University of Regina, Canada
flowchart I[University of Regina, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (73)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Quantitative Assessment of Present and Past Hydrological Status of "Spruce Island Lake", Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada, Using Water Isotope Tracers
- Hydroclimatic Variability in the Northern Interior of North America
- Global change and drought severity in the Battle River Basin, Alberta
- The climate signal in limber pine chronologies from southwestern Alberta and northcentral Montana
- Mission Design Concept for in Situ Characterization of Saturnian Atmospheric Composition
- Changes in nitrogen cycling during the past century in a northern hardwood forest
- Delivering Climate Change Science: The Prairie Provinces Chapter of Canada's National Assessment of Climate Change
- The record and forcing of paleodrought in western North America: extrapolation from the western US to western Canada
- Validating Historical and Future GCM Simulations of Climate Moisture Variability with Observed and Dendroclimatic Records
- Increasing Baseflow From Possible Permafrost Thawing and Increasing Mean Annual Streamflow in the Northwest Territories, Canada
- A National Climate Change Adaptation Network for Protecting Water Security
- Linking Paleoclimate, historical and GCM based future scenarios to a fine scale hydrometeorology model
- Northern Rocky Mountain streamflow records: global warming trends, human impacts or natural variability?
- Testing the sensitivity of snowpack to climatic change in a large physiographically diverse watershed
- 21st Century Projected Northern Rocky Mountain River Discharges Under Greenhouse Forcings
- Developing paleoclimate, historical and GCM based future scenarios of moisture indices for upper sub-basins in the Canadian Rockies
- GCM Projections for the Pacific Decadal Oscillation under Greenhouse Forcing for the 21st Century
- Impacts of Land Use and Hydrology on Methylmercury Concentrations in Water in Prairie Wetlands
- Tree-ring reconstruction of 700 years of flow at the Oldman River, southwestern Alberta, Canada
- Alleged Leakage of CO2 from the Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project: Preliminary Findings from Implementation of the IPAC-CO2 Incident Response Protocol
- Detection and Attribution of Variability and Trends in Canadian Prairie Provinces' Streamflow
- Mercury Methylation Rates in Prairie Wetland Sediments
- Root and shoot phenologies differ on an arctic elevation gradient
- A catchment-scale palaeolimnological investigation into multiple forcings of algal community change
- Influence of the Little Ice Age on the biological structure of lakes in South West Greenland
- Tectonic significance of granitoid plutons from the Andasibe paragneiss belt, east-central Madagascar
- A Millennial Length High-Resolution Pollen, Charcoal, Diatom and Stable Isotope Record from Laguna San Carlos, Panama
- An Uncertainty Quantification Framework for Hydrologic Prediction under Climate Change
- Assessing Freshwater Ecosystem Service Risk over Ecological, Socioeconomic, and Cultural Gradients: Problem Space Characterization and Methodology
- Bacteria and Composite Particles in the Glacier-Fed Systems of British Columbia and Alberta, Canada
- Multi-decadal Variability of Flood Risk in Southwestern Canadian Prairie Rivers as Characterized by the PDO and ENSO
- A Screening-Level Approach for Comparing Risks Affecting Aquatic Ecosystem Services over Socio-Environmental Gradients
- Can we Detect Ecosystem Critical Transitions and Early Warning Signals of Catastrophic Shifts from Palaeo-Ecological Records?
- Exposing variation to aid climate change risk assessment
- Long-term reliability of the Athabasca River (Alberta, Canada) as the water source for oil sands mining
- Using Citizen Science to Close Gaps in Cabled Ocean Observatory Research
- Using a novel Mg isotope tracer to investigate the dolomitization of the Red River Formation in the Williston Basin
- Application of Lacustrine Biomarkers to Reconstruct Late Holocene Temperature Change in the Saskatchewan Prairies.
- Development of the alkenone-based temperature proxy: insights from lakes in the Northern Great Plains
- Impact of Holocene terrestrial vegetation succession on the biogeochemical structure and function of an Arctic lake, Alaska
- Increasing the Number of Canadian Indigenous Students in STEM at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Probabilistic Projections of Regional Climatic Changes Through an Ensemble Modeling Approach: A Canadian Case Study
- Projected run-off changes for the semi-arid South Saskatchewan River Basin, Alberta, Canada, in NARCCAP and CORDEX RCM data
- Climate controls on streamflow variability in the Missouri River Basin
- Control of Viscous Fingering in Miscible Displacements in Porous Media with a Periodic Change of Injection Rate
- High-Resolution Climate Data Visualization through GIS- and Web-based Data Portals
- Sources of Quaternary volcanism in the Itasy and Ankaratra volcanic fields, Madagascar
- Alkenone distribution and producers in Canadian lakes: Implications for palaeotemperature reconstructions
- Assessing the Historic and Prehistoric Hydrological Drought Risk for the City of Calgary, Alberta
- Hybrid Modeling for Streamflow Prediction in the Guadalupe Basin, Texas
- The Influence of Complex Pore Structures on Transport Properties of Shale Based on Multi-scale Pore Networks
- A Study of Extreme Precipitation and Extreme Streamflow over the Yangtze River Basin Using a Double Nested Coupled Regional Ocean-Atmosphere Model
- A comparison among tree-ring reconstructed warm and cool season streamflow (1400-2018) and RCM simulated historical and projected runoff, North and South Saskatchewan River sub-basins, western Canada
- An Unusual Cold February 2019 in Saskatchewan—A Case Study Using NCEP Reanalysis Datasets
- Application of Composite Models in Low-Permeability Unconventional Reservoirs Stimulated by Hydraulic Fractures: Considering Coupled Heterogeneity-Geomechanics-Sorption-Rarefied Flow Processes
- Continental-scale Projection of Future Douglas-fir Growth from Tree Rings: Testing the Limits of Space-for-Time Substitution
- Declining Surface Water Availability Projected for the Athabasca River Basin, Water Source for Canadian Tar Sands Extraction, Using CORDEX
- Effects of Compound Drought and Heatwave Extremes on Hydrological Projection
- Evaluation of dam risk for sediment-rich basins through hydrological projection and remote sensing
- High Resolution Hydrological Projection and Long-Term Flood Mapping for Canadian Prairies
- Hydro-climatic Impact Analysis of Future Streamflow based on High-resolution RCM Projections
- Impacts Analyses of Climate Change on Water Availability for Adaptive Management
- Impacts of Hydro-Climatic Changes on Feasibility of Small Modular Reactors in Canada
- Investigation of Natural and Externally Forced Hydroclimatic Variability in the Upper North Saskatchewan River Basin
- Long-Term Impacts of Glacier Melts on Macro-Scale Unregulated Streamflow under Climatic Changes
- Long-term hydrological impacts of RCMs-projected climate changes on Canadian Prairies
- Projection of Long-Term Hydrological Impacts on Socio-Economic Systems in China
- Sensitivity Analyses of RegCM Physical Schemes for Long-term Hydroclimatic Forecasts
- A Multivariate Bayesian Inference Model for Streamflow Prediction and Interpretation under Uncertainty
- Factorial uncertainty source quantification for RegCM projections
- Nonstationary regional flood inundation projection under climate change: a case study of Athabasca River Basin, Canada
- Centennial to Decadal-Scale Changes in Algal Production and Community Composition in Santa Fe Lake, NM
- Applied Dendrohydrology on the Northern Great Plains: Limitations and Further Opportunities