Virginia Commonwealth University
flowchart I[Virginia Commonwealth University] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (125)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (39)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Marine nutrient contributions to tidal creeks in Virginia: spawning marine fish as nutrient vectors to freshwater ecosystems
- Projecting Carbon Cycling Trajectories in Forests of the Upper Midwest, USA: Has Carbon Storage Peaked?
- Biogeomorphic Feedbacks in Barrier Island Evolution: Exploring Temporal and Spatial Persistence of Overwash Zones in the Virginia Coast Reserve
- Linking chlorophyll fluorescence, hyperspectral reflectance and plant physiological responses to detect stress using the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) (Invited)
- Mechanisms For Sustained Carbon Storage In Old Forests: Early Results From The Forest Accelerated Succession ExperimenT (FASET)
- High rates of carbon storage in old deciduous forests: Emerging mechanisms from the Forest Accelerated Succession ExperimenT (FASET)
- Molecular biogeochemical provinces in the Atlantic Surface Ocean
- The influence of the ``maintainer'' feedback on overwash persistence in the Virginia Coast Reserve
- A novel approach to quantifying algal contributions to suspended organic matter from elemental composition
- Disturbance and decoupling of belowground carbon and nitrogen cycles in a northern temperate forest
- Enhanced light use efficiency as a mechanism for forest carbon storage resilience following disturbance
- Mechanisms maintaining productivity in old forests of the upper Great Lakes
- Biological-Physical Feedbacks Determine Coastal Environmental Response to Climate Change
- Defying the decline: Carbon storage resistance to moderate disturbance in a temperate forest
- The Role of Ecomorphodynamics in Barrier Island Response to Climate Change
- The role of vegetation in shaping dune morphology
- Belowground processes regulate ecosystem nitrogen retention during a multi-year forest dieback event
- Disturbance severity and net primary production resilience of a Great Lakes forest ecosystem
- Effects of Nutrient Enrichment on Microbial Communities and Carbon Cycling in Wetland Soils
- Revised paradigms of forest production over stand development: Why does carbon storage increase as trees die in aging mixed temperate forests?
- Tree Death Leading To Ecosystem Renewal? Forecasting Carbon Storage As Eastern Forests Age
- A Blast from the Past: Community Scale Impacts of Explosives Contaminated Soils after 17 years
- Barrier island community change: What controls it?
- Biological and Physical Drivers of Coarse Woody Debris Respiration Following Moderate Forest Disturbance
- Characterization of Permafrost Degradation and Plant Communities Using Hyperspectral Reflectance
- Characterization of subarctic vegetation using ground based remote sensing methods
- Considering the Different Roles of Ammophila breviligulata and Spartina patens in Coastal Foredune Formation and Growth
- Cross-scale interactions in barrier island land cover change
- Ecological and Environmental Controls over Fifteen-Year Forest Net Ecosystem Production at the University of Michigan Biological Station
- Ecomorphodynamic Feedbacks and Couplings Between Landscape Subsystems Influence Barrier Island Response to Changing Climate
- Forest Carbon Cycling Across Gradients of Disturbance Severity: Patterns and Underlying Mechanisms
- Moderate forest disturbance as a stringent test for gap and big-leaf models
- Representing Sub-Plot Canopy Heterogeneity Improves Model Prediction of Net Ecosystem Exchange in a Mixed-Deciduous Forest
- Use of High Resolution UAS Imagery to Classify Sub-Arctic Vegetation Types
- Characterization of Vegetation Change in a Sub-Arctic Mire using Remotely Sensed Imagery
- Compensatory Root Water Uptake of Overlapping Root Systems
- Environmental Drivers of Global Riverine Organic Carbon Age
- Forest carbon uptake in North America's aging temperate deciduous forests: A data-theory-model mismatch?
- Ground-Based Lidar Measurements of Forest Canopy Structure as Predictors of Net Primary Production Across Successional Time
- The Carbon Budget of Coastal Waters of Eastern North America
- Waveform- and Terrestrial Lidar Assessment of the Usual (Structural) Suspects in a Forest Canopy
- A critical review of wetland greenhouse gas measurement techniques and scaling considerations
- A hybrid machine learning model to estimate nitrate contamination of production zone groundwater in the Central Valley, California
- Canopy complexity's role in (re)shaping carbon cycling following disturbance and with age: Do new observations support old theories?
- Canopy structural complexity as a continental predictor of primary production: Using NEON to transform understanding of forest structure-function
- Canopy structural complexity influences forest canopy reflectance: linking terrestrial lidar with Landsat observations
- Comparison of Aerial and Terrestrial Remote Sensing Techniques for Quantifying Forest Canopy Structural Complexity and Estimating Net Primary Productivity
- Forest Canopy Water Cycling Responses to an Intermediate Disturbance Revealed Through Stable Water Vapor Isotopes
- Forest disturbance spurs growth of modeling and technology
- Global convergence of maixmum light use efficiency using fraction of PAR absorbed by chlorophyll
- Impact of Canopy Structure on Top-of-Canopy SIF Observations
- Landform and soils control successional trajectories of forest composition and biomass accumulation in a north-temperate forest landscape
- Plant hydrodynamics help govern forest water cycling response to intermediate severity disturbance
- Root water uptake and lateral interactions among root systems in a temperate forest
- Using Remote Sensing Technologies to Quantify the Effects of Beech Bark Disease on the Structure, Composition, and Function of a Late-Successional Forest
- Canopy structural complexity predicts forest canopy light absorption at continental scales
- Carbon cycling at the tipping point: Does ecosystem structure predict resistance to disturbance?
- Effects of different types of moderate severity disturbance on forest structural complexity and ecosystem functioning: A story of ice and fire
- Four years of UAS Imagery Reveals Vegetation Change Due to Permafrost Thaw
- Global resistance and resilience of primary production following extreme drought are predicted by mean annual precipitation
- 3D canopy structure and biotic resistance to invasion in North American forests
- Coupled Interaction of Shrubs, Dunes, and Barrier Overwash
- Detection and Attribution of Climate-Driven Changes in Terrestrial Soils
- Direct Observations of Pollution Gradients Within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Overview of the Ozone Water-Land Environmental Transition Study-2 (OWLETS-2)
- How can hierarchical Bayesian calibration of a dynamic vegetation model help with ecological forecasts?
- Large-Scale Patterns And Landscape Variability Of Forest Canopy Structure
- Mechanisms underlying production stability in temperate deciduous forests
- NEON Data in the Classroom: An Open Education Resource for Enhancing Understanding of Terrestrial Carbon Cycling Processes Across Scales
- Non-linear shift from grassland to shrubland in temperate barrier islands
- Recent trends, drivers, and projections of carbon cycle processes in forests of North America
- Spatiotemporal consistency of four gross primary production products and solar-induced fluorescence in response to climate extremes across CONUS in 2012
- The Forest Resilience Threshold Experiment (FoRTE): An ecosystem experiment examining disturbance severity-production interactions
- Unique Canopy Structural Signatures of Moderate Disturbance Derived from Terrestrial LiDAR
- Using Terrestrial LiDAR to Examine Forest Structural Complexity Following Disturbance
- When Does Shifting Species Diversity and Canopy Structure Matter for the Land Carbon Sink?: A Cross-Scale Analysis
- Below-ground structural and ecohydrological feedbacks across disturbance severity gradients
- Canopy Structure-Carbon Sequestration Relationships in Plantation and Naturally Regenerated Red Pine
- Connecting near surface in-situ measurements to ground based total column measurements from Pandora
- Does canopy structure affect carbon cycling resistance to disturbance?: Insights from an ecosystem experiment
- Does compensatory growth offset declines from dying trees?: An experimental approach to unraveling mechanisms underlying forest production resistance to disturbance
- Exploring the Influence of Shrubs on Barrier Island Evolution Using a Spatially Explicit Morphological-Ecological Model
- Lessons from a 15-year eddy-covariance dataset: could changing soil water content tip the temperate forest carbon balance?
- Linking field, model, and remote sensing methods to understand when tree mortality breaks the forest carbon cycle
- Rapid assessment of forest canopy structural resistance to disturbance along an increasing gradient of severity
- Soil respiration across a disturbance severity gradient: Assessing thresholds of belowground carbon cycling resistance
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of leaf physiological response to rising disturbance severity
- Structural and parameter uncertainty in centennial-scale simulations of community succession in Upper Midwest temperate forests
- The Freezing and Fracture of Icy Satellites: Experimental Analog and Stress Analysis
- A multidimensional framework enhances interpretation of carbon (C) cycling stability following disturbance
- COVID-19 and Social Vulnerabilities in Virginia Zip Code Tabulation Areas
- Changes in Microbial Community Structure and Function Following Salinization of Tidal Freshwater Wetlands
- Does Existing System Complexity Convey Resistance?: Canopy Structural Change During the First Two Years of the Forest Resistance Threshold Experiment (FoRTE)
- Dynamic mechanisms support forest carbon cycling stability following disturbance
- From Field to Analysis: Two Models for Data Distribution in a Standardized and FAIR Way
- Is the MJO Linearly Damped, Neutral, or Unstable? An Assessment of some Simple Models
- Net ecosystem production across successional time in a North American eastern temperate forest chronosequence
- Salinization alters nitrate reduction in coastal freshwater wetlands
- Subcanopy leaf functional trait response to disturbance at different severities and implications for ecosystem production stability
- United States Methane Budget from Tidal Wetlands: Developing an Open-source Database of Methane Measurements and Process-based Models
- Wind-driven bed shear stress in the presence of dune grasses: implications for species-driven controls on coastal foredune development
- Woody plant encroachment in coastal ecosystems as a phase transition induced by microclimate feedbacks
- Co-producing an Integrated Vision for Science and Management of Tropical Dry Forests in the Age of Rapid Climate Change
- Digging deeper into above and belowground relationships: linking canopy and root structure with soil respiration
- Divergent patterns of forest carbon uptake and loss stabilize net carbon balance as disturbance severity increases
- How elevation influences carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from tidal fresh and saltwater wetlands
- Integrating divergent above- and belowground carbon flux responses to rising disturbance severity
- Is net primary production resistance to disturbance in forests mediated by structural legacies?
- Landscape-scale Carbon Storage in a Shifting Mosaic of Coastal Ecosystems
- Modeling FoRTE, the Forest Resilience Threshold Experiment
- Morphostratigraphic Differences Between Natural, Managed, and Constructed Coastal Foredunes
- Net ecosystem production is similar across disturbance types in a century old North American eastern temperate forest chronosequence
- Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Receives Far Less Continental Dust than Hawaii Producing Profound Differences in Mineralogical and Biogeochemical Soil Properties
- Singular Spectrum Analysis with Conditional Predictions for Real-Time State Estimation and Forecasting
- Unraveling mechanisms underlying coupled above and below-ground carbon flux responses to increasing disturbance
- AmeriFlux DEI - Community Resources for Safe and Inclusive Fieldwork
- Cellular to ecosystem processes drive forest carbon cycling resistance to increasing disturbance severity
- Community-developed (meta)data reporting formats to enable data reuse in environmental repositories
- Constraining CO2 and CH4 fluxes from Diverse Tidal Wetlands: Standardizing measurements and analysis across a network of eddy covariance sites in North America and Canada
- Ecosystem Functional Recovery Following Disturbance: Drivers of Carbon Flux in a Restored Tidal Freshwater Wetland
- Linkages Between Forest Composition and Primary Production Across a Disturbance Severity Gradient
- Linking nitrogen cycling with forest soil respiration following a simulated insect disturbance
- Non-Structural Carbohydrate Dynamics Regulate Soil Respiration Following Phloem-Girdling
- The Effects of Disturbance Severity on Ground Dwelling Arthropod Diversity, Composition, and Abundance in a Northern Michigan Forest
- The multiple dimensions of diversity: Advancing the science and application of structural diversity-ecosystem function interactions
- Unraveling the short-term mechanisms driving rhizosphere carbon and nitrogen cycling responses to phloem-disrupting disturbance
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Amy Goldman
- André Luís Diniz dos Santos
- Ashley M. Matheny
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- C. M. Gough
- Charuleka Varadharajan
- Christopher J. Hein
- D. Agarwal
- D. Medvigy
- Ellen Stuart-Haëntjens
- Emily Robles
- Fianna O’Brien
- German Vargas G.
- Gil Bohrer
- H. Reed Ogrosky
- Jeff W. Atkins
- Jennifer S. Powers
- Jessica Welch
- Joan E. Ball-Damerow
- Kim Ely
- Knute J. Nadelhoffer
- Kristin Boye
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- M. S. Torn
- Maegen Simmonds
- Matthew L. Kirwan
- Nicholas Cohn
- Oliver A. Chadwick
- Pamela Weisenhorn
- Robert Crystal‐Ornelas
- Rodrigo Vargas
- Samuel N. Stechmann
- Scott C. Neubauer
- Stephanie C. Pennington
- Susanne Wiesner
- Valerie Hendrix
- Vernon R. Morris
- Yaping Chen