University of Washington, Bothell
flowchart I[University of Washington, Bothell] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (120)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Airborne Measurements of NMHCs, O3, CO and Aerosol Scatter in the Northeastern Pacific During the Spring of 2001 PHOBEA-II Campaign
- Ozone-Aerosol Relationships in the Northeast Pacific During ACE-Asia
- Spring and Summer Observations of Carbon Monoxide, Ozone, Non-Methane Hydrocarbons and Total Gaseous Mercury at Cheeka Peak, Washington During the PHOBEA II Campaign
- A Synthesis of Information on Trans-Pacific Transport of Pollutants: Evidence for Impacts in the Western U.S.
- AIRPACT Air Quality Forecasting for August 2001
- Aircraft Measurements of Long-Range Transport of Ozone, CO, Non-Methane Organic Compounds, and Particles in the Eastern North Pacific Troposphere during Spring 2002
- Decadal Ozone Trends in the Eastern Pacific
- Determination of OH during Trans-Pacific Transport of Pollutants using NMHC Ratios and Backward Trajectories: Role of Heterogeneous Chemistry
- Ground Image Based High Precision Mars Rover Localization and Landing Site Mapping
- Impact of Local Pollution and Biomass Burning on Air Quality in the Pacific Norwest During the PNW2001 August Intensive
- Interpretation of Ground-based and Airborne Observations of Long-Range Transport in the Pacific Northwest During Spring 2002 Using the GEOS-CHEM Global Chemical Transport Model
- Measurements of polluted air masses from Eurasia at a surface site in the Pacific Northwest: the importance of transport mechanisms on the chemical composition
- Seasonal and Diurnal Cycles of Elemental Mercury in the Marine Boundary Layer: Evidence for Rapid In-Situ Photo-Oxidation
- Seasonal variations in long-range transport and its influence on CO and Ozone levels in the northeastern Pacific
- Trans-Pacific Air Pollution and NAAQS Attainment: Domestic and International Policy Options
- Siberian Biomass Burning Plumes Across the Pacific: Aircraft Observations in the Pacific Northwest
- Siberian Biomass Burning Plumes Across the Pacific: Impact on Surface Air Quality in the Pacific Northwest
- The influence of long-range transport of pollution on the annual cycles of carbon monoxide and ozone
- Identification of free tropospheric air masses at the new Mt. Bachelor, Oregon observatory
- Observations of Ozone in Asian Pollution Plumes in the Free Troposphere at Mt. Bachelor Observatory during Spring 2004
- Role of Asian plumes and forest fire smoke on background O3 in the Northeast Pacific/western U.S.
- Analysis of Rainfall and PM2.5 Data Using Clustered Trajectory Analysis for National Park Sites in the Western U.S.
- Hot days and warm nights: Influence of climate change on diurnal variation of O3 and CO2 at Barrow, Alaska
- Identification of Free-Tropospheric Air at the Mount Bachelor Observatory
- Increase in Surface Ozone at Rural Sites in the Western U.S.
- Large Stratospheric Electric Fields Driven by Possible Upward Initiated Positive Lightning
- Long term temporal variability of wildfires and its impacts on air quality over North America
- Measurements of Mercury Speciation in the Free Troposphere at the Mount Bachelor Observatory
- Airborne observations of gaseous mercury and other pollutants over the northwestern US during INTEX-B
- Atmospheric mercury fluxes based on ratios with carbon monoxide in pollution plumes from Asian, U.S., and biomass burning sources
- Evaluation of the Role of Fire on PM2.5 concentrations in the Western United States
- Influence of Large Scale Fires on NH, O3 and CO as Seen by Satellite and In-Situ Observations
- Observations of Acyl Peroxy Nitrates at Mount Bachelor Observatory During INTEX-B: Influence of Long-Range Pollution Transport
- Trans-Pacific and Regional Atmospheric Transport of Anthropogenic Semivolatile Organic Compounds to Mt. Bachelor Observatory, U.S.A. from Spring 2004 to Spring 2006
- Can we Detect an Influence over North America From Increasing Asian NOx Emissions?
- Dragon Breath in the American West: Inter-Annual Correlations Between Dust Storms in Asia and PM10 in the Western U.S. as Seen by IMPROVE and MODIS Data
- Hg(II) Sources, Sinks, and Reactions with Halogens in the Remote Atmospheric Marine Boundary Layer
- Inter-annual Variations in CO as Seen at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory by Satellites, GEOS- Chem and Other Regional Surface Sites
- RAQMS chemical data assimilation studies of trans-pacific pollution transport during the 2006 INTEX-B field mission
- Recent increases in Asian emissions and consequences for transpacific ozone pollution in the United States: INTEX-B and Aura observations
- Evaluation of a high time resolution aircraft instrument for elemental and oxidized mercury.
- Importing Ozone Precursors to the North American Free Troposphere: Spring 2008 Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) and NOx Observations from Mount Bachelor
- Particulate Mercury in Wildfires Observed at the Mount Bachelor Observatory from 2005- 2007
- Reducing the Uncertainties in Measurements of Atmospheric Mercury
- The Contribution of Inter-continental Transport to Surface Ozone in the U.S: A Multi-model vs. Observations Assessment
- Use of data from the Mt. Bachelor Observatory to constrain emissions from Asian industrial and biomass burning sources
- High Time Resolution Measurements of Gaseous Oxidized Mercury from Ground and Aircraft Platforms
- How do the optical properties of Asian aerosols change when they cross the Pacific?
- In-situ data from Mt. Bachelor and MISR observations suggests that plume heights are a proxy for chemical composition of biomass plume
- Integrating MISR, MODIS, and CALIPSO Satellite Data with In Situ Measurements at Mount Bachelor to Determine Aerosol Plume Characteristics
- A gas chromatographic instrument for measurement of hydrogen cyanide in the lower atmosphere
- North American isoprene influence on intercontinental ozone pollution
- Statistical Downscaling for Hydroclimate Applications (Invited)
- Back trajectory analysis of high-ozone days from a 15-year record of measurements at Great Basin National Park, Nevada
- Causes of high O<SUB>3</SUB> in the lower free troposphere over the Pacific Northwest as observed at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory
- Climate Change over the Southwestern U.S. as predicted by Regional Climate Models
- Estimates of 21st century flood risk in the Pacific Northwest based on regional scale climate model simulations
- Evidence for elemental mercury oxidation in anthropogenic pollution plumes
- Influence of baseline ozone on surface air quality in the western U.S
- Measurements of Acetic Acid and its Relationships with Trace Gases on Appledore Island, ME during the ICARTT Campaign
- Near-Field Evolution of Biomass Burning Aerosols
- Observing Future Changes in the Photochemical Environment over Western North America due to Changes in Foreign Emissions: Lessons from Mount Bachelor
- The Nevada Rural Ozone Initiative: Field measurements of surface ozone in rural settings
- Atmospheric River Frequency and Intensity Changes in CMIP5 Climate Model Projections
- Direct Demonstration of the Greenhouse Effect
- Oxidation of elemental mercury in anthropogenic pollution plumes and in Pacific marine air masses observed at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory
- Projecting Future Hydrologic Extremes Using a Regional Climate Model
- Transport of free tropospheric aerosol particles and ozone from the Mt. Bachelor Observatory into the continental boundary layer
- Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing Products to Enhance and Evaluate the AIRPACT Regional Air Quality Modeling System
- Atmospheric Rivers, Flood Risk, and Climate Change (Invited)
- Characterizing Uncertainties in Hydrologic Extremes: Statistical vs. Dynamical Downscaling
- Chemistry and processes of aerosols at Mt. Bachelor, a high elevation site in the Pacific Northwest U.S.: influences from regional transport and wildfire plumes
- Dust on the Tracks: Diesel PM and dust emission factors from in-service rail
- End-of-century projections of North American atmospheric river events in CMIP5 climate models
- Investigating ozone in rural Nevada, USA: Results from the first year of the Nevada Rural Ozone Initiative (NVROI)
- Near-Field Evolution of Biomass Burning Aerosols
- Origin of the high oxidized mercury concentrations observed over the southwestern US during the NOMADSS campaign
- Oxidation During NOMADSS
- Sources and Chemistry of Mercury over the Eastern United States during the NOMADSS Campaign (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal patterns of air concentrations of mercury in Western North America 1998-present
- A Comparison of Inventoried and Measured U.S. Urban/Industrial Hg Emission Factors during the NOMADSS Experiment
- Aircraft Observations of Mercury over the US: The Nomadss Experiment
- Characterizing Atmospheric Processing of Aerosols from Forest Fires at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory during BBOP
- Diurnal and Inter-day Variation in Atmospheric Microbial Community Diversity and Composition at Mt. Bachelor Observatory
- Downwind Measurements of Wildfires with Varying Burn Conditions: Flaming vs. Smoldering Emissions
- End-of-Century Projections of North American Atmospheric River Events in CMIP5 Climate Models
- MDA8 O<SUB>3</SUB> Values at Rural Surface Sites in Nevada, USA: Results from Two Years of the Nevada Rural Ozone Initiative (NVROI)
- NOMADSS Aircraft Observations Suggest Rapid Oxidation of Elemental Mercury in the Subtropical Free Troposphere
- Observations and Model Analysis of Enhanced Oxidized Mercury in the Free Troposphere during NOMADSS
- Observations of BrO Using Limb Scanning DOAS During the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
- Ozone from Wildfires: Peering through the Smog
- Source Attribution of Near-surface Ozone in the Western US: Improved Estimates by TF HTAP2 Multi-model Experiment and Multi-scale Chemical Data Assimilation
- Time of Emergence: A Tool for Exploring When and Where Climate Change Could Matter
- Uncertainties of Gaseous Oxidized Mercury Measurements: How to Move Forward?
- Use of NOMADSS Observations to Improve Our Understanding of the Land and Ocean Fluxes of Mercury
- A New Method for Accurate Signal Processing in Measurements of Elemental Mercury Vapor by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometry
- Airborne Observations of Mercury Emissions from the Chicago/Gary Urban/Industrial Area during the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
- Building Science Identity in Disadvantaged Teenage Girls using an Apprenticeship Model
- Development of a Thermal Desorption Tube Sampler and Cryo-GC-MS Method for the Measurement of VOCs in Biomass Burning Plumes
- Effect of Wildfire Aerosols on NO<SUB>2</SUB> Photolysis and Ozone Production at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory
- Integrating Art and Science Through "Design Challenges"
- Record High Free Tropospheric Ozone in the Spring of 2015 over the Western US and its Influence of Surface Air Quality
- Chemical and Physical Properties of Aerosols in Regional Background Air masses and Free Troposphere in the Western U.S.
- Trends and sources of ozone and sub-micron aerosols at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory during 2004-2015
- Emission and Aging of Organic Aerosol in Wildfires in the Western US: Insights from the DOE BBOP Campaign
- Estimating Anthropogenic Emissions of Hydrogen Chloride and Fine Particulate Chloride in China
- Extreme Precipitation, Stormwater, and Flooding in King County: Co-producing Research to Support Adaptation
- Mapping Climate Science Information Needs and Networks in the Northwest, USA through Evaluating the Northwest Climate Science Center Climate Science Digest
- Satellite derived smoke climatology for the United States and surface particulate pollution implications
- Supporting Teachers to Identify Natural Phenomena Through the Storylines Embedded in Online Earth Science Datasets
- Wildland Fire Smoke from Long-Range Transport Enhances Ozone in the Southeastern United States
- Analysis of ambient VOCs using thermal desorption gas chromatography to identify smoke influence in urban areas
- Enhancements of urban ozone during wildfire events in the Pacific Northwest
- Need for Mountain Observatories for Composition of the Atmosphere (MOCA) Network in U.S.
- Photochemistry and O<SUB>3</SUB> production in Boise, Idaho: An urban area with persistent smoke influence
- The role of atmospheric nitrogen fixation by log mat biofilm in the Spirit Lake ecosystem, Mount St. Helens, WA
- Wildfire smoke and indoor air quality: Mitigation of climate change impacts in city community centers
- Fostering STEAM: an equity and mindset-based approach to supporting educators
- U.S. NOx and O<SUB>3</SUB> now declining very slowly thru 2019. What will 2020 show?
- The Impact of Wildfire Smoke on Ozone Production in an Urban Area: Insights From Field Observations and Photochemical Box Modeling