University of Utah
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- University of Utah, Department of Geology and Geophysics
- University of Utah, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 19th Century Eutrophication of a Remote Northern Lake: Impacts of Climate Warming?
- Air and Ground Temperatures - The Influence of Snow
- Carbon Isotope Discrimination in Forest and Pasture Ecosystems of the Amazon Basin, Brazil
- Digital Atlas for Utah Geothermal Resources
- Evidence for Hydrothermal Circulation and Alteration on 20-25 Ma Crust About to be Subducted in the Middle American Trench
- Fast Three-Dimensional Interpretation of Magnetotelluric Data.
- Glacier Dynamics of Antarctic Ice Streams From Radarsat Interferometry
- Heave Compensated GLAD800 Coring from the R/V Knorr: a Progress Report
- Imaging of Crustal Layers by Teleseismic Ghosts
- Initiation of Snow Melt on the North Slope of Alaska as Observed with Spaceborne Passive Microwave Data
- Intrusive emplacement and thermal history of the Geysers Plutonic Complex, northern California: New insights from in-situ U-Pb zircon dating
- Isotopic (13C) response of ponderosa pine ecosystem respiration to atmospheric stress events
- Lithospheric Architecture And Anisotropy Below The Southern Appalachians Compressional Orogen From Electrical Conductivity Structure
- Magnetotelluric Evidence for Mid-Crustal Fluids in an Active Transpressive Continental Orogen, South Island, New Zealand
- Measuring and Modeling the Component Influences of Soil, Vegetation and the Atmospheric Source on the Isotopic Composition of Canopy Air
- Modeling carbon isotope fluxes and concentration profiles over a temperate deciduous forest across a spectrum of time scales with a biophysical model, CANOAK
- Oxygen-18 Content of Ecosystem Respiration Across a Climatic Gradient in Oregon.
- Quantifying Net Ecosystem Exchange from Multilevel Ecophysiological and Turbulent Transport Models: A Comparison Between Forward and Inverse Approaches
- Seasonal and Interannual Variation in Oxygen Isotope Discrimination in a Temperate Grassland Ecosystem
- Sensitivity of California to Rapid Climatic Variations Typical of the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition: Evidence from the 'New' Paleolimnology Applied to Sierra Nevada Lakes
- The Carbon Isotope Composition of Ecosystem Respiration in North and South America
- The Prediction of Plant Functional Diversity in Water-Limited Ecosystems
- Understanding the variation of carbon isotopic composition among contrasting ecosystems - preliminary results and its implications
- A High-Resolution Record of Early Miocene Antarctic Glacial History From Downhole Logs, Site 1165, ODP Leg 188
- Aerosol Transport to the U.S. Receptor Sites during ACE-Asia
- Amplified Ground Response Across the Western U.S. Interior from the M7.9 Denali Earthquake
- Applications of Remote Sensing to Tectonics and Glacial Processes in the Saint Elias Orogen
- Coal-Mining Seismicity in the Trail Mountain Area, Utah: Part I--Case Study for Assessing Ground-Shaking Hazard
- Combining stable isotope and eddy covariance measurements to investigate carbon exchanges between the atmosphere and a tallgrass prairie
- Comparison of Size-Resolved Aerosol Chemical Composition Measurements Made Under Ambient and Low Relative Humidity Conditions at Trinidad Head During the ITCT 2k2 Experiment
- Daily CO<SUB>2</SUB> and isotopic gradients in the lower atmosphere.
- Determination of Chemical and Size-Resolved Mineral Dust Source Profiles During ACE-Asia Using Positive Matrix Factorization
- Dust and Non-dust Aerosol Outflow from Asia by Size, Time, and Composition, Spring, and Summer, 2001
- Finite Difference Time Domain Simulations of an Impedance Probe
- GPS-Derived Models of Intraplate Deformation of the Yellowstone Hotspot
- GUVI/TIMED Observations During the April 14-24, 2002 Storm
- InSAR Measurements of Surface Deformation in the Epicentral Region of the Nenana Mountain and Denali Fault Earthquakes of Oct.27 & Nov. 3, 2002
- Individual Particle TOF-SIMS Imaging Analysis of Aerosol Collected During the April 2001 Asian Dust Event.
- Introducing the Atmospheric Visualization Collection
- Iron and Ecosystem Response to Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Interactions in the North Pacific Ocean Gyre
- Magmatic Chimney Beneath Telaga Bodas Revealed by Magnetotellurics Profiling: A Case Study at the Karaha Bodas Geothermal System, Indonesia
- Mapping Uncertainty in the Borehole Method of Climate Reconstruction
- Measurements of Regional-Scale Isotopic Discrimination and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux for the North-Central U.S.
- National Instrument Facility for Electromagnetic Studies of the Continents (EMSOC)
- Orographic Modulation of Lee-Side Precipitation
- Resistivity Architecture and Physical State of the Great Basin: Separate and Joint Roles of Fluids and Graphite
- Rheologic Properties of an Extending Lithosphere from the Inversion of Postseismic Deformation (EDM and GPS) of the 1959 Hebgen Lake, Montana, Earthquake
- Shallow Structure of the Yellowstone Volcanic System from Tomographic Imaging: Evidence for Gas and Magmatic Sources
- Spaceborne Active Microwave Observation of Snowmelt Progression in Northern Alaska
- Triggered Seismicity in Utah from the November 3, 2002, Denali Fault Earthquake
- Assessing Urbanization Impact on Long-term Rainfall Trends in Houston
- Coherence-Weighted Wavepath Migration of Teleseismic Data
- Disequilibrium of <SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes between photosynthesis and respiration in North American temperate forest biomes
- Disturbance Frequency Changes in Western North and South America During the Holocene
- Effects of Arctic Haze on Low-level Cloud Microphysics
- Emigrant Pass Observatory - Insights on air and ground temperature tracking
- Evidence That Ambient Nitric Acid Increases Relative Humidity in Low-Temperature Cirrus Clouds
- Geometric Analysis of Vein Fracture Networks From the Awibengkok Core, Indonesia
- Glaciological Field Measurements on the Bering Glacier, Alaska Summer 2003
- Ground-Based FMCW radar measurements: a summary of the NASA CLPX data
- InSAR observations of Ice Stream A: dispensing with the surface parallel flow assumption
- Land atmosphere interactions in a rapidly urbanizing environment
- Melting of small Arctic ice caps observed from ERS scatterometer time series
- Morphology of Tropical Cirrus Crystals Derived from Single Particle and Bulk Property Analysis
- Nitric Acid Uptake on Subtropical Cirrus Cloud Particles
- Oxygen Isotopic Anomaly in SO<SUB>4</SUB> and NO<SUB>3</SUB> Aerosol as a Tracer of Chemistry During Trans-Pacific Pollution Transport
- Process Based Belowground Carbon Dioxide Modeling in a Desert Ecosystem
- Rainfall, Convective Intensity, and Lightning Characteristics of Tropical Mesoscale Convective Systems according to TRMM
- Regional Flood Frequency Equations: What Level of Complexity is Rational?
- Seasonal Variation in the Carbon Isotope Ratio of Ecosystem Respiration in Two Coniferous Forests
- Small, Highly Reflective Ice Crystals in CRYSTAL-FACE Anvil Cirrus
- The Microphysical and Radiative Evolution of a Cirrus Anvil During CRYSTAL-FACE
- A Holocene Record of Climate Change from the Sierra Nevada, CA, USA: A Paleolimnological Perspective of California Drought
- Aerosol Transport to the Greenland Summit Site, June, 2003 to August 2004
- Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images to Map Geologic Structures and Geomorphology: Evaluating the Interaction of Tectonic and Surface Processes in the Saint Elias Mountains, Alaska
- Boundary-layer measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration, carbon and oxygen isotopes of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> over montane forest regions in Colorado, USA
- Changes in the onset of spring in the western United States
- Chemical Analysis of Aerosols for Characterization of Long-Range Transport at Mt. Lassen, CA
- Climatological, hydrological and vegetation change for the past 15,000 years based upon a new network of high resolution lake sites in the Sierra Nevada and Unita Mountains
- Determination of Low-Strain Site Amplification Factors in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah, Using ANSS Data
- Diurnal variations in the \delta<SUP>18</SUP>O of water vapor observed in the Pacific Northwest coniferous forests
- Exploring Relationships between North American Urban Form and Rates of Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions: A System Dynamics Approach
- Gravity Monitoring of the Weber River Aquifer Storage Project
- Hydrogen Isotope Ratios of Leaf Waxes in C3 and C4 Grasses Record Meteoric Water and Aridity Signatures
- Implications of Soil Gas Survey Results Over Known Carbon Dioxide Systems for Long-term Monitoring
- Integrated Modeling of Water Policy Futures in the Imperial-Mexicali Valleys
- Isotopic Evolution of Soil Organic Matter Affects Paleo-vegetation and Paleo-pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Reconstructions
- Mapping Snowmelt and Snow Water Equivalent in Arctic Alaska using Microwave Remote Sensing
- Modeling Carbon and Water Vapor Fluxes and Carbon Isotope Discrimination at the Canopy Scale in a Semi-arid Pine Forest.
- Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Recently Fallen Snow Over the Wasatch Mountains of Northern Utah
- Parameterization of Leaf-Level Gas Exchange for Plant Functional Groups From Amazonian Seasonal Tropical Rain Forest
- Possible contributions of pileus clouds to TTL dehydration
- Project "WEST" (Water, the Environment, Science and Teaching)
- Radar Satellite (InSAR) Assessment of Hydrodynamics Near the All-American Canal (Calexico/Mexicali Region, Rio Colorado)
- Regional-Scale Carbon Flux Estimates Over Complex Terrain and the Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment
- Seasonal and interannual variations in carbon and oxygen isotopes of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> observed over a C<SUB>4</SUB>-dominated tallgrass prairie in central Kansas, USA
- Sedimentary Response to Arc-Continent Collision, Permian, Southern Mongolia
- Sensitivity analysis and quantification of uncertainty for isotopic mixing relationships in carbon cycle research
- Stable isotope analyses provide evidence of drought stress impacting plant function at the Seca Floresta
- The PBO Nucleus: Integration of the Existing Continuous GPS Networks in the Western U.S.
- Three-dimensional MT Modeling and Inversion for Offshore Petroleum Exploration
- Time Resolved Chemical Analysis of Anthropogenic Aerosols in Norway, a Study of Long-Range Transport
- Tomographic Images of the Yellowstone Hotspot Structure
- Understanding urban atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Challenges and Opportunities
- 3-D inversion of controlled source electromagnetic data in active monitoring
- A Chronostratigraphic Relational Database Ontology
- A Fast Thin Cirrus Radiative Transfer Model Applied to AIRS Spectra for Cloudy Data Assimilation
- A Performance Index for the Evaluation of Coupled Climate Models
- A possible widening of the tropical Hadley cell over the past decades
- An Ore-grade, Epithermal Silver/Base-Metal Deposit in the Southwestern Salton Sea Geothermal Field, Imperial Valley, California
- Cloud Properties Derived from Visible and Near-infrared Reflectance in the Presence of Aerosols
- Condensation Processes in Geothermal Systems
- Diel Variations Of Leaf Water Oxygen Isotope Ratios In Tropical Forest And Pasture Vegetation Of The Amazon Are Consistent With Non-Steady-State-Model Predictions
- Dioecy Impacts on Plant Water Fluxes in Riparian Ecosystems
- Early results from CloudSat I: Cloud and precipitation microphysics
- High-resolution stable-isotope partitioning of net ecosystem exchange into respiration and photosynthesis
- Ice Core Analysis by Synchrotron Based X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Increases to cloud emissivity and downwelling surface thermal fluxes in the Arctic due to pollution from mid-latitudes
- Influence of Urbanization on Annual and Seasonal Short Duration Rainfall Amounts in Houston
- Land Deformation Patterns due to groundwater changes near the All-American Canal System (U.S./Mexico Border) observed with InSAR
- Monitoring Alaskan snow pack with InSAR
- Paleo-aridity index for terrestrial deposits
- Particulate Transport During ICARTT-ITCT-2K4: Aerosol Characterization from Time-Resolved and Size-Segregated Continuous Sampling and Analysis
- Potential Linkages Between Spring Snow Cover and Atmospheric Circulation in the Northern Hemisphere, 1967-2004
- Predicting Hydrogen and Oxygen Stable Isotope Ratios of Plants Across Terrestrial Surfaces: Plant IsoScapes
- Preliminary analysis of elemental markers of Asian industrial emission detected at Lassen Peak in northern California
- Stable Isotope Composition of Water Vapor in Coniferous Forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA.
- Tectonic and magmatic stress interaction of the Yellowstone volcanic system
- The Effect of Tropical Cirrus on the Humidity Distribution in the Tropical Troposphere
- The Variability of Cloud Occurrence and Cloud Forcing as Revealed by 8 Years of Continuous Ground-Based Remote Sensing Measurements at the ARM SGP Site
- The Yellowstone Hotspot and Related Plume: Volcano-Tectonics, Tomography, Kinematics, Dynamics and Mantle Flow
- The impact of deep convective cumulus clouds on surface, TOA, and atmosphere radiation budgets at the DOE ARM TWP and SGP sites
- Tree-rings and Borehole Temperatures: Complementary Estimates of Extratropical Northern Hemispheric Warming
- Upper mantle diapers, lower crustal magmatic underplating, and lithospheric dismemberment of the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau regions, Nevada and Utah; implications from deep MT resistivity surveying
- Using Isotopes to Track the Passage of a Spring 2002 Dust Storm Over Hefei, China
- Using measurements of atmospheric trace gases to quantify precipitation scavenging of CCN
- A Comparison of Surface and TOA Fluxes Computed Using Several Cirrus Cloud Property Retrievals
- A combined view of CloudSat and AIRS cloud fields
- A model predicting hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of mammalian hair at the landscape scale
- Application of BI (Bioturbation Index) Log in Interpreting Sedimentary Record
- Assessing the aerosol indirect effect using satellite data and a passive pollution tracer
- Carbon Dioxide and CO2 Isotopes at Three Spatial Scales Over the Rocky Mountains
- Cluster Analysis of Cloud Regimes in the Tropical Region Using CloudSat Data
- Combining Meteorology, Eddy Fluxes, Isotope Measurements, and Modeling to Understand Environmental Controls of Carbon Isotope Discrimination at the Canopy and Regional Scale
- Conceptual Model for Selenium Cycling in the Great Salt Lake
- Development of passive microwave snow water equivalent retrieval algorithms for mountain regions in the western United States
- Distribution of Snow Water Equivalent Climatology for the Western United States From Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) Data
- Double Reunion Event From Revisited Shungura Formation, Omo Valley, Southwest Ethiopia.
- Environmental Controls on the Carbon Isotope Composition of Ecosystem Respired Carbon Dioxide in Contrasting Forest Ecosystems in Canada and USA
- Environmental Controls on the Stable Isotopic Composition of Forest Respired Carbon Dioxide Across a Vertical Canopy Profile in a Subalpine Coniferous Forest
- Factors controlling seasonal cycles in Arctic aerosol, cloud and precipitation properties
- Fracture Mapping with Laser Scan Technology and Discrete Fracture Network Modeling to Support Groundwater Recharge Estimates
- Greenland Ice Sheet melt observed with ERS and QuikScat scatterometers
- How Entrainment and Mixing Scenarios Affect Droplet Spectra in Cumulus Clouds
- How Well do Models Simulate Present-day Climate? A Comparison of Three Generations of Coupled Models
- Impact of a Regional South American Field Experiment on Analyses and Forecasts
- Improving fossil fuel emissions scenarios with urban ecosystem studies: A case study in the Salt Lake-Ogden metropolitan region
- Is Convection in Developing Tropical Systems Special?
- Isotopes in Urban Cheatgrass Quantify Atmospheric Pollution
- Mechanisms Controlling Annual, Interannual, and Decadal Changes in California's Carbon Budget
- Microphysical characteristics of aging anvils and cirrus sampled during TWP- ICE
- Mixing of Continental and Marine Air in TransPacific Transport of Asian Dust and Pollution - A Quasi-Lagrangian Analysis of a Single Transport Event
- Modes of Lithospheric Dismemberment, Magmatic Input, and Implications for Rheological Models of the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau Regions, Nevada and Utah; Implications from deep MT Resistivity Surveying
- Observations of Cirrus Evolution from Convective Outflow during the Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE)
- Origin and Evolution of the Yellowstone Hotspot from Seismic-GPS Imaging and Geodynamic Modeling
- Overview of the Multi-Aircraft CALIPSO-CloudSAT Validation Experiment
- Potential Hydrogeomechanical Impacts of Geological CO2 Sequestration
- Retrieving Subpixel Fire Sizes From MODIS Using Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis
- River Incision and Pulsed Growth of Ethiopian Plateau from Integrated GIS and Digital Elevation Models
- Saline Lakes: Platforms for Place-Based Scientific Inquiry by K-12 Students
- Seasonality of temperature, moisture, and substrate controls on soil carbon dioxide in a Rocky Mountain meadow
- Seismogenic, Electrically Conductive, and Fluid Zones at Continental Plate Boundaries in New Zealand, Himalaya, and California
- Selenium dynamics in Farmington Bay wetlands, Great Salt Lake, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Simulating Oil Production from Fractured/Faulted Basement Reservoirs
- Source Modeling and Tectono-Volcanic Implications of the 2004-2006 Rapid Deformation at Yellowstone Caldera
- Stable isotope ratio monitoring of tap water in the contiguous USA
- The Three Dimensional Distribution of Global Cloudiness Derived From Cloudsat; The June- July-August 2006 Period
- The Ubiquitous Occurrence of High Concentrations of Sub-50 Micron Particles in Cirrus; The Perspective From 3-years of Ground-based Remote Sensing Data
- The small particle dilemma: Fracture or Fiction?
- The study of structure and evolution of tropical storm Gert (2005) with assimilation of satellite multi-sensor and in-situ data in high-resolution numerical simulations
- The unusual structure of Debby observed during NAMMA 2006
- Time Series of Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) Evolution Derived Using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)
- Towards more accurate isoscapes encouraging results from wine, water and marijuana data/model and model/model comparisons.
- Tracking Intercontinental Dust Transport With Radiogenic Isotopes: Hefei, China to California, Spring 2002
- Training STEM Graduate Students on Communicating Science to the Public
- Tropical and midlatitude cirrus cloud properties from 6-year of millimeter cloud radar (MMCR) observations
- Tropopause remote control of anvil cirrus evolution
- Understanding Intraseasonal Variability of Mesoscale Convective Systems over the Indo- Pacific Using TRMM Satellite Data
- Validation of Cloud Properties Derived from MODIS by Comparison to ARM Data
- Where are the most intense thunderstorms on earth, and why?
- A First Estimate of African Tropical Dambo Wetland Spatial Extent, Saturation Seasonality and Duration, and Methane Emissions
- A GIS Framework for Mitigating Volcanic and Hydrothermal Hazards at Yellowstone National Park and Vicinity
- A comparison of cloud radiative forcing as a function of climatological regime derived from A- Train data
- A description of tropical cloud systems derived from the synergy between coordinated remote sensing and in situ data
- Active EM Monitoring of Sea-Bottom Geoelectrical Structures in the Areas with the Rough Bathymetry
- Analysis of the 7 Easterly Waves Observed During the NAMMA Experiment
- Analysis of the Sierra Nevada Snowpack in the 21st Century
- CO2 and Carbon Isotopes of CO2 Within a Subalpine Forest Snowpack
- Carbon Dioxide and Water Cycling in a Semiarid Savanna in Southern Arizona, USA
- Carbon isotope ratios of soil respiration from soil CO2 profiles and surface chamber measurements using a tunable diode laser spectrometer
- Climate response in the western United States to dust-shortened snow cover duration since late 1800s soil disturbance
- Comparisons of CloudSat cloud features and TRMM precipitation features
- Development of a hyperspectral method for detecting the radiative impact of desert dust on alpine snow.
- Diurnal patterns of CO2 concentrations and stable isotopes in subalpine forest soils
- EMSCOPE - Electromagnetic Component of EarthScope Backbone and Transportable Array Experiments 2006-2008
- ES3: Automatic capture and reconstruction of science product lineage and metadata
- Effects of the Yellowstone Hotspot on Western U.S. Stress and Deformation
- Electrical Surveys for Geothermal Reservoir Characterization
- Electrical resistivity structure of a transitional ocean-continent subduction zone: the Marlborough strike-slip system, northern South Island, New Zealand
- Evaluation Of CO2 Injection Into Brine Formations Below Oil Reservoir
- Examination of Snow Mapping Methods Over the Weber River Basin, Utah Using MODIS Observations
- Extension in the Colorado Plateau/Basin and Range Transition Zone, Central Utah: An Active or Passive Process?
- Fine-scale modeling of entrainment and mixing of cloudy and clear air
- Fluid and electrical transport in sea ice
- Generation of Hummocky Flow Morphology Revealed through Ground-based LiDAR Measurements of Actively Inflating Pahoehoe Lavas
- Geochemical and Isotopic Estimates of Eolian Dust in Soils of the San Juan Mountains, USA.
- Geospatial modeling of plant stable isotope ratios - the development of isoscapes
- Ground-Based Radar Measurements of the Northern Colorado Snowpack at CLPX- II
- High-resolution simulation of tropical cyclone Debby (2006) and validation with NAMMA data
- Historical Analysis of Remotely Sensed Snow Properties' Relation to Streamflow
- Linking ShakeMap and Emergency Managers in the Utah Region
- Mapping Methane-Significant Dambo Wetlands in Central Uganda Using Remote Sensing and Topographic Data
- Might anthropogenic aerosol be stimulating Arctic sea ice melting through their effects on clouds?
- Mixing of continental and marine air masses and en route chemical transformations in transPacific transport of aerosols: Lagrangian analysis of a single transport event.
- Predictive Phenologic Modeling Using MODIS: A Tool for Rangeland Management
- Preliminary Seismological Report on the 6 August 2007 Crandall Canyon Mine Collapse in Utah
- Preparation for Evaluating Cloud Simulations from GCMs Using the A-Train Data
- Project WEST: Fostering Scientific Inquiry and Collaborations From K Through Gray
- Resolving discrepancies between observational and theoretical representations of the asymmetry parameter of atmospheric ice crystals
- Sedimentary Response to Arc-Continent Collision, Permian, Southern Mongolia
- Source Modeling and Seismic-Volcano Implications of the 2004-2007 Accelerated Deformation at Yellowstone Caldera
- The observed widening of the tropics during the late 20th century and its mechanisms
- Toward Standardization in Methods and Techniques for Measuring and Monitoring Snowcover Albedo.
- Toward estimating sea level rise contribution from the observed Greenland Ice Sheet volume changes
- Towards an Objective Characterization of Climate Model Performance
- Tropical Tropopause Layer Cirrus Clouds as Seen by Cloudsat and Calipso
- Urban aerosol effects on surface insolation and surface temperature
- Validation of Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Multiphase Fluids in Porous Media with Micro-X- ray Tomography Data
- Validation of Microphysical Schemes in a CRM Using TRMM Satellite
- A 4-year shortwave and longwave radiation climatology in a dust-influenced mountain snow regime
- A Combined Hyperspectral and Lidar Remote Sensing Analysis of Forest Canopy Variations for Improving Carbon Balance Estimation
- Active geophysical monitoring of hydrocarbon reservoirs using EM methods
- Aerosols and the Sierra Nevada Snowpack: Is the Black Carbon Local?
- Alaska Glacier velocities from L-band InSAR: A basis for change detection
- An Evaluation of the diurnal cycle in the Multiscale Modeling Framework using satellite data
- An emerging view of the crust and mantle of tectonic North America from EMScope: a mid- term progress review of Earthscope's magnetotelluric program
- Analysis of Geologic CO2 Sequestration at Farnham Dome, Utah, USA
- Analysis of Heterogeneity Length-scales on Residual Gas trapping and Buoyancy-driven CO2 Migration
- Analysis of Precipitation Characteristics Within an African Easterly Wave: A Multi-Platform Perspective
- Applying Dust-on-Snow Research to Colorado Water Management
- Assessing site-specific spatio-temporal variations in hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes of human drinking water
- Assessing the Leakage Potential of CO2 into Ground Water Resources at SACROC, West Texas
- Assessing the Value Added to Radar-Radiometer Cirrus Retrievals by Ice Water Path Derived From Sub-millimeter Radiometry
- BASIN Synthesis and Spatial Mapping of Keeling Plot Data Using an Artificial Neural Network
- Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks in the Salt Lake Valley Urban Ecosystem
- Cause of the Widening of the Tropical Belt Since 1958
- Cloud Occurrence and Cloud Properties from the A-Train: The relationship between cloud microphysics, cloud radiative forcing, and cloud geometric properties
- Comparison of snow mapping methods over the Weber River Basin, Utah using MODIS observations
- Describing the Evolution of Tropical Cirrus Clouds Using Dimensionaless Numbers
- Effects Of Urbanization On Interconnected Water Cycle, Microclimate And Energy Usage In Semi-Arid Regions
- Evaluation of Tropical Cloud Simulations in CAM3 Forecasts Using CloudSat and CALIPSO Data
- Evapotranspiration and its effects on atmospheric water isotope balance in forests
- Examples of C- and L-Band InSAR to Monitor Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) of Dry Snowpacks
- Fast imaging of marine controlled-source EM data using time domain electromagnetic migration
- Geodetic Imaging of Glacio-Seismotectonic Processes in Southern Alaska
- Geologic Carbon Sequestration: Challenges of Mitigation Planning
- Greenland Ice Sheet Annually-resolved Accumulation Rates (1958-2007), a Spatially Calibrated Model
- Impact of atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS) data on numerical simulations of tropical cyclone geneses and intensity changes
- Impacts of physiological response and species composition on ecosystem respiration
- Improving a Bin Spectral Microphysical Scheme Using Long-Term TRMM Satellite Observations
- Improving the Representation of Subgrid-Scale Turbulence and Clouds in Coarse-Grid Cloud Resolving Models
- Intense convection in hurricane eyewalls: A predictor or symptom of hurricane intensification?
- Inter-annual variability in snow cover depletion and snow water equivalent in the Sierra Nevada inferred from MODIS data
- Large-scale electromagnetic modeling for multiple inhomogeneous domains
- Lessons Learned from Ongoing Field Tests of Geologic CO2 Sequestration
- Long-Term Carbon Dioxide Monitoring in Salt Lake City
- Long-term Tropopause Trends as Depicted by GPS Radio Occultation
- Measuring Phenological Changes due to Defoliation of the Non-Native Species, Saltcedar (Tamarisk) Following Episodic Foliage Removal by the Beetle Diorhabda elongate and Phenological Impacts on Forage Quality for Insectivorous Birds on the Dolores River
- Mesoscale Characteristics of Mei-Yu Precipitation Systems over South China, Taiwan and the South China Sea
- Mesoscale Convective Systems Associated With 7 African Easterly Waves During NAMMA
- Methane Sources and Sinks in a High-Elevation Subalpine Forest Inferred from Canopy Tower Profiles
- Microseismic Monitoring of CO2 Injection in the Aneth Oil Field, San Juan County, Utah
- Monitoring Tamarisk Defoliation and Scaling Evapotranspiration Using Remote Sensing Data
- New Model Geometries For Predicting Particle Transport and Deposition in Porous Media in the Presence of Energy Barriers
- Petrologic controls of bulk magnetic susceptibility in the McDoogle pluton, Sierra Nevada, California
- Preliminary results of 3D inversion of the EarthScope Oregon MT data using the integral equation method
- Rapid Response of Sediment Plumes to Greenland Ice-Sheet Surface Melt
- Rhizosphere Respiration Enriches Soil Respiration Flux in 13CO2 under Boxelder (Acer negundo) Trees
- Saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) Water Use and Ecohydrological Niches on the Lower Colorado River
- Sap Flux Scaled Transpiration in Ring-porous Tree Species: Assumptions, Pitfalls and Calibration
- Scale interaction across the turbulent boundary layer: Possible implications in geophysical flows
- Scaling Sap Flux Measurements of Shrub communities with Fine and Coarse-Resolution Remote Sensing
- Short-lived Pollutants in the Arctic: Climate Impacts and Temporal Trends
- Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Mercury Using Positive Matrix Factorization
- Space-Based Evaluation of the Aerosol Indirect Effect in the Arctic
- Spatially Distributed Methane Flux Measurements for a Tropical Dambo Wetland Landscape in Uganda
- Springtime Warming and Reduced Snow Cover from Carbonaceous Particles
- Status of Terra and Aqua MODIS Instruments
- Tamarisk Water Flux Patterns Before, During and After Episodic Defoliation by the Salt Cedar Leaf Beetle on the Colorado Plateau, USA
- The Chemical and Isotopic Signature of Old Groundwater and Magmatic Solutes in a Costa Rican Rainforest: Evidence From Carbon, Helium, and Chlorine
- The Role of Aerosol Pollution in Warming the Arctic Surface via Radiative-Dynamic Feedbacks in Clouds
- The Role of Small Particles in Cirrus Examined Using Ground-based Remote Sensing Measurements and An Assumed Bimodal Particle Size Distribution
- Toward a Comprehensive Model Validation Database of Convective Precipitation Systems Near Darwin, Australia
- Uncertainties in the global wind analysis: implication for the minimum requirements of Doppler wind lidar measurements for seasonal climate studies
- Using Multiple Environmental Age Tracers to Investigate Interactions between Hydrothermal and Shallow Local Systems in the Norris Geyser Basin Area, Yellowstone National Park.
- Using TRMM to study Severity of Deep Convection
- Validation of Binary, Fractional and Interpolated Snow Maps at Multiple Resolutions
- What Can We Learn From the Wells, NV Earthquake Sequence About Seismic Hazard in the Intermountain West?
- A five-year record of radiative and hydrologic forcing by desert dust in the Colorado River Basin
- A systematically-derived global glacier map derived from MODIS
- A terrestrial PETM record of variations in carbon and hydrologic cycles from Northern Italian
- Assessment of Contaminant Fate in Heterogeneous Porous Media using Importance Sampling Monte Carlo Methods
- Assessment of the accuracy of current snow cover mapping algorithms for MODIS (Invited)
- Cloud Statistics and Radiative Properties in the Tropics
- Environmental Controls on the Stable Isotopic Composition of Ecosystem Respiration in a High Elevation Subalpine Forest
- Environmental controls on the distribution of branched GDGTs in soils: Implications for paleoenvironmental reconstruction
- Feasibility study of surveying an offshore gas reservoir by using low-frequency electromagnetic sounding: example of Shtokman deposit at Barents Sea (Invited)
- Gravity Monitoring of Canal Infiltration: Results from Dutch Flats, Nebraska
- Identifying sediment sources and delivery mechanisms using background level polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Waiapu River watershed, New Zealand
- In-situ carbon isotopes of soil CO2 in a subalpine forest over three summers
- Joint Geophysical Imaging of the Utah Area Using Seismic Body Waves, Surface Waves and Gravity Data
- Joint magnetotelluric and seismic investigation of the Cascadia subduction zone structure: Preliminary results and outlook
- Large-scale 3D inversion of marine controlled source electromagnetic data using the integral equation method
- Local Earthquake Tomography of the Subduction Interface in Oaxaca, Mexico
- Long-term results from an urban CO2 monitoring network
- Measuring sap flow, and other plant physiological conditions across a soil salinity gradient in the lower Colorado River at Cibola National Wildlife Refuge: Vegetation and soil physiology linkages with microwave dielectric constant
- Multi-Scale Transport Properties of Fine-Grained Rocks: A Case Study of the Kirtland Formation, San Juan Basin, USA
- Multi-scale monitoring of a marine geologic methane source in the Santa Barbara Channel using imaging spectrometry, ARCTAS-CARB in situ sampling and coastal hourly total hydrocarbon measurements
- Observations of the sub-glacial hydrology of the Malaspina Glacier, using spaceborne InSAR
- Physico-Chemical Properties and CO2 fluxes at a frost-flower station in the Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica (SIMBA)
- Preliminary Geophysical Characterization of a CO2-Driven Geyser in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Radiative forcing by desert dust in the Colorado River Basin from 2000 to 2009 inferred from MODIS data
- Simulating Subsurface Reactive Flows on Ultrascale Computers with PFLOTRAN
- Source Repeatability of Time-Lapse Offset VSP Surveys for Monitoring CO2 Injection
- Sources of Light Absorbing Aerosols Deposited to the Sierra Nevada Snowpack
- Spatial Distribution of Pressure Build-up from CO2 Injection in Saline Aquifers
- Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios of Atmospheric CO2 and Ecosystem Respiration in NACP Site Synthesis Study
- Ten-year variability in fluxes, meteorology, and environmental conditions at a Colorado subalpine forest site
- The IAUC Urban Flux Network - An international network of micrometeorological flux towers in urban ecosystems
- The Role of Extratropical Controls in Northward Moisture Surges of the North American Monsoon
- The Yellowstone Hotspot: Effects on Intraplate Stress and Deformation of the Western U.S
- The exploration of land-atmosphere coupling in large-eddy simulation of the stable boundary layer
- The impact of heterogeneous soil moisture content on surface flux distribution and turbulence in the stable boundary layer
- Three-dimensional electromagnetic modeling in complex geoelectrical structures with multiple inhomogeneous domains
- Trends in Sierra Nevada snowmelt based on 10 years of MODIS fractional snow covered area data: the apparent and the missing (Invited)
- Using Webcam Technology for Measuring and Scaling Phenology of Tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima) Infested with the Biocontrol Beetle (Diorhabda carinulata) on the Dolores River, Utah
- Walkaway VSP Monitoring of CO2 Injection at the SACROC Oil Field in Texas
- Water yield loss in the Upper Colorado River basin driven by dust radiative forcing in snow
- A Network of Infrasonic Arrays in Utah
- A large-eddy simulation study of the impact of different land-atmosphere coupling schemes on the dynamics of the nocturnal boundary layer (Invited)
- A new parameterization for predicting the fast response of stratiform cloud to unresolved diabatic radiative heating
- Always Downwind: The optical and chemical properties of aerosols transported to Mount Bachelor from across the Pacific and from California
- An Examination of the Sensitivity of Runoff in the Northeastern US to 20th Century Development
- An Extreme-rain-producing Long-lived MCS during TiMREX: Possible Triggering and Maintenance Mechanisms
- An Observational Method for Verifying Trends in Urban CO2 Emissions Using Continuous Measurements and High Resolution Meteorology (Invited)
- Anvil and Convective Lightning: A TRMM Perspective
- Arctic Circle Traverse 2010 (ACT-10): South East Greenland snow accumulation variability from firn coring and ice sounding radar
- Borehole breakout analysis: results from the AnDrill-2A well
- Carbon isotope discrimination of coniferous forests in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A
- Derivation of Covariance Matrices for the Optimal Estimation Retrieval of Cloud and Precipitation Ice Using Microphysical Measurements from TC4 and Sparticus
- Description of Cloud Occurrence from CloudSat-CALIPSO Cloud Mask Data and Comparison of the Measured Cloud Fraction with GCM Simulations
- Developing A Multi-Year Ensemble Cloud Retrieval Properties Dataset (ECLDRET) from Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Observations
- Diel fluctuations in summer streamflow depend on stream channel sediment storage and valley-floor vegetation in the forested western Cascades of Oregon, USA
- Dissolution and nanoparticle generation behavior of Be-associated materials in synthetic lung fluid (SLF) using ICP-MS and FFF-ICP-MS
- Distributed landsurface skin temperature sensing in Swiss Alps
- Documenting the distribution of cloud layers within ISCCP cloud types using CloudSat and CALIPSO data
- Downhole logs of natural gamma radiation and magnetic susceptibility and their use in interpreting lithostratigraphy in AND-1B, Antarctica
- Ecohydrological Consequences of Grasses Invading Shrublands: A Comparison of Cold and Warm Deserts
- Effects of Composition, Melt, and Fluids on Electrical Resistivity With Application to Magnetotelluric Investigations
- Estimation of Evapotraspiration of Tamarisk using Energy Balance Models with High Resolution Airborne Imagery and LIDAR Data
- Evaluation of Modeled Clouds using the Satellite Observations
- Evaluation of The Fire Plume Dynamics Simulated by WRF-Fire
- Evidence that the efficiency of wet removal of Arctic aerosols is controlled by atmospheric temperature
- Exploring the role of mesoscale forcing on deep convection
- Flat-slab subduction, whole crustal faulting, and geohazards in Alaska: Targets for Earthscope
- Four-dimensional variational assimilation of multi-time wind profile observations: the impact and potential applications to wind power meteorology
- Greenland Ice Margin Processes Inferred from Terrestrial River Discharge
- Human and natural influences on carbon dioxide in Salt Lake City: Investigating observed concentrations with a multiple box model
- Influence of dust deposition on snowpack melt rate and ecohydrological processes in a subalpine forest
- Inspiring Inquiry: Scientists, science teachers, and GK-12 students learning climate science together
- Integrated Record of Terrestrial Biotic Change from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation of northern New Mexico
- Large-scale three-dimensional inversion of EarthScope MT data using the integral equation method
- Mammatus Clouds: an Example of Radiatively Driven Mixing Processes at the Cloud/Clear-Sky Boundary
- Mapping methane from marine and terrestrial hydrocarbon seepage using AVIRIS
- Monitoring impacts of Tamarix leaf beetles (Diorhabda elongata) on the leaf phenology and water use of Tamarix spp. using ground and remote sensing methods
- Mountain Pine beetle disturbance and climate effects on subalpine forest carbon cycling
- NASA's DESDynI in Alaska
- Neogene deformation in the West Antarctic Rift in the McMurdo Sound region from studies of the ANDRILL and Cape Roberts drill cores
- Numerical simulations of tropical cyclones with assimilation of satellite, radar and in-situ observations: lessons learned from recent field programs and real-time experimental forecasts
- Observations of Glacier Dynamics in the St. Elias Mountains (Invited)
- Observing System Simulation Experiments for Hurricanes: Early results and plans for the future
- Paleo-shade: woody cover, stable isotopes, soil temperature, and soil organic matter in tropical ecosystems (Invited)
- Persistent wind-induced enhancement of diffusive CO2 fluxes in a mountain forest snowpack
- Pore-Lining Composition and Capillary Breakthrough Pressure of Mudstone Caprocks: Sealing Efficiency of Geologic CO2 Storage Sites
- Radar derived storm dynamics for cloud-resolving model evaluation and climate model parameterization development
- Rainfall contributions from precipitation features with different sizes, convective intensities and durations over the tropics and subtropics (Invited)
- Recent Improvements to the TRMM Microwave Imager Land Rainfall Algorithm
- Recent to contemporary stress of the West Antarctic Rift from drill core and volcanic alignment studies (Invited)
- Regional Observations of Alaska Glacier Dynamics
- Regional-scale NEE estimates over 4 flux towers in the US
- Relative Contributions of Electrified Shower Clouds and Thunderstorms to the Global Circuit: Can 10 Years of TRMM Data Help Solve an Old Puzzle? (Invited)
- Satellite optical feature tracking in southern Alaska: Ice surface velocity maps for Tustumena Glacier
- Scale and sensor dependency of measurements of dust radiative forcing in snow
- Simulation of the Meadow Creek fire using WRF-Fire
- Subsurface Thermal and Hydrological Changes Between Forest and Clear-cut Sites in the Oregon Cascades
- Temperature and water vapor variance scaling from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder, climate models, and aircraft data (Invited)
- The Effect of Energy Flux Partitioning on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height
- The Entrainment Interface Layer of Stratocumulus-Topped Boundary Layers during POST
- The Fluid Dynamical Forces Involved in Grass Fire Propagation
- The Potential of Carbonyl Sulfide as a Tracer for Gross Primary Productivity at Flux Tower Sites
- The Role of Ontologies for Model and Data Interoperability
- The Roles of Deep Convection in the Tropical Tropopause Layer (Invited)
- The sensitivity of ISCCP optical depths to sub-pixel scale cloud field variability: Implications for climate model-ISCCP comparisons
- Thermal circulation patterns and turbulent fluxes along steep mountain slopes
- Understanding the Direct and Indirect Circulation Response to Radiative Forcings
- Understanding the coupled surface energy flux-valley wind system using observations in an alpine valley
- Using n-alkane records to constrain carbon cycle - hydrological cycle coupling: Case study from the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes during the PETM
- Value of information analysis for groundwater quality monitoring network design Case study: Eocene Aquifer, Palestine
- Wildland fire simulation by WRF-Fire
- A New Depth Discriminant for Regional-distance Seismic Events
- A TRMM Survey of Lightning Flashes Illuminating Large Areas
- A joint geophysical investigation of the Cascadia subduction system in central Washington using dense arrays of passive seismic and magnetotelluric station data
- A method for obtaining distributed surface flux measurements in complex terrain
- An Economical PDF-Based Turbulence Closure Model for Cloud-Resolving Models and Global Climate Models
- Application of CERES Energy Budget Data to Improve Understanding of the Dynamic Role of Clouds in the Earth's Planetary Albedo
- Assimilation of near surface observations over complex terrain: 3DVar versus EnKF
- Benchmarking transient paleoclimate simulations: comparisons with terrestrial datasets
- Carbon Isotope Ratios Of Carbon Dioxide In The Urban Salt Lake Valley, Utah USA: Source And Long-Term Monitoring Observations
- Changes in Isotropic and Anisotropic Velocity Before Eruptions at Piton de La Fournaise Volcano
- Comparison of CMIP5 Cloud Statistics to Long-term ARM Data
- Constraining Ecosystem Gross Primary Production and Transpiration with Measurements of Photosynthetic 13CO2 Discrimination
- Continental, Volcanic, and Marine Aerosols Arriving at Summit, Greenland as Recorded by Continuous Aerosol Monitoring
- Detection of trace gas emissions from point sources using shortwave infrared imaging spectrometry
- Documenting the distribution of cloud layers within ISCCP-defined cloud types using CloudSat and CALIPSO data
- Does Aerosol Loading in a Convective Environment Influence Cirrus Anvil Properties?
- Egs Exploration Methodology Development Using the Dixie Valley Geothermal Wellfield as a Calibration Site, a Progress Report
- Episodic Dust Events along Utah's Wasatch Front
- Estimating Evapotranspiration over Heterogeneously Vegetated Surfaces using Large Aperture Scintillometer, LiDAR, and Airborne Multispectral Imagery
- Estimating advection for water vapor transport and the surface energy balance
- Evaluation of the diurnal variation of near-surface temperature and winds from WRF numerical simulations over complex terrain
- Finite element solution of a Schelkunoff vector potential for frequency domain, EM field simulation
- First results from the surface heterogeneity focus area of the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) Experiment
- Flow during the evening transition over steep alpine slopes
- Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance 1870 to 2010 based on Twentieth Century Reanalysis, and links with global climate forcing
- High Spatial Resolution Mapping of Power Plant Carbon Dioxide Plumes Using Imaging Spectrometer Data
- High Temperature Aquifers Beneath the Great Basin - A New Target for Geothermal Power Production
- High precision earthquake source and wave properties of the Yellowstone volcanic-tectonic system using automated seismic waveform analysis
- Hydraulic Stimulation of Fracture Permeability in Volcanic and Metasedimentary Rocks at the Desert Peak Geothermal Field, Nevada
- Hydrologic controls on coastal suspended sediment plumes around the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Hydrologic response to dust radiative forcing of snow in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Ice Dynamics on a 2008 - 2011 surge of the Bering Glacier, AK
- Investigation of the decay of turbulence over a forest during the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) Experiment
- Leaf waxes in riparian trees: hydrogen isotopes, concentrations, and chain-length patterns
- Lessons from Natural CO2 Leakage Analogue Site Studies and their Application to Secure CO2 Storage and Monitoring
- Meteorological and physical characteristics of dust transport events in the Eastern Great Basin of Utah, U.S.A
- Modeling The Hydrology And Water Allocation Under Climate Change In Rural River Basins: A Case Study From Nam Ngum River Basin, Laos
- Modeling the generation of infrasound from earthquakes
- Multi-year estimates of plant and ecosystem <SUP>13</SUP>C discrimination at AmeriFlux sites
- Near surface water layer discovered within the Greenland Ice Sheet during winter conditions from firn cores, ground based radar, and Operation IceBridge radars
- New Perspectives on Intermountain Cyclones and Cold Fronts
- North Atlantic winter marginal ice zone narrowing under retreat: 1979-2011
- O3, VOC, NOx, PM2.5 and Meteorological Measurements during an Inversion Episode in Utah's Uinta Basin
- Process coupling and control over the response of net ecosystem CO2 exchange to climate variability and insect disturbance in subalpine forests of the Western US
- QEMSCAN<SUP>°</SUP> (Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by Scanning Electron Microscopy): capability and application to fracture characterization in geothermal systems
- Records of urbanism, imperialism, & environmental change: what is the fidelity and synchroneity of archives from central-southeastern Turkey
- Relocating Mining-Induced Seismicity at the Trail Mountain Utah Coal Mine With a Three-Dimensional Seismic Array
- Repeatability of Marine CSEM Imaging for Reservoir Monitoring
- Seismic and Gravity Investigation of the Eastern Boundary of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Selecting MC3E Case Studies For Numerical Simulation Testing And Validation: From Intense Convection To Mostly Stratiform Precipitation Events
- Simulation studies on Enhanced Geothermal Systems with CO2 as a working fluid
- Sources of variability in winter soil temperature moderation by mountain snowpacks
- Status of Aqua MODIS Instrument On-orbit Operation and Calibration
- Study of tropical deep convection and its role in transport of trace gases using multi-satellite observations from the A-Train
- Supercritical CO2 Migration under Cross-Bedded Structures: Outcrop Analog from the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone
- Synergistic observations of convective cloud life-cycle during the Mid-latitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E)
- Systematic Analysis of Dynamic Earthquake Triggering Using the EarthScope's USArray Data
- TASTER: Trojan ASteroid Tour, Exploration and Rendezvous, a NASA Planetary Science Summer School Mission Design Exercise
- Temperature; a natural tracer to define residence time distributions in transient storage zones
- Temporal patterns of speciated atmospheric mercury measurements in Utah
- The Effect of Gaussian Statistical Assumptions on Cirrus Ice Water Content Retrievals as Simulated Using Synthetic Remote Sensing Measurements Based on Measured Cirrus Cloud Particle Size Distributions
- The Granite Mountain Atmospheric Sciences Testbed (GMAST): A Facility for Long Term Complex Terrain Airflow Studies
- The MATERHORN Experiment
- The wintertime Persistent Cold-Air Pool Study (PCAPS) in Utah's Salt Lake Valley
- Toward Constraining Simulated Stratiform Precipitation Properties with Observations
- Towards Simulating a Realistic Planetary Seismic Wavefield: The Contribution of the Megaregolith and Low-Velocity Waveguides
- Tracing Injection Fluids in Engineered Geothermal Systems
- Turbulent Transport in Sparse, Organized Canopies
- Understanding Differences in Current Cloud Retrievals of ARM Ground-based Measurements
- Urban emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants: Quantifying fluxes for the "urban dome", and impacts at the scale of the neighborhood.
- Use of Dual Frequency Doppler Radar to Infer Cloud and Precipitation Properties and Air Motion Statistics
- Using multiwavelength elastic lidar to quantify whole-facility PM emission rates
- Velocity, slope change, and structural control of the 2008-2011 surge of Bering Glacier, Alaska, from a time-series of Landsat-7 ETM+ imagery
- Vertical properties of mixed-phase clouds from in-situ ground and airborne measurements during simultaneous CAMPS and StormVEx field campaigns
- Western U.S. Annual Steamflow: Correlations with Major Climate Indices and Increasing Trends Since 1912
- Why does maximum radar reflectivity tend to increase downward toward the ocean surface, but tend to decrease downward toward the land surface?
- A building and tree resolving modeling framework for simulating momentum, energy, and moisture budgets in complex urban canopies over a wide range of scales
- A comparison of age-depth scales derived from shallow ice cores and an FMCW radar in West Antarctica
- A general non-equilibrium framework for the parameterization of positive and negative feedbacks in atmospheric systems
- A new instrument for high resolution stereoscopic photography of falling hydrometeors with simultaneous measurement of fallspeed
- A time-reversed stochastic Lagrangian air quality model
- Advancing Cyberinfrastructure to support high resolution water resources modeling
- An Examination of Trends and Patterns of Ecologically important streamflow variables in association with climate change predictions
- Analysis of two-zone transient storage parameters using analytical transport solutions, moment statistics, and a convolution of solutions
- Assessing the Impact of Doppler Wind Lidar Measurements on Numerical Simulations of Tropical Cyclones with Regional OSSEs
- Building a Snow Data Management System using Open Source Software (and IDL)
- Characterization of river basins with irrigation diversions using regionalization methods
- Cloud properties and heating rates derived from satellite data in Southeast Asia
- Coherent Turbulence Structure Detection in Plant Canopies using a Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian Detection Method
- Constraining Climate Forcing of Ice Nucleation with SPartICus/MACPEX Observations
- Cost-equity considerations in salinity control in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Differences in convective intensity, stratiform precipitation fraction, and size of MCSs between continents, oceans, and monsoon regions
- Distribution of Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers in Soils from Two Environmental Transects in the U.S
- Downward propagating climate signals: from the top of the stratosphere to the bottom of the ocean
- Dust in Snow in the Colorado River Basin: Spatial Variability in Dust Concentrations, Radiative Forcing, and Snowmelt Rates
- Economic innovation and efficiency gains as the driving force for accelerating carbon dioxide emissions
- Evaluation of the CMIP5 palaeo-simulations using palaeoclimate reconstructions
- Evaluation of the seasonal dynamics of photosynthesis and drought stress in CMIP5 models
- Evidence of Meltwater Retention within the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Exploring the relationship between species discrimination and plant functional types with hyperspectral remote sensing
- First Temperature Observations with the USU Very Large Rayleigh Lidar: An Examination of Mesopause Temperatures
- Forest-atmosphere exchange of CO2 isotopes over six years at the Niwot Ridge Ameriflux forest
- GRAIL Refinements to Lunar Seismic Structure
- Geochemical simulations on CO2-fluid-rock interactions in EGS reservoirs
- Greenland supraglacial rivers and the extreme 2012 melt season
- H<SUB>2</SUB>Oh!: Classroom demonstrations and activities for improving student learning of water concepts
- Higher hydrologic model parameter dimensionality need not imply higher complexity or prediction uncertainty
- Hydraulic Fracturing Mineback Experiment in Complex Media
- Hydrological and ecological implications of radiative forcing by dust in snow
- Impact of changes in spring snow pack depth on subalpine forest soil respiration
- Intense convection vs. widespread precipitation: Which is more important for tropical cyclone intensification?
- Investigating the Uncertainty in Forward Radar Simulators Used for GCM Validation and Intercomparison
- Investigation of the Winter Surface Wind Stress-Sea Ice Feedback Over the Barents Sea
- Latitudinal shifts in precipitation; the role of anthropogenic forcings
- MACPEX Water Measurement Comparison
- Magic - Marine Arm Gpci Investigation of Clouds
- Mapping the edge of the Cerros del Rio volcanic field, New Mexico: a piece of the puzzle to understanding a potential geothermal resource
- Measurements of snow accumulation rates and depth to the perennial firn aquifer in south east Greenland from the Arctic Circle Traverse 2010 and 2011.
- Necessary Conditions for Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification as Derived from 11 Years of TRMM Data
- Numerical Simulations of the Genesis of Typhoon Nuri (2008) during TCS08/TPARC: Sensitivity to Initial Conditions and Implications for the Roles of Environmental Conditions
- Numerical simulations and analyses of mesoscale convective systems during MC3E with data assimilation at a convective permitting scale
- Petrophysical Characteristics of Thrust-Fault Zones in Sand-Rich Turbidites: A Case Study of Oligocene West Crocker Formation, Northwest Borneo
- Preliminary Results of Marine Electromagnetic Sounding with a Powerful, Remote Source in Kola Bay off the Barents Sea
- Radiative forcing by light absorbing impurities in snow in the Upper Colorado River Basin using MODIS surface reflectance data
- Reducing uncertainty in model estimates of North American polar net ecosystem exchange by including remote sensing observations of snow cover
- Reductions in urban outdoor water use as an adaptation to declining water supplies in southern California
- Regional Impacts of Aerosols on Convection: Using Satellite and Reanalysis data to Isolate Aerosol Effects
- Resolving Processes that Modulate the Properties of Clouds and Precipitation in Vertical Columns using Ground-Based Remote Sensing Measurements Collected by the ARM Program
- Role of large scale forcing, parameterizations and 'hot/cold' starts on the modeling of Hurricane Karl genesis
- Seasonal Dynamics of Live Fuel Moisture and Spectroscopic Data in Lodgepole Pine and Sagebrush
- Sensitivity of soil temperature and soil moisture to seasonal snowpack variability in western U.S. mountain ecosystems
- Spatial variability and hydrologic response to dust radiative forcing of snow in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Distributions of Western Streamflow Conditioned on Climate Indices
- Status of MODIS Instrument Operation and Changes in L1B Collection 6
- Steep slope flow observations during the morning transition in a narrow alpine valley
- System Modeling to Improve the Hydro-Ecological Performance of Diked Wetlands
- The CAFÉ seismic and magnetotelluric experiments: An investigation of fluid processes in the Cascadia subduction system using a sequential inversion of passive seismic and magnetotelluric data
- The Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations (MATERHORN) Program: The First Field Experiment (MATERHORN-X1)
- The Precipitation Susceptibility of Marine Low Clouds Derived from Measurements Collected by Cloudsat and MODIS
- The Relationship Between Latitudinal Shifts in the Eddy-driven Jet and the Hadley Cell Edge
- The Science of Middle Nature
- The impact of Ensemble-based data assimilation on the predictability of landfalling Hurricane Katrina (2005)
- The impact of pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and climate on D/H and <SUP>13</SUP>C/<SUP>12</SUP>C fractionation of higher-plant biomarkers: Implications for paleoclimate and paleoelevation reconstruction during global warm periods
- The perennial firn aquifer as a storage mechanism on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The properties of thunderstorms with lightning flashes illuminating large areas
- The spatial patterns of water management practices are reflected in the strontium isotope ratios of human hair
- The water balance of the urban Salt Lake Valley: a multiple-box model validated by observations
- Towards understanding mechanistic linkages between climate and leaf wax biomarker <SUP>2</SUP>H/<SUP>1</SUP>H: an elevational transect in the Wasatch Mountains, Utah
- Trend in width of summer Arctic marginal ice zone
- Unconventional evolution of the mesoscale convective system (MCS) of May 23 during MC3E
- Updrafts, Downdrafts, Entrainment, and Detrainment in the Giga-LES
- Uptake of stormwater nitrogen in bioretention systems demonstrated from 15N tracer techniques
- Urban sources and emissions of nitrous oxide and methane in southern California, USA
- Use of a mixed-layer model and surface measurements to show that low clouds in the Arctic increase as a response to decreasing lower atmospheric stability
- Waveform Correlation Based Detection of Aftershocks of the 6 August 2007 4.1 Mw Crandall Canyon Mine Collapse in Central Utah
- Wavelet-based Evapotranspiration Forecasts
- What Convective Properties Are Most Critical for Tropical Cyclogenesis? Evidence from Multi-satellite Observations of Genesis Cases Investigated During Recent Field Programs
- What Was More Important in the Rapid Intensification of Earl (2010): Intense Convection, Widespread Rainfall, Environmental Conditions, or None of the Above?
- What can we learn from differences between precipitation estimates from the radar and radiometer algorithms?
- Wintertime Distributed Ozone Measurement in Utah's Uintah Basin during UBWOS 2012
- 2013 - JPL's Snow Data System Year in Review
- A Climatology of Congestus in the Tropics
- A GigaLES of the TWP-ICE Field Campaign
- A Large Eddy Simulation Study for upstream wind energy conditioning
- Accuracy of supervised classification of cropland in sub-Saharan Africa
- Actual Evapotranspiration using a two source energy balance model and gridded reference ET0
- Ancient and modern sites of natural CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage: Geochemistry and geochronology of Quaternary and modern travertine deposits on the Colorado Plateau, USA, and implications for CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration
- Application of triple Doppler wind lidars for the study of an atmospheric boundary layer over a mountainous area
- Assessing the validity of Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory over mountainous desert terrain
- Assessment of Water Availability Impact on Wetland Management using Multi-temporal Landsat Images and Bayesian-based Learning Machines
- Bathymetry Differencing to Quantify Volumetric Change within the Snake River in Hells Canyon
- Bingham Canyon Landslide: Force History Analysis and Identification of Induced Earthquakes
- Both water source and atmospheric water impact leaf wax n-alkane <SUP>2</SUP>H/<SUP>1</SUP>H values of hydroponically grown angiosperm trees
- Carbon-14 analyses reveal fine structure of the urban carbon dioxide dome in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah, USA
- Climate as a driver of continent-wide irruptions in boreal seed-eating birds (Invited)
- Climate change and mathematics of sea ice (Invited)
- Cloud and Precipitation Variations Associated with MJO Events Observed from AMIE/DYNAMO and ARM TWP Sites
- Coherence between Great Basin precipitation and low frequency Pacific Ocean variability in CMIP5
- Comparing Marine Boundary Cloud Albedo Susceptibility with MAGIC and A-Train Data
- Constraining estimates of methane emissions from Arctic permafrost regions with CARVE
- Continental-Scale Stable Isotope Measurements at NEON to Address Ecological Processes Across Systems
- Contrasting drivers of Arctic marginal ice zone width
- Controls on compound specific <SUP>2</SUP>H/<SUP>1</SUP>H of leaf waxes along a North American monsoonal transect
- Deformation studies of lower mantle mineral phases and seismic anisotropy in the deep Earth (Invited)
- Derived Properties of Warm Marine Low Clouds over the Southern Ocean: Precipitation Susceptibility and Sensitivity to Environmental Parameters (Invited)
- Dust and canopy effects on snowpack melt and ecosystem processes in a subalpine forest
- Dynamic triggering potential of large earthquakes recorded by the EarthScope U.S. Transportable Array using a frequency domain detection method
- Dynamics of Cold-Air Pool Breakup: Numerical Simulations
- EcoSIS
- Effect of vegetation on the energy balance and melting of snow in the Rocky Mountains (Invited)
- Experimental calibration of cotectic melt compositions coexisting with quartz and feldspar in rhyolitic systems - Application to Snake River Plain rhyolites,Yellowstone hotspot
- Extending the Interoperability of Sensor and Sample Based Earth Observations using a Community Information Model (Invited)
- Extreme Rainfall Rates: An Extreme Retrieval Challenge
- Fine Scale Variability in Snow Cover Duration From In Situ Sensor Arrays at Subalpine Forest and Meadow Sites Across the Western United States
- Geomechanics of Hydraulic Stimulation in Geothermal Systems: Designing and Implementing a Successful Enhanced Geothermal System at Desert Peak, Nevada
- Greenland Ice Sheet supraglacial stream morphology and dynamics
- Highly Size- and Time- Resolved Aerosol Source Allocation at Urban and Rural Sites During NASA - DISCOVER-AQ Winter Study 2013 in the San Joaquin Valley, CA
- Holiday CO2: Inference from the Salt Lake City data
- Holocene pollen records from the northern mid-latitudes: syntheses, spatial patterns and gradients (Invited)
- Identifying and Tracking Individual Updraft Cores using Cluster Analysis: A TWP-ICE case study
- Influences of increased riparian thaw depths on stream temperatures and chemical export in beaded arctic streams
- Infrasound Observations of the Massive Landslide at Bingham Canyon Copper Mine
- Integrative analysis and discoveries of Yellowstone science revealing new interpretations and assessments of earthquake and volcano risk
- Investigating the Methane Footprint of Compressed Natural Gas Stations in the Los Angeles Basin
- Katabatic flows over steep alpine slopes covered with short vegetation
- Land-atmosphere carbon cycle research in the southern Rocky Mountains
- Landscape response to extreme events on the southern slopes of the Uinta Mountains: sedimentary records of climate, vegetation, and fire linkages during the late Holocene
- Magnetotelluric Investigation of Structures Related to a Geothermal Anomaly in the Buckman Well field in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Meteorological influences on surface ozone in the Los Angeles Basin
- Methane Hotspots in the Los Angeles Megacity
- Microbial Metabolism in Serpentinite Fluids
- Microbial carbon cycling in Lost City hydrothermal chimneys and other serpentinite-hosted ecosystems (Invited)
- Microbiology of Ultrabasic Groundwaters of the Coast Range Ophiolite, California
- Microphysical Parameters of Precipitating Shallow Marine Clouds over Graciosa Island, Azores
- Neighborhood Socio-Ecohydrology along a Gradient of Urbanization
- Numerical Simulation of Pollutants' Transport and Fate in AN Unsteady Flow in Lower Bear River, Box Elder County, Utah
- Observation of spectacular, regular and lasting cloud top formation near the tropopause
- Observational Studies of how Atmospheric Vertical Motions Influence Frozen Hydrometeor Fallspeed
- Of Ice and Charging: A look at Thundercloud Electric Fields and Passive Microwave Observations
- On the retrieval of water-related canopy biochemistry from airborne hyperspectral data and its comparison to MODIS spectral response
- Plant Wax Biomarkers in Fluvial-Lacustrine Sediments from the Omo-Turkana and Awash Basins in Eastern Africa
- Plenty to eat, nothing to breathe: challenges to life in serpentinite habitats (Invited)
- Radial X-Ray Diffraction at the Extreme Conditions Beamline of PETRA III: In-Situ Texture Analysis of a Mixture of Perovskite and Ferropericlase to 1100 K and 40 GPa
- Reading the Surface Heterogeneity Responsible for Colloid Deposition in the Presence of an Energy Barrier
- Regional, Local, and In-mine Moment Tensors for the 2013 Rudna Mine collapse
- Revised Estimates of Aerosol Indirect Effects in Thin, Liquid-Containing Arctic Clouds
- Sensitivities of winter ozone pollution events in oil and gas producing regions to VOCs, NOx and radicals (Invited)
- Sensitivity of Near-Surface Temperature Forecasts to Soil Properties over a Dryland Region in Complex Terrain
- Simulating a Cold-Air Outbreak with SHOC (Simplified Higher-Order Closure)
- Snow and Ice Climatology of the Western United States and Alaska from MODIS
- Spatial and temporal patterns of air concentrations of mercury in Western North America 1998-present
- Spatial and temporal variability of radiative forcing by dust in snow in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Spectroscopic Analysis of Temporal Changes in Leaf Moisture and Dry Matter Content
- Status of Terra and Aqua MODIS Instrument Operation and Calibration
- Subsurface Evidence for Late Mesozoic Extension in Western Mongolia: Tectonic and Petroleum Systems Implications
- Summer melt regulates winter glacier flow speeds throughout Alaska (Invited)
- Summer moisture balance from peatland water table reconstructions for the last 1100 years from North America and Europe
- Supraglacial meltwater runoff from the Greenland ice sheet
- Temporal dynamics of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the Salt Lake Valley urban ecosystem of northern Utah, USA
- Temporal trends in West Antarctic surface mass balance: do large scale modes of climate contribute to observed records?
- Testing Earth System Models with Earth System Data: using C isotopes in atmospheric CO2 to probe stomatal response to future climate change
- The Cloud Distributions of ISCCP Weather States Derived From A-Train Active Remote Sensors
- The Fate of Carbon Draining Permafrost Soils is Controlled by Photochemical Reactions in Addition to Microbial Degradation in Arctic Surface Waters
- The Greenland ice sheet perennial firn aquifer: characteristics, extent and evolution obtained from airborne remote sensing
- The Impact of Ensemble Kalman Filter Assimilation of Near-Surface Observations on the Predictability of Atmospheric Conditions over Complex Terrain: Results from Recent MATERHORN Field Program
- The Modeled Winter Sea Ice-Atmosphere Feedback over the Barents Sea
- The Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations (MATERHORN) Program: An Overview
- The New IRIS DMC Noise Toolkit
- The Science of Middle Nature (Invited)
- The Temperature Gradient and Transition Timescales as a Function of Topography in Complex Terrain
- The age of root and soil respired CO2 in a Pacific Northwest old-growth forest: Implications of seasonality and drought effects on carbon source use
- The carbon isotopic composition of soil respiration in the decade following disturbance by bark beetle or stem girdling
- The effect of shadow fronts on dynamics of the surface layer during evening transitions
- The relationship of Arctic precipitation rates to stratus cloud thickness
- The role of imported water on urban water budgets in southern California
- The role of spatially variable stream hydraulics in reach scale, one-dimensional solute predictions
- Thermal insights of the Greenland ice sheet perennial firn aquifer
- Total Storm Currents in Relation to Storm Type and Lifecycle
- Tracing dust provenance, cycling, and history in the Wasatch Mountains using strontium isotopes and tree rings
- Ultra-low velocity zones: Better insight into structure and composition from high-resolution 2.5D waveform modeling
- Uncertainty Quantification for CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Using A-Train satellite data to investigate the relationship between cloud ice water path and cloud radiative effects
- Using Very High Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery to Estimate Agricultural Production: A comparison of food insecure and secure growing areas in Kenya
- Using observational retrievals to expose precipitation and convective dynamics biases in simulations of a tropical MCS
- Using otoliths from a non-migratory fish (Slimy sculpin - Cottus cognatus) to evaluate temporal and spatial variability in 87Sr/86Sr ratios of river waters from a large and remote watershed in southwest AK, USA - the Nushagak River
- Water volume estimates of the Greenland Perennial Firn Aquifer from in situ measurements
- Why is the Arctic summer clean? Will the Arctic get cleaner? How wet scavenging controls the impacts of mid-latitude pollution in the Arctic. (Invited)
- 15 Years of Terra MODIS Instrument on-Orbit Performance
- A Comparison between Airborne and Mountaintop Cloud Microphysics
- A Global Mass Balance of Isotope Ratios in Hydrologic Fluxes Provides Constraints on Terrestrial and Oceanic Water Cycling
- A Mechanistic Approach to Predicting Colloid Deposition onto Representative Aquifer Materials and Solution Chemistries in the Presence of an Energy Barrier
- A Novel Approach to Asynchronous MVP Data Interpretation Based on Elliptical-Vectors
- A Study of Detrainment from Deep Convection
- A plot scale evapotranspiration model for urban landscapes in Los Angeles, CA
- Ambient Noise Correlation Amplitudes and Local Site Response
- An ecohydrological framework to explain shifts in vegetation organization across climatological gradients
- Analysis of Arctic Cloud Thermodynamic Phase Susceptibility to Aerosols.
- Arctic and Tropical Influence on Extreme Precipitation Events, Atmospheric Rivers, and Associated Isotopic Values in the Western U.S.
- Assessing the Complementary Constraints on North American Methane Emissions Estimates Provided by Ground-based and Space-based Observations of Methane
- Carbon Burn-Down in a Greenhouse World: Wildfires and Soil Carbon Loss across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- Characteristics of the frequency and distribution of fog events over the Salt Lake and Heber Valleys
- Climate forcing and the response of vegetation and disturbances during the 'Populus Period', 2000-4000 cal yr BP.
- Climatic controls on the isotopic composition and availability of soil nitrogen in mountainous tropical forests
- Constraining Carbon Emission Estimates from the Los Angeles Megacity through use of Remote-sensing Techniques and a Time-reversed Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model
- Constructing 3D isotropic and azimuthally anisotropic crustal models across USArray using Rayleigh wave phase velocity and ellipticity: inferring continental stress field
- Deformation and Transformation Textures in the NaMgF<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite→Post-Perovskite System
- Deformation of (Mg,Fe)O Ferropericlase to Temperatures of 1150 K and Pressures of 96 GPa: Implications for Mantle Flow and Seismic Anisotropy
- Development of a fully integrated water cycle model: HydroGeoSphere-Weather Research and Forecasting (HGS-WRF)
- Diagenetic Iron Cycling in Ancient Alkaline Saline Lacustrine Sedimentary Rocks: A Case Study on the Jurassic Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation, Colorado Plateau, USA
- Diagnosing Carbon-Climate Feedbacks in the Contemporary Carbon Cycle
- Discriminating Mining Induced Seismicity from Natural Tectonic Earthquakes in the Wasatch Plateau Region of Central Utah
- Dynamics of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Waterways of Antropogenically Influenced Closed Semi-Arid Basins
- Ecohydrological and Biophysical Controls on Carbon Cycling in Two Seasonally Snow-covered Forests
- Environmental forcing does not lead to diel or synoptic variability in carbon isotope content of forest soil respiration
- Environmental impacts on the evapotranspiration of an water limited and heterogeneous Mediterranean ecosystem.
- Eolian Soft-Sediment Deformation Records on Earth and Mars
- Evaluating Floodplain Controls on Paleo-channel Avulsion and Migration: Wasatch Formation (Paleocene/Eocene, Piceance Basin, CO, USA)
- Evaluating the importance of convective intensity and symmetry as predictors of TC intensity change for a large database of storms in favorable environments
- Evaluating the performance of the Community Land Model (CLM4.5) for a western US coniferous forest under annual drought stress
- Evaluation and Advancement of Similarity Scalings for a Steep Alpine Slope
- Fire Characterization and Fire-Related Land Cover Classification Using Hyperion Data over Selected Alaskan Boreal Forest Fires
- Fossil Fuel Combustion Fingerprint in High-Resolution Urban Water Vapor Isotope Measurements
- Frequency Dependence of Short Period Seismic Noise from Two Decades of Observations at Warramunga Seismic Array (WRA), Australia
- Frequency Domain Detection with Nearest Neighbor Clustering to Detect Dynamically Triggered Remote Small Earthquakes within the Footprint of the EarthScope USArray Transportable Array
- Freshwater - the key to melt pond formation atop first year sea ice
- From Sewers to Salix and Tailpipes to Typha: Riparian Plants Reflect Anthropogenic Nitrogen Sources Across Montane to Urban Gradients
- Geological Hypothesis Testing and Investigations of Coupling with Transient Electromagnetics (TEM)
- Global Synthesis of Vegetation Control on Evapotranspiration Partition
- Gravity Change at the Summit of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaíi, during 2012-2014
- Heterogeneous nucleation of ice on model carbon surfaces
- Highly-resolved Modeling of Emissions and Concentrations of Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, and Fine Particulate Matter in Salt Lake City, Utah
- How Various Sources of Uncertainty Affect Retrieval Uncertainty in the Optimal Estimation Framework Using a Non-precipitating Liquid Clouds Example
- Hyperspectral Mapping of Iron-bearing Minerals Associated with Dry and Ephemeral Lakes
- Impacts of 4D-VAR Assimilation of Airborne Doppler Radar Observations on Numerical Simulations of the Genesis of Typhoon Nuri (2008)
- Impacts of Green Infrastructure on the Water Budget and Other Ecosystem Services in Subhumid Urban Areas
- Impacts of Land Use Change on Energy Usage and Ghg Emissions
- Improving and validating 3D models for the leaf energy balance in canopy-scale problems with complex geometry
- Influence of Lateral Flow on the Predisposition of Aspen Mortality during Drought
- Integrating Water, Actors, and Structure to Study Socio-Hydro-Ecological Systems
- Interpreting the seasonality of precipitation in northern Baja California for the last ~45,000 cal yr BP
- Investigating the Persistence of a Snowpack Sublimation Stable Isotope Signal in Tree Xylem Water during the Growing Season
- Iron in the Fire: Searching for Fire's Magnetic Fingerprint using Controlled Heating Experiments, High-Resolution FORCs, IRM Coercivity Spectra, and Low-Temperature Remanence Experiments
- Iron: A Biogeochemical Engine That Drives Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Cycling in Humid Tropical Forest Soils
- LES of large wind farm during a diurnal cycle: Analysis of Energy and Scalar flux budgets
- Large Scale Geologic Controls on Hydraulic Stimulation
- Large-eddy simulation of street canyons and urban microclimate using Uintah:MPMICE
- Life in the Treetops: Drought Tolerance and Water Balance of Canopy Epiphytes in a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest
- Long Term Trends in Carbon Dioxide Enhancements in an Urban Region
- Magnetotelluric Investigations of Convergent Margins and of Incipient Rifting: Preliminary Results from the EarthScope MT Transportable Array and MT FlexArray Deployments in Cascadia and in the North American Mid-Continent Region
- Mass-dependent Corrections and Atmospheric Invasion: Working with the Radiocarbon Content of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Soil Gas Environment
- Measurement and Modeling of Cryosphere-Geosphere Interactions in South Central Alaska
- Meteorological Modeling of Wintertime Cold Air Pool Stagnation Episodes in the Uintah and Salt Lake Basins
- Methane mitigation in cities: how new measurements and partnerships can contribute to emissions reduction strategies
- Microbial Substrate Use at Sites of Continental Serpentinization: The Tablelands, NL, CAD and the Cedars, CA, USA
- Microseisms from the Great Salt Lake
- Mixing Induced By Slope and Valley Flow Collisions in Complex Terrain
- Modeling the Complex Photochemistry of Biomass Burning Plumes in Plume-Scale, Regional, and Global Air Quality Models
- Multi-Year Estimates of Regional Alaskan Net CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange: Constraining a Remote-Sensing Based Model with Aircraft Observations
- Multi-phase submarine channel-fill history recorded by stratigraphic architectures in outcropping slope-channel deposits, Tres Pasos Formation, southern Chile
- Natural Migration of Scattered Surface Waves from Correlated Ambient Noise: Applications on Long Beach Array and US-Array
- Natural reservoirs and triggered seismicity: a study of two northern Utah Lakes
- New Mechanistic Based Correlation Equation for Predicting Colloid Attachment Efficiency: Traditional vs. Discrete Heterogeneity Approaches
- Observation of Isotope Ratios (δ<SUP>2</SUP>H, δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr) of Tap Water in Urban Environments
- Observation of environmental boundary layers at miltiple scales
- Observed Influence of Riming, Temperature, and Turbulence on the Fallspeed of Solid Precipitation
- On the Formation and Seasonal Properties of Topical Cirrus Clouds over Amazon Basin (2.89ºS, 59.97ºW): Observations from Lidar, Radiosonde and Satellite instruments.
- Predicting the Hydrogen Isotope Ratios of Leaf Waxes Across Landscapes
- Quantifying the Influence of Biomass Burning on Measurement Sites in the Western U.S.
- Reactive transport modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection in the Farnsworth, Texas hydrocarbon field
- Recent Observations and Modeling of Narrowband Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions SEEs at HAARP and EISCAT
- Recent results on the Greenland Aquifer from remote sensing and in situ measurements
- Relationships Between Ice Cloud Properties and Radiative Effects from A-Train Observations and Global Climate Models
- Remote Estimation of Greenland Ice Sheet Supraglacial River Discharge using GIS Modeling and WorldView-2 Satellite Imagery
- Remote Measurement of Short-term Post-fire Vegetation Regrowth in Sierra Nevadan Forests
- Satellite observation of winter season liquid meltwater storage within Greenland's firn aquifer: 1992-2014
- Sedimentary Geology Context and Challenges for Cyberinfrastructure Data Management
- Seismic Energy From Waterfalls in Yellowstone National Park
- Seismic Noise Observations from Multiple Arrays in the Southern Hemisphere: Challenges and Opportunities
- Serpentinization and Life: Motivations for Drilling the Atlantis Massif
- Shale Deformation Experiments Toward an Understanding of Elastic and Fracture Anisotropy
- Skill of Global Climate Models in Capturing Dependence of Great Basin Precipitation on Pacific Modes of Variability
- Soil Moisture Dynamics and Evaporation in Arid Intermountain Environments
- Soil carbon cycle <SUP>13</SUP>C responses in the decade following bark beetle and girdling disturbance
- Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity in Regional Watershed Phosphorus Cycles Driven by Changes in Human Activity over the Past Century
- Splitting of the Double-Frequency Microseismic Peak at Land-Based Seismometers in North America
- Statistically analyzing indirect effects of increased SO<SUB>2</SUB> Low Level Maritime Clouds using A-Train Satellite Observations
- Synoptic Flow Interactions in Complex Terrain
- Temporal and spatial variability of the Greenland firn aquifer revealed by ground and airborne radar data
- The 2014 Challis, Idaho Earthquake Swarm
- The ACI-REF Program: Empowering Prospective Computational Researchers
- The Determination and Estimation of Arsenic and Uranium in Private Wells throughout the United States
- The Impacts of Climate Change on Mauritia Felxuosa and Biodiversity in Neotropical Cerrãdo Savanna Ecosystems
- The Impacts of Water Quality and Food Availability on Children's Health in West Africa: A Spatial Analysis Using Remotely Sensed Data and Small-Scale Water Quality Data and Country-level Health Data
- The Information Available in A-Train Data Regarding Precipitation Processes in Warm Cumulus
- The Inland Penetration of Atmospheric Rivers over Western North America: A Lagrangian Analysis
- The Mw4.8 Norris Geyser Basin Earthquake of 30 March, 2014 and its Relationship to Crustal Deformation and Seismic Activity of the Yellowstone Volcanic System
- The characteristic averaging time for the surface-layer fluxes
- The effect of Rossby number on the characteristics of superstructures and their impact on interscale energy exchange in the atmospheric boundary layer
- The impact of variable building height on drag, flow and turbulence over a realistic suburban surface
- The spatial distribution of C<SUB>3</SUB> and C<SUB>4</SUB> grasses in North America through the next century
- Three-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion including topography using deformed hexahedral edge finite elements, direct solvers and data space Gauss-Newton, parallelized on SMP computers
- Time-Domain Techniques to Automatically Detect Local Earthquakes in the Wavetrain of Large Remote Teleseseismic Events Using Data within the Continental United States
- Tracking Paths of Ocean Source Ambient Seismic Noise into, and through, the 3D Earth
- What Precipitation Properties Are Most Critical for Tropical Cyclogenesis? Evidence from a Multi-Satellite Investigation of Developing and Nondeveloping Disturbances
- Why are Radar and Passive Microwave Profiles Associated with Lightning Probability over Land and Ocean So Profoundly Different?
- Why are some vulnerable children healthy and others stunted? A case study of vulnerability and resilience among very young children in West Africa
- A Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study on Properties of Cloud Microphysics, Convection, and Precipitation for a Squall Line Cas
- A Comparison of Potential Temperature Variance Budgets over Vegetated and Non-Vegetated Surface
- A Conceptual Model for Extratropical Atmosphere-ocean Interaction
- A Multi-scale Approach for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Accounting and Risk Analysis in CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Sites
- A Perspective on Diagenetic Geometries and Patterns of Iron Oxide Cement and Coloration: Understanding Challenges and Complexities
- A Survey of Methane Emissions from California's Natural Gas Infrastructure
- Ambient Noise Observables from USArray: Site Amplification, Scattering and Attenuation
- An Investigation of Transgressive Deposits in Late Pleistocene Lake Bonneville using GPR and UAV-produced DEMs.
- An application of statistical mechanics for representing equilibrium perimeter distributions of tropical convective clouds
- Analysis of Historical and CMIP5 Projections of Multi-decadal Climatic Variation and Implications for Ecosystem Management on the Colorado Plateau
- Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in California's San Joaquin Valley: Characterizing Large Point Source Emitters
- Are the Most Intense Convective Storms Also the Rainiest Storms, Part 2?
- Assessing Changes in Water Chemistry Along the Mountain to Urban Gradient
- Assessing Controls on the Geometry and Dimensions of Modern Barrier Islands
- Assessing Ecosystem Drought Response in CLM 4.5 Using Site-Level Flux and Carbon-Isotope Measurements: Results From a Pacific Northwest Coniferous Forest
- Borehole Muon Detector Development
- Bringing organic carbon isotopes and phytoliths to the table as additional constraints on paleoelevation
- Buoyant Turbulence Kinetic Energy (TKE) Production in Katabatic Flow Despite Stable Thermal Stratification
- Carbon Dioxide and its Stable Isotopes at Niwot Ridge, Colorado
- Characterization of a Single Magnetotactic Bacterial Species from Devil's Bathtub, Mendon Ponds Park, Honeoye Falls, NY
- Characterizing the impact of spatiotemporal variations in stormwater infrastructure on hydrologic conditions
- Climate Change and Global Food Security: Food Access, Utilization, and the US Food System
- Climate Reconstructions of the Younger Dryas: An ELA Model Investigating Variability in ELA Depressions, Temperature, and Precipitation Changes for the Graubϋnden Alps
- Combining High Temporal Resolution Gas Composition and Seismic Data to Identify Subsurface Fluid Movement within the Katmai Volcanic Complex, Alaska
- Comparing the Dimensions of Modern and Ancient Barrier Island Systems to Understand Controls on Preservation
- Constructing a 3D Crustal Model Across the Entire Contiguous US Using Broadband Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity and Ellipticity Measurements
- Contribution of Nutrient Pollution to Water Scarcity in the Water-Rich Northeastern United States
- Controls on Soil and Stream Nitrogen Cycling in a Mountain-to-Urban Watershed
- Crust Uppermost Mantle Structure beneath Eastern Asia: Progress towards a Uniform, Tightly Constrained, High Resolution 3-D Model
- Crustal structure of the Mid-Atlantic Margin from the MAGIC seismic array
- Curating and Preserving the Big Canopy Database System: an Active Curation Approach using SEAD
- D/H isotope ratios in the global hydrologic cycle constrain the partitioning of global terrestrial water fluxes.
- Deformation and Crystallographic Preferred Orientation of Two-phase Lower Mantle Mineral Analogs: Implications for Seismic Anisotropy in the Lower Mantle
- Dense Seismic Recordings of Two Surface-Detonated Chemical Explosions
- Diagenetic Patterns of the Cretaceous Baseline Sandstone, Southern Nevada: Implications for Controls on Iron-Oxide Cementation and Coloration
- Do Interspecific Differences in the Stable Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of n-Alkanes Reflect Variation in Plant Water Sources or in Biosynthetic Fractionation?
- Effect of Long-Range Aerosol Transport on the Microphysical Properties of Low-Level Clouds in the Arctic
- Effects of Nanoscale Surface Roughness on Colloid Detachment
- Empirically constrained estimates of Alaskan regional Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, 2012-2014
- Environmental forcing of terrestrial carbon isotope excursion amplification across five Eocene hyperthermals
- Evapotranspiration of the urban forest at the municipal scale in Los Angeles, CA
- Fish Lake, Utah - a promising long core site straddling the Great Basin to Colorado Plateau transition zone
- Fish Lake, Utah - shallow seismic investigation of a lake-filled high-altitude graben
- From Soil to Surface Water: a Meta-Analysis of Catchment-Scale Organic Matter Production and Transport
- Global Food Security in a Changing Climate: Considerations and Projections
- Gravity and Magnetotelluric Modeling of the Santo Domingo Basin, Northern New Mexico
- Ground Snow Measurements: Comparisons of the Hotplate, Weighing and Manual Methods
- How Do Shallow Cumulus Respond to Highly Variable Natural Aerosol? - An Analysis of A-Train Data Downstream of Kilauea
- Hypsometric control on glacier mass balance sensitivity in Alaska
- Imaging the Yellowstone Magmatic System Using Multi-Component Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation and Tomography
- Impact Of Three-Phase Relative Permeability and Hysteresis Models On Forecasts of Storage Associated with CO2-EOR
- Impacts of Long-Range Biomass Burning and Anthropogenic Pollution Transport on Arctic Clouds
- Impacts of relative permeability on CO<SUB>2</SUB> phase behavior, phase distribution, and trapping mechanisms
- Importance of the temperature field and its uncertainties in modeling ductile deformation of the southern California lithosphere
- Improved Detection and Location of Ocean Microseism Signals using Array Techniques
- Improving the Representation of Near Source and Downwind Smoke Plume Chemistry in Regional and Global Air Quality Models
- Initial In-situ Hydrologic Measurements of the Greenland Perennial Firn Aquifer
- Integrated Hydrosystem Modeling of the California Basin
- Integration of social perceptions, behaviors, and economic valuations of groundwater quality as an ecosystem service following exurban development
- Interaction between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and other important health conditions and measurable air pollution
- Investigating microseismicity and crustal structure beneath Mount St. Helens with a 900-geophone array
- Investigating the Greenland firn aquifer near Helheim Glacier based on geophysical noninvasive methods and in situ measurements
- Investigating the Impacts of Wildfires on Air Quality in the Western US
- Investigations of Liquid Water Retention in the Greenland Firn Aquifer
- Is the Wilkins Ice Shelf a Firn Aquifer? Spaceborne Observation of Subsurface Winter Season Liquid Meltwater Storage on the Antarctic Peninsula using Multi-Frequency Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
- Katabatically Driven Downslope Windstorm-Type Flows on the Inner Sidewall of Arizona's Barringer Meteorite Crater
- Latitudinal Gradients in the Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes of Tree-Ring Cellulose Reveal Differential Climate Influences of the North American Monsoon
- Lithospheric Shear Velocity Structure of South Island, New Zealand from Rayleigh Wave Tomography of Amphibious Array Data
- Location of Body Wave Microseism Sources Using Three-Component Data From a Large Aperture Seismic Array in China
- Merging Cumulus Updrafts
- Mineralogical Composition and Potential Dust Source of Playas in the Western U.S. and Australia as Remotely Identified Through Imaging Spectroscopy.
- Mobile Platforms for Continuous Spatial Measurements of Urban Trace Gases and Criteria Pollutants
- Monitoring the Impacts of Severe Drought on Plant Species in Southern California Chaparral
- Mountainous terrain and violent conflict in the post-Soviet Caucasus.
- Natural Variability during Snowfall: Observations of Snowflake Microstructure and Calculations of Corresponding Snowfall Scattering Properties
- Natural vibration dynamics of Rainbow Bridge, Utah
- Nocturnal Valley Cold Air Pool Displacement on a Desert Mountain Slope
- Observations of Dynamic Triggering in the Coso Geothermal Field 2004-2013
- Observed and Simulated Relationships Between Tropical Deep Convective Updraft Dynamics and Ice Microphysics
- Optimization of Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation Imaging Across Large Dense Array
- P- and S-wave Slowness Anomalies in the Mantle
- Prediction of nanoparticle and colloid attachment on unfavorable mineral surfaces using representative discrete heterogeneity
- Probing high-resolution inner core structure using earthquake coda interferometry with USArray
- Quantifying Conditions for Fault Self-Sealing in Geologic Carbon Sequestration
- Quantifying Feedback Mechanisms on Glacier Mass Balance across High Mountain Asia
- Quantifying Uncertainties in Mass-Dimensional Relationships Through a Comparison Between CloudSat and SPartICus Reflectivity Factors
- Quantitative Risk Assessment of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration in a commerical-scale EOR Site
- Rayleigh wave tomography of Mount St. Helens, Washington from ambient seismic noise
- Reconstruction of the Páramo Paleoclimate Record in Tres Lagunas, Ecuador
- Regional and Seasonal Differences in the Size and Maturity Spectra of Precipitation Systems with Lightning
- Resolving High-Resolution Continental Scale 3D Crustal Structure Using Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity and Ellipticity
- SPATIAL Short Courses Build Expertise and Community in Isotope Geochemistry
- Scale-dependent interactions between vegetation, landscape, and climate: How critical zone structure influences ecohydrological reslience in a rapidly changing world
- Scaling thermal convection of stratified fluid over sloping surfaces
- Seasonal Variability Of Clouds and Precipitation in the Southern Oceans as Diagnosed from A-Train Data
- Seasonal and interannual variations in boreal Alaskan methane and carbon dioxide fluxes using atmospheric measurements from the CARVE tower
- Seismically imaging the structural legacy of rifting and collision events in the central and eastern U.S. crust
- Simulating Photosynthetic <SUP>13</SUP>C Fractionation at a Western Subalpine Forest for Seasonal and Multi-Decadal Time Periods with the Community Land Model (CLM 4.5)
- Simulation of Historical and Future Precipitation over the Wasatch
- Simulation of Underground Muon Flux with Application to Muon Tomography
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of EC and OC Aerosol Combustion Sources in a Polluted Metropolitan Area
- Spatio-temporal variation in the tap water isotope ratios of Salt Lake City: a novel indicator of urban water system structure and dynamics.
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Urban Trace Gases and Pollutants Observed with a Light Rail Vehicle Platform in Salt Lake City, UT
- Spatiotemporal comparison of highly-resolved emissions and concentrations of carbon dioxide and criteria pollutants in Salt Lake City, Utah for health and policy applications
- Status of MODIS Instruments and Future Calibration Improvements
- Stomatal and Aerodynamic Controls of Transpiration and Evaporation over Amazonian Landscapes
- Synoptic Flow Interactions with an Isolated Mountain in Complex
- The Greenland Firn Aquifer Temporal Variability and Spatial Extent from Airborne Radar.
- The Impacts of Water Quality and Food Availability on Children's Health in West Africa: A Spatial Analysis Using Remotely Sensed Data and Small-Scale Water Quality Data and Country-level Health Data
- The University of Utah Urban Undertaking (U<SUP>4</SUP>)
- The Yellowstone magmatic system from the mantle plume to the upper crust
- The impact of satellite wind measurements on hurricane forecasts in OSSEs: Ocean surface winds versus 3-D wind profiles
- The present and future of using InSAR to estimate SWE
- Total- and Methyl-mercury Response to Causeway Closure in the Great Salt Lake, Utah
- Toward Reducing Uncertainties in Biospheric Carbon Uptake in the American West: An Atmospheric Perspective
- Urbanization and the Carbon Cycle: Synthesis of Ongoing Research
- Use of Multiple-Angle Snow Camera (MASC) Observations as a Constraint on Radar-Based Retrievals of Snowfall Rate
- Using In-Situ Seismic Measurements to Model the Velocity Structure of Subsurface Aquifers in Southeast Greenland
- Using the Hestia bottom-up FFCO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions estimation to identify drivers and hotspots in urban areas
- Validation of a Fast-Response Urban Micrometeorological Model to Assess the Performance of Urban Heat Island Mitigation Strategies
- Weak Linkage between the Heaviest Rainfall and Tallest Storms
- iUTAH Summer Research Institutes: Supporting the STEM Pipeline Through Engagement of High School, Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Secondary Teachers, and University Faculty in Authentic, Joint Research Experiences
- A Modeling Framework for Inference of Surface Emissions Using Mobile Observations
- A Multi-proxy Reconstruction of the Winter Pacific North American Variability over the Past Millennium
- A Novel Method for Simulating Stochastic Simulations of Daily Precipitation and Air Temperature at Multiple Sites
- A Novel Technique for Automated Mass Measurements of Individual Snowflakes
- A Paleoclimate Modeling Perspective on the Challenges to Quantifying Paleoelevation
- A direct measurement of the stable isotopes of transpired water vapor in a northern Michigan forest
- Active Source Seismic Investigation of Firn Aquifer Structure in Southeastern Greenland
- Advanced method for large-scale 3D anisotropic inversion of marine EM data and its application in the Barents Sea survey area
- Aeolian Sediment Transport on the Bonneville Salt Flat
- Amplifications of surface waves and the connection to seismic hazard
- Application of the Elasto-Viscoplastic Self Consistent (EVPSC) Code to Modeling Texture and Lattice Strain Evolution in Periclase
- Assessing the vulnerability of Antarctica's ice shelves to surface-melt-induced collapse
- Attributing Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Anthropogenic and Natural Sources Using AVIRIS-NG
- Building a Community Thermal Model for Southern California Using Heat Flow, Geologic, Seismologic and Petrologic Constraints I: Thermophysical Parameters
- Building a Community Thermal Model for Southern California Using Heat Flow, Geologic, Seismologic and Petrologic Constraints II: Model Formulation and Bounds on Geotherms
- Can the Size Distributions of Talus Particles be Predicted from Fracture Spacing Distributions on Adjacent Bedrock Cliffs?
- Characterization of snowfall properties at high-latitude sites through use of a combined Multi-Angle Snow Camera (MASC) and radar approach
- Characterizing Weathering Crust Hydrology in the Southwest Greenland Ablation Zone
- Climate change drives a northward expansion of C4 grasses in North America by the end of the century
- Climatic and biotic drivers of tropical evergreen forest photosynthesis: integrating field, eddy flux, remote sensing and modelling
- Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study of a Squall Line Case from MC3E - Properties of Convective Core
- Cold pool organization and the merging of convective updrafts in a Large Eddy Simulation
- Columbia River Treaty Renegotiation: Potential Impacts on Agriculture, Hydropower and Flood Risk in the Context of an Altered Climate
- Comparing Column Water Vapor Retrievals from AVIRIS imagery and their Uncertainties over Varying Surfaces
- Comparison of PALSAR-2 Interferometric Estimates of Snow Water Equivalent, Airborne Snow Observatory Snow Depths, and Results from a Distributed Energy Balance Snow Model (iSnobal)
- Constraints on Fault Damage Zone Properties and Normal Modes from a Dense Linear Array Deployment along the San Jacinto Fault Zone
- Developing Methods for Fraction Cover Estimation Toward Global Mapping of Ecosystem Composition
- Development and Interpretation of River Water Isoscapes Using a Stream Network Modeling Framework
- Drought as a driver of declining boreal forest growth: Integrating forest inventory measurements with models to gain insight into underlying mechanisms
- Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange Across Semiarid Southwestern North America: A Synthesis of Multi-Year Flux Site Observations and its Comparison with Estimates from Terrestrial Biome Models and Remote Sensing
- Eikonal Tomography of the Southern California Plate Boundary Region
- Embedded Domain-Specific Language and Runtime System for Progressive Spatiotemporal Data Analysis and Visualization
- Estimating Achievable Accuracy for Global Imaging Spectroscopy Measurement of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Cover
- Evaluating Anthropogenic Carbon Emissions in the Urban Salt Lake Valley through Inverse Modeling: Combining Long-term CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations and an Emission Inventory using a Multiple-box Atmospheric Model
- Evaluating Simulated Tropical Convective Cores using HAIC-HIWC Microphysics and Dynamics Observations
- Evaluating Urban Methane Emissions with a Light Rail Vehicle Platform in Salt Lake City, UT
- Evaluating relationships between urban land cover composition and evapotranspiration in semi-arid regions
- Evaluating the Effects of Surface Properties on Methane Detection with the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG)
- Evaluation of a Simple Theoretical Expression for Hadley Cell Width
- Evaluation of a low cost wireless heat ratio method system for measuring transpiration
- Every Apple has a Voice: Using Stable Isotope Hydrology to Teach about Food Sourcing and the Water Cycle
- FDTD applied to GICs at ocean-continent boundaries
- Field Measurements and Modeling of the Southeast Greenland Firn Aquifer
- Fire Impacts on Mixed Pine-oak Forests Assessed with High Spatial Resolution Imagery, Imaging Spectroscopy, and LiDAR
- Forest Canopy Water Cycling Responses to an Intermediate Disturbance Revealed Through Stable Water Vapor Isotopes
- Full Wavefield Recordings of Oklahoma Seismicity from an IRIS-led Community Experiment
- Full Waveform Misfit Kernels for Fault Zone Seismic Waves in the San Jacinto Fault Zone
- Geodetic mass balance of key glaciers across High Mountain Asia: a multi-decadal survey
- Geophysical imaging of a vapor dominated hydrothermal system in Yellowstone National Park, USA
- Glacier Sensitivity in the Monsoonal Himalayas: Relative Contributions of Feedback Mechanisms to Regional Glacier Mass Balance
- Greenland firn aquifer investigations from remote sensing, geophysics, and in situ measurements
- High Mountain Asia Glacier Area and Meltwater Flux Changes Under Future Climate Scenarios
- High frequency variability in glacier meltwater patterns in the Rhone Watershed, Switzerland
- High-resolution Imaging of Recent Seismic Swarms in the Challis, ID Region
- Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio for Estimating Thickness of Sedimentary Deposits across the PoroTomo site in Brady Hot Springs, Nevada (USA)
- How Plant Hydraulics can Improve the Modeling of Plant and Ecosystem Responses to Environment
- IODP/ICDP Expedition 364-Drilling the Cretaceous-Paleogene Chicxulub impact crater: Insights into large craters formation and their effect on life.
- Identifying Predictors of Arsenic Bioavailability in Low-Sulfide, Quartz-Hosted Gold Deposits: Case Study at the Empire Mine State Historic Park, CA, USA
- Imaging CO<SUB>2</SUB> reservoirs using muons borehole detectors
- Imaging subsurface hydrothermal structure using a dense geophone array in Yellowstone
- Imaging the Hanging-Wall of the Alpine Fault Using Ambient Noise Techniques Applied to Active-Source Data: Whataroa Valley, Westland, New Zealand
- Impacts of Topographic Shading on Surface Energy Balance of High Mountain Asia Glaciers
- In Situ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Response of Permafrost and Active Layer in Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems
- Influence of long-range anthropogenic transport on arctic cloud phase transition
- Integrating wildfire plume rises within atmospheric transport models
- Internal Structure of the San Jacinto Fault Zone at Blackburn Canyon from a Dense Linear Deployment across the Fault
- Inverse modeling of fossil fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at urban scale using OCO-2 retrievals of total column CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Investigation of Mount St. Helens seismicity and volcanic arc structure with a hybrid passive and active source survey
- Latitudinal Gradients in Tree Ring Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes Reveal Differential Climate Influences of the North American Monsoon System.
- Magnitude Based Discrimination of Manmade Seismic Events From Naturally Occurring Earthquakes in Utah, USA
- Mechanisms associated with post-sunset convective initiation close to mountain ranges in Central ArgentinaMany thunderstorms in mid-latitude
- Microbial and Metabolic Diversity of the Alkaline Hot Springs of Paoha Island: A Late Archean and Proterozoic Ocean Analogue Environment.
- Modal Analysis of Two Bridges, Bryce Canyon National Park
- Modeling Greenland Ice Sheet Snow and Firn Densities: Role of Dry Snow Density, Liquid Water, and Model Setup
- Modeling coupled nitrogen and water use strategies of plant productivity through hydraulic traits
- Modeling extreme drought impacts on terrestrial ecosystems when thresholds are exceeded
- Multi-model data assimilation for subsurface infiltration
- Multidecadal comparison of stable isotope and major ion geochemistry in a shallow brine aquifer
- Nocturnal winds over steep terrain: Turbulence structure and modeling challenges
- Observations of shallow mixed phase convective clouds in the southern ocean.
- Paleoclimate and Paleoecology of Central Utah during the Past ≈200,000 Years from Soil Carbonate Pendants
- Partitioning N2O Emissions within the US Corn Belt using an Inverse Modeling Approach
- Persistent Urban Impacts on Surface Water Quality Mediated by Stormwater Recharge
- Phase bias estimation and correction for global coda correlations: Bayesian optimization of a non-diffuse wavefield
- Populating the Advanced National Seismic System Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog
- Precipitation Stable Isotopes Indicate Hydroclimatic Change Since 1965
- Precipitation variability in the Four Corners region USA from 2002 to 2015
- Quantifying Local Ablation Rates for the Greenland Ice Sheet Using Terrestrial LIDAR
- Quantifying the Anthropogenic and Geological Controls on the DIC and Water Quality of the Waterways in a Closed Semi-Arid Basin
- Quantifying the Role of Lateral Flow of Water in a Sloped Mountainous Snowpack: Spatiotemporal Patterns in Soil Moisture and Snowmelt
- Relationships between Tropical Rainfall Events and Regional Annual Rainfall Anomalies
- Respiration the forgotten flux: new insights on ecosystem respiration and its global significance
- Secondary and Primary Energy Minimum Interactions of Colloids in Porous Media: A Novel Binomial Modeling Approach
- Simulations of Large Temperature Fluctuations on the Lee Side of a Mountain due to Interactions between an Orographic Wake and a Cold Air Pool
- Spatial connectivity, scaling, and temporal trajectories as emergent urban stormwater impacts
- Spatial variability and trends in Younger Dryas equilibrium line altitudes across the European Alps using a hypsometrically based ELA model: results and implications
- Spatial velocity response of Helheim Glacier to the presence of a firn aquifer
- State of the Carbon Cycle Report 2 (SOCCR2): Highlights from the Urban Systems chapter
- Strengthening of Arctic warming by aerosol-cloud interaction
- Surface NMR imaging with simultaneously energized transmission loops
- Synthesis of body-wave information from global earthquake coda correlation: A numerical evaluation
- Tap water isotopes reveal the San Francisco Bay Area's plumbing and responses to a major drought
- Testing a high resolution CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO emission inventory against atmospheric observations in Salt Lake City, Utah for policy applications
- The Impact of Assimilation of GPM Clear Sky Radiance on HWRF Hurricane Track and Intensity Forecasts
- The Meaning of "Magma"
- The Potential Role of Formate for Synthesis and Life in Serpentinization Systems
- The Relationship Between the Structure of Low-Level Jets and Precipitation Extremes
- The Yellowstone Crustal Magmatic System: What we Know and What we Don't Know
- Towards a More Earth-like Circulation in a Dry Dynamical Core Model
- Towards constraining megacity fossil-fuel emissions estimates with OCO-2 observations and Lagrangian modeling.
- Trends in Gender Bias Across Earth and Space Science Scholarly Publishing
- Use of Satellite-based Remote Sensing to inform Evapotranspiration parameters in Cropping System Models
- Using Earth Observations to Assess the Socioeconomic Impact of Human Decision Making during the Suppression of a Wildland Fire
- Using a Large N Geophone Array to Identify Hydrothermal Seismic Sources in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park
- Variation in the Apparent Biosynthetic Fractionation for N-alkane δD Among Terrestrial Plants: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Implications
- West Antarctica as a Natural Laboratory for Single- and Mixed-Phase Cloud Microphysics
- Wetlands sediment record from the upper Yarlung Tsangpo valley, southwest Tibetan Plateau, reveals mid-Holocene Epipaleolithic human occupation coincident with increased early and mid-Holocene wetness driven by enhanced Indian Monsoon rainfall
- What drives the seasonal pattern of δ<SUP>13</SUP>C in the net land-atmosphere CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange across the United States?
- Why Does Some Subducted Continental Crust Escape Deformation and Transformation?
- 40 Years of Glacier Change across the Himalayas
- A 40 ka high-resolution soil carbonate record from southern Utah: proxy development, paleohydrology, and paleoecology
- A Nonlinear Model for Interactive Data Analysis and Visualization and an Implementation Using Progressive Computation for Massive Remote Climate Data Ensembles
- A Watershed Scale Life Cycle Assessment Framework for Hydrologic Design
- A comparison of near-surface potential temperature variance budgets for unstable atmospheric flows over vegetated and non-vegetated flat surfaces and a gentle slope
- A half-decade of field research on the Greenland firn aquifers - major advances and looming questions.
- A multi-scalar investigation of development and health in Ethiopia: household electrification in a agriculturally dependent and climate sensitive country
- Aircraft NO<SUB>x</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> measurements during wintertime temperature inversions in Salt Lake City, Utah
- Aircraft measurements to characterize polluted winter boundary layers: Overview of twin otter flights during the Utah Winter Fine Particulate Matter Study
- Ambient Noise Tomography at Regional and Local Scales in Southern California using Rayleigh Wave Phase Dispersion and Ellipticity
- Analysis of In-Canyon Flow Characterisitcs in step-up street canyons
- Anatomy of Old Faithful hydrothermal system from subsurface seismic imaging of the Yellowstone Upper Geyser Basin
- Assessing Subjectivity in Sensor Data Post Processing via a Controlled Experiment
- Assessing spatiotemporal changes in forest carbon turnover times in observational data and models
- Barrier island facies models and recognition criteria
- Calibration Challenges and Improvements for Terra and Aqua MODIS Level-1B Data Product Qualit
- Changes in the Seasonal Cycle of δ<SUP>18</SUP>O<SUB>p</SUB> at Barrow, AK, US Between 1962 and 2013 Reflect the Importance of Proximal Sea Ice Coverage for Coastal Arctic Hydrology
- Characterizing the Trade Space Between Capability and Complexity in Next Generation Cloud and Precipitation Observing Systems Using Markov Chain Monte Carlos Techniques
- Classification and Vertical Structure of Radar Precipitation Echoes at Naqu in Central Tibetan Plateau during the TIPEX-III Field Campaign
- Damage Zone Resonance: Observation and Analytical Fitting of Fault Zone Trapped Wave Normal Modes Using Large-N Near-fault Seismic Arrays
- Data Quality Control: Challenges, Methods, and Solutions from an Eco-Hydrologic Instrumentation Network
- Development of a New Methodology for Computing Surface Sensible Heat Fluxes using Thermal Imagery
- Discrimination of Man-Made Events and Tectonic Earthquakes in Utah Using Data Recorded at Local Distances
- Double-Sided Laser Heating in Radial Diffraction Geometry for Diamond Anvil Cell Deformation Experiments at Simultaneous High Pressures and Temperatures
- Dynamic ocean topography from CryoSat-2: examining recent changes in ice-ocean stress and advancing a theory for Beaufort Gyre stabilization
- Edouard's (2014) Intensification: An Investigation of Precipitation and Thermodynamic Symmetrization Using a Cloud-Resolving Ensemble
- Enhanced Representation of Turbulent Flow Phenomena in Large-Eddy Simulations of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer using Grid Refinement with Pseudo-Spectral Numerics
- Estimates of the seismic properties of subducted eclogite in the lower mantle from observations of S-to-P wave conversions
- Estimates of water source contributions in a dynamic urban water supply system inferred via a Bayesian stable isotope mixing model
- Estimating changing snow water resources over the Himalaya from remote sensing at the weekly scale
- Estimating ecosystem iso/anisohydry using microwave satellite data and its applications in ecohydrology
- Evaluating the Waveform Correlation Event Detection System (WCEDS) through comparison with an analyst catalog
- Evaluation of M<SUB>L</SUB>-M<SUB>C</SUB> as a Depth Discriminant in Yellowstone, USA and Italy
- Experimental deformation of (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase in a resistive-heated DAC at conditions of the Earth's lower mantle
- Fire, Ice and Water: Glaciologic, Paleoclimate and Anthropogenic Linkages During Past Mega-Droughts in the Uinta Mountains, Utah
- Formation of Particulate Matter during Wintertime Inversions in the Salt Lake Valley.
- From Plant Hydraulics to Ecohydrology: a Case Study of Water Limitation in Aspen Forests
- From ivory tower to prison watchtower: The STEM Ambassador Program promotes exchange outside of traditional venues
- Gaussian Process Model for Antarctic Surface Mass Balance and Ice Core Site Selection
- Geochemistry of seafloor hydrothermal vent fluids at EPR 9°50'N: Time series data from 2004-2016
- Geomechanical Modeling of Fault Impact on Caprock Integrity During CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration
- Glacier and snow hydrology investigation in the Upper Indus Basin using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Global hotspots of river erosion under global warming
- Global resistance and resilience of primary production following extreme drought are predicted by mean annual precipitation
- Ground based remote sensing retrievals and observations of snowfall in the Telemark region of Norway
- High pollution events in the Great Salt Lake Basin and its adjacent valleys. Insights on mechanisms and spatial distribution of the formation of secondary aerosol.
- Hydrologic connections between environmental and societal change at the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah
- Hydrothermal Alteration and Seawater Exchange at Surtsey Volcano, Iceland: New results from 1979 Surtsey Drill Core.
- Hydrovolcanic and Hydrothermal Biomediated Mineral Growth in Basaltic Tuff, Surtsey Volcano, Iceland
- Imaging San Jacinto Fault damage zone structure using dense linear arrays: application of ambient noise tomography, Rayleigh wave ellipticity, and site amplification
- Imaging the 2017 M<SUB>W </SUB>8.2 Tehuantepec intermediate-depth earthquake using Teleseismic P Waves
- Imaging the Magmatic System of Erebus Volcano, Antarctica using the Magnetotelluric Method
- Impacts of a Stochastic Ice Mass-Size Relationship on Squall Line Ensemble Simulations
- Impacts of initial convective structure on subsequent squall line evolution
- Inferences on the Physical Nature of Earth's Inner Core Boundary Region from Observations of Antipodal PKIKP and PKIIKP Waves
- Inferring the source of evaporated waters using stable H and O isotopes
- Influence of Roughness-Induced Slip on Colloid Transport: Experimental and Modelling Insights
- Interactive Scripting for Analysis and Visualization of Arbitrarily Large, Disparately Located Climate Data Ensembles Using a Progressive Runtime Server
- Investigating scintillometer source areas
- Investigation of Earthquake and Geyser Events in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park from a Nodal Array
- Isotopic Recorders of Pollution in Heterogeneous Urban Areas
- Joint 3D Inversion of ZTEM Airborne and Ground MT Data with Application to Geothermal Exploration
- Lake Generated Microseisms at Yellowstone Lake as a Record of Ice Phenology
- Lakes as a Source of Short-Period (0.5-2 sec) Microseisms
- Late Triassic closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean in Central Tibet implied by paleomagnetism of Middle Triassic lavas from the Qiantang block
- Leveraging Long-term Seismic Catalogs for Automated Real-time Event Classification
- Linking plant stomata and hydraulics through optimal stomatal theory to predict plant responses to climate extremes
- Lithospheric Structure across the Alaskan Cordillera from Surface Waves and Receiver Functions
- Mapping Solid and Liquid Meltwater Retention on the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets from Space
- Microseismic Properties of Typhoons in the Western Pacific
- Milankovitch cyclicity in the paleotropical, fluvial, Late Triassic age strata recovered by the Colorado Plateau Coring Project (CPCP)
- Modeling Episodic Ephemeral Brine Lake Evaporation and Salt Crystallization on the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah
- Modeling Transport of Turbulent Fluxes in a Heterogeneous Urban Canopy Using a Spatially Explicit Energy Balance
- Modeling of phosphorus fluxes produced by wild fires at watershed scales.
- Multi-scale, multi-method geophysical investigations of the Valles Caldera
- NASA's High Mountain Asia Team (HiMAT): collaborative research to study changes of the High Asia region
- Near surface meltwater storage in low-density bare ice of the Greenland ice sheet ablation zone
- New Insight into the Role of Tectonics versus Gravitational Deformation in Development of Surface Ruptures along the Ragged Mountain Fault, Katalla, Alaska USA: Applications of High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Terrain Models
- Observational Insights into N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> Heterogeneous Chemistry: Influencing Factors and Contribution to Wintertime Air Pollution
- On the Seasonality of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
- On the Viability of Using Autonomous Three-Component Nodal Geophones to Calculate Teleseismic Ps Receiver Functions with an Application to the Old Faithful Hydrothermal System and the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Petrochronology of Granitoids in the Langshan Reveals Carboniferous Plutonism along the Northeast Edge of the Alxa Block (NW China)
- Plant hydraulic diversity buffers forest ecosystem responses to drought
- Point of no return: experimental determination of the lethal hydraulic threshold during drought for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda)
- Precipitation and ice core isotopes from the Asian Summer Monsoon region reflect coherent ENSO variability
- Radiocarbon Records of Fossil Fuel Emissions From Urban Trees in the Greater Salt Lake Valley From Mid-Century to Present.
- Rapid Weakening of Hurricane Joaquin in Strong Vertical Wind Shear and Cold SSTs: Numerical Simulations with Assimilation of High-Definition Sounding System Dropsondes During Tropical Cyclone Intensity Experiment
- Refining Southern California Geotherms Using Seismologic, Geologic, and Petrologic Constraints
- Relationships between High Impact Tropical Rainfall Events and Environmental Conditions
- Remotely-sensed and in-situ observations of Greenland firn aquifers
- Response of Debris-Covered and Clean-Ice Glaciers to Climate Change from Observations and Modeling
- Retrieving the properties of ice-phase precipitation with multi-frequency radar measurements
- Seasonal and Spatial Distribution of Wet Snow in Western Washington State Mapped with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data.
- Seasonality of photosynthesis of a Rocky Mountain subalpine forest: implications for SIF as a metric for GPP
- Seismic Imaging of a Prospective Geothermal Play, Using a Dense Geophone Array
- Sensitivity of a Bayesian atmospheric-transport inversion model to spatio-temporal sensor resolution applied to the 2006 North Korean nuclear test
- Sensitivity of productivity and respiration to water availability determines the net ecosystem exchange of carbon terrestrial ecosystems of the United States
- Simulating Canopy-Level Solar Induced Fluorescence with CLM-SIF 4.5 at a Sub-Alpine Conifer Forest in the Colorado Rockies
- Spatial Distribution of Ammonia and its Contribution to Particulate Matter Formation in the Great Salt Lake Region in Winter
- Spatio-Temporal Variability of Recent Snow Accumulation Across the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Using Ultra-High Frequency Radar and Shallow Firn Cores
- Spatio-Temporal Variations of Firn Properties on the Western Greenland Ice Sheet
- Spatio-temporal examination of precipitation isotopes from the North American monsoon in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah from 2014 to 2017
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Meltwater Refreezing in Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet Firn
- Statistical thermodynamics and the size distributions of tropical convective clouds.
- Stepping towards new parameterizations for non-canonical atmospheric surface-layer conditions
- Strategies to Move From Conceptual Models to Quantifying Resilience in FEW Systems
- Ten Years of Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery following the 2007 Zaca Fire using Landsat Satellite Imagery
- Testing a hydraulic trait based model of stomatal control: results from a controlled drought experiment on aspen (Populus tremuloides, Michx.) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa, Douglas)
- The 2017 Maple Creek Seismic Swarm in Yellowstone National Park
- The Intensity and Structure Changes of Hurricane Charley (2004) During its Landfall: A Study with Radar Data Assimilation
- The Urban Watershed as a Transformer of DOM Chemistry
- The Wall-Rock Record of Incremental Emplacement in the Little Cottonwood-Alta Magmatic and Hydrothermal System, Wasatch Mountains, Utah, U.S.A.
- The belowground frontier is key to understanding terrestrial ecosystem responses to global change
- The relation between Arctic Ocean circulation and the Arctic Oscillation as revealed by satellite altimetry and gravimetry
- Topographic forcing and related uncertainties on glacier surface energy balance in High Mountain Asia
- Topographic variations of water supply and plant hydraulics in a mountainous forest
- Two Case Studies to Quantify Resilience across Food-Energy-Water Systems: the Columbia River Treaty and Adaptation in Yakima River Basin Irrigation Systems
- U-Pb Geochronology of non-marine Upper Triassic strata of the Colorado Plateau (western North America): implications for stratigraphic correlation and paleoenvironmental reconstruction
- Uncertainty Estimation using Bootstrapped Kriging Predictions for Precipitation Isoscapes
- Understanding Late Triassic low latitude terrestrial ecosystems: new insights from the Colorado Plateau Coring Project (CPCP)
- Understanding thermal circulations and near-surface turbulence processes in a small mountain valley
- Using zircon (U-Th)/He damage-diffusivity patterns to quantify detachment-related basement exhumation in the Mecca Hills, CA
- Variability in the combustion-derived fraction of urban humidity in Salt Lake City winter estimated from stable water vapor isotopes and its relationship to atmospheric stability and inversion structure
- Vegetation optical depth measured by microwave radiometry as an indicator of tree mortality risk
- Vestiges of Submarine Serpentinization Recorded in the Microbiology of Continental Ophiolite Complexes
- Water Use by Urban Landscapes in Semi-Arid Environments
- What can anisotropy tell us about turbulence similarity in terrain of increasing complexity?
- What distinguishes the small fraction of tropical ocean storms with lightning? An examination of the environment, organization, and evolution of radar features over Kwajalein
- Wintertime Ambient Ammonia Concentrations in Northern Utah's Urban Valleys
- Wintertime Reactive Chlorine Sources and Speciation in the Great Salt Lake, UT Region
- `Surface-Layer' momentum fluxes in nocturnal slope flows over steep terrain
- Clastic Pipes on Mars: Evidence for a Near Surface Groundwater System
- A Global Perspective on Local Meteoric Water Lines: Metanalytic Insight into Fundamental Controls and Practical Constraints
- A Numerical Study on the Flow Characteristics in step-up street canyons
- A Test of Hemisphericity in the Fine-Scale Structure of Earth's Inner Core
- A comparison of near-surface potential temperature variance budgets for unstable atmospheric flows with contrasting vegetation cover flat surfaces and a gentle slope
- A fast-response wildland fire modeling framework for prediction and risk assessment
- A multi-proxy approach to understanding Late Pleistocene Eastern African paleoenvironments at archaeological sites in Kenya and Tanzania
- ARTMIP-Early Start Comparison of Atmospheric River Detection Tools:How Many Atmospheric Rivers Hit Northern California's Russian River Watershed?
- Adaptive Multigrid Solvers for Stokes flow in ASPECT
- Airborne, ship- and ground-based observations of clouds, aerosols and precipitation from recent field projects over the Southern Ocean
- Ambient noise tomography across the Cascadia subduction zone using dense linear seismic arrays and double beamforming
- An Overview of the Utah Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE)
- An overview of the Idealized Planar Array experiment for Quantifying Surface heterogeneity (IPAQS) in the atmospheric surface layer experiment
- Artifact Reduction Strategies in Complex Environments for Trace Gas Retrievals Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
- Assessing the Structure of the Lunar Deep Interior: a Seismological and Selenophysical Perspective
- Assimilation of SMAP Soil Moisture Retrievals into the WRF-Noah Model Under a Framework of Strongly-Coupled Data Assimilation
- CHARGED: Understanding the Physics of Extreme Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Chapter 4: Urban Systems
- Characteristics of Covariances Between Land and Low-Atmosphere States and Their Influences on Coupled Land-Atmospheric Data Assimilation
- Characteristics of Extreme Precipitation Events in High Mountain Asia as Inferred from High Resolution Regional Climate Modeling
- Characterizing Meltwater Within a Firn Aquifer on the Greenland Ice Sheet using Active Source Seismology
- Characterizing the Dimensions and Internal Structure of the Yellowstone Magmatic Reservoir Using a Dense Nodal Geophone Array
- Cloud and Precipitation Over the Southern Ocean from the RV Investigator
- Combined near-surface geophysical measurements to characterize a firn aquifer in the southeastern part of the Greenland ice sheet
- Constraining Lower Mantle Plume Anisotropy: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
- Constraining physically-based climate modeling with snow spectroscopic measurements from the Surface Biology and Geology concept
- Deformation mechanism of periclase at varying pressure and temperature conditions
- Deglaciation of the Uinta Mountain Range: The role of paleoglaciers for human settlements in northeastern Utah
- Detection and characterization of very-large-scale motions in the atmospheric surface layer through wind LiDAR measurements
- Determining Snow Line Elevation in the Hindu Kush Himalaya from 2000 to 2017 using MODSCAG
- Developing a multiport storage device for soil water vapor
- Devising a framework to Couple Electromagnetic Geophysical Measurements with Reservoir Simulations to Monitor CO<SUB>2</SUB> Plume Movement
- Do surviving trees foretell forest growth declines under warm drought climates?
- Dramatic Holocene ecologic change on the Colorado Plateau inferred from a laminated pedogenic carbonate record
- Early Cretaceous ridge subduction beneath southern Alaska: Insights from zircon U-Pb geochronology, hafnium and oxygen isotopic composition of the Western Chugach Tonalite-Trondhjemite Suite
- Effective Rheology and Wave Propagation in the Marginal Ice Zone
- Effects of Midwinter Arctic Leads on Boundary Layer Clouds
- Eikonal Tomography of the Southern California Plate Boundary Region
- Emission and Atmospheric Impact of Ice Nucleating Particles Produced from Sea Spray in the Southern Ocean
- Empirical evidence for a stable 405 kiloyear Jupiter-Venus eccentricity climate cycle as a framework for an accurate chronostratigraphy for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic
- Estimates of annual surface mass balance from radar for the West Antarctic Divide using an automated layer picker
- Evaluating the impacts of climate change on forest demography and carbon cycling in boreal forests
- Evaluation of ISNOBAL performance with incorporated in situ and remotely sensed snow albedo in Senator Beck Basin, San Juan Mountains, CO
- Examining the Influence of Tropical Pacific Sea-Surface Temperatures on Annual Surface Mass Balance in West Antarctica
- Fast-response, high-resolution wind modeling over complex terrain
- Fracture Pattern and Evolution in the Mineral Mountains Batholith, SW Utah
- From ivory towers to prison towers: Long-term engagement of scientists with the incarcerated
- Gender-Age Co-author Networks in the Earth and Space Sciences: Young boys and Old Boys
- Geomechanical Investigation of Stacked Storage in CO<SUB>2</SUB>Sequestration
- Geomorphology, High-Resolution LiDAR, and Aerial Photography data - Extracting Geologic Insights from 3D Modeling - Ragged Mountain fault southern Alaska, USA
- Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Eastern Great Basin Extensional Regime, Utah, U.S.A.
- Heat Flow Data and Seismic Imaging Reveal Both Transient and Steady-State Thermo-Mechanical Processes at Work Beneath Southern California
- High Resolution Passive Seismic Imaging Using Dense Geophone Arrays
- High resolution spatial measurement of snow properties in a mountain environment: A multi-instrument snow properties assessment experiment
- High-frequency simultaneous temperature and velocity measurements in the atmospheric surface layer
- High-latitude Oceanography from Space Using ICESat, CryoSat-2, and GRACE with Implications for Future Use of ICESat-2 and GRACE-FO
- High-precision Relative Relocation of Seismicity Near a Central Utah Mine
- Idealized Planar Array experiment for Quantifying Surface heterogeneity (IPAQS) provides insight into the role of dispersive fluxes role on the Surface Energy Balance (SEB) closure
- Importance of large-scale atmospheric controls on Asian Monsoon precipitation oxygen isotope ratios revealed from spatial-seasonal patterns
- InSAR coherence variability under changing snow conditions at L-band
- Influence of past soil erosion and burial on the reactivity of deep soil carbon
- Joint Bayesian Inversion Across the USArray in Alaska using Surface wave Dispersion, Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity, and Receiver Functions
- Joint Retrievals of Vertically Resolved Cloud and Precipitation Properties Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques
- Laboratory-scale observations of geochemical and hydrologic fracture response at sustained geothermal flow conditions
- Large wind farms can destroy stratocumulus clouds - evidence from large eddy simulations
- Lessons from the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
- Linkage between SIF and GPP in a seasonally-dormant high-elevation subalpine forest
- Linking spatial patterns with processes in river networks using stable isotopes: Evaporation in Mississippi River watershed
- Long range vs marine sources of aerosols and their effects upon landfalling atmospheric rivers in California
- Machine learning-based surface wave tomography of Long Beach, CA, USA
- Mapping methane plumes in AVIRIS-NG India campaign data and potential for global point source emissions monitoring using imaging spectroscopy
- Meteorological Observations of the Alaska Transportable Array
- Modeling HF Waves Through Plasma Irregularities Using the FDTD Method
- Modeling the efflorescence growth and porous brine evaporation of the salt crust on the Bonneville Salt Flats
- Multiscale Fracture Modeling in Porous Media using Phase-Field Method
- On the Fall Velocity of a Hydrometeor in a Turbulent Flow
- On the Parameterization of Turbulence in Katabatic Flow
- On the Performance of M<SUB>L</SUB>-M<SUB>C</SUB> as a Depth Discriminant for Small Seismic Events Recorded at Local Distances in Yellowstone, Oklahoma, and Italy
- On the joint use of solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) and spectrally resolved reflectance to track light use efficiency at a subalpine evergreen forest
- PhotoSpec - A New Instrument to Measure Spatially Distributed Red and Far-Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: An Overview of First-Year Experience
- Polarimetric and interferometric analysis of L-Band airborne data over Western United States during the NASA SnowEx 2017 field campaign
- Quantifying groundwater contribution in mediating plant response to drought across various geology and climate conditions
- RAPID Dense Seismic Array Deployment in Response to Recent Kilauea Activity: Deployment Logistics, Array Design, and Data Quality
- Re-evaluating Remote Dynamic Earthquake Triggering by First Establishing Background Seismicity Rates
- Regional FDTD Modeling of GICs during the 2003 "Halloween" Solar Storm
- Remote sensing of methane and carbon dioxide point sources from space: lessons-learned and future prospects
- Rotation and Retention Dynamics of Rod-shaped Colloids with Surface Charge Heterogeneity in Porous Media in the Presence of an Energy Barrier
- Seismic Monitoring of the 2018 Kilauea Eruption Using a Temporary Dense Geophone Array
- Seismically Anisotropic Magma Reservoirs Underlying Silicic Calderas, Implications for the Evolution of Magmatic Bodies
- Sentinel-1 SAR Observations of Greenland Perennial Firn Aquifer Regions
- Similarity function for katabatic flows from field observations
- Simulations of Pre-critical PKiKP Coda Waves with Implications for Small-Wavelength Heterogeneity in Earth's Inner Core
- Simultaneous and well-resolved velocity and temperature measurements in the Atmospheric Surface Layer
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of High Mountain Asia Snowmelt From Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Spatial and temporal changes in aerosol radiative forcing on glaciers in the eastern Himalaya
- Spatial inhomogeneity of SIF in natural and agricultural canopies and its impact on the interpretation of spatially averaged ground observations
- Spatial patterns of bias during steady-state evaporation from the assumption of equilibrium between vapor and precipitation
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Hydrologic Connectivity Controls the Physicochemical Properties Of a Semi-Arid Urban River System
- Stochastic Simulation of Colloid Transport under Unfavorable Attachment Conditions by Full Enumeration
- Stream-centric methods for determining groundwater contributions in karst mountain watersheds
- Structure of heterogeneously thermally forced atmospheric boundary layer flows
- Study of Relationship Between Electric Current and Luminosity of Atmospheric Discharges Through High-Speed Cameras Images
- Studying the Recharge Cycle of Old Faithful Geyser with Dense Seismic Arrays
- Subglacial meltwater export from the Greenland Ice Sheet observed during winter
- Surface Snowfall Microphysical Properties and Mode-Dependent Correlations with Properties Aloft
- Sustained Non-Photochemical Quenching Shapes the Seasonal Pattern of Solar-Induced Fluorescence at a High-Elevation Evergreen Forest
- Technology for Trade: A Conceptual Framework to Improve Water Use for Agriculture and Beyond.
- Test of a Magnitude-Based Depth Discriminant Using Revised Magnitudes and Locations of Explosions in the Utah Region, USA
- Testing Possible Climatic Mechanisms of Vegetation Turnover and Novelty in North America and Europe
- Texture development and slip system activities of bridgmanite during high temperature deformation of a lower mantle assemblage in a resistively heated diamond anvil cell
- The Census of Deep Life: Metadata Then and Now
- The December 20, 2016 Earthquake Swarm in the Great Salt Lake, Northern Utah
- The Snow Data System at NASA JPL
- The climate sensitivity of carbon use efficiency from ecosystems to global scales
- The distribution of solar energy under ponded sea ice
- The evolution of cloud field properties in shallow continental convective clouds
- The observed relationship between dynamic ocean topography and ocean bottom pressure: characterizing Arctic Ocean circulation with complementary satellite tools
- The responses of coordinated xylem-phloem-photosynthetic machinery system to varying environmental conditions
- Thermodynamic constraints on the size distributions of tropical clouds
- Time-lapse Charged Wellbore Casing Controlled Source Electromagnetic Surveys for Monitoring Injected Carbon Dioxide
- Towards a Complex Terrain Carbon Monitoring System (CMS-Mountains): Development and Testing in the Western U.S
- Tree carbon allocation strategy mediates terrestrial productivity in the Anthropocene
- Understanding the Yellowstone Volcanic System through Application of Magnetotelluric and Seismic methods
- Understanding the rate of mass loss for debris-covered glaciers in High Mountain Asia
- Upper Mantle Seismic Structure of Alaska from Rayleigh and S-wave Tomography
- Using A-Train Observations to Evaluate Cloud Occurrence and Radiative Effects of Tropical Clouds in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Using field observations and geochemistry to understand the coupled socio-hydrologic system in the Sierra de La Giganta, Baja California Sur
- Using scintillometry to understand MOST validity over a trellised canopy
- Validating statistically downscaled climate projections for mountainous watersheds using historic runoff data coupled with the Distributed Hydrologic Soil Vegetation Model
- Validation and Improvement of a Blended Sea Surface Temperature Analysis using Recent Buoy Observations in the Arctic
- Validation and development of multiphase reservoir simulations with controlled source electromagnetics
- <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U Burial Dating of Ostrich Eggshell: Initial Tests of a Novel Pleistocene Geochronometer
- A Comparative Assessment of TKE Terms for Two Near-canonical Sites
- A Comparison of Observed and Simulated Warm Season MCS Life Cycles in Argentina
- A Comparison of WorldView and MODIS in Detecting Fractional Snow Cover over High Mountain Asia
- A Library of Elastic Tensors for Lowermost Mantle Anisotropy Studies and Comparison with Seismic Observations
- A Multiscale Seismic Deployment with 463 Sensors Following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence in Eastern CA
- A Spectral Analysis Method to Eliminate Methanol and Ethanol Interference with CRDS Measurements of Water Isotope Ratios: Insights, Opportunities, and Challenges
- A Stochastic Approach for Representing Uncertainty and Variability in Cloud Microphysical Parameters for use in Process-Oriented Studies
- A Sub-grid Reconstruction Approach for Improving Numerical Robustness and Physical Consistency of Atmospheric Physics Parameterizations
- A case study of the formation, evolution and dissipation of a coastal fog event
- A new era of anchoring water cycle science and water resource management with paradigm-shifting snow remote sensing
- A simple model to simulate the seasonal changes in the canopy color of northern evergreen forests
- A string-of-lakes in Ponderosa Pine needles: progressive leaf water and organic matter oxygen isotope enrichment and implications for tree-ring reconstructions
- ANXCOR: Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation with Python
- Addressing "the magnitude problem" for small earthquakes: exploring the coda envelope technique for moment magnitude estimation in Oklahoma
- Advancing remote sensing methods to constrain physical understanding of accelerated mountain snowmelt
- Airborne snow accumulation estimates from L-Band InSAR during the NASA SnowEx 2017 campaign and validation with airborne LiDAR and in-situ observations
- Akvo: A surface nuclear magnetic resonance workbench
- Ambient Noise Tomography Across Southern Utah Combining Multiple Geophone Deployments and Broadband Data
- An Experimental Quantification of the Impact of Surface Thermal Heterogeneities on Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows
- An ecological approach to forest carbon offsets
- Aquifer recharge in an urban stream during storm events: implications for green infrastructure and downstream water quality
- Assessing Plot Scale Variation in Snow Depth and SWE at Very Hight Resolution using Structure from Motion
- Assessing Skill in Next Generation Observing Systems using Airborne In Situ Data: Warm Marine Boundary Layer Clouds and Tropical Cirrus
- Assessment of rapid earthquake source characterizations for local tsunami forecasting along the Cascadia subduction zone
- Astrobiology for the Incarcerated: Facilitating Transformations
- Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate: An Overview from the Second Phase of the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
- Bayesian SPAC Tomography with a Dense Nodal Array
- Bringing drones to the people: Development of a low-cost fixed-wing UAV and multispectral camera for custom application in earth science field work, education, and outreach
- Canopy interception losses of rainfall in North American biomes
- Capillary Pressure Derived Relative Permeability Relationships
- Characteristics of Convective Properties during Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) over the Maritime Continent Using Numerical Simulations at a Cloud-permitting Scale with Data Assimilation
- Characterizing the Size of Atmospheric Rivers: an Approach Independent from the Detection Algorithm.
- Chemo-mechanical modeling of fracture using phase-field fracture technique
- Chronology of past mountain glacier fluctuations in the eastern Himalaya as context for industrial-age glacier recession
- Comparison of Wind Noise Reduction Systems for Use in Temporary Infrasound Deployments
- Constraints on Global Photosynthetic Capacity (V<SUB>cmax</SUB>) Within Canopies
- Declines in Nighttime Water Potential Vary Seasonally in a Common Desert Shrub
- Detecting aftershocks using a dense N-array: The case of the 2019 M4.1 Black Rock, Utah sequence
- Development and Prospects of Continental-Scale Resistivity Surveying for Orogenic Processes and Resource Controls
- Deviations in point of zero charge with nanoscale pore geometries of synthesized silica-based materials
- Differing climatic mechanisms control transient and accumulated vegetation novelty in Europe and eastern North America
- Disassembling California: Boulders as a Lithologic Control on River and Landscape Evolution at the Mendocino Triple Junction
- Diurnal and seasonal pattern of vertical brine and energy transfer on Bonneville Salt Flat
- Drought stress has driven widespread shifts in forest hydraulic trait composition
- ENSO expression in Asian Monsoon precipitation oxygen isotopes and its interdecadal change
- Ecohydrology in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century: A Convergence of Opportunities for Global Sustainability and Social Justice and Equity
- Effect of Fluid on Crack Propagation in Amorphous Silica by Molecular Simulation
- Enhancing Access to Observations and Model Output for Mountain Weather Applications
- Estimating contribution of upstream watersheds in mountainous river system during low flow conditions under climate change scenarios
- Evaluating forest spatiotemporal trends of self-thinning trajectories and its implications on carbon storage
- Evaluating the temporal range of <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell, a new chronometer for Pleistocene terrestrial strata
- Evaluation of Carotenoid Pigment Indices from High Resolution Satellites to Track the Photosynthetic Seasonality in Evergreen Forests
- Evaluation of CloudSat's cloud-profiling radar for mapping snowfall rates across the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Factors Affecting the Inland and Orographic Enhancement of Sea-Effect Snowfall in the Hokuriku Region of Japan
- Field Transport of Nano- and Micro-Particles in Granular Media Show Highest Mobility for Nano- to Micro-Size Transition Particles and Hyperexponential Distribution from Source for all Sizes
- Field testing of the Soil Water Isotope Storage System (SWISS)
- Fog prediction by COAMPS during C-FOG field experiment
- Grow deep roots now or wait? A coupled carbon-hydraulic framework for understanding how trees acquire groundwater subsidy to during drought
- High Energy Lightning Emission Network for Multi-Point Observations of TGFs from Balloons
- High Impact Dust Events: Trends From the Great Plains to the West Coast
- High Resolution Relocations of the 2019 Bluffdale, Utah, Earthquake Sequence
- High-frequency full-wavefield assessment of ultra-low velocity zone scattering
- Human Health and Economic Costs of Air Pollution in Utah: An Expert Assessment
- Hydration State of the Upper Mantle in the Arc-Extended Backarc of Southern Cascadia and the Great Basin, western U.S., from Magnetotellurics
- Hyper-local source apportionment for GHGs and air pollutants: Utilizing mobile platforms and engaging urban stakeholders
- Identifying Key Traits that Drive Optimal Leaf Investment
- Impact of Precipitation on Retrieved Warm Cloud Properties Using Visible and Near-infrared Reflectances Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques
- Impacts of stochastically perturbing microphysical and turbulent mixing parameters on simulations of deep convection
- In-Situ Nonlinear Elastic Response of Sandstone Landforms Under Dynamic Loading
- Inclusive Earth: Promoting Excellence through Diversity and Inclusion in the Earth Sciences
- Incorporating Stable Water Isotopes into Forecasting Models Improves Drought Prediction
- Integrated Trends in Annual Accumulation Across West Antarctica from Operation IceBridge Snow Radar
- Large Eddy Simulation of Roll Vortices in Hurricane Harvey during Landfall
- Linking Surface Deformation in South-central Turkey to Slab Break-Off
- Local similarity functions for katabatic flows derived from field observations over steep- and shallow-angled slopes
- Low Cost, Interactive Access and Visualization of Large Scale Airborne Data
- Magnesium Isotopes in Enamel Hydroxyapatite as Trophic Indicator
- Mapping Snowmelt Progression in the Himalaya-Karakoram Region With Sentinel-1 SAR
- Mapping complexities on the top of the core-mantle boundary using entropy analysis of SKS and SPdKS waveforms
- Mapping the extent and severity of drought-induced tree mortality in pinyon-juniper woodlands
- Maturation of the Enceladus Organic Analyzer (EOA) for Automated Sensitive Detection of Biosignature Compounds in Enceladus Plumes
- Measuring Isotope Ratios in Mixed-Phase Cloud Particles and Water Vapor for Investigating Ice Crystal Growth
- Meltwater export from the Greenland Ice Sheet observed during winter
- Mixed-phase clouds over the Southern Ocean observed poleward of 66S by ship-based radar and lidar
- Modal Analysis of a Freestanding Sandstone Monolith (Castleton Tower, Utah)
- Near-surface radiative and turbulent heat exchange processes observed during coastal fog events
- Need for Mountain Observatories for Composition of the Atmosphere (MOCA) Network in U.S.
- NuSTAR hard X-ray observations of the Jovian aurorae during Juno perijove and apojove intervals
- Numerical Simulations of Diurnal Variations of Precipitation, Temperature, and Wind over the Coastal Area of Western Sumatra during a Madden-Julian Oscillation with Radar Data Assimilation
- Observations of the Daytime, Anabatic Winds over a Steep Alpine Slope
- Occurrence of gender, nationality, career-stage, and racial/ethnic diversity through time within authorship teams of AGU publications
- Patterns of U uptake and implications for diagenesis and trace element records in biomineral eggshell
- Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) is Sensitive to the Ecohydrology of a Semi-arid Mixed Conifer Forest
- Plant functional traits and climate influence drought intensification and land-atmosphere feedbacks
- Point Source Methane Mapping with Future Satellite Imaging Spectrometers
- QES-Fire: A Microscale Fast Response Wildfire Model
- Recent increases in drought frequency cause observed multi-year drought legacies in the tree rings of semi-arid forests
- Reconciling carbon exchange efficiency from ecosystem to global scales
- Red Butte Creek and the Wasatch Environmental Observatory: A Mountain to Urban Research Facility in the Semi-arid Western US.
- Regional Variation of Fine-Scale Structure of Earth's Inner Core
- Relationships between Wintertime Leads and Low Clouds in the Pan-Arctic
- Relative importance of vegetation and topography in explaining ecosystem response to fire disturbance
- Remote Seismic and Satellite Observations of a Himalayan Glacier Lake Outburst Flood
- Remote Snow Strength Detection Using Multi-frequency/Multi-polarization Radar
- Rethinking Monsoon- and Westerly Disturbance-Dominated Precipitation Dynamics and Impacts on the Cryosphere in High Mountain Asia
- Retrieving Snow Depth with Structure from Motion from airborne high-resolution imagery
- Scintillometry and the Surface Energy Balance: Spatial and Temporal Scales for Energy Closure During IPAQS.
- Seasonal Pigment Changes Allow Detection of Activity and Dormancy of Evergreen Photosynthesis in Cold-Climate Conifer Forests
- Shear Velocity Model of Alaska via Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity, Phase Velocities, and Receiver Functions across the USArray
- Simulated Effects of Shallow Crustal Heterogeneity, Surface Topography, and Seismic Source Depth on Coda Wave Generation for Magnitude-Based Depth Discrimination
- Slip in, and Strength of, Natural Pyropic and Majoritic Garnets at High Pressures
- Snowmelt runoff efficiency mediated through multi-year climatic controls on groundwater recharge in the Wasatch Mountains, Utah, USA.
- Strength, deformation and equation of state of tungsten carbide to 66 GPa
- Strongly Coupled Land-Atmosphere Data Assimilation and Its Influence on Weather Forecasting
- Surface thermal heterogeneities and the atmospheric boundary layer: a new non-dimensional parameter.
- Teaching Machine Learning to Seismologists: Lessons Learned
- Tectonic controls on the magmatic system of Erebus volcano, Antarctica, the role of the Discovery accommodation zone and termination of the Terror Rift
- Temporal Velocity Variations Associated with the 2018 Kilauea Summit Collapse based on Temporary Dense Geophone Arrays
- Terra MODIS Instrument Status and Calibration Performance
- The 2019 Earthquake Sequence in the San Rafael Swell Region of the Colorado Plateau, Utah
- The C-FOG Project: Toward Improving Coastal Fog Prediction
- The CO<SUB>2</SUB> Urban Synthesis and Analysis ("CO<SUB>2</SUB>-USA") Project: Results and Deliverables
- The Cloud, Aerosol, and Monsoon Processes, Philippines Experiment (CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex): Planning, performance, and early outcomes
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed: Nonlinear Algorithms and Novel Applications for Community Ensemble Data Assimilation
- The Greenland firn aquifer: Discovery and subsequent interdisciplinary field measurements
- The Idealized Planar-Array Study for Quantifying Surface heterogeneity (IPAQS) in the atmospheric surface layer
- The Impact of Acclimation on the Response of US Forests to Climate Change: Predictions from the Optimization of Photosynthetic Opportunity and Hydraulic Capacity
- The Impacts of Global Warming and Changing Weather Patterns on Human Conflict
- The Interaction Between Convection and African Easterly Waves
- The NASA Decadal Survey Observing-System Study for Aerosols and Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP)
- The Role of Horizontal Advection and Vertical Flux Divergence on the Temperature Tendency Equation
- The Sensitivity of Numerical Simulations of Hurricane Harvey (2017) to Cloud Microphysical Parameterization Schemes: Implications for the Factors Controlling the Track and Evolution Near Landfall
- The effect of competition on seedling stomatal response to drought
- The effect of temperature and ontogeny on the physiological mechanism of drought-induced tree mortality in pines
- The future of snow science: Spatial data assimilation and modeling in mountain regions
- Toward a process-based understanding of precipitation-phase impacts on streamflow
- Towards GNSS Enhanced Local Tsunami Warning
- Towards a Complex Terrain Carbon Monitoring System (CMS-Mountains): Development and Testing in the Western U.S.
- Towards a holistic understanding of tree drought recovery: Leveraging greenhouse experiments, tree-ring records, and ecosystem fluxes to quantify the impacts of water stress on tree physiology and forest carbon cycling
- Trends in Snow Albedo and Radiative Forcing by Light Absorbing Particles over High Mountain Asia from Remote Sensing
- Tropical Forcing of West Antarctic Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance Variability
- Understanding Tree Acclimation Strategies in a Changing Climate through Photosynthetic and Hydraulic Traits Coordination
- Unexpected impacts of riming on hydrometeor density and fallspeed in Multi Angle Snowflake Camera measurements
- Using Radar Measurements and In Situ Data Collected During TC4 to Understand Microphysical Features
- Using Time-step Convergence to Improve the Numerical Robustness and Physical Consistency of Atmospheric Physics Parameterizations
- Valles Caldera CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing History of Sulphur Springs Hydrothermal System
- Variations in Snow Microphysical Properties During StormVEx Derived from a Scanning W-Band Radar and Co-Located In Situ-Measurements
- Vascular epiphytes and canopy soils: critical and dynamic components of the canopy water cycle
- Vegetation optical depth serves as an ecosystem-scale indicator of drought-driven tree mortality rates
- Vibration Response of Rock Arches and Towers to Helicopter-Sourced Infrasound
- Visibility Observations and Predictions during the C-FOG Project
- Water Resource Response to Climate in the Weber River Watershed
- When DS Does Not Equal 0: A Multi-year Climate Signal, Mediated through Groundwater, Controls Hydrologic Response to Climate Change in Seasonally Snow-covered Mountain Headwaters.
- Iterative Deterministic and Bayesian Seismic Imaging of the Wasatch fault zone, Utah,Incorporating Earthquake and Ambient Noise Waveforms
- "Right tree, right place, right purpose": Linking Governance and Biotechnical Capacities in Addressing Climate Change through Urban Trees
- 2019 Southern Hemisphere SSW was not a Result of Climate Change
- A Benchmark Dataset for Retrieval of Point Source CH4 and CO2 Plumes from Imaging Spectrometer Data
- A Comparison of FDTD-Predicted Surface Magnetic Fields with SuperMAG, INTERMAGNET, and BATS-R-US and RIM Virtual Magnetometers during a Geomagnetic Storm
- A LES-based analysis of assumed PDF methods for diagnosing lead-generated boundary layer cloud fractions in the Arctic
- A comparison of the environmental responses of canopy SIF and GPP in a subalpine conifer forest in Colorado, USA.
- A novel high-resolution long-term gridded meteorology dataset including urban heat islands over the contiguous United States for health studies
- A probabilistic analysis of geological CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage capacity changes associated with geochemical reactions
- A resilience framework supports the retention and success of diverse talent
- A three-dimensional control volume analysis of the surface energy balance
- Additional constraints on the Samoa ULVZ from SKKS and SKS differential travel-times and amplitudes
- Addressing Taphonomic Complications in the Use of Archaeological Radiocarbon Assemblages as Population Proxies: A Case Study in the Bonneville Basin
- Alteration of Magnetic Minerals in 2017 Basaltic Tuff Drill Cores from Surtsey Volcano, Iceland, 50 Years After Eruption
- Automated slowness measurement and uncertainty estimation of multiple seismic arrivals using bootstrapping, cluster analysis and array methods
- COAMPS processes leading to a false positive fog forecast during C-FOG IOP12
- Catching Fire: Geochemical evidence suggests hominin-controlled fire during the Pleistocene in the Turkana Basin, Kenya
- Chemical Impacts of Potential Leakage into Overlying Groundwater Aquifers from a Geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration Reservoir
- Climate-Driven Glacier and Snowpack Changes in the Water Towers of Asia
- Cloud and Precipitation Measurements Within NASA's Decadal Survey Observing-System Study for Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP)
- Coastal Fog Microphysics and Dynamics During C-FOG: Parameterization Development and Scale issues
- Coupled whole-tree optimality and xylem-hydraulics explain carbon allocation under drought
- Current and Future Processing Techniques for Orbital Optical Lightning Sensors
- Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation Over the MaritimeContinent Under Modulation of MJO: Perspectives FromCloud Permitting Scale Simulations
- Evaluating Image Derived Estimates of Pavement State, Visibility, and Precipitation
- Evaluating the Impacts of Past Climate Change on Demographic and Subsistence Patterns in the Basin-Plateau Region of Western North America
- Evidence for a Listric Wasatch Fault From the 2020 Magna, Utah, Earthquake Sequence
- Examining North Slope of Alaska snow events through the "blind zone" lens
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Shale
- Exploring the Coda Envelope Technique for Moment Magnitude Estimation of Small Earthquakes in Southern Kansas
- Extensive decentralized hydrogen export from the Atlantis Massif
- Forest hydraulic trait composition regulates regional scale terrestrial carbon cycling
- From Playas to Peaks: Developing Infrastructure and Methods to Constrain Dust Dynamics and Monitor Impacts on Snow Water Resources in the Intermountain West
- Fusion of high spatial and high temporal snow surface properties from satellite observations for estimating snow water equivalent
- GNSS driven local tsunami warning performance for non-megathrust tsunamigenic events
- Gravitational Stresses in Natural Rock Arches: Implications for Subcritical Crack Growth
- Greenland supraglacial discharge measurements highly correlated with diurnal ice sheet motion
- Hail Storm Risk Assessment Using Space-Borne Remote Sensing Observations and Reanalyses
- Humics in the City: Dissolved organic matter (DOM) as a signal of altered biogeochemistry in urban waterways
- Hydrologic Properties of a Highly Permeable Firn Aquifer in the Wilkins Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Identifying lithological tracers with first row transition element partitioning in natural pyroxenites
- Improving CLM5.0 Biomass and Carbon Exchange across the Western US Using a Data Assimilation System
- In-situ identification of giant, needle-shaped magnetofossils in Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Sediments using high-resolution, low-noise FORC measurements
- Indus River water supply at the sub-basin scale: an assessment of glacier melt
- Invasive Species Monitoring with Fine-Resolution Multispectral sUAS-acquired Imagery and a Deep Neural Network Classifier
- Investigating Recent Surface Velocity Responses to Glacier Thickness Changes in High Mountain Asia, 2013-2019
- Joint proxy inversion of terrestrial climate proxies reveals spatial and temporal patterns in climate change over the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- Land-Sea Breezes and the Diurnal Cycle in Rainfall in the MC
- Land-atmosphere interactions in numerical weather and climate prediction: Perspectives from coupled land-atmosphere data assimilation
- Low-level clouds in wintertime Arctic: Lead impacts and radiative forcing
- Mapping Methane Point Sources in an Urban Airshed Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Modeling the Magnitude and Direction of SIF and GPP in Response to Light Conditions Across Evergreen Forests
- Momentum Transport in Heterogeneous Forest Canopies
- Multi-scalar analysis of groundwater-surface-atmospheric interactions at the Bonneville Salt Flats, an ephemeral saline pan
- New large-scale ultralow-velocity zones discovered using highly anomalous SPdKS recordings
- Numerical Investigation of Hydraulically-Driven and Chemically-Driven Fractures in Geological Subsurface
- OLI-DRFS: Retrievals of Dust Radiative in Snow from Landsat-8
- On earthquake sequences in the Intermountain West
- Paleoindian Settlement of the Central Great Basin: Testing Environmental, Radiocarbon, and Lithic Proxies with Data from Grass Valley, Nevada
- Physical Characteristics and Spatial Variability of Ice Nucleating Particles over the Southern Ocean
- Planetary resilience jeopardized by homogenization of the terrestrial water cycle
- Porosity-permeability changes induced by varying pore pressure and confining pressure in unconventional formations: analysis of core-scale hydro-mechanical data and simulations
- Progress Towards Operational Rapid Tsunami Forecast via GNSS analysis
- Quantification of Relative Permeability Induced Uncertainty in CO<SUB>2</SUB> Trapping Predictions
- Quantifying geodetic mass balance for South American glaciers since the 1970s using KH-9 Hexagon imagery and ASTER DEMs
- Quantitative Characterization and Analysis of Natural Fractures to Revitalize Production from the Unconventional Cane Creek Formation of the Paradox Basin
- Quantitative Characterization of Hyper-Local Urban Greenhouse Gas Sources Using Tower-Based Atmospheric Sensors
- Radiocarbon preservation in carbonate shells of aquatic Gastropoda: Development of a geochemical proxy to measure groundwater transience
- Real-time Source Identification for Pollution Hotspots: Online Tool
- Reducing Error in Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Retrieval of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Due to Geometric and Atmospheric Effects
- Responses of evapotranspiration to precipitation events, across ecosystems and climates
- Simultaneous optimization of snow and soil sensor locations using machine learning in East River, Colorado
- Snowpack ripening and melt-freeze cycles on Grand Mesa, Colorado from field measurements and synthetic aperture radar
- Southern Ocean Mixed Phase Clouds: New Insights from CALIPSO-CloudSat and Ship-Based Hydrometeor Phase Analyses
- Southern Ocean latitudinal gradients of Cloud Condensation Nuclei
- Spatial Heterogeneity as a Bridge Between Canopy Turbulence and Numerical Weather Prediction
- Stress-Sensitive Single-Phase Permeability for Navajo Sandstone Coupling Experimental Testing and Numerical Simulation
- Structure and Dynamic Mechanisms of Roll Vortices in Hurricane Harvey during the Landfall
- Temporary Wind Noise Reduction Systems for Infrasound: Comparison Over Time and Response Analysis
- The C-FOG Project: Salient Outcomes
- The Complex Relationship Between the Spatial Variation of Wind and Surface Thermal Heterogeneity: Observations From a Highly Idealized Environment During IPAQS 2019
- The Means of Production: Carbon fixation and assimilation in an ultrabasic, serpentinization-influenced aquifer
- The Rock Matrix Around CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex's Gemstones: The Value of the Apparently Mundane in Shaping Earth System Observation
- The Upscale Growth of Convective Systems over Tropical Oceans
- The effect of rainfall gradients on gross primary productivity (GPP) across the Isthmus of Panama
- Thermal Regime, Legacy Structures, Upper Mantle Hydration and Lithospheric-Scale Magmatic Processes of the Antarctic Interior from Regional-Scale Electrical Properties
- Towards rigorous, non-stationary permanence risk maps from climate-sensitive disturbances to guide forest planning
- Typology of Food-Energy-Water Systems in the United States
- Ultra High Velocity Zones at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Unfolding the Link between Forest Canopy Structure and Flow Morphology
- Urban greenhouse gas emission response to COVID-19 shutdowns
- Using Cloud Radar to Retrieve Entrainment Rates in Stratocumulus Clouds
- Using CrIS Ammonia Observations to Improve Decision Making on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Control Policies
- Using Large-Aperture Scintillometry to Observe Path Integrated Fog Intensity During the C-FOG Campaign
- Using PPE simulations and parametric sensitivity analysis to better understand model physics and parameterization in E3SM atmosphere model over different cloud regimes
- Using multi-scale remote sensing to study the spatial dynamics of piñon-juniper woodland biomass
- Variability in the start and end of the photosynthetically active and dormant periods in seasonally snow-covered forests around the world
- Vertical partitioning of root distributions correlated with ecophysiological characteristics: Initial results from NEON megapit data
- Water Vulnerability Assessment in Nepal: Evaluating the impacts of glacier shrinkage on water resources
- Weather-Related Risks Impacting Utility Power Shutdowns within the Urban-Wildland Interface
- A 12 Catchment Comparison of How Multi-year Climate Controls Catchment Recharge, Storage and Streamflow Using Over a Century of Data in Northern Utah
- A Debris-Thickness Incorporated Degree-Day Model of the Kennicott Glacier, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska
- A Mechanically Strong Inner Core Implied by Deformation of Silicon-bearing Alloys
- A low-order wind-resolving model for predicting transport processes in row-organized agricultural canopies
- A nanomechanical study: the role of pore morphology and pre-existing fracture in amorphous silica
- A summary of microphysical research performed during C-FOG and challenges for Fatima
- Accelerations of Snowflakes in Atmospheric Turbulence
- Adaptation of a dynamically coupled fire spread model to account for heterogeneous terrain and fuels
- Advancing Local Distance Discrimination of Explosions and Earthquakes with Joint P/S and ML-Mc Classification
- Aerosol Vertical Transport, Exchange, and Transformation in Maritime Southeast Asia: Observations and Implications from CAMP2Ex and PISTON
- Airborne and ground-based interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) measurements to estimate snow water equivalent (SWE) in Utah during SnowEx 2021
- Ambient mercury observations in wildfire plumes at two Western U.S. sites using an improved dual-channel measurement system
- Ambient smoke from Western US wildfires demonstrates predictable light absorption enhancements
- An Observational Climatology and Idealized Modelling of Multi-band Lake-effect Precipitation
- Anomaly Detection in Ambient Vibration Monitoring Data from a Toppling Rock Slab Instability, Utah, USA
- Applications of Geophysics to Enhanced Geothermal System Development: The Utah FORGE Experience
- Applying Machine Learning and Earth Observations to Model Urban Water System Reliability, Resilience, and Vulnerability
- Array Processing of Receiver Functions Across the Southern Alaska Cordillera Using 400 Nodal Seismometers
- Assessing changes in glacial lakes in Hindu Kush Himalayan region from 1975 to 2018
- Assessment of Distributed Snow Energy Balance Model Performance in Highly Dust-Impacted Basins in Southwest Colorado
- Assessment of Satellite-Derived Smoke Height Boundary Layer Ratio During Extreme Smoke Events in the Western U.S.
- Borehole DAS Ambient Noise at the Utah FORGE Geothermal Site
- Burning Up: Modeling Fire Temperature Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- Canopy Heterogeneity and the unresolved Momentum Deficit in Numerical Weather Prediction models: a Dispersive Flux Representation
- Carbon Monitoring System in Mountains (CMS-Mountains): Leveraging Satellite-Based Solar-Induced Fluorescence to Understand Forest Drought and Mortality in the Western U.S.
- Cause and consequences of atmospheric microplastics
- Climate, land use, and soil drivers of aeolian transport: investigations of the dust and water resources (DUST-AWARE) project
- Climatology of Snow to Liquid Ratio in the Central Wasatch Mountains of Northern Utah
- Cold Fog Amongst Complex Terrain (CFACT): A Field Campaign and Science on Cold Fog, Low-Level Clouds, and Aerosols
- Combining chain length distribution and 13C information in n-alkane archives: A Bayesian framework for a multi-source mixing model
- Combining deep learning with physics extracted features in Explosion event discrimination
- Conductive and non-conductive heat fluxes within supraglacial debris constrained via temperature profile data analysis on the Kennicott Glacier, Alaska
- Constraining the Deep Geohydrologic Cycle under the Western United States from Electrical Resistivity Structure.
- Constraining the properties of the Southern Ocean Ice-Phase Precipitation with Dual-Polarized C-Band Radar: Applications to CloudSat and GPM
- Continental-scale Climate Dipoles Driven by Pan-Pacific Waves
- Continuous Measurements of Individual Frozen Hydrometeor Mass and Density
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Detection of Point Source Methane Plumes in Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Data
- Crustal fault valve control of the CO2 rich Erebus volcano phonolite magmatic system, Antarctica
- Decline Curve Analysis in SACROC Unit using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Network
- Deformation Behavior and Textures of Antigorite + Olivine at Mantle Wedge Conditions
- Deformation Mechanisms In Fine-grained MgO Periclase At Pressures Of 1.6-8.3 GPa And Temperatures Of 875-1270 K
- Development of a smart-and-connected irrigation system for rural communities in Nebraska
- Distinct Seasonal Surface Velocity Patterns between Lake-terminating and Land-terminating glaciers in Langtang, Nepal
- Drought-induced decoupling between tree growth and carbon uptake impacts forest carbon turnover time
- Environmental Controls on Deep Convection Initiation and Growth in the Complex Terrain of Central Argentina during CACTI
- Environmental controls on the lifecycle of tropical mesoscale convective systems
- Epic Bioscience: An Online Learning Environment for Ecological Investigations Aligned With Next Generation Science Standards Using Museum Digitized Collections.
- Estimating hydrologic responses of high mountain watersheds based on future wildfire events at a regional scale
- Evaluating ACCP Architectures for Skill in Constraining the Microphysical Properties of Precipitating Shallow Convective Clouds
- Evaluation and bias correction of a novel high-resolution gridded meteorology dataset including urban heat islands over the contiguous United States
- Evaluation of Land Surface Model Evapotranspiration Partitioning using NEON Water Isotope Datasets across the United States
- Evapotranspiration partitioning and root water sources in a sagebrush shrubland
- Fatima: A mega-project at the nexus of (marine) fog and turbulence
- Fire in the Fynbos: A high-resolution investigation into mid-Holocene fire activity at Eilandvlei, southern Cape coast, South Africa
- Fire risk to carbon sequestration potential of United States forests
- Fire-Grazer Interactions During the Late Quaternary Extinctions
- Footprint analysis of particulate sensors in structured canopies
- Forests Under Pressure: the Physiology Underlying Semi-arid Forest Responses to Ongoing Climate Change
- From Inclusion to Pore: Effects of Microscale Morphology on Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Heterogeneous Materials
- Geant4 Studies of the Source Characteristics of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Glacier monitoring and melt modeling on debris-covered Kennicott Glacier, USA
- Global Carbon Exchange Efficiency Reveals Widespread Ecosystem CO2 Loss
- Harnessing the power of previously collected data to enable new soil carbon and stable isotope research
- History and Applications of Giga Large-Eddy Simulations
- How Accurately Can Warm Rain Realistically Be Retrieved with Satellite Sensors?
- Hydrodynamic Effects of Mastigonemes in Cryptophytes
- Identifying Climate-System Drivers, Impacts, and Thresholds to Rainfed Wheat Productivity in Potohar, Pakistan: A Multi-Model Approach
- Imaging the Yellowstone Magmatic System with Active and Passive Sources Recorded by a Dense Geophone Array
- Improved CYGNSS Observations of Storm Force Winds and their Impact on TC Forecast Skill
- Incorporating recirculation effects into metrics of feeding performance for zooplankton
- Indications of a Decrease in the Depth of Deep Convective Cores with Increasing Aerosol Concentration During the CACTI Campaign
- Induced seismicity potential of the San Juan Basin CarbonSAFE deep saline carbon sequestration project based on probabilistic geomechanics
- Informing Nature-based Climate Solutions with the best-available science: a research agenda for the land-atmosphere flux community
- Intra-Seasonal Evolution of Supraglacial Floodplains on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Investigating crustal structure with ambient noise across densely distributed seismic arrays
- Investigating the 3D basin structure of Salt Lake Valley using surface waves recorded by the Magna aftershock nodal array
- Lessons learned from NASA SnowEx Hackweek 2021 for fostering open science communities
- Leveraging LIDAR, Machine Learning, and Citizen-Science for Low-Cost, High-Resolution Snow-Depth Estimation.
- Leveraging Time Series Imaging Spectrometer Data and Deep Learning for Methane Plume Detection and Delineation
- Linking quantitative unmixing of magnetic signatures of conventional and giant magnetofossils with environmental change 56 million years ago
- Magmatic, Hydrothermal and Ore Element Transfer Processes of the Southeastern Archean Superior Province Implied from Electrical Resistivity Structure
- Magmatism during the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean: a tale of a sediment-rich collision
- Mapping Liquid Water Content in Snow: An Intercomparison of Mixed-Phase Optical Property Models Using Hyperspectral Imaging, Radiative Transfer Simulations, and In Situ Measurements
- Mapping Snow Covered Area, Grain Size, and Albedo from Lidar Intensity
- Metrics, Measurements, and Methods for Advancing Ecosystem Model Evaluation
- Modal Analysis of Freestanding Rock Towers in Utah, USA
- Modeling Water Leasing Impacts on Instream Flows for River Ecosystem Protection
- Modeling the Energy Balance Gap Based on Atmospheric Stability and Surface Heterogeneity
- Multi-component Ambient Noise Tomography across Northern Taiwan via Bayesian Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity and Phase Velocity with Formosa Array
- NASA SnowEx deployment of CarSAR: a mobile L-Band interferometric synthetic aperture radar platform
- Near to Far: Analysis of Dust Transport Across Spatial Scales in the Great Basin, USA
- New Approach for Capturing and Characterizing Large Aerosolized Particles in Agricultural Settings
- Objective glacio-climate zonation of High Mountain Asia glaciers for improved mass balance prediction
- Observations From Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Networks Detect the Abrupt Changes in Emissions During the COVID-19 Lockdown
- Observations and Simulations of the Origin of Downward Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Physical and ecophysiological controls on the relationship between solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and gross primary productivity across diurnal and seasonal scales in the boreal forest
- Predicting snowmelt-derived water resources in a changing climate: Warming and multi-year droughts reduce runoff efficiency by depleting groundwater storage and slowing melt
- Promise and progress with in situ visualization of magnetofossils in marine sediment chips
- Quantifying the performance of a machine learning surrogate model for CO2 saturation and pressure forecasts for dedicated CO2 storage.
- Rapid Exhumation of the Higher Himalayan Crystallines in the Everest Region in the Late Pliocene: Evidence from Apatite Fission-Track Thermochronology and Implications for Tectonic and Uplift History of the Higher Himalaya
- Recalibration of the Local Magnitude (ML) Scale for Earthquakes in the Yellowstone Volcanic Region
- Receiver Function Analysis of a Large-N Nodal Array in the Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
- Recommended Crop Residue Bands for the Landsat Next Mission
- Remote sensing-based evaluation of Californias forest carbon offset projects
- SMART CarbonSAFE Simulation Model: Lessons Learned Applying a Reservoir Model to Machine Learning Applications
- Savanna Fire Activity Responds Heterogeneously to Rainfall Shifts During the African Humid Period
- Science Objectives of the Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Radiometers
- Sea Ice Temperature and Mass Balance Measurements during the MOSAiC Drift Campaign
- Seismo-Geodetic Investigations of Subsurface Properties of the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Shallow crustal structure of Southern California by jointly inverting surface wave phase velocity, Rayleigh wave ellipticity, and Receiver Functions
- Simulated Effects of Seismic Source Depth on Coda Waves at Local Distances (< 150 km) in Realistic 3D Earth Models
- Snow Pits to Mountain Peaks: Optical Remote Sensing for Snow Hydrology from the Micro- to Macro Scale
- Snow Today at the National Snow and Ice Data Center
- Sonic waveform imaging around a borehole within granite at the Utah FORGE geothermal site
- Spatial Variability of Surface/Subsurface Geochemistry of the Exposed Playa of the Great Salt Lake, Utah (United States).
- Spatial and Temporal Trends in Evergreen Needle Magnetization in Salt Lake City, UT: Development of a Robust Proxy for Particulate Matter Pollution
- Spatially distributed process-based snow model for operational water forecasting; a case study in the East River Watershed, Colorado, USA
- Stable isotopes contain unique additive information about carbon and water cycles in arid environments
- Statistical and thermodynamic constraints on the numbers and sizes of tropical clouds and their response to a changing climate
- Supervised Deep Learning Models to Improve the Yellowstone Seismic Catalog With Application to the 2013/2014 Norris Geyser Basin Earthquake Swarm
- Temporal Noise Cross-Correlation Variation Across an Active Longwall Mine
- Temporal variability in oxidized mercury from a continental mountaintop site using an improved dual-channel measurement system
- The Atmosphere Observing System (AOS): Synergistic Aerosol, Cloud, Convection and Precipitation Measurement and Modeling Systems
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed; a Suite of Tools for Understandingthe Earth System with Confidence.
- The Effect of Aerosol Loading on Shallow Convective Precipitation Inferred from Co-occurring Cloud and Precipitation within the Warm-topped Maritime Clouds Observed during CAMP2Ex
- The Information Content of Dense XCO2 Retrievals: the Potential of Extracting Sector-Specific Fluxes with OCO-3
- The NASA Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP) Observing System
- The Nature and Cause of Initial Breakdown Pulses and the Implications for Streamer to Leader and Negative Stepping Processes
- The Streamer-to-Leader Transition and Origin of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- The TEMPEST Initiative
- The Use of an Inverse Multi-Domain Rate Transfer Model in Predicting Colloid Attachment under Different Environmental Charge Conditions
- The calibration and optimization of MLMC as a depth discriminant
- The impact of surface heterogeneity parameterizations on surface flux estimations in single column model simulations of the stable atmospheric boundary layer
- The seismic signature of water and ice conditions in the Saint Lawrence River shipping corridor
- Thermodynamic controls on atmospheric deep convection in the tropical Pacific: new insights from combining observations across multiple platforms
- Tiered methane observing systems across multiple basins to quantify regional budgets, strong point sources, and differentiate sector contributions
- Towards a global map of sharp lateral velocity gradients using automated array-based detection of multipathing
- Tropical Convective Downdrafts: Lagrangian versus Eulerian Perspectives
- Tropospheric Mid-Latitude Halogen-Induced Ozone Depletion Observed from an Industrial Source over the Great Salt Lake
- Turbulence Characteristics during Diablo Wind Events
- Turbulent Secondary Flows in the Convective Boundary Layer Driven by Spanwise Thermal Gradients
- Understanding Deformation in Geologic Materials by Studying Geoarchitected Surrogates
- Understanding environmental impacts of prehistoric fire
- Upscaling Transport of Silver Colloids in Porous Media: from Interface- to Pore- to Continuum-Scales
- Upscaling carbon fluxes to capture hot spots and hot moments in drylands
- Use of Geostationary Infrared, Passive Microwave Imager, and Reanalysis Datasets to Assess Climatological Hailstorm Risk
- Using Strontium Isotopes to Identify Dust Sources to the Wasatch Front, Utah
- Validation and Evaluation of Total Ice Number Concentration in CloudSat 2C-ICE Product
- Widespread decrease in temperature control of northern plant productivity
- 100 Giant Alaska Landslides
- 87Sr/86Sr of Gastropod Shells Used to Distinguish Water Resources Used at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter
- A 30,000-Year Record of Glacial History and Water Balance from Fish Lake, Utah
- A Novel Model to Simulate Water Storage in Epiphytic Mats for Tropical Montane Cloud Forests
- A Spatially Holistic Approach to Quantifying Glacier Mass Change in the Karakoram
- A study to determine the orientation of the maximum horizontal principal stress using P-wave receiver functions
- Accelerating Cryospheric Research with Cloud-based, Open Source Tutorials
- Acceleration statistics of snowflakes in a broad range of turbulence conditions
- Advancing domestic and international water management capabilities with a global daily snow cover and albedo product
- An investigation of miscanthus production as potential climate-smart agricultural practice in fields that flood frequently
- Analyzing 22 years of snow darkening and dust radiative forcing from MODIS in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Apparent Rayleigh Wave Anisotropy at Lateral Lithospheric Boundaries Due to the Interference of Incident and Reflected waves: A Numerical and Theoretical Investigation
- Are Record Low Great Salt Lake Levels Responsible for Record High Dust Concentrations? A Source to Sink Investigation of Dust-on-Snow Events in the Wasatch Mountains During the 2021-2022 Snow Season
- Assessing CMAQ and WRF Performance for Aerosol Chemistry During Persistent Cold Air Pool (PCAP) Events
- Assessing changes in glacial lakes in Hindu Kush Himalayan region from 1975 to 2018
- Assessing the vulnerability of the Juneau Icefield to atmospheric warming
- Asynchrony among satellite metrics of photosynthetic phenology across the boreal domain
- Auto-Encoder Based Discrimination of Mining Induced Seismic Events from Natural Seismicity in Central Utah
- Automated DInSAR + GNSS Integrated Time Series and Deformation Maps for Machine Learning and Volcanic Early Warning Applications
- Bayesian Inference of the Discretization of Faults: Implications to Induced Seismicity in Carbon Sequestration
- Center for Collective Impact in Earthquake Science (C-CIES): Building Inclusive Excellence, Diversity, Equity, and Community into Earthquake Science
- Characteristics and example applications of a novel urban heat island focused gridded meteorology dataset over the contiguous United States
- Characterizing Dust From National Wind Erosion Network Sites Using Isotopic Fingerprinting, Mineralogy, and Major and Trace Element Chemistry
- Climate Dipoles Entrain Ecological Dipoles: Irruption Dynamics of Boreal Finches
- Climate, Hydrologic, and Systems Modeling to Assess Water Supply Vulnerability to Climate Change
- Complex inner core motion from LASA, ILAR, and YKA recordings
- Constraining mountain streamflow constituents by integrating citizen scientist acquired geochemical samples and Sentinel-1 SAR wet snow time series for the Shimshal catchment in the Karakoram Mountains of Pakistan
- Constraining the H2O-CO2 volatile cycle under the Central Western US using Electrical Resistivity Images Derived from Magnetotelluric Data
- Continuous, year-round monitoring of snow-pack and soil properties of an emerging glacial forefield in the Arctic.
- Controlled-Source Seismic Survey of the Yellowstone Caldera: Preliminary Results from Waves Reflected from the Top of the Magma Reservoir
- Critical Critical Zone: Cultural Context and Geochemical Processes in Spring Wetlands
- Current Developments towards Solving the Surface Energy Balance Closure Problem
- Detecting Changes in Sector-specific CO2 Emissions from Space: an Application of OCO-3 over the Los Angeles Basin
- Development of Synergetic Satellite-Derived Wildfire Plume Height Products for the Western U.S.
- Diversified Cropping Systems Do Not Necessarily Increase Soil Organic Carbon
- Drivers of dryland carbon-water cycling across the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum
- Estimating precipitation δ2H from sedimentary n-alkanes by leveraging abundance and isotope data from multiple chains
- Evaluating Connections Between Terminus Type and Seasonal Surface Velocity Variability of High Mountain Asia Glaciers with the ITS_LIVE Glacier Velocity Dataset
- Evaluation of GNSS Radio Occultation Observations in Tropical Cyclone Environments
- Excitation of Earth's Inner Core Rotational Oscillation during 2001-2003 Captured by Earthquake Doublets
- Fast Fire Simulations Over Idealized Terrain Using QES-Fire
- Fire-Generated Tornadic Vortices
- First time-resolved lightning leader spectra associated with the TGFs productions at the Telescope Array Detector
- Forward Modeling paleo-CO2 Proxies: Paleocene-Eocene Applications of a New Foraminiferal δ11B Forward Proxy System Model
- Fracture Propagation in layered media: A Hybrid Numerical Modeling
- From Biology to Physics to Earth-System Science: Making Sense of Optical Signals for Tracking the Seasonality of Photosynthesis in Evergreen Forests
- From CCS to CCUS and back again (2003 - 2022): CO2 storage in the southwestern USA
- Groundwater Storage Variability in Headwater Catchments of the Upper Colorado River Basin: Improving Our Understanding of Why Runoff in Mountain Environments is Highly Variable
- High Mountain Asia Glacier Sensitivity and Transient Response to Climate Change
- High-Resolution Ambient Noise Tomography across Central Taiwan via Multi Mode Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Inversion
- High-resolution analytical techniques in the development of a novel paleoclimate archive; Laminated soil carbonate rinds as a tool for investigating late Quaternary climate-vegetation links
- Humidity Effects on Mixed Carbon and Dust Aerosols in Houston Measured to Evaluate Radiative Forcing and Deep Convection Modules in Climate Models
- Imaging the Shallow Yellowstone Volcanic System using a Dense Geophone Array
- Improvements in monitoring supraglacial glacier debris cover change in the Himalaya-Karakoram
- Improvements to snowmelt rate and timing using remotely sensed snow albedo and numerical weather prediction solar radiation data in a spatially distributed process-based snow model in the East River Watershed, Colorado, USA
- Increasing Sensitivity of Forests to Disturbances Under the Changing Climate
- Informing intra-city emission characteristics using satellite observations of CO2 and co-emitted species
- Initial Results from a Wide Area Deployment of a 150+ MHz Bandwidth VHF Interferometer System
- Integrating Fire Emissions Inventories and Atmospheric Dispersion Models to Improve Smoke Exposure Estimates
- Interactive Deep-Learning Modeling of Snow Water Equivalent Through Application of The National Snow Model With Geoweaver.
- Intercomparison of Four Microphysics Schemes Simulating Persistent Arctic Mixed-Phase Stratocumulus Clouds
- Investigating near-surface hydrological responses on crustal seismic velocity variations in subtropical and semi-arid regions
- Investigating the Doublet Pool Thumping Cycle in Yellowstone National Park through temporal nodal deployments
- Investigating the Efficacy of Using Valley Heat Deficit to Quantify Wintertime Cold Air Pools in the Western U.S.
- Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Phase Dispersion and Ellipticity and Receiver Functions for crustal S-wave velocity structure of Northern Taiwan
- Laboratory and Ambient Comparison of Hygroscopicity and Optical Properties of Aerosols
- Land Use Land Cover Hydrologic Performance of the National Water Model Retrospective
- Latitudinal and Seasonal Variability in Non-Precipitating Cloud Droplet Number Concentration in the Summer Southern Ocean
- Laurentide Ice Sheet Configuration Influenced the Arctic Water Cycle through Multiple Interglacial Periods
- Legacies of Active Season Productivity on Winter Ecosystem Respiration in Seasonally Snow-Covered Forests.
- Lessons Learned from SnowEx 2022 Hackweek for Fostering Open Science Communities
- Leveraging retrospective simulations of wildfire emissions and transport to develop a wildfire smoke forecasting tool
- Linking remotely sensed ecosystem resilience with forest mortality across continental U.S.
- Local Sources Control the Properties of Mineral Dust Accumulating in the High-Elevation Critical Zone of the Great Basin and Rocky Mountains, USA
- Marine fog microphysics and associated weather systems during Fatima Campaign
- Mechanical Properties of Rocks: Micro to Macro, and Back Again
- Methane Plume Detection and Deep Learning using Small Imaging Spectrometer Datasets
- Modeling spatiotemporal exposures of heat and wildfire smoke using atmospheric models and satellite remote sensing products
- Monitoring urban CO2 emissions from space: insights from NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-3 (OCO-3) mission
- Multi-scale Constraints Towards Understanding Conifer Forest Carbon Uptake in Complex Terrain within the Carbon Monitoring System-Mountains Project
- NASA's Earth System Observatory - The Atmosphere Observation System (AOS) Polar Project
- Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Urban Critical Zone
- New Insights into Early Cretaceous Extension in Northern Mongolia
- New Observations of Intermediate-Duration Downward Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- New insights on the Denali Volcanic Gap and the shallow crustal structure of South-Central Alaska across the Alaska Range via Bayesian joint inversion of Rayleigh wave ellipticity and phase velocity using a dense nodal array.
- Observations of Multiple TGF-producing Storms at the Telescope Array in Utah
- Observing Ice Phase Clouds and Precipitation with Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Radiometry during the IMPACTS field campaign: Algorithm Development for the Emerging Class of Microwave Radiometers
- On the Utility of a Surface DAS Array to Monitor Induced Micro-Seismicity and Operation Activities at the Utah FORGE EGS Facility
- Opportunities and challenges in evaluating photosynthetic activity across Arctic-Boreal land cover types using solar-induced fluorescence
- Oscillating Open-Cell Convection in Marine Cold-Air Outbreaks with Snow
- Ozone Enhancement from Wildfire Smoke in Rural Mountainous Terrain
- Paleo-Glacier Equilibrium Line Altitudes around Nevado de Chañi, Arid Subtropical Andes
- Petrochronologic Constraints on the Timing and Duration of Sill and Dike Emplacement and Associated Contact Metamorphism of Hornfels in the Alta Aureole, Utah, from Zircon and Monazite LA(SS)-ICP-MS
- Planetary Albedo Partitioning of Earth-Like Exoplanets with Variations in Rotation Periods and Obliquity
- Primary and Secondary Microseism Generation in Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, USA
- Progress Toward Operational, Distributed, and Physically-Based Snow Modeling to Support Water Supply and Streamflow Forecasts at the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center
- Quantifying methane emissions from the global scale down to point sources using satellite observations of atmospheric methane
- Quantitative Risk Assessment of the Southwest Regional Partnership on Carbon Sequestration
- Reduction in bulk modulus in CO2 flooded rock samples: considerations for geological modeling and geomechanical analysis
- Regional Variability of Mesoscale Convective Systems' Properties in the Global Tropics
- Regional scale water availability assessment in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Response of Snow and Land Surface Albedo to Fire Disturbance in the Sierra Nevada over the MODIS Record
- Retrieval of Snow Grain Size During Melt Season from UAV Lidar Intensity
- Revealing Grain Size Variability Across the Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet through Hyperspectral Imaging of Shallow Firn Cores
- Seasonally varying water use strategies in Juniperus osteosperma associated with GPP
- Seismic Shadow Zone Investigation into the Upper Magma Chamber of the Yellowstone Caldera
- Seismic structure of the crust-uppermost mantle beneath the Ethiopia volcanic province: evidence from auto-correlation and 3D-ambient noise Rayleigh wave tomography
- Shear Velocity and Vp/Vs Ratio Imaging in Alaska via Jointly Inverting Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity, Ellipticity and Teleseismic Receiver Functions Using a Bayesian Approach
- Simulation of Strong Ground Motion Data from the 18 March 2020 Mw 5.7 Magna, Utah, Earthquake to Evaluate the Wasatch Front Community Velocity Model (WFCVM)
- Site Characterization for Geologic Carbon Storage of CO2 from a Direct Reduced Iron Plant
- Snow Effective Grain Size and Albedo Patterns Mapped From UAV Hyperspectral Imaging to Assess Landsat-9 OLI Pixel Variability: A Case Study From Senator Beck Basin, Colorado
- Snow property retrievals and uncertainties from satellite imaging spectroscopy based on simulated SBG datasets derived from the SnowEx '21 Colorado AVIRIS-NG time series
- Soil Moisture Drives Observed Variations In Surface Conductance
- Spatial Variability of Snow Accumulation and Ablation due to Elevation, Aspect, and Vegetation
- Spatiotemporal Estimates of Surface PM2.5 Concentrations in the Western U.S. using NASA Aerosol and Fire Retrievals and Machine Learning Techniques
- Spatiotemporal Gap-Filling of NASA Satellite-Derived-AOD in the Western U.S. using Machine Learning Techniques
- Spatiotemporal estimates of surface PM2.5 concentrations in the western U.S. using NASA MODIS and VIIRS retrievals and data assimilation techniques
- Spring Onset of Photosynthesis in Winter-Dormant Temperate and Boreal Forests
- Student Resiliency and Advancement of DEI Objectives Through Leadership Change and Pandemic Uncertainties: Perspectives from Inclusive Earth
- Studying the impacts of dust emission and dust deposition on snow over the Upper Colorado River Basin using the WRF-Chem-CTSM coupled framework
- Successful Test of a Programmable Microfluidic Analyzer for Organic Sample/Biosignature Detection in Microgravity
- Summer North American Dipole Driven by Stationary Rossby Waves Associated with Tropical and Monsoonal Convection
- Surveying the First Year of SAIL Data and Formulating Hypotheses for its Second Year
- The Ensemble Fractal Dimension of Clouds
- The Fog and Turbulence in Marine Atmosphere (Fatima) 2022 Field Campaign
- The NASA INCUS Mission
- The National Snow Model: Full Stack Open-Source Machine Learning Snow Water Equivalent Inference Model
- The Northeast Dip of the Southern San Andreas Fault from Space Geodetic and Seismic Imaging
- The Optical Counterpart of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Observations at the Telescope Array Detector.
- The Regional Networks of ANSS
- Time series of L-band InSAR for Evaluation of Coherence and SWE Estimation from SnowEx in Preparation for NISAR.
- Titanite petrochronology records multiphase construction of the Little Cottonwood stock, Utah U.S.A. accommodated by an upper crustal shear zone
- Title: Forests for Forests: Combining vegetation indices and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in random forest models improves gross primary production prediction in the Boreal Forest
- Towards a strongly coupled land-atmosphere data assimilation with NOAA Unified Forecast System model
- Transferability of Lidar-Derived Aboveground Biomass Models in Piñon-Juniper Woodlands of the Western United States
- Transformation Mechanisms During Phase Transition Of Bridgmanite Into Post-Perovskite At Lower Mantle Pressures
- Turbulence Effects on the Formation of Cold Fog over Complex Terrain: Observations from CFACT 2022 Field Campaign and Large-Eddy Simulations
- Understanding Warm Rain Retrieval Uncertainties in Preparation for the Atmosphere Observing System
- Urban CO2 Emissions from Cities around the World and their Scaling Relationships with Socioeconomic Variables, determined with Orbiting Carbon Observatory - 2
- Using Stable Water Isotope Data to Evaluate Opportunities for Improvement in Existing Land Surface Models
- Using a Dense Linear Array to Image the Yellowstone Magmatic and Hydrothermal System
- Using an end-member mixing analysis to understand sources of chemical variation in an alpine watershed under a changing climate, Provo River, northern Utah
- WRF-Chem Simulation of a Southwest United States Dust-on-Snow Episode
- Whole-canopy removal of epiphytes in tropical montane cloud forest and pasture trees leads to shifts in canopy microclimate.
- Wildfire Affects Forest Responses to Drought in Southwestern Colorado, USA
- Year-Round Electrical Resistivity Imaging to Study the Development of Deglaciated Soils in the High Arctic
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Allam
- A. A. Arendt
- A. A. Velasco
- A. C. Aiken
- A. Eldering
- A. F. Sheehan
- A. Gannet Hallar
- A. J. Calvert
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. Karion
- A. Lyapustin
- A. M. Middlebrook
- A. M. Sayer
- A. R. Hedrick
- A. V. Rocha
- A. W. Frederiksen
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Adam Varble
- Alain Protat
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Alejandro N. Flores
- Alexander Getraer
- Alexander Norton
- Alexandros Savvaidis
- Allison B. Marquardt Collow
- Allison T. Karp
- Amaury Dehecq
- Andrew J. Heymsfield
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Andrew J. Newman
- Andrey A. Grachev
- Andy Nowacki
- Andy VanLoocke
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Ankur R. Desai
- Anna T. Trugman
- Arlindo da Silva
- Armin Sorooshian
- Aronne Merrelli
- Artash Nath
- Ashley P. Ballantyne
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Benjamin Gaubert
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benjamin R. K. Runkle
- Bethany T. Neilson
- Bonan Li
- Brandon Schmandt
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brendon Quirk
- Brian Butterworth
- Brian McPherson
- Brianna Rick
- C. D. Cappa
- C. Eric Humphrey
- C. J. Ebinger
- C. O. Ao
- Cameron R. Homeyer
- Cari L. Johnson
- Carl Tape
- Carlos A. Oroza
- Caroline C. Womack
- Catherine Finkenbiner
- Charles E. Miller
- Cheng‐Nan Liu
- Chris Polashenski
- Christian Steger
- Christina Schädel
- Christoforos Pappas
- Christopher J. Still
- Christopher S. Ruf
- Christopher Y. S. Wong
- Clare Webster
- Courtenay Strong
- Courtney L. Wagner
- Courtney Schumacher
- D. B. Gorbey
- D. Feldman
- D. G. Keeler
- D. Horns
- D. Mencin
- D. T. Harper
- Dalia Kirschbaum
- Daniel H. Cusworth
- Daniel J. Varon
- Daniel McGrath
- Daniele Antonangeli
- Danny Cullenward
- Danny Marks
- Dar A. Roberts
- David A. Randall
- David Carchipulla-Morales
- David Gochis
- David J. P. Moore
- David M. Lawrence
- David M. Winker
- David Noone
- David R. Bowling
- Deepak Cherian
- Deming Yang
- Derek J. Posselt
- Diego Melgar
- Dien Wu
- Donald K. Perovich
- Duane E. Waliser
- Dustin Roten
- E. A. Kort
- E. C. Osterberg
- Edward H. Bair
- Edward J. Zipser
- Elizabeth Berg
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Ellen Thomas
- Eric R. Pardyjak
- Erica R. Siirila‐Woodburn
- Erin E. McDuffie
- Erin K. Bessette-Kirton
- Ernesto Trujillo
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Ezra J. T. Levin
- F. C. Lin
- F. Joseph Turk
- F. L. Vernon
- Fabien Margairaz
- Feiqin Xie
- Felix Vogel
- Feng He
- G. J. Hill
- G. S. Diskin
- Gabriel J. Bowen
- Ge Jin
- Gerald G. Mace
- Gifford H. Miller
- Graeme L. Stephens
- Gregory R. Quetin
- Gregory T. Carling
- Guanning Pang
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Harindra J. S. Fernando
- Hideki Kobayashi
- Hongrui Qiu
- Hsin‐Hua Huang
- Hélène Brogniez
- I. B. Glenn
- Ian Raphael
- Ioan Lascu
- J. Badgeley
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. S. Stoner
- J. Stutz
- Jack Tarricone
- Jacob Bortnik
- James A. Bradley
- James E. Lee
- James N. Smith
- James T. Randerson
- James W. Ward
- Jamie Farrell
- Janice Brahney
- Jason P. Briner
- Jeffrey R. Moore
- Jeffrey S. Munroe
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jennifer S. Lund
- Jens Redemann
- Jeremy Freeman
- Jesse E. Dickinson
- Jessica D. Lundquist
- Jessica S. Guo
- Jessie M. Creamean
- Jie Gong
- Jin S. Zhang
- Jingting Huang
- Jitendra Kumar
- Jiwen Fan
- Joachim Meyer
- Jocelyn Turnbull
- Joel A. Thornton
- Joerg M. Schaefer
- John Barnes
- John C. Lin
- John E. Vidale
- John E. Yorks
- John T. Abatzoglou
- Jonathan Chambers
- Jonathan Wang
- Jooil Kim
- Jory Lerback
- Joseph Hardin
- Joshua M. Garber
- Julia C. Yang
- Julio Sepúlveda
- Jun Wang
- Junjie Liu
- Justin Krier
- Justin T. Maxwell
- K. F. Tiampo
- K. L. Pankow
- K. N. Musselman
- K. R. Verhulst
- K. Raeder
- Kaitlin M. Keegan
- Kaiyu Guan
- Karen Yuen
- Karlie N. Rees
- Katja Großmann
- Keith D. Koper
- Kelly O'Neill
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kevin Hammonds
- Kevin J. Nelson
- Kevin L. McCormack
- Kevin T. Uno
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Kristopher M. Bedka
- Kyle E. Fitch
- Kyle F. Itterly
- Kyle Gorkowski
- Kyle S. Hemes
- L. A. Stearns
- L. E. Webb
- L. H. Pitcher
- L. L. Worthington
- L. Lowman
- L. Ruby Leung
- L. T. Berner
- Larry Di Girolamo
- Leah D. Grant
- Leif S. Anderson
- Lesleigh Anderson
- Lewis Kunik
- Linnia Hawkins
- Lisa Milani
- Luc Lenain
- Lucas R. Vargas Zeppetello
- Luke D. Ziemba
- M. A. Fenn
- M. A. Stanley
- M. Cimpoiasu
- M. E. Litvak
- M. J. Brodzik
- M. L. Rudolph
- M. S. Raleigh
- M. S. Thorne
- M. S. Torn
- M. Skiles
- M. Syndonia Bret‐Harte
- Mallory L. Barnes
- Manvendra K. Dubey
- Maoya Bassiouni
- Marcelo M. F. Saba
- Mariko Oue
- Marine Denolle
- Marja Haagsma
- Markus D. Foote
- Martha K. Raynolds
- Martyn Unsworth
- Masahito Ueyama
- Matthew P. Dannenberg
- Matthew P. Miller
- Matthew Route
- Matthias Mauder
- McKenna W. Stanford
- Melissa L. Wrzesien
- Michael C. Duniway
- Michael G. Loso
- Michael L. Kaplan
- Michael Manga
- Miguel Ricardo A. Hilario
- Monique M. Holt
- Mukund Palat Rao
- N. M. Mahowald
- Nathan Moodie
- Nathaniel W. Chaney
- Neil P. Lareau
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- Nicholas P. Webb
- Nicoleta Cristea
- Nima Madani
- O. Chegwidden
- Othmar Frey
- P. D. Brooks
- P. O. Wennberg
- P. R. Krehbiel
- Pacifica Sommers
- Patrick Keys
- Patrick Sullivan
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- Paul I. Palmer
- Paul J. DeMott
- Paul R. Geimer
- Pavlos Kollias
- Peng Xian
- Peter C. Lippert
- Peter Huybers
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- Rasha Abbasi
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- S. Joseph Munchak
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- Saiprasanth Bhalachandran
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- Sandeep Wagh
- Sarah D. Bang
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- Sarah Lambart
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- Sean W. Freeman
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- Sha Feng
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- Steven Pestana
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- Å. K. Rennermalm