UNAM, Center for Atmospheric Sciences
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Characterization of Size-Differentiated Inorganic Composition of Aerosols in Mexico City (CU)
- Comparison Z-R Relationships in EPIC-2001
- Dynamics of the Intertropical Convergence Zone of the East Pacific
- The Role of Organic Compounds in Precipitation Development Using an Explicit Microphysical Model
- The Sensitivity of Precipitation Formation to Anthropogenic Pollution and Giant Nuclei Within the ITCZ
- Black Carbon Measurements in the Marine Boundary Layer
- Evidence That Ambient Nitric Acid Increases Relative Humidity in Low-Temperature Cirrus Clouds
- Evidence That Most Florida Anvil Crystals Derive From Midtropospheric Aerosols
- Morphology of Tropical Cirrus Crystals Derived from Single Particle and Bulk Property Analysis
- Persistent Ice Supersaturation in Tropical Anvil Cirrus
- Tropical Anvil Cirrus Microphysics
- Warming of the Arctic Lower Stratosphere by Light Absorbing Particle
- Air Quality and Meteorological Boundary Conditions during the MCMA-2003 Field Campaign
- Ambient VOC Concentration and Emission Measurements during the MCMA 2002 and 2003 Field Campaigns
- Chemical Aerosol Characterization Sampling in Santa Ana during the MCMA-2003 Field Campaign
- Implementation of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method to Inorganic Aerosol Modeling: Mexico City Metropolitan Area Case Study
- Measurement of Mexico City Ultrafine Aerosol Size Distributions: Observations of New Particle Formation and Growth
- Mobile IR- and UV-Spectroscopic Measurements of CO, SO<SUB>2</SUB> and VOC in Megacities
- Nitrogen Oxides (NOy) in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Open-path Emission Factors Derived from DOAS and FTIR Measurements in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Photochemical and Meteorological Conditions during the MCMA-2003 Field Measurement Campaign
- Single-Particle Black Carbon Aerosol Verticle Profiles From the Boundary Layer to the Lower Stratosphere
- Air Masses from Mexico City as Observed at Altzomoni Site at 4.000 m a.s.l.
- Analysis of Fine Particulate Matter During the 2006 MIRAGE (MILAGRO) Field Campaign. Part I. Data Validation
- Diurnal Chemical Characterization of Aerosols at Downtown Mexico City During the Cold Dry Seasons of 2003 and 2005. Part II. Modeling
- Diurnal Chemical Characterization of Aerosols at Downtown Mexico City During the Cold dry Seasons of 2003 and 2005. Part I. Data Validation
- Observations of condensed-phase nitric acid in a tropical subvisual cirrus cloud
- Salt Content and Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Rain as Indices of Tropical Cyclone Intensification
- The small particle dilemma: Fracture or Fiction?
- Air quality modeling in the Valley of Mexico: meteorology, emissions and forecasting
- Black carbon in cloud residual nuclei during PACDEX: Combining the single particle soot photometer and the counterflow virtual impactor
- Single-particle black carbon measurements during PACDEX
- Light-Absorbing Carbon in Cloud Residual Nuclei During ICE-L: Combining the Single Particle Soot Photometer and the Counterflow Virtual Impactor
- Analysis of Mexico City urban air pollution using nitrogen dioxide column density measurements from UV/Visible spectroscopy
- CO surface emissions from solar absorption IR spectroscopy
- Relationship Between Precipitation Chemistry and Meteorological Parameters at a Urban Site in the North of Queretaro State
- Solar absorption Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy applied to detect SO2 plumes above Mexico City
- The prominent role of urban confluences in the local and regional transport of atmospheric pollutants in the Valley of Mexico
- Characterisation of regional ambient biomass burning organic aerosol mixing ratios
- Modulation of tropical cyclone flash density by environmental factors
- Runoff generation in a steep, tropical montane cloud forest catchment on permeable volcanic substrate
- The water and energy exchange of a shaded coffee plantation in the lower montane cloud forest zone of central Veracruz, Mexico
- Determining Evapotranspiration with the Eddy Covariance Method: Fast-Response Dry- and Wet-Bulb Thermocouples for Humidity Measurements Can Provide a Cheap Alternative to Infrared Hygrometers.
- Energy Balance Alterations Due to Cropland Conversion in a Tropical Montane Environment: Shaded Coffee to Sugarcane
- Water Fluxes from Leaf to Ecosystem Scales in a Seasonal Mexican Cloud Forest: Implications for Climate Change Impacts and Future Research Priorities
- Hydrologic Transit Times in Tropical Montane Watersheds: Catchment Scale and Landscape Influences
- On the Feasibility of Tracking the Monsoon History by Using Ancient Wind Direction Records
- Surface Energy Exchange in a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest Environment: Flux Partitioning, and Seasonal and Land Cover-Related Variations
- Do Reductions in Dry Season Transpiration Allow Shallow Soil Water Uptake to Persist in a Tropical Lower Montane Cloud Forest?
- Effects of land use/cover and landform on upper soil physical properties in the highlands of Veracruz, Mexico
- On the Chemical Characterization of Organic Matter in Rain at Mexico City.
- Ten Years of Rainfall and Community-Based Streamflow Monitoring in the Tropical Montane Cloud Forest Region of Central Veracruz, Mexico: What Do These Data Tell Us?
- Understory and small trees contribute importantly to stemflow of a lower montane cloud forest
- Comparison of Satellite Data with Ground-Based Measurements for Assessing Local Distributions of PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>in Northeast Mexico.
- Ice nucleating efficiency of atmospheric particles and possible sources of ice nucleating particles at two coastal marine sites
- Long-lived tsunami edge-waves within the Tehuantepec Gulf triggered by the Mw8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake
- Physical Observations of the Tsunami during the September 8<SUP>th</SUP> 2017 Tehuantepec, Mexico Earthquake
- Physical responses of volcanic soils to land-use intensity in tropical headwater catchments of central Veracruz, Mexico
- Spatio-Temporal Variability of Summer Precipitation in Mexico under the Influence of the MJO, with Emphasis on the Bimodal Pattern
- TLALOCNet continuous GPS-Met Array in Mexico supporting the 2017 NAM GPS Hydrometeorological Network.
- Mexico Emissions 2014: Description of the New Emissions System from National Emissions Inventory to an Air Quality Modeling Database.
- The Diurnal Cycle of Column Water Vapor over Sumatra
- A New Look at the Environmental Conditions Favorable to Secondary Ice Production.
- Aldehydes measurements in Indoor and Outdoor environments in Mexico City.
- Coffee Arabica and shade trees show complementary use of soil water in a traditional agroforestry system
- Evaluating the ability of the surface renewal-energy balance method to determine coffee water use and its components in a traditional agroforestry system
- Evapotranspiration of Ground Vegetation in an Organic Shade Coffee Plantation Determined Using Surface Renewal-Energy Balance and Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Links Between Vertical Distribution of Moisture and Convective Frequency and Intensity in the Amazon Rain Forest
- Understanding hydrologic impacts of land conversion in tropical montane cloud forest watersheds: Using hydrologic modeling as a framework to scale up lessons learned from point, catchment, and watershed scales.
- "Godzilla" African Dust Event of June 2020: Impacts of Air Quality in the Greater Caribbean Basin, the Gulf of Mexico and the United States
- An assessment of the ability of the SWAT model to simulate land-use change impacts in tropical montane areas of Central Veracruz, Mexico
- Deciphering Plant-Soil Water Interactions in Tropical Agroforestry Systems
- Distribution and variability of NH<SUB>3</SUB> in Mexico City from ground-based FTIR and space-based IASI measurements
- Ice Nucleation Abilities of Mexican Agricultural Soils
- Ice nucleating particles variability at a high elevation tropical monitoring station: atmospheric boundary layer vs. free troposphere
- The Negative Impact of Biomass Burning and the Orinoco Low-Level Jet on the Air Quality of the Orinoco River Basin
- Comparison of the Satellite Observations of H2O and HDO with MIPAS and ACE in the Lower Tropical Stratosphere