NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
flowchart I[NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (498)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (51)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Climatology and interannual variability of diurnal water vapor heating
- Evaluation of Nitrogen Species Using MOZART During the TOPSE Experiment
- Evaluation of the enhanced near realtime precipitation data for Land Data Assimilation System
- Generation and Assimilation of Simulated Argo Float Data in an Ocean Model
- Impact of Quikscat Data on Numerical Weather Prediction
- Operational Seasonal Precipitation Forecast For Puerto Rico And US Virgin Islands Using CCA
- Operational near real-time processing of ERS-2 orbits and altimeter data
- The GCIP/GAPP NOAA Partnership of NCEP, OHD, and NESDIS in Multi-disciplinary, Coupled Land/Atmosphere Modeling, Prediction and Data Assimilation
- A National Program for Analysis of the Climate System
- Assessing the impact of soil moisture initialization on seasonal predictions using the NCEP AGCM
- Global Teleconnections between Climate Indices and the Palmer Drought Index
- Impact of Quikscat Data on Numerical Weather Prediction
- Seasonal Precipitation Simulations and Predictions over North America with the Eta Regional Climate Model
- South American Monsoon and the Land Surface Processes
- Global Climatological and Real-Time Green Vegetation Fraction from AVHRR
- Improving the Snowmelt Simulation in NCEP Noah LSM
- Polar MM5 Simulations of the Winter Climate of the Laurentide Ice Sheet During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Solar cycle signals in northern hemisphere wave activity
- Using CEOP EOP-1 in situ observations to evaluate land surface processes simulated from the NCEP Global Forecast System coupled with the Noah LSM
- Verification Of Rainfall Estimates Over Africa Using RFE, NASA MPA-RT, And CMORPH
- Comparison of an Aerosol Assimilation System of MODIS Radiances with AERONET retrievals.
- Does the Oceanic Meridional Overturning Cell Really Have More Than one Stable State ??
- The Impact of Soil Moisture Initialization on Seasonal Precipitation in the West African Sahel Using the Regional Spectral Model
- A Review of the 2005 Antarctic Ozone Hole
- Characteristics of the Middle Atlantic Bight Shelfbreak Front
- Evaluation of diurnal precipitation rates from rain gauges over western Mexico
- Examination of the aerosol first indirect effect during the 2003 Aerosol Intensive Operational Period (AIOP) at the Southern Great Plain (SGP)
- Improving forecast of Antarctic ozone hole by using Aura OMI ozone data
- Numerical Geostrophic Adjustment Process Experiments
- Wave System Analysis of WAVEWATCH III Model Performance
- Application of Observed Precipitation in NCEP Global and Regional Data Assimilation Systems, Including Reanalysis and Land Data Assimilation
- Conveying Global Circulation Patterns in HDTV
- Development of Drought Monitoring and Seasonal Prediction Systems for the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) Initiative from NOAA's Climate Prediction Program for the Americas (CPPA)
- NOAA International Polar Year Formal And Informal Education Projects: Climate Change And Exploration At The Poles During The Forth International Polar Year
- On the Sensitivity of Land Surface Models to Precipitation Forcing
- Ozone, PBL and Preliminary PM2.5 Verification in NAM-CMAQ Modeling System at NCEP
- The Meteorological Footprints of US Drought and their Oceanic Origins
- The Recent Increase in North Atlantic Hurricane Activity: Is it a Cycle or is it due to Global Warming?
- Use of COSMIC Radio Occultation Observations in the NOAA/NCEP Data Assimilation System
- An Evaluation of Ozone and PM2.5 Air Quality Forecast Model Skill and Several Bias Correction Methods During the TEXAQS 2006 Field Program
- An assessment of the performance of NAM-CMAQ air quality forecast with measurements from surface networks and specialized field campaigns
- Calibration Experiments for Nested HYCOM Coupled to Hurricane-WRF
- Diagnosis of performance of the Noah LSM snow model
- Evaluation of Emissions and Photochemical Processing Within Air Quality Model Forecasts During the 2006 TexAQS/GoMACCS Field Study
- Ozone and PM 2.5 Verification in NAM-CMAQ Modeling System at NCEP
- The North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME): Progress and challenges in warm season hydroclimate research
- Water Vapor, Cloud Liquid Water Paths, and Rain Rates over the Northern High Latitudes
- A Kalman filter and 3dVAR inter-comparison with NCEP's new operational forecasting system
- An online mineral dust model within the global/regional NMMB: current progress and plans
- CPC Experimental MJO Forecast Tools Using Operational GFS and CFS Data
- Establishing the calibration link between VIIRS on NPP/NPOESS and AVHRR on POES using the Antarctic Dome C site and SNO methodology
- Evaluation of ASCAT Ocean Surface Vector Wind (OSVW) Retrievals at NOAA OPC
- Extratropical Cyclones With Hurricane Force Winds
- Fifty Years of Climate Curricular Confusion and Pedagogical Gaps
- GEFS/NAEFS and Probabilistic Forecast Verification
- How does western Pacific intraseasonal variability affect the prediction of ENSO?
- Impact of high-frequency atmospheric forcing on oceanic mixed layer variability
- Influence of Biomass Burning and Mid-latitude Pollution on the Arctic Atmosphere During the ARCTAS Field Campaign: A Three Dimensional Modeling Analysis
- NCEP GFS-GOCART DUST AOD Evaluation with MODIS Observation
- Overview of the development and evaluation of the NCEP global dust modeling system
- PBL Verification with Radiosonde and Aircraft Data
- The Role of the Pacific- North American (PNA) Pattern in the 2007 Arctic Sea Ice Decline
- Utilizing Kernelized Advection Schemes in Ocean Models
- Analysis of Surface PM_2.5 During the TEXAQS II Field Program and its Errors in NMM-CMAQ & WRF-Chem Models with Connection to the Regional Meteorology
- Diurnal cycle of SSTs in the North American monsoon region
- Global and seasonal assessment of interactions between climate and vegetation biophysical processes using GCM and a preliminary comparison with the assessment from satellite products
- Identifying coupled modes of variability through singular vector decomposition and extracting climate trends
- Identifying parameters to describe local land-atmosphere coupling
- Modeling study on the factors affecting regional air quality during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
- NOAA Operational Model Archive Distribution System (NOMADS): High Availability Applications for Reliable Real Time Access to Operational Model Data
- NOAA's National Climate Model Portal (NCMP): NOMADS Next?
- North American Land Data Assimiliation (NLDAS) Data: 30 Years of Hourly Gridded Precipitation, Surface Meteorology and Fluxes, Soil Moisture, Runoff, and Snow Cover Available at the NASA Goddard GES DISC
- Overview Of The Development And Evaluation Of The NCEP Global Aerosol Modeling System: Particulates From Biomass Burning
- Public Release of 30-year (1979-2008) NLDAS High-resolution Products - Analysis and Validation for Soil Moisture and Temperature
- Simulation of AMSR-E Brightness Temperature in LIS-CRTM System
- The Expected Impacts of NPOESS Microwave and Infrared Sounder Radiances on Operational Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation Systems
- The Feedback of Sea Ice Loss on Arctic Temperatures: 1970-2008
- The Global Dust Modeling System of the NOAA/NWS National Centers for Environmental Protection
- Understanding the transport pathways of pollutants to the Arctic during the 2008 ARCTAS/CARB campaign: A regional scale modeling study
- A Real-time Operational Global Ocean Forecast System
- An Observing System Simulation Experiment for the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems in improving tropical cyclone forecasts
- Determining the Factors for the Simulation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation: Use of NCEP CFS RAS Model
- Development of global aerosol forecasting system at NCEP
- Dynamic Hurricane Season Prediction with the NCEP T382 CFS CGCM
- Evaluation of Noah model performance in two basins in the Sierra Nevada Mountains on the Hydrologic Rainfall Analysis Project (HRAP) grid
- Impacts of Tibetan Plateau snowpack pollution on the Asian hydrological cycle and monsoon climate
- Improvement of Satellite Data Assimilation with Updated Microwave Land Emissivity Model in CRTM and New Momentum and Thermal Roughness Lengths in GFS
- Intra-seasonal Mixed Layer Process Variability from the ECCO Ocean Data Assimilation Product: Preliminary Analysis Relevant to DYNAMO
- Local Land-Atmosphere Coupling (Invited)
- Measurements of HONO and NO2 by tunable infrared differential absorption spectrometer during SHARP 2009
- Multi-decadal variations of atmospheric aerosols and their effects on surface radiation trends
- Performance of high-resolution satellite precipitation products over China
- Predictability of near-surface climate extreme events
- Regional downscaling of NCEP CFS seasonal forecasts by NCEP RSM
- The Development Of NCEP Global Aerosol Modeling System: Fire Emissions
- The Effect of Measured Ozone Profiles and Tropospheric Ozone on UV Photolysis Rate Coefficients in the Troposphere in Houston, TX
- Towards community consensus clear-sky ocean radiances and SSTs from AVHRR
- U.S. Federal Investments in Climate Change Education: They're Warming Up! (Invited)
- A Gauge-Radar-Satellite Merged Analysis of High-Resolution Regional Precipitation over Eastern China: Preliminary Investigation
- A Verification Framework for Interannual-to-Decadal Prediction Experiments
- Aerosols versus Greenhouse Gas Climate Effects: Impacts on Temperature and Precipitation Changes and Implications for Decision-making
- Aircraft Observations of Water Vapor Transport in Atmospheric Rivers: Synthesis from Seven Events Using Dropsonde Data from the NASA Global Hawk, NOAA G-IV, and NOAA WP-3D
- Application of Satellite and Ozonesonde Data to the Study of Nighttime Tropospheric Ozone Impacts and Relationship to Air Quality
- Assessing the Evaporation-Precipitation Feedback over North America in GFDL's AM2.1 Atmospheric Model
- CP ENSO in the NCEP CFS model: Extratropical SLP Forcing and Marine Stratus Clouds
- Drought Monitoring and Forecasting Using the Princeton/U Washington National Hydrologic Forecasting System
- Evaluation of the dynamical conditions of the 2010/11 Northern Hemisphere winter stratosphere and the late final warming
- Middle Atlantic Bight Marine Ecosystem: A Regional Forecast Model Study
- Multi-model ensembles for regional downscaling by different dynamics in a regional model
- New Perspectives on Intermountain Cyclones and Cold Fronts
- OceanNOMADS: Real-time and retrospective access to operational U.S. ocean prediction products
- On the Asymmetry of Indian Summer Monsoon Predictability During Warm and Cold ENSO Events
- On the remote and regional forcings of extreme events in southern South America
- Prediction of Tropical Storm Season Activities with the NCEP T382 CFS CGCM
- Quantifying Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric CO2 Using GOSAT and Surface Flask Observations
- The GOES-R Product Generation Architecture
- The Ground Segment Architecture for GOES-R
- The Impact of Multi-scales Waves Interaction on Weather Forecast Predictability
- The North American Land Data Assimilation System: Application to Drought over CONUS
- Uncertainties of Gauge-Based Ananlyses in Detecting Precipitation Long-Term Trend: Sensitivity of Network Changes
- A Gauge-Based Analysis of Hourly Precipitation over CONUS and Its Applications in Quantifying Error in the Radar-, Satellite Estimates, and Numerical Model Simulations
- A Random Subgrouping Scheme for Ensemble Based Filters
- A review of the global monsoon system in 2012
- Application of NCEP Land Data Assimilation Systems for Global and Regional Drought Analysis, Monitoring and Prediction
- Asian Monsoons in the NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2
- CMIP5 Projections of Temperature and Hydrologic Extremes for the U.S.
- Changes to Drought Metrics within the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) from the Assimilation of Soil Moisture and Snow
- Evaluation of Day and Nighttime Lower Tropospheric Ozone from Air Quality Models using TES and Ozonesondes
- Global Tropical Cyclone Winds from the QuikSCAT and OceanSAT-2 Scatterometers
- Hydroclimatological Controls of Endemic and Non-endemic Cholera of the 20th Century
- Improving monitoring of tropical forests using year 2009 SEVIRI data
- Multi-model Intraseasonal Forecasting of the Madden-Julian Oscillation during DYNAMO/CINDY/AMIE Period
- NOAA In Situ - Satellite Blended Analysis of Surface Salinity (BASS): Prototype Algorithm and Applications
- NOAA Plans for Geomagnetic Storm Observations
- NOAA's operational predictions of wildfire smoke and dust from dust storms for air quality applications
- North American Climate in CMIP5 Experiments: Assessment of 21st Century Projections
- Polestitters: Using Solar Sails for Constant Real-time Sensing of Earth's Polar Regions
- Prediction Skill and Bias of Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures in the NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2
- Progress in Simulating Intraseasonal Variability in Climate Models
- Progress toward a Pole-to-Pole Global CMORPH: Boreal Summer Experiments
- Research Challenges for Improving Drought Monitoring and Prediction
- Seasonal Runoff Forecasts Based on the Climate Forecast System Version 2
- Seasonal Storminess in the North Pacific, Bering Sea, and Alaskan Regions
- Top-Down Inversion of Aerosol Emissions through Adjoint Integration of Satellite Radiance and GEOS-Chem Chemical Transport Model
- Towards Interoperable Data Access through
- User Observed Estimates of Cloud Fraction for Modifying a Cloud-free UV Index for Use in an Educational Smart-phone Application on Erythema
- Validation of FY-3B MWRI Rain Rate over China
- A Reprocessed and Bias-Corrected High-Resolution Satellite Derived Precipitation Record Covering the Entire TRMM/GPM Era
- Aggregation of Environmental Model Data for Decision Support
- An analysis of the impact of the external forcing on the probability distribution function (PDF) spread for seasonal atmospheric variability
- CFSv2 prediction skill of stratospheric temperature anomalies
- Community Radiative Transfer Model for Aerosol Radiance Assimilation in Global and Regional Models
- Development of a Multiple Input Integrated Pole-to-Pole Global CMORPH
- Development of a Seasonal Extratropical Cyclone Activity Outlook for the North Pacific, Bering Sea, and Alaskan Regions
- Distributing reanalysis data on the Earth System Grid Federation
- Do Extreme Climate Events Require Extreme Forcings?
- Evaluation of Noah land surface models in the FLUXNET sites using the Land Information System
- Evaluation of the NCEP CFSv2 45-day Forecasts for Predictability of Intraseasonal Tropical Storm Activities
- Factors affecting dynamical seasonal prediction of the Arctic sea ice
- Geologic Significance of Newly Discovered Methane Seeps on the Northern US Atlantic Margin
- Improving the global land surface climatology product to support the Global Drought Information System
- Initial Results from the Diurnal Land/Atmosphere Coupling Experiment (DICE)
- Meteorological Drought Prediction Using a Multi-Model Ensemble Approach
- Meteorological Excitations of Polar Motion for an Earth Model with Frequency-dependent Responses
- Near-Surface Land-Atmosphere Coupling
- Predictability and forecast of the MJO: Beyond the RMM index
- Probabilistic Flash Flood Forecasting using Stormscale Ensembles
- The Climate Variability & Predictability (CVP) Program at NOAA - DYNAMO Recent Project Advancements
- Toward improving hurricane forecasts using the JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System (TCIS): A framework to address the issues of Big Data
- US Atlantic Margin Methane Plumes Identified From Water Column Backscatter Data Acquired by NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer
- Verifying Diurnal Variations of Global Precipitation in Three New Global Reanalyses
- An Assessment of Real Time Extended Range Forecast of 2013 Indian Summer Monsoon
- An Examination of the Sea Surface Salinity - Fresh Water Flux Relationship Using Satellite Observations
- Community Radiative Transfer Model for Inter-Satellites Calibration and Verification
- Day 1 for the Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) Data Sets
- Enhancing Data Interoperability with Web Services
- Evaluation of global stream flow routing based on gridded run-off fluxes of Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS)
- Expanding the use of Scientific Data through Maps and Apps
- Improvement of NCEP Numerical Weather Prediction with Use of Satellite Land Measurements
- Intercomparison of Reanalyses Dynamic Variables in the Stratosphere: Results from the SPARC-Reanalysis Intercomparison Project
- Probabilistic Forecasting with Nmme
- Recent Increases in Extreme Temperature Occurrence over Land
- The NCEP Eulerian Non-hydrostatic Multi-scale Model (NMMB)
- Thirty Years of Improving the NCEP Global Forecast System
- A Gauge - OLR Blended Analysis of Global Daily Precipitation: A 37-Year Data Record for Hydroclimate Applications
- A Study of The Impact of Full-component Coriolis Force on Regional Climate Modeling Over Tropical Areas
- ATMS Snowfall Rate Product and Its Applications
- An Analysis of the Extratropical Transition of Hurricane Arthur (2014) from a JPSS Proving Ground Perspective
- Analysis of the Impact of Wildfire on Surface Ozone Record in the Colorado Front Range
- Application of Snpp/viirs Data in Near Real-Time Supra-Snow Flood Detection
- Applying an economical scale-aware PDF-based turbulence closure model in NOAA NCEP GCMs.
- Asian Summer Monsoon Rainfall associated with ENSO and its Predictability
- Assessing Local Land-Atmosphere Coupling from a Global Land Data Assimilation Reanalysis
- Atmospheric River Forecasting: Current Capabilities, Needs and New Directions
- Automated Quality Control of in Situ Soil Moisture from the North American Soil Moisture Database Using NLDAS-2 Products
- Biological Heating in a Global Operational Ocean Forecast System: Using VIIRS Products and a Two-band Scheme
- CMORPH Global High-Resolution Precipitation Estimates: Reprocessing, Bias Correction, and Error Quantification
- Can we use ground-based measurements of HCFCs and HFCs to derive their emissions, lifetimes, and the global OH abundance?
- Causes of the 2011-15 California drought
- Comparing Vertical Distributions of Water Vapor Flux within Two Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers
- DSCOVR Retrospective Science Products and Access
- Designing Collaborative Developmental Standards by Refactoring of the Earth Science Models, Libraries, Workflows and Frameworks.
- Drivers of Snowfall: A Global to Regional Perspective
- Dust events in Arizona: Long-term satellite and surface observations, and the National Air Quality Forecasting Capability CMAQ simulations
- Dynamic Heights in the Great Lakes using OPUS Projects
- Effect of Rainfall Spatial Distribution on Flood Forecasting in Complex Terrain
- El Niño Regimes, Nonlinear Convective Feedbacks and the Predictability of Extreme Events
- Enhancing the Scientific Data Delivery, Workflow and Consumption
- Estimating global per-capita carbon emissions with VIIRS nighttime lights satellite data
- Evolution of the Southern East Pacific Rise Helium Plume over the Past 3 Decades
- Exploring links between biomass burning smoke and tornado likelihood: From regional to large-eddy scale simulations
- Full Spectral Resolution Data Generation from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder on S-NPP at NOAA and its Use to Investigate Uncertainty in Methane Absorption Band Near 7.66 µm
- Heterogeneous Nitration of Tyrosine by NO<SUB>3</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB>: Rates, Mechanisms and Product Yields
- Impact of Scatterometer Ocean Wind Vector Data on NOAA Operations
- Impact of the Chikira-Sugiyama Convection Scheme on the GFS.
- Impacts and feedbacks of urbanization on regional hydroclimate: a case study with a high-resolution GFDL AGCM
- Improving Sea Ice Prediction in the NCEP Climate Forecast System Model
- Inhibitors of atmosphere/ocean coupling during the El Nino of 2014-15
- Innovative Training Experience for Advancing Entry Level, Mid-Skilled and Professional Level URM Participation in the Geosciences Workforce
- Integrating Satellite Measurements from Polar-orbiting instruments into Smoke Disperson Forecasts
- Intercomparison of Reanalyses Temperatures in the Stratosphere with Non-Assimilated Rocketsonde, Lidar and Satellite Observations
- Investigating Statistical Downscaling Methods and Applications for the NCEP/GEFS Ensemble Precipitation Forecasts
- JPSS application in a near real time regional numerical forecast system at CIMSS
- Multivariate assimilation of satellite-derived land remote sensing datasets: Advances, gaps and challenges
- NASA Data Evaluation (2015): Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies
- NOAA SBUV(/2) Ozone Merged Cohesive Climate Data Record
- Neural Network Technique For: (a) Gap-Filling Of Satellite Ocean Color Observations, And (b) Bridging Multiple Satellite Ocean Color Missions
- Noble Gas geochemistry of the newly discovered hydrothermal fields in the Gulf of California: preliminary He-isotope ratios from the Alarcon Rise and Pescadero basin vent sites
- Precipitation Variability under different Sea Surface TemperatureScenarios and Implications for Decision Making
- Reduction of NCEP Global Forecast System 2-m Temperature Forecast Errors
- Refining the Technical Components for the Second Generation CMORPH: LEO-IR Based Precipitation Estimates and Cloud Motion Vector
- Satellite EDR Evaluation with First Suomi NPP Cal/Val Campaign
- Saving Salmon Through Advances in Fluvial Remote Sensing: Applying the Optimal Band Ratio Analysis (OBRA) for Bathymetric Mapping of Over 250 km of River Channel and Habitat Classification
- Space-time downscaling of precipitation for high resolution LDAS experiment
- Spring Land Temperature Anomalies in Northwestern U.S. and Southern Plains Summer Extreme: Texas Droughts and Floods
- The First Year of Day-1 IMERG Data and Future Directions
- The Impact of Current CH4 and N2O Loss Process Uncertainties on Model Calculated Ozone and Global Lifetimes
- The Impact of Model Uncertainty on Seasonal Sea Ice Forecasts
- The Roles of Radiative Forcing, Sea Surface Temperatures, and Atmospheric and Land Initial Conditions in U.S. Summer Warming Episodes
- Toward a unified system for understanding, predicting and projecting regional hurricane activity
- Transitioning Empirical Dynamical Models from Research to Operational Subseasonal Forecasting
- Understanding the land-atmospheric interaction in drought forecast from CFSv2 for the 2011 Texas and 2012 Upper Midwest US droughts
- Verification of CMAQ modeling with Discover-AQ campaigns against measurements and efficacy of emission inversion modeling
- Wild Fire Emissions for the NOAA Operational HYSPLIT Smoke Model
- 50 Years of NOAA N. Hemisphere Snow Cover Analysis: Impact on NOAA NWP Forecasts and Vice Versa
- A CPT for Improving Turbulence and Cloud Processes in the NCEP Global Models
- A Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Western Forecasting Rodeo: Time to Giddy-up!
- A coupled high-resolution modeling system to simulate biomass burning emissions, plume rise and smoke transport in real time over the contiguous US
- An Analysis of Seasonal Predictability of SST, Precipitation and Geopotential Hight at 200 hPa in NMME Hindcasts
- Applying an economical scale-aware PDF-based turbulence closure model in NOAA NCEP GCMs
- Arctic sea ice loss and mid-latitude temperature response in coupled and uncoupled CFSv2 model simulations
- Blending Gauge Data with CMORPH for a Global Daily Precipitation Analysis
- Cloud and Precipitation Products from CSPP LEO CLAVR-x
- Combination of Multi-Model Probabilistic Forecasts Using Objectively Determined Weights
- Coupling Fluvial and Oceanic Drivers in Flooding Forecasts for San Francisco Bay
- DSCOVR Science Data and Retrospective Access
- Decadal change of summertime ozone and organic nitrates over the Southeastern United States
- Decadal climate simulations using the Climate Forecast System (CFS) coupled to the SSiB2 land surface model
- Development of Deep Learning Based Data Fusion Approach for Accurate Rainfall Estimation Using Ground Radar and Satellite Precipitation Products
- Development of the physics driver in NOAA Environmental Modeling System (NEMS)
- Dynamic analysis, transformation, dissemination and applications of scientific multidimensional data in ArcGIS Platform
- Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from Animal Husbandry: Chemical Compositions, Separation of Sources and Animal Types
- Enhancing Resilience to Heat Extremes: Multi-model Forecasting of Excessive Heat Events at Subseasonal Lead Times
- Evaluation of Precipitation Ensemble Forecasts at Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) of NCEP
- Evolution of Winter 2015/16 Atmospheric and Terrestrial Anomalies over North America: El Niño Response and Role of noise
- Exploring Pacific Seamounts through Telepresence Mapping on the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer
- GOES-R - Preparing for an Extreme Space Weather Event
- GOES-R Space Weather Data: Products and Data Access
- Impact of interactive A/O feedback on Multi-decadal Variability of East Asian and West African Summer Monsoon in the CFSv2 Simulation
- Improving ATMS Snowfall Rate Retrieval by Incorporating the Effect of Supercooled Cloud Liquid Water
- Influence of the recent high-latitude atmospheric circulation change on summertime Arctic sea ice
- International MODIS and AIRS Processing Package (IMAPP) Implementation of Infusion of Satellite Data into Environmental Applications-International (IDEA-I) for Air Quality Forecasts using Suomi-NPP, Terra and Aqua Aerosol Retrievals
- Intraseasonal Variability of SST and Precipitation in the Arabian Sea during Indian Summer Monsoon: Impact of Ocean Mixed Layer Depth
- Investigating the Spatiotemporal Variability of Extreme Orographic Snowfall Processes Across Sierra Nevada, USA
- Is Ozone Going Up Now?
- JPSS Preparations at the Satellite Proving Ground for Marine, Precipitation, and Satellite Analysis
- Modeling biophysical/biogeochemical/ecological/ocean/atmosphere two-way interactions using NCEP CFS/SSiB5/TRIFFID/DAYCENT: challenge and promising
- Monitoring the performance of the next Climate Forecast System version 3, throughout its development stage at EMC/NCEP
- NOAA Regional Sea Level Trends and Scenarios
- NOAA's National Air Quality Predictions and Development of Aerosol and Atmospheric Composition Prediction Components for the Next Generation Global Prediction System
- O<SUB>3</SUB> OSSEs on a Regional Scale for the GEO-CAPE Mission
- On The Usage Of Fire Smoke Emissions In An Air Quality Forecasting System To Reduce Particular Matter Forecasting Error
- Operational and LIS-Based North American Land Data Assimilation Systems at National Centers for Environmental Prediction: Capability in Simulating Water and Energy Budget over the Western United States
- Sea State Dependent Air-Sea Fluxes in Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Models
- Secondary Eyewalls in Idealized HWRF Simulations
- Selection of on-orbit references for Global Space Based Inter-Calibration System
- Simulating MJO-related SST Variability in an Oceanic General Circulation Model: Impacts of the Vertical Resolution
- Simulations of the MJO in GFDL's New Generation GCMs and a Mechanism Study Using the Moist Static Energy Budget
- Soil Water Retention Curve
- Sub-Seasonal Precipitation and Surface Temperature Forecast Skill Using the Extended Range NCEP Global Ensemble Forecasting System
- Subseasonal predictability of tropical cyclone genesis in a global high-resolution climate model
- Synoptic and mesoscale controls on Sierra Nevada rain shadow intensity
- Terrain, Turbulence, and Tight Turns: Airborne Measurement of the Aliso Canyon Methane Leak
- The Effects of Ocean Color and Biological Heating on the Upper-ocean Thermal Structure: Sensitivity Analyses Using Science-quality VIIRS Products
- The Interaction between Very Deep Convection and Biomass Burning Plumes during DC3 and the Impact on the UTLS Region over The North Atlantic
- The McIntosh Archive: A solar feature database spanning four solar cycles
- The NOAA El Niño Rapid Response Field Campaign: Science Overview
- The NPP and J1 CrIS Operational High-Resolution Channel Selection for the NUCAPS algorithm: A demonstration of global applicability to meet users needs
- The NPP and J1 NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS) for atmospheric thermal sounding: recent algorithm enhancements tailored to near real time users applications.
- The dynamical and thermodynamical impact of SST warming and CO2 increase on the North American Monsoon
- The impact of multi-decadal sub-surface circulation changes on sea surface chlorophyll patterns in the tropical Pacific
- The response of tropical-cyclone permitting coupled general circulation models to CO<SUB>2</SUB> doubling: global and large-scale surface climate, and tropical cyclone activity.
- Three Different Downstream Fates of the Boreal-Summer MJOs on Their Passages over the Maritime Continent
- Toward an Improved Extended Range Forecast Using the NCEP Global Ensemble Forecast System
- Trends in Arctic Sea Ice Leads Detection
- Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interaction in the NCEP Global Forecast System
- Understanding the Impact of Ground Water Treatment and Evapotranspiration Parameterizations in the NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFS) on Warm Season Predictions
- Using mobile laboratory and aircraft measurements to characterize feedlot emissions and their contribution to atmospheric methane over the Denver-Julesburg Basin
- Version 4 IMERG: Investigating Runs and High Latitudes
- Western US tropospheric ozone: An assessment of vertical and seasonal variations over California and Nevada
- A Preliminary Examination of the Second Generation CMORPH Real-time Production
- Applications of NASA TROPICS Data for Tropical Cyclone Analysis, Nowcasting, and Impacts
- Applying an economical scale-aware PDF-based turbulence closure model in NOAA NCEP GCMs.
- Building an Evaluation Framework for the VIC Model in the NLDAS Testbed
- Decadal Variability of Temperature and Salinity in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
- Developing a Unified Global Coupled System at NCEP for S2S Prediction
- Diagnosing Geospatial Uncertainty Visualization Challenges in Seasonal Temperature and Precipitation Forecasts
- Enhancing Seasonal Water Outlooks: Needs and Opportunities in the Critical Runoff Season
- Ensemble generation methods for CFSv2 subseasonal forecasts
- Evaluating the Impact of Whole Atmosphere Coupling on Storm Time Response in the Ionosphere and Plasmasphere
- Evaluation of snow modeling with Noah and Noah-MP land surface models in NCEP GFS/CFS system
- Extending the NOAA SBUV(/2) Ozone Profile Record
- HWRF development constrains by storm sample choice
- Impact of GSI analysis on forecasts of Typhoon Meranti (2016) in HWRF
- Implementing of lognormal humidity and cloud-related control variables for the NCEP GSI hybrid EnVAR Assimilation scheme.
- It Takes Two: NASA and NOAA's Shared Path of Hurricane Science Flights with the Global Hawk. Time for the Research To Operations (R2O) Transition?
- Monitoring the Variations and Extremes of Global Precipitation with the Reprocessed, Bias-Corrected CMORPH
- Monthly Sea Surface Salinity and Freshwater Flux Monitoring
- Ocean heat content estimation from in situ observations at the National Centers for Environmental Information: Improvements and Uncertainties
- Parameterizing subsurface karst geology within the Noah Land Surface Model (LSM)
- Performance of the FV3-powered Next Generation Global Prediction System for Harvey and Irma, and a vision for a "beyond weather timescale" prediction system for long-range hurricane track and intensity predictions
- Preparing for Operational Use of High Priority Products from the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) in Numerical Weather Prediction
- Recent Enhancements in NOAA's JPSS Land Product Suite and Key Operational Applications
- Sea Ice in the NCEP Seasonal Forecast System
- Stratospheric water vapor and ozone evaluation in reanalyses as part of the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP)
- Test of Thompson's Microphysics Scheme in FV3GFS
- The Global Modeling Test Bed - Building a New National Capability for Advancing Operational Global Modeling in the United States.
- The Redesigned Hazard Mapping System (HMS) for Fire and Smoke Analysis
- The Simulations of Wildland Fire Smoke PM<SUB>25</SUB> in the NWS Air Quality Forecasting Systems
- The impact of underwater glider observations in the forecast of Hurricane Gonzalo (2014)
- Understanding Himalayan extreme rainfall to inform disaster governance
- Using Ground Measurements to Examine the Surface Layer Parameterization Scheme in NCEP GFS
- Utility of NCEP Operational and Emerging Meteorological Models for Driving Air Quality Prediction
- A High-Resolution Blended Snow Analysis for the Next Generation Global Prediction System
- Advances in state of the art in tropical cyclone forecasts for storm size and structure using operational HWRF
- Alternative predictors for forecasting drought conditions over Continental United States
- Analysis of high-resolution gridded weather datasets obtained from NCEP's URMA and LDAS reanalysis
- Application of ESMF/NUOPC Coupled Framework for Total Water Level Studies
- Applications of Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) at NCEP: Update on Assimilation of Ocean Color Products into the Operational Real-Time Ocean Forecast System (RTOFS-Global)
- Assessing Probabilistic Forecasts of S2S Climate Extremes Using the NMME
- Calibrated Multi-model Probabilistic Sub-seasonal Forecasts Based on SubX Models
- Data Assimilation Development for the Proposed 2020 Operational FV3-Based Global Forecast System (GFS)
- Developing Climate Services for Health: The case of Malaria Predictability in West Africa
- Development of the Hybrid 4DEnVar System with Multi-resolution Ensemble and Multi-scale Covariance Localization for NCEP Global Numerical Weather Prediction
- Development of the NCEP Unified Land Data Assimilation System (NULDAS)
- Discussion of the Geoid to Quasigeoid Separation and its Relationship to Leveled Heights a case study in Colorado with a full extension to CONUS
- Emerging Airborne Observational Strategies for Improved Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Prediction
- Estimation and Adaptive Online Correction of Systematic Errors in the Global Forecast System (GFS) Using Analysis Increments
- Evaluating Predictive skill and Predictability of the US Seasonal Precipitation using CFSv2 Reforecasts of Sixty Years (1958-2017)
- Evaluating a Coupled Air-sea-ice Model for Sub-seasonal Prediction in the Polar Regions
- Evaluation and Uncertainty Estimation of Multi-Source Evapotranspiration Analyses over the Continental United States
- Evaluation of FV3GFS and FV3Meso Meteorological Predictions for Multi-scale Air Quality Applications
- Evaluation of surface temperature-based precipitation correction procedure to improve the 3- and 6-M SPI forecasts at near real-time by improving the sample size of observations
- Evaluation of the SubX Reforecast Skill under Real-time Considerations
- Evaluation of the dominant modes of sub-seasonal variability in the NCEP GEFS 35-day Experiments
- Extending IMERG Across the TRMM and GPM Eras
- Flash Drought Characteristics and Prediction
- GPU parallelization of a hybrid pseudospectral fluid turbulence framework using CUDA
- Harnessing forecast skill from SubX and the MJO for sub-seasonal prediction of North American climate
- How are cold plasma plumes coupled between Magnetosphere-Plasmasphere-Ionosphere?
- Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program (HFIP): Plans to transition HWRF to FV3 based system
- Impacts of Wave Driven Ocean Mixing in a Coupled Ocean Model
- Improvement in Ensemble Spread in the Next NWS Global Ensemble Forecast System Using Stochastic Physics
- Improving Arctic Climate Projections Using Regional Arctic System Model for Dynamical Downscaling
- Investigation of long-range smoke transport over NYS: Case study using GOES-16 aerosol observations in conjunction with aerosol reanalysis and surface network
- Know Before You Go: Rip current science, forecasting and communication at NOAA
- Laboratory Experiments to Unravel Inner Secrets of Continents
- Monitoring the Extreme Precipitation Events with the Reprocessed, Bias-Corrected CMORPH
- Multi-platform observations of dust storm activity over Southwestern United States: Long-term trend, climate drivers and societal impacts
- NOAA Operational products from S-NPP and NOAA-20 Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS)
- NOAA's Next Generation Global Prediction System Progress
- Ocean-Sea Ice Coupled Three Dimensional Variational Global Ocean Data Assimilation at National Centers for Environmental Prediction.
- Operational High Resolution Analysis of Significant Wave Height for CONUS
- Overview of drought monitoring and prediction activities at NOAA's Climate Prediction Center
- Overview of the 2017 Lake Michigan Ozone Study
- Performance of 2018 real-time HMON-based hurricane ensemble forecast system and sensitivities of HMON to physics schemes
- Real-Time Monitoring of Sub-Seasonal Variations of Sea-surface Salinity and Freshwater Flux
- Relationships between the Extratropical Stratospheric Circulation and MJO Teleconnections on S2S Timescales
- Rift Valley fever Outbreak in East Africa: Signature of Climate Extremes
- Second Generation CMORPH: An Integrated Global Satellite Precipitation Product Infused with JPSS Retrievals
- Second Generation CMORPH: Evaluation of 1<SUP>st</SUP> Year Real-time Production
- Sensitivity of US Drought Prediction Skill to Land Initial States on Subseasonal to Seasonal Timescales
- Skill of California Precipitation on S2S timescales
- Subseasonal and Seasonal Prediction at NOAA: Plans and Prospects
- Subseasonal prediction of heat events across the US: status at the CPC, skill, limitations, future steps
- The Evolution and Status of The 2017 Northern Plains Drought and The Ongoing Southern Drought.
- The Experimental Geoid 2018 Computation at NGS
- The Impact of increasing ensemble size on the skill of operational CFSv2 45-day forecasts.Part I: Deterministic Skill
- The Sixth Annual Flash Flood and Intense Rainfall Experiment: Synthesizing Atmospheric and Hydrologic Guidance for Short Range (6-24 Hour) Probabilistic Excessive Rainfall Forecasts
- The Testing of Dynamical and Canonical Tools For Prediction in the Day 8-10 Forecast Period at the Weather Prediction Center Hydrometeorological Testbed
- The impact of increasing ensemble size on the skill of operational CFSv2 45-day forecasts: Probabilistic Assessment
- The role of mass exchange between equatorial and off-equatorial central Pacific in the onset of second year La Nina events
- Towards a Community Based Unified Forecast System - Effective Methods for Community Research Transition to Operations
- Understanding and Improving 2-m Surface Air Temperature Forecasting in the NCEP Global Forecast System
- Using Global Seasonal Forecasts to Map Chikungunya Risk
- Using Observations and Models to Develop Integrated Tidal Current Products
- Using Visualization Science to Improve Expert and Public Understanding of Probabilistic Temperature and Precipitation Forecasts
- Validation of SAGE III-ISS water vapor and ozone products and their inclusion in a long-term climate data record: case studies.
- Was the North American Extreme Climate in Winter 2013/14 a SST forced Response?
- Why it is so Difficult to Predict Southern California Precipitation
- A comparison of global scale FV3 versus regional scale NAM meteorological drivers for regional air quality forecasting
- Air quality and aerosol predictions at NOAA/National Weather Service
- An Investigation of Global Ensemble System for Subseasonal Forecast
- An Online Maproom For Real-Time Subseasonal Probabilistic Forecasts
- Assessment of 2019 Sub-seasonal to Intra-annual Arctic Sea Ice Forecasts
- Coupling NCEP FV3 with Space Weather IPE Models
- Covering the TRMM and GPM Eras with IMERG
- Dependence of Hurricane Track Forecasts on the Spectral Representation of Cumulus Convection
- Diagnostic Study on Severe Heat Event over Egypt: A Case of Summer 2015
- El Niño-Southern Oscillation Teleconnections and Global Patterns of Disease Outbreaks
- Enhancing the ENSO Predictability beyond the Spring Barrier
- Ensemble Logistic Regression to Forecast and Monitor Different Phases of Drought over Contiguous United States
- Errors in the Tendency of Niño-3.4 from Northern Hemisphere Spring to Winter
- Exploring Spatial Distributions of Systematic Errors in the NCEP's Global Ensemble Precipitation Forecast Products
- Extreme floods in Peru during early 2017
- Fingerprints of internal drivers of Arctic sea ice loss in observations and model simulations
- Hurricane Reanalysis and Reforecasts Using Operational HWRF with High-Resolution land-sea Mask for COASTAL Act
- Impacts of Different Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Emissions on Global Aerosol Forecasts using NCEP's Online Coupled Model GEFS-Aerosols
- On the delayed coupling between ocean and atmosphere in recent weak El Niño episodes
- Operational Tropical Cyclone Modeling at NOAA's National Weather Service National Center for Environmental Prediction (NWS/NCEP): Recent Advances and Future Plans
- Predicting Compound Flooding in Low-Lying Coastal Areas Produced by Tropical Storms
- Real-Time Production of the Second Generation CMORPH
- Recent Development in NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Snowfall Rate Product and Its Applications
- S2S Development on ENSO Strengths and Week 3-4 Outlooks
- Satellite altimeter observations of extreme winds and waves in the 2018 and 2019 U.S. hurricane seasons, and special editing required for Jason-2 Geodetic Mission data
- Stratospheric ozone recovery: Summary of the SPARC/WMO/IO3C LOTUS analyses
- The Assimilation of Precipitation affected Microwave Radiances in NCEP FV3 Hybrid Data Assimilation System
- The Subseasonal Experiment (SubX): A Multi-Model Subseasonal Prediction Experiment
- Tropical Pacific sea surface cooling contribution to accelerated Arctic sea ice melt from 2007 to 2012 as ice is thinned by anthropogenic forcing
- Understanding the role of the extratropical stratospheric circulation in subseasonal prediction of surface temperature within a multiple linear regression framework
- Validation of SAGE III/ISS Ozone with NOAA OMPS and Ground-based Instruments
- Warm Season Forecast Experiments with Different Treatments on Ground Water and Evaporative Parameterizations in the NCEP Coupled Forecast System
- Whole Earth System Subseasonal Prediction Research Framework
- Analysis and Mitigation of Occasional Precipitation-Type Problems in NCEP Global Forecast System
- Application of Logistic Regression to Forecast and Monitor the Onset of Drought over the Contiguous United States
- Applications of CMORPH Satellite Precipitation Estimates in the Monitoring the Variations and Extremes of Global Precipitation
- Coastal Flooding Today, Tomorrow, and the Next Ten Years in East Coast U.S. Cities
- Coupled Seasonal to Subseasonal Model Development within NOAA's Unified Forecasting System
- Data Gaps within Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeastern Pacific
- Development of Unified Forecast System (UFS) based Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS) for NCEP operations: Strategies for Research to Operations (R2O)
- Evaluation of tropospheric impacts due to the warm 2019 SH polar winter and the cold 2019-2020 NH polar winter.
- Exploring the Cloud and Radiation Interactions in the GFS
- Impact of Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Dropsonde Data on NCEP GFS Forecast: A Case Study
- Impacts of Wave-Coupling in the Unified Forecast System Seasonal to Subseasonal Model
- Implementation of a CCPP-compliant Physics-package into the EMC's FV3 Whole Atmosphere Model
- Improving the Monitoring of Weather and Climate with the JPSS Infused CMORPH2
- Interbasin and Multi-time Scale Interactions in generating the 2019 Extreme Indian Ocean Dipole
- Large Scale Unstructured WAVEWATCH III for Hurricane Hindcasts: Offshore and Nearshore Validation
- Moisture condition impact and seasonality of National Water Model performance under different runoff-infiltration partitioning schemes
- Ozone recovery as detected in NOAA Ground-Based and Satellite Ozone Measurements
- Recent Advances in Indicators for Drought Monitoring and Prediction
- Roles of TAO/TRITON and Argo in tropical Pacific observing system: An OSSE study for multiple time scale variability
- Stability of NN Emulations of Long- and Short-wave Radiation Parameterizations in a GCM
- The Hierarchical Testing of Noah-MP as a Candidate Land Model for the Unified Forecast System
- The Impact of Additional Surface Pressure Observations over the Northeast Pacific Ocean on the Data Assimilated Analysis and Forecast of Atmospheric Rivers During Feb - Apr 2019
- The NCEP FV3 Whole Atmospheric Modeling for UFS Space Weather Application
- The Transition of Global Ensemble Forecast System to Fully Coupled Earth System Model for Subseasonal Predictions
- The Tsunami Science and Preparedness Contributions of Paula Kay Dunbar
- The World Ocean Database Cloud (WODc) - community participation andinteraction with a global database
- Uncertainty Representation in the NCEP GEFS to Improve Medium Range and Subseasonal Weather Forecasts
- Validation of Real Time Second Generation Pole to Pole CMORPH
- Wildfire Impacts in Air Quality Prediction
- A Decade of the North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME): Research, Application, and Future Directions
- Chikungunya Monitor: Supporting Operational DoD and Public Health Surveillance
- Impact of Dropsonde Data on Atmospheric River and Precipitation Forecasts with NCEP GFS over California: A Case Study
- Initial Evaluation of the NOAA Unified Forecast System Coupled Model Using the NASA Land Verification Toolkit
- Initial Results from the GABLS3 SCM with the Noah-MP Land Surface Model in NOAAs Next Generation Operational Unified Forecast System
- Seasonal Prediction Capabilities from the UFS Coupled based GEFS
- The Unified Forecast System Research to Operations (UFS R2O) Project: Accelerating the development of community-based Earth-modeling system for research and operations
- Towards Initial Operational Capability of Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System : Plan, Configuration, and Real-time Experiments
- A multi-model comparison of September Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction skill
- Aerosol Indirect Effects in UFS from coupling Thompson Microphysics with Water and Ice Friendly Aerosols
- Application of Deep Learning Based Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Model on the Prediction of Climate Variables Under Changing Climate Conditions
- Atmospheric River Forecasts for the United States using NCEP Global Ensemble Forecast System Reforecasts and Reanalysis 2000-2019
- Consolidation of Monthly and Seasonal Forecast Tools at NOAA's Climate Prediction Center
- Development and Applications of a Soil Moisture Validation Tool for the UFS Prototype Experiments
- Development of UFS-based Future Subseasonal to Seasonal Applications at NWS/NCEP
- ENSO predictions from the Preliminary UFS Seasonal Forecast System
- Forecasting Smoke Transport and Smoke-Weather Interactions using NOAA's High-Resolution Coupled Numerical Weather Prediction Models
- Improving NWS Drought Messaging and Regional Collaboration
- Improving NWS Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Forecast with Unified Forecast System: Highlights of Modeling and Analysis Results
- Machine Learning for River Water Quality Prediction and Detecting Uncertainties with Changing Climate
- NOAA's Global Aerosol Forecast Capabilities: GEFS-Aerosols and UFS-Aerosols
- NWS Climate Services Capabilities for Building a Climate Ready Nation
- Observational Constraints for Prediction of Wildfire Impacts on Air Quality in the United States
- Status of Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS) Development: Initial Operational Capability and Future Priorities
- Surface Potential Gradients and NEXRAD Radar Reflectivities Before the Onset of Lightning in Isolated Air-mass Thunderstorms at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and the Space Force Eastern Range (ER)
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- Alek Petty
- Arlan Dirkson
- Asphota Wasti
- Barry Baker
- Cristiana Stan
- Daniel Tong
- Dmitri Kondrashov
- Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth
- Emily Becker
- Eric James
- Fangjun Li
- François Massonnet
- G. J. Frost
- Ivanka Štajner
- J. E. Kay
- James L. Kinter
- James M. Wilczak
- Jinlun Zhang
- Jordan L. Schnell
- K. L. Cummins
- Kathy Pegion
- Laura H. Thapa
- Lawrence C. Hamilton
- M. Ralph
- Manuela Girotto
- Marika M. Holland
- Michael Barlage
- Michael Steele
- Michel Tsamados
- Michelle L’Heureux
- Mitchell Bushuk
- Patrick A. Ray
- Patrick Campbell
- R. Damoah
- Richard I. Cullather
- S. S. Ray
- Siyuan Wang
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Todd Steissberg
- Uma S. Bhatt
- Vernon R. Morris
- Vijay Tallapragada
- Wieslaw Maslowski
- William Merryfield
- Xiaojun Yuan
- Xiaoyang Zhang
- Xuejin Zhang
- Yanyun Liu
- Yuejian Zhu
- Zachary M. Labe