Princeton University, School of Engineering and Applied Science
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Illustration of the Influence of John Schaake on Modern Hydroclimatological Observation Networks
- Back to Baltimore - Hydrology and Hydrometeorology of Flooding in an Urban Environment
- Development of Archival Precipitation Data Sets for the GCIP Domain: A Progress Report
- Dust Characteristics over the North Pacific Observed with Shipboard Sampling During ACE-Asia
- Dynamic capillary pressure effects: experimental evidence and computational investigations
- Effects of Nonionic Surfactants on Bacterial Transport Through Porous Media
- Eulerian-Lagrangian Localized Adjoint Methods (ELLAM): From Cocoyoc to the Present
- Evolution of Land Surface Modeling over the Last 30 Years
- HYDROS: The Hydrosphere State Exploratory Mission
- Inclusion of Dynamic Capillary Pressure in Unsaturated Flow Simulators
- Land data assimilation: A possible centerpiece of CUAHS modeling activities?
- Mapping Organic Composition in Individual Atmospheric Particles
- Newly Derived Equations for Describing Gas Flow in Porous Media
- Radar Rainfall Estimates for Modeling Flood Response to Orographic Thunderstorms in the Central Appalachians
- Scale and Scalability Issues Surrounding the Assimilation of Spaceborne Microwave Remote Sensing Data into Surface Water and Energy Balance Models
- Soil moisture and plant stress dynamics along the Kalahari precipitation gradient
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Vegetation in Water-Limited Ecosystems: The Role of Interannual Rainfall Variability.
- Study of capillary pressure-saturation relationships using a dynamic pore-scale network model
- Value of Assimilated L-band Surface Brightness Temperature Measurements for Surface Energy Flux Modeling: A Case Study using ESTAR Measurements During SGP97.
- Water Balance and Soil Nitrogen Cycle: Fluctuations at Different Time Scales
- A Framework to Estimate CO2 Leakage associated with Geological Storage in Mature Sedimentary Basins
- Application of lidar for measurement of channel characteristics in urban flood studies
- How Much Rain Reaches the Surface? Analysis of High Resolution Rainfall Observations in the Goodwin Creek Watershed
- Hydrometeorological Analysis of Flash Floods in the Baltimore Metropolitan Region
- Microphysical and Radiative Evolution of Aerosol Plumes Over the Tropical North Atlantic Ocean
- On the Links Between Photosynthesis and Soil Water Balance
- Organic-Mass-to-Organic-Carbon Aerosol Ratio Measurements by FTIR
- Prospects for improving land surface model performance via the assimilation of remote sensing products.
- Upscaling of Carbonate Dissolution Rates in Porous Media Using Pore-Scale Network Modeling
- Variability of Snow Cover Extent During ENSO Years
- A 50-yr Global Dataset of Land Surface Fluxes and States
- Assessing the role of spatial pattern in governing ecohydrological interactions and vegetation dynamics in semi-arid savannas.
- Calibration Strategies for Global Land Surface Modeling
- Catastrophic Flooding From an Orographic Thunderstorm in the Central Appalachians
- Effects of Model Resolution on Predictions of Vegetation Health in Water-Limited Ecosystems
- Effects of pressure and solution composition on mineral weathering rates as applied to geologic storage of carbon dioxide
- Extreme Floods in Urban Drainage Basins
- Functional Relationship to Describe Temporal Statistics of Soil Moisture Averaged Over Different Depths
- High-Magnitude Short-Duration Floods in Small Urban Watersheds
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Soil Moisture and Mineral Nitrogen
- On the coupled geomorphological and ecohydrological organization of river basins
- Soil Moisture Estimation Using Surface Backscattering Coefficients Observed by the Tropical Rain Measurement Mission Precipitation Radar
- Strategies of Plant Water Use under Stochastic Hydrologic Conditions
- The Occurrence of Global Drought Under Future Climate Scenarios
- Using TRMM/TMI to retrieve soil moisture over southern United States from 1998 to 2002: results and validation
- A Comprehensive Framework for Use of NEXRAD Data in Hydrometeorology and Hydrology
- Appalachian Flood Hydrology in Headwater Watersheds: Hillslope Scale Studies at the Fernow Experimental Forest
- Bayesian analysis of data and model error in rainfall-runoff hydrological models
- Estimating Snowfall in the Arctic
- Horizontal and vertical variability of soil moisture in savanna ecosystems
- Hydraulics of a Catastrophic Flood in a Small Central Appalachian Watershed
- Hydrometeorology of Extreme Flooding in a Small Urban Watershed
- Network Modeling of Anorthite and Kaolinite Reaction Rates in Porous Media
- Predictability of hydrological variables and their seasonal prediction in the GFDL climate model
- Rapid-Response Monitoring of Flood Inundation in a Small Urban Watershed
- Spatial and temporal characteristics of US drought, 1950-2000
- Temporal variations in global simulated soil moisture
- The Urban Drainage Network and its Control on Extreme Floods
- Upscaling Relative Permeabilities in a Structured Porous Medium
- Use of 2d Hydraulic Models to Predict Stage-Discharge Relationships in Urban Channels
- A Pan-Arctic Evaluation of Changes in River Discharge During the Latter Half of the 20th Century
- A Strategy for Integrated Water Cycle Observations from Space
- Ammonium Oxidation by Ferric Compounds in Continuous-Flow Microcosms and Verification Using Batch Experiments with 15N-NH4 Tracer
- Biogeochemical Gradients in Wetland Sediments and their Effect on the Fate Trace Metals
- Connectivity Between Eurasian Snow Cover Extent and Canadian Snow Water Equivalent and River Discharge
- Defining Macro-Scale Pressure From the Micro-Scale
- Effects of Spatial Heterogeneity in Rainfall and Vegetation on the Space-Time Scaling of Soil-Moisture and Evapotranspiration
- Evaluation of precipitation products to force a global flood and drought prediction system
- Geomorphology of Urban and Suburban Riparian Zones
- Interplay between ecology and geomorphology in river systems
- Local geological conditions and seismic site response in Fairbanks, Alaska
- On the Spatial and Temporal Sampling of Soil Moisture Fields.
- Quantification of Iron Reoxidation in Microbially Reduced Sediments
- Quantitative Estimation of Leakage Potential in Mature Sedimentary Basins
- Relations between Soil Moisture and Precipitation in the U.S. Midwest: A Long-term Climatic Study
- Seasonal Hydrologic Prediction System over the Eastern U.S.
- Stochastic Models of Pulse-Reserve Dynamics in Water-Limited Ecosystems
- Streamflow Generation on Small Forested Central Appalachian Watersheds
- The Role of River Runoff in the Freshwater Budget of the Arctic Ocean
- The Role of Stormwater Detention Ponds in Nitrogen Cycling in Urban Watersheds
- Towards Better Utilization of NEXRAD Data in Hydrology
- A seasonal hydrologic ensemble prediction system for water resource management
- Assessing remote sensing based estimates of terrestrial evapotranspiration using CEOP EOP-3/4 observations
- Backscatter Electron Imaging of Viking Sandstones for Mapping Reactive Minerals
- Determining Effective Wellbore Permeability from a Field Experiment: A Numerical Analysis of a Downhole Pressure Test
- Development of a Drought Monitoring and Seasonal Forecast System at Regional to Global Scales
- Dissecting the 7 July 2004 storm over Baltimore, MD: Mesoscale modeling and observations
- Ecohydrological optimization of pattern and processes in water-limited ecosystems
- Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in Urban Environments
- Hydrologic Impacts of Future Climates in the Northeast USA
- Leader-Streamer Nature of Blue Jets
- Medium range flood forecasts at global scale
- Mission Design Concept for in Situ Characterization of Saturnian Atmospheric Composition
- On the Probabilistic Characterization of Base Flows in River Basins
- Quantifying Urban Groundwater in Environmental Field Observatories
- Regional Patterns of Trends and Multi-decadal Variability in Pan Arctic River Runoff
- The Impact of Drainage Network Structure on Flooding in a Small Urban Watershed in Metropolitan Baltimore, MD
- Towards Better Utilization of NEXRAD Data in Hydrology an Update
- Urban Infrastructure, Channel-Floodplain Morphology and Flood Flow Patterns
- Using Data Assimilation Techniques to Calibrate Soil Moisture Retrievals
- A Complex System Perspective for Integrating Hydrologic,Geomorphologic,and Ecological Dynamics
- A Hybrid Numerical-Analytical Model for Wellbore Leakage in Reservoir-Scale Simulations
- A New Noble Gas Paleoclimate Record from Texas: Perils and Promise Explained
- Assessing the Impact of Spatial Scaling on Empirical Runoff Ratio Models within a Heterogeneous Suburbanizing Watershed in Central Indiana
- Changes in Global and Regional Drought: Retrospective Analysis and Future Projections
- Decoupling structural and environmental determinants of sap velocity
- Drought Monitoring and Forecasting for the U.S. Using Climate Model Seasonal Forecast
- Effect of Wetland Plants on the Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium in Sediments
- Emerging Technologies for Integrating Multi-Scale Observations of the Hydrologic Cycle
- Evolution of the Microbial Community Structure and Iron Reduction Rate in a Column Biostimulation Experiment During the Transition From Iron to Sulfate Reduction
- Extreme Hydrometeorological Events and the Urban Environment: Dissecting the 7 July 2004 Thunderstorm over the Baltimore, MD Metropolitan Region.
- Flood Response Along a Drainage Network
- Formation Buffering Potential Pertaining to Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide
- Geological Storage as a Carbon Mitigation Option
- Global tomography using finite-frequency kernels in the wavelet domain
- Hydro-NEXRAD: A Community Resource for Future Research on Improving Rainfall-Rainfall Estimation and Hydrologic Applications
- Hydrologic Variability and its Influence on Peatland Dynamics
- Kinetics of Microbially Mediated Iron Reduction: The Role of Biomass, Ferrous Inhibition, and Electron Shuttles
- Land Surface Water and Energy Budgets Assessment Across NEESPI
- Merging Multiple Climate Model Forecasts for Seasonal Hydrologic Predictions
- Nitrite Production from Ammonium in Riparian Wetland Soils and Determination of Rates of Consumption of Nitrite and Ammonium in-situ
- Northern Eurasia: Evaluating processes and feedbacks in the context of climate change
- Radar Rainfall Estimates for Extreme Flood Events
- Simulated Soil Moisture Climatology in North America: Does the Water Table Matter?
- Techniques for Efficiently Managing Large Geosciences Data Sets
- The Impacts of the Urban Environment on Extreme Rainfall from Warm Season Thunderstorm Systems
- The Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge Site (IFC) at Rifle, Colorado: Preliminary Results on Microbiological, Geochemical and Hydrologic Processes Controlling Iron Reduction and Uranium Mobility
- The NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Evapotranspiration Product: the New MOD16
- Toward an effective governance regime for geologic carbon storage
- U.S. Remote Sensing of the Hydrosphere: from Nimbus 1 to the Earth Observing System.
- Analyzing the Warm-Season Climatology of Beijing, China with Long-Term WRF Simulations
- Basin-Scale Hydrologic Impacts of CO2 Sequestration within the Mt Simon Formation, Illinois Basin; Scaling Calculations using Sharp-Interface Theory
- Change-Point and Trend Analysis on Annual Maximum Discharge in Continental United States
- Co-injection of SO2 With CO2 in Geological Sequestration: Potential for Acidification of Formation Brines
- Continental and Global-Scale Terrestrial Water and Energy Budgets Using Remote Sensing Observations
- Daily Land Surface Air Temperature and Vapor Pressure Deficit Derived from AMSR-E: Comparison with AIRS and Northern Hemisphere Meteorological Stations
- Ecohydrologic Modeling of Hillslope Scale Processes in Dryland Ecosystems
- Ecohydrological characterization of flow duration curves and annual minima in river basins
- Estimating continental-scale water balances through remote sensing
- Evaluating Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength Over CONUS Using Satellite-based Remote Sensing
- Evaluation of a Global Evapotranspiration Product Using FLUXNET Data
- Evapotranspiration Estimates from Satellite Remote Sensing: Are Present-day Products of Sufficient Accuracy?
- Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in Urban Environments
- Influence of Iron Reducing Bacteria on Phosphate and Arsenate Release and Sequestration Onto Iron Oxides
- Lake-atmosphere exchanges: the LATEX field experimental campaign
- Measuring hourly 18O and 2H fluxes in a mixed hardwood forest using an integrated cavity output spectrometer
- Medium-Range Air Quality Forecast During the Beijing Olympic Games
- Model of UV Flashes Due to Gigantic Blue Jets
- Multiple Hazard Assessment of Extreme Rainfall, Winds and Flooding from Hurricane Isabel
- Multiscale Atmospheric Simulations Over Urban Areas: Testing WRF Model
- Numerical analysis of wellbore integrity: results from a field study of a natural CO2 reservoir production well
- Predicting Historical Droughts in the US With a Multi-model Seasonal Hydrologic Prediction System
- Preparing Climate Engineering Responses to Climate Emergencies I: Aerosol Particle Design and Stratospheric Delivery Options
- Preparing Climate Engineering Responses to Climate Emergencies II: Impact Detection/Attribution and Field Testing
- Quantifying the mean, variability, and trends in the water and energy cycles across NEESPI through modeling and observations
- Radar Analyses of Space-Time Variability of Rainfall for Extreme Flood-Producing Storms in an Urban Environment
- Solubility and Diffusivity of SO2 for Co-injection With CO2 in Geological Sequestration
- The Effect of Iron and Sulfate Levels on the Transition from Iron to Sulfate Reduction during Biostimulation
- The Influence of Hydrologic Variability on Peatland Dynamics
- The Role of Initial Conditions and Forcing Uncertainties in Seasonal Hydrologic Forecasting
- Towards Estimating and Validating Evapotranspiration Estimates at Global Scale
- A GEO Global Agricultural Water Productivity Mapping System
- A gamma pulse model of streamflow timeseries with an explicit link to rainfall stochasticity
- Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations
- Attributions of Vegetation Productivity along a Climate Gradient Transect in Eastern African Savanna
- Biogeochemical Signatures of Contaminant Transport at the Watershed Scale: Spectral and Wavelet Analysis (Invited)
- Continuous Monitoring of Nitrogen Retention in an Urban Stormwater Detention Pond
- Coupled Monitoring and Modeling of Air Quality and Regional Climate during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
- DUSEL CO2: A deep underground laboratory for geologic carbon sequestration studies
- Detection of CO2 Leaked Associated with its Geological Sequestration using Uniformly and Randomly Located Monitoring Wells
- Heat and Water Vapor Fluxes Over a Lake: a LES and Field Campaign Investigation
- Heterogeneous Surface Fluxes and Regional Precipitation Climatology (Invited)
- Hydrologic drivers of tree biodiversity: The impact of climate change (Invited)
- Hydrological drivers of wetland vegetational biodiversity patterns within Everglades National Park, Florida
- Increasing Soil Heat Storage across Northern Eurasia
- Land degradation in dryland regions: An ecohydrological framework (Invited)
- Measurement and modeling of mass-infiltration events into macropores
- Nested atmospheric simulations to study diurnal evaporation cycles over heterogeneous land surfaces
- North American Land Data Assimiliation (NLDAS) Data: 30 Years of Hourly Gridded Precipitation, Surface Meteorology and Fluxes, Soil Moisture, Runoff, and Snow Cover Available at the NASA Goddard GES DISC
- Of geographic ranges of freshwater fish in river basins (and other ecohydrological patterns) (Invited)
- Open-Path High Sensitivity Atmospheric Ammonia Sensing with a Quantum Cascade Laser Instrument
- Predicting Seasonal Evapotranspiration and Net Ecosystem Exchange: Comparative Hydrology across FLUXNET Sites (Invited)
- Public Release of 30-year (1979-2008) NLDAS High-resolution Products - Analysis and Validation for Soil Moisture and Temperature
- Soil CO2 Fluxes Following Wetting Events: Field Observations and Modeling
- Spreading of Cholera through Surface Water
- Study of Streamers in Gradient Density Air: Table Top Modeling of Red Sprites
- The Climatology of Extreme Rainfall in the Eastern US (Invited)
- The Land Surface Energy Balance and Regional Climate over a Heterogeneous Landscape in the Northeastern U.S
- Understanding the influence of land state initialization on seasonal forecast skill in the NCEP global model
- Wetland Ecohydrology: stochastic description of water level fluctuations across the soil surface
- A New Method to Quantify the Isotopic Signature of Leaf Transpiration: Implications for Landscape-Scale Evapotranspiration Partitioning Studies
- A strategy for downscaling SMOS-based soil moisture
- Active CO2 Reservoir Management: A Strategy for Controlling Pressure, CO2 and Brine Migration in Saline-Formation CCS
- Brine production strategy modeling for active and integrated management of water resources in CCS
- Coarse root structure in water-limited ecosystems: Results of large-scale tree and shrub excavations across a rainfall gradient in Southern Africa
- Coupled multi-phase thermo-poromechanical effects. Case study: CO2 injection at In Salah, Algeria
- Diurnal Cycles of Trace Gas Transfer through Wetland Vegetation
- Drivers and Controls of the Zebra Mussel Invasion of the Mississippi-Missouri River System
- Drivers of emergent vegetation pattern formation at hillslope scales in a central Kenya dryland
- Ecohydrological streamflow distributions and hydraulic food chain models
- Evolution of a Canadian biomass burning aerosol smoke plume transported to the U.S. East Coast
- Human Mobility Patterns and Cholera Epidemics: a Spatially Explicit Modeling Approach
- Hurricane Risk Assessment: Wind Damage and Storm Surge (Invited)
- Hydroclimatologic Analyses of Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in Atlanta, Georgia Using Long-Term Radar-Rainfall Datasets
- Hydroclimatology of Dual Peak Cholera Incidence in Bengal Region: Inferences from a Spatial Explicit Model
- Hydrological - pathological interactions: disease susceptibility, tree decline and ecohydrology
- Ice Supersaturated Regions Formed by the Inhomogeneities of Water Vapor Field in the Upper Troposphere in START08 and HIPPO Global Campaigns
- Impact of Landscape Topology and Spatial Heterogeneity on the Shape and Parameters of Dispersal Kernels (Invited)
- Linking soil moisture with chemical quality of soil organic matter to evaluate belowground carbon storage in savannas
- Long-term global estimation of the terrestrial water cycle through modeling, remote sensing, and data assimilation
- Measurement and Modeling of Lateral Subsurface Transient Soil Moisture Dynamics Using Multi-Point Direct-Current Resistivity in Homogeneous Sand
- Modeling adaptation of wetland plants under changing environments
- Multi-sensor synthesis of vegetation pattern over a large climatic gradient transect in Africa
- Nested mesoscale-LES WRF simulations: validation and application to diurnal cycles over heterogeneous land surfaces
- On Spatially Explicit Models of Cholera Epidemics: Hydrologic controls, environmental drivers, human-mediated transmissions (Invited)
- On land surface modeling in large-eddy simulations of atmospheric boundary layers
- Open-path Atmospheric N2O, CO, and NH3 Measurements Using Quantum Cascade Laser Spectroscopy
- River networks as ecological corridors for species, populations and pathogens of water-borne disease (Invited)
- Sensitivity of WRF-Simulated Water and Energy Budget to Land-Surface Parameterization over a Heterogeneous Landscape in the Northeastern U.S
- Sub-grain scale mineralogy of Hanford sand after reaction with caustic tank wastes
- The Role Of The Aquatic Reservoir In Long-Term Cholera Dynamics
- The impact of local-scale processes on solubility and capillary trapping of injected CO2
- Upward flow of supercritical CO2 with transition to gaseous conditions: Simulations for design of large-scale CO2 flow experiments at LUCI
- Urbanization and the Regional Rainfall Climatology of the Baltimore Metropolitan Region
- Using a sharp interface to model the capillary fringe: a model comparison
- A Continental Scale Assessment of SMOS Derived Soil Moisture over the United States
- A hydroclimatological analysis of floods in Britain
- A spatially explicit model for the future progression of the current Haiti cholera epidemic
- Active CO2 Reservoir Management for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration: Impact on Permitting, Monitoring, and Public Acceptance
- Alteration of Caprock Fracture Geometries During Flow of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-acidified Brine: Informing Basin-scale Leakage Models From Pore-scale modeling and Core-scale Experiments
- Characterization of nested watershed hydrologic response from high-resolution rainfall and runoff data in the Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER
- Characterizing Temporal Climatic Variability in Seasonal Ecosystems
- Convective injection into stratospheric intrusions
- Dependence of Up-Scaled Reaction Rate on Flow Rate in Porous Media
- Development of a Constructed Brackish Tidal Marsh and its Effect on Trace Metal Immobilization
- Distribution of relative humidity in the tropics found in HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) campaigns IV & V
- Drought Monitoring and Forecasting Using the Princeton/U Washington National Hydrologic Forecasting System
- Flash Flooding in the Northeast U.S
- Groundwater-vegetation interactions in the small-scale dynamics of the Okavango Delta
- In Situ N2O and CO Measurements with a Compact Quantum Cascade Laser Spectrometer
- Influence of rainfall climatology and coarse root structure on water use and carbon uptake by savanna trees
- Interactions of U.S. Agricultural Production with Climatic Stresses and Reactive Nitrogen
- Intragranular porosity in Hanford sand grains after reaction with caustic tank wastes: Quantification and implications for reactive transport
- Investigation of dissolution and precipitation of carbonate rocks using reactive transport modeling in pore networks
- Multi-Layer, Sharp-Interface Models of Pore Pressure Buildup within the Illinois Basin due to Basin-Wide CO2 Injection
- Multi-Scale Modeling of CO2 and Brine Flow in Geologic Formations Containing Faults
- Multi-scale Modeling Approaches for CO2 Injection, Migration, and Leakage
- Novel In-situ Calibrations for Open-path Ammonia Sensing
- Regional Analysis Of Extreme Flooding In Texas Using Long-Term Discharge Measurements
- Regional scale assessment of evaporation: a multi-spatial and -temporal analysis over Australia's Murray Darling Basin
- Relative contributions of initial hydrologic conditions and seasonal climate forecast skill to seasonal hydrologic prediction globally
- Remotely-Sensed Estimates of Regional and Global Evaporation and Latent Heating
- Simulation and Evaluation of the Nitrogen Cycle in the Dynamic Land Model LM3V: The Nitrogen budget of the Susquehanna River Watershed
- Soil organic carbon and nitrogen content in savannas: Potential impacts of climate change
- Temporal and Spatial Heterogeneities of Surface Fluxes in an Urban Environment
- The Flood Hydroclimatology of Urban Environments in the Southeastern United States
- The Impact of Boundary Conditions on Long-Column Flow Experiments Related to Geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage
- Trading-off Fish Biodiversity, Food Security and Hydropower in the Mekong River Basin
- Trapping and hysteresis in two-phase flow in porous media 1: Pore-network modeling
- Trapping and hysteresis in two-phase flow in porous media 2: Impact of pore-network model results on continuum scale models
- Using brine extraction to isolate the pressure responses from CO2 injection operations
- Water for food: The global virtual water trade network
- A GSM-based surface meteorology network in service of improved African hydrological data assimilation and drought forecasting
- A multi-year record of flux measurements in East Africa: coupling eddy-covariance with high-frequency water isotope observations
- A novel spatially-explicit condition for the onset of waterborne diseases in complex environments
- An integrated experimental program to understanding leakage from geologic carbon sequestration sites across scales
- Attributes of turbulence over the Arctic Ocean with partial ice cover near Barrow, Alaska during spring 2012
- Black Swan Tropical Cyclones
- CFSv2-based seasonal hydroclimatic forecasts over conterminous United States
- Calibration and Field Deployment of the NSF G-V VCSEL Hygrometer
- Changes in rainfall seasonality in the tropics
- Constraints on Transport Pathways That Determine the Water Vapor Distribution of the Mid-Latitude Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere from Aircraft Measurements
- Coupling of N2O and CO2 fluxes from agriculture in Michigan
- Data Distribution and Documenting Uncertainty Information for the Earth System Data Record: The Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Effects of land-use history, fertilization, and precipitation on short-term N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from agricultural soils using open-path eddy flux N<SUB>2</SUB>O and static chamber methods.
- Environmental conditions and characteristics of ice supersaturated regions from global field campaigns
- Establishing a water isotope framework for investigating ecosystem functioning and agricultural water use in central Kenya
- Examination of the Tropical Tropopause Layer during HIPPO
- Flood-Producing Rainfall and Storm Event Hydrologic Response in Urban Watersheds near Baltimore, MD
- Global runoff over 1993-2009 estimated from coupled Land-Ocean-Atmosphere water budgets and its relation with climate variability
- Ground penetrating radar measurements show a spatial relationship between coarse root biomass and soil carbon abundance
- Hydrologic controls on patterns of below ground woody biomass in savannas
- Inclusion of Vertical Dynamics in Vertically-integrated Models for CO2 Storage
- Integrated, Geothermal-CO2 Storage: An Adaptable, Hybrid, Multi-Stage, Energy-Recovery Approach to Reduce Carbon Intensity and Environmental Risk
- Interacting Effects of Heat Stress and Soil Moisture Stress on Crop Yield Losses in Dryland Agriculture
- Is Hazardous Waste Injection into Basal Aquifers a Good Idea?
- Low flow trends in the eastern United States
- Methane Emission from a Restored Wetland at New Jersey Meadowlands, North East USA
- Mineral Spatial Heterogeneity Constrains Permeability Evolution in a Limestone Fracture
- Modeling Carbon Dioxide Storage in the Basal Aquifer of Canada
- Multi-model drought estimation using regional climate model output
- Multi-scale Modeling and Model Complexity in CO2 Sequestration Simulations
- New Approaches to Rainfall and Flood Frequency Analysis Using High Resolution Radar Rainfall Fields and Stochastic Storm Transposition
- New approaches for the determination of the roughness lengths for momentum, heat and water vapor over water surfaces
- Nitrous Oxide Emission Flux Measurements for Ecological Systems with an Open-Path Quantum Cascade Laser-Based Sensor
- On the Temperature Dependence and Decadal Trends of Ozone in the San Joaquin Valley: Constraints from Measurements at the CalNex-Bakersfield Supersite
- Optimal Placement of Pressure Monitoring Wells for CO2 Leakage Detection based on a Kalman filter and a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
- Peroxy Radical Chemistry and Partitioning under a Ponderosa Pine Canopy
- Phosphate reduction in a hydroxyapatite fluoride removal system
- Physically-based Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Damage and Economic Losses
- Princeton Science and Engineering Education Initiative: Revising Undergraduate Environmental Science Courses
- Projected hydrologic changes in Northern Eurasia in the 21st century
- Quantify the impacts of seasonal variability in precipitation on vegetation structure in Africa
- Simulation of carbon dioxide injection scenarios in the Illinois Basin, USA
- Steep slope flow observations during the morning transition in a narrow alpine valley
- Storm Surge Simulation and Ensemble Forecast for Hurricane Irene (2011)
- The Influence of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones on Drought over the Eastern US (1980-2007)
- Tidal Influences on Belowground Methane Dynamics in a Mesohaline Coastal Marsh
- Transport in Porous Media of Poly(Acrylic Acid) Coated Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles
- Turkers in Africa: A Crowdsourcing Approach to Improving Agricultural Landcover Maps
- Using A Gridded Global Data Set To Characterize Regional Hydroclimate In Central Chile
- Water governance, agricultural development and community-level resilience to climate change
- 20th and 21st Century Climate Simulations and Projections in Central Africa by CMIP5 Climate Models
- A Machine Learning Approach to Mapping Agricultural Fields Across Sub-Saharan Africa
- A Probabilistic Framework for Assessing Drought Recovery
- A Seamless Framework for Global Water Cycle Monitoring and Prediction
- An assessment of a North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) based global drought early warning forecast system
- Basin-scale Modeling of Geological Carbon Sequestration: Model Complexity, Injection Scenario and Sensitivity Analysis
- Characterizing River Flow Regimes and Their Response to Hydro-Climatic Fluctuations
- Commitment accounting for CO2 emissions
- Comparison of low flows from the VIC hydrological model with observations for the eastern United States
- Comparisons of cirrus cloud formation and evolution lifetime between five field campaigns
- Coupled Model for CO2 Leaks from Geological Storage: Geomechanics, Fluid Flow and Phase Transitions
- Creating a Global Land Surface Temperature Dataset Combining HIRS Retrievals and Land Surface Model Simulations Through Bayesian Uncertainty Post-Processing
- Depositional History of a Saline Blue Hole on Eleuthera Island, Bahamas: Implications for Sea Level History and Climate Change
- Direct and large-eddy simulations of the stable atmospheric boundary layer: the effect of unsteadiness and surface variability
- Distributed Watershed Modeling for a Small Urban Basin in Baltimore County, MD
- Effects of Deep Convection on Upper Tropospheric Outflow Ice Supersaturation and Cirrus Cloud Formation
- Evaluation of the real time TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis for global hydrologic prediction
- Flow-rate-dependent Equilibrium Saturation-distributions Through Hysteresis in Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
- Geomorphic Signatures on Brutsaert Base Flow Recession Analysis: case study of 27 Swiss Catchments
- Global Scale Methane Emissions from On-Site Wastewater Management
- Halogens, OVOC and H2O Distributions over the Eastern Pacific Ocean during TORERO
- Impact of Soil Moisture Resistance on ET Retrievals from Remote Sensing
- Impact of parameter uncertainty on carbon sequestration modeling
- Inverse Streamflow Routing and Its Applications
- Investigating the intermittency of turbulence in the stable atmospheric boundary layer - a field data and stochastic modeling approach
- Isotopic equilibrium between precipitation and water vapor: evidence from continental rains in central Kenya
- Large eddy simulations and reduced models of the Unsteady Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- New Reactive Transport Challenges for Acidified Flows in Fractured Carbonate Rocks
- Observed soil moisture-atmosphere interactions in the contiguous US from the Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN)
- Partitioning of Latent Heat Flux between Transpiration and Direct Evaporation
- Perturbations to the River Nitrogen Cycling from the Historical Land Use and Climate Changes: the Susquehanna River Case Study with GFDL Land Model LM3-N
- Present and Future Impacts of Tropical Cyclones on Urban Flooding in the Eastern United States
- Significant Methane Emissions from Abandoned Oil and Gas wells in Northwest Pennsylvania
- Simulation of permeability evolution of leakage pathway in carbonate-rich caprocks in carbon sequestration
- Soil Water Dynamics in a Clumped Vegetation Pattern
- Spatial Trends in Evapotranspiration Components over Africa between 1979 and 2012 and Their Relative Influence on Crop Water Use
- Spatial and temporal characterization of methane plumes from mobile platforms
- Stable isotopes in plant physiology: using water isotopes to study water fluxes in a temperate forest
- Statistical models of tropical cyclone intensity for risk assessment
- Sub-Facet Heterogeneity of the Urban Surface Energy Budget
- The GEWEX LandFlux Initiative: development and analysis of a global land surface heat flux product
- The Global Terrestrial Water Cycle Earth System Data Record
- The development of a hydrologic-hydraulic representation of an urbanscape: the case study of Nashville, Tennessee
- The role of hydrodynamic transport in greenhouse gas fluxes at a wetland with emergent vegetation
- The triple oxygen isotope composition of leaf waters in Mpala, central Kenya
- Three issues on spatial scaling in hydrological processes (Invited)
- Urban Signatures in the Spatial Clustering of Warm-season Heavy Rainfall Events over the Beijing Metropolitan Region
- Virtual water trade flows and savings under climate change
- Water Governance and Adaptation to Disturbances in Irrigated Semi-Arid Agricultural Systems
- A multi-layer vertically integrated model with vertical dynamics and heterogeneity for CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration
- Challenges in reactive transport modeling for prediction of geometry evolution in fractured carbonate rocks
- Development of two simplified geochemical models for permeability evolution due to calcite dissolution in preferential pathways in caprock
- Evaluation of Intercontinental Transport of Ozone Using Full-tagged, Tagged-N and Sensitivity Methods
- Geologic Carbon Sequestration: Leakage Potential and Policy Implications
- How reactive fluids alter fracture walls and affect shale-matrix accessibility
- Investigating the Potential for Large-Scale Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Shale Gas Formations
- Modeling CO<SUB>2</SUB> Migration at Sleipner Using Models of Varying Complexity
- Two-Phase Fluid Leakage through Faults Using a Multi-Scale Analytical-Numerical Modeling Approach
- Assessment of (sub-) seasonal prediction skill using a canonical event analysi
- Coupling stress and reactive transport in fractures: Effects on contacting asperities, permeability and stiffness
- Data Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Surface Water Extent into a Global Rainfall-Runoff Model
- Developing a Climate Service: Using Hydroclimate Monitoring and Forecasting to Aid Decision Making in Africa and Latin America
- Effects of trans-Eurasian transport of anthropogenic pollutants on surface ozone concentrations over China
- Estimating Depth and Producing Formations of Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells Using Geospatial Analysis
- Evaluation of the Coupling of a Full-Dimensional Multiphase Model with a Vertical Equilibrium Model for the Simulation of Underground Gas Storage
- Flow regime analysis for fluid injection into a confined aquifer: implications for CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration
- Gorkha earthquake-induced landslides and dammed lakes: Evolution and outburst modeling
- Impacts of Air Pollution on Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Generation in China
- Improved Large-Scale Hydrological Modelling Through The Assimilation Of Streamflow And Downscaled Satellite Soil Moisture Observations
- Investigating the Fate of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid in Shale Gas Formations Through Two-Phase Numerical Modelling of Fluid Injection
- Translating the potential of hydrological forecasts into improved decision making in African regions
- Vertically-integrated Approaches for Carbon Sequestration Modeling
- A Multi-Decadal Analysis of the Variability and Trends in the Global Water Budget
- Adsorption of Dissolved Gases (CH<SUB>4</SUB>, CO<SUB>2</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>, Noble Gases) by Water-Saturated Smectite Clay Minerals
- Applicability of vertically integrated models for carbon storage modeling in heterogeneous domains
- Characterization and estimation of methane emissions from abandoned oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania
- Climate, Air Quality, and Human Health Benefits of Various Solar Photovoltaic Development Scenarios in China in 2030
- Development of a SMAP-Based Drought Monitoring Product
- Ensemble tropical-extratropical cyclone coastal flood hazard assessment with climate change
- Exploring the mutual enhancement between droughts and heatwaves in Europe
- Global soil moisture dry-down analysis based on SMAP retrievals
- HabEx: Finding and characterizing Habitable Exoplanets with a potential future flagship astrophysics mission
- High-Resolution Climate Model Analyses of Extratropical Transition of Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclones
- How to Define Future Streamflow Drought in Glacierized Catchments? A Case Study in Alaska and Norway
- How well will SWOT observe global river basins?
- Impact of Atmospheric Aerosols on Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Generation in China
- In situ network design for satellite soil moisture calibration and validation using the HydroBlocks hyperresolution land surface model
- Investigation of frayed edge site formation in high structural charge clay minerals by Molecular Dynamics simulation
- Land-Atmosphere-Hydrosphere Interactions in Urban Terrains
- Long-lived Species Facilitate Substantial Summertime Transpacific Transport of Ozone
- Measuring methane emissions from abandoned and active oil and gas wells in West Virginia
- Modeling the wind-driven formation of ice bridges in narrow straits
- Observations and Results from 750 Well Pads in the Marcellus Shale
- Risk assessment of tropical cyclone rainfall flooding in the Delaware River Basin
- Simulating Land Surface Hydrology at a 30-meter Spatial Resolution over the Contiguous United States
- Statistical Investigation of the Dependence of Tropical Cyclone Intensity on the Surrounding Environment
- Storm Tracking in the Southwest using 2D Lightning Fields
- Sub-seasonal predictability of water scarcity at global and local scale
- The Complexities of Urban Flood Response: Hydrologic Analyses for the Charlotte, North Carolina Metropolitan Region
- The Hydrometeorology and Hydrology of Extreme Floods in Urban Watersheds of the Southwestern US
- The Southern Utah Flash Floods of 14 September 2015 and the Hydroclimatology of Extreme Floods in the Southwestern US
- Towards a full representation of tropical cyclones in a global reanalysis of extreme sea levels
- Two-phase numerical modeling of hydraulic fracturing fluid injection in shale gas formations
- Why should we apply more metrological knowledge to field measurements?
- Vertically-integrated dual-continuum models for CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration in naturally fractured aquifers
- A Global Drought and Flood Catalogue for the past 100 years
- Anatomy of Human Interventions on the Alteration of Drought Risk over the Conterminous US
- Applications of Polarimetric Radar to the Hydrometeorology of Urban Floods in St. Louis
- Applying Machine Learning to Identify Super-Emitters from a Large-Scale Field Campaign in the Marcellus Shale
- Assessing and Mitigating Hurricane Storm Surge Risk in a Changing Environment
- Attribution of Extreme Rainfall from Landfalling Tropical Cyclones to Climate Change for the Eastern United States
- Building an Evaluation Framework for the VIC Model in the NLDAS Testbed
- Characterising Record Flooding in the United Kingdom
- Characteristics and Future Changes of Great Mississippi Flood Events in a Global Coupled Climate Model
- Deriving Global Discharge Records from SWOT Observations
- Effluent Gas Flux Characterization During Pyrolysis of Chicken Manure
- Extracting Archaeological Feautres from GPR Surveys Conducted with Variable Soil Moisture Conditions
- Extreme Rainfall from Hurricane Harvey (2017): Intercomparisons of WRF Simulations and Polarimetric Radar Fields
- Four Decades of Microwave Satellite Soil Moisture Observations: Product validation and inter-satellite comparisons
- Global-scale evaluation of 22 precipitation datasets using gauge observations and hydrological modeling
- High-Resolution Hydrological Sub-Seasonal Forecasting for Water Resources Management Over Europe
- High-resolution multimodel projections of soil moisture drought in Europe under 1.5, 2 and 3 degree global warming
- How spatial and temporal rainfall variability affect runoff across basin scales: insights from field observations in the (semi-)urbanised Charlotte watershed
- Impacts of Trees on Urban Environment in the Contiguous United States
- Incorporating human-water dynamics in a hyper-resolution land surface model
- Integrating an agent-based model into a large-scale hydrological model for evaluating drought management in California
- Investigation of Natural Gas Fugitive Leak Detection Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Large-scale modeling on the fate and transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in multimedia over China
- Leak localization and quantification with a small unmanned aerial system
- MSWEP V2 global 3-hourly 0.1° precipitation: methodology and quantitative appraisal
- Modelling water use in global hydrological models: review, challenges and directions
- Multi-model ensemble projections of European river floods and high flows at 1.5, 2, and 3 degree global warming
- Multi-model ensemble simulations of low flows in Europe under a 1.5, 2, and 3 degree global warming
- Predicting Near Real-Time Inundation Occurrence from Complimentary Satellite Microwave Brightness Temperature Observations
- Rapid highland forest loss in Southeast Asia during the early 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Rapid modification of urban land surface temperature during rainfall
- Regional frequency analysis of extreme rainfall for the Baltimore Metropolitan region based on stochastic storm transposition
- Results from SMAP Validation Experiments 2015 and 2016
- SMAP-based near real-time daily drought maps for CONUS
- Strange Floods: The Upper Tail of Flood Peaks in the US
- Surface Soil Moisture Memory Estimated from Models and SMAP Observations
- Temporal variability in methane emissions from abandoned conventional oil and gas wells
- The influence of return-to-isotropy in neutral and diabatic ABLs.
- The other side of the coin: urban heat islands as shields from extreme cold
- The potential water buffering capacity of urban green infrastructure in an arid environment
- Vertically Integrated Models for Carbon Storage Modeling in Heterogeneous Domains
- Vertically-Integrated Dual-Continuum Models for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection in Fractured Aquifers
- A Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Segmenting Smallholder Agriculture
- A Laser Hygrometer Payload for the ScanEagle UAS
- A Multi-Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach for Simulating Multi-Phase Flow in Deformable Porous Media
- A Reactive Transport Model of CaSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Reactions for Targeted Mineral Precipitation in Porous Media
- A Study of Turbulence above the Amazon Forest Using the Reduced TKE Phase Space
- Agricultural risk management under climate variability: the role of crop diversification
- An environment-dependent probabilistic tropical cyclone model
- Anthropogenic soil moisture enhancement of heatwaves
- Calcium Silicate Crystal Structure Impacts its Reactivity with CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Chemistry of Reaction Products
- Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery as a Pathway to Large-Scale Deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage
- Challenges of Adapting to Upper-End Sea Level Rise and Increased Coastal Flooding: the Case of New York City
- Changing Coastal Flood Hazards in Jamaica Bay, New York, Induced by the Mid and Late 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Sea Level and Tropical Cyclone Climatology
- China and globalizing air pollution: Impacts of atmospheric transport and international trade on China's air quality
- Climate-based Formulation for Long-term Catchment-scale Baseflow and Direct Runoff
- Confirming Archaeological Excavation Results with Ground Penetrating Radar: The Main Courtyard of Corvin Castle
- Crop failure risk under deterministic and stochastic irrigation controls
- Daily field-scale mapping of cropland evapotranspiration using multi-source satellite data for the U.S. Corn Belt
- Ecohydrological controls on iron redox fluctuations
- Eddy Covariance-derived Ammonia Emission and Deposition in Adjacent Natural Ecosystems
- Effects of Hurst-Kolmogorov Dynamics in Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves
- Enhancing Discharge Interpolation for SWOT
- Equifinality Adds Structural Uncertainties to Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Retrievals
- Evaluation of 27 precipitation datasets using Stage-IV gauge-radar data for the CONUS
- Extreme Floods in the Baltimore Metropolitan Region and the Myth of the 1000-YEAR Flood
- Extreme Rainfall Rates from Extratropical Cyclones
- Flooding potential in desert watersheds
- Free Energy of Interaction of Two Smectite Clay Nanoparticles in Liquid Water
- Globalizing air pollution: Linking production, consumption and climate impacts
- How Does It Rain Hard? The Ellicott City, Maryland Storms of 30-31 July 2016 and 27 May 2018
- Hydrologic impacts of agricultural expansion in Southeast Asia Massif
- Identifying robust development pathways to manage the groundwater-food-energy trilemma in California through penetration of renewable energy generation
- Identifying the Spatiotemporal Variability of NH<SUB>3</SUB> Across the Contiguous U.S.
- Impact of Pore-Scale Processes on Silicate Dissolution Kinetics
- Impact of Sea Level Rise and Tropical Cyclone Climatology Change on 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Coastal Flood Hazards along the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts
- Impacts of climate change on internal migration in South Africa through an inferential network analysis approach
- Improved Seasonal Drought Prediction in China Using Statistical-dynamical Approaches
- In quest of calibration density and consistency in hydrologic modeling: distributed parameter calibration against streamflow characteristics
- Integrated Photonic On-chip Sensor for Methane Fugitive Emissions Monitoring
- Integrating NH<SUB>3</SUB> observations to investigate effectiveness of NH<SUB>3</SUB> control in reducing PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in the US
- Introducing a Global 0.05° Hydrological Monitoring and Forecasting System
- Long-term GPS Glacier Monitoring of the Juneau Icefield, Alaska and British Columbia, Canada
- Machine Learning Application for Mapping Calcium Mineral Precipitates Using Coupled Microscale XRF and XRD
- Modeling NH<SUB>4</SUB>NO<SUB>3</SUB> in California during the CalNex-2010 and DISCOVER-AQ-2013 Field Campaigns
- Modeling coupled atmospheric-hydrological processes in urban areas
- Molecular Dynamics Simulation Prediction of Quartz Wetting by Water and Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> and the Potential Impact of Organic Residues
- Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Experimental Study of the Adsorption of Six Phthalate Esters on Smectite Clay Surfaces
- Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of black carbon and α-pinene secondary organic aerosol at the air-water interface
- Plant osmoregulation and productivity under water and salt stress
- Plume or bubble? The non-linear impact of an urban heat island on city-scale atmospheric circulation
- Potential exoplanetary system science with the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope Coronagraph Instrument
- Potential impacts of climate change on tree mortality risk: Do plant hydraulic traits matter?
- Quantifying the Effect of Farmer Management Decisions on Maize Yield in Zambia
- Remote methane sensing system based on heterodyne enhanced chirped laser dispersion spectroscopy
- Semi-analytic solutions for modeling of enhanced water recovery during geologic carbon storage
- Spatiotemporal uncertainties of remote sensing precipitation datasets and their impacts on global flood simulations
- Synergistic data analytics and physical modeling for improved understanding of vegetation dynamics under climatological stress: a key uncertainty in ecosystem management
- Synthesizing satellite, mobile monitoring, and surface networks for air quality resulting from Kilauea Volcano
- The August 1955 Flood in Delaware River Basin
- The ecohydrological cost of lawns
- The energy side of Budyko
- The location and expanse of green and cool roofs strongly modify their cooling potential
- Toward spatiotemporally continuous global discharge estimation by synthesizing SWOT-like observations, high-resolution terrain analysis, and hydrologic modeling
- Transport properties of clay-rich fine-grained sedimentary rocks from large scale Molecular Dynamics simulations
- Urban Air Temperature Model Using GOES-16 LST and a Diurnal Regressive NeuralNetwork Algorithm
- Using Hyper-resolution Land Surface Modeling to Downscale SMAP Soil Moisture to 30 Meters
- Using Polarimetric Radar Measurements to Estimate Extreme Rainfall Rates for Urban Flood Events
- Using airborne radar data to identify basal crevasses and their effects on ice hydrofracturing
- Using the Pseudo-Global Warming Method for Dynamic Downscaling to Evaluate the Interaction between Heat Waves and Urban Heat Islands in a Future Warmer Climate
- WFIRST Coronagraph Instrument: progress toward direct imaging of cool planets in near-by solar systems
- Where do You Want to Live: Changes in Global, Extreme Temperature Trends over the Last 45 Years
- A Budyko-type formulation for baseflow and direct runoff.
- A Global Near-Real-Time Soil Moisture Monitor
- A Non-Stationary Surrogate Model for Meso-scale Surface Temperature with Extracted Diurnal Spatial Patterns
- Accounting for Intercatchment Groundwater Flow in Karst Regions and Beyond
- Advancing the Understanding of Re-Infiltration Process in the WRF-Hydro Modeling System
- Applications of the African Flood and Drought Monitor to Vector- and Water-borne Disease, and to Human Well-being
- Assessing the contribution of cooling and water supply to yield benefits due to irrigation
- Bias correction of global high-resolution precipitation climatologies using streamflow observations from 9372 catchments
- Bridging the Gaps: Synthesizing the Ammonia Monitoring Network with Satellite Ammonia Measurements
- Comparing Urban Energy Use and Carbon Emission Patterns in the U.S. and China
- Constraining Remotely-Sensed River Discharge Estimation Using Reach-Scale Geomorphology
- Crystalline calcium silicate hydrates could enable tailored permeability control in the deep subsurface
- Data-driven prediction of global river width
- Detecting Climate-Stress Induced Forest Mortality Before the Canonical Symptoms Appear
- Development of a hyper-resolution mathematical model for monitoring and forecasting of adult mosquito
- Diets, Food-Miles, and Environmental Sustainability of Urban Food Systems: Analysis of Nine Indian Cities
- Electric Power Development Associated with the Belt and Road Initiative and Its Carbon Emissions Implications
- Ensuring Co-Sustainability of Food Production and Environmental Quality in the U.S. Midwest Agroecosystems
- Estimation of ammonia emissions over India using satellite remote sensing
- Extreme Value Analyses of Atmospheric Water Balance Components Over the Contiguous US
- First evapotranspiration results from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- Forecasting Hurricane-induced Power Outage with Unknown Distribution Network
- Forgotten Interactions: Missing Link in the Ecohydrologic Prediction Puzzle
- Global Assessment of Intermittency and Reliability of Future Photovoltaics
- Global River Flow Regimes and Implications on River CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission Dynamics
- Global characterization of fluvial floods through long-term high-resolution modeling
- Global fully-distributed parameter regionalization based on observed streamflow from 4229 headwater catchments
- How Adequate the Frequency of Spaceborne Water Elevation Sampling is for Accurate Global Surface Water Assessment?
- How Hard Can It Rain?
- How Secondary Organic Aerosol Affects Precipitation and Radiative Forcing
- How to advance the global modelling of tropical cyclone-generated storm surges?
- Impact of heat waves on intra-urban thermal heterogeneity
- Improving Noah-MP's Simulation by Calibrating with Satellite-based BESS-STAIR ET Measures
- Influence of Urbanization on Precipitation and Flooding Caused by Landfalling Hurricanes along the U.S. Coast
- Integrated approaches to Agricultural Monitoring and Forecasting in Dryland Regions
- Integrating Annual Landsat Imagery in a Hydrologic Impact Analysis of Localized Land Use Change for a Rapidly Developing Watershed in Houston, Texas
- Investigating Compounding Potential between Rainfall, Surge, and River Discharge for Landfalling Hurricanes along the North Carolina Coast
- Land-atmosphere feedbacks exacerbate concurrent soil drought and atmospheric aridity
- Leveraging emerging new soil datasets to enable field-scale hydrologic prediction over the Contiguous United States
- Linear Layout of the Multi-direction Flow Network for Efficient Modeling of 2D Landscape Evolution and 3D Vascularization
- Linkages between water, vegetation, and livelihoods in Sub-Saharan drylands
- Linking Momentum and Scalar Roughness Lengths of Urban Surfaces at the Macro and Micro-scales
- Long Term Potential Evapotranspiration and Evapotranspiration Data and Services at NASA GES DISC
- Memory effects of extreme hydroclimatic events
- Mitigating Reactive Nitrogen Loss and Associated Environmental Damage: Opportunities from Changes in Production and Consumption in China
- Mitigating methane emissions from abandoned oil and gas wells
- Modeling the impact of hurricane induced power outage in a changing climate
- Modelling hydro-climatic conditions of large basins in Africa and Asia for improved water management for energy and agriculture
- Nonlinearity of Ice-Water-Air Exchanges: Numerical Simulations of Remotely-Sensed Surface States
- On Surface Layer Similarity in the Baroclinic Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- REESEN: A remotely-sensed ensemble for estimating the terrestrial water balance
- Rapid fine scale flood modelling in urban areas to understand the nexus between climate risk and equity: informing vulnerability and green infrastructure design
- Scaling and dynamics of surface elevation in terrestrial landscape evolution
- Seasonal variations in global river and stream inundation extent
- Simulating the flood hydrodynamics of complex urban systems using a hyper resolution integrated modeling framework
- Some Lessons Learned about Seasonal Forecast of Droughts and Its Uncertainties
- Succession to Halophytic Species Reduces Coastal Wetlands Potential for Sealevel-rise Mitigation
- Temperature Surges Caused by Hot Runoff in Urban Watersheds
- The Dimensionless Groups of Chemical Weathering: Disentangling the Role of Hydroclimatic and Geological Factors
- The Future of Evapotranspiration: Global requirements for ecosystem functioning, carbon and climate feedbacks, agricultural management, and water resources
- The Global Flood and Drought Monitor (GFDM): A High-Resolution (0.05°) Early Warning System for Hydrological Hazards
- The environmental neighborhoods of cities and their spatial extent
- The spatiotemporal scales of drought and its impacts on field-scale agricultural yields
- Translational Agriculture: Data-driven insights into crop responses to genetics, environment and management that are readily applied to production agriculture.
- Tropical cyclone rainfall and flooding in the Carolinas
- Updates on material property estimation for concrete using attribute analysis and ground penetrating radar
- Using Polarimetric Radar Measurements to Estimate Rainfall Rates for Hurricane Harvey, August 2017
- Using in situ Sensor Networks and Remotely Sensed Imagery to Improve Site-Specific Understanding of Maize Yield Variance
- Validation of IASI satellite ammonia observations using in-situ profiles
- What is soil? An integrative exploration of a Critical material
- 3-D imaging reveals how polymers can aid groundwater remediation
- A Comparison of Tropical Cyclone Projection in a High-Resolution Global Climate Model and Downscaled by Statistical and Statistical-deterministic Methods
- A Dimensionless Analysis of Coastal Circulation Dynamics
- A Paradigm Shift in Sulfate-Nitrate-Ammonium Aerosol Formation in the United States and its Implications for Reactive Nitrogen Deposition
- A Validation and Comparison of Unique, Analytically-derived Hydraulic Conductivity Datasets Using the Upper Colorado River Basin as a Testbed
- A global framework for SWOT discharge
- A random sweeping decorrelation hypothesis explains the high-order moments of the longitudinal velocity in turbulent boundary layers
- A reversal in global terrestrial stilling andits implications for wind energy production
- Accelerating the Lagrangian particle tracking of residence time distributions and source water mixing towards large scales
- Agricultural drainage ditch network extraction and its application in agroecosystem modeling
- Assessing the performance of a hyper resolution, integrated hydrology-land surface model across the contiguous United States: Advancing high fidelity estimates of continental-scale energy and water fluxes with ParFlow-CLM
- Assessing the skill of European seasonal forecast models for extreme climate events over Africa
- Atmospheric Ammonia Emissions from Nitrogen Fertilizer Application: Impacts on Air Quality at Daily Scales
- CH<SUB>4</SUB> Detection using an Interband Cascade LED Coupled to a Hollow-Core Fiber
- Combining big-data remote sensing and global hydrologic modelling improves daily discharge estimates across an entire large watershed
- Comparing simplistic versus complex modeling approaches for simulating localized urban flooding
- Development of a plant water stress index based on soil moisture supply and atmospheric evaporative demand for agricultural irrigation management
- Direct Partitioning of Eddy-Covariance Water Vapor and Carbon Fluxes into Surface and Plant Components
- Distributed Energy Resources for Disaster Resilience to Hurricanes in a Changing Climate
- Dynamics of microplastic particle deposition in porous media
- Eddy Covariance Measurements of Ammonia Fluxes in a Deciduous Forest and Adjacent Grassland
- Estimating Extreme Rainfall from Polarimetric Radar
- Estimating discharge from Landsat based on water occurrence derived rating curves.
- Evaluating the applicability of SWOT discharge inversion algorithms in multichannel rivers using satellite imagery-derived timeseries of water surface height, slope, and river width
- Evaluating the temporal implications of land cover change on watershed hydrology across the continental US with an integrated hydrologic model
- Evaluation of groundwater contributions to long-term persistence of land-surface hydrological fluxes in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Extremes of the Atmospheric Water Balance: Extreme Floods in the Lower Mississippi River
- Fiber coupled, QCL-based open-path sensor for atmospheric NH3 measurements
- Flight Demonstration of a Laser Hygrometer Payload for the ScanEagle UAS
- Forced Imbibition in Stratified Porous Media
- From parameter calibration to parameter learning: Revolutionizing large-scale geoscientific modeling with big data
- Global Reach-level River Flood Reanalysis (1980-2019)
- Hurricane Harvey (2017) revealed local social vulnerabilityand risk perception of hurricanes
- Hyper-resolution land surface modeling enables hydrologically consistent 30-m SMAP-based soil moisture retrievals over continental scales
- Improving drought monitoring and crop yield prediction with field-scale soil moisture
- Incorporating a plant water supply-demand framework into Noah-MP land surface model to simulate hydrological fluxes for agroecosystems
- Influence of ENSO on Landfalling Tropical Cyclone Hazards in Coastal United States
- Is our finger on the pulse? Assessing placement bias of the global river gauge network
- Land Use, Transmission Expansion, and Supply-Chain Scale-Up Implications of Alternative Scenarios for 100% Carbon-free Electricity Generation in the American West
- Life in a Tight Spot: How Bacteria Swim in Heterogeneous Media
- Mapping High-Conservation-Value Forests in Agricultural Zones: An Example from Ucayali, Peru
- Mapping inequality and vulnerability to urban flooding in Twin City Metro Area, US: A combined approach by citizen science survey and a simplified inundation model
- Method to Assess Spatiotemporal Impact of Tree Canopy on Energy Related Carbon Emissions: Unpacking Fine Scale Social-Ecological-Infrastructural Urban Field Data
- Modeling migration of motile bacteria in confined porous media
- Molecular Dynamics Simulation Prediction of Clay Swelling as a Function of Aqueous Chemistry
- Multimineral Characterization of Shales for Reactive Transport Modeling Based on Micro-XRF Interpretations
- Multiphase Flow Modelling in Multiscale Deformable Porous Media: An Open-Source Micro-Continuum Approach
- Patterns and Causes of Flood Timing Trend (1980-2019) across the Global River Network
- Physics-based compound flood risk assessment in a warming climate
- Probabilistic Approaches for Surrogate Modeling with High-Dimensional Data to Predict Short-Term Meso-scale Surface Temperature
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Quantifying Agricultural Ammonia Emissions in India
- Quantifying methane, nitrous oxide, and ammonia emissions from wastewater treatment plants using mobile sensing and inverse Gaussian methods
- Remote observations in changing locations: what can 40 years of satellite data tell us about the future of pan-Arctic streamflow?
- Seasonal Precipitation and Temperature Predictability Rebounds
- Seasonal Variability of Deep Chlorophyll Maxima in an Oligotrophic Regime
- Seasonally evolving hydraulic transmissivity beneath Greenland supraglacial lakes
- Snowmelt supports more of transpiration at the bottom than top of an alpine hillslope in the East River Watershed, Colorado
- Stochastic Dynamics of Barrier Island Elevation
- Sustained decrease of emissions embodied in China's international export
- The ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team: Synergies Across Land, Air, and Sea
- The ParFlow Sand Tank Model: An Educational Resource at the Interface of Hydrology and Computer Science
- The Role of Hydrology on Enhanced Weathering for Carbon Sequestration in Soils
- Title: What is the size and distribution of different types of local agriculture serving urban areas? Linkages with urban food security and environmental sustainability
- To Biofilm or Not To Biofilm: It Depends on the Surrounding Medium!
- Tomographic imaging of methane leaks via chirped laser dispersion spectroscopy
- Turbulence-Resolving Simulations of Atmosphere-Surface Coupling in the Marginal Ice Zone: The Interacting Effects of Temperature and Roughness Heterogeneity
- Two-way coupling between sub-grid river networks and the land surface in Earth system models
- Urban Street-Scale Climate Simulations for Sustainability, Health, and Social Equity
- Using Landsat and ECOSTRESS land surface temperature to parameterize sub-grid tiling schemes and enable tile-level calibration of land surface models
- Using Unsupervised Learning to Determine the Optimal Number of Sub-Grid Tiles in Land Surface Models over the Contiguous United States
- Using colloidal deposition to mobilize immiscible contaminants from porous groundwater aquifers
- Water resources optimization and irrigation advisory based on farm-level remote sensing and crop water demand
- What do Small Urban Watersheds Tell us about Climate Change? Coupled Analyses of Two Decades of Urban Streamflow and a 20-YEAR High-Resolution Radar Rainfall Data Set
- What is different about different net-zero carbon electricity systems?
- key controls and impacts of reaction-driven alteration of fracture-matrix interface