltered Areas, With Application to Crissy Field Marsh, San Francisco
- An Analysis of Seacions Ozonesonde Measurements from St. Louis MO: Providing Insight into How Cross Country Wildfires and Descending Stratospheric Air over the Great Plains Impact Regional Air Quality
- An Overview of Ozone Variability during SEAC4RS from the Seacions Ozonesonde Network
- Apply Seismic Migration Technique to Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on the Distribution of Trout Species in the Sierra Nevada Region of California Using Output from a Landscape Scale Hydrological Model
- Assessing the potential impacts of climate change on return periods of hydrological extremes in the Illinois River watershed of the Midwestern United States
- Characterization of Possible Carbonatites in Southeast Missouri
- Clumped-Isotope Thermometry of Carbonate Veins from the SAFOD Borehole
- Constraints on recent earthquake source parameters, fault geometry and aftershock characteristics in Oklahoma
- Dynamics of Caribbean and Nazca Plate Subduction Beneath Colombia from Receiver Function Analysis
- Full-Waveform Validation of a 3D Seismic Model for Western US
- Imaging and Understanding Foreshock and Aftershock Behavior Around the 2014 Iquique, Northern Chile, Earthquake
- Microseismicity and b-values of the Wabash Valley Intraplate Seismic Zone from short-period phased arrays
- Outward growth of Tibetan Plateau: Insights from joint inversion of lithosphere structure
- Relocation of the 1997 Mw 6.1 Golestan, Ardebil, Earthquake Sequence: A Hint for the Fault Mechanism
- Salt Tectonics of Basin and Range Systems in the Sub-Himalayas of Northern Pakistan Using InSAR and 2D Seismic Interpretation
- Simultaneous Inversion of Receiver Functions, Surface-wave Dispersion, and Gravity Observations for Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Central and Eastern United States
- Calibrated Multiple Event Relocations of the Central and Eastern United States
- Characterizing bidirectional reflectance and spectral albedo of various land cover types in Midwest using GeoTASO Summer-2014 campaign
- Comparison of the Intraslab Stress Field Before and After the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Concurrent Evolution of Structural Deformation and Carbonate Diagenesis within the Moab Fault, UT
- Crustal structure beneath the western Hubei Province of China from joint inversion of ambient noise and receiver functions
- Full source tensor inversions of San Jacinto fault zone earthquakes using 3D Green's functions with the gCAP method
- InSAR and Numeric Modeling for Land Subsidence
- Integrating Field Spectra and Worldview-2 Data for Grapevine Productivity in Different Irrigation Treatments
- Megacity trends in OMI NO2 columns: weekday, seasonal, recession and long-term patterns
- Preliminary Results of Crustal Structure beneath the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone Using Teleseismic Receiver Functions and Ambient Noise Tomography
- Simultaneous Inversion of Interpolated Receiver Functions, Surface-wave Dispersion, and Gravity Observations for Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Eastern United States
- Slab Geometry and Deformation in the Northern Nazca Subduction Zone Inferred From The Relocation and Focal mechanisms of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes
- Stress Drop and Depth Controls on Ground Motion From Induced Earthquakes
- Surface Deformation in Quetta Valley, Balochistan, Pakistan
- The Activity of Deep Roots in Bedrock Fractures at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, USA
- A Five-Year CMAQ PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Model Performance for Wildfires and Prescribed Fires
- A Transformation-Induced Shear Instability Model for Deep Earthquakes Based on Laboratory Nanoseismological and Microstructural Observations
- Anisotropic Structure of the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone and Illinois Basin
- Assessing the Contribution of Superconducting Gravimetry and GPS to Lunar Laser Ranging at Apache Point Observatory, New Mexico
- Atmospheric mercury concentration and chemical speciation at Nam Co (4730 m a.s.l), a highland background site in the inland Tibetan Plateau: implications of mercury emission sources
- Evidence for block-wise continuous deformation in Northeast Tibetan Plateau from joint inversion of crustal structures
- How much sediment have we added to a floodplain? Preliminary results of using contaminated sediments to tease out enhanced deposition to a floodplain of the lower Meramec River, MO
- Imaging the crustal structure of the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone using ambient noise tomography and receiver functions
- Inherited Fe and Ti electron transition spectroscopic features in altered ultramafic-carbonatite intrusives
- Interactive Visualizations of Complex Seismic Data and Models
- Nonlinear Joint Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersions and Receiver function Ps Delay Times and Its Application to the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone
- Preliminary results of pre-stack reverse time migration of teleseismic receiver functions
- Relative Impact of Emissions Controls and Meteorology on Air Pollution Mitigation Associated with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Conference in Beijing, China
- Seismic Velocity Structure Beneath the Eastern United States and Northern Mississippi Embayment
- Source characteristics of the Fairview, OK, earthquake sequence and its relationship to industrial activities
- Spatiotemporal Variance of Global Horizontal Moisture Transport and the Influence of Strong ENSO Events Using ERA-Interim Reanalysis
- Stream Flooding Response and Water Quality as a Function of Increasing Impervious Surface Area
- TEMPO Specific Photochemical Reflectance Index for Monitoring Crop Productivity
- The Cause of the Cauca, Colombia, Cluster of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes From Earthquake Relocation and Focal Mechanisms
- A possible mechanism for earthquakes found in the mantle wedge of the Nazca subduction zone
- Assessing Microplastic Loads in the Mississippi River and Its Major Tributaries
- Catching the Drift: Simulating Dark Spots and Bright Companions on the Ice Giants
- Crustal Structure beneath the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone: Implications for the Intracontinental Seismicity
- Eclogitization-induced mechanical instanility in granulite: Implications for deep seismicity in southern Tibet
- Estimate full moment tensors of acoustic emission events using their waveforms
- Geophysical character of the intraplate Wabash Fault System from the Wabash EarthScope FlexArray
- HydroClim: a Continental-Scale Database of Contemporary and Future Streamflow and Stream Temperature Estimates for Aquatic Ecosystem Studies
- Hydrologic Responses to Projected Climate Change in Ecologically-Vulnerable Watersheds of the Gulf Coast, USA
- Impacts of Land Use Change on the Natural Flow Regime: A Case Study in the Meramec River Watershed in Eastern Missouri, USA
- Magma Mixing and Mingling Processes in the Tiemann Shut-ins, St. Francois Mountains, Missouri: Constraints from Geochemical Variations Within Mafic Enclaves
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Stream Water Temperatures Across the United States
- Recent changes in ecologically-relevant streamflows in North America
- Removing Hydrology Signals to Determine Ground Motion at the Apache Point Lunar Laser Ranging Site, New Mexico
- Using Streamflow and Stream Temperature to Assess the Potential Responses of Freshwater Fish to Climate Change
- Water Quality Variable Estimation using Partial Least Squares Regression and Multi-Scale Remote Sensing.
- Aftershock Sequences of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes Beneath Japan
- Assessing Local Hydrology Corrections to Gravity Series in the Absence of Hydrological Ground Truth
- Changes in climate similarly influence recent streamflow trends in natural and human-modified watersheds
- Characterizing inter-event times, inter-event distances, and b-value changes for intermediate-depth aftershock sequences: a means to understanding rupture mechanisms
- Environmental Conditions Influencing Stream Water Temperature Sensitivity to Changes in Air Temperature Vary Seasonally and Spatially Across the United States
- Impacts of Best Management Practices on Sediment and Nutrient Yields under Multiple Climate Change Scenarios for the Meramec River Watershed
- Informing Flood Risk Reduction, De Soto, Missouri
- Joint Inversion for Seismic P- and S-wave Velocity Structures with Interfaces
- Joint Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersions and Receiver Functions with P-wave Data
- Locating and estimating full moment tensors of acoustic emission events in samples under high pressure and temperature
- Microseismicity associated with the olivine-wadsleyite phase transition in Mn<SUB>2</SUB>GeO<SUB>4</SUB>
- Projecting the Impacts of Climate Change on Streamflow and Stream Temperature in the Mississippi River Basin, USA
- Recent Advances in Deriving NOx Emission Estimates from Satellite Data
- Rupture Model of the 2016 M5.8 Pawnee Earthquake
- Seismogenic Fracture at High Pressure and Temperature in a Nickel Silicate Olivine
- Simulating the Uranian Berg Feature as a Vortex-Driven Cloud
- Streamflow and stream temperature forecasting based on real-time citizen science data
- The TEMPO Green Paper: Applications in Air Quality and Health, Agriculture, Forestry, and Economics
- The Weathering of Rock to Regolith: Activity of Deep Roots in Bedrock Fractures
- 2017 Northern California Wildfires - A NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST) Tiger Team
- A Deep Learning Approach to Estimate Plant Density and Spread: Application to Durum Wheat and Sorghum Crops
- Challenges and Future Directions for Moment Tensor Determination
- Comparison of the Aftershock Sequences of Shallow and Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in Colombia
- Determine crustal P-wave velocity structure across the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone using waveform records of mining blasts
- Field Study of Brining as a Stormwater Best Management Practice to Reduce Road Salt Pollution
- Identifying sectoral trends in emissions and changes in chemical regimes from long time series of hourly and daily pollutant concentrations in the San Joaquin Valley
- Improving hydrological models with the assimilation of citizen science data
- Increasing community engagement using forecasts of streamflow, water temperature, and aquatic species habitat derived from citizen science observations
- Investigating the Northern Andes and Southwestern Caribbean: New Insights from Earthquake Relocations using the Colombian National Seismic Network
- Lateral variation of crustal structure in the North China Craton and its tectonic implications
- Locating and Estimating Full Moment Tensors of Acoustic Emission Events in Samples under High Pressures and Temperatures
- Machine Learning Predicting of Ozone Concentration based on Surface Observed Meteorological and Vegetation Conditions
- Miocene Collision-related Strike-slip Origin of Some Metamorphic Basement in Luzon, Philippines
- Mountain-Top Hydrology in Support of Lunar Laser Ranging
- Quantification of Dispersal Distances Needed by Freshwater Species to Cope with Projected Changes in Water Temperature Over the Coming Century
- Selection of calibration and validation time periods causes uncertainty in hydrologic model simulations
- Stream temperature and streamflow variability under future climate conditions on the Atlantic Coast of the United States.
- Transformational Faulting in Silicate Olivines at High Pressure and Temperature
- Using Spectral, Photosynthetic, Gas Exchange and Visually-Scored Data to Identify Ozone Stress in Soybean Crops
- A Machine-Learning-Based Automatic P-Wave Detecter and Picker for Acoustic Emission Events in Laboratory Experiments
- Assessing the potential impacts of climate change on streamflows and water temperatures in a northern Canadian watershed
- Enhancing Drainage Delineation Using High-resolution Terrain Data Model and Geospatial Artificial Intelligence
- Identification of future Pacific salmon spawning habitat in southern Alaskan watersheds based on climate-induced changes in river discharge and water temperature
- Improving Daily Surface Particulate Matter Estimates during Extreme Fire Events using a Novel NASA Satellite Plume Injection Height Algorithm
- Influence of Intense Secondary Aerosol Formation and Long Range Transport on Severe Haze in Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Microseismic Analysis of High Pressure, High Temperature Transformational Faulting Experiments Using Broadband Ultrasonic Sensors
- Nature of mid-crustal low velocity zones in central and southern Tibetan Plateau from joint inversion of surface wave dispersion, receiver function, and Pn station delay
- Obtaining high temporal and spatial resolution estimates of lockdown impacts on air quality using a generalized additive model that accounts for the influence of meteorology and air pollution transport
- P-wave tomography and seismotectonics of the Puerto Rico subduction zone
- The Spatial-temporal Patterns of COVID-19 Lockdown Effects and Diurnal Variations of Air Quality in Beijing, China due to Reduced Human Activities