University of Nevada, Reno
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Laboratory Scale Vortex Generator for Simulation of Martian Dust Devils.
- A New Global Mode of Earth Deformation Forced by Seasonal Mass Redistribution
- A New Global Mode of Earth Deformation: Reference Frame Implications
- A Probability Model for Analyzing Regime Shifts Over Time
- Analogs of Alteration of Basaltic Andesites: Application to the Martian Northern Lowlands
- Anomalous Elastic Behavior of Rocks Below Room Temperature
- Brittle Strain Localization and Thrust Fault Geometry Within Thrust-Cored Folds: Causative Principal Stresses and Insights From Coulomb Stress Change
- Comparison of Seismic and Geodetic Scalar Moment Rates Across the Basin and Range Province
- Depth and Direction of Shear Accommodation in the Upper Mantle of Southern Nevada.
- Development of Ground and Remotely Based Evaporation Measurements at the Salar de Atacama, Northern Chile
- Diffusion of Water in Yucca Mountain Tuffs
- Elevated Mercury Concentrations in Alluvial Deposits of the Humid Tropics of South America: Natural vs. Anthropogenic Sources
- Evaluation of Stream Restoration in the Lake Tahoe Basin
- Fault-Normal Dynamic Unloading and Loading: An Explanation for "Non-Gouge" Rock Powder and Lack of Fault-Parallel Shear Bands Along the San Andreas Fault
- First Actual Field Test of Predicted Toppling Accelerations for Precarious Rocks Provided by the 1999 Hector Mine Earthquake
- Formation of Deformation Band Structures Normal to the Shear Plane
- Fractional-Order Diffusion Equations, Subordination, and the Drunken Sailor
- GPS Tropospheric Modeling for SAR Interferometry: are~Small~GPS Networks Useful?
- Heat as a Tracer for Estimating Ground-water Recharge
- Hydraulic Conductivity, Velocity, and the Order of a Fractional Dispersion Derivative in a Highly Heterogeneous System
- Importance of the Ergodic Assumption in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis
- InSAR derived focal mechanism of the 1994, M5.9 Double Spring Flat, Nevada earthquake
- Late Miocene to Quaternary Transition in Magmatism and Tectonics, Sierra Nevada - Basin and Range Boundary, Northern California-Western Nevada
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Fluid Diffusive Motion
- Lattice Particle Modeling of Earthquake Dynamics
- Marine Engine Emissions in Recreational Lakes
- Modeling Multidimensional Contaminant Plume Growth With Fractal Scaling
- Near-Field Ground Motions from Recent Large Earthquakes and Their Impact on Earthquake Engineering Design
- Paleoseismic evidence for repeated Holocene earthquakes on the Olinghouse fault zone, western Nevada, USA
- Quantifying Total and Reactive Gaseous Mercury Emissions from the Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine Superfund Site, Northern California
- Refraction Microtremor as an Alternative to Boreholes for Earthquake Hazard Assessments
- Review of the Role of Ground Water on the Nutrient Budgets of Lake Tahoe
- Stability Evaluation Of Previous Volcanic Edifice Collapse At Pico De Orizaba Volcano, Mexico, Using Geotechnical Techniques
- Strain Localization via Graben Development: Influences on Displacement-Length Scaling and Footwall Uplift
- Subsidence, Compaction and Gravity-Sliding: Understanding Geodetic Strain Data Across Basin-Bounding Faults in Southern California
- The Development of an Unsaturated Flow and Reactive Transport Model for Arsenic in Carlin-Trend Heap Leach Facilities
- The Role of Extensional Tectonics on Landsliding, Summer Lake Basin, Lake County, Oregon
- The Role of Vegetation in Mercury Cycling at Mercury Enriched Mine Sites
- Toward a 30 Event Record at Wrightwood: the Events are Unfolding
- Understanding the Uncertainties of Capture Zone Analysis: A Bayesian Approach
- Use of Lead Isotopes to Assess Sources and Mobility of Contaminants from Barber's Orchard, North Carolina
- Validation and modeling of earthquake strong ground motion using a composite source model
- Active Faulting in the Central Walker Lane and Excelsior Trend, Nevada and California
- Advection and dispersion in time and space
- Ages of Large Submarine Landslides in Puget Sound
- Blind Prediction of Near-Fault Strong Ground Motions
- Characterization of recent Lake Tahoe fault activity: Combining Sub-Meter Resolution Seismic Imagery with AMS C-14 Dated Submerged Paleo-Surfaces.
- Degree-1 Earth Deformation From Very Long Baseline Interferometry.
- Deuterium excess at Siple Dome, West Antarctica: A role for the Pacific in millennial-scale climate change?
- Developing a Geothermal Indicator Index From Crustal Geophysical Data for the Western Great Basin
- Duplex Structures in Deformation Bands, how do They Form?
- Earthquakes in the Classroom, Las Vegas, NV: The Nevada Educational Seismic Network (NESN)
- Field Observations Using the FIDO Infrared Point Spectrometer: Mineralogical Interpretation and Implications for In Situ Investigations on Mars
- Field Studies of Very-Near Surface Dust Devil Processes
- Fractional Derivatives and Coupled Space-Time Diffusion
- GPS, the Interdisciplinary Chameleon: How Does it do That?
- Ground Motion Response Spectra From Recent Large Earthquakes and Its Dependence on Earthquake Magnitude, Propagation Path and Local Site Effect
- Ground motion simulations for the Kocaeli and Chi-Chi earthquakes using a composite source model
- Hazard Zonation at Mount Adams, Washington based on Edifice and Flank Stability Modeling
- Heat Flow on the Creeping Section of the San Andreas Fault: A Localized Transient Perspective
- Immobile particles, fractal time, and the case of the missing mass.
- Implications of the Water of Hydration Absorption for Martian Hematite Exposures
- Inversion of Solid Earth's Varying Shape 2: Using Self-Consistency to Infer Static Ocean Topography
- Lake Superior Type Banded Iron Formations as an Analog to Mars
- Las Vegas Basin Seismic Response Project: Developing a Community Velocity Model for NTS and Las Vegas
- Las Vegas Basin Seismic Response Project: Measured Shallow Soil Velocities
- Low temperature elastic behavior of rocks
- Modeling Tritium Transport Through a Deep Unsaturated Zone, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- Precarious Rock Evidence for Low Ground Accelerations Associated with Normal Faults and Extensional Strike-Slip Faults
- Reno Area Basin Seismic Response: Ground Motion Simulation in Reno, Nevada
- Seismic Refraction Surveys in Devils Lane and Cyclone Grabens, Canyonlands National Park, Utah
- Shallow Shear-Velocity Transect Across the Reno Basin
- Short Time Water Mobility in Tuff and Constituents as a Function of Saturation and Temperature
- Significant Accommodation of NW-Directed Right Lateral Shear Across the Northern Walker Lane, Nevada by the Pyramid Lake Fault Zone
- Spectral Properties at Terra Meridiani, Prelude to MER.
- Stochastic modelling of regime changes
- Structural features of the San Andreas fault at Tejon Pass, California
- Sub-millimeter Signal Detection by GPS: Cross Validation using GIPSY and GAMIT Solutions for the Yucca Mountain Network
- The Northern Walker Lane Seismic Refraction Experiment
- Thermal Infrared Surface Mineral Mapping at Steamboat Springs, Nevada: Comparison of Airborne and Field Spectral Measurements
- What can the topography of thrust-related anticlines tell us about mechanical stratigraphy and pore fluid pressure?
- A Reference Frame for PBO: What do we Have; What do we Need?
- A Transect of 200 Shallow Shear-Velocity Profiles Across the Los Angeles Basin
- Anomalous Thermal Relaxation Induced by the Granular Composition of Berea Sandstone
- Applying Surface Load Models to GPS Coordinates: the Effects of Mass Conservation and Gravitational Consistency
- Approximate Similarity Solutions to the Boussinesq and the Porous Medium Equations.
- Aquifer Deformation in the Virgin River Valley, Nevada: GPS Sensitivity to Deformation Over Various Time and Distance Scales
- Characterization of land surface energy fluxes at the Salar de Atacama, Northern Chile using ASTER image classification
- Comparison of Geometric and Gravimetric Estimates of Surface Mass Transfer: Constraints on Geocenter Motion and Low-degree Love Numbers
- Did Tharsis have a detached cap? Insight gained from global thrust fault vergence frequencies.
- Earth Versus Mars: dike-induced topography resolved by MOLA
- Exacerbation of Atmospheric Mercury Emissions From Substrates by Atmospheric Oxidants
- Geophysical Studies of Seismic Hazard in the Tahoe City Sub-basin, Lake Tahoe, California
- Influence of the Geotechnical Properties of Dacite Domes on the 1980 Failure of Mt. St. Helens
- Kappa at Permanent Stations of the Southern Great Basin Digital Seismic Network
- Las Vegas Valley Seismic Response Project: Quantification of Basin Response Using 2-D Finite-Difference Ground Motion Simulations
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Pulsed Field Gradient Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Limit Theorems and Their Relation to Solute Transport in Simulated Fractured Media
- Mass Loads, Surface Deformation, and the Earth's Rotation
- Morphology of Submarine Landslides in Puget Sound
- Numerical solutions for fractal radial flow problems
- Operator Fractional Motion: Permeability Fields with Anisotropic Long Range Dependence and the Effect on Plume Growth
- Paleoseismic Data Used to Evaluate Long Term Earthquake Behavior
- Pattern and Rates of Faulting in the 1932-1954 Portion of the Central Nevada Seismic Belt
- Processes of Planetary Faulting Revealed Through High-Resolution Topography
- Quantifying properties of seismic spectra: an examination of 100's of spectra from southern California earthquakes recorded by the ANZA seismic network
- Quaternary Faults and Basin-fill Sediments of the Las Vegas Basin, Southern Nevada
- Rupture Directivity in a Foam Rubber Physical Model
- Seasonal Variation in the Spatial Distribution of Surface mass Estimated Using GPS.
- Seasonal Variations of Albedo and Temperature of the North Polar Cap of Mars.
- Seismotectonics and Seismic Hazard of the Sierran Nevada Great Basin Boundary Zone and Yucca Mountain Region
- Self-consistent Derivation of Earthquake Source Properties: Method and Examples from Seismic Networks at ANZA, CA, and the Karadere-Duzce faults, Turkey
- Shaking Hazard Predictors in the Reno, Nevada Area Basin
- Shallow Shear Velocity and Seismic Microzonation of the Las Vegas Urban Basin
- Spatial Variability of Flow in Coarse, Unsaturated Mining Material: Results from Field-Scale Infiltration Experiments
- Study of Nonlinear Site Effect on Ground Motion Response Spectra From the Chi-Chi and Northridge Earthquakes
- Synthesis of Spectral Data From the Grey Hematite Regions of Mars
- The Role of Extreme Flooding in the Inception of the Lower Colorado River and the Excavation of the Grand Canyon-Stratigraphic Insights from the Southern Tip of Nevada
- The San Andreas Fault-Zone at Tejon Pass: Internal Structure and Grain-Size Distribution
- Using GPS to Quantify Three Dimensional Storage and Aquifer Deformation in the Virgin River Valley, Nevada
- Vegetated terrestrial ecosystems are large sources of Hg to the atmosphere
- 18 Years Later: Revisiting a Groundwater Model of the Cambric Site at NTS
- A Ground Penetrating Radar Experiment along the Warm Springs Valley Fault System, Western Nevada
- A new strain rate model for the Great Basin and its application to tectonic and geodynamic studies
- Approximate Solutions to Certain Nonlinear Diffusion Equations Appearing in Groundwater Flows.
- Arsenic speciation in the shallow aquifer, Churchill County, Nevada
- Changes in Solar Irradiance as a Possible Mechanism for Century-Scale Droughts Reconstructed From a Holocene Pollen Record, Pyramid Lake, Nevada, USA
- Constraints on recent mass changes in the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets from an analysis of the global water cycle
- Cosmogenic Be-10 ages of Angel Lake and Lamoille moraines and late Pleistocene slip rate of the rangefront normal fault, Ruby Mountains, Basin and Range, Nevada
- Crustal Deformation across the Sierra Nevada-Northern Walker Lane, Basin and Range Transition, Western United States Measured with GPS, 2000-2004
- Crustal stress evolution of last 700 years in North China and earthquake occurrences
- Estimating Geocenter motions from GPS measurements
- Estimation of Local Site Effects Using Coda Waves
- Evaluation of LiDAR Imagery as a Tool for Mapping the Northern San Andreas Fault in Heavily Forested Areas of Mendocino and Sonoma Counties, California
- Evidence for Variability in the Shape, not Just the Level, in the High Frequency Spectrum of Strong Ground Motions
- From Isolated Sites to Complete Ruptures; the Next Hurdle for Paleoseismology on the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Geotechnical Analysis of the Chaos Jumbles Rockfall Avalanches at Lassen Volcanic Park, California
- Growth and Displacement-Length Scaling of Grabens: Examples of Fault Restriction and D-L Saturation on Mars
- HSDP II Drill Core: Preliminary Rock Strength Results and Implications to Flank Stability, Mauna Kea Volcano
- Hematite Spherules of Meridiani Planum: Implications for Aqueous History at the Site
- High Elevation Monitoring in the North American Tropics: Ecosystem/Climate Relationships on Nevado de Colima, Mexico
- Imaging the Alpine Fault, South Island, New Zealand, using local earthquake coda
- Improving gravity field models on short wavelength with the help of non-gravitational observations
- Improving reference frame stability by modelling common modes of surface displacements using Empirical Orthogonal Functions
- Instabilities Driven by Ion Shell Distributions in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Kinematic Implications of New Paleomagnetic Data From the Northern Walker Lane, Western Nevada: Counterintuitive Anticlockwise Vertical-Axis Rotation in an Incipient Dextral Shear Zone
- Lower Crustal Transients and Surface Mass Transport: Time Series Filtering for Signal Detection at Two Spatial Extremes.
- Mega-rings Surrounding Timber Mountain Nested Calderas, Geophysical Anomalies: Rethinking Structure and Volcanism Near Yucca Mountain (YM), Nevada
- Modeling Bacteria Transport Using Fractional Derivatives
- Moving Mountains and Deep Crustal Earthquakes: Evidence for Deep Magma Injection Beneath Lake Tahoe, Nevada-California
- Parsimonious PARMA Models and Their Application to Modeling of Riverflows
- Pattern and Development of Deformation Bands Near Strike-Slip Fault Junctions
- Prediction of fault-related damage zones in porous granular rock using strain energy density criteria
- Preliminary Late Pleistocene Slip Rate of the Green Valley Fault at Lopes Ranch Creek, Cordelia, California
- Progress in Kappa Estimation at Yucca Mountain
- Reference frame induced noise in CGPS coordinate time series.
- Seismic Wave Amplification in Las Vegas: Site Characterization Measurements and Response Models
- Seismic Wave Amplification in Las Vegas: Site Response and Empirical Estimates of Ground Motion
- Slope Failure on Subglacial Volcanoes: Effects of Lithification, Fluid Pressure, and Seismic Loading on Edifice Stability
- Spatial Variations in Strain Inferred by GPS Across the Yucca Mountain Region, Southern Nevada
- Structure and Stresses Near Yucca Mountain, Nevada From Tomography and Focal Mechanisms
- Teacher Directed Design: Content Knowledge, Pedagogy and Assessment under the Nevada K-12 Real-Time Seismic Network
- Texture and Energetics of Gouge Powder from Earthquake Rupture Zones
- The Ancestral Cascades Arc, northern California/western Nevada: Spatial and Temporal Variations in Volcanism and Geochemistry
- The Shallow Fault structure of the Incline Village Fault, Lake Tahoe NV, From Offshore Ultra High Resolution CHIRP Profiling and Onshore Paleo-Seismic Trenching.
- Three Urban Transects of Shallow Shear-Velocity Using the Refraction Microtremor Method
- Variations in Organic δ <SUP>13</SUP>C and Radiolarian Population Dynamics in the Silurian Cape Phillips Formation, Cornwallis Island, Canadian Arctic
- A Bayesian Approach to Correlation of Paleoearthquakes on a Fault
- A Comparison of Seasonal Patterns Observed in ERS 1 / 2 Differential InSAR, Groundwater Level Data, and Groundwater Production Data in Reno, Nevada, USA.
- Adaptive Simulated Annealing Velocity Modeling for Rayleigh Wave Dispersion
- Assessing Land Motion of Venice, Italy with GPS: Effects of Regional Filtering on Vertical Rate Estimates
- Assessing Past and Future Local Sea Level Rise in Venice, Italy: A Complex Balance of Vertical Land Motion, Atmospheric Forcing, and Oceanic Contributions
- Consequences of Ion Shell Instabilities in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Constraints on Postseismic Deformation Processes After the December 2004 and March 2005 Sumatra Earthquakes From Continuous GPS Observations
- Direct Observation of Upper Mantle Shear Flow Since 14.9 Ma in the Central Basin and Range
- Dust Devils on Earth and Mars: Comparison of Field and Laboratory Results for Sediment Flux
- From Fractals to Fractional Vector Calculus: Measurement in the Correct Metric
- Hawaiian Volcano Flank Stability Appraised From Strength Testing the Hawaiian Scientific Drilling Project's (HSDP) 3.1-km Drill Core
- InSAR Reveals a Potpourri of Deformation Signals in the Yucca Mountain -- Amargosa Valley -- Death Valley Region, Southwestern Nevada/Southeastern California
- Influence of Mechanical Stratigraphy and Strain on the Displacement-Length Scaling of Normal Faults From Alba Patera to the Northern Plains, Mars
- Insights from In-situ Measurements of Black Carbon During the Marine Stratus Experiment
- Lagrangian framework of super-Fickian dispersion
- Neotectonics and Contemporary Strain Accumulation Across the Walker Lane and Northern Great Basin, USA
- Nevada Earthquake Response GPS Network (NEARNET)
- Pliocene - Quaternary Faults and Potential Seismic Hazards in Southern Nevada
- Random-walk Solutions of Fractional Advection-dispersion Equations
- Rate-and-state friction and linear fault displacement profiles
- Regional and Local Controls on the Distribution of Geothermal Systems in the Great Basin, Western United States
- Scale-Dependent and Scale-Invariant Brittle Strain Regimes in the Earth's Crust
- Scaling of Ln(Permeability) in Sediments and Velocity Distributions in Turbulence: The Possibility of an Analogy.
- Semi-Analytical Approches to Variable Density Flows.
- Shake Table Validation of Precariously Balanced Rock Methodology
- Submerged Tioga and Tahoe age Moraines at Meeks Bay, Lake Tahoe, Calif. Implications to Late Pleistocene Lake Levels
- Summer Season Variability of the North Residual Cap of Mars
- Testing PSHA Output via Precariously Balanced Rocks
- The Effect of Processing Technique and Reference Frame Definition on Noise in CGPS Position Time Series
- The effect of mineral precipitation and dissolution on the predicted van Genuchten parameters of variably saturated media.
- Volatility of California Precipitation: Effects of Moisture Supply and Topography in a Mediterranean Climate
- A 2 Million Year History of Plutonism and Volcanism in the Searchlight Magma System, Eldorado Mountains, Nevada (USA)
- Bedrock Subsidence Associated with Mine-dewatering Identified by InSAR in Central Nevada
- Bottom-Water Oxygenation in the Central Gulf of California for the Last 16 kyrs
- Certain approximate solutions of the Boussinesq equation.
- Deviations from Scale-Invariance in Extreme Event Phenomena: A Theoretical Analysis
- Earthquake-Induced Submarine Landslides in Lake Tahoe
- Empirical site response and comparison with measured site conditions at ANSS sites in the Reno area
- Eruption of Deep Mushy Magma from the Searchlight Magma System, Southern Nevada (USA): a Crystal Size Distribution and Geochemical Analysis
- Estimating Tritium Fluxes from the Shallow Unsaturated Zone to the Atmosphere in an Arid Environment Dominated by Creosote Bush (USGS-ADRS)
- From Diversity to Volatility: Probability of Daily Precipitation Extremes
- Future Edifice Collapse as a Result of Active Hydrothermal Alteration and Geologic Structure at Mt. Baker, Washington
- Hematite at Meridiani: Results From Mini-TES and Pancam
- High-resolution Holocene Climate History from Varved Sediments in the Gulf of California
- In situ Measurements of Absorbing Aerosols from Urban Sources, in Maritime Environments and during Biomass Combustion
- Inversion of fundamental mode dispersion of shallow Rayleigh surface-wave: a hybrid simulated annealing generalized linear inversion approach
- Late Pleistocene Earthquakes Along the Simpson Park Mountains Fault: Long-term Contribution to Basin and Range Extension, Nevada.
- Lateral Shear-Velocity Heterogeneity: Measurements at 257 Sites in the Los Angeles Area, and at a Site in Southern Nevada With 16 Boreholes
- Lithospheric Evolution of the Pacific-North American Plate Boundary Considered in Three Dimensions
- MARs Tools for Interactive ANalysis (MARTIAN): Google Maps Tools for Visual Exploration of Geophysical Modeling on Mars
- Mission Design Concept for in Situ Characterization of Saturnian Atmospheric Composition
- Multiwavelength Photoacoustic Measurements of Light Absorption and Scattering by Wood Smoke
- Observations of aerosol light scattering, absorption, and particle morphology changes as a function of relative humidity
- On the motion and geometry of the Sierra Nevada Great Valley micro-plate: Implications for Walker Lane tectonics
- On the stability of a geodetic no-net rotation frame, effects of frame translation, and implications for the ITRF
- Pulverized Sedimentary Rocks Along the Mojave Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Real-Time Observation of Slow Dynamics in Rocks Using Neutron Scattering
- Results of InSAR and GPS Measurement of Tectonic Deformation of the Eastern California Shear Zone and Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Rupture of the Dec. 24, 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake Observed at Small-Aperture Arrays
- Seismic Reflection Crustal Structure and 3-D Geometry of Cordilleran Metamorphic Core Complexes in West-Central Arizona
- Seismic Wave Amplification, Attenuation, and Scattering at the UZ-16 Borehole, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Seismically-Induced Lateral Spreads Detected in Airphotos and Subsurface Investigation, Dixie Valley, NV
- Similar and Contrasting Response of Rifting and Transtension in the Gulf of California and Walker Lane to Preceding Arc Magmatism
- Statistical Modeling of Seismic Moment Release
- Stratigraphic Correlation via Opportunity's Pancam of the Burns Formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Superattenuation of Acoustic Resonances and Non-linear Elasticity Associated With the Cubic-Rhombohedral Phase Transition in LaAlO3 Perovskite
- The Fixed Point Theorem of Ambiguity Resolution for Precise Point Positioning of GPS Networks: Theory and Applications
- The ModelAssembler Community Modeling Environment (MA-CME): Expanded Access to Advanced Seismic Computation
- Timing of Oldest Steens Basalt Magmatism From Precise Dating of Silicic Volcanic Rocks, McDermitt Caldera and Northwest Nevada Volcanic Field
- Underwater Dendrochronology of the Sierra Nevada: Testing the Medieval Mega-Drought Hypothesis
- Universal Pre-Disaster Transformation of Frequency-Magnitude Relation.
- Use of Microscopic and Macroscopic Charcoal for Reconstructing Local Fire History in Shrub-dominated Environments
- Using InSar To Determine Aquifer System Response In North Central Nevada Related To Mine Dewatering
- Using Seismic Refraction to Assess the Crustal Thickness of the Great Basin and Sierra Nevada
- Vertical Motion Observed With GPS and InSAR in Nevada: What can we Learn about Geophysical Signals, Earth Structure, and Rheology?
- View From a Megacity: Aerosol Light Absorption and Scattering at Four Sites in and Near Mexico City.
- A Mantle Cross-Section Through Western And Central Nevada From Young Basaltic Magmas In The Sierra Nevada And Western Great Basin
- A delay differential model of ENSO variability: parametric instability and the distribution of extremes
- Aerosol Absorption Measurements in MILAGRO.
- Aerosol Light Absorption and Scattering in Mexico City: Comparison With Las Vegas, NV, and Los Angeles, CA.
- Aerosol Optical Properties during GoMACCS and CLASIC: Evidence of Cloud Processing and Scavenging
- Aftershock identification problem via the nearest-neighbor analysis for marked point processes
- Applicability of Raman Spectra Distributed Temperature Sensing in Hydrologic Observatories
- Characterization of Preferential Flowpaths at the T-Tunnel Complex, Rainier Mesa, Nevada
- Characterization of Sulfate Minerals in Juventae Chasma from CRISM images
- Clastic Sedimentation in Lake Tahoe as a Record of Submarine Landsliding and Seismic Shaking
- Comparison of Two Landslides and Related Outburst Flood Deposits and Their Effects on River Evolution, Owyhee River, Oregon
- Crustal Imaging Using Earthquake Waveforms From Precision-located Earthquake Sequences.
- Damage Characterization in Sandstones Along the Mojave Section of the San Andreas Fault With a new Method: Initial Results and Implications for the Depth and Mechanism of Dynamic Rock Fragmentation
- Data Fusion of Imaging Spectroscopy, Lidar, and In-Situ Laboratory Data for Detecting Aerosols from Biomass Burning Events
- Deformation Bands: Strain Localization Structures in Highly Porous Sandstone
- Detection of Surface Temperature Anomalies in the Coso Geothermal Field Using Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- Development of High Spatial and Temporal Measures of Snow Thermal Regimes using Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing Systems
- Development of a Hydrologic Model to Assess the Feasibility of Water Leasing in the Middle Rio Grande Basin
- Diatomite of McKinney Bay, Lake Tahoe
- Displacement-Length Scaling Relations for Geologic Structural Discontinuities and Implications for Near-Tip Processes
- Distribution and Energy Balance of Shallow Patchy Snow in Complex Terrain
- Diurnal Weather Cycles at the Tropical Treeline in the North American Monsoon Region
- Europa's surface composition: What we know, what we would like to know, and how we can find out
- Evidence for Material Removal and/or Subsidence of the Martian Lithosphere from a Global Dataset of Surface Faults.
- Evidence for a Possible Siliceous Sinter Deposit at Home Plate in Gusev Crater
- Evolution of Volcano-Plutonic Centers in the Northern Colorado River Extensional Corridor, Nevada-Arizona: Protracted Cycles of Replenishment, Mush Accumulation, Fractionation, and Melt Extraction
- Experimental validation of light scattering and absorption theories of fractal-like carbonaceous aerosol agglomerates
- Finding and Defining the Edges of Stable North America: Reference Frame Effects versus Real Tectonics
- Geothermal Reservoir Boundary Characterization Using Detailed Shallow Geophysical Methods at the Redfield Campus in Steamboat Hills, NV.
- Great paleoearthquakes of the central Himalaya and their implications for seismotectonic models and seismic hazard assessment
- High Resolution Receiver Functions From the Southern Great Basin, Nevada
- High-Resolution 3-D Regional Double-Difference Tomography of the Reno-Tahoe-Carson City Region
- Impacts of an Anomalously Warm Year on Soil Nitrogen Availability in Experimentally Manipulated Intact Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystems
- Improved depth estimation using integrated small-aperture array and network processing
- InSAR Identifies Mine-Dewatering Associated Bedrock Compaction and Subsidence in North- Central Nevada
- LiDAR Acquisition for the GeoEarthScope Community
- MRO CRISM Investigation of Hydrated Materials Associated with the North Polar Residual Cap on Mars
- Magmatic construction of the Searchlight magmatic system (Eldorado-Newberry Mountains, Nevada) as revealed through zircon geochemistry and Ti-in-zircon geothermometry
- Mapping Mineralization in the Monitor Pass Mining District
- Mega-Network GPS Solutions: Producing a Consistent, Global-Scale, and High-Resolution View of Plate Tectonic Stability, Rotation, and Deformation.
- Modeling Vegetative Controls on the Water Balance in Shallow Desert Soils
- Modeling of Thin-Film Flows: Some Hydrologic Applications.
- Natural Paleoseismometers: Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating of Precariously Balanced Rocks (PBRs) - Integral Constraints on Maximum Ground Accelerations
- Near-Surface Factors Affecting Earthquake Ground-Motion Amplification Due to Basin Edges: Modeling of the Haifa Urban Basin, Israel
- Neotectonic observations along US Highway 50, towards estimating net extension across the Basin and Range, Nevada.
- On the use of Local Sea Level Scenarios for Managing and Mitigating the Impact of Coastal Inundation
- Postseismic Relaxation at the Central Nevada Seismic Belt Observed in Vertical GPS Time Series
- Predictability of extreme events in spatially distributed driven hierarchical systems
- Progressive Landslides in Uplifted Volcanic Plateaus: Persistent Loci of Channel Perturbation
- Residual South Polar Cap of Mars: MY28 MARCI Observations
- Right-Stepping North-South Sub-basins Linking the Dixie Valley and Fairview Valley Structural Basins, Nevada, USA, Identified From new Land Gravity Measurements
- Seasonal Changes in the Martian North Polar Region from CRISM, MARCI and CTX
- Seismic and Petrofabric studies from Red Mountain Ophiolites, South Island, New Zealand
- Seismically-Induced Lateral Spreads Analyzed for Liquefaction and Cyclic Failure Mechanisms, Dixie Valley, NV
- Shallow Dip of Two Great Basin Normal Faults Demonstrated by Shallow Seismic Reflection With Refraction Tomography
- Shallow Geophysical Characterization of the Mount St. Helens Edifice
- Slip-Length Scaling in Large Earthquakes: The Role of Deep Penetrating Slip Below the Seismogenic Layer
- Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory: integrating water cycle and biogeochemical processes across the rain-snow transition
- Sublinear Displacement-Length Scaling of Igneous Dikes in Basalt
- The 1914 Reno Earthquakes-Major Events within the Reno Metropolitan Area
- The Lake Forest Tuff Ring, Lake Tahoe, CA: Age and Geochemistry of a Post-arc Phreatomagmatic Eruption
- The Role of Vegetation on Elevated Soil Nitrate Concentrations in Northern Nevada
- The Use of Permanent Scatterer InSAR in the Detection and Analysis of Aquifer-System Response to Long-Term and Seasonal Pumping and Recharge
- Toward Improving Streamflow Forecasts Using SNODAS Products
- Towards a Future Predictive Non-Linear Terrestrial Reference Frame for Improved Geodetic Monitoring of the Global Hydrological Cycle
- Trends in Pan Evaporation and Application of the Complimentary Relationship of Evaporation in the Great Basin, USA
- Was there a period of global contraction on Mars?
- Wind-Driven Particle Mobility on Mars: Insights from MER Observations
- A Hotspot-Independent Absolute Plate Motion Model With Implications for Mantle Flow and Hotspot Motions
- A New Flexure-Dominated Lithospheric Stress Model for Mars, Driven by Pressure Differences at the Base of the Lithosphere
- A Synoptic Climatology of Storms Producing Heavy Liquid Precipitation in Lee-side Basins of the Sierra Nevada
- A complementary study of the Surprise Valley fault using a high-resolution shallow seismic reflection profile
- A tale of TWO excursions (Mono Lake and Laschamp) recorded in sediments of Pyramid Lake, Nevada
- Aerosol Extinction and Single Scattering Albedo Downwind of the Summer 2008 California Wildfires Measured With Photoacoustic Spectrometers and Sunphotometers From 355 nm to 1047 nm.
- Alkaline Basalts of The Quaternary Buffalo Valley Volcanic Field, NW Fish Creek Mountains, North-central Nevada, Great Basin
- An Experimental High Spatial Resolution Gravimetric Local Quasi-geoid Model for the Lake Tahoe Region, California-Nevada, USA - the Influence of Model Resolution, Topography, Bathymetry, Gravity, and Geologic Structure
- Analytical Solution for Thin-Film Flows
- Assessment of the uncertainties in regional chemical transport modeling of atmospheric mercury
- Bioavailability of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Originating From Natural Sources and Wastewater Effluent in the Truckee River
- Capacity of Desert Soils As Organic Carbon Sink Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide
- Changes in Foliar Chemistry Along a Midwestern Air Pollution Gradient: 1988- 2005
- Comparison of Natural Dams from Lava Flows and Landslides on the Owyhee River, Oregon
- Comparison of Statistical and Physically Based Modelling of Flash Floods in the Southwestern U.S.
- Comparison of Vs30 Measurements Against Predictions in Southern California
- Constraints from GPS on Block Kinematics of the Transition between the Southern Walker Lane and the Basin and Range Province
- Cubic law for fluid flow becomes quintic: An extension of the parallel plate model to natural fracture sets.
- Design And Implementation Of A Water-Quality Monitoring Program In Support Of Establishing User Capacities In Yosemite National Park
- Detailed Regional Resource Mapping in Nevada Using Natural and Mining Seismic Sources
- Development of a Fully Coupled Transient Double-Diffusive Convective Model: Application to a Salinity-Gradient Solar Pond
- Development of a suite of samplers for passive measurement of atmospheric mercury concentrations and deposition
- Digital Geologic Mapping and Integration with the Geoweb: The Death Knell for Exclusively Paper Geologic Maps
- Diversity of Mineralogy and Occurrences of Phyllosilicates on Mars
- EXAFS of Frozen Elemental Mercury and its Implications for Abandoned Mercury Mine Wastes
- Educating a Community Impacted by an Earthquake Swarm: 106 Volunteers Host Earthscope Flexible Array Recorders During the Mogul, Nevada Sequence
- Effect of Solar Radiation on Fiber Optic Cables Used in Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) Applications
- Environmental Transport on Self-similar Networks: A Dynamical Approach
- Evaluating Failure Mechanics of the Malpais Landslide, Eureka County, Nevada
- Evaluation of the Orogenic Belt Hypothesis for the Formation of Thaumasia, Mars
- Fractional Conservation of Mass
- From data to synthesis on the cheap: the Western Basin and Range Community Seismic Velocity Model
- Fugitive Mercury Emissions From Nevada Gold Mines
- GPS Constraints on Eastern Nevada Basin and Range Crustal Deformation Before and During the February 21, 2008 M6.0 Wells, NV Earthquake
- GPS Velocity and Strain Rate Fields in the Great Basin and California
- GPS and InSAR Monitoring of the Mogul Swarm: Evidence for Mainly Aseismic Fault Creep, with Implications for Seismic Hazard
- Geodetic Constraints on Strain Transfer Between the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range Province, Southwestern United States
- Geophysical Study of Cyclone Canyon Graben, Canyonlands National Park, Utah: Sediment Depth and Structural Implications
- Great Basin Archaeology During the Middle Holocene: a Reflection of Environmental Change
- Ground Motions Recorded During the 26 April, 2008, MW=5.0 Earthquake in Mogul, Nevada
- Groundwater and Surface Water Interactions of Small Arid-Landscape Lakes in Khorezm, Uzbekistan
- Historical Earthquake Sequences in the Western Nevada Region-Analogs for the 2008 Mogul-Somersett, Nevada, USA Earthquake Sequence
- Imaging and Characterization of Submarine Landslides and Associated Deposits in Lake Tahoe, CA/NV and Fallen Leaf Lake, CA
- Impact of Landslide Dams on River Profile Evolution
- Implementation of IP Telemetry in Support of Portable Deployments for Earthquake Response
- InSAR Analysis of the 2008 Wells, Nevada Earthquake
- InSAR Search for Earthquakes Across the Sierra Nevada-Basin and Range Transition Zone
- Innovations in Combining Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) and Time Series of Vertical Thermal Profiles to assess Spatial and Temporal Variations of Streambed Seepage
- Investigating Meadow Hydrology and Hyporheic Exchange
- Lithosphere-mantle coupling: constraints from the World Stress Map
- Measuring Surface Deformations Induced by Present-Day Ice Melting in Svalbard
- Mercury in terrestrial biomass and soils and factors determining atmospheric mercury sequestration
- Mid-Miocene Rhyolite Sequence, Highland Range, NV: Record of Magma Evolution and Eruption From the Searchlight Pluton Magma Chamber
- Mitigating Vadose Zone Nitrogen Transport Under Land Use Change and Urbanization
- Neotectonic and Geodetic Observations Bearing on the Structural Development of the Walker Lane, Western Nevada, USA.
- Nevada Infrastructure for Climate Change Science, Education, and Outreach
- Observations of speciated atmospheric mercury at three sites in Nevada, USA: evidence for a free tropospheric source of reactive gaseous mercury
- One Dimensional Bedrock-Aquifer Subsidence Model Based on InSAR-Observed Mine Subsidence in North-Central Nevada
- Potential Carbon Sequestration of Global Terrestrial Ecosystems under a CO2-enriched World
- Present-Day Kinematics of the Central Mediterranean Plate Boundary Region from Large GPS Network Analysis Using the Ambizap Algorithm
- Pulverization Within Sandstone Associated With Faulting at High Strain Rates at the Upheaval Dome Impact Structure, Utah
- Quantification of Crustal Strain by Faulting in the Western Hemisphere of Mars.
- Rate-and-state cycle simulations and their application to scaling problems in seismology
- Reducing the Uncertainties in Measurements of Atmospheric Mercury
- Relating Temperature Propagation and Wetting Front in Arid Soils Using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) Coupled With Multiple Technologies
- Scaling Environmental Processes in Heterogeneous Arid Soils (SEPHAS) Weighing Lysimeter Facility: Construction, Installation, and Preliminary Infiltration Experiment Data
- Seismicity of the 2008 Mogul-Somersett West Reno, Nevada Earthquake Sequence
- Sensing turbulent flow and heat transport in a cave conduit
- Seven Post-Pennsylvanian Structural Events in the Dry Hills and Northern Osgood Mountains: Evidence of Late Paleozoic Tectonism and New Getchell Fault Offset Data
- Space-Time Seismicity Patterns Identification in Vrancea (Romania) Seismic Region Using High-Resolution Revised Catalog Data
- Spatio-Temporal Fluctuations of the Earthquake Magnitude Distribution: Robust Estimation and Predictive Power
- Statistics and Correlations of Seismic and Tectonic Moment Rate in California and the Great Basin
- Testing for Holocene Hydroclimatic Change in the Sierras: New Insights From Fallen Leaf Lake, Lake Tahoe Basin, California
- The 2008 Mw 6.0 Wells, Nevada Earthquake Sequence
- The 21 February 2008 Wells, Nevada, USA Earthquake-Impacts of a Major Background Earthquake on a Rural Community
- The Effects of Fault Bends on Rupture Propagation: A Parameter Study
- The Influence of Experimental Approach and Design on the Quantification of Surface-to- Air Mercury Emissions
- The Magnitude-Frequency Distribution on the Southern San Andreas Fault Follows the Gutenberg-Richter Distribution
- The Polaris Project: Rising Stars in the Arctic
- The Role of Late-Cenozoic Lava Flows in the Evolution of the Owyhee River Canyon, Oregon
- The accommodation of distributed crustal strain across the northern Basin and Range on active faults: A paleoseismic study
- Towards Estimating the Timing, Size and Spatial Extent of Great Earthquakes Along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust With Paleoseismology
- Understanding Multiscale Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions on Scott River Watershed Temperatures with the use of Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) in Support of the Coldwater Salmonid Fishery Beneficial Use
- Use of Distributed Temperature Sensing for Soil Water Measurement
- Using Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) to Assess Groundwater-Lake Exchange in an Acid Mine Lake in Eastern Germany
- Using InSAR to Evaluate Pumping-Related Aquifer-System Response Between 1992 and 2007 in Ground-Water Basins of Eastern Nevada
- Using Maximum Autocorrelation Factors (MAFS) to Identify Common Trends in Proxy Data: A Tree-Ring Case Study
- Visualizing Rhizosphere Soil Structure Around Living Roots
- What Can We Learn From the Wells, NV Earthquake Sequence About Seismic Hazard in the Intermountain West?
- A GPS Real Time Earthquake and Tsunami (GREAT) Alert System (Invited)
- A Step Towards Unraveling Rhizosphere Physics
- A comparison of remote sensing data sets for geothermal exploration over northern Fish Lake Valley, Nevada
- A long-term forecast of shallow seismicity based on the Global Strain Rate Map
- Analysis of Prediction Uncertainty of Vs30 in Southern California
- Application of Absorption Spectrophotometry to Study the Seasonal Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter in Arctic Streams
- Ar-Ar Ages of Lake Tahoe Basalts Confirm Several Eruptions at 2.3 to 2.0 Ma and Establish 0.92 Ma Activity
- Are the Plates Still Rigid? - A Case Study of GPS Time-Series Noise in Australia
- Assessing biogeochemical cycling and transient storage of surface water in Eastern Siberian streams using short-term solute additions
- Bioavailability of organic matter in aquatic environments throughout Siberia’s Kolyma River watershed during summer baseflow
- Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: A Challenge to Science and Society
- Closing the Energy Budget: Advances in assessing heat fluxes into shallow lakes and ponds (Invited)
- Combining a Water Balance Model for Streamflow Simulations with Long Tree-Ring Records to Improve Estimation of Water Resource Variability
- Crustal and upper mantle reflectors from noise autocorrelations
- Development of a Distributed In Situ Instrument for Snowpack Monitoring
- Effect of Aggregates Compaction in Soil Hydraulic Properties, due to Root Growth
- Evidence for Multiple Export Pathways of Mercury from the Inoperative New Idria Hg Mine, CA
- Evidence for the free troposphere as a source of atmospheric mercury measured in Reno, Nevada, U.S.A
- Evolution of temporal and spatial variations in snowpack temperatures in the Sierra Nevada
- Evolution of the Walker Lane: An Incipient Transform Fault and Future Pacific-North America Plate Boundary
- Examination of Uncertainty Associated with Thermal Time Series Analysis Estimates of Shallow Groundwater Movement
- Expanded Coverage of Shallow and Deep Seismic Velocity Structure at Atlantis Massif Oceanic Core Complex
- Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing of Snow
- Forecasting and Predicting Coastal Local Sea Level as Support for Coastal Zone Management Decisions and Policy Making (Invited)
- GPS Carrier Range: A New Geodetic Data Type from Ambizap3 for Improved High-Rate Global Positioning and Seismo-Tectonic Applications
- GPS constraints on shear accommodation in the northern Walker Lane, western Nevada, USA
- Geodetic Constraints on the Rigidity and Eastern Boundary of the Sierra Nevada Micro-Plate, from Mohawk Valley to Southern Walker Lane
- Geology and Woodland Expansion’s Influence on Belowground Carbon and Nitrogen in the Great Basin U.S
- Hydrodynamic and thermal modeling in Devils Hole using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing (DTS) measurements
- Identifying sources of gaseous oxidized mercury at two southeastern U.S. sites using chemical ratios and back trajectories
- InSAR analysis of the 2008 M 4.7 Reno-Mogul, Nevada earthquake: Evidence for co-seismic and post-seismic ground deformation associated with smaller magnitude earthquakes in the Basin and Range
- Infrared Spectroscopy for Rapid Characterization of Drill Core and Cutting Mineralogy
- Interpretation of a 3D Seismic-Reflection Volume in the Basin and Range, Hawthorne, Nevada
- Measurements of atmospheric elemental and oxidized mercury and dry deposition to a surrogate surface at a coastal estuary location in Central California
- Measuring the Temperature Profile in a Salt-Gradient Solar Pond Using a Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing System
- Miocene through Holocene Arc and Post-arc Volcanism in the Northern Sierra Nevada and Western Nevada
- Mixed Groundwater Ages in a Small Alpine Catchment
- Mobilization Of Polonium-210 In Naturally-Contaminated Groundwater, Churchill County, Nevada
- Nevada Infrastructure for Climate Change Science, Education, and Outreach
- New GPS Constraints On Owens Valley Fault Slip Rates
- New Moho Depths Corroborate an Ancient Lithospheric Remnant Under the Central Basin and Range
- Nutrient hotspots and O horizon runoff in a Sierra Nevada Watershed
- Paleoseismic Study in Antelope Valley, California
- Pancam Multispectral Observations of the Block Island meteorite, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Precipitation Volatility and the Probability of Daily Extremes (Invited)
- Predictability of Biogeochemical Responses in Engineered Watersheds
- Preliminary Analysis of High-Resolution Seismic Imaging Profiles Acquired Through Reno, Nevada, for Earthquake Hazard Assessment
- Preliminary Results from a Mercury Dry Deposition Measurement Methods Intercomparison
- Probing mechanical change due to CO2 exposure in carbonate sandstone applying Nonlinear Resonance Ultrasound Spectroscopy
- Recent increase in maximum temperature at the tropical treeline of North America
- Research Enabled through Eighteen Years of Geodesy Data Sharing by the UNAVCO Data Center
- Short- and Long-term Perspectives of Soil Change: Interactions between Capacity and Intensity (Invited)
- Station Delays, Their Standard Deviations, and Event Relocations in the Reno-Area Basin from a Dense Deployment During the 2008 West Reno Earthquake Swarm
- Statistics of Long Paleoearthquake Records: Comparison of San Andreas Fault and Dead Sea Fault Behavior
- Strain localization in porous sandstone associated with the Northern Harz Mountains Border Fault, Germany
- Tectonic Controls on the Formation of Compaction Bands in Sandstone
- Tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismology of strike-slip faults in Jamaica: Implications for distribution of strain and seismic hazard along the southern edge of the Gonave microplate
- The 2009 L'Aquila Earthquake: Postseismic Deformation with High Temporal Resolution Using the new GPS "Carrier Range" Data Type
- The Echo Cliffs Precariously Balanced Rock; Discovery and Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- The Effect Of Fault Stepovers On Ground Motion
- The role of water in the anelastic response of porous rocks
- UV absorption spectra of oxygen isotopomers of SO2, and implications for possible oxygen-mass independent fractionation (MIF) in the Archean
- Ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in waters throughout the Kolyma River basin, East Siberia
- Using GSFLOW and Hydrologic Tracers to Assess Surface and Groundwater Interactions, Residence Times, and Flowpaths in Two Lake Tahoe Watersheds
- Using dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon stable isotopes to investigate O2 dynamics in a shallow groundwater system
- Variations in rock-fragment abundance and bulk geochemistry of soils across the Southern Sierra Nevada CZO: Implications for hillslope-channel coupling (Invited)
- Vegetation greenness predicted by hydrologic partitioning of precipitation across climates (Invited)
- Wavelength dependence of aerosol light absorption in urban and biomass burning impacted conditions: An integrative perspective
- A 500-year reconstruction of streamflow variability in Spring Valley, Nevada, USA, and a look at the future of watershed-scale dendrohydrology
- A Collaborative Program for Earthquake Fault Hazard Characterization and Community Outreach for the Reno, Nevada Area
- A Dynamic Tree Approach to Environmental Transport on Hillslopes
- A New Correlation of Large Earthquakes Along the Southern San Andreas Fault
- A System to Produce Precise Global GPS Network Solutions for all Geodetic GPS Stations in the World
- A millennium of Mediterranean climate change and forest history in central Italy
- A new 1:500,000-scale geologic map of Bhutan: a detailed view of eastern Himalayan stratigraphy and structural geometry
- Actively Heated Fiber Optic Method for Distributed Soil Moisture Monitoring
- Altering Reservoir Withdrawal: a modeling approach to tail-water eutrophication on the South Fork Humboldt Reservoir, NV USA
- An 8000 year (20 event) record of surface rupturing earthquakes on the Alpine Fault, New Zealand (Invited)
- An approach for reconstructing past streamflows using a water balance model and tree-ring records in the upper West Walker River basin, California
- Approximate Solution to the Generalized Boussinesq Equation
- Assessing spatial variability of soil moisture and thermal properties within controlled agricultural plots using Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Best Practices for Accurate Characterization of Morphological and Optical Properties of Fractal-Like Black Carbon Aggregates
- Biogeochemical controls on seasonal variations of the stable isotopes of dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon in Castle Lake, CA
- Changes in Eastern Sierra Nevada precipitation related to climate change
- Changes in Mercury Volatilization between Planted and Unplanted Soils
- Changing Climate And Timberline Dynamics Of The Carpathians During XX Century
- Characterization and Scaling of Black Carbon Aerosol Concentration with City Population Based on In-Situ Measurements and Analysis
- Comparison of Methods for Estimating Evapotranspiration using Remote Sensing Data
- Crustal Deformation of the Central Walker Lane from GPS velocities: Block Rotations and Slip Rates
- Current Plate Motion Relative to the Hotspots and to the Mantle
- Dating Informed Correlations and Large Earthquake Recurrence at the Hokuri Creek Paleoseismic Site, Alpine Fault, South Island, New Zealand
- Determination of Nutrient Laden Preferential Flow Contributing to Hot Spots/Moments in the Soil on a Small Scale
- Determining the impact of temporal and spatial conditions on dissolved organic carbon decomposition in the Kolyma River Watershed
- Development of Exploration Methods for Engineered Geothermal Systems
- Devils Hole: A Window into the Carbonate Aquifer of the Death Valley Regional Flow System
- Distribution of Earthquake Cluster Sizes in the Western United States and in Japan
- Ecosystem effects of cultural eutrophication in a large, tropical lake
- Eruptive history and petrogenesis of the mid-Miocene McDermitt tuff, northern NV and southern OR
- Estimates of Seismogenic Strength for Deforming Fault Zones in Turkey
- Evidence for Coseismic Rupture Beyond the Base of the Seismogenic Layer
- Fire and Climate History of Mixed Conifer Woodlands in the Great Basin, USA
- Geodetic Seamless Archive Centers Modernization - Information Technology for Exploiting the Data Explosion
- Geological mapping of the vertical southeast face of El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, California (Invited)
- Geothermal Exploration in the Great Basin
- Growth of deformation bands in a multilayer sequence
- Holocene Tectonic and Sedimentary Evolution of Coastal San Diego
- Hydrologic studies at the savanna-agriculture interface in Burkina Faso (Invited)
- InSAR and GPS time series analysis: Crustal deformation in the Yucca Mountain, Nevada region
- Interpretation of Aerosol Optical and Morphological Properties during the Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study in Sacramento, June 2010
- Investigations into early rift development and geothermal resources in the Pyramid Lake fault zone, Western Nevada
- Landscape Variation in N and P Uptake in Streams in the Kolyma River Basin
- Low-Frequency Amplitudes Observed in a Set of the Strongest Recorded Ground Motions (Invited)
- Measuring Spatial and Temporal Gradients in Snowpacks using Fiber-optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (Invited)
- Microbial respiration and DOC composition in leachates from Holocene and Pleistocene soils from the Kolyma River basin in Eastern Siberia
- Nevada Monitoring System to Assess Climate Variability and Change
- Nutrient limitation of a thermokarst lake and large river ecosystem in the Kolyma River basin (Russia)
- Omni-Directional Extension of the Refraction Microtremor Method
- Optical and Structural Properties of Aerosols Emitted from Open Biomass Burning (Invited)
- Orbital forced rhythmites in the upper Lamar Limestone (Guadalupian) of the Delaware Basin, West Texas, USA
- Overview of the Fire Lab at Missoula Experiments (FLAME)
- Parameterization of Ice Fall Speeds for Reducing Cloud Uncertainties in Climate Models
- Polymictic pool behavior in Sierra Nevada Streams
- Present-Day Crustal Deformation in the Intermountain West Measured by GPS (Invited)
- Present-Day Net-Rotation Constrained by Crustal Stress and Mantle Anisotropy Orientations (Invited)
- Quantifying Carbon Bioavailability in Northeast Siberian Soils
- Quasi-Periodic Recurrence of Large Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault (Invited)
- Renewable Water: Direct Contact Membrane Distillation Coupled With Solar Ponds
- Retrieval of Earth's reflection response from ambient seismic noise - a Nevada experiment
- Rhizosphere Compaction: Modeling a Bed of Multiple Aggregates Using X-Ray Micro-Tomography Information
- Seismic Structure of Volcanic Edifice and Lava Lake at the Lucky Strike Volcano, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Seismicity of the Lake Tahoe-Reno Area, Nevada and California
- Spatial Nutrient Variability in a Sierran Forest Soil: an Investigation into the Nature and Potential Causes of Nutrient Hot Spots
- Spatial Variation in Soil Nutrient Concentrations and Microbial Activity in the Kolyma River Basin in Eastern Siberia
- Spectral reflectance analysis of hydrothermal alteration in drill chips from two geothermal fields, Nevada
- Static and dynamic Tokunaga stream networks: Statistical properties
- Strain rate field for Arizona and the Colorado Plateau estimated using campaign and continuous GPS velocities
- Success in transmitting hazard science
- Survey of aerosol optical properties measured as a function of wavelength with multiple photoacoustic instruments in Sacramento during the CARES campaign
- The Nevada NSF EPSCoR infrastructure for climate change science, education, and outreach project: highlights and progress on investigations of ecological change and water resources along elevational gradients
- The Soldier Meadow Tuff: Eruptive and depositional processes and relationship to the High Rock Caldera, NW Nevada
- Tokunaga self-similarity for symmetric homogeneous Markov chains
- Using Precariously Balanced Rocks, Historic Records And Paleoseismology To Constrain Rupture Patterns And Rupture Potential Of The San Andreas And San Jacinto Faults In The Los Angeles Region
- Water and CO2 chemistry influences on the mechanical integrity of rocks
- What do you mean my stream is clogged? How geology, heat and streambed chemistry define surface water - ground water interactions in a Great Basin mountain stream. (Invited)
- Worldwide seismic clustering and correlations with regional physical properties
- Accuracy of Non-Destructive Testing of PBRs to Estimate Fragilities
- An approach for estimating and comparing paleoclimate conditions in pluvial lake systems using a simple hydrologic model
- Apparent Strain and Plate Motion Changes due to GPS Common-Mode Errors
- Assessing Spatial Patterns of Lake-Groundwater Exchange Using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) and Heat as a Natural Tracer
- Back trajectory analysis of high-ozone days from a 15-year record of measurements at Great Basin National Park, Nevada
- Characterizing postseismic decay of several earthquakes in the western US from GPS time-series
- Chasing Small Signals Using Global Spatial Filtering (GSF) of GNSS Coordinates
- Climate Impacts on Reservoir Operations for Fish Sustainability on the Sacramento River
- Climate change, shifting seasons, and the ecohydrology of Devils Hole, Death Valley National Park
- Community earthquake education in Nevada: The Great Nevada ShakeOut and beyond
- Compactional shear bands in dilational sands and soils
- Comparison of Atmospheric Column Optical Depth Measurements for Urban Reno, NV with Three Different Sun Photometers and In Situ Measurements Combined with Boundary Layer Height Estimation
- Constraining the Moment Rate Budget for Continental Alaska by Combining Geologic and Earthquake Productivity Rate Data
- Construction of the series solution to the generalized Boussinesq equation
- Convective and nonconvective rainfall partitioning over a mixed Sudanian Savanna Agriculture Catchment: Use of a distributed sensor network
- Coordinated Earth Science Data Replication Enabled Through ISO Metadata, Version Control, and Web Services
- Creation and collapse of the northern Cache-Pocatello culmination, southeastern Idaho
- Cyclic variations of stable carbon isotopes for regional comparison of Pennsylvanian cyclothemic carbonates in the Ely-Bird Spring basin, Nevada, USA
- Determination of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Hot Spots/Moments in the Soil on a Small Scale
- Discontinuity Detection and Characterization in GNSS Time Series
- Distributed Temperature Sensing at the SMAP-Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (MOISST)
- Documenting basin scale, geometry and provenance through detrital geochemical data: lessons from Neoproterozoic to Ordovician strata of Bhutan
- Dynamic Measures of Elastic Nonlinear (Anelastic) Behavior: Dynamic Acousto-Elasticity Testing (DAET)
- Early Results from the Soil Moisture Active Passive-Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (SMAP-MOISST)
- Earthquake Hazard Class Mapping by Parcel in Las Vegas Valley
- Egs Exploration Methodology Development Using the Dixie Valley Geothermal Wellfield as a Calibration Site, a Progress Report
- Empirical Probabilities for Rupture Steps and Terminations
- Estimating soil moisture on a spatial and temporal scale beginning with temperature signals collected via Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Evaluation of Added Value to Precipitation Predictions using Regional Downscaling in the Western United States
- Facilitating Joint Analysis of Data from Several Systems Using Geophysical Models
- Fault Architecture of the Salton Sea through multi-scale Seismic Reflection Surveys
- Geochemical and hydrological processes controlling groundwater quality in Assiut Governorate, Egypt
- Hierarchical structure of river networks revisited
- Hydrothermal Alteration Mapping Studies for Geothermal Energy Exploration
- Hydrothermal Alteration of Open Fractures in Prospective Geothermal Drill Cores, Akutan Island, Alaska
- Identifying Thermally Challenging Landscapes and Time Periods for Wildlife Using Remote Sensing
- Improving the USGS Thornthwaite water balance model in semi-arid settings by including baseflow
- InSAR analysis of the 2008 Reno-Mogul earthquake swarm: Evidence for incipient westward migration of Walker Lane style dextral faulting
- Innovative use of Distributed Temperature Sensing and Meteorological Data to Understand Thermoregulation of Free-Ranging Howling Monkeys
- Layer 2A controversy resolved using full waveform inversion of downward continued seismic reflection data at the Lucky Strike Volcano, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Local Optical Closure Using Single Particle Mixing State Observations during the 2010 DOE CARES Campaign
- Magnitude and spatial patterns of erosional exhumation in the Nevadaplano, eastern Nevada and western Utah: insights from a Paleogene paleogeologic map
- Marine and land active-source seismic investigation of geothermal potential, tectonic structure, and earthquake hazards in Pyramid Lake, Nevada
- Mechanisms of soil organic matter stabilization in sediments eroded from small Sierra Nevada catchments
- Near-Field Evolution of Biomass Burning Aerosols
- Neotectonics, Geodesy and Seismic Hazard in the Northern Walker Lane
- Next-Level ShakeZoning for Earthquake Hazard Definition in Nevada
- Nitrogen Contents and Fluxes in Sierra Nevada Forests of California
- Non-volcanic Tremor Triggered by Teleseismic Surface Waves in South-Central Alaska
- Novel Monitoring of Ice Shelf and Shelf Cavity Temperatures and Melt Rates
- Nutrient Hotspots in a Sierra Nevada Soil: Spatial Patterns on a Plot and a Watershed Scale
- Oligocene Provenance, Drainage Morphology, and Topography of the Nevadaplano
- On the Genesis of the Lower Kolyma Yedoma Based on Multidisciplinary Approach
- P-T data from central Bhutan imply distributed extensional shear at the Black Mountain "klippe"
- Physical and biogeochemical controls on polymictic behavior in Sierra Nevada stream pools
- Post-Subduction Pleistocene Volcanism in Tahoe City Area, Northern Sierra Nevada, California
- Preliminary 3D Depth Migration of a Network of 2D Seismic Lines for Fault Imaging at a Pyramid Lake, Nevada Geothermal Prospect
- Prognosis of critical transitions in a delay differential equations model of ENSO
- Propagation Energies Inferred from Deformation Bands in Sandstone
- Quantifying Hyporheic Exchange at Sagehen Creek, California
- Reexamination of Faulting in the Tahoe Basin Using Airborne LiDAR Data and Seismic CHIRP Imagery
- Resolving the discrepancy between geodetic and geologic estimates of fault slip rates in the central Walker Lane: A block modeling approach
- Rise of the Ellsworth mountains and parts of the East Antarctic coast observed with GPS
- Rupture behavior and ground motion from 3D simulations of the Casa Loma - Claremont stepover on the San Jacinto Fault, southern California
- Scattering of high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the presence of interchange instability in a finite-beta plasma
- Seasonal and Annual Change in the Martian Polar Regions
- Simulating root-induced rhizosphere deformation and its effect on water flow
- Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation Through Geometrically Complex Basins - The Dead Sea Basin
- Soil moisture and flux sensing at 0.25-10,000 m scales using fiber optics
- Some additional observations for understanding the glacial history and neotectonics of the Venezuelan Andes and Bocono fault
- Spatial Statistics of the Clark County Parcel Map, Trial Geotechnical Models, and Effects on Ground Motions in Las Vegas Valley
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of Water Quality in a Recently Urbanized Watershed in Central Ohio
- State of the Art for Distributed Soil Water Content and Fluxes Monitoring Using Heated Fiber Optics
- Steady increase of secondary organic aerosol mass concentration and light extinction during the CARES 2010 Field Campaign
- Structural Constraints and Earthquake Recurrence Estimates for the West Tahoe-Dollar Point Fault, Lake Tahoe Basin, California
- Suppressed post-15.8 ka slip rate along the Warm Springs Valley fault, northern Walker Lane, California-Nevada border
- Temporal fault slip rate and rupture patterns on the Genoa fault, central eastern Sierra Nevada, integrating ground-based LiDAR, Be-10 surface exposure dating, and paleoseismology
- The 2011 Hawthorne, Nevada, Earthquake Sequence; Shallow Normal Faulting
- The Nevada Rural Ozone Initiative: Field measurements of surface ozone in rural settings
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP): Active Rift Processes in the Brawley Seismic Zone
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project: Investigating Earthquake Hazards in the Salton Trough, Southern California
- The Science-Policy Link: Stakeholder Reactions to the Uncertainties of Future Sea Level Rise
- Timescales of Partial Melting and Deformation Related to Exhumation in the Youngest Known Uhp Terrane: Ca-Tims Zircon Results from the D'entrecasteaux Islands: Papua New Guinea
- Tree Representation of Hydrologic Time Series - Towards New River Network Signatures in Catchment Runoff
- Tree-Ring Extension of Precipitation Variability for Eastern Nevada: Implications for Drought Analysis in the Great Basin Region, USA
- Tritium Fluxes through the Shallow Unsaturated Zone adjacent to a Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility in an Arid Environment
- Unexpected mechanical properties of very dry Berea sandstone near 45°C
- Using Empirical Orthogonal Functions to Quantify and Predict Small Global and Regional Common Modes of the Global Geodetic Reference Frame
- Web-based Toolkit for Dynamic Generation of Data Processors
- Whole-ecosystem exposure to elevated carbon dioxide increases total ecosystem carbon and nitrogen in the Mojave Desert
- 3D characterization of a Great Basin geothermal system: Astor Pass, NV
- A New Global Geodetic Strain Rate Model
- A Three Dimensional View of Nutrient Hotspots in a Sierra Nevada Forest Soil
- Active deformation in the Northern Walker Lane: a detailed geodetic study of the Mohawk Valley and Honey Lake/Warm Springs fault systems
- Active rifting processes in the central Salton Trough, California, constrained by the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Assessment of water-balance models for use with tree ring (proxy) records to reconstruct past streamflow in the upper Walker River basin
- Automated Solar Tracking Spectrophotometer for Remote Sensing of Column Aerosol Optical Depth
- Broadband Measurement of Black Carbon Absorption and Scattering Coefficients using a Supercontinuum Integrated Photoacoustic and Nephelometer Instrument
- COAST: Cascadia Open-Access Seismic Transects
- Capturing the exhumation of a UHP terrane: CA-TIMS results from leucosomes and dikes exposed in the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea
- Changes in Central Walker Lane Strain Accommodation near Bridgeport, California; as told by the Stanislaus Group
- Characteristics of calderas and major ignimbrites in the western Great Basin, USA: Phenocryst-rich rhyolites and voluminous zoned magma chambers
- Characterizing Groundwater Flowpaths with Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing and Stable Isotopes
- Chemistry and anelasticity in dehydrated sandstone
- Comparison of Reactive Mercury Concentrations Measured Simultaneously Using KCl-coated Denuders, Nylon Membranes, and Cation Exchange Membranes
- Conceptual Model Evaluation of the Astor Pass Geothermal Field, Western Nevada
- Confidence Intervals for the Magnitude of the Largest Aftershock
- Constraints on Cascadia Forearc Structure Off Washington From New Shipboard Gravity Data
- Continuous monitoring of Antarctic sub-ice shelf dynamics and ocean column temperatures
- Converted-Wave Processing of a 3D-3C Refection Seismic Survey of Soda Lake Geothermal Field
- Determination of 2D and 3D velocity structure in and near Reno: Development of the Western Basin and Range Community Velocity Model and the Reno-Carson urban hazard map
- Diatom Community Changes in Five Sub-alpine Mountain Lakes in Northern California
- Different types of seismicity clusters in southern California: A case study of non-universal behavior
- Direct and indirect evidence for earthquakes; an example from the Lake Tahoe Basin, California-Nevada
- Do invasive riparian Tamarix alter hydrology of riparian areas of arid and semi-arid regions under climate change scenarios?
- Dynamic Landscape Connectivity, Threshold Behavior, and Scaling Frameworks for Hydrologic and Bio-geochemical Fluxes
- Earthquake Recurrence on Continental Transform Faults: Alpine Fault, New Zealand and San Andreas Fault, California Compared
- Elastic Full Waveform Inversion reveals the fine-scale structure of Axial Volcano on the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Erosion of bulk and pyrogenic C from upland forested Sierra Nevada ecosystems
- Estimating Mmax
- Evaluating the Use of MODIS AOD for Air Quality Determination by Comparison with the Vertical Distribution of Aerosol Light Scattering Coefficient Obtained with a Balloon-Borne Nephelometer
- Evaluation of Air Pollution Applications of AERONET and MODIS Aerosol Column Optical Depth by Comparison with In Situ Measurements of Aerosol Light Scattering and Absorption for Reno, NV, USA
- Geophysical Surveying of Shallow Magnetic Anomalies Using the iPhone Magnetometer
- Growth and Evolution of a Hydrologic Measurement Facility
- High-Precision Locations and the Stress Field from Instrumental Seismicity, Moment Tensors, and Short-Period Mechanisms through the Mina Deflection, Central Walker Lane
- Horizontal and Vertical Velocities across the Rio Grande Rift and Southern Rocky Mountains
- Horton and Tokunaga self-similarity for multiplicative coalescent: numerical approach
- Horton and Tokunaga self-similarity in basic models of branching, aggregation, time series
- How Related Are Step-overs To Stopping Earthquake Rupture?
- Hydrogeologic Framework Development for Integrated Hydrologic Modeling of Mountain Block Alluvial Systems in Lake Tahoe and Martis Valley, Nevada and California
- InSAR analysis of aquifer-system response to 20 years of mine-dewatering in the Carlin gold trend, north-central Nevada
- Informing tree-ring reconstructions with automated dendrometer data: the case of single-leaf pinyon (Pinus monophylla) from Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA
- Insights into the rheology of the upper mantle in Western Nevada from a combined postseismic and lake unloading study
- Instrumenting the Conifers: A Look at Daily Tree Growth and Locally Observed Environmental Conditions Across Four Mountain Sites in the Central Great Basin, USA
- Land-atmosphere interactions in the West African Savanna
- Lateral redistribution of dissolved vs. complexed organic matter with soil erosion
- Modeling Vernal Pool Hydrology and Vegetation in the Sierra Nevadas
- Moho-Depth Dike Swarms and Rifting of the Sierra Nevada Microplate, Northeast California
- Near-Surface Geophysical Character of a Holocene Fault Carrying Geothermal Flow Near Pyramid Lake, Nevada
- New measurements of particulates in glacial snow and ice in the Cordillera Blanca mountains of Peru
- Paleogene Topography and Drainage Morphology across Nevada: Evidence from Depositional Systems, Sediment Provenance, and δD of Ancient Waters in Volcanic Glass
- Partial melting and rapid exhumation of a Pliocene UHP terrane: CA-TIMS zircon results from Normanby Island, Papau New Guinea
- Petrogenesis of the eruptive products at the mid-Miocene McDermitt caldera center, northern Nevada and southern Oregon
- Properties of Carbonaceous Aerosols during CARDEX 2012: an Instrument Intercomparison
- Reference Frame NA12 for Studies of Continental Deformation in North America
- Rock Valley Source Physics Experiment Preparation: Earthquake Relocation and Attenuation Structure Characterization
- Salton Seismic Imaging Project Line 7: Data and Analysis to Date
- Seismic Imaging of the Cascadia Plate Boundary with Four Source Array Configurations
- Shallow sediment and upper crustal structure beneath the Salton Sea as imaged by active source marine seismic refraction in conjunction with the Salton Seismic Imaging Project
- Some New Constraints On The Stratigraphic And Structural Setting Of The Soda Lake Geothermal Field, Churchill County, Nevada - McLACHLAN, Holly S. and FAULDS, James E., Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557
- Sources of Mercury Measured in Wet and Dry Deposition in the Western United States
- Spectroscopic Analysis of Hydrothermal Alteration in Geothermal Drill Core
- Structural Controls of Neal Hot Springs Geothermal Field, Malhuer County, Oregon
- Structural Interpretation and Modeling of the Dixie Meadows Geothermal Prospect using Gravity and Magnetic Data
- Structural controls of the Tuscarora geothermal field, Elko County, Nevada
- Tectonic and Structural Controls of Geothermal Activity in the Great Basin Region, Western USA
- Temporal Changes in the Thermal Regime of Devils Hole, Death Valley National Park
- Testing seismic hazard models with Be-10 exposure ages for precariously balanced rocks
- The GEO Water Strategy: Advances in Monitoring, Modeling, and Predicting Groundwater Variations at Regional to Local Scales
- The Gabbs Valley, Nevada, geothermal prospect: Exploring for a potential blind geothermal resource
- The High Rock caldera complex, NW Nevada: Geologic mapping, volcanology, geochemistry, and ultra-high precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of early Yellowstone hotspot magmatism
- The McDermitt Caldera, NV-OR, USA: Geologic mapping, volcanology, mineralization, and high precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of early Yellowstone hotspot magmatism
- The effects of realistic fault geometry on ground motion on the Claremont - Casa Loma stepover of the San Jacinto Fault
- Tree-like Representation of Hydrologic Time Series
- UNAVCO Enhanced data products for the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory, COCONet, and other regional networks
- Use of passive samplers and surrogate surfaces to investigate sources of mercury deposited to the western United States
- Using Runoff Collectors to Understand Surface Runoff Characteristics in Remote Nevada Catchments
- Variable shortening rates in the Bhutan thrust belt: implications for strain partitioning in the eastern Himalayan-Tibetan orogenic system
- A New Global Geodetic Strain Rate Model
- A Series Solution to the Porous Medium Equation
- A Statewide Private Microwave Wide Area Network for Real-time Natural Hazard Monitoring
- A comparison of slip rate, recurrence interval, and slip per event on several well-characterized faults (Invited)
- A large magma chamber and complex magma delivery system revealed beneath Axial volcano
- A new look at vertical motion around the San Andreas Fault in the Southern California from Integrated GPS and InSAR measurements
- A province-scale block model of Walker Lane and western Basin and Range crustal deformation constrained by GPS observations (Invited)
- Adapting to Uncertainty: Comparing Methodological Approaches to Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Policy
- Bringing New Tools and Techniques to Bear on Earthquake Hazard Analysis and Mitigation
- Characterization of the Southern Nevada Region for Source Physics Experiments
- Climate change impacts on the Lehman-Baker Creek drainage in the Great Basin National Park
- Combined effect of mid-level jets and atmospheric rivers on winter precipitation in the eastern Sierra Nevada
- Conterminous Unites States Temperature Extremes based on NLDAS-2 forcing data from 1979 to 2012
- Correlated Errors in Seismic Anisotropy Data and Implications for Current Absolute Plate Motion
- Crustal kinematics of the Colorado Plateau from GPS geodesy
- Crustal structure during active rifting in the central Salton Trough, California, constrained by the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Cyprinodon diabolis: prospects for an endangered desert pupfish in a changing climate
- Deformation Along the Wassuk Range of the Northern Walker Lane, Nevada
- Developing a Small-scale De-fluoridation Filter for use in Rural Northern Ghana with Activated Alumina as the Sorbent
- Dynamics Of Physical Relation Between MODIS Land Surface Temperature And Air Temperature In Arid Environment And Complex Terrain
- EarthScope's Plate Boundary Observatory as the Mother of Invention (Invited)
- Fundamental Vibration Frequency and Damping Estimation: A Comparison Using the Random Decrement Method, the Empirical Mode Decomposition, and the HV Spectral Ratio Method for Local Site Characterization
- GPS detection of ultra-low-frequency crustal resonance caused by Hurricane Sandy
- In-situ temperature measurement of the McMurdo Ice Shelf and ice shelf cavity using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing
- InSAR measurements and numerical models of deformation at Brady Hot Springs geothermal field (Nevada), 1995-2012
- Increasing the collected energy and reducing the water requirements in salt-gradient solar ponds
- Investigating ozone in rural Nevada, USA: Results from the first year of the Nevada Rural Ozone Initiative (NVROI)
- Investigating the utility of multiple measurement platforms to understand surface ozone in rural Nevada, USA
- Kinematics of Deformation in West-Central Walker Lane; Paleomagnetic Testing of Fault-Block Rotation and Doming Models, Eastern California and Western Nevada
- Local Ambient Seismic Noise Survey in Dixie Valley, NV for Engineered Geothermal System Favorability Assessment
- Magnetotelluric Investigation of Structures Related to a Geothermal Anomaly in the Buckman Well field in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Measurement of Gaseous Oxidized Mercury at a SEARCH Network Site in Florida, USA
- Measuring and modeling ancient meteoric water in volcanic glass, with application to the paleotopography of the US Cordilleran hinterland
- Megasplash at Lake Tahoe
- Mineral-organic matter associations in eroding hillslopes: findings from headwater catchments in the Southern Sierra Nevada (Invited)
- Modeling Halophytic Plants in APEX for Sustainable Water and Agriculture
- Near-Field Evolution of Biomass Burning Aerosols
- New constraints on the geometry and evolution of the Southern San Andreas Fault and Salton Pull-apart basin
- Novel Transformations of Trenbolone Acetate Metabolites Suggest Incomplete Environmental Risk Assessment for Trenbolone
- Observation of Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes Over a Mixed Savanna - Agricultural Catchment in the Semi-Arid Sudanian Savanna, Burkina Faso
- One of These Is Not Like the Other. Differing Climate Responses to the Negative Phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Before and After 1976
- P- and S-Wave Imaging of Cavity Collapse at the Site of an Underground Nuclear Test
- Predicting the Affects of Climate Change on Evapotranspiration and Agricultural Productivity of Semi-arid Basins
- Quantifying cambial activity of high-elevation conifers in the Great Basin, Nevada, USA
- Real-Time Monitoring of Mountain Conifer Growth Response to Seasonal Climate and the Summer Monsoon in the Great Basin of North America
- Regional Sea Level Variation: California Coastal Subsidence (Invited)
- Rifting of the Sierra Nevada Microplate; Recent Dike Injection Earthquake Swarms along an ~50 km long Moho-depth Fault Plane in Northeast California (Invited)
- Segmentation and step-overs along strike-slip fault systems in the inner California borderlands: Implications for fault architecture and basin formation
- Seismic Site Characterization through Joint Modeling of Complementary Data Functionals, with Applications to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
- Seismicity and Tectonics of the Lake Tahoe Basin through the Truckee, California Region
- Self-regulation in land plant and global climate interactions
- Similarity-Based Solution of the Generalized Boussinesq Equation
- Simulating reservoir releases to mitigate climate impacts on fish sustainability below Shasta Lake using stochastic and mechanistic modeling approaches
- Spatial and temporal patterns of air concentrations of mercury in Western North America 1998-present
- Spatial-temporal variation of low-frequency earthquake bursts near Parkfield, CA
- Spatio-temporal evolution of seismic clusters in southern and central California
- Temperature dependent elasticity and damping in dehydrated sandstone
- Testing the channel flow model in the eastern Himalaya, eastern Bhutan: insights from preliminary thermobarometric data
- The GPS Velocity Field in the Western U.S. and What it Tells Us about Earthquakes, Seismic Hazard, and Driving Forces (Invited)
- The effects of climate change on the demand for municipal water for residential landscaping in Southern Nevada
- The enigmatic nitrogen biogeochemistry of Lake Vida, Antarctica: an isolated brine cryoecosystem
- The impacts of land cover change to savannah on the convective rainfall in the southeastern Burkina Faso
- Tokunaga river networks: New empirical evidence and applications to transport problems
- Toward a better understanding of the impacts from climate change on a modern agricultural system in the Walker River Basin: A paleo perspective
- Toward improving our understanding of climate change during the Medieval Climatic Anomaly using hydrologic models of the Walker River Basin
- Transient Changes in the Biosphere as a Result of Freshwater Hosing
- Understanding relations between breeding bird species and extreme weather
- Unraveling the Switch from Subduction to Exhumation within a Collisional Orogen: Split-stream U-Pb and Trace-element Results from the Western Gneiss Region, Norway (Invited)
- Using Statistical Seismicity Constraints in Geodetic Inversions of Crustal Kinematics: Examples from the Aegean Region
- 2D and 3D Shear-Wave Velocity Structure to >1 Km Depth from Ambient and Active Surface Waves: Three "Deep Remi" Case Studies
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar and U-Pb Ages and Isotopic Data for Oligocene Ignimbrites, Calderas, and Granitic Plutons, Southern Stillwater Range and Clan Alpine Mountains: Insights into the Volcanic-Plutonic Connection and Crustal Evolution in Western Nevada
- A New View of Dynamic River Networks
- A Teachable Moment in Earth Deformation: An Undergraduate Strain Module Incorporating GPS Measurement of the August 24, 2014 M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- A high resolution seismic reflection image for the oceanic LAB (Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary), beneath southern North Island, New Zealand
- A model for the geomorphic development of normal-fault facets
- ARkStorm@Tahoe: Science as a foundation for discussing, recognizing and mitigating storm-disaster vulnerabilities in mountain and downstream communities
- Absolute Plate Velocities from Seismic Anisotropy: Importance of Correlated Errors
- Active deformation offshore the Western Transverse Ranges
- Active faulting in the Inner California Borderlands: new constraints from high-resolution multichannel seismic and multibeam bathymetric data.
- Along-Strike Variations in the Timing of Melt Crystallization and Metamorphism Across Central and Eastern Bhutan: New Insights from LASS Monazite Geochronology and Trace-Element Abundances
- Ash, Asterionella, and Anglers: A Paleolimnological Approach to Understanding Anthropogenic and Volcanogenic Disturbances in a Small Sub-Alpine Watershed
- CE-QUAL-W2 Modeling of Head-of-Reservoir Conditions at Shasta Reservoir, California
- Can the flow dynamics of debris flows be identified from seismic data?
- Climate Resiliency Planning: Making Extreme Event Science Useful for Managers and Planners in Northern Nevada
- Co- and Postseismic Slip on the West Napa Fault Seen with GPS after the South Napa Earthquake of August 24, 2014
- Comparing Geodetic Data Quality from PBO and non-PBO GPS Stations at Decadal and Continental Scales
- Comparison of Mercury Measurement Methods Using Two Active Filter Measurement Methods and a Tekran Speciation Unit
- Comparison of data fusion techniques using observations, chemical transport models, and satellite retrievals for air pollution exposure estimates in health studies
- Comparison of the Chemical Composition of Gaseous Oxidized Mercury in the Atmosphere at Three Different Locations in Nevada
- Composition and mean residence time of soil organic matter eroded from temperate, forested catchments: implications for erosion-induced carbon sequestration
- Crustal Thickness and Lower Crustal Velocity Structure Beneath the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Deformation Temperature, Kinematics, and Internal Strain during Emplacement of Greater Himalayan Rocks in North-Central and Northeastern Bhutan
- Development of a Flow Velocity Shear Instability in the Presence of Finite Larmor Radius Effects
- Development of a Statistical Model to Identify Spatial and Meteorological Drivers of Elevated O<SUB>3</SUB> in Rural Nevada and Its Application to Other Rural, Mountainous Regions
- Emergent reorganization of an evolving experimental landscape under changing climatic forcing
- Estimating flow concentration and sediment redistribution in shrub-dominated rangeland communities
- Evaluating the Influence of Precipitation, Temperature, and Soil Moisture on Upper Colorado River Basin Streamflow and Drought
- Evidence for the sensitivity of a Great Basin terminal lake to storm track position
- Evidence of Coseismic Subsidence Along the Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone During the Late Holocene
- Evolution of Biomass Burning Aerosol Optical Properties in the Near Field
- Experiences with the Development of an Undergraduate Degree in Ecohydrology
- Finding the Plateau: Paleogene Topography and Basin Formation in the Cordilleran Hinterland
- Flattening of the Greater Himalayan Zone within the Eastern Himalaya: Insights from Pressure-Temperature-Structural Distance Trends from Central and Eastern Bhutan
- Geodetic Constraints on Fault Slip Rates and Seismic Hazard in the Greater Las Vegas Area
- Ground Motion Prediction Atop Geometrically Complex Sedimentary Basins - The Dead Sea Basin
- High Contribution of Gallery Forests to Local Evaporation in Semi-Arid Burkina Faso
- High Temperature Extremes - Will They Transform Structure of Avian Assemblages in the Desert Southwest?
- High-Resolution Imaging of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca ridge.
- Hydrologic Impacts of Fuel-Reduction Treatments in the Hat and Burney Creek Basin
- Improved Data Set for the Frequency of Gaps and Steps in Ground Ruptures
- In situ Raman spectroscopy and confocal microscopy of 2.5-billion-year-old fossil microorganisms: viable nondestructive techniques for the study of returned Martian samples
- Investigating Planetary Boundary Layer and Land Surface Model Schemes in the WRF Model for the Sierra Nevada Region
- Investigation of an unusually shallow earthquake sequence in Mogul, NV from a discrimination perspective
- MDA8 O<SUB>3</SUB> Values at Rural Surface Sites in Nevada, USA: Results from Two Years of the Nevada Rural Ozone Initiative (NVROI)
- Magmatic-Tectonic Interactions: Implications for Seismic Hazard Assessment in the Central Walker Lane and Long Valley Caldera Regions
- Measurements of Light Absorbing Particles on Tropical South American Glaciers
- Middle to late Holocene Climate and Human Impact upon Surficial Processes and Soil Chrono-seequences in the Apulian-Lucanian Border Area of the Southern Italian Interior
- Mixing controls on nitrogen and oxygen concentrations and the relationship to mean residence time in a hyporheic zone of a riffle-pool sequence.
- Modeling Shasta Dam operations to regulate temperatures for Chinook salmon under extreme climate and climate change
- Monitoring seasonal basal melting of ice shelves using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing
- Multi-wavelength Characterization of Brown and Black Carbon from Filter Samples
- Network Robustness: the whole story
- Network topology, Transport dynamics, and Vulnerability Analysis in River Deltas: A Graph-Theoretic Approach
- New Apatite and Zircon (U-Th)/He Constraints on the Timing of Thrust-Related Exhumation in the Southern Bolivian (21˚S) Andes
- New High-Resolution 3D Seismic Imagery of Deformation and Fault Architecture Along Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon Fault in the Inner California Borderlands
- Nonparametric Stochastic Hydroclimate Simulation for Water Temperature Modeling in Lake Shasta
- Observation of environmental boundary layers at miltiple scales
- Planetary Boundary Layer Dynamics over Reno, Nevada in Summer
- Product-to-parent reversion processes: Stream-hyporheic spiraling increases ecosystem exposure and environmental persistence
- Project HEAT: Temperature as an Organizing Theme for Inquiry-Based Learning in the Environmental Sciences
- Quantitative Metrics of Robustness in River Deltas
- Revised and Improved Fault Maps of Washoe County, Nevada using Light Detecting and Ranging (LiDAR) Imagery
- Robust Quantification of Earthquake Clustering: Overcoming the Artifacts of Catalog Errors
- Robust, automatic GPS station velocities and velocity time series
- Sedimentary geochemistry depicts 2700 years of regional climate and land use change in the Rieti Basin, Central Italy
- Spatial Investigation of Columnar AOD and Near-Surface PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>Concentrations During the 2013 American and Yosemite Rim Fires
- Spectral Variation Across the Mono-Inyo Craters Chain, Weathering of a Young Volcanic System.
- Stratospheric contribution to surface ozone in the desert Southwest during the 2013 Las Vegas Ozone Study
- Strong Effects of Vs30 Heterogeneity on Physics-Based Scenario Ground-Shaking Computations
- Strong Wavelength Dependence of Aerosol Light Absorption from Peat Combustion
- Structure of the Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon and Palos Verdes Fault Zones and Implications for Current Fault Models
- Study of Hydrothermal Mineralization in 2013 Drill Core from Hawaii Island
- Successful Project Based Learning (PBL) Across Disciplines Geared Towards Middle School: An Example from a Wetlands PBL Unit in Reno, Nevada, USA
- Surface Composition and Physical Mixture State of the Regoliths of Outer Solar System Satellites: The Role of Scattering and Absorption by the non-Ice Components and Implications for Rayleigh Absorption and Rayleigh Scattering
- Temporal Changes in S-Wave Velocity at Different Depths Near Parkfield, CA
- Temporal and Spatial Variability in ENSO Teleconnections to Daily Weather Donditions in the Pacific Northwest
- The Aerosol Coarse Mode Initiative
- The Evaporative Demand Drought Index: The Physical Basis.
- The Joint Fire Science Program Fire Exchange Network: Facilitating Knowledge Exchange About Wildland Fire Science Across the U.S.
- The Median Isn't the Message: Elucidating Nutrient Hot spots and Hot Moments in a Sierra Nevada Forest Soil
- The Role of Multiple Foreshock Structures in Facilitating the Rupture of the M<SUB>w </SUB>5.0 Earthquake Swarm Mainshock near Urban Reno, Nevada in 2008
- The use of distributed temperature sensing technology for monitoring wildland fire intensity and distribution.
- Tidal and surface wave triggering of earthquakes at injection and geothermal sites across the United States
- Topographic Controls on Landslide and Debris-Flow Mobility
- Towards a better understanding of the impacts of climate change on agricultural productivity and economics in the Walker River Basin
- Translation vs. Rotation: The Battle for Accommodation of Dextral Shear at the Northern Terminus of the Central Walker Lane, Western Nevada
- Tropical Pacific Forcing of Late-Holocene Hydrologic Variability in the Coastal Southwest United States
- Uncertainties of Gaseous Oxidized Mercury Measurements: How to Move Forward?
- Understanding High Temperature Gradients in the Buckman Well Field, Santa Fe County, New Mexico
- Understanding the climate science policy nexus: Lessons from modeling climate impacts to temperature control regimes on Lake Shasta, CA
- Uplift and seismicity driven by groundwater depletion in central California
- Use of Passive Sampling Methods to Understand Sources of Mercury and Other Pollutants to High Elevation Sites in the Western United States
- Using aftershocks to Image the Subducting Pacific Plate in a Region of Deep Slow Slip, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Utilizing LiDAR Datasets From Experimental Watersheds to Advance Ecohydrological Understanding in Seasonally Snow-Covered Forests
- <p>Joint Optimization of Vertical Component Gravity and Seismic P-wave First Arrivals by Simulated Annealing
- A Conceptual Model to Link Anomalously High Temperature Gradients in the Cerros del Rio Volcanic Field to Regional Flow in the Espanola Basin, New Mexico
- A Medieval Perspective of Historical California and Nevada Droughts
- A gradient-based approach for automated crest-line detection and analysis of sand dune patterns on planetary surfaces
- A-21<SUP>st</SUP>-century-approach to firefighting in the Western US: How microwave-based seismic networks can change fire suppression from reactive to proactive
- Accretionary wedge structure, porosity loss, and relative timing of fault activity in the landward vergent region, Cascadia subduction zone
- Aerosol Deposition and Solar Panel Performance
- Alteration in Hawaiian Drill Core: An analog for Martian basalts
- Asynchronous Reductive Release of Iron and Organic Carbon from Hematite-Humic Acid Complexes
- Axial Seamount - Under the hood of the volcano machine.
- Basin-fill Aquifer Modeling with Terrestrial Gravity: Assessing Static Offsets in Bulk Datasets using MATLAB; Case Study of Bridgeport, CA
- Biochar-Facilitated Reduction of Crystalline Fe(III) in Hematite
- Can tree-ring isotopes (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C) improve our understanding of hydroclimate variability in the Columbia River Basin?
- Carbon Nanotubes-Mediated Reduction of Hematite by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
- Changing Station Coverage in the Upper Colorado River Basin: Is This a Problem?
- Climatic and Societal Causes for Abrupt Environmental Change in the Mediterranean During the Common Era
- Coefficient of Variation Estimates for the Plate Boundary Fault System of California
- Combining <SUP>14</SUP>C/U-Th Series Geochronology and Stable/Clumped Isotope Geochemistry of MIS 2 Lake Tufas of Lake Chewaucan, Oregon, USA to Reconstruct Deglacial Climate in the Pacific Northwest
- Coupling Magnetotellurics and Hydrothermal Modeling to Further Understand Geothermal Resources
- Crustal-scale perspective on the rapid development of Oligocene silicic calderas and related underlying plutonic systems, western Nevada USA
- Development of a low cost method to estimate the seismic signature of a geothermal field from ambient seismic noise analysis, Authors: Tibuleac, I. M., J. Iovenitti, S. Pullammanapallil, D. von Seggern, F.H. Ibser, D. Shaw and H. McLahlan
- Development of a particulate mass measurement system for tracing pollution sources using atmospheric mercury concentrations and lead isotopes
- Discriminating Characteristics of Tectonic and Human-Induced Seismicity
- Electron Shuttling Capacity of Solid-Phase Organic Matter in Forest Soils
- Evaluation of Head-of-Reservoir Conditions for Downstream Migration of Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Steelhead at Shasta Lake, California
- Evaluation of MODIS aerosol optical depth for semi-arid environments in complex terrain
- Evidence of Clear-Sky Daylight Whitening: Are we already conducting geoengineering?
- Examination of different water balance models for use with tree-ring proxy records to extend hydroclimatic records
- Experimental evidence of reorganizing landscape under changing climatic forcing
- Field Reconnaissance Subsequent to the M7.8 April 25, 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and Implications to Past and Current Paleoseismic Investigations along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust
- Fire Radiative Power (FRP)-based Emission Factors of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>, CO and NO<SUB>X</SUB> for Remote Sensing of Biomass Burning Emissions
- GPS Imaging of Global Vertical Land Motion for Sea Level Studies
- GPS Imaging of Sierra Nevada Uplift
- GPS Imaging of Solid Earth's Flex and Flow: A New Paradigm
- Geochemical and Isotopic Data for Oligocene Ignimbrites, Calderas, and Granitic Plutons, Southern Stillwater Range and Clan Alpine Mountains: Insights into the Volcanic-Plutonic Connection and Crustal Evolution in Western Nevada
- Global Patterns of Drought Recovery
- Humic substances-mediated microbial reductive dehalogenation of triclosan
- Hydrologic and Geomorphic Changes Resulting from the Onset of Episodic Glacial Lake Outburst Floods: Colonia River, Chile
- Hyperspectral analysis for qualitative and quantitative features related to acid mine drainage at a remediated open-pit mine
- Importance of Iron and Soil Physicochemical Properties to Stabilize Organic Carbon in Soils
- Importance of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Cover for Energy Balance partition in Burkina Faso
- Improving Earthquake Stress Drop Measurements - What can we Really Resolve?
- Improving subsurface hydrology in Earth System Models
- Inconsistent Climate Inferences between Pollen and other Paleontological, Geochemical, and Geophysical Proxies in Late Pleistocene Lacustrine Sediments from Summer Lake, Oregon, Western Great Basin
- Independent Assessment of ITRF Site Velocities using GPS Imaging
- Informing Hydrological Drought Response in Headwater Catchments Using Water Storage Estimated From GRACE: Storage-Flow Dynamics
- Inside an Earthquake Swarm: Objective Identification and Analysis of Spatiotemporal Subclusters of the Mogul 2008 Earthquake Swarm in Reno, NV
- Inspiring the Next Generation of Scientists: Building on 52 Years of Tradition in Diatom Research with Open-Source, Web-Based Collaboration Tools and Online Resources in a Field Course for High School Students
- Interaction between Carbon Nanotubes and Aromatic Hydrocarbon-degrading Microbes and its Effect on Carbon Nanotubes Transformation
- Investigation of the influence of atmospheric stability and turbulence on land-atmosphere exchange
- Kinematics and Dynamics of Observed Along-Rift Surface Motions in the East African Rift System
- Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic Evolution of the Central Andean Foreland Basin System in the Eastern Cordillera to Subandean Zone, Southern Bolivia
- LiDAR illuminates the influence of elevation, aspect, and vegetation on seasonal snowpack: case studies from four western Critical Zone Observatories
- Listening to debris flows: What can ground vibrations tell us about debris-flow entrainment and flow density?
- Lithology, Geochemistry and Paleomagnetism of the Table Mountain Formation at the Little Walker Caldera
- Little Ice Age Wetting of Interior Asian Deserts and the Rise of the Mongol Empire
- Long-term Variability in Pacific Decadal Oscillation Teleconnections to Climate in Alaska: From "In a Relationship" to "It's Complicated"
- Monazite Growth from the Eocene to the Miocene: New Interpretations of the Metamorphic History of Greater Himalayan Rocks in the Eastern Himalaya
- Moving beyond the Galloway diagrams for delta classification: Connecting morphodynamic and sediment-mechanistic properties with metrics of delta channel network topology and dynamics
- Multiple Geodetic Observations for Identifying Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and the Causes of Sea-Level Change
- Neotectonics and Structural Development of the Northern Walker Lane
- New High-Resolution 3D Imagery of Fault Deformation and Segmentation of the San Onofre and San Mateo Trends in the Inner California Borderlands
- Persistent River Basin Disequilibrium in a Cratonic Landscape: Ozark Dome, USA
- Pervasive Drought Legacy Effects in Forest Ecosystems and their Carbon Cycle Implications
- Physical Thresholds as Ecological Proxies in Aquatic Ecosystems
- Plate Tectonics 2.0: Using GPS to Refine Global Crustal Kinematics and Rewrite Textbooks
- Plug and Play GPS for Earth Scientists: Providing Immediate Access to Low-Latency Geodetic Products for Rapid Modeling and Analysis of Natural Hazards
- Preliminary Vertical Slip Rate for the West Tahoe Fault from six new Cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be Exposure Ages of Late Pleistocene Glacial Moraines at Cascade Lake, Lake Tahoe, California
- Quaternary Expression of Northern Great Valley Faults and Folds: Accommodating North-South Contraction between the Sierran Microplate and Oregon Block
- Rapid Snowmelt Leads to Greater Streamflow Across the Western United States
- Reference Directions, Rotations, and Magnetostratigraphy: Utilization of Oligocene Ignimbrite Paleomagnetism to Better Understand Walker Lane Tectonics, Western Nevada, USA
- Segmentation Along the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon Fault Zone: Implications for Rupture Propagation
- Seismic Probing of the Base of a Tectonic Plate from Subduction Zone to Trench Outer Rise: Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Shrinking of the Cocos and Nazca Plates due to Horizontal Thermal Contraction and Implications for Plate Non-rigidity and the Non-closure of the Pacific-Cocos-Nazca Plate Motion Circuit
- Spatial Correlates of Lower Treeline Position in the Western US
- Spatial Surface PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Concentration Estimates for Wildfire Smoke Plumes in the Western U.S. Using Satellite Retrievals and Data Assimilation Techniques
- Spectral Age Dating of Volcanic Materials
- Strike-slip faulting in the Inner California Borderlands, offshore Southern California.
- Structural Architecture of the Western Transverse Ranges and Potential for Large Earthquakes
- Study of Climate Change to Hydrologic Processes in a Snow-dominant Area
- Tectonics From Topography: Strong Correlation Between Mountain Front Steepness and Holocene Slip Rates Along the Wasatch Normal Fault, USA.
- Testing the PRISM Temperature Model in Complex Terrain: Implications for Mountain Ecohydrology
- The Median Isn't the Message: Elucidating Nutrient Hot spots and Hot Moments in a Sierra Nevada Forest Soil
- The Role of Upper-crustal Thickening in Spatially-focusing Synorogenic Extension: A Case Study from the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene Nevadaplano
- The State of Stress Beyond the Borehole
- The effects of thick sediment upon continental breakup: seismic imaging and thermal modeling of the Salton Trough, southern California
- Time-Dependent Deformation at Brady Hot Springs Geothermal Field (Nevada) Measured With Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar and Modeled with Multiple Working Hypotheses of Coupled Behavior
- Topographic Control of Aboveground Carbon Pools Across an Environmental Gradient, Eastern Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado.
- Trends in nitrogen and phosphorus cycling are consistent and constrained during tropical secondary forest succession: is secondary forest young primary forest from a nutrient perspective?
- UAS and Distributed Temperature Sensing Reveal Previously Unseen Atmospheric Processes
- UCERF3 and Rupture Behavior of the San Jacinto Fault in Southern California
- Understanding strain transfer and basin evolution complexities in the Salton pull-apart basin near the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Variation in piñon pine growth responses to climate across gradients of environmental stress using an individual-based approach
- What Can AMF Observations Tell Us about Super-micron Particles?
- Wireless Sensor Networks: Some Insights Gained in West African Hydrology
- Wood Cellular Dendroclimatology: A Pilot Study on Bristlecone Pine in the Southwest US
- 65 km of dextral slip across Owens Valley, CA since 83 Ma: possible, but unnecessary
- A 400-year reconstruction of spring temperatures for the upper Colorado River Basin
- A decadal glimpse on climate and burn severity influences on ponderosa pine post-fire recovery
- Analysis of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Phase Data at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada, USA Using Prior Information
- Analysis of fault rupture potential resulting from large-scale groundwater withdrawal: application to Spring Valley, Nevada
- Analyzing the Potential for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Photogrammetry in Estimating Surface Deformations at a Geothermal Fiel
- Annual Variation of Carbon Stable Isotope Ratio in Tree Rings of Riparian Cottonwood Over the Last 225 Years.
- Anthropogenic Disturbance of Montane Meadows May Cause Substantial Loss of Soil Carbon to the Atmosphere
- Assessment of Halophyte Growth in Saline Environments
- Can the physical properties associated with uncertainties in the NASA MODIS AOD retrievals in the western U.S. be determined?
- Clean, Logistically Light Access to Explore the Closest Places on Earth to Europa and Enceladus
- Combined Fe-Mg Isotope and Elemental Zoning in Olivines for Better Time Constraints of Magma Assembly and the Timing Prior to Eruption
- Coupling Flow & Transport Modeling with Electromagnetic Geophysics to Better Understand Crustal Permeability
- Deep ReMi Imaging - Mapping Shear-Wave Velocities to 1 km Depth and Greater Using Refraction Microtremor
- Demonstrating the Uneven Importance of Fine-Scale Forest Structure on Snow Distributions using High Resolution Modeling
- Denitrification and Phosphorus Sequestration in Restored Oyster Beds in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA
- Detecting and Correcting Systematic View Angle Biases in MODIS Land Surface Temperature with Google Earth Engine
- Determining WRF Boundary Layer and Land Surface Parameterizations to Simulate Surface Fluxes for Pollutant Mixing During Persistent Cold Air Pools
- Detrital Zircon U-Pb and Hf Results from the Swakane Gneiss and Pelona-Orocopia-Rand Schists: Mechanisms of Sediment Incorporation into Arc Systems and Implications for Margin-Parallel Translation
- Development of improved wildfire smoke exposure estimates for health studies in the western U.S.
- Dissolved Organic Carbon: Nitrate Ratios as a Driver of Methane Fluxes in Stream Ecosystems
- Do existing classification systems capture mountain snowpack heterogeneity? Accounting for spatial variability in a changing environment
- Earlier and Slower Snowmelt in a Warmer World: Surprising Feedbacks to a Changing Climate
- Earthquake Declustering via a Nearest-Neighbor Approach in Space-Time-Magnitude Domain
- Ensembles of 21st Century Colorado River Flow Projections Exhibit Substantial Diversity in Response to Seasonal Hydroclimatic Scenarios
- Evaluation of Surface Fluxes in the WRF Model: Case Study for Irrigated Farmland in Rolling Terrain
- Event Relocations, Focal Mechanisms and Source Parameters of Recent Earthquake Sequences in the Reno, Nevada Urban Areas
- Fakequakes: From P-Waves to Static Offsets and Strong Shaking, Broadband Simulation for Hazards
- Fault Deformation and Segmentation of the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon, and San Onofre Trend Fault Systems from New High-Resolution 3D Seismic Imagery
- Fault Scaling Relationships Depend on the Average Geological Slip Rate
- First Results in the Search for Dark Matter from the GPS.DM Observatory
- Fixing a Reference Frame to a Moving and Deforming Continent
- From "can't be done" to actionable: Chugach Vulnerability Assessment Snow and Ice
- From Shoestring Rills to Dendritic River Networks: Documenting the Evolution of River Basins Towards Geometric Similarity Through Divide Migration, Stream Capture and Lateral Branching
- GPS Imaging of Time-Dependent Seasonal Strain in Central California
- GPS Imaging of Time-Variable Earthquake Hazard: The Hilton Creek Fault, Long Valley California
- Geology and Geochemistry of the 25.0 Ma Underdown Caldera Tuffs and tuff of Clipper Gap, Western Nevada Volcanic Field caldera belt, north-central Nevada
- GrowClust: A hierarchical clustering algorithm for relative earthquake relocation, with application to the Spanish Springs and Sheldon, Nevada, earthquake sequences
- High-Resolution Relocations of Digital-Era Seismicity and Stress Field Estimates in the Vicinity of the Nevada National Security Site, Southern Nevada
- History of Recent Surface-Rupturing Earthquakes on the Burbank fault, Yakima Folds, Central Washington
- How spatial scale influences novel and disappeared climate predictions in Alaska
- Humidity affects shifts from snow to rain in the Western U.S.
- Hydrologic Response to Changes in the Timing and Rate of Snowmelt: Implications for Water Resource Management in the Western U.S.
- Imaging Spectroscopy Techniques for Rapid Assessment of Geologic and Cryospheric Science Data from future Satellite Sensors
- Imaging hydrothermal roots along the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca ridge using elastic full waveform inversion.
- Improving GPM Precipitation Phase for the Western US
- Integrating Statistical and Expert Knowledge to Develop Phenoregions for the Continental United States
- Integration of climatic water deficit and fine-scale physiography in process-based modeling of forest landscape resilience to large-scale tree mortality
- Interactions Between Hydroclimate and Soil Properties Control the Risk For Altered Hydrologic Partitioning From Changing Snowmelt
- Interpreting the GNSS Vertical Coordinate Variations:
- Is Snow a Drought Buster? The Need to Incorporate Snow into Common Drought Indices
- Lithologic and Environmental Controls on Channel Network Extent and Responce to Change
- Long term measurements of light absorbing particles on tropical glaciers
- Modeling salt movement and halophytic crop growth on marginal lands with the APEX model
- Modulation of Intraplate Deformation in Arizona due to Far-Reaching Postseismic Relaxation Following Plate Boundary Earthquakes
- Mountain Valley Eco-Hydrologic Connectivity in the Great Basin, NV
- Now You See It, Now You Don't: Characterizing Ephemeral Snowpacks in the Great Basin
- Observing hydroclimatic variability during the 2012-2015 drought using a Great Basin mountain transect: elevation matters!
- Overview and Preliminary Results from the PoroTomo project at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada: Poroelastic Tomography by Adjoint Inverse Modeling of Data from Seismology, Geodesy, and Hydrology
- Paleolandscape Modeling of Climatic vs Anthropogenic Fires Regimes in the southern Sierra Nevada, California using LANDIS-II
- Parameter optimization of a hydrologic model in a snow-dominated basin using a modular Python framework
- Peak metamorphic temperatures across the Main Central thrust and through Greater Himalayan rocks in western Bhutan: preliminary insights from Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material thermometry
- Quantification of uncertainty in aboveground biomass estimates derived from small-footprint LiDAR data
- Quantifying the scale- and process- dependent reorganization of landscape under climatic change: inferences from an experimental landscape
- Recent deformation on the San Diego Trough and San Pedro Basin fault systems, offshore Southern California: Assessing evidence for fault system connectivity.
- River geomorphology reveals distinct patterns and causes of elevation change between the northern and southern Sierra Nevada, California, USA.
- Soil Biogeochemistry Case Study: Cold Springs, Nevada
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Diatoms from la Chaine des Lacs Urban Watershed, Nord-Pas France, in Relation to Water Quality
- Subpixel Snow-covered Area Including Differentiated Grain Size from AVIRIS Data Over the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range
- Super-micron Particles over US Coastal Region: Seasonal Changes from TCAP data
- Surface-Air Mercury Fluxes Across Western North America: A Synthesis of Spatial Trends and Controlling Variables.
- Synoptic and mesoscale controls on Sierra Nevada rain shadow intensity
- Tectonic Tilting and Reorganization of an Aluvial Fan to a Dendritic, Erosional River Network: the Example of the Ogallala Gravels
- The Processes Producing the Actively Uplifting Mackenzie Mountains in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada
- The Role of Climatic Conditions in Controlling Observed Variability of Timing and Peak Discharge of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods: Lago Cachet Dos, Chile
- The Stanislaus Group in a Beheaded Drainage: Tectonics at the Margin of the Sierra Nevada Microplate
- Towards a portable, scalable, open source model of tree cover derived from Landsat spectra
- Trace element diffusion during basaltic andesite-dacite equilibration: Effects of coupled dissolution and diffusion
- Understanding the Impact of Reservoir Operations on Temperature Hydrodynamics at Shasta Lake through 2D and 3D Modeling
- Wintertime Atmospheric Stability and PM Variability in Valleys
- 3D Constraints On Fault Architecture and Strain Distribution of the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon and San Onofre Trend Fault Systems
- 8000 yr of vegetation reconstruction from the Great Basin (Nevada, USA): the contribution of Non-Pollen Palynomorphs.
- Bear Meadow Paleoseismic Investigations, West Shore Lake Oroville, Northern California
- Bedrock river networks of the Sierra Nevada, USA record westward tilting, large-scale drainage area loss, and distinct patterns and causes of stream incision between the northern and southern Sierra
- Biogeochemical stability and reactions of iron-organic carbon complexes
- Building Community and Fostering Success in STEM Through the Women in Science & Engineering (WiSE) Program at the University of Nevada, Reno
- Characterization of Material Properties at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada by Inverse Modeling of Data from Seismology, Geodesy, and Hydrology
- Characterizing Volumetric Strain at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada, USA Using Geodetic Data, Numerical Models, and Prior Information
- Comparative Study of Earthquake Clustering in Relation to Hydraulic Activities at Geothermal Fields in California
- Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation Following the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku Earthquake and its Mw 7.9 Aftershock: Searching for Fault-localized Relaxation of Coseismic Stress Increments
- Current and Future Impacts of Wildfires on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and Public Health in Colorado
- DBH Prediction Using Allometry Described by Bivariate Copula Distribution
- Data Assimilation to Improve CMAQ Model Estimates of Particulate Matter Pollution during Wintertime Persistent Cold Air Pool Events in Salt Lake City, Utah
- Deformation Enhanced Recrystallization of Titanite: Insight from the Western Gneiss Region Ultrahigh-Pressure Terrane
- Development of a Novel Multispectral Instrument for Handheld and UAS Measurements of Surface Albedo; First Applications for Glaciers in the Peruvian Andes and for Nevada's Black Rock Desert
- Diffusive exchange of trace elements between basaltic-andesite and dacitic melt: Insights into potential metal fractionation during magma mixing
- Disruption of River Networks in Nature and Models
- Effects of Hydrograph Shape on Sediment Transport and Size
- Empirical Observations of Surface Ruptures Highlight the Role of Regional Stress Orientation on Earthquake Rupture Propagation
- Enhancing water supply through reservoir reoperation
- Estimation of Fractional Plant Lifeform Cover Using Landsat and Airborne LiDAR/hyperspectral Data
- Evidence That Recent Warming Is Reducing Upper Colorado River Streamflow
- Experimental Evaluation of pH and Temperature Effects on the Adsorption of Boron onto Clay Minerals
- GPS Detection of Biot's Slow Wave in the Earth's Crust Triggered by Hurricane Sandy
- GPS Imaging suggests links between climate, magmatism, seismicity, and tectonics in the Sierra Nevada-Long Valley Caldera-Walker Lane system, western United States
- Geophysical Surveys of the Hydrologic Basin Underlying Yosemite Valley, California.
- High-resolution LIDAR and ground observations of snow cover in a complex forested terrain in the Sierra Nevada - implications for optical remote sensing of seasonal snow.
- Holocene deformation offshore Ventura basin, CA, constrained by new high-resolution geophysical data
- How Much Can Remotely-Sensed Natural Resource Inventories Benefit from Finer Spatial Resolutions?
- How Winter Time Atmospheric Stability Influences PM2.5 Concentration in Different Complex Terrains; Beijing in China vs Fairbanks in Alaska
- Hydrograph Predictions of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods From an Ice-Dammed Lake
- Hydrologic and Geomorphic Impacts of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods From Low-Order Tributaries
- Impacts of continental arcs on global carbon cycling and climate
- Is Active Tectonics on Madagascar Consistent with Somalian Plate Kinematics?
- Kinematic development of the Tibetan Plateau's northern margin: A traverse across the Qilian Shan-Nan Shan thrust belt
- Late Pleistocene to Holocene lake levels of Lake Warner, Oregon (USA) and their effect on archaeological site distribution patterns
- Measurements and Modeling of Turbulent Fluxes during Persistent Cold Air Pool Events in Salt Lake Valley, Utah
- Monitoring the Impacts of Forest Management on Snowpack Duration
- Next Generation Snow Cover Mapping: Can Future Hyperspectral Satellite Spectrometer Systems Improve Subpixel Snow-covered Area and Grain Size in the Sierra Nevada?
- Nutrient Removal through Oyster Habitat Restoration in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida
- Optimality and self-organization in river deltas
- Preliminary Investigation to Elucidate Volcanic Aquifer Characteristics and Potential Climate Change Impacts
- Re-examining data-intensive surface water models with high-resolution topography derived from unmanned aerial system photogrammetry
- Short-circuiting magma differentiation from basalt straight to rhyolite?
- Snow drought in western U.S. mountains: proximate causes, regional differences, and implications for streamflow and forests
- Stress Drop and Directivity Patterns Observed in Small-Magnitude (<M5) Seismic Clusters Near Reno, Nevada
- Structure and reactivity of ferrihydrite-soil organic carbon-calcium ternary complexes
- Systematic detection and classification of earthquake clusters in Italy
- Testing the Crystalline Integrity of Baddeleyite: A Systematic EBSD and Confocal Laser-Raman Spectroscopy Study
- The Dual Role of Vegetation as a Constraint on Mass and Energy Flux into the Critical Zone and as an Emergent Property of Geophysical Critical Zone Structure
- The Quench Control of Water Estimates in Convergent Margin Magmas
- The contribution of natural variability to GCM bias: Can we effectively bias-correct climate projections?
- The importance of groundwater to the seasonal variation in nutrients and eulittoral periphyton biomass in the ultra-oligotrophic Lake Tahoe
- The oxygen isotope composition of baddeleyite and a test of crystal orientation effects during SIMS analysis
- The species velocity of trees in Alaska
- Time Dependence of Aerosol Light Scattering Downwind of Forest Fires
- Transient Viscoelastic Relaxation and Afterslip Immediately After the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku Earthquake
- Transpacific Transport of Dust to North American High-Elevation Sites: Integrated Dataset and Model Outputs
- Using GPS Imaging to Unravel Vertical Land Motions in the Interior Pacific Northwest
- Vallerani Micro-Catchment Infiltration Dynamics and Erosion from Simulated Rainfall and Concentrated Flow
- Vegetation response to the 2016-2017 extreme Sierra Nevada snowfall event using multitemporal terrestrial laser scanning: initial results
- A Stochastic Cellular Model of Hillslope Morphology and Evolution
- A multi-method exploration of landslides and their contribution to landscape evolution
- A stratigraphic and microfossil record of tsunami deposits and coseismic land-level changes from Old Harbor, central Kodiak Island, Alaska
- ARkStorm and the 2017 Relentless Storm Season
- An Analysis of Water Managers' Perspectives on Drought and Adaptation Strategies in a Snow-fed River Basin
- Analysis of Fault-Fold Structures along the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon Fault System at an unprecedented scale using 3D P-Cable seismic reflection data
- Application of machine-learning tools to extract patterns in long-term DOC monitoring data: an integrated, multi-scale approach
- Applying quartz fabric intensity parameters to delineate strain gradients across shear zones: examples from the Main Central thrust in western Bhutan
- Assessing Climate Adaptation and Science Information Needs in Snow-fed River Systems through Collaborative Modeling
- Assessing Data and Information Priorities for Enhancing Climate Adaptation on Reservation Lands
- Assessing Tribal College Priorities for Enhancing Climate Adaptation on Reservation Lands
- Assessment of GPS Time Series from 17,000 Stations Using JPL Repro 3.0 Products in the IGS14 Framework
- Associations of Wildfire-specific PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Exposure on Cardiorespiratory Events in Colorado 2011-2014
- Bridging the Gap between Earthquake Hazards Research and Community Education
- CUAHSI Virtual University: An inter-institutional framework for graduate education applied to the hydrologic sciences
- Characterization of Differences in Snow Grain Evolution in Forested and Open Environments on Grand Mesa, Colorado
- Climate adaptation science in Alaska: evolution of a flexible collaborative network for responding to climate change
- Climate-driven bedrock displacements in Greenland and Antarctica
- Combining long-term observations with experiments to test hypotheses on stream water dissolved organic carbon dynamics at the Sleepers River Research Watershed
- Coupled Geomechanical and Hydrological Response Analysis Due to Pressure Migration While Injecting CO<SUB>2</SUB> in a Fractured Medium
- Diagnosis of Glacier and Ice Sheet Bed Dynamics By Means of Raman Distributed Temperature Sensing and Melt-Probe Deployment
- Early warning of food insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring predictors beyond traditionally used seasonal rainfall forecasts
- Effects of fire suppression and climate change on wildfire activity in the Inland Northwest
- Element transfer during retrogression and exhumation of an ultrahigh-pressure terrane: insight from the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Estimation of North America Plate Rotation in the Presence of Intraplate Deformation
- Extreme wildfire events: Understanding and prediction
- Facilitating Science-Based Adaptation Through Community-Based Participatory Research: Lessons Learned from a Case Study in the Truckee-Carson River System
- Fault Structure, Earthquake Interaction, and Source Properties of Two Small (M<SUB>w</SUB> < 4) Sequences in the Walker Lane
- Fish versus tomatoes and other tales of using remote sensing to meet California's co-equal goals of providing water supplies and protecting ecosystems.
- Fourth National Climate Assessment Chapter 15 - Tribes and Indigenous Peoples
- GPS Imaging of non-seasonal uplift variability in California and Nevada: A key for separating tectonic versus non-tectonic vertical land motion
- Geologic Mapping of the Pequop Mountains, NE Nevada: Exploring Basic and Applied Topics in the Easternmost Ruby Mountains-East Humboldt Range Metamorphic Core Complex
- Geologic map of the Stillwater Range and Clan Alpine Mountains, Nevada: Voluminous Oligocene silicic calderas and plutons of the ignimbrite flareup in the western US Cordillera
- Geologic map of the southern Stillwater Range, western Nevada: Insights into the development of silicic calderas and plutons
- Geomorphic and Disturbance Controls on Vegetation Dynamics in Great Basin Riparian Ecosystems
- Hydrologic Control of Catchment-Scale Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Dynamics
- Idealized Planar Array experiment for Quantifying Surface heterogeneity (IPAQS) provides insight into the role of dispersive fluxes role on the Surface Energy Balance (SEB) closure
- Identification of Tile Drain Networks using Thermal and RGB Data from Unmanned Aircraft
- InSAR deformation time-series of the 2018 Kilauea events: depletion of the volcano, the east rift zone and the Mw 6.9 Earthquake
- Influence of Global Dust Storms on Mars South Seasonal Cap Retreat
- Informative space-time-magnitude-mechanism features of earthquakes in southern California
- Landscape dynamics of Great Basin pinyon-juniper woodlands: expansion, or regional decline?
- Li-rich Claystone in the McDermitt Caldera, Nevada: Characteristics and Possible Origin
- Linking mountain snowmelt to interbasin transfers of groundwater in the semi-arid Andes
- Machine learning reveals the spatial and temporal dynamics simulated slip events in a sheared granular fault gouge
- Mapping Hazardous Snow Conditions for Dall sheep, a Climate Sensitive and Iconic North American Alpine Ungulate.
- Modeling Future Scenarios of Snow, Forests, Wildfire, and Hydropower Within the Food-Energy-Water Nexus
- Modeling soil carbon losses following anthropogenic disturbance in Sierra Nevada meadows using field measurements, remote sensing products, and downscaled climate data
- Molecular-level investigation into the fractionation of dissolved organic carbon during co-precipitation with ferrihydrite
- Monitoring the resilience of Pinus longaeva (Great Basin bristlecone pine): direct observations of plant available water, sap flow, and phenological responses to seasonal precipitation shifts during drought conditions
- Multi-disciplinary Insights in to the Effects of Vegetation Change on Hydrologic Partitioning.
- Native Waters on Arid Lands: Enhancing Climate Resilience on Tribal Lands
- New 1.90 Ga Bayan Obo mélange along the northern margin of the North China craton: Implications for the assembly of Columbia supercontinent
- Of iron and microbes: Linking Fe-reduction to C mineralization under changing redox conditions in Sierra Nevada montane meadows
- Overview of Results and Lessons Learned from the PoroTomo project at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada: Poroelastic Tomography by Adjoint Inverse Modeling of Data from Seismology, Geodesy, and Hydrology
- Paleoseismology along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) of Nepal after the Mw7.8 2015 Gorkha earthquake
- Probing slow and fast slip events in the laboratory applying machine learning
- Reanalysis of Woody Encroachment of US Drylands with Finer Resolution MODIS LST
- Rupture scenarios for the San Diego Trough and San Pedro Basin fault systems, offshore Southern California: New constraints combining marine geophysical, paleoseismic, and ground motion modeling investigations.
- SOCCR2 Chapter 7: Indigenous Traditional Knowledge Role in Carbon Cycling on Tribal Lands
- Scaling Remotely Sensed Surface Temperatures of Forests and Melting Snow
- Sensitivity of Seasonal Snowpack Longevity to Nocturnal Cold Content Injection
- Slip Rate Dependence of Scaling Relationships for Fault Dimensions and Magnitude
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Atmospheric River Hydrologic Impacts across the Western U.S.
- Spatio-Temporal Correlation Between Seasonal Variations in Seismicity and Horizontal Dilatational Strain in California
- Temperature profiles along the Whillans Ice Stream measured using a Distributed Temperature Sensor
- The influence of macroscopic flow properties on bed force distributions in rapid granular flows
- Thermo-kinematic Modeling of Arc Magma Generation through Partial Melting of Underthrusted Crust
- Three-dimensional canopy structure is necessary to model snowpack mass and energy budgets in montane forests
- Three-dimensional simulation of sheared granular fault gouge using the combined finite-discrete element method
- Topographic controls on spatial patterns of hydrologic processes following mountain pine beetle infestation
- Tracking pre-eruptive magmatic H<SUB>2</SUB>O evolution from the mantle to the surface at Klyuchevskoy volcano (Kamchatka arc)
- Understanding the importance of soil aggregate destabilization as mechanism of stream DOC increase in two Northeastern headwater catchments.
- Using Geochemical and Textural Evidence to Assess Crystal-Liquid Separation in a Fossil Large, Silicic Magma Chamber
- Using Satellite Measurements to Improve Regional Estimates of the Impacts of Sea Level Change
- Vehicle Miles Travel (VMT) trends over Lake Tahoe area and its effect on Nitrogen Deposition
- Xylogenesis in Water-limited Environments: The Key to Understand Intra-annual Tree Ring Features
- A Comparative Assessment of TKE Terms for Two Near-canonical Sites
- A Review of Cold Air Pool Events in the Intermountain West using Radiosondes and the North American Mesoscale Model (NAM)
- A comparison of dimensionality reduction techniques in hydrogeochemistry
- A multiscale experimental investigation of bed force distributions in rapid granular flows
- An Ensemble Approach to Reconstructing the Paleohydrology of Outburst Floods from Glacial Lake Tahoe, CA, USA
- Annual and Long-Term Mars Northern Seasonal Cap Recession Observed with MARCI
- Anthropogenic and wildfire influences on black carbon deposition in a montane California lake sediment record
- Assessment of a passive microwave based hard snow and ice layer detection algorithm across Arctic Boreal Alaska
- Catch or Release? Sensitivity of Extreme Rain-on-Snow Responses to Snowpack Mass and Energy Balances in California's Northern Sierra Nevada, USA
- Characterization of outcrop structures, microstructures and deformation conditions of the Bear Mountain Fault Zone in the Sierra Nevada foothills, California
- Chimera: A deep-learning approach for fusing multi-sensor data for forest classification and structural estimation
- Climate-driven erosion and sedimentation in Asia during the Late Cenozoic
- Comprehensive monitoring of velocity variation near L'Aquila region: modeling the pre- post- and cosesimic crustal response to different perturbations
- Crustal Tilting and Differential Exhumation of Gangdese Batholith Revealed by Bedrock Pressures
- Crystal exit interviews - the role of olivine in recording magma assembly and magmatic processes
- Determination of Dust Particles Mineral Percentages by Semiquantitative Analysis Using X-Ray Powder Diffraction and Linear Spectral Unmixing
- Development of a novel high-resolution long-term gridded meteorology dataset including urban heat islands over the contiguous United States for health studies
- Disequilibrium river networks dissecting the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, California record significant late Cenozoic tilting and associated surface uplift
- Don't get too comfy: The postburn return of severe fire risk under climate change
- Drought Induced Groundwater Loss in and Around Great Salt Lake, Utah, Inferred from 3D GPS Displacements
- Dry snow compaction: theory and French-press experiments
- Ecological vs. hydrological drought in changing seasons: Learning from full gradient monitoring in the Great Basin
- Efficacy of using unmanned aerial vehicle imagery, terrestrial laser scanning, and airborne laser scanning data in measuring three-dimensional forest properties
- Evaluating Climate-Driven Changes in Lifeform Cover Composition Across the United States From 1984 to 2015 Using Landsat and Airborne LiDAR/Hyperspectral Data
- Evaluating Fire Emissions Inventories for Modeling Smoke Transport in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Evidence for a Buoyant Eifel Mantle Plume from Geodetic Observations of 3D Surface Deformation
- Evolution within the Martian Southern Seasonal Cryptic Terrain from CTX and CRISM
- Exploring the Role of Mafic Magmas and Their Volatile Content During the 2011-12 Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Eruption
- Exploring the morphologic diversity of normal-fault facets
- Fluid-driven element recycling during retrograde metamorphism following UHP metamorphism in the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Forest cover controls variability in snow albedo and the snowpack energy balance in a mountain watershed
- Forest management linkages to snow, wildfire, and hydrology in the Oregon Cascades
- Four-fold Increase in Solar Forcing on Snow in Western U.S. Burned Forests since 1999
- From Strain Rates and Stresses to Earthquake Energy Frequency Distributions
- GPS Imaging of Uplift and Extension in the Apennines, Italy
- Geodetic Observations Suggest Sierra Nevada Hydrological Loading Encouraged the July 2019 Ridgecrest/Searles Valley Earthquake Sequence
- Hammer-Sourced Prestack-Migrated Seismic Reflection-Refraction Fault and Cavity Imaging to >100 m Depth
- High Resolution Analysis of the "Tooth" Region of the Residual South Cap of Mars Using CRISM
- Higher Day vs. Night Ecosystem Respiration Reveals Underestimates In River Carbon Cycling - A Global Assessment Using Diel Patterns Of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration and d<SUP>18</SUP>O
- How Ready Is The Hydrologic Sciences For the Loss of Seasonal Snowpacks (And What Can Be Done)?
- Hyperbolic geometry of earthquake networks
- Imaging the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Improved GPS position time series spanning up to 25 years for over 18,000 stations resulting from IGS Repro3 products, JPL's GipsyX software, and more advanced modeling techniques
- Improving Regression-Based Water Supply Forecasts following Snow Droughts in the Western U.S.
- Influence of Reduced Precipitation on the Allocation and Persistence of Root Carbon in a California Annual Grassland
- Influence of aerosols on precipitation and vertical temperature distribution over the foothills of Himalayas during the Indian summer monsoon
- Influence of fluvial sediment abrasion on carbonate, silicate, and sulfide weathering
- Integrated Earth Systems in the eastern Sierra Nevada, CA: Connections between mineralogy, hydrogeology, geochemistry, and benthic ecology
- Integrated real-time observations with stratigraphically-constrained samples of the 2018 eruption of Veniaminof, Alaska
- Interpreting the Plumbing of the Rincon Geothermal System using Electromagentic Surveys and Hydrothermal Models
- Introduction to High Volume Sampling: A novel method for sampling microplastics in diverse aqueous systems
- Investigating Vertical Motions in the High Plains Aquifer Region of the United States: Is Anthropogenic Activity Causing Crustal Uplift?
- Investigation of Columnar/Ground-Level Intensive and Extensive Aerosol Properties, and the Role of Weather in Aerosol Pollution Concentrations in Reno, Nevada, USA from 2012-2019
- Is forest management a safeguard against a climate change-altered wildfire regime in the City of Seattle's largest source watershed?
- It Was Always Burning, Fire Scars From Subfossil Wood Reveal Fire Return Intervals in a Mid-Pliocene Arctic Forest
- June 2019 Sequence of Small Earthquakes in North Reno, Nevada and Summary of Foreshocks of Recent Felt Events in the Urban Reno Area
- Litterfall inputs drive patterns of soil nitrogen heterogeneity in a diverse tropical forest
- Miocene thrusting in the easternmost Himalayan orogen and Lhasa terrane (northern Indo-Burma Ranges): implications for recent exhumation and clockwise crustal flow at the eastern Himalayan syntaxis
- Mobile ground-based remote sensing systems to study plume dynamics of large wildfires
- Modeling Wildfire Smoke Exposure from the 2013 California Rim Fire using CMAQ and HYSPLIT
- Modeling of Dynamic Rock-Fluid Interaction Using Coupled 3-D Discrete Element and Lattice Boltzmann Methods
- Montane conifer water use under more episodic and earlier snowmelt
- Near-surface Hydrologic Investigations of Pleistocene lakes within the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Neogene Radiolarian Climate Sensitivity and its Implications for Ocean Ecosystems and Geochemical Cycling
- Observations of the shallow-to-deep cumulus transitions at ARM-SGP
- Paleoseismology and simulations reveal geometry controls the temporal clustering of great earthquakes on the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Patterns and drivers of global riverine hypoxia
- Post-Eruptive Reinflation of Cordón Caulle, Chile, by Melt Extraction from a Crystalline Mush
- Pre-Earthquake Deformation, Coseismic Displacements and Post-Earthquake Transient Motions in the Region of the Ridgecrest Earthquakes From Survey and Continuous GNSS Observations
- Quantification of internal system dynamics and external forcing in bedrock river networks across tectonic provinces of North America
- Quantifying autotrophic soil respiration as a fraction of total soil carbon dioxide efflux in meadows of the California Sierra Nevada mountain range, USA
- Quantifying fire progression and plume dynamics with weather radar during California's deadly Camp fire.
- Quantifying preparation process of large earthquakes: Damage localization and coalescent dynamics
- Quantifying the Persistence of Martian Lakes
- Rates and proximate controls of biological methane uptake across an elevation gradient in the central Great Basin, USA
- Real-time modeled multi-spectral aerosol scattering coefficients and asymmetry parameters from the SPS30 Particulate Matter Sensor size distribution measurements: Comparison with integrating nephelometer measurements
- Restoring function? The impacts of hydrologic restoration on carbon cycling in Sierra Nevada montane meadows
- Rupture Directivity of Foreshocks Show Rapid Migration around Patches on a Complex Fault during the 2008 Mogul, NV Earthquake Sequence
- Sagehen Creek, Sierra Nevada, USA: Ecohydrological Response to Changing Snow Climate in A Groundwater-Dominated Catchment
- Seasonal Snow Storage Modifies the Timing and Magnitude of Streamflow in the Western U.S.
- Seasonal patterns of coupled carbon and nitrogen cycling under different organic matter inputs in the arid Great Basin, USA
- Sediment transit time and floodplain storage dynamics in alluvial rivers revealed by Meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be
- Seismic Images of a Deep Melt-Mush Feeder Conduit Beneath Axial Volcano
- Semi-automatic delineation of glacial lake evolution in Alaska (1971 to 2018) for glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) risk assessment
- Sensitivity of Mountain Lake Thermal Regimes to Changing Snow-packs Mediated by Lake and Catchment Features
- Showcasing the life of scientists at sea through social media: Challenges and methods of connecting the public with off-shore scientists
- Simulations of Wave Propagation Effects on Far-Field Ground Motions from the SPE-5 Underground Chemical Explosion
- Simultaneous ash venting and effusive magma extrusion modulated by fracture outgassing at the 2011-2012 Cordón Caulle eruption, Chile
- Sinking of the Upper Midwest, rise of the Great Lakes, and collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet forebulge
- Stick-Slip Induced Near Gouge Plate Motion in Sheared Granular Fault
- Sulfur from source to surface
- The Effect of Forest Thinning on the Sierra Nevada Snowpack Using Lidar and Process Based Snow Modelling
- The Idealized Planar-Array Study for Quantifying Surface heterogeneity (IPAQS) in the atmospheric surface layer
- The Limits of Glassy Melt Inclusion as Magmatic H<SUB>2</SUB>O Recorders for Super-Hydrous Mafic Melts
- The Role of Horizontal Advection and Vertical Flux Divergence on the Temperature Tendency Equation
- The effects of wildfire on snow water resources estimated from canopy disturbance patterns and meteorological conditions
- The observed variation of updrafts with height in the cumulus topped boundary layer
- The response of soil carbon sequestration to meadow restoration in Red Clover Valley, Sierra Nevada mountains, CA, USA
- The role of plant available water storage capacity in modulating the value of snow accumulation for upland ecosystems
- Thermodynamic modeling applied to understanding disequilibrium textures preserved in magmatic systems
- Through-Going Dextral Shear Zone at the Northern and Central Walker Lane Transition, Western North America: Kinematic Linking of Rotating and Translating Crust in an Evolving Plate Boundary
- Understanding Venus' Interior Processes as a Control Case for the Evolution of Earth and Earth-sized Exoplanets
- Unraveling the Relationships between Fluid Chemistry and Conceptual Models of Geothermal Systems in the Great Basin, Western USA, using Multi-Component Equilibrium Geothermometry
- Using Land Surface Temperature to Quantify Fuel Moisture in Complex Terrain
- Using Novel Machine Learning Algorithms to Improve the Spatiotemporal Coverage of Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth
- Variations in Conifer Tree Surface Temperature across a Hydrologic Gradient in Sagehen Creek Watershed, Sierra Nevada, USA
- Vegetation community composition within Great Basin, USA meadows influences greenhouse gas flux and soil carbon stocks
- Watershed-scale geomorphology and disturbance influence riparian vegetation change in small mountain basins
- What Are the Relative Roles of Future Climate Change and Fire Suppression in Changing Wildfire Regime in Central Idaho?
- Who Stopped the Fire? Fire Scars from Ponderosa Pines in the Great Basin and Mojave Deserts Indicate Reduced Wildfire Frequency Even Without Active Fire Suppression
- Widespread Declines in Snowfall Fraction over Major US Mountain Ranges
- Zircon Microstructures and Element Mobility: Insight into Multistage Deformation Within Shear Zones of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- A Four-Year Catalog of Cascadia Earthquakes Using the Cascadia Initiative Amphibious Array and Subspace Detection Algorithms
- A Global Analysis of Streamflow in a Changing World
- A Model-based Approach to Quantify the Impacts of Forest thinning on a Maritime Snowpack
- A Spectroscopic Analysis of the Humuula Saddle, Hawaii Drill Core as an Analogue for Mars
- A Tale of Three Divides: Investigating the erosional signature of divide motion along the Blue Ridge Escarpment
- A WISER Software Toolkit for Imaging Spectroscopy Visualization and Analysis
- A novel high-resolution long-term gridded meteorology dataset including urban heat islands over the contiguous United States for health studies
- Are clothes dryers a source of microplastics to the atmosphere?
- Atmospheric pressure loading in GPS positions: A comparison of data products and processing methods for the contiguous U.S. and Alaska
- Automated Stem Mapping Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Hough Transforms
- Boundary Layer Controls on Cumulus Clouds at ARM-SGP
- Broadband Ground Motion Simulations with Sediment Nonlinearity: A Case Study at Garner Valley, California
- Capturing continental-scale dissolved oxygen patterns using deep learning and big data
- Cenozoic intracontinental deformation pattern of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen controlled by pre-Cenozoic suture zones and Permian mantle plumes
- Change Detection on Abandoned Mine Lands Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Characterizing the Distribution of Lakes on Arctic Deltas
- Coevolution of Snowpack and Tree Growth in a Mediterranean Montane Forest
- Comparing Standard Drought Indices Against Streamflow and Vegetation Response Across Alaska
- Comparison of Ground-based and Space-based Surface Rupture Mapping of the May 15, 2020 M6.5 Monte Cristo Range Earthquake, Nevada
- Comparison of co-located ice-core and tree-ring records of atmospheric mercury variability since 1800 CE from the Wind River Range, Wyoming
- Compilation and re-analysis of post-wildfire soil hydraulic properties across climate zones of the western United States
- Constraining water age estimations for runoff and evapotranspiration fluxes via multi-objective parameterization of StorAge Selection functions based on stable isotopes sampled at the catchment outlet and in trees
- Construction of a Database of Validated Simulated Ground Motions for the Evaluation of the Seismic Risk Posed to Distributed Infrastructure Systems: The San Francisco Bay Area Case Study
- Contemporaneous lidar and radar observations of a rotating pyrocumulus plume.
- Critical Zone network cluster research: Using Big Data approaches to assess ecohydrological resilience across scales
- Crustal Composition Variations with Depth in a Magmatic Crust: an Example from the Tilted Gangdese Batholith in Southern Tibet
- Cryptic Evidence for Primitive Magma Storage and Eruption in Thickened Crust
- Crystal-Mush Storage and Rhyolite Formation for the 2011-12 Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Eruption
- Deciphering the Origin of Waterfalls from Morphology in the San Gabriel Mountains, California
- Democratizing access to remotely-sensed seasonal snow data with user-focused cloud computing portals - SnowCloudMetrics and SnowCloudHydro
- Diel observations suggest earlier snowmelt-driven streamflow than land surface modeling
- Drought Induced Groundwater Loss Around Great Salt Lake, Utah, Inferred from 3D GPS Displacements
- Early Cretaceous contractional deformation and structural evolution of Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, northwestern China: Constraining the initial condition of Cenozoic construction of the plateau
- Eastward Mantle Flow Field Underneath East Asia Quantified by Combining Shear-wave Splitting Orientations and Absolute Plate Motion Observations
- Environmental Triggering of Seismicity in California
- Environmental controls on updraft variation with height in the convective boundary layer
- Estimating Arctic sea ice surface roughness by using back propagation neural network
- Evapo-sublimation Variability Across a Forest/Meadow Transition Zone
- Excess Asthma Events from Future Wildfires in the Western US: A Health Impact Assessment
- Exhumation of the Eastern Himalaya Syntaxis and Tilting of the Eastern Gangdese Batholith: Numerical Simulations
- Exploring Basin Amplification Within The RenoMetropolitan Area Using A Magnitude 6.2 ShakeOutScenario
- Exploring the Limits of Earthquake Offset Detection in GPS Geodesy
- From a vulnerability assessment toward regionally-coordinated, use-inspired science: Chugach National Forest and the Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center
- From soil to stream: reading subsurface structure from stream chemistry
- GPS Imaging of Vertical and Horizontal Crustal Motion Across the Centennial Tectonic Belt and Eastern Snake River Plain of Central Idaho, western United States
- Gravity Wave Observations by the Mars Science Laboratory REMS Pressure Sensor and Comparison with Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling with MarsWRF
- Ground Motion Simulations in the Yucca Flat Basin from Earthquake Scenarios on the Yucca Fault
- High-Resolution Dataset Reveals Complex Relationship Between Storm Tracks and Oxygen Isotopes in Precipitation Across the U.S. Pacific Northwest
- How do bark beetle outbreaks drive fire regimes in semi-arid systems?
- How well do we melt snow? A multi-model intercomparison project (MuMIP) illustrates the challenges of hydrological prediction
- Hydrologic modeling of reach scale hydrologic responses to flood irrigation through merging of geophysical and hydrological data
- Hydrological Extremes and Human Society
- Ice-marginal Lake Evolution in Alaska (1970 to 2019) and Associated Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) Hazard
- Identifying Controlling Factors of Calcium Concentration in US Streams Using a Machine Learning Approach
- Identifying Controls of Climate and Watershed Characteristics on Concentrations of Dissolved Silica (DSi)
- Impact of transported dust aerosols on precipitation over the central Himalayas using convection permitting WRF-Chem Simulation
- Improving Daily Surface Particulate Matter Estimates during Extreme Fire Events using a Novel NASA Satellite Plume Injection Height Algorithm
- Influence of Autogenic Bedrock Steps on Long Profile Development
- Integrating High Resolution Gravity, Magnetic and Magnetotelluric Data to Characterize the Structural Framework of a Blind Geothermal System in Southern Gabbs Valley, NV
- Intra-annual Freshwater Salinization Regimes in Rivers Draining the Arid and Semi-arid Western United States
- Late Cenozoic paleotemperatures reconstructed from the lignin-methoxy hydrogen isotope composition of sub-fossil wood in the Canadian Arctic
- Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic intracontinental growth and deformation history of the northern Tibetan Plateau and western North China craton
- Lessons Learned from the 2020 Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Virtual Workshop
- Links between soil properties, climate, and vegetation along elevational gradients in Nevada, USA
- Localization and coalescence of seismicity before large earthquakes
- Magmatic impacts on the thermal and rheological profiles of the upper crust: an example from the Bear Mountain Fault Zone in the Sierra Nevada foothills, California
- Mechanisms Controlling Nitrogen Losses in Dryland Ecosystems
- Multiproxy dendrochronological dating of coseismic land-level changes in the Puget lowlands
- Observed or Probabilistic? Evaluating the Effects of Ancillary Data as Predictor Variables in Remote Sensing Analyses of Vegetation
- Observing Montane Forest Evapotranspiration and Water Limitations With Thermal-Based Models In Complex Terrain
- On Physics and Poetry: Expressions of Universal Experience and Observation
- On Refining an AERONET Opto-physical Aerosol Typology: Expressing Aerosol Optical Properties as Distribution Functions by Specific Aerosol Type
- Ongoing Spruce Beetle Outbreak in Southwest Colorado Increases Water Yields in Snow-Dominated Catchments
- OpenET: Enabling Science-Based Water Management through Open Data Services and User-Driven Design
- OpenET: Filling a Critical Gap in Water Data for the Western U.S.
- Paleoindian Settlement of the Central Great Basin: Testing Environmental, Radiocarbon, and Lithic Proxies with Data from Grass Valley, Nevada
- Post-fire Runoff Response in Northern California: Testing current models used to predict post-fire runoff magnitude and debris flow triggering thresholds.
- Predicting beneath canopy radiation for land surface modelling from voxelised terrestrial laser scanning data
- Quantifying Snowpack Metric Trends in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Quantifying the role of fluid viscosity on bed force distributions in multiphase granular flows
- Rainfall-intensity thresholds for post-wildfire debris-flow initiation vary with climatology of extreme rainfall
- Redefinition of Somalian Plate motion, East African Rift System kinematics, and the tectonic significance of Madagascar
- Reflections on the development and applications of the 1970 paper on Tectonic Stress and the Spectra of Seismic Shear waves from Earthquakes
- Responses of evapotranspiration to precipitation events, across ecosystems and climates
- Retrieval of Global Dust Particle Mineral Abundances from Spectroscopy
- Seismic imaging of the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Selective Adsorption of Dissolved Organic Matter by Calcium Bridging to Mineral Surfaces
- Simulating Rotating Pyroconvection
- Snow Albedo in Forested Regions
- So Much Data and So Few Ways to Use It: The Era of Data Rich Hydrology
- Strategies employed for successful participant engagement in 'Tahoe Rain or Snow' citizen science to improve rain-snow partitioning
- Stratigraphic and microfossil evidence of repeated late Holocene tsunami inundation at Sitkalidak Island, AK
- Studying Microbial Adaptation in the Laboratory: Sensor & Control Upgrades for an Experimental Evolution Biofluidics System
- Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle Strength Modulates Crustal Deformation: An Example From The North American Cordillera
- Subseasonal scale climate variability and food insecurity in West Africa
- Surface temperature and the compositional effects of electron bombardment on Dione
- Testing Formulations for Incipient Motion of Boulders Reveals the Importance of Fluctuating Force Distributions and Parameter Uncertainty
- The 2020 M6.5 Monte Cristo Range Earthquake and Aftershock Sequence
- The Complex Relationship Between the Spatial Variation of Wind and Surface Thermal Heterogeneity: Observations From a Highly Idealized Environment During IPAQS 2019
- The Effect of the Sesan 2 Dam and High/Low Flow Regimes in the Limnology of the 3S System in Cambodia
- The Eifel Anomaly: 3D Present-Day Surface Deformation Caused by a Buoyant Mantle Plume
- The Mars Orbiter for Resources, Ices, and Environments (MORIE) Mission Concept Study
- The Viscosity of the Top 500 km of the Lower Mantle estimated using GPS, GRACE, and Relative Sea Level measurements of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
- Timescale-dependent dust accumulation measurements in high alpine lakes can masquerade as human-induced increases in dust emissions
- Trends and drivers of changing stream intermittency across the United States
- USDA Climate Change Indicators for Agriculture: A New Framework for Understanding Climate Risks and Impacts to U.S. Agriculture.
- Understanding bicarbonate concentrations across the continental US using machine learning models
- Unraveling the Controls on Snow Disappearance in Montane Forests Using Multi-Site Lidar Observations
- Using a Mountain Landscape to Understand Drivers of Spatial Variation in Aquatic Ecosystem Metabolism
- Using triple collocation of precipitation and evapotranspiration products to reduce uncertainty and improve inferences of catchment-scale water budgets
- Variability in Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) derived allometric equations for northern Sierra Nevada forests
- Variation in Post-Wildfire Perturbations to Soil Hydraulic Properties Across a Climatic Gradient
- Vertical partitioning of root distributions correlated with ecophysiological characteristics: Initial results from NEON megapit data
- Virtual Field Experiences with Active Learning to Supplement Classroom and Hands-on Activities
- Water quality-evaporation modeling of microbial habitability of potential Martian brines
- A Deep Learning Architecture For Mapping Arctic Sea Ice Roughness from MISR Images Based On Multi-Feature Fusion
- A Holistic Approach to Modeling Contemporary Crustal Deformation in the Western U.S. by Comparing and Integrating Geodetic, Geologic and Seismologic Data
- Accounting for built and natural storage is necessary to estimate the true vulnerability of downstream water supplies
- Adapting index-based vulnerability assessments in rapidly changing coupled upland-agricultural systems in the western US
- Aftershock Summary for the July 28, 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake
- Alluvial-bed evolution over variable hydrographs at the grain scale
- Ambient mercury observations in wildfire plumes at two Western U.S. sites using an improved dual-channel measurement system
- Application of subseasonal scale climate forecasts in supporting food-insecurity early warning
- Assessing changes in glacial lakes in Hindu Kush Himalayan region from 1975 to 2018
- Assessment of Satellite-Derived Smoke Height Boundary Layer Ratio During Extreme Smoke Events in the Western U.S.
- Blue Waters, Green Bottoms: Benthic Filamentous Algal Blooms Are an Emerging Threat to Clear Lakes Worldwide
- Capturing Global Earthquakes with the GPS Mega-Network
- Characterizing the Wildland Fire Environment for Smoke Modeling and Air Quality Mapping
- Citizen science highlights precipitation phase partitioning uncertainties in rain-snow transition zone
- Climate Data and Information Needs of Indigenous Communities on Reservation Lands: Insights from Stakeholders in the Southwestern United States
- Combining Paleo and Modern Hydrological Techniques to Explore Droughts over the Past Four Centuries
- Comparison of Methods for the Measurement of Gaseous Oxidized Mercury
- Comparison of remotely sensed and in situ measurements in Sierra Nevada micro-refugia
- Connecting Changes in Volcanic Activity to Glacial-Climates Over the Last 6 Ma from Central America to the Central Andes
- Connecting Magma Chamber Mush Dynamics to Post Eruptive Reinflation at Cordon Caulle
- Constraining Snowmelt Runoff Forecast Uncertainty Using Snow Water Equivalent Maps
- Controls on Large Rain-On-Snow Events across the Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Coordinating scientific and operational needs in region weather station network design
- CrackMap: Automated Extraction of Crevasses from High-Resolution Optical Imagery using Edge Detection
- Critical Tokunaga model for river networks
- Crystal Mush Storage Constraints for the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Volcanic Complex
- EMSLs 1000 Soils Project: core collection strategy and data types available
- Earthquake clustering and localization of seismicity before large earthquakes
- Effects of Forest Gaps on Snow Retention and Tree Water Stress Feedbacks in the Sierra Nevada, USA
- Estimating solute transport in heterogeneous porous media via machine learning
- Evaluation and bias correction of a novel high-resolution gridded meteorology dataset including urban heat islands over the contiguous United States
- Evaluation of Land Surface Model Evapotranspiration Partitioning using NEON Water Isotope Datasets across the United States
- Evapotranspiration partitioning and root water sources in a sagebrush shrubland
- Evolution of supraglacial ponds on debris-covered glaciers in the Everest region of High Mountain Asia from PlanetScope satellite imagery
- Exploring Compositional Variation in the South Polar Residual Cap of Mars: Implications for the Dynamics of Morphologic Evolution
- Firn Microstructure Influences the Frequency of Ice Layer Formation in the Shallow Firn Column in Western Greenland
- Fluvial organic carbon fluxes modulated by hydrodynamic sorting of mineral-bound and free particulate organic matter
- Framework vs System: Our experience with the TickBase project
- Geochronological Constraints on the Volcanic and Topographic Evolution of Central Baja California, Mexico
- Geometric and Spectral Analysis of Relict Channel Planforms in Central Baja California, Mexico: A Novel Approach to Paleo-Sea Level Reconstruction and Testing Hypotheses for Genetic Divergence
- How Effective Will Fuel Treatments Be for Managing Fire Hazard Under a Warming, Drying Climate?
- How does the mean and variance of rainfall patterns influence nitrogen saturation and export in dryland watersheds?
- Hydrochemical response of groundwater following the 2020 Monte Cristo Range Earthquake sequence within Mineral and Esmeralda counties, NV
- Ice-dammed lake drainage events in Alaska between 1985 and 2020 using Landsat and Sentinel-2 imagery
- Implementing High Resolution Mass Spectroscopy and X-ray Computed Tomography to Decipher Soil Carbon Cycles: A Case Study Using the 1000 Soils Database
- InSAR and Optical Sensor Fusion for SWE Retrievals: A case study in the Jemez River Basin, NM
- Interannual Variations in Snow Accumulation and Melt Govern Variability in Groundwater Contributions to Streams Across the Western USA.
- Interseismic Strain Accumulation Between the Colorado Plateau and the Eastern California Shear Zone: Implications for the Seismic Hazard Near Las Vegas, Nevada
- Investigating Forest and Snowpack Resilience to Disturbance in the Sierra Nevada Using Lidar
- Investigating Snow and Firn Compaction Through Two-Phase Modeling and "French-Press" Experiments
- Leveraging Red-Band Reflectance to Detect Ice Phenology in Small Mountain Lakes
- Linkages Between Ecosystem Productivity and Nitrogen Uptake in Mountain Streams with Contrasting Flow Regimes in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
- Lucina: A Compact Active-Reflectance Infrared System for In-Situ Exploration of Diverse Planetary Surfaces.
- M8.2 Chignik Earthquake Aftershock Sequence: 3 Very Different-looking Types of Earthquakes in a Single Sequence
- Mapping Post-Wildfire Erosion across California Using Very High-Resolution Multitemporal Satellite Imagery
- Metabolism in lake pelagic and littoral habitats respond differently to smoke from wildfires
- Microclimate Shifts Following Low-Intensity Fire in the Illilouette Creek Basin, Yosemite National Park
- Mineralogy of Natural Dust Samples from LWIR Reflectance and Transmission Spectroscopy
- Modeling Changing Snowpacks and Wildfire in the Oregon Cascades
- Multiple Metamorphic Events in the Ruby-East Humboldt Metamorphic Core Complex: Insight from Monazite, Titanite and Allanite Petrochronology
- Near-continuous observations of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf conditions andsub-ice-shelf environment
- New Snow Metrics Show Variable Impacts of Changing Climate Across Snowpack Regimes
- Nitrogens path from dinner to streams: The role of sanitary infrastructure in the terrestrial flow field
- No Evidence For Strain Localization Above Strike-slip Faults in Northern Walker Lane, USA: Invalidation of the Elastic Dislocation Model?
- Opportunities and challenges in remote sensing-based critical zone ecohydrology
- Petrogenesis of the McDermitt Caldera magmas, northern Nevada and southern Oregon
- Progress on JEDI initiatives within the University of Nevada Reno geosciences community
- Quantification of wildfire-induced perturbations to soil-water characteristic curves and their importance in generation of post-fire debris flows
- Quantifying the Hydrological Impacts of a Large Wildfire In Snow-Dominated Watershed: A Ground-Based and Remote Sensing Analysis of the Creek Fire in the Upper San Joaquin Watershed
- Quantifying the role of debris flows on steepland evolution
- Reconstructing Fire Temperature Using Infrared Spectroscopy of Charcoal Materials
- Reflectance Spectroscopy of Global Parent Soils: Application to Aerosol Mineral Dust
- Sediment yield from three watersheds following the 2018 Carr Fire, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, northern California
- Seismic profiling across the Eglington and Frenchman Mountain faults, Las Vegas, Nevada
- Site reigns supreme across temperate grasslands: plant and soil carbon stocks vary widely across sites but are relatively insensitive to decade-long fertilization
- Spectroscopic Retrieval of Snow Properties in the Mountain Environment: Fractional Snow, Effective Grain Size, and Albedo Degradation by Light Absorbing Particles
- Tectonic evolution of the Longshou Shan, western North China craton
- The 1000 Soils Project: A database of standardized molecular measurements to enable next generation soil carbon models
- The Effects of Drought Stress on Belowground Feedbacks of Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass)
- The Importance of Image Thresholding in Computing Permeability of Firn using Micro-CT Images and the Lattice Boltzmann Method
- The controls of climate and subsurface CO2 distribution on dissolved inorganic carbon in minimally impacted lands
- The ecological recovery of plugged and abandoned oil and gas well pads across the Colorado Plateau
- The impact of impurities on firn density at WAIS Divide, Antarctica and NEEM and NEGIS, Greenland
- The life and death of a subglacial lake in West Antarctica
- The relationship between lake spatial distribution and permafrost processes on arctic deltas
- Three years of belowground carbon flux under a range of grazing intensities in semiarid meadows of the central Great Basin, USA reveal substantial interannual variability.
- Three-Dimensional Kinematics and Scaling Effects in Rock Slope Failure
- Turbulence Characteristics during Diablo Wind Events
- Unbiased and Robust Estimation of Fault Slip Rates in the Walker Lane Using Spontaneous Block Modeling
- Understanding How Fire History, Topography, and Vegetation Affect Drought Resistance and Resilience in the Sierra Nevada
- Using Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) to Determine the Flow Characteristics of a Pyroclastic Density Current: The Nine Hill Tuff, Nevada and California
- Variability and Trends in Snow Cover and Forest Moisture Stress, and Relationships to Recent Wildfires in the Sierra Nevada, USA
- Variability in Post-Wildfire Soil Hydraulic Properties Related to Local and Regional Climatological, Geological, and Burn Characteristic Factors.
- Variability in hydrologic response to rainfall across a burn scar: observations from the Dolan Fire, California
- Volcano-Tectonic Evolution of Central Baja California Peninsula, Mexico: Implications for Speciation and Barriers to Gene Flow
- Waterfall Erosion Rate and Long Profile Form
- Waterfall formation and morphology governed by threshold channel slope: Field evidence from the San Gabriel Mountains, California
- What Drives Cities to Adopt Groundwater Banking? A Cross-Case Analysis of U.S. Cities
- Why Critical Zone (CZ) science needs team science: insights from the big data CZ network cluster
- Wildfire impacts to aridland stream chemistry across a hydroclimatic gradient
- Will Riparian Refugia be Destabilized by Snow Drought?
- 2023 SnowEx field campaign in Alaska, U.S.
- A Data Assimilation Approach for Improved Operational Wildland Fire Forecasting using WRF-Fire
- A Revision of East African Rift System Kinematics from GPS Observations and Block Modeling
- Along-Strike Variation in the Initiation Timing of theNorth-Trending Rifts in Southern Tibet as Revealed From theYadong-Gulu Rift
- Analyzing Changing Thermal Features at Puyehue-Cordon Caulle, Chile Using Satellite, Field, and Drone Observations
- Aqueous Alteration of Two Drill Core from Hawaii: A Geochemical Analog to Alteration in the Martian Subsurface
- Assessing Feedbacks between Forest Structure, Snowpack, and Tree Drought Sensitivity in Sierra Nevada Forest Gaps
- Assessing changes in glacial lakes in Hindu Kush Himalayan region from 1975 to 2018
- Augmenting forest inventory field data collection with consumer grade cameras
- AutoTerm: A glacier termini dataset delineated automatically from Big Data based on Deep Learning
- Avalanches in L-band InSAR imagery during the 2020-21 NASA SnowEx Mission
- Characteristics and example applications of a novel urban heat island focused gridded meteorology dataset over the contiguous United States
- Climate Controls on River Chemistry
- Coupling coastal and hydrologic models through the first coastal Basic Model Interface in the Next Generation National Water Model Framework in low gradient coastal regions of Galveston Bay, Texas, USA
- Critical Invariant Galton-Watson Branching Process for Earthquake Occurrence
- Critical Tokunaga Model for River Networks
- Decreasing Hazards from Ice-dammed Lakes in Alaska since the 1960s
- Dendrochronology Reveals the Response of a Riparian Forest to Water Management Policies in an Arid Basin
- Detailed P-T-t-d Exhumation History Recorded by Shear Zone-Hosted Titanite, Rutile, and Quartz from the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Distinct Regulation of Riverine Inorganic Carbon by Soil CO2 and Climate
- Do Feedback Cycles Between Snow Accumulation and Vegetation Growing Conditions Drive Subarctic Ecosystem Conversions?
- Evaluating Changes in SWE from 2020-21 NASA UAVSAR with Ground-Penetrating Radar at Cameron Pass, Colorado
- Exploring the Benefits of Machine Learning: Improving Stormflow Predictions using Long Short-Term Memory Networks
- Exploring the Controls on Riverbed Grain Size Distributions
- From understanding which seasons' precipitation is used by vegetation to understanding which it is sustained by: Leveraging long time series of streamflow Oxygen-18 data to understand the time-varying fate of precipitation in terrestrial ecosystems
- Geotechnical and geophysical investigations of river-infrastructure interaction in response to the 2021 Ahr Valley flood
- Headwater Reservoir Management Must Consider Hydrological Supply and Agricultural Demand In a Future With Less Snowpack
- Heterogenous Response to Forest Thinning from High Resolution Computer Modeling in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California
- High Throughput Phenotyping of Above and Belowground Sorghum
- Identifying Community Risk Thresholds to Encourage Equitable Communication of Geohazards in Five Communities
- Identifying Optimal Model Sets and Configurations in the Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework
- Improving Predictions of Global Canopy Interception Losses by Leveraging Remotely Sensed Canopy Structure Data
- Improving Tree Stem Mapping using Airborne LiDAR with Genetic Algorithms
- Integrating Fire Emissions Inventories and Atmospheric Dispersion Models to Improve Smoke Exposure Estimates
- Investigating Vertical Land Motions in the Chesapeake Bay of Eastern North America with GPS and InSAR
- Lessons Learned from SnowEx 2022 Hackweek for Fostering Open Science Communities
- Machine Learning Approach to Improve Spatial Resolution of GOES-17 Wildfire Perimeters using VIIRS Satellite Data
- Machine Learning Suggests a Limit to Rain-Snow Partitioning Accuracy when Using Near-Surface Meteorology
- Measuring rates and controls on waterfall erosion rates
- Mega-drought Detection and Prediction in the Central Sierra Derived from the Reconstruction of the Mt. Rose SWE Record for Water Years 972 - 2031 Using the Reversal of the Sun's Magnetic Field
- Metamorphic core complex dichotomy in the North American Cordillera explained by buoyant upwelling in variably thick crust
- Microplastics in the Mekong River, Cambodia: Preliminary results
- Migmatite remobilization during episodic magmatic-metamorphic events
- Mineral Association Drives Soil Carbon Stability in Restored Montane Meadows
- Modeling Bioclogging and Preferential Flow Path Formation in the Hyporheic Zone
- Modeling Fuel Treatment Effects on Streamflow in California Watersheds.
- Modeling Spectral Diversity of the South Polar Ices on Mars
- Modeling spatiotemporal exposures of heat and wildfire smoke using atmospheric models and satellite remote sensing products
- Modeling the Effect of Glacial Loads on Hydrothermal Systems
- Modeling the Effects of Snag Removal on Wildfire Behavior after Beetle Outbreaks
- Monitoring Precipitation with a Dense Seismic Nodal Array
- Multi-scale Thermal Mapping of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Critical Coastal Ecosystems of Volcanic Islands
- Near-field Co- and Post-seismic Deformation from Multiple Insar Products Constrain Field Observations of the Complex Surface Rupture of the 2020 M6.5 Monte Cristo Range, Nevada, Earthquake
- Numerical and Scaling Models of Erosion-driven Isostatic Flow and Diapirism in Continental Crust: Implications for the Evolution of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, Southern Tibet
- Optimizing InSAR and optical data fusion for tracking changes in snow water equivalent
- Our Changing Mountain Watersheds: Declining Snowpacks, Drying forests, and Post-fire Impacts on Snow Hydrology and Streamflow
- Paleoseismic Evidence for a Near Historic rupture within the Seattle fault zone: Implications for complex hanging wall kinematics above an active blind reverse fault
- Post-fire Impacts on Spring-flow and Low-flow Hydrology in Snow-dominated Watersheds
- Relationships Between Snowpack, Low Flows, and Stream Temperature in Maritime Western U.S. Mountains
- Revealing Grain Size Variability Across the Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet through Hyperspectral Imaging of Shallow Firn Cores
- Robust Characterization and Categorization of GNSS Stations to Enhance Utility For Earth Science
- SWOT Science and Applications in Deltas and Estuaries: Dealing with Tides.
- Scaling from regional to national: Evaluating the engagement strategy of Mountain Rain or Snow
- Slab-Plume Interactions across North/Central America Revealed by Adjoint Tomography
- Sluggish Rise of the Western Gangdese Mountains after India-Eurasia Collision
- Snow and Forest in the Western US - Does ecophysiology matter? 1089369
- Spatial Application of the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) to Project Impacts of Fuel Reduction Treatments on Carbon Budgets
- Statewide Mapping of California's Forest Stands using Synthetic Tree Data
- Steepland Morphology Predicts Erosion Rate: Comparison of Debris-Flow Metrics with Established Hillslope and Fluvial Counterparts in the Oregon Coast Range
- Supraglacial lakes on debris-covered glaciers: high resolution observations of subseasonal lake expansion, drainage, and the controlling processes
- Synergistic Integration of Wildfire Models to Simulate Fire Spread in the Wildland Urban Interface
- The 2021 M6.0 Antelope Valley Earthquake Sequence: Combining High-Precision Source Characterization with Detailed Ground Motion Analysis
- The Complex Relationship Between Grain Size Transitions and Ice Layer Formation in the Shallow Firn Column of Western Greenland
- The Effects of Fuel Characteristics on Simulated Fire Dynamics using WRF-Fire
- The GigaFire Project: Large-Scale Fuels Mapping and Modeling in a Cloud Computing Environment
- The Role of Tectonics in Regulating CO2 Release from Shale Weathering
- The Wind-Snow-Terrain Feedback Loop as a Driver of Late-Summer Streamflow and its Impact on Agricultural Resilience in the Wind River Watershed, Wyoming
- The role of antecedent conditions in the amplification of flooding from atmospheric rivers along the West Coast of the United States
- Transmission Spectra and Derived Imaginary Refractive Indices for Soil Samples from Globally Important Dust Generating Regions
- Understanding Ridgeline Profiles
- Using subseasonal climate variability at the community-level to advance place-based early warning systems in West Africa
- Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method to Determine the Intrinsic Permeability of Polar Firn
- Variability in Pyro-convection during the Bootleg Fire in 2021
- Vertical Land Motion of the High Plains Aquifer Region of the Central United States
- Viewscape Dynamics Highlight Shifting Relationships Between Landscape Drivers and Exurban Development Over Time
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Arendt
- A. Gannet Hallar
- A. J. Elliott
- A. Lyapustin
- A. M. Sayer
- A. Pickering
- A. W. Nolin
- A. Z. Csank
- Adrian A. Harpold
- Adriana Parra
- Adrienne B. Keller
- Ahmad Jan
- Alejandro Tejedor
- Alex J. Webster
- Amaury Dehecq
- Amy E. East
- Amy Leventer
- Andrew J. Newman
- Andrew T. Hudak
- Andrew V. Zuza
- B. E. Rosenheim
- B. M. Roberts
- Benjamin J. Hatchett
- Betsy M. Summers
- Bonan Li
- Branko Kosović
- Brian L. Sherrod
- Brianna Rick
- C. Kreemer
- C. W. D. Milliner
- Catherine Finkenbiner
- Celso M. Ferreira
- Christian Teyssier
- Christina Tague
- Christine M. Albano
- Christopher J. Still
- Colin R. Meyer
- Connie A. Woodhouse
- D. L. Roth
- D. S. Stamps
- Daniel McGrath
- Daniel S. Brothers
- Daniel T. Trugman
- David E. Rupp
- Donald F. Argus
- Donna L. Whitney
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- E. A. Cherrington
- E. A. Sproles
- E. C. Osterberg
- E. C. Pavlis
- E. C. Seybold
- Edward H. Bair
- Efi Foufoula‐Georgiou
- Emily B. Graham
- Enze Zhang
- Eric R. Pardyjak
- Evan N. Dethier
- Francis K. Rengers
- Francisco Delgado
- G. A. Catania
- G. Blewitt
- G. Filacchione
- G. J. Husak
- Gabriel Barinas
- Gabriel J. Bowen
- Gabriel Lewis
- Gabrielle Boisramé
- Gary Sterle
- Greer A. Dolby
- Gregory J. McCabe
- H. A. Janiszewski
- H. R. Barnard
- Hanlin Chen
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Helen W. Beeson
- I. Ganesh
- Ilya Zaliapin
- J. B. Johnson
- J. C. Rowland
- J. David Neelin
- J. M. Duncan
- J. P. Perkins
- J. Prancevic
- Jack Tarricone
- Jacob S. Jordan
- James W. Kirchner
- Jason W. Kean
- Jeff Dozier
- Jennifer S. Lund
- Jens Redemann
- Jessie K. Pearl
- Jianfeng Yang
- Jingting Huang
- Jingye Ren
- Jiu Shan Yang
- Joachim Meyer
- Joanna R. Blaszczak
- Joel S. Scheingross
- John Barnes
- Jonathan Frame
- Julia Perdrial
- Junlin Hua
- Justine Overacker
- K. P. Hand
- K. S. Jennings
- Kaitlin M. Keegan
- Kasra Shamsaei
- Katherine B. Lininger
- Katherine R. Barnhart
- Kevin H. Gardner
- Kumar Sadayappan
- Kyle T. Mandli
- Kyotaek Hwang
- L. A. Ward
- L. Harrison
- L. M. Burkhard
- Lawrence E. Band
- Lawrence Vulis
- Lazaro J. Perez
- Li Li
- Lin Chen
- Lisa L. Stillings
- Luke A. McGuire
- Lydia M. Staisch
- M. E. Pritchard
- M. E. West
- M. M. Arienzo
- M. S. Raleigh
- M. Skiles
- Maggie Bowman
- Marc Simard
- Marisa Repasch
- Martin Truffer
- Matthew A. Thomas
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Melanie A. Mayes
- Melissa L. Wrzesien
- Mengxi Wu
- Michael C. Duniway
- Michael D. Dettinger
- Michael Durand
- Michael H. Darin
- Michael R. Rosen
- Miguel L. Villarreal
- Ming Tang
- N. Frazier
- Nancy B. Grimm
- Nancy H. F. French
- Nander Wever
- Neil P. Lareau
- Nicoleta Cristea
- Niels Hovius
- Nina Stark
- Noelle K. Patterson
- P. B. Kirchner
- P. D. Broxton
- Pamela L. Sullivan
- Pascal Matte
- Peter J. Haproff
- Peter M. Homyak
- Philip A. Fay
- Qian Zhao
- R. A. Washington-Allen
- R. L. Hawley
- R. R. Forster
- R. Schumer
- Rainer Volkamer
- Randall Bonnell
- Rebecca J. Dorsey
- Richard P. Fiorella
- Ross K. Meentemeyer
- Rui Fernandes
- Ryan Webb
- S. A. Drake
- S. D. Peckham
- S. Grigsby
- S. Havens
- S. L. Goldstein
- S. R. Hemming
- S. T. Henderson
- S. W. McCoy
- S. W. Tyler
- Sam D. Faulstich
- Sasha C. Reed
- Scott Bennett
- Scott D. Hamshaw
- Scott L. Collins
- Scott T. Allen
- Sebastian A. Krogh
- Seth Lyman
- Seth M. Munson
- Stephen J. Angster
- Stephen P. Good
- Steven G. Wesnousky
- Steven Pestana
- Sudeep Chandra
- Svetlana Stuefer
- T. A. Scambos
- T. F. Bristow
- T. H. Painter
- TC Chakraborty
- Timbo Stillinger
- Timothy W. Juliano
- Victor C. Tsai
- W. C. Hammond
- W. M. Calvin
- W. Tyler Brandt
- Wenrong Cao
- William B. Moore
- William H. Armstrong
- William Struble
- Xiao Yang
- Xiaogang Ma
- Xiaohua Xu
- Xiaoping Yuan
- Xuanyu Liu
- Yang Liao
- Yehuda Ben‐Zion
- Yevgeniy Kovchegov