Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts
flowchart I[Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (150)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (28)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Ferric/Ferrous Iron in Plagioclase of the Skaergaard Intrusion
- Micrometer scale ferric/ferrous zoning quantified by Synchrotron microXANES spectroscopy, .of pyroxene phenocrysts in phonolitic eruptives from Plio-Pleistocene volcano, Satiman. Tanzanian
- The Role of Water in the Extraordinary Frictional Weakening of Quartz Rocks During Rapid Sustained Slip
- Interactions Among Permafrost, Fire Disturbance, and Moss Cover Near Delta Junction, Alaska
- Peatland Responses to Varying Interannual Moisture Conditions as Measured by Automatic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Chambers
- Late Quaternary Tephrochronology From Three Lakes, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
- The Timing of Spring Thaw and its Impact on Carbon Exchange in a New Hampshire Fen
- Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>-in-Clinopyroxene Oxybarometry: Effects of Na on Iron Partitioning Behavior
- Intrabasin Variability of Volcanic Ash Stratigraphy in a Small Kettle Lake; Lorraine Lake, Anchorage, Alaska
- Using Kettle Lake Records to Date and Interpret Holocene Ash Deposition in Upper Cook Inlet, Anchorage, AK
- Distinguishing Na, K, and H3O+ Jarosite and Alunite on Mars using VNIR, Emittance and Mossbauer Spectroscopy on the MER and Mars Express/OMEGA Missions
- Effects of nutrient addition on C cycling in a boreal peatland
- Flow Banding in Rhyolites: A Manifestation of Water Concentration Heterogeneity in the Melt?
- Oxidation State of Iron in Feldspars from Felsic to Intermediate Volcanic Rocks as an Indicator of Magma Oxygen Fugacity
- The Svalbard REU Program: A High-Latitude Undergraduate Research Program in Glacial, Fluvial and Marine Processes Relevant to Arctic Climate Change
- The Use of the Thermal Infrared Region for Studying the Chemistry and Hydration State of Sulfates on Mars
- Time Scale Dependence of the Environmental and Plant Mediated Controls on Methane Flux From a Temperate Fen
- Water Concentrations and Distribution in Evolving Melts as Suggested by Melt Inclusions and Matrix Glasses
- Determining the Mineralogy of the Salts in the Soils at Paso Robles, Mars, and Their Formational Environment
- Late Holocene Climate Fluctuations at Cascade Lake, Ahklun Mountains, Southwestern Alaska
- Ongoing Surface Deformation Studies of Dominica, BWI: GPS Results and Interpretations From the 2006 NSF-REU Campaign
- Variations of Solar Wind Parameters Over a Solar Cycle: Implications for STEREO Observations
- Wilderness Stream Gauging: the application of new technology and techniques in Yosemite National Park
- A Test of Two Earthquake Modeling Methods
- Growth patterns of an intertidal gastropod as revealed by oxygen isotope analysis
- Late Holocene environmental change at three glacier-fed lakes, southern Alaska
- Reconstructing Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation From High Arctic Sediments
- Reproducibility of Raman Spectroscopy Measurements for Carbonaceous Material in Metamorphic Rocks
- The Svalbard REU Program: Undergraduates Pursuing Arctic Climate Change Research on Svalbard, Norway
- The effects of high ozone episodes on photosynthetic activity of temperate wetland plants
- Coordinating CRISM Observations of Sulfates near Valles Marineris with the Subsurface Bright Salty Soils Exposed in Gusev Crater via Lab Experiments
- Environmental Proxies: Characteristics of Al-Doped Ferrihydrite
- Evaluating Subduction Initiation Potential on the Present-Day Earth
- Fe-Ti oxide inclusions in natural and synthetic (Fex, Mg1-x)2 SiO4 olivines
- Iron Sulfate and Sulfide Spectroscopy at Thermal Infrared Wavelengths for Application to Mars
- Responses of Bog Vegetation and CO2 Exchange to Experimental N and PK Addition
- The Role of Sedges in Methane Production and Emission From a Temperate Fen
- Twenty years of methane and carbon dioxide flux measurements from a temperate peatland
- Alkenone-based decadal scale temperature reconstruction of the late Holocene from Kongressvatnet, Svalbard
- Lacustrine records of historical hydrology: Mackenzie River Delta, N.W.T., Canada
- Midinfrared Multi-technique Spectroscopy of Synthetic Olivines (Forsterite to Fayalite)
- Simulating long-term carbon and water dynamics in northern peatlands (Invited)
- Spectroscopic Character and Spatial Distribution of Hydroxyl and Water Absorption Features Measured on the Lunar Surface by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper Imaging Spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1
- State of stress and age offsets at oceanic fracture zones and implications for subduction initiation
- Determining the impact of Carex rostrata on methane cycling in a temperate fen
- Preliminary tephra-fall records from three lakes in the Anchorage, Alaska area: advances towards a regional tephrochronostratigraphic framework
- The Role of Sphagnum Mosses in Methane Cycling of a Temperate Fen
- 12 Years of NPK Addition Diminishes Carbon Sink Potential of a Nutrient Limited Peatland
- Characterizing Pyroxene Cooling Rate Using Reflectance Spectra
- Hollows on Mercury: Bright-haloed depressions imply recent endogenic activity
- Iron Sulfates Measured Using Thermal Infrared Emission and Visible-Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy
- Solar Wind Manufacturing of Water on the Moon: An Ongoing NLSI Discussion
- Water Interactions with Micronized Lunar Analogs and Application to the Behavior of Water on the Moon
- Detecting refractory organic matter on Mars: how derivatization will help
- Ecosystem-Vegetation Dynamics in sub-arctic Stordalen Mire, Sweden
- Effects of shock metamorphism on clay mineralogy: Implications for remote sensing of martian clays
- Mild Little Ice Age and unprecedented recent warmth in an 1800-year lake sediment record from Svalbard
- Reflectance spectra of hydrated sulfates, phosphates and perchlorates
- Terrane boundaries in the southeastern United States: Insights from seismic anisotropy
- Thermal Infrared Emission Measurements of Iron Sulfate and Phosphate Samples for Application to Mars
- Calcium Sulfate Vein Observations at Yellowknife Bay using ChemCam on the Curiosity Rover
- Calculating Hemispheric Power and Joule Heating using Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F13 data
- Potential Hydrogen Yields from Ultramafic Rocks of the Coast Range Ophiolite and Zambales Ophiolite: Inferences from Mössbauer Spectroscopy
- Pre-Little Ice Age advance and retreat of Linnébreen on Svalbard
- Topographic Evolution on the Moon: Crater Degradation Rates on the Lunar Maria
- Aqueous Conditions and Habitability Associated with Formation of a Serpentinite: Using Analyses of Ferric Iron and Stable Carbon Isotopes to Reconstruct Hydrogen Production
- Capturing field-scale variability in crop performance across a regional-scale climosequence
- Comparing MSL ChemCam Analyses to Shergottite and Terrestrial Rock Types
- Constraints on the Crystal Chemistry of Fe/Mg-Rich Smectitic Clays on Mars and Links to Global Alteration Trends
- Fe Isotope Fractionation During Fe(III) Reduction to Fe(II)
- Ferric Iron Concentrations in Silicate Glasses: a Mössbauer and XAS Study
- First laboratory high-temperature emissivity measurements of Venus analog measurements in the near-infrared atmospheric windows
- Hypotheses on the Source of Potassium Enrichment in Some Gale Crater Rocks
- Redox State of Iron in Lunar Glasses using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis
- A High-Resolution Labrador Sea Surface and Subsurface Water Foraminiferal δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Record and its Relation to Heinrich Events.
- Automatic Whole-Spectrum Matching Techniques for Identification of Pure and Mixed Minerals using Raman Spectroscopy
- Correlating organic carbon concentration and composition with mineralogy in deep-sea pelagic sediments
- Elucidating Geochemical Controls on the Concentration and Composition of Organic Carbon in Deep Pelagic Sediments
- Hydroclimatic Controls on Laminated Sediment Formation in Linnévatnet, Svalbard
- Iron Cycling in Sediment of the North Atlantic: Preliminary Results from R/V Knorr Expedition 223
- Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years
- New Approaches to Characterizing Fe(III) Bioreduction by Hyperthermophiles: Combining Physiological Potential with Mineral Spectroscopies
- Nutrient Addition Leads to a Weaker CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sink and Higher CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions through Vegetation-Microclimate Feedbacks at Mer Bleue Bog, Canada
- RIS4E at Kilauea's December 1974 (D1974) Flow: In Situ Geochemical Analysis and Laboratory Spectral Characterization of Fumarolic Alteration.
- RIS<SUP>4</SUP>E at Kilauea's December 1974 Flow: Chemical, mineralogical and spectral characteristics of Hawaiian basaltic alteration products measured with portable instruments
- Solfataric Alteration at Hawaii as a Potential Analog for Martian Surface Processes
- Timing of Deformation in the Central Metasedimentary Belt Boundary Thrust Zone (CMBbtz), southern Ontario, Canada, from Electron Microprobe Dating of Monazite
- Assessing Future Projections of Climate Extremes Over the South Central USA
- Experimental Investigation of the Stability and Fate of Ferrihydrite during Aqueous Events on Early Mars
- Magnetic, Chemical and Mössbauer Tracking of the Solid Solution of Fe and Exsolution of Magnetite in Plagioclase of the 2.05 Ga Bushveld Complex, South Africa
- New Constraints on the Timing of Deformation in the Maberly Shear Zone, Southern Ontario, Canada from Electron Microprobe Dating of Monazite
- Recent Sedimentation in a High Arctic Glacial Lacustrine System Dominated by Late Melt Season Rain Events, Linnévatnet, Svalbard
- Remote Geochemical and Mineralogical Analyses under Venus Atmospheric Conditions by Raman - Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Source-to-Sink Methods by Hyperspectral Imaging: a Case Study of the Laminated Sediments of Lake Linné (Svalbard).
- Unlocking the secrets of Venus surface mineralogy from orbit
- A Deep Learning Approach to LIBS Spectroscopy for Planetary Applications
- Advances in high-resolution synchrotron micro-XANES for constraining the redox evolution of terrestrial and extraterrestrial magma
- Biogenic iron oxide transformation by hyperthermophiles: spectral and physiological potentials
- Calibration Transfer in LIBS and Raman Spectroscopy for Planetary Applications
- Doctoral Programs Need Changes to Attract and Retain Underrepresented Groups
- Identification of Snow Melt and Refreeze Events Using Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature and Air Temperature
- Near Infrared Multispectral Mapping of Venus Supports the Hypothesis that Tessera Plateau Material was Formed in the Presence of Surface Water
- Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of a Fond St. Jean Cinder Cone, Dominica
- Subduction on Venus and Implications for Volatile Cycling, Early Earth and Exoplanets
- The Effect of Long-term Nutrient Addition on Peat Properties in an Ombrotrophic Bog
- The Venus Emissivity Mapper - Investigating the Atmospheric Structure and Dynamics of Venus' Polar Region
- Using Measurements of Topography to Infer Rates of Crater Degradation and Surface Evolution on the Moon and Mercury
- Venus surface peeking through the atmosphere - gaining a global perspective on the surface composition through near infrared observations
- A Global Assessment of Satellite Soil Moisture Datasets Using Precipitation and Mutual Information
- Annual grain-size variability in three varved High-Arctic lakes
- Characterizing Potential Pingo Morphology on Ceres
- Comparison of Arctic Lake Ice Cover Timing on Svalbard Using Satellite and In-Situ Data
- Gaining a global perspective on the surface composition of Venus from orbit through near infrared observations - with a little help from machine learning approaches
- ProvTools painlessly provides provenance
- The State of Venus Exploration: The View from VEXAG
- The possible role of water and ice in the geology of Ceres' Occator crater
- Autonomous Missions for Venus Science
- Evaluation of Satellite Soil Moisture Datasets Using Mutual Information with Precipitation
- Interpreting Venus Surface Spectra from Orbit: Insights in Rock Type and Oxidation from Laboratory Data
- Investigating Obstacles in Fluorometric Phytoplankton Quantification: in vivo Measurements and Chlorophyll a Extraction
- Pyroxene Fe-Oxybarometry: Revisiting Old Data with New Analytical Tools and Calibrations
- Remote Geochemical and Mineralogical Analyses under Venus Surface Conditions
- Thalassa: A Mission Concept to Follow the Water on Venus
- The Lunar Volatiles Orbiter: A Discovery mission proposal to determine the history and dynamics of solar system volatiles through observations of the Moon
- Understanding Fluid Behavior in Monviso Using Chlorite-Bearing Altered Eclogites from the Lower Shear Zone
- VERITAS: Discovering the Secrets of a Lost Habitable World
- Water on the Moon from a Surface Science Perspective
- We need a global composition map of Venus and orbital infrared spectroscopy is the way to get it
- Creating Mineral "Frankenspectra" Using UV-VNIR-MIR Reflectance Data from Three Different Laboratories
- Experimental Calibration of an Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>/Fe<SUP>2+</SUP>-in-Amphibole Oxybarometer and its Application to Transcrustal Magmatic Processes at Shiveluch Volcano, Kamchatka
- In Situ Geochronology for the Next Decade
- Mapping Hydrogen Variations in Silicate Glasses: Record of Lunar Eruptive Degassing
- Predicting Iron Contents from Venus-Temperature Lab Emissivity Spectra: Insights into Igneous Rock Type
- Anisotropy of X-ray absorption spectra of clinopyroxenes: Importance in petrologic characterization of redox environments
- Calibrating Venus Orbiters Spectral Data: Comparisons Among Emissivity, Bidirectional, and Hemispherical Reflectance Spectra
- Development of a Cr Oxybarometer for Reduced Glasses
- Mineralogical and chemical trends in a 100 m drill core from Lake Towuti, Indonesia reflect catchment, water column, and diagenetic conditions
- Synergistic Science from the VERITAS, DAVINCI, and EnVision Missions to Venus
- Temperature Shifts in VNIR Emissivity Spectra of Minerals Measured at 440C Compared to Ambient Bidirectional Reflectance
- The Venus surface emissivity mapper on the NASA VERITAS and ESA EnVision missions
- Utilizing Partial Least Squares Regression Models to Characterize Tephra Layers from VNIR and MIR Spectra
- VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio science, InSAR, Topography, And Spectroscopy): Discovering the Secrets of a Lost Habitable World
- VERITAS: Change Detection and Community Involvement in Target Selection
- Cohort Approach to Supporting the Next Generation of Diverse Leaders through the Environmental Science Pathways Scholar Program at an All-Women Small Liberal Arts College: Implementation and Early Insights
- Fe K-edge X-ray Absorption Anisotropy of Chain Silicate Minerals
- Insights into the Formation Conditions and Alteration Histories of Li-Rich Pegmatites from Spodumene Iron Oxidation States
- Phantom: An Aerobot Mission to the Skies of Venus
- Solving the Knowledge Gap between Ambient Reflectance and Venus-Temperature Emissivity Spectroscopy
- Thermospheric Molecular Oxygen Density via Stellar Occultations Measured by SORCE
- Using Space-for-Time to Understand the Empirical Dynamics of Tropical Rainforests
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. S. Brecht
- A. T. Russell
- Alessandro Maturilli
- Antonio Lanzirotti
- Colin Wilson
- D. Breuer
- D. C. Nunes
- E. Thiemann
- Ethan R. Deyle
- J. B. Garvin
- J. Helbert
- J. L. Whitten
- J. P. Elliott
- Joshua N. Winn
- Kurt D. Retherford
- L. Iess
- Logan Brenner
- M. D. Dyar
- M. S. Gilmore
- Mario D'Amore
- N. R. Stephen
- Nils Müller
- P. K. Byrne
- R. C. Ghail
- R. E. Milliken
- S. E. Smrekar
- Thomas Widemann
- W. S. Kiefer