UNAM, Institute of Geophysics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 52,000 yr. of Environmental History in Zacapu Basin, Michoacan, Mexico: the Magnetic Record
- A Nonstandard Numerical Solution for Systems of Advection-Diffusion Equations with Nonlinear Reactions
- A Proposal for the Identification of the Hydraulic Transmissivity Parameter in a Confined Aquifer.
- An Analysis of Polar Coronal Hole Evolution: Relations to Other Solar Phenomena and Heliospheric Consequences
- An Integratted Paleomagnetic Study of Rio Grande Santiago Volcanic Succession (Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt): Revisited
- Arsenic Fractionation in Tailing Piles in Zimapán, Hidalgo, México
- Ash Aggregates Found in Pyroclastic Surge Deposits Produced during the 1982 Eruption of El Chichon Volcano, Chiapas, Mexico: considerations on their Origins
- Characteristics of the Central Mexico Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes
- Continuous GPS Data In Guerrero And Oaxaca: A Preliminary Report.
- Debris Avalanches and Debris Flows Transformed from Collapses in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, México.
- Developing a Geophysical Approach to the Study of Climatic Change Markers in Quaternary Formations of the Fresnal Valley, North Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico
- Direct Measurement of the Slip Weakening Distance from Near-Fault Strong Motion Data?
- Geochemical Studies of Rare Earth and Redox Sensitive Elements in Meta-exhalites Associated With Sedex Deposits of the Southern Catalonian Coastal Ranges, NE Iberian Peninsula
- Geochemistry of Metals from mine tailing in Taxco Mexico
- Geomagnetic Micropulsations During the Passage of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections
- Glacier Inventory Update at Popocatépetl volcano, Mexico by Digital Photogrammetry: Documentation of Glacier Extinction
- Hybrid Simulations of solar wind interaction with magnetized asteroids: Comparisons with observations of the whistler wing
- Hybrid simulations of solar wind interaction with magnetized asteroids: General characteristics of the interaction region
- Internal structure of the Chicxulub Impact crater imaged with magnetotelluric exploration
- Interplanetary Acceleration of Coronal Mass Ejections: Comparison between numerical simulations and observations
- Ion cyclotron waves at Io on orbit I31
- Jocotitlan, Mexico and Shiveluch, Kamchatka: planetary analog volcanoes for debris avalanche deposits formed by edifice collapse
- Libyan Desert (Impact) Glass: Sr and Nd Isotopic Systematics and new Evidence for Target Material
- Monitoring Monitoring Evolving Activity at Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico, 2000-2001
- Monitoring the Eruptive Activity of Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico: Case Study of Recurrent Episodes of Magma Injection, Passive Evolution in the Magma Reservoir and Sealing of the Plumbing System
- Mt Response of a 1d Earth Model Employing the Born Approximation with Variable Background Conductivities
- Numerical Study on the Acceleration of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Interplanetary Medium
- Petrological and Geochemical Evolution, during the last 40,000 years of the Tacana Volcano Chiapas, Mexico
- Quasi-static Stress Coupling Initiated by the 1995 M<SUB>w</SUB>=8 Jalisco-Colima Earthquake
- Recent Eruptive History of La Malinche Volcano, Mexico: Towards the Construction of a Hazards Map
- Rock-Magnetic and ICP-MS Trace Element Study of Metal Pollution in Sediments of the San Guillermo Waste Repository, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Soil Contamination by a Former Railroad Shop in Mexico:Proposed Handling and Remedation
- Solid Aerosols From the Plume of Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico - the FESEM approach
- Stress-Breakdown Time and Critical Weakening Slip Inferred from the Source Time Functions on Earthquake Faults
- Study of Hydrothermal Particulate Matter from a Shallow Venting System, offshore Nayarit, Mexico
- The Cotija Half-graben: A Reconaissance Geologic and Paleomagnetic Study
- The Upper Toluca Pumice (10.5 kyr): Product of the last major Plinian eruption of Nevado de Toluca volcano, Central Mexico
- Transient fault slip in Guerrero, southern Mexico
- 3D Bathymetry and Magnetic Evidence of no Existence of Volcanic Edifices on the Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope Offshore the Veracruz Coast, México
- 3D Interpretation of the Gravimetric Satellite Data on the Powell Basin (Antarctic)
- <SUP>39</SUP>Ar/<SUP>40</SUP>Ar Chronology and Volumes of Eruptive Products Over the Last 1 Myr in the Tequila Volcanic Field, Jalisco, Mexico
- A Model of the November 1998 Eruption of Colima Volcano, Colima, Mexico
- A Sharp Rock-Magnetic Anomaly Characterizes the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary
- Accretionary Prism in the Mexican Subduction Zone Inferred from Gravity Modeling
- An integrated geochronology and paleomagnetic study from Michoacan Block: tectonic implications for the Guadalajara triple junction
- Are Small Asteroids Magnetic?
- Bathymetry and Seafloor Reflectivity of the Rivera Transform: Implications for Rivera-Pacific Relative Motion
- Characterization of Solar Wind Interaction With Magnetized Bodies
- Comparative Seismic Study and its Tectonic Implications of two Recent Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in Central Mexico
- Electron Density Profiles Near the Midnight Venus Ionosphere
- Eruptive Productivity of the Ceboruco-San Pedro Volcanic Field, Nayarit, Mexico
- Experimental petrology applied in deposits of the 550 yr b.p. eruption at El Chichon volcano, Chiapas.
- Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Hornblendes From Active Volcanoes of Mexico
- InSAR and GPS Analysis of Ground Subsidence in Mexico City
- Low Frequency Weak Signals Detected in Storm Sudden Commencements: Is There a Correlation With the Solar Magnetic Cycle?
- Microbial isotopic signatures in calcareous tufa from Punta Mita coastal vents, Mexico
- New Large Aseismic Slow Slip Event in Guerrero, Mexico
- New iridium determinations from mexican K/T boundary localities
- Progress Towards More Reliable Seismic Energy Estimates
- Relatively Recent Volcanism on Oahu, Hawaii: New U-series and Paleomagnetic Age Constraints on the Hanauma Bay Eruption
- Seismotectonics of the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field, Baja California, Mexico.
- Shallow Crustal Structure of Chicxulub Impact Crater Imaged With Seismic, Gravity and Magnetotelluric Data: Structure of the Central Uplift and Origin of the Cenotes Ring.
- Simulation of Vertical Displacement of Hydrocarbons Coupled with Aerobic Biodegradation in Porous Media.
- Slip-Weakening Distance in Dynamic Rupture of Inslab Normal-Faulting Earthquakes
- Temperature Models for the Mexican Subduction Zone
- The FAMEX Cruise off Baja California (March/April 2002) : Preliminary Results
- Toward an Aseismic Slip Budget in Guerrero, Southern México
- An Operator Splitting Algorithm for Numerical Simulation of Transport of Reactive Compounds in Porous Media
- Archaeomagnetism of some pre-Columbian mural paintings in Central Mexico
- Argon isotopes as recorders of magmatic processes
- Aseismic Slip and Stress Transfer in Guerrero, Southern Mexico
- Blob Tracing Models for the Central Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Dust in Supernovae Shells: Evolution and Destiny
- Elastic Thickness of the lithosphere below the Tehuantepec ridge
- Electron Density Variations in the Ionosphere During the Gujarat Earthquake Event
- Geochemistry and Stable Isotopes of Tacana Volcano-Hydrothermal System, Mexico-Guatemala
- Geology and stratigraphy of the Tacan Volcanic Complex, Mexico-Guatemala
- Hazard Forecasting by MRI: A Prediction Algorithm of the First Kind
- Interplate Coupling and a Recent Aseismic Slow Slip Event in the Guerrero Seismic gap of the Mexican Subduction Zone, as Deduced From GPS Data Inversion Using ABIC
- Ionospheric precursors of earthquakes. Theory and practical applications
- Macrostructure of the Quasi-Parallel Shock and Magnetosheath: 1. Scale Lengths
- Macrostructure of the Quasi-Parallel Shock and Magnetosheath: 2. Nature of the ULF Waves
- Magmatic processes at Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico: petrology, geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes
- Mass dragged from Mars's atmosphere by the solar wind
- New Insights Into Volcanic Hazards in Western Mexico: Multiple Cone-Building Episodes at Arc Stratovolcanoes Revealed by 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
- Observing Popocatepetl's Volcanic Clouds Using MODIS Infrared Data
- Paleomagnetic and Rock-Magnetic Study of the Yaxcopoil-1 Impact Breccia Sequence, Chicxulub Impact Crater (Mexico)
- Particle Acceleration Inferred From Magnetic Field Fluctuations Measured in Planetary Magnetospheres.
- Phosphorus-bearing Aerosol Particles From Volcanic Plumes
- Possible use of the Passive Remote Sensing for the Study of a two Layered Crust on the Europa Satellite
- Reassessment of the 2001-2002 Aseismic Slow Slip Event in Mexico
- Risk Assessment of Surface Faulting on Eastern Mexico City by Using Gephysical Methods.
- Sea Level Changes and Active Tectonics of the Guerrero Coast, Mexico
- Use of Transient Electromagnetic Soundings (tem) to Locate Urban Solid Wastes Disposal Sites, in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico.
- Volcanic Hazards Associated with the NE Sector of Tacaná Volcano, Guatemala.
- A new Proposal to Mexico Valley Zonification
- Archaeomagnetic Study of La Campana in Western Mesoamerica
- Archaeomagnetic studies in Mesoamerica using non-conventional materials
- Atmosphere lost by oxidation of the surface in the geological history of Mars
- Bow Shock-Magnetosphere coupling under different IMF conditions
- Brightness Characteristics of Halo CMEs
- Central Mexico Intermediate-Depth Seismicity and its Possible Relationship to the Regional Geotectonic Structure
- Eruptive History of Volcán Tepetiltic, Mexico: Evidence for Remelting of Silicic Ashflows Revealed by 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
- Friction Layer at the Sides of the Plasma Channels in the Venus Nightside Ionosphere
- Geometric and Fractal Characteristics of Veins in San Joaquin, Queretaro, Mexico
- Hydrogen Loss to the Solar Wind at Venus: Deductions from Proton Cyclotron Waves
- Improved Empirical CME Arrival Time Prediction Model
- Large-scale Seismic and Aseismic Deformation Patterns Associated With Subduction: Constraints From Continuous GPS measurements in Mexico
- Magnetite in Black Sea Turtles (Chelonia agassizi)
- Measurements of Active Tectonic Deformation on the Guerrero Coast, Mexico
- Microwave Palaeointensity Study of Jorullo Volcano (Central Mexico)
- Paleomagnetic Evidence on a Volcanological Mystery - The 1631 Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Italy
- Paleomagnetism of Ar-Ar Dated Lava Flows From the Ceboruco-San Pedro Volcanic Field (Western Mexico): Evidences for the Matuyama-Brunhes Transition Precursor and a Fully Reversed Geomagnetic Event in the Brunhes Chron
- Source Mechanism of Vulcanian Degassing at Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico, Determined From Moment-Tensor Inversion of Very-long-period Seismic Waveforms
- Static Stress Field on a Branched Fault System: The 1891 Nobi, Japan, Earthquake (M8.0)
- Stochastic Acceleration of Dust Grains in the Saturn Rings
- Subsidence and Strike-slip Tectonism of the Upper Continental Slope off Manzanillo, Mexico
- The Stress/Strain/Fault Slip Cycle in Guerrero, Southern Mexico
- Thermal Models for Kamchatka and the Position of the Volcanic arc
- Thermal Models for Southern Mexico and Guatemala and the Position of the Volcanic Belt
- Toward an Improved Understanding of Subduction Zone Mechanics: Finite Element Modeling Results From the Jalisco GPS Project, 1993-2004
- U-Series Whole-Rock and Mineral Geochemistry of Recent Bimodal Eruptive Products From the Torfajökull/Veidivötn Volcanic System, South-Central Iceland
- Volatiles in a Subduction-Related Primitive Basaltic Cinder Cone: Investigating Volcan Jorullo, Mexico
- A Comparison Between Dc'-values Obtained From a Dynamic Rupture Model and Waveform Inversion
- A Definition of Planet
- A Geodetic Study of the 22 January 2003 Tecoman, Colima, Mexico Earthquake
- A Textural Exploration of the Physical Attributes of Pumice Clasts From the 23,000 Y.B.P. Eruption of Popocatepetl Volcano in Central Mexico
- Analysis of Near-Surface Atmospheric Ionospheric Processes by Joint Satellite and Ground Measurements Associated with Major Earthquakes (2003-2004)
- Are Halo CMEs special events?
- Automated Detection of Pi2 Pulsations by Wavelet Analysis and its Application to Real-time Data From Longitudinal Network of Geomagnetic Observatories
- Calculation of Loss Rate from Saturn's E Ring
- Composition and Origin of Laminae in Holocene Sediments From the Southern Gulf of California
- Detailed 40Ar/39Ar chronology of the Tancítaro Volcanic Field, Michoacán, Mexico
- Effects of Heating on Magnetic Susceptibility Anisotropy of Impact Breccias From the Chicxulub Crater, Mexico
- Families of Long-Period Seismic Signals Observed in Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico
- Geochemistry Meets Anthropology: the use of Sr Isotopes as Tracers for Ancient Human Migration.
- Global hybrid simulations of the ion foreshock
- Holocene Eruptions of Machin Volcano: Stratigraphy and Eruptive Dynamics
- Installation of a High Resolution Potassium Magnetometer in the Coast of Oaxaca
- Late Pleistocene magmatic evolution of Tacana volcano, Mexico-Guatemala.
- Low Radiogenic, Young and Mafic to Intermediate Crust Beneath Colima Volcano: Xenoliths and O-Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Evidence.
- MEXART Measurements of Radio Sources. Interplanetary Scintillation Array in Mexico
- Magma Diversity in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt: the role of Mantle Heterogeneities, Slab-derived Fluxes and Crustal Contamination.
- Magnus Force in the Venus Ionosphere
- PSHA: What Next?
- Possible Sources for the Saturnian Dust Streams
- Preliminary Chicxulub Crater Peak Ring Interpretation on 2-D Seismic Reflection Profiles From R/V Maurice Ewing 2005 Survey.
- Relationships between CME brightness and in-situ plasma parameters observed at 1 AU
- Rupture Pomess of Four Medium Size Earthquakes That Occurred in the Gulf of California
- Seismic Patterns of the Guerrero-Oaxaca, Mexico Region and its Relationship to the Continental Margin Structure
- Solar Wind Interaction with Venus and Mars: Comparison of Proton Pickup Rates
- Solar neutron events associated with large solar flares in solar cycle 23
- Stratigraphy of Late Pleistocene-Holocene pyroclastic deposits of Tacana Volcano, Mexico-Guatemala
- Study of Coronal Mass Ejections and Geomagnetic Storms During the Ascending Phase of Solar Cycle 23
- The G index of Interplanetary Scintillation Data and its relation to Forbush Decreases During 1991-1994
- 1D Hybrid Simulations of Obliquely Propagating Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Io Plasma Torus
- A ~31 ka Plinian-subplinian eruption at Tláloc Volcano, Sierra Nevada, Mexico
- Analysis of GPS Total Electron Content (TEC) and Satellite Electromagnetic Data of Atmospheric Processes Related to the Northern Sumatra Earthquake Swarms of Dec 2004-Apr 2005
- Crust-Mantle Interactions at Pico de Orizaba (Citlaltepetl) Volcano, Mexico.
- Drag of the Venusian Atmosphere by Solar Wind
- Early Cretaceous Absolute Paleointensities
- Earth Hazards Consortium: a Unique Approach to Student-Centered Learning
- Earthquake clouds and physical mechanism of their formation.
- Erosion of the Mars Ionosphere at the Magnetic Polar Regions
- Evolution of the Plumbing System Beneath a Primitive Cinder Cone: Volcan Jorullo, Mexico
- Foreshock cavities and ULF waves under radial IMF geometry
- Geophysical Modeling of Tectonostratigraphic Terrane Boundaries and Crustal Structure Across a Pacific Ocean-Gulf of Mexico Transect, Southern Mexico
- High resolution paleoceanography from the Carmen Basin, Gulf of California.
- Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling. Main principles and practical validation.
- MASE: A seismological perspective of the sub-horizontal subduction of the Cocos Plate under North America
- MASE: a Great Opportunity for Outreach to the Rural Communities in Mexico
- Magnetic Properties and Heavy Metals in topsoils from Mexico City: Implications for Pollution
- Mapping of heavy metal loadings in topsoils by means of rock magnetism in Mexico City.
- Martian Gullies: Formation by CO2 Fluidification
- Natural magnetite nanoparticles from an iron deposit: grain size and temperature effects in magnetic properties
- Preliminary results from a new large-aperture seismic and GPS array in southern Mexico
- Preliminary results of high-frequency surface wave tomography along MASE line
- Raytracing along the Central Mexico MASE profile with nearby earthquakes.
- Receiver Function Analysis of the Middle American Subduction Zone in Central Mexico
- Regional Kinematics of the Cocos-Caribbean-North American Plates Triple Junction Area, Constrained by GPS Measurements
- Seismotectonics of Central Mexico Subduction Zone From Crustal Deformation Studies
- Simultaneous determination of 36Ar and N2 content together with delta 15N in gas samples: Geochemical signature of arc-related volcanic fluids
- Solar wind collimation of the Jupiter high velocity dust streams
- Spatial and Temporal Variation of Ion Cyclotron Waves in Saturn's Neutral Cloud
- TIR Anomalies Associated with some of the Major Earthquakes in 1999-2003
- The January 22, 2001, scoria flow produced at Popocatépetl volcano, Mexico
- The Wigner-Ville Transform, An Approach to Interpret GPR Data: Outlining a Rik Zone
- Thermal, Atmospheric and Ionospheric Anomalies around the Time of Some of the Major Earthquakes in California and Mexico in 2003-2004
- Three Magmatic Components in the 1973 Eruption of Eldfell Volcano, Iceland: Evidence From Plagioclase Crystal Size Distribution (CSD) and Geochemistry
- Timing rising magma batches at Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico during 2006
- Tremor Signals and Their Eruptive Event Characteristics: Case Study Popocatepetl Volcano (Mexico)
- Volatile Contents of Melt Inclusions From Andesite Pumice at Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, West Indies
- Volcanic Hazard Assessment Through Analysis of Physical Characteristics and Distribution of Volcanic Projectiles
- Ascent, Degassing, and Crystallization of Water-Rich Mafic Magmas in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt: A Melt Inclusion Perspective
- Associations of major and trace components in time-series settling particle samples from Cuenca Alfonso, SW Gulf of California
- Atmospheric Dusty Plasma as a Factor of the Global Electric Circuit
- Calm Before the Storm? Immediate Identification of Volcanic Eruption Intensity: Promising Test of a New Monitoring System at the Active Volcano Popocatépetl, Mexico
- Description Of Computational Routines For Accessing And Using Real Time Data In The Mexican Array Radiotelescope (MEXART)
- Destruction of San Salvador Volcano and Birth of El Boquer´{o}n Volcano (El Salvador): Detailed Stratigraphic Study of G1 and G2 Sequences.
- Determination of Ionization Rates in the E ring Based on Magnetic Fluctuation Amplitudes
- Dust Structures Formation Near Jupiter
- Energy Flow in Saturn's Ion Cyclotron Wave Belt
- Evidence From a Crystal-Poor, Zoned (Rhyolite-Andesite) Pyroclastic Deposit From Volcan Tepetiltic, Western Mexico for Rapid Generation of Silicic Melt by Partial Melting of Granitoid and not by Segregation From a Long-Lived Crystal-Rich Mush
- Evidence for Slab Melt Contributions to the Mexican Volcanic Belt and Other Young Hot Slab Arcs from Lu-Hf Isotopes
- Fate and Reactive Transport of Chromium in Leon Valley, Guanajuato, Mexico Using Stable Isotopes
- Fluidization of Dry Material on Martian Gullies
- Global hybrid simulations: ULF waves in the magnetosheath
- Imaging the Asymmetric Chicxulub Impact Crater and Plans for Drilling
- International Year of Planet Earth - Activities and Plans in Mexico
- Joint Evaluation of EM Signals Detected Around the Time of Major Earthquakes
- LAIC Model - a New Source of Information for Seismo-Tectonics
- LATINMAG: A Latin-American Collaborative Network in Paleo, Geo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism
- Long term storage of explosively erupted magma at Nevado de Toluca volcano, Mexico
- Magnetic Field Modulated Dust Streams From Jupiter in Interplanetary Space
- Mexican Virtual Solar Observatory
- Modeling Of The Seismic Response Of The Flat Slab In Central Mexico
- NW-SE Quaternary Extension and the emplacement of the Apan-Tezontepec Monogenetic Field, Northeast of Mexico Basin
- Non-Volcanic Tremor Observed in Guerrero, Mexico
- Numerical Simulation of Biodegradation Processes in Subsurface Systems
- Numerical Simulation of a Viscous Flow Interaction of the Solar Wind with the Magnetic Polar Regions of the Venus Ionosphere
- Pakal A New Algorithm to Solve the Radiative Transfer Equation
- Paleomagnetic Evidence From Volcanic Units of Valsequillo Basin for the Laschamp Geomagnetic Excursion, and Implications for Early Human Occupation in Central Mexico
- Planetary Magnetic Moment as Function of Mass and Rotation
- Pre-eruptive Volatile Contents of Mafic Magma at Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico, from Olivine- hosted Melt Inclusions
- Role of Scientific Societies in International Collaboration
- Searching For Charge Interchange Cross-Sections Of Energetic Ions In Finite Temperature Matter
- Sedimentology, geochemistry and rock magnetic properties of beach sands in Galapagos Islands - implications for nesting marine turtles
- Seismic Pattern of the Guerrero-Oaxaca, Mexico Region and its Relationship to the Continental Margin Structure
- Short Polarity Albian Events in the Cretaceous Normal Superchron - Magnetostratigraphy of the Morelos and Tlayua Formations (Mexico)
- Simulation of LP Volcanic Signals Using a Fluid-Filled 3D Cylindrical System
- Solar Wind Plasma Pile-up at the Magnetic Polar Regions of the Venus Ionosphere: Viscous Force Effects
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Non-Volcanic Tremor Source Locations Along the Oaxacan Segment of the Middle America Subduction Zone
- Stress Field and Seismicity in the Basin of Mexico
- Structural Seismic Risk at David City, Panama
- The 1793 Eruption of San Martin Volcano (Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico)
- VESO: Virtual Earth-Sun Observatory
- Volcanic ash as an iron-fertilizer in ocean surface water
- Waves near interplanetary shocks observed by STEREO
- 3-D Ground Motion Modeling for M7 Dynamic Rupture Earthquake Scenarios on the Wasatch Fault, Utah
- 3D Calculation of Seismic Wave Interaction with Topography and Near-surface Structures at the LSBB Underground Laboratory, Rustrel, France
- A Statistical Method Linking Geological and Historical Eruption Time-series: Applications to the Hazard Assessment of Active Volcanoes
- Aeromagnetic Study of the Amealco Caldera, Central Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Chicxulub Impact Crater and Yucatan Carbonate Platform - PEMEX Oil Exploratory Wells Revisited
- Chicxulub Impact Crater and Yucatan Carbonate Platform - Stratigraphy and Petrography of PEMEX Borehole Cores
- Chromium Contamination in Leon Valley Mexico: Insights from Chromium Stable Isotopes
- Comparison of slip distribution of large slow slip events in Guerrero subduction zone
- Detection of Fracture Patterns Within the Southern Portion of a Residential Complex (Tepozanes), Los Reyes-La Paz County (Edo. de Mexico)
- Environmental Magnetism Record of Holocene From Tropical Lake Sediments on Western México: Tacambaro Lake
- Failed Eruptive Precursors at Popocatepetl, 2006-2008.
- First IPS Radio Sources Detected By MEXART
- Foreshock density cavitons
- Hydrochemical fluxes from El Chichon volcano, Mexico
- Improved GPS Analysis Including Modelling of non-Tectonic Signals Confirms Simple 4-4.5 Year Period for SSEs in Guerrero, Mexico, and Allows Prediction of the Next Event in 2010
- Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Solar Wind at 0.3 and 1 AU
- Local Seismicity Analysis of the Ometepec, Guerrero Area
- Mantle-Type Granites From Jilotlan, Jalisco, Mexico: Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence
- Mexico City Subsidence
- Micromagnetic and Microstructural Analyses in Chondrules of the Allende Chondritic Meteorite
- Near Surface Geophysical Exploration at The Archaeological Site of San Miguel Tocuila, Basin of Mexico.
- New Experimental High Sensitivity Magnetic Observatory Installation In Mexico
- New Hypocenter Relocation Results From Volcano-Tectonic Events (1995-2006) at Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico
- Non-Volcanic Tremor along the Oaxaca segment of the Middle America Subduction Zone
- Nonvolcanic Tremor Activity is Highly Correlated With Slow Slip Events, Mexico
- Numerical Simulation of the Formation of Venus Ionospheric Channels due to Viscous Dragging by the Solar Wind
- Paleoceanographic Study of the Late Holocene in Carmen and La Paz Basins, Gulf of California
- Pre-eruptive conditions of the ~31 ka rhyolitic magma of Tlaloc volcano, Sierra Nevada Volcanic Range, Central Mexico
- Propagation and Decoupling of ICMEs and interplanetary shocks
- S-Wave Velocity Across Central Mexico Using High Resolution Surface Wave Tomography
- Seismicity at Baru Volcano, Western Panama, Panama
- Slab and Mantle controls of Nb and Ta: Evidence from the central Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Solar Activity, Ultraviolet Radiation and Consequences in Birds in Mexico City, 2001- 2002
- Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Signatures of High-Ti Basalts From the Pacific Rivera Plate, Western Margin of Mexico.
- Statistical analysis of the properties of foreshock density cavitons
- Subducting slab ultra-slow velocity layer coincident with silent earthquakes in southern Mexico
- The Chicxulub Impact Crater and the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary: Results from the Drilling Projects
- The SCEC-USGS 3D Rupture Dynamics Code Comparison Exercise
- Use of Global Meteorological Model to Correct for Stratified Tropospheric Delays in SAR Data: Application to Active Mexican Stratovolcanoes.
- VEOX: A new Seismic Line in Mexico to Reveal Cocos Behavior
- VEOX: Receiver Functions Across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico
- Viscous Boundary Layer in the Venus Ionosheath: Evidence from the Venus Express Plasma Data
- 3-D ground motion modeling for M7 dynamic rupture earthquake scenarios on the Wasatch fault, Utah
- Analysis in natural time domain of geoelectric time series monitored prior two strong earthquakes occurred in Mexico
- Anticipating the Next Large Silent Earthquake in Mexico
- Cavitons And Ultra Low Frequency Waves In the Earth’s Foreshock
- Development of a new time-dependent slip inversion of Slow Slip Events: application to the 2006 Guerrero SSE
- Dual Observations of Interplanetary Shocks Associated with Stream Interaction Regions
- Dynamics of pick-up ions in turbulent electromagnetic fields in the magnetic polar regions of Mars ionosheath
- Estimation of the erosion rate of Venus ionosphere due to viscous like interaction with the solar wind
- Fractal Analysis of magnetic data measured at Popocatepetl volcano
- Geoeffective CME-driven Shocks: Comparison Between Imaging Data and in-situ Observations
- High Resolution Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatic Study of La Paz Basin, Gulf of California - Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age Records in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- Influence of the Fragmentation Process on the Eruptive Dynamics of Vulcanian Eruptions: an Experimental Approach
- Integrated Assessment to Evaluate the Artificial Recharge in a Small Portion of the Aquifer of Puebla, Mexico
- International Year of Planet Earth - Accomplishments, Activities, Challenges and Plans in Mexico
- Interplanetary Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections and Type II bursts
- Interplanetary evolution of fast CMEs and shocks: injection, uncoupling and decay
- Interplanetary shocks close to the Sun: Helios 1 and 2 observations
- Ion cyclotron waves at unmagnetized bodies: a comparison of Mars, Venus and Titan
- Is There a Tectonic Component On The Subsidence Process In Morelia, Mexico?
- Large Slow Slip Events and the Nonvolcanic Tremor Observed in the Mexican Subduction Zone are not of the Same Origin
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene Volcanism of the Mexico Basin and Assessment of Volcanic Hazards in One of the World’s Largest Cities
- Loss of Atmosphere by Solar Wind in Magnetic Planets
- Low Mach Number Collisionless Shocks in the Interplanetary Plasma Laboratory (Invited)
- Magma ascent and lava dome evolution at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
- Micro-seismic Signals Recorded During Fast Depressurization of Natural Volcanic Samples in a Shock Tube Apparatus
- Mixing vs Boiling process in a shallow submarine hydrothermal system of Bahía Concepción, Mexico
- Petrological, Magnetic and Geochemical Characterization of Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary El Mimbral and La Lajilla Sections, Northeastern Mexico
- Physical aspects of micrometeoroids dynamics in the Earth atmosphere
- Properties of ion-cyclotron waves and mirror modes observed in the Saturnian middle magnetosphere
- STEREO observations of mirror mode trains and storms
- Scaling of Source Spectra of the April 2009 L’Aquila, Italy Earthquakes
- Solar Spectrum at Millimeter-Infrared Wavelenght Range
- Speed Evolution of Fast CME/Shocks with SOHO/LASCO, Wind/WAVES, IPS and in-situ WIND data: Analysis of Kilometric Type-II Emissions (Invited)
- Studying propagation of seismic waves across the Valley of Mexico from correlations of seismic noise
- Teaching solar astronomy on march 21 th in a multicultural village during IYA 2009 Mexico
- Temporal Behavior of Explosive Events Seen in UV by SUMER
- The Mid-Rivera-Transform Discordance: Slow Adjustment to Changing Plate Motions
- Three dimensional P-wave velocity structure at Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico
- Validation of MODIS aerosol product with in-situ AERONET data (a study case in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico)
- Waves associated with interplanetary shocks driven by stream interactions
- 3D dynamic rupture with anelastic wave propagation using an hp-adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin method
- A modification of the method of Carey and Sparks (1986) to estimate eruption column height from maximum clast dispersal
- Assessing Hazards Related to Volcano-Ice Interactions at POPOCATÉPETL Volcano (mexico): Determination of Physical Parameters of 1999-2000 Laharic Flows
- Collapse of the northern Jalisco continental slope:Subduction erosion, forearc slivering, or subduction beneath the Tres Marias escarpment?
- Complex Non-volcanic Tremor in Guerrero Mexico Triggered by the 2010 Mw 8.8 Chilean Earthquake
- Continuation, south of Oaxaca City (southern Mexico) of the Oaxaca-Juarez terrane boundary and of the Oaxaca Fault. Based in MT, gravity and magnetic studies
- Cross-correlation analysis for geoelectric time series associated with a M7.4 earthquake occurred in Mexico by means of the mutual information theory
- Early in-flight detection of SO2 via Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy: A feasible aviation safety measure to prevent potential encounters with volcanic plumes
- Earthquake Studies In Oaxaca Province, Mexico
- Evidence of plasma vortices in the Venus plasma wake
- Formation of plasma vortices in the near wake of Venus due to the viscous-like interaction with the solar wind
- GPS Application : Theoretical Analysis of Coseismic Crustal Deformation of the Subduction Zone Colombia - Ecuador
- Geochemical Tracers of Subducted Materials in a Complex Continental Magmatic Arc: The Case of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Geologic Evidence of Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mexican Subduction zone - Guerrero
- Geophysical survey applied to underwater archaeology: a 19th century town submerged in Tequesquitengo Lake, Morelos, México
- Global Vulnerability Assessment in Santa María Tixmadeje, Estado de México, México
- Interplanetary evolution of fast CMEs-shocks and type II burst emission
- Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Heliosphere (Invited)
- Isotope hydrology of El Chichón volcano-hydrothermal system; a coupled system of crater lake and hot springs
- MEXART observations at 140 MHz: Calibration to perform the Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) technique
- Natural Hazards and Vulnerability in Valle de Chalco Solidaridad Estado de Mexico, Mexico. Case studies: El Triunfo, Avandaro and San Isidro
- Natural and Man-Made Hazards in the Cayman Islands
- Numeric and analytic study of ICME and shock evolution: driving, decoupling and decaying
- Physical Exposure to Seismic Hazards of Health Facilities in Mexico City, Mexico
- Physical, Structural and Operational Vulnerability of Critical Facilities in Valle de Chalco Solidaridad, Estado de Mexico, Mexico. Case of study: Avándaro, San Isidro and El Triunfo
- Probing deformation at depth using passive seismology: case of the Mexico 2006 slow slip event
- STEREO observations of waves associated to interplanetary shocks driven by stream interactions
- Saturn Ring Equinox Temperature Variations Retrieved by Cassini CIRS
- Sibinal Pumice eruption, an example of transition from sub-Plinian to Plinian eruptive style at Tacaná Volcanic Complex, México-Guatemala
- Source Energy Spectrum of Relativistic Solar Protons
- Space Profile of the Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection Acceleration
- Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Compositions of Volcanic Rocks Associated to the Apan-Tlaloc Fault System, Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, Mexico
- Statistical Study of the Time Duration of the ICME Sheath
- Stratigraphy and Facies Analysis of a 122 M Long Lacustrine Sequence from Chalco Lake, Central Mexico
- Study of solar wind dynamics using five spacecraft simultaneous measurements: Helios, Voyagers and IMP 8
- Study of waves in the regions upstream and downstream of interplanetary shocks
- Supershear Mach-Waves Expose the Fault Breakdown Slip
- Surface wave propagation across the USArray
- Tectonic, volcanic and human activity ground deformation signals detected by multitemporal InSAR techniques in the Colima Volcanic Complex (Mexico) rift
- Temporal and spatial variations of seismicity in the State of Guerrero, Mexico, from 2000-2010
- The `L' Array, a method to model 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) data
- Time dependent slip distributions of three slow slip events in Guerrero (Mexico): 2002, 2006 and 2010
- Tracing the Upper Mantle Discontinuities Beneath the Pacific-North America Plate Boundary, Mexico
- Vegetation Dynamics of NW Mexico using MODIS time series data
- Volcanic Risk Perception in Five Communities Located near the Chichón Volcano, Northern Chiapas, Mexico
- White Light and Radio Emission of CME-Shocks: their Evolution in the Interplanetary Medium
- 3-D model of ICME in the interplanetary medium
- A Quantitative Method to Estimate Vulnerability. Case Study: Motozintla de Mendoza, Chiapas
- Aeromagnetic Study of the Nortern Acambay Graben and Amealco Caldera, Central Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Ancient Mudflows in the Tuxtla Volcanic Field, Veracruz, Mexico
- Attempting to Predict GLE71 by Means of Principal Components Analysis
- Climate Variability in the Tropical Pacific During the Middle and Late Holocene: Its Relation with ITCZ Migration
- Comparative Study of Mirror Mode Storms Inside Sirs and in Icmes' Sheaths
- Crustal Structure beneath Mexico from Receiver Functions
- Crustal travel-time tomography below southern Mexico shows high Vp/Vs in the NVT zone
- Deceleration of CMEs in the interplanetary medium: comparison of different analytic models
- El Chichón crater lake dynamic based on continuous physical data and mass-heat budget
- Experimental evidence of momentum transport in the Venus plasma wake
- Extreme Magnitude Earthquakes and their Economical Consequences
- Extreme Wave Deposits On The Pacific Coast Of Mexico: Tsunamis Or Storms? - A Multi-Proxy Approach
- Foreshock compressional boundaries observed by Cluster
- Geochemical and Isotopic Evidences of the Magmatic Sources in the Eastern Sector of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt: Xihuingo-Chichicuautla Volcanic Field
- Geochemical registers of Late Quaternary paleoclimatic conditions at Sonora and Chihuahua Deserts, Mexico: comparison and synthesis
- High Angle Reverse Faulting Along the Southwestern Coast of the Gulf of Mexico: An Example of Intraplate Deformation of the North American Plate
- High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Survey over the Yucatan Peninsula - Implications for Chicxulub Impact, Secondary Craters and Regional Crustal Structures
- IPS studies using the Mexican Array Radio Telescope (MEXART)
- Identification of Large Emission Sources of SO<SUB>2</SUB> in Mexico Megacity
- Identification of the ICMEs by using the correlation of different parameter fluctuations at 1 AU
- Inter-species momentum transfer due to the two-stream instability in the solar wind-Venus ionosphere interaction
- Interplanetary Shocks and Foreshocks observed by STEREO
- Ionospheric Disturbance Effects on IPS signals from MEXART
- Islas Marias Archipelago, Mexico. A Missing Piece to Reconstruct the Paleoposition of Baja California
- L- and Corner-arryas for 3D electric resistivity tomography: An alternative for geophysical surveys in urban zones
- Lava tubes and aquifer vulnerability in the upper Actopan River basin, Veracruz, México
- Mantle Origin of Silicic Calc-alkaline Basalts to Andesites in the Central Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Mojave-Sonora Megashear at Trincheras Area, Sonora (northwestern Mexico). High resolution aeromagnetic and radioactive, and gravity data
- Neutron Emission from the Solar Flare of September 07, 2005, Detected by the Solar Neutron Telescope at Sierra Negra, Mexico
- New Results of Studies of Slow Slip Events and Nonvolcanic Tremor in the Guerrero Seismic Gap, Mexico (G-GAP project)
- New Three-Dimensional Model for the Chicxulub Crater Based on Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetics, Constrained with Seismic and Well Data
- Nonextensivity approach of seismicity occurred within four subduction regions in Mexico
- Paleomagnetic Study of El Pinacate Volcanic Field, Sonora, Mexico
- Particles and waves Upstream of ICME Driven Interplanetary Shocks
- Pre-eruptive Volatile Contents and Magma Evolution of Pelagatos Volcano, Sierra Chichinautzin, Mexico, from Olivine- hosted melt Inclusions
- Rapid estimation of critical source parameters for early tsunami warning based on coastal GPS networks: A feasibility study
- Recovering the slip history of a scenario earthquake in the Mexican subduction zone
- Response of Terrestrial Vegetation to Variations in Temperature and Aridity Since the Last Glacial Maximum in Lake Chalco, Mexico
- Search for Impact Craters in the Volcanic and Volcano-Sedimentary Terrains of Mexico
- Sedimentological, Geochemical and Magnetic Properties of Colima Beach Sands, Mexico - Influence of Climate and Coastal Processes
- Seismic Characteristics of the Gulf of Mexico Region
- Sr Isotopes and Migration of Prairie Mammoths (Mammuthus columbi) from Laguna de las Cruces, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
- Subsidence Induced Faulting Hazard Zonation Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and Horizontal Gradient Mapping in Mexican Urban Areas
- Surface-wave arrival angles across the USArray TA: the influences of path characteristics and an evaluation of current earth models
- Temporal and Spatial Variations of Seismicity in the State of Guerrero and in the Guerrero Seismic Gap, Mexico, from 1998-2010
- Temporal variations of non-volcanic tremor (NVT) locations in the Mexican subduction zone: finding the NVT sweet spot
- The ignimbritic sequences of the Michoacan and Jalisco blocks, western Mexico
- The two-stream plasma instability in a velocity shear and its role in the solar wind-Venus ionosphere interaction
- Toward a Unified Theory of Silent Seismicity in Central Mexico
- Toward improving global attenuation models: Interpreting surface-wave amplitudes with approximate theories
- Tthe Non-Linear Characterization of the 22 Years Seismic Series Occurred Along the Mexican South Pacific Coast
- Understanding Volcanic Conduit Dynamics: from Experimental Fragmentation to Volcanic Eruptions
- Yucatan Subsurface Stratigraphy from Geophysical Data, Well Logs and Core Analyses in the Chicxulub Impact Crater and Implications for Target Heterogeneities
- 3D electric resistivity tomography (ERT) methodologies applied on selected heavily urbanized areas of the basin of Mexico to detect buried fractures and subsidence problems
- Allanite from the El Muerto Pegmatite, Oaxaca, Mexico: A Potential New Standard for <SUP>232</SUP>Th-<SUP>208</SUP>Pb Dating by LA-ICP-MS
- Analysis of the Mw 7.4 March 20, 2012 Ometepec aftershock sequence and pre-mainshock background seismicity
- Animations and modeling of the 2012 slow slip event beneath southern Mexico and the accompanying 20 March 2012 Mw=7.4 Ometepec earthquake
- Areas of slip of recent earthquakes in the Mexican subduction zone
- Automatic detection and identification of the compression regions driven by large solar wind structures at 1 AU
- Characteristics of the Seismicity in the San Martin Tuxtla volcano area, Veracruz, Mexico
- Complexities in the use of branched GDGT based temperature reconstruction: Case studies from the southwest USA and Mexico
- Deciphering seismic signatures of physical processes in dynamic complex systems: an experimental approach
- Deployment and Earthquake Scenarios for the QCN in Mexico
- Education and public outreach during the spring equinox, 2012
- Electrons in Regions Upstream and Downstream of ICME Driven IP Shocks
- Eolian sand deposition during th Medieval Climatic Anomaly in Playa San Bartolo, Sonora, Mexico
- Flood Risk in Motozintla de Mendoza, Chiapas: An Approximation
- Historical Earthquakes And Their Geologic Signature On The Guerrero, Mexican Pacific Coast
- Identification of High Energy Solar Particle Signals on the Mexico City Neutron Monitor Database
- Integrated Risk Assessment to Natural Hazards in Motozintla, Chiapas, Mexico
- Interplanetary propagation of Fast Coronal Mass Ejections and Shock Waves and Type II radio burst
- Inverse Dipolar Magnetic Anomaly Over the Volcanic Cone Linked to Reverse Polarity Magnetizations in Lavas and Tuffs - Implications for the Conduit System
- Long Period seismic source characterization at Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico
- Low-frequency earthquakes in the Mexican subduction zone
- MESSENGER Observations of Upstream Whistler Waves in Mercury's Foreshock Region
- Messenger observations of Mercury's bow shock and upstream ultra-low frequency waves below 1-Hz
- Multispacecraft observations of foreshock compressional boundaries
- Normal block faulting in the Airport Graben, Managua pull-apart rift, Nicaragua: gravity and magnetic constraints
- On the Prognosis of the OCCURRENCE` Date of GLEs
- Paleomagnetic study of the monogenetic volcanism in San Borja and Jaraguay, Baja California Norte, Mexico
- Petrological and Geochemical characterization of central Chihuahua basalts: a possible local sign of rifting activity
- Precipitation and paleoproductivity changes over southern Gulf of California during the last 6000 years- their relation with North America Monsoon variability and Intertropical Convergence Zone migration
- Recent glaciological and meteorological studies of Citlaltépetl volcano's glaciers in Mexico: A comparison with tropical and temperate glaciers
- Remote Sensing of Solar Wind Velocity Applying IPS Technique using MEXART
- Rosetta's Dust Impact Monitor (DIM): A comparison of theory and experiments
- Seismicity Patterns of the Oaxacan Segment of the Middle American Subduction Zone
- Six years of tectonic tremor observations prior to the M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.4 March 20, 2012 Ometepec Earthquake
- Slow slip events in Guerrero, Mexico, and consequences on strain accumulation over the past 15 years.
- Solar Wind Driven Plasma Fluxes from the Venus Ionosphere
- Statistical analysis of archeomagnetic samples of Teotihuacan, Mexico
- Subsidence Induced Faulting Hazard risk maps in Mexico City and Morelia, central Mexico
- Tectonic tremor locations using template matching of low frequency earthquakes
- The March 20, 2012 Ometepec, Guerrero, Mexico Earthquake (M 7.4): Seismic scenario before and after the Earthquake
- Tracking of Interplanetary CME/Shocks Using Type II Radio Observations
- Utilization of Rainwater in the City of Leon Guanajuato, Mexico
- Waves associated to COMPLEX EVENTS observed by STEREO
- Waves upstream of collisionless shocks
- A 2006 earthquakes series at the Colima rift and its relationship to the Rivera-Cocos plate boundary
- A Paleozoic anorthosite massif related to rutile-bearing ilmenite ore deposits, south of the Polochic fault, Chiapas Massif Complex, Mexico
- A comparison of two stochastic approaches for parameter estimation in steady-state groundwater flow: Nonlocal Moment Equations and Monte Carlo Method coupled with Ensemble Kalman Filter
- A revised stratigraphy and petrogenetic interpretation of the Cordilleran basement in the Mazatlan, Sinaloa region (NW Mexico): Evidence from new geochemical and geochronological data
- Burst, background, and triggered low-frequency earthquakes and non-volcanic tremors
- Characterization of large scale structure interaction in the solar wind
- Comparison of groundwater flow model results and isotopic data in the Leon valley, Mexico
- Crustal structure beneath Colima Volcano (Colima, México) as derived from receiver functions
- Detection of atypical seismic events on a regional scale
- Determination of magnitude and epicenter of historical earthquakes on the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the ionopause of Venus
- Do Mirror Mode Storms Exist in the Earth's Magnetosheath?
- Dome/Conduit inflation-deflation at Volcan de Fuego, Colima: evidence from seismic and geodetic data
- Explosively erupted magmas with relatively quiescent differentiation stories. Examples from Sierra Nevada, México
- Geochemistry and Sr-Nd isotopes of the subvolcanic sill complex and sandstone geochronology from María Magdalena island, Nayarit, Mexico
- Hazard assessment of long-range tephra dispersal for a Plinian eruptive scenario at Popocatépetl volcano (Mexico). Inplications on civil aviation
- Investigating Fault Slip Budget in the Cocos Subducting Plate from Characteristically Repeating Earthquake Activity
- Investigating the low-frequency earthquake and non-volcanic tremor system
- Magma storage conditions of historic Plinian eruptions of Volcán de Colima, México
- Magnetic precursors to the 2013 eruptive activity at Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico
- Mexican national pyronometer network calibration
- Microstructural and geochronology data of the Coacoyulillo-Intzcuinatoyac sector rocks, Guerrero state, Mexico
- Middle-late Holocene climate variability in La Paz Basin, southern Gulf of California
- Modern Radiolarian (Polycystina) from Carmen Basin, Gulf of California, México: an ecological approach of the last 200 years
- Multiproxy Study of a Holocene Record From Western Pescadero Basin, Gulf of California, Mexico: Paleoclimatic inferences
- Petrogenesis and metal budget of Pelagatos volcano in the Chichinautzin monogenetic field, Mexico: A Melt Inclusion Study
- Pluto's Plasma Wake Oriented Away from the Ecliptic Plane
- Properties of Mirror Mode Waves and Ion Cyclotron Waves Observed by Stereo
- Rapid estimation of fault parameters for tsunami warning along the Mexican subduction zone based on real-time GPS (Invited)
- Reliability of rock magnetic properties and paleointensity along vertical basalt flow profiles: identification of best part for sampling?
- Remote Sensing of Solar Wind Speeds using Observations of IPS at 140 and 327 MHz: MEXART and STELab
- Repeating and not so Repeating Large Earthquakes in the Mexican Subduction Zone
- Rosetta/Philae spacecraft's Dust Impact Monitor: Theory and experiments
- Seismicity patterns in the State of Guerrero, Mexico, 1974-2013: Its implication for the Guerrero Seismic Gap
- Shallow Faulting in Morelia, Mexico, Based on Seismic Tomography and Geodetically Detected Land Subsidence
- Shallow structure of the Chichinautzin Range, southern Mexico basin, central Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. A gravity and seismic study
- Sr Isotopes and human skeletal remains, improving a methodological approach in migration studies
- Subduction-derived solute-rich fluid contributions to lavas of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
- The Maars of the Tuxtla Volcanic Field: the Example of 'laguna Pizatal'
- The Saturnian G-Ring: a Simple Story
- The Southern Baja - Islas Marías - Sinaloa Transect: What is common? What was moving?
- Waves within magnetic clouds: STEREO observations
- ~20 years of SO2 measurements at Popocatépetl volcano (Mexico) using COSPEC: volcanological interpretation of the data and use for validation of instrumental developments
- 3D Location of Small Solar Wind Tracers
- A Comparison of Three Stochastic Approaches for Parameter Estimation and Prediction of Steady-State Groundwater Flow: Nonlocal Moment Equations and Monte Carlo Method Coupled with Ensemble Kalman Filter and Geostatistical Stochastic Inversion.
- Acoustic monitoring of co-seismic changes in gas bubble rupture rate in a hydrothermal reservoir: field evaluation of a possible precursor and mechanism for remote seismic triggering
- Comparative Analysis of Fluid-Rock Dynamic Interaction Models
- Comparison between mechanisms of CO<SUB>2</SUB> degassing from El Chichon volcanic lake, México, and Specchio di Venere lake, Pantelleria, Italia.
- Construction of a High Temporal-spectral Resolution Spectrometer for Detection of Fast Transients from Observations of the Sun at 1.4 GHz.
- Crustal Structure at the North Eastern Tip of Rivera Plate, Nayarit- Marias Islands Region: Scenarios and Tectonic Implications. Tsujal Project
- Development of the TLALOCNet GPS-Met Network in Northwestern Mexico: Supporting Continuous Water Vapor Observations of the North American Monsoon
- GPS Constraints on the M<SUB>w</SUB>=7.5 Ometepec Earthquake Sequence, Southern Mexico: Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation
- Hydrothermal Solute Flux from Ebeko Volcanic Center, Paramushir, Kuril Islands
- Magnetosheath Filamentary Structures
- Mexican Network for the evaluation of Solar Resources in the country
- Numerical modeling of land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal in Aguascalientes Valley using regional coefficients of deformation determined by InSAR analysis.
- Relationships between Slow Slip and Earthquakes at the Brittle-Ductile Transition of Subduction Zones
- Seafloor morphology of the continental slope in front the Petacalco Bay and its tsunamigenic relationship at the Mexican sector of the Middle American subduction zone
- Seamount subduction and related deformation and seismicity of the continental slope off Manzanillo, Mexico, as evidenced by multibeam data
- Slow Slip Events and degree of coupling along the Mexican subduction zone in Guerrero and Oaxaca areas: role of the slab geometry and its lateral variations, spatio-temporal evolution, slip budget, determined from cGPS time series inversion using PCAIM code
- Soil erosion assessment using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) in a GIS framework: A case study of Zacatecas, México
- Source Variations of Small Magnitude Events in the Downdip Region of the Mexican Subduction Zone.
- Subsidence and associated shallow faulting hazard assessment in central Mexico using InSAR and GPS
- Subsidence hazard and risk assessments for Mexico City: An interdisciplinary analysis of satellite-derived subsidence map (PSInSAR) and census data.
- The River Network, Active Tectonics and the Mexican Subduction Zone, Southwest Mexico
- Transition on the Geometry of the Cocos Plate in Central-Southern Mexico.
- Tsujal Marine Survey: Crustal Characterization of the Rivera Plate-Jalisco Block Boundary and its Implications for Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Assessment
- Tsujal Project: New Geophysical Studies about Rivera PLATE and Jalisco Block (MEXICO)
- Wave Propagation in Axi-Symmetrical Magmatic Conduits Due to an Internal Source
- <p>IPS Observations at 140 MHz to Study Solar Wind Speeds and Density Fluctuations by MEXART.
- An Experimental Study of Cyclic Foam Oscillation: Unveiling the Time-Scale of Foam Collapse
- An overview on the Space Weather in Latin America: from Space Research to Space Weather and its Forecast
- Biogeochemical and Microbial Survey of Gravity Cores from the Guaymas Basin and Sonora Margin
- COCONet and TLALOCNet: Multi-hazard GNSS/Met Observatories, Enhancing Geodetic Infrastructure and the Scientific Community in Mexico and the Caribbean
- Changes in productivity and redox conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum as recorded in high-resolution geochemical records from Alfonso Basin, Gulf of California
- Differential Subsidence in Mexico City and its Consequences to the Collective Transport System (Metro)
- Estimation of Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>/Fe<SUB>tot.</SUB> ratio in natural silicate glasses and analogues for extra-terrestrial basalt using Raman spectroscopy
- Experimental Observations of Multiscale Dynamics of Viscous Fluid Behavior: Implications in Volcanic Systems
- Hydrothermal Activity in the Northern Guaymas Basin
- Long-term and Short-term Vertical Deformation Rates across the Forearc in the Central Mexican Subduction Zone
- Mexican Space Weather Service (SCIESMEX)
- Multibeam Bathymetric Survey of the Ipala Submarine Canyon, Jalisco. Mexico (20°N): The Southern Boundary of the Banderas Forearc Block?
- New Perspective on the Transition from Flat to Steeper Subduction in Oaxaca, Mexico Based on Seismicity, Nonvolcanic Tremor, and Slow Slip
- New paleomagnetic and paleointensity results from plio-pleistocene volcanic sequences from southern Georgia
- TLALOCNet: A Continuous GPS-Met Array in Mexico for Seismotectonic and Atmospheric Research
- The 18 May 2012 (Ms 4.5) Chapala Lake, Jalisco, Mexico Earthquake
- The Sills of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Their Distribution and Seismic Estimates of Their Thickness and Alteration of Intruded Sediments
- The Virtual Earth-Solar Observatory of the SCiESMEX
- Ambient noise tomography for characterize the subsoil structure below a collapsed mine. Integration with 3D models of electric resistivity tomography and micro-gravity data inversion
- Analysis of Ionospheric Scintillation by using Wavelet Transform Technique during Solar Maximum and Declining Phase of Solar Cycle 24.
- Analysis of the Complex Forbush Decreases of June 2015
- Analysis of the Seismicity Associated to the Subduction of the Rivera Plate using OBS and Onland Stations.
- Cosmic Ray Observatories for Space Weather Studies in Mexico.
- Curricular Design for Intelligent Systems in Geosciences Using Urban Groundwater Studies.
- Development of a Space Weather Strategy in Mexico
- Development of an expert analysis tool based on an interactive subsidence hazard map for urban land use in the city of Celaya, Mexico
- Dynamics of Mass Ejections in the Low Corona
- Geoeffectiveness of Fast and Slow Solar Wind Stream Associated to SIRs During 2007-2008
- Imaging a Pyramid Interior by ERT-3D Methods, Preliminar Results at El Castillo Pyramid, Chichen Itza, Mexico
- Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Mapping in Tropical Areas - Southern Mexico
- Multichannel Seismic Imaging of the Rivera Plate Subduction at the Seismogenic Jalisco Block Area (Western Mexican Margin)
- Near real-time monitoring of solar wind by interplanetary scintillation with MEXART
- Numerical simulations of fast transient events in the sun.
- Power Law of Micro-Scale Turbulence in the Solar Wind Combining Observations of IPS at Different Wavelengths
- Ray-tracing Thermal Modeling of Saturn's Main Rings
- Reconstruction of missed critical frequency of F2-layer over Mexico using TEC
- Seismic source associated with the repetitive events recorded at the Nevado del Huila volcano - Colombia in November 2008
- Simultaneous Observation of Solar Neutrons at the ISS and High Mountain Observatories as Evidence for two Different Acceleration Mechanisms Associated to a Flare on July 8,2014
- Slab interaction with the upper mantle underneath Southern Peru
- Slip Distribution of Two Recent Large Earthquakes in the Guerrero Segment of the Mexican Subduction Zone, and Their Relation to Previous Earthquakes, Silent Slip Events and Seismic Gaps
- Subsidence Modeling of the Over-exploited Granular Aquifer System in Aguascalientes, Mexico
- A 3D Resistivity Model of the Pyramid of La Luna (Teotihuacan, Mexico) Subsoil by Employing Non-Conventional ERT Arrays
- A Statistical Study of Solar Radio Spikes and their Relation to Energetic Solar Events.
- Analysis of the Source and Ground Motions from the 2017 M8.2 Tehuantepec and M7.1 Puebla Earthquakes
- Analysis of the potential geochemical reactions in the Enceladus' hydrothermal environment
- Assessment of groundwater contamination by gypsum dissolution in San Luis Potosí (México) using geoelectrical characterization
- Building Bridges Between Geoscience and Data Science through Benchmark Data Sets
- Comparison of Approaches to the Prediction of Surface Wave Phase Velocity
- Data Assimilation by Ensemble Kalman Filter during One-Dimensional Nonlinear Consolidation in Randomly Heterogeneous Highly Compressible Aquitards
- Differential subsidence in Mexico City and implications to its Collective Transport System (Metro).
- Diploma in Seismology for High-School Teachers in Mexico Through an Open-Source Learning Plataform
- Evaluating changes of the Bárdarbunga caldera using repeating earthquakes
- H/V spectral ratio tomography at Groningen Gas Field
- I. Jet Formation and Evolution due to 3D Magnetic Reconnection
- Illuminating sesmic discontinuities with receiver functions from a dense array in Mexico City
- Is there physical evidence that the M8.2 8-Sep-17 earthquake triggered the M7.1 19-Sep-17 earthquake?
- Kinematic source inversion of the 2017 Puebla-Morelos, Mexico earthquake (2017/09/19, Mw.7.1)
- Lit and unlit side temperatures of the Main Rings of Saturn.
- Long-lived tsunami edge-waves within the Tehuantepec Gulf triggered by the Mw8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake
- Petrology, thermobarometry and geochronology of Yelapa Complex: Implications in the tectonic history of the basement of Puerto Vallarta Batholith, Mexico
- Remotely-triggered Slip in Mexico City Induced by the September 2017 Mw=7.1 Puebla Earthquake.
- Seismic spectrograms analysis applying the Hough transform to estimate the front speed of mass movements: Application to snow avalanches
- Site characterization and construction of a controlled shallow test site in central Mexico for archaeological and engineering applications
- Spatio-temporal Variations in Slow Earthquakes along the Mexican Subduction Zone
- Subsidence Modeling of the Over-exploited Granular Aquifer System in Aguascalientes, Mexico
- TLALOCNet continuous GPS-Met Array in Mexico supporting the 2017 NAM GPS Hydrometeorological Network.
- Tectonic Constraints on the Evolution of Geothermal Systems in the Central Andean Volcanic Zone (CAVZ)
- The Acoculco caldera magmas: genesis, evolution and relation with the Acoculco geothermal system
- The Occurrence of the Recent Deadly Mexico Earthquakes was not that Unexpected
- The Worldwide Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Stations (WIPSS) Network October 2016 Observing Campaign: Initial WIPSS Data Analyses
- The role of MEXART in the National Space Weather Laboratory of Mexico: Detection of solar wind, CMEs, ionosphere, active regions and flares.
- Tracking Hydrothermal Fluid Pathways from Surface Alteration Mineralogy: The Case of Licancura Geothermal Field, Northern Chile
- Understanding the distribution of strong motions and the damage caused during the September 19th, 2017 earthquake
- Validation of IPS Single-Station Analysis (SSA) Using MEXART Routines in Multi-Station Spectra. Comparison with Cross Correlation Function (CCF) Analysis.
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Radiated Seismic Energy Release Along the Guerrero Segment of the Mexican Subduction Zone
- A Tale of Three Earthquakes: Slip History and Seismic - Aseismic Interaction Along the Mexico Subduction Zone from 2012 to the 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.2 Pinotepa Earthquake
- A decade of continuous autonomous station operations in remote polar regions
- An Evolutive Linear Kinematic Source Inversion
- Analysis of the Ground Motions of the September 7th and 19th 2017 Tehuantepec and Puebla-Morelos Earthquakes
- CARIB18: A stable geodetic reference frame for geological hazards monitoring within the Caribbean region
- Earthquake Swarms and Slow Slip on a Sliver Fault in the Mexican Subduction Zone
- Effects of the September 19, 2017 Earthquake on the Structural Pattern of Subsidence in the Southeastern Portion of the Basin of Mexico
- Evolution of an Electron Beam Pulse Influenced by Coulomb Collision Effects in the Solar Corona
- II. Analysis of 3D plasma motions in a chromospheric jet formed due to magnetic reconnection
- Imaging the Crust in South-Central Mexico from Receiver Functions.
- Monitoring Earthquakes in Mexico: Past, Present, and Beyond
- Network of The Americas GNSS Operations In Alaska, Challenges and Performance
- New insights about Bárðarbunga's seismic sources during and after the 2014-2015 caldera collapse events
- Origin and efficiency of the SIRs reported in the LANCE.
- Popocatépetl, Iztaccíhuatl or Tláloc? Petrogenesis of the Older Deposits (>23,000 Yrs) of the Sierra Nevada, México.
- Seismicity Changes Preceding the September 2017 Intraplate Earthquakes Along the Mexican Subduction Zone.
- Seismogeodesy for Local Tsunami Warnings: Case Studies from the Mexico Subduction Zone
- The 2017 Slow slip event in Guerrero (Mexico), seen by spatial geodesy
- The May 2016, Seismic Swarm at Rivera Plate
- Thermodynamic description of the dynamics of CMEs
- Towards Ground Motions Prediction for Hazard Assessment Associated with large Subduction Earthquakes in the Guerrero Seismic Gap, Mexico
- A New Class of Submarine Explosive Volcanic Events: Nautilian Eruptions.
- Automated Detection of Air-Ground Coupled Waves at Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico
- Compositional Diversity and Degassing of Trachybasalts from the 1993 Submarine Eruption near Socorro Island, Mexico
- Diatom-based transfer functions during the late MIS6 - early MIS3 in Lake Chalco, central Mexico.
- Elasto-acoustic frequency characteristics of gas particle flows triggered by rapid decompression
- Estimating Organic Carbon Fluxes Along an Annual Cycle in a Tropical Lake on Western Mexico
- First insight in OBS data and shallow tremor detection at the Guerrero Gap, Mexico.
- Geologic Record of the Great San Sixto 1787 Tsunami, Oaxaca-Guerrero, Mexico: Implications for Tsunami Hazard in Mexico
- Imaging the Structure of Active Stratovolcanos From Aeromagnetic Surveys - Popocatepetl Volcano, Central Mexico
- Incorporating the Network of the Americas (NOTA) GNSS Network into ShakeAlert
- Independent Component Analysis and parametric approach for source separation in InSAR time-series at regional scale: application to 2017 - 2018 Slow Slip Event in Guerrero (Mexico)
- Interplay Between Megathrust Topography and Tsunamigenic Structures Offshore West Mexico
- Large Plasma Vortices in the Wake-magnetosheath of Venus and Mars. An Analytical Approach.
- Lithostratigraphy of the ICDP MexiDrill drill cores from Lake Chalco (México Basin) covering at least 360 kyrs
- MexiDrill, the Basin of Mexico Drilling Project: Preliminary Results from Lake Chalco
- Nighttime Ionospheric TEC Study over Latin America
- On the emission region of Type II Radio Bursts in interplanetary shock fronts
- Origin, geometry and efficiency of the interaction regions
- Physics of the Damaging Ground Motion in the Valley of Mexico on September 19th, 2017 (Mw 7.1)
- Spicule jets in the chromosphere-corona interface modeled with resistive MHD with thermal conductivity
- Study of solar radio spikes properties observed at frequencies 0.01-8.4 GHz
- The May 2016 Mw 5.6 Earthquake at Rivera Fault Zone
- The Worldwide Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Stations (WIPSS) Network: A Ground-Based Heliospheric Observatory for Science and Space Weather
- The weighting functions, a tool to increase the vertical resolution in ERT-3D inverted models obtained with unconventional ERT geometries.
- A Contribution to the Mexico City Master Plan for Drinking Water Using a Groundwater Flow Model and a Nitrate Transport Model
- A Multi Source Origin Of Manganese For The Montaña De Manganeso Deposit, Central Mexico: Evidence From Geochemistry
- A preliminary probabilistic multi-hazard assessment for Ceboruco volcano (Mexico)
- A review of the isotopic composition of groundwater in the Southern portion of the Mexico Valley Aquifer, used to improve the conceptual flow model
- An Overview of Shear Wave Splitting and Upper Mantle Flow in Mexico
- Aseismic slip history during the interseismic period between the 2012 M 7.5 Ometepec and the 2018 M 7.2 Pinotepa earthquakes
- Detecting Mirror Mode Waves at Mars with MAVEN: from Case Study to Statistical Occurrence Maps
- Exploring the Interplate Seismic Rate of the Guerrero Gap from a Novel Amphibious Array
- Geophysical Subsoil Characterization of a Housing Unit Shaken by the Earthquake of September 19, 2017 (mw 7.1)
- Interaction of Space Weather Phenomena With Mars Plasma System During Solar Minimum 23/24
- Jets and Waves Downstream from Earth's Bow Shock
- Massive earthquake detection using matched filter and fingerprinting techniques
- Nonlinear acoustic propagation single-point spectral indicator: Comparative performance analyses for Sakurajima, Yasur, Popocatépetl, Augustine, Nabro, Reventador, Tungurahua, Villarrica, Cotopaxi, and Calbuco explosion waveforms
- On the Source of the Emission Region of Type II Radio Bursts Relative to Interplanetary Shock Fronts
- Over a century of sinking in Mexico City: no hope for elevation, water levels, and water quality recovery
- Performance analysis of multi-frequency receiver to reconstruct ionospheric TEC using combinations of GPS L1, L2, and L5 frequencies
- Plasma vortices in non-magnetic planetary wakes driven by magnetic torsion generated by electric currents.
- Seismic Anisotropy Provides Insight Into Upper Mantle Flow and its Relationship to Subduction of the Cocos Plate in Southern Mexico
- Shallow slow earthquakes and mechanical properties at the Guerrero seismic Gap, Mexico
- Short term interseismic coupling and lateral variation along the Mexican subduction from remote sensing
- Short-Term Interaction between Silent and Devastating Earthquakes in Mexico
- Spicule Jets in the Solar Atmosphere Modeled with Resistive MHD and Thermal Conduction
- Systematic characterization of slow slip events along the Mexican subduction zone over 20 years
- The effect of confinement due to COVID-19 on seismic noise in Mexico
- Chemistry of the oceans of Enceladus and Europa.
- Comprehensive Paleo- and Rock-Magnetic Study of the Moa-Baracoa Massif, Northeastern Cuban Ophiolite: Serpentinization, Magnetite Source and Tectonics
- Dust grain dynamics in Enceladus plume
- Sentinel-1 InSAR nationwide ground deformation mapping over Mexico
- Mirror Mode Storms in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- Parametric Study of Magnetosheath Jets in 2D Local Hybrid Simulations
- Seismogenesis in the Guerrero Seismic Gap: A Slow and Fast Slip Swaying
- Sentinel-1 InSAR and GPS time-series assessment of urban areas exposed to land subsidence in Mexico
- Transient events and their intermittence in the Mexican subduction zone
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Bécel
- A. Lara
- Allen Husker
- Baptiste Rousset
- C. I. Caballero-Miranda
- C. M. De Nardin
- C. T. Russell
- Christian Möstl
- David Burgess
- Diana Rojas‐Castillo
- Enrique Antonio Fernández-Torres
- Krzysztof Gaidzik
- Luis Preisser
- M. Volwerk
- Mathilde Radiguet
- P. K. Manoharan
- Primož Kajdič
- S. Wdowinski
- Takuya Nishimura
- Teresa Scolamacchia
- V. M. Cruz‐Atienza
- Yihua Yan
- Yoshihiro Ito
- Yunjun Zhang