NOAA National Geodetic Survey
flowchart I[NOAA National Geodetic Survey] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (262)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (5)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Absolute Gravimeter Helium Immersion Experiment
- Absolute Gravity and Crustal Deformation in Yellowstone Caldera
- Determining ITRF2000 Positions and Velocities for the National CORS
- Analysis of Nine Years of North American CORS Data
- High-Rate GPS Data From the National CORS Network
- Evaluation of Colocation Ties Relating the VLBI and GPS Frames
- Gravity Monitoring of Ground-Water Storage Change in the Southwestern United States
- Impact of Local Gravity Observations on a Littoral Geoid
- Power Spectral Analysis of Simultaneous VLBI and GPS Tropospheric Estimates
- Aerogravity and Lidar Data Over Southwestern Florida
- Constraints on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) Motion in North American Using GPS
- Impact of thermal expansion of VLBI radio telescopes on the scale of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame
- A Comparison of Geodetic and Geologic Methods for the Measurement of Modern Subsidence of the Louisiana Coast
- Anomalous Harmonics in the Spectra of GPS Position Estimates
- Evaluating the Ocean Surface From Improved Vertical Datums: Towards an Absolute Accuracy for NAVD 88
- Improved UT1 and Nutation Estimates Using Better Multi-technique Combination Strategies
- A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Errors Inherent in the use of a 2-Dimensional Shell for Modeling the Ionosphere
- A Kalman Filter for Improved Multi-Technique Estimates of UT1 Variations
- Comparison of Gravimetric Geoid Height Models with Ocean Mean Dynamic Topography Models at Tidal Bench Marks around North America
- Estimating and Improving the Accuracy of Airborne Kinematic GPS Positioning
- GRAV-D Part I: Gravity for the Redefinition of the American Vertical Datum Project Ramps Up
- High Resolution DEM over Alaska and Its Application to Geoid Modeling
- Status of IGS Ultra-Rapid Products for Real-Time Applications
- The California Post-Earthquake Information Clearinghouse: A Plan to Learn From the Next Large California Earthquake
- Comparisons of in situ observations of bulk near-surface meteorological variables, turbulent and radiative fluxes, and cloud properties with operational NWP models in the VOCALS region
- Discovery of Marine Datasets and Geospatial Metadata Visualization
- GEOID09, USGG2009, and DEFLEC09: New National Models for the United States of America and Its Territories
- Geophysical and Geodetic Analysis of Airborne Gravity Data from GRAV-D in Alaska
- NGS’ GRAV-D Project: Current update and future prospects
- New smoke predictions for Alaska in NOAA’s National Air Quality Forecast Capability
- Results from the New IGS Time Scale Algorithm (version 2.0)
- Value of the GENS Forecast Ensemble as a Tool for Adaptation of Economic Activity to Climate Change
- Disaster Risk Reduction through Innovative Uses of Crowd Sourcing (Invited)
- Effects of atmospheric variability and non-tidal ocean loading on GPS position coordinates (Invited)
- GRAV-D: The Challenge of High-Altitude Aerogravimetry
- Interpretations of Complete Bouguer Gravity Anomalies from the GRAV-D Project in Alaska
- Strategies to mitigate aliasing of loading signals while estimating GPS frame parameters
- Surface gravity observations define gravity field change over 30 years
- Better Aircraft Positioning for Airborne Gravimetry: Results from GRAV-D's "Kinematic GPS Challenge" Issued to the GPS Community
- Consistency of Crustal Loading Signals Derived from Models and GPS: A Re-examination
- Determination of an Optimal Geopotential Value for the North American Geoid
- Evaluation of GPS Orbit Prediction Strategies for the IGS Ultra-rapid Products
- Geoid modeling by optimal combination of heterogeneous data - preliminary results in Texas
- Initial results of the 2011 Geoid Slope Validation Survey
- Lidar Wavelength Considerations and Radiometric Performance Analysis for Coastal Applications
- NGS' GRAV-D Project Brings Advances in Aerogravimetry
- Quantifying load model errors by comparison to a global GPS time series solution
- Testing the Dependence of Airborne Gravity Results on Three Variables in Kinematic GPS Processing
- Airborne Gravimetry: Data Accuracy Evaluated for use in Geoid Calculation
- Densification of the ITRF through the weekly combination of regional and global GNSS solutions
- Modernizing the U.S. Vertical Datum: Effects on Floodplain Mapping
- Towards a New Vertical Datum
- Aircraft Positioning for Airborne Gravimetry: GRAV-D's 'Kinematic GPS Processing Challenge' (Invited)
- Gravity Disturbances at Altitude and at the Surface
- Optimizing an Absolute Gravimeter Comparison Schedule
- Regional geoid height models developed using aerogravity
- Still Readings and Long-term Drift in GRAV-D's TAGS Gravimeters
- The Implications for Higher-Accuracy Absolute Measurements for NGS and its GRAV-D Project
- Understanding the thermal and tectonic evolution of Marie Byrd Land from a reanalysis of airborne geophysical data in the West Antarctic Rift System
- Absolute Gravity Datum in the Age of Cold Atom Gravimeters
- Airborne Gravity Data Enhances NGS Experimental Gravimetric Geoid in Alaska
- Assessing performance of gravity models in the Arctic and the implications for polar oceanography
- California Earthquake Clearinghouse Activation for August 24, 2014, M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Changes in the Seasonal Cycle of Sea Surface Salinity during the Argo-era (2004-2013)
- NOAA's Data Catalog and the Federal Open Data Policy
- Source Attribution of Near-surface Ozone in the Western US: Improved Estimates by TF HTAP2 Multi-model Experiment and Multi-scale Chemical Data Assimilation
- Advancing the cyberinfrastructure for sustaining high resolution, real-time streamflow and flood forecasts at a national scale
- Assessing and Synthesizing the Last Decade of Research on the Major Pools and Fluxes of the Carbon Cycle in the US and North America: An Interagency Governmental Perspective
- California Earthquake Clearinghouse: Advocating for, and Advancing, Collaboration and Technology Interoperability, Between the Scientific and Emergency Response Communities, to Produce Actionable Intelligence for Situational Awareness, and Decision Support
- Development of a Coordinated National Soil Moisture Network: A Pilot Study
- Drift Rates of Three Micro-g LaCoste Turnkey Airborne Gravity Systems (TAGS) Used for the GRAV-D Project
- Hydrologic Modeling at the National Water Center: Operational Implementation of the WRF-Hydro Model to support National Weather Service Hydrology
- Measuring Change in Arctic Coastal Environments Using Repeat Aerial Photography and SfM Elevation Models
- National Weather Service, Emergency Medical Services, Scripps Institution of Oceanography/UCSD and California EPA Collaboration on Heat Health Impact and Public Notification for San Diego County
- Operational, hyper-resolution hydrologic modeling over the contiguous U.S. using themulti-scale, multi-physics WRF-Hydro Modeling and Data Assimilation System.
- Quantifying Variations in Airborne Gravity Data Quality Due to Aircraft Selection with the Gravity for the Re-Definition of the American Vertical Datum Project
- RISA progress in the development of drought indicators to support decision making
- The Climate Variability & Predictability (CVP) Program at NOAA - Recent Program Advancements
- The Role of Aircraft Motion in Airborne Gravity Data Quality
- The Use of GOCE/GRACE Information in the Latest NGS xGeoid15 Model for the USA
- Use of radar rainfall data for high-resolution flash flood forecasting in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area
- Which comes first in the U.S. Arctic - the tidal datum or the shoreline position?
- A Novel Web Application to Analyze and Visualize Extreme Heat Events
- A Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Western Forecasting Rodeo: Time to Giddy-up!
- An Overview of the National Weather Service National Water Model
- Analysis of Extreme Hydrologic Events in the NOAA National Water Model
- Coupled Model Development and Multi-Model Ensemble Prediction Research and Transition Activities in the NOAA MAPP Program
- Development and Evaluation of a Gridded CrIS/ATMS Visualization for Operational Forecasting
- Evaluating CONUS-Scale Runoff Simulation across the National Water Model WRF-Hydro Implementation to Disentangle Regional Controls on Streamflow Generation and Model Error Contribution
- Evaluation of streamflow forecast for the National Water Model of U.S. National Weather Service
- Fostering Synergies Among Organizations to put Climate in Context for Use in Decision Making
- Historic and Contemporary Shoreline Retreat Rates at the Community of Goodnews Bay, Alaska
- Hyper-Resolution Hydrological Predictions in Large Nested Domains within Continental Scale Models
- Inclusion of Coastal Wetlands within the Inventory of United States Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks
- NADCON5: your tool for easy, consistent coordinate transformations
- NOAA Climate Program Office Contributions to National ESPC
- NOAA's National Water Model - Integration of National Water Model with Geospatial Data creating Water Intelligence
- New Datums for the Nation: Modernizing the United States National Spatial Reference System
- Post-processing Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts via Integrating Climate Indices and the Analog Approach
- Refining the effects of aircraft motion on an airborne beam-type gravimeter
- Retrospective evaluation of continental-scale streamflow nudging with WRF-Hydro National Water Model V1
- Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Science and Prediction Initiatives of the NOAA MAPP Program
- The Drought Task Force and Research on Understanding, Predicting, and Monitoring Drought
- The National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS) as a Learning System for Extreme Heat: Evolving Future Resilience from Present Climate Extremes
- Transforming National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Water Prediction
- 2017 Updates: Earth Gravitational Model 2020
- A Decade of Building a STEM Educational Community of Practice from the Ground Up: Leveraging Technology, Visualization, and Evaluation
- A New NOAA Research Initiative on the Seasonal Prediction of U.S. Coastal High Water Levels
- Actionable Science in the Gulf of Mexico: Connecting Researchers and Resource Managers
- Analysis of Stakeholder-Defined Needs in Northeast U.S. Coastal Communities to Determine Gaps in Research Informing Coastal Resilience Planning
- Climate Observing Systems: Where are we and where do we need to be in the future
- Cryptic Species and Vital Effects of Planktonic Foraminifera and the Implications for the B/Ca Carbonate System Proxy
- Emergency Response Imagery Related to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria
- Error Propagation in the four terrestrial reference frames of the 2022 Modernized National Spatial Reference System
- Estimating Gravity Biases with Wavelets in Support of a 1-cm Accurate Geoid Model
- Estimating Vertical Land Motion in the Chesapeake Bay
- Improving Precipitation Forcings for the National Water Model
- Inorganic Carbon and Oxygen Dynamics in a Marsh-dominated Estuary
- Nationwide validation of ensemble streamflow forecasts from the Hydrologic Ensemble Forecast Service (HEFS) of the U.S. National Weather Service
- Ocean heat content estimation from in situ observations at the National Centers for Environmental Information: Improvements and Uncertainties
- One Health: Understanding and Improving Human, Animal, and Environmental Health as a Connected System Across NOAA
- Pathway to 2022: The Ongoing Modernization of the United States National Spatial Reference System
- Polar Motion Studies and NOAA's Legacy of International Scientific Cooperation: Ukiah and Gaithersburg Latitude Observatories
- Preparing for Operational Use of High Priority Products from the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) in Numerical Weather Prediction
- Refocusing and Evolving Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Services in NOAA's National Weather Service
- Response of Living Shorelines to Wave Energy and Sea Level rise: Short-term Resilience and Long-term Vulnerability in North Carolina
- Status of NGS CORS Network and Its Contribution to the GGOS Infrastructure
- The Effect of Improved Sub-Daily Earth Rotation Models on Global GPS Data Processing
- The Effect of Pitch, Roll, and Yaw on Airborne Gravity Observations of the NOAA GRAV-D Project
- The Effects of Lever Arm (Instrument Offset) Error on GRAV-D Airborne Gravity Data
- The Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN): Putting the Pieces Together
- The Subseasonal Experiment (SubX) to Advance National Weather Service Predictions for Weeks 3-4
- Tidal Wetlands and Coastal Ocean Carbon Dynamics
- Understanding the interactions between Social Capital, climate change, and community resilience in Gulf of Mexico coastal counties
- Using an Optionally Piloted Aircraft for Airborne Gravity Observations with the NOAA GRAV-D Project
- Using the Environmental Intelligence Framework to Address Arctic Issues: A Case Study of Alaskan Fisheries and Ocean Acidification
- Value of Earth Observation for Risk Mitigation
- 6-axis Robot for Absolute Antenna Calibration at the US National Geodetic Survey
- A Comparison of Open-Source Multi-GNSS Point Positioning Software Packages
- A HYSPLIT-based fire emission inverse modeling system for smoke forecast
- A Survey of Seasonal Variations of Internal Tide in the Gulf of Maine through in-situ Observations
- Advancing Best Practices for the Analysis of the Vulnerability of Military Installations in the Pacific Basin to Coastal Flooding under a Changing Climate
- Application for the Routine Evaluation of Operational Hydrologic Forecasts
- Application of ESMF/NUOPC Coupled Framework for Total Water Level Studies
- Arctic Ocean Data in the World Ocean Database
- Assessing and updating a probabilistic framework to predict sea-level rise impacts
- Assessment of Climate Impacts on Oceans and Marine Resources of the United States
- Assimilating DART Data into an Upgrade of VDatum for the US West Coast
- Augmenting Stream Gauges for Calibrating the NWM V2.0
- Bridging the Weather-to-Climate Prediction Gap: Progress by the NOAA S2S Prediction Task Force
- CORS data reprocessing in IGS14 reference frame at the National Geodetic Survey
- Changes in Deep South Atlantic MOC Properties at 30°S
- Climate Science in the Fourth US National Climate Assessment
- Co-production of science for decision making: the NOAA RISA Network
- Coastal Flooding Risks on the Rise
- Comparison of Shiptrack Gravity Datasets from NGA and NCEI
- Continuously Operating Reference Stations Time Series Analysis from the Recent GPS Data Reprocessing at National Geodetic Survey
- Developing Skill Assessment and Performance Metrics for the National Ocean Service's Operational Storm Surge Model Forecasting Systems.
- Developing a Data Visualization Tool within the Chesapeake Bay Sentinel Site Cooperative
- Engagement strategies at NOAA's
- Enhancements to the WRF-Hydro Hydrologic Model Structure for Semi-arid Environments
- Evaluating Gridded Precipitation Analysis Forcings for the National Water Model
- Forward Scattering 'Radar of Opportunity' aboard the PAZ Satellite: Sensing of Heavy Precipitation and Synergies with GPM and other Precipitation Radars
- Foundation CORS: An ultra-stable, high-reliability backbone for the U.S. CORS Network
- Fourth National Climate Assessment - Coastal Effects Chapter
- From Short-term to Long-term Awards: Lessons Learned in Co-production of Actionable Science for the Gulf of Mexico
- Future State Plane Coordinate System for the United States
- Highlights from the Fourth National Climate Assessment: Climate Effects on U.S. International Interests
- Hydrologic Classification as a New Approach to Parameter Regionalization for the National Water Model
- Hydrologic Operational Evaluation Reporting System for the National Water Model
- JPSS User Readiness Scorecard
- Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Proving Ground and Risk Reduction (PGRR) Program Evolution
- Know Before You Go: Rip current science, forecasting and communication at NOAA
- Leveling in a Modern Vertical Datum Realized by GNSS and a Gravimetric Geoid Model
- Locally relevant, science-based tools and information to help communities and businesses build climate resilience
- Meteorological Observations of the Alaska Transportable Array
- Modeling tidal datums and spatially varying uncertainties in New York Bight, Hudson River, Long Island Sound, and Narragansett Bay
- NOAA's National Water Model: An Update on Model Activities and Related Initiatives
- NWS Regional and Local Climate - Informed Decision Support Services
- Our Changing Climate: National Climate Assessment NCA4 Vol. 2, Chapter 2
- Overview of the JPSS Proving Ground Initiatives
- Practical Considerations for the Determination of Euler Pole Parameters
- Recent Advancements for NOAA's Time-Dependent Geoid Undulation Model and Geoid Monitoring Service (GeMS)
- Strategies for promoting the consistency and usability of geometrical reference frames
- Structure-from-Motion Production and Analysis of Digital Surface Models of NOAA Coastal Airborne Imagery from Alaska's North Slope
- The Analysis of Record for Calibration: A High-Resolution Precipitation and Surface Weather Dataset for the United States
- The Effects of Lever Arm (Instrument Offset) Error on GRAV-D Airborne Gravity Data
- The Experimental Geoid 2018 Computation at NGS
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment: Summary Findings and Overview
- The Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment: Climate Effects on U.S. International Interests
- The Global Oceanographic Data Archeology and Rescue Project - returning historic ocean profile data to community use.
- The NOAA RISA Program: Building a Culture of Resilience Underpinning Sustainable Economic Growth
- The National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS): Understanding user needs and decisions at the local to regional scale
- The West Coast Operational Forecast System: using HF radar surface currents for skill assessment and assimilation
- The World Ocean Atlas 2018: Improvements and Uses of Climatological Mean Fields
- The importance of wind in modulating Karenia brevis blooms along southwest coast of Florida: an observation-modeling synthesis
- Using Observations and Models to Develop Integrated Tidal Current Products
- Validation of Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts from the Hydrologic Ensemble Forecast Service (HEFS)
- Vertical Motion and Control Network Stability Insights from Extended and Simultaneous GNSS Observation Campaigns at Five Tide Stations in Alaska
- "GPS on Bench Marks": NGS Engaging Communities to Improve Positional Science
- A Proposed Data Exchange File Format for Vertical Ties to GNSS at Tide Gauges
- Airborne Gravimeter Comparison using GRAV-D Data from Hawaii Collected by Two Different Airborne Gravimeters Installed on the Same Aircraft
- An Evaluation of the Quality of Multi-GNSS Observations Within the NOAA Foundation CORS Network
- Being Weather Ready Starts with Being Climate-Smart
- Bringing new life to harmful algal bloom prediction after crossing the valley of death
- Calibrating the National Water Model V2.1 over the Contiguous United States
- Data Rates for Positioning in Airborne Gravity: How Fast is Fast Enough?
- Developing High-Resolution Channel to Basin-Scale Unstructured Grid Hydrodynamic Models for Tide/Storm Predictions in the US East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts
- Drivers, priorities, and best practices for maintenance and expansion of the global network of GNSS stations co-located with tide gauges
- Evaluating Mean Ocean Dynamic Topography at NWLON Tide Gauges
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of the NOAA Climate Program Office Congressional Communication Strategy
- Evaluation of Meteorological Ensemble Forecast Processor (MEFP) using inputs, parameters, and outputs at various times of day
- Evolution of the NWS Hydrologic Ensemble Forecast Service (HEFS)
- Flying A US Hyperspectral Sounder at GEO: New Potential for Economic Benefits
- Geodesy Outreach, Education, and Citizen Science at NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
- High-Resolution Temporal Geoid Modeling in Alaska for a New Geopotential Datum
- How can funders support the co-production of science? A pilot co-production workshop in the Gulf of Mexico
- Monitoring Vertical Movement of Water Level Sensors Through GNSS at Crescent City, CA
- Near Real-Time Hydrologic Operational Evaluation of National Water Model (NWM) Streamflow Short- and Medium-Range Forecasts.
- Novel use of satellite data for improving national air quality forecasts through emission data assimilation
- Predicting Compound Flooding in Low-Lying Coastal Areas Produced by Tropical Storms
- Regional-Scale Hydrologic and Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Riverine-Estuarine System under Extreme Storms: Application to U.S. East Coast
- Representing Anthropogenic Processes in the National Water Model: A Persistence Approach to Reservoir Operations
- Strengthening the NOAA CORS Network: Foundation CORS, Orbit Analysis, and Other Initiatives
- The Evolution of NOAA's National Water Model: An Overview of Version 2.1 and Future Operational Plans
- Towards a Unified Modeling Framework for Coupling Coastal Ocean Models and Inland Hydrology at NOAA's National Ocean Service
- Advances to Global Unstructured Mesh Storm Tide Modeling for Operational Forecasting
- Coastal Ocean Modelling Infrastructure Development at the NOAA National Ocean Service in Support of Disaster Mitigation and Marine Navigation
- Comparison of the National Water Model v2.0 snowpack model with surface snow observations for the 2020 water year
- Complex Numerical Simulation of the U.S. East Coast and Inland Areas using a Coupled Hydrologic, Hydrodynamic and Ocean model: Application to Hurricane Sandy
- Compound Flooding during Hurricane Florence (2018)
- Coupled hydrological-hydrodynamic simulation for compound flooding event during Hurricane Harvey
- Development of an Ocean-Coupled Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Nearshore Model for the US Gulf of Mexico and Storm-Surge Hindcast Simulation of Hurricane Ike
- Earth Observations for Climate-Ready Aquaculture Management and Siting to Improve Food Security and Ocean Health in Palau, a Small Island Developing State
- Exploring Volcanic Ash Forecasting Techniques Using HYSPLIT and VOLCAT Observations
- Extratropical Surge & Tide Operational Forecast System (ESTOFS): Global Upgrade, Future Development, Pacific Enhancement
- Geodetic Astronomy with an Imaging Robotic Total Station
- Impact of Calibration Objective Function on the Performance of National Water Model
- Improved integrated flood prediction at coastal regions via one-way coupled WRF-Hydro-ADCIRC
- Improving the quality of NGS's GPS on Bench Marks with machine learning
- Initiating a New Baseline of Vertical Land Motions in the Chesapeake Bay
- Large Scale Unstructured WAVEWATCH III for Hurricane Hindcasts: Offshore and Nearshore Validation
- Maritime Services Provided by National Ocean Service Coastal Ocean Operational Forecast Systems
- Modeling Distributed and Point Sources in a GWCE-Based Finite Element Hydrodynamic Model, ADCIRC
- NOAA Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA): Moving forward on climate adaptation, risk management, and community engagement
- NOAA/NOS Integrated Northern Gulf of Mexico Operational Forecast System
- NWM V3.0 Alaska Domain Expansion: Overview, Forcing Evaluation and Initial Model Testing
- National Weather Service: Examining Uncertainty Products While Making Good Decisions Associated with Tropical Cyclones
- On the improvements in precipitation, temperature and streamflow forecasts from the Hydrologic Ensemble Forecast Service after upgrading from the GEFSv10 to the GEFSv12
- Operational near real-time system for evaluating continental-scale hydrologic prediction at the time scale of individual events
- Overview of NOAA Research on Atmospheric Impacts Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Priority setting in a virtual world: Lessons learned from a multi-agency sediment budget workshop
- Representing Active Water Management within the National Water Model: Real-time Assimilation of Reservoir Releases from NWS River Forecast Centers
- Reviewing MAPP Task Forces
- Seasonal Forecasting of Sea Level Anomalies in a Multi-model Prediction Framework
- The Airborne Gravity Off-Level Correction Revisited Using NGS GRAV-D Data
- The World Ocean Database Cloud (WODc) - community participation andinteraction with a global database
- Toward Improving Parameter Regionalization for the National Water Model Using the CAMELS Dataset
- User Feedback on Potential Changes in the ENSO Alert System
- A Neural Network for Automatic Detection of Anomalies in GNSS Residual Position Time Series
- Sensitivity analysis of the coastal ocean forecasts to bathymetry conditions
- Understanding the Coupled Effect of Upland Hydrology and Ocean Hydrodynamics During Extreme Events Along the East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts of the US