University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
flowchart I[University of Northern British Columbia, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (138)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (38)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Comparative Image Analysis to Ensure Data Quality in the Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) Glacier Database
- A Pan-Arctic Evaluation of Changes in River Discharge During the Latter Half of the 20th Century
- Connectivity Between Eurasian Snow Cover Extent and Canadian Snow Water Equivalent and River Discharge
- New Evidence for Holocene Glacier Fluctuations on Mt. Baker, Washington
- The Record of Extreme Hydrologic Events in Annually-laminated (Varved) Lake Sediments, Southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
- The Role of River Runoff in the Freshwater Budget of the Arctic Ocean
- Do Glaciers on Cascade Volcanoes Behave Differently Than Other Glaciers in the Region?
- Large-scale interactions between the seasonal snow cover in Eurasia and hydroclimatic conditions in northern Canada
- Relationship Between Ensemble Mean Square and Ensemble Mean Skill in Four Climate Models
- Summer Air Temperature Lapse Rates in a Glaciated Alpine Catchment, Northwestern British Columbia, Canada
- The Cariboo Alpine Mesonet
- First results from a satellite and photo-based glacier inventory for British Columbia, Canada
- Neoglacial fluctuations of Deming Glacier, Mt. Baker, Washington USA.
- New stratigraphic constraints on Holocene glacier advances at Mt. Baker, Washington
- The Relation Between Climate Variability and Glacier Morphometry: A Space-for-Time Substitution Analysis for Glaciers in British Columbia, Canada
- Analysis of Lillooet River Flooding Based on the Record of Varves in Lillooet Lake
- Geodetic Constraints on the Glacier Mass Balance Record of Place Glacier, British Columbia, Canada
- How do Changes in River Input and Sea Ice Cover Affect the Hudson Strait Outflow?
- Community Climate Change Adaptation based on Past Trends and Future Projections
- Ice loss and sea level rise contribution from Alaskan glaciers
- Investigating the spring snow melt signal in soil moisture data from the Cariboo Mountains, British Columbia
- Modeling Microbial Processes in EPIC to Estimate Greenhouse Gas Emissions from soils
- Effects of marine-derived organic matter on fine sediment transport: implications for sediment and nutrient storage in gravel beds. (Invited)
- Including snowdrift in a regional climate model of Antarctica: preliminary results
- Metal content of road deposited sediment and fluvial channel-bed sediment in the City of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada
- Past and future contributions of glacier melt to Columbia River streamflow
- Relationships between recent snow cover extent and hydroclimatic changes over the pan-Arctic
- Winter snow accumulation reconstruction with MODIS imagery, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
- An Early Pleistocene Till, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada
- An ice core record of net snow accumulation and seasonal snow chemistry at Mt. Waddington, southwest British Columbia, Canada
- Estimates of Regional Equilibrium Line Altitudes and Net Mass Balance from MODIS Imagery
- Glacier Retreat and the Formation of New Lakes in Western Canada
- Landscape development, climate, and paleonutrient modeling: An integrative view of ecosystem development through time
- Latest Pleistocene and Holocene Glacier Fluctuations in southernmost Patagonia
- Nine decades of glacier change in the Rocky Mountains, Canada
- Sources, switches and traps: the interplay between climate, loess and permafrost in eastern Beringia
- Subglacial topography and ice volume for western Canadian glaciers from a bed stress model and mass balance fields
- Are Late-Pleistocene Climate Reconstructions from Cirque and Valley Moraines Possible in Regions of Decaying Ice Sheets?
- Comparing glaciological, photogrammetric, and RTK GPS measurements of annual glacier mass balance
- Determining the vertical carbon dioxide source/sink distribution in a mountain pine beetle attacked forest: A comparison of eddy-covariance and ecophysiological approaches
- Hydrological variability in the Fraser River Basin during the 20th century: A sensitivity study with the VIC model
- Impacts of a changing winter precipitation regime on the Great Snowforest of British Columbia, Canada
- Integrating Science Communication Training and Public Outreach Activities into the Juneau Icefield Research Program
- Patagonian Glacier Advances in Concert with those in Western North America
- 3D inversion of large scale airborne electromagnetic data (Invited)
- Evaluating the performance of a glacier erosion model applied to Peyto Glacier, Alberta, Canada
- Evaluation of CMIP5 model performance in simulating synoptic weather patterns which cause flooding in Pacific Northwest North America
- Future Changes in Autumn Flood Type and Frequency in Pacific Northwest North America
- Geochemical Analysis Reveals Climatically Driven Changes in Sediment Sources, Lillooet River Basin, British Columbia, Canada
- On the changing contribution of snow to the hydrology of the Fraser River Basin, Canada
- Projections, plans, policies and politics in Prince George: reflections on five years of climate change adaptation in a northern Canadian community
- The Sediment-Fingerprinting Approach: Uncertainty and Limitations
- a Younger Dryas Advance of Cirque Glaciers Near the 60TH Parallel, Westernmost Canada
- Canada's Fraser River Basin transitioning from a nival to a hybrid system in the late 20<SUP>th</SUP> century
- Exploring the Effects of GCM Uncertainty on the Hydrology and Water Allocation of a Small Mountain Watershed in Northern British Columbia, Canada.
- Future of landfalling atmospheric rivers with extreme precipitation in British Columbia
- Joint Inversion in Hydrogeophysics: A Synthetic Case of Seawater Intrusion
- The Response of Alpine Glaciers in Western Canada to Early 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Climate Change
- Big Feet: Assessing the Current and Future Impact of Population Size on a Country's Ecological Footprint
- Challenges of Using Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Techniques in a Temperate Agricultural Watershed in Manitoba, Canada
- Climate change impacts on water resources in the Nechako River Basin, BC.
- Early 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Area and Mass Change of Alpine Glaciers in Western Northern America
- Fingerprinting Sources of Suspended Sediment in a Canadian Agricultural Watershed Using the MixSIAR Bayesian Unmixing Model
- Measurements and modelling of turbulent fluxes at two glaciers in British Columbia, Canada
- Mulch effects on runoff and sediment production at the hillslope scale in the High Park Fire, Colorado
- Probabilistic versus Deterministic Skill in Predicting the Western North Pacific- East Asian Summer Monsoon Variability with Multi-Model Ensembles
- Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
- The preferential transport of sediment and its implications for sediment fingerprinting: A flume simulation
- Comparison of a UAV-derived point-cloud to Lidar data at Haig Glacier, Alberta, Canada
- Early deglaciation of the western sector of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet from cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating, central British Columbia coast
- Seasonal Mass Balance and Balance Gradients from Airborne Laser Altimetry, Columbia River Basin, Canada.
- Simulation of the water balance of boreal watersheds of northeastern British Columbia, Canada using MIKE SHE, an integrated hydrological model
- The Ecology of Snow: A Biome-Based Analysis of Trends in Northern Hemisphere Snow-covered Area and Duration, 1971-2014
- The Importance of Glaciers as Thermal Buffers in the Kitsumkalum River Watershed, Coast Mountains, Canada
- The Surface Energy Balance and Turbulence Characteristics of a Mid-Latitude Glacier
- The changing freshwater regime of the Hudson Bay Drainage Basin: from present to 2070
- Characterization of Chemical Composition in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in Beijing Before, During, and After a Large-Scale International Event
- Comparison of Glaciological and Gravimetric Glacier Mass Balance Measurements of Taku and Lemon Creek Glaciers, Southeast Alaska
- Implications of Climate Change for Glaciated Watersheds in western Canada
- Mapping Bedrock Topography of Taku Glacier with Low Frequency Ground Penetrating RADAR
- Updated Estimates of Glacier Mass Change for Western North America
- A Combined Active and Passive SWE Retrieval Algorithm Using SnowEx 2017 and Finland NoSREx datasets
- All mixed up: Exploration of Outcomes Using Various Approaches in the Determination of Source Sediments in a Compound-specific Stable Isotope (CSSI) Sediment Tracing Study.
- Contemporary changes in the pan-Arctic river flow and analysis of their potential causes
- Determining Contemporary and Historical Sources of Fine-grained Sediment in a Large Regulated Watershed in British Columbia Using the Sediment Fingerprinting Technique
- Evaluation of Dynamically Downscaled Near-surface Mass and Energy Fluxes for Three Mountain Glaciers, British Columbia, Canada
- Fluvial Remobilization and Downstream Impacts of Sediment from the 2010 Capricorn Creek Landslide on Mount Meager
- Multi-scale Snowdrift-resolving Modelling of Mountain Snowpack Evolution
- Multi-year Seasonal Mass Balance Using Airborne Laser Altimetry, Columbia Basin, Canada.
- Satellite-based Methane Emission Estimates of Western Canada Using Simple Mass Balance Method and Quantifies Oil and Gas Sector Contribution
- 10Be Dating Constraints on the Deglaciation History of the Juneau Icefield
- Application of UAVs to measure snowpack using structure from motion analysis over varying terrain and vegetation in Coastal British Columbia.
- Changing freshwater contributions to the Arctic: a 90-year trend analysis
- Continental-scale Projection of Future Douglas-fir Growth from Tree Rings: Testing the Limits of Space-for-Time Substitution
- Glacier Change in the Olympic Mountains, WA over the past and future 100 years
- Holocene Glacier Length Variations Along the American Cordillera from the <SUP>14</SUP>C-<SUP>10</SUP>Be Chronometer
- How well will ICESat-2 do in measuring glacier mass change in western North America?
- Improved understanding of methane emissions from oil and gas industries in western Canada using aircraft, satellite data, and GEOS-Chem model
- On the Formulation of Vector Weights in Localized Particle Filter
- Outcrop-scale Estimates of Fracture Density Using Structure from Motion on the Juneau Icefield
- Projecting Hydrologic Modeling Uncertainty across Multiple Basin Scales into Future Climate Periods.
- Recent changes in seasonal snow and alpine glaciers in the Columbia River Basin, Canada
- Structural Control of Bedrock Canyon Alignment and Morphology along the Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada
- The relationship among probabilistic, deterministic and potential skills in predicting the ENSO for the past 161 years
- X-&Ku-band Radar SWE Retrieval Improvement: Estimation of the Background Scattering of the Soil Interface with C-band Radar Observations
- Accelerated Glacier Loss in Western Canada Revealed Through Trend Analysis of Optical Satellite Imagery
- Accelerated global glacier mass loss in the early twenty-first century
- Analysis of storms and precipitation across the continental divide in the Canadian Rockies
- Assessment of Penetration Bias of ICESat-2 over Snow and Ice-covered Terrain, Western Canada
- Daily to multi-decadal velocity variations at Athabasca Glacier, Alberta, Canada
- Evolution of Wet and Dry Snow Covered Area from Optical and Radar Satellite Observations, Lajoie Basin, British Columbia, Canada
- Glacier Change in the Olympic Mountains, WA over the past and future 100 years
- Projected Changes in Seasonal Snow in the Columbia River Basin, British Columbia, Canada
- Satellite-based estimates of glacier mass change in High Mountain Asia since the 1960s
- Surface mass-balance gradients from elevation and ice flux data, Columbia River Basin, Canada
- The Nelson-MiP project: a large-scale multi-model inter-comparison project of hydrological processes in the Saskatchewan-Nelson-Churchill river basin in Canada
- Trends, Patterns and Influences of Glacier Albedo, Western North America.
- Comparing the modern retreat of four North American glaciers to their length variations over the Holocene
- Cryospheric response to the June, 2021 Heat Dome
- Holocene Glacier Fluctuations in the Mackenzie and Selwyn Mountain Ranges, Northwest Canada
- Measurements and controls on mid-winter alpine ground thermal regime in the Purcell Mountains, British Columbia
- Projected twenty-first century global glacier mass change using PyGEM and OGGM
- Utilizing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as an indicator of post-wildfire contamination and as a tracer for source apportionment in a large watershed in central British Columbia, Canada
- Vanishing weekly hydropeaking cycles in American and Canadian rivers
- Warming Soil Temperatures and Increasing Baseflows in Response to Recent and Potential Future Climate Change across Northern Manitoba, Canada
- Watershed Scale Observations of Snowmelt from Sentinel-1 SAR in Southern British Columbia, Canada
- Accelerating rates of glacier change and topographic controls, Glacier National Park, MT, USA: 1966-2021
- An Improved X and Ku Band SWE Retrieval Algorithm and Validation Analysis Using Airborne Data
- Assessment of Plot-scale Airborne LiDAR Derived Snow Depth within Forested Terrain in Russell Creek Experimental Watershed, British Columbia
- Learning from Hydrologic Model Failure: a Case from Phase 1 OF the NELSON-MiP Project
- LiDAR-derived snow depth and associated uncertainties from four forested watersheds in south-western British Columbia.
- Mapping Tectonically Active Faults for Geothermal Energy Exploration in the Yukon, Canada
- Quantifying Spatio-Temporally Distributed Snow Density across Four Forested Mountain Watersheds in South-Western British Columbia
- Revealing Grain Size Variability Across the Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet through Hyperspectral Imaging of Shallow Firn Cores
- Snow property retrievals and uncertainties from satellite imaging spectroscopy based on simulated SBG datasets derived from the SnowEx '21 Colorado AVIRIS-NG time series
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Seasonal Snow Cover in South-Western British Columbia, Canada, Simulated Based on Data from Automated Weather Stations, Snow Surveys and Airborne LiDAR.
- Structural Mapping of the Eclogite Zone, Tauern Window: Implications for the rheology of the subduction zone interface
- Sustainable Partnerships for Sustaining Life on Land: Using Earth Observations to Develop Nationally Validated SDG 15 Indicators in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adam C. Hawkins
- Ana P. Barros
- Andrew L. Gorin
- Brent M. Goehring
- Brian Menounos
- Dan H. Shugar
- Daniel Farinotti
- David Rounce
- David Shean
- E. C. Osterberg
- Edward Kim
- Edwin Nissen
- Fabien Maussion
- G. E. Flowers
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Hervé Awoye
- J. M. Shea
- James R. Craig
- Jeremy D. Shakun
- Juliane Mai
- Kaitlin M. Keegan
- Kristen Kieta
- Leif Tokle
- M. Skiles
- Mahkameh Taheri
- Mansoor Ahmed
- Michael Durand
- Miguel Cisneros
- R. L. Hawley
- Rajtantra Lilhare
- Regine Hock
- Romain Hugonnet
- Scott J. Goetz
- Shaun A. Marcott
- Stephen J. Déry
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Tricia A. Stadnyk
- Whitney M. Behr