Texas A&M University, Prairie View
flowchart I[Texas A&M University, Prairie View] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (57)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Ground Magnetic Perturbations due to Ionospheric and Birkeland Currents: Comparison Between Observations and Simulations in a Realistic Magnetic Field.
- Main Magnetic Field Determination and Sq-Model Tuning From Local Geomagnetic Variations
- Interplanetary Electric Field and Solar Open Magnetic Flux: no Increase Since 1926.
- Vorticity Change in the Magnetosphere: A Study with Particle Guiding Center Motion
- Modeling the inner magnetospheric effects of substorms using the RCM-E
- Discontinuity of Euler potentials and particle drift motion in a magnetic field with field- aligned currents
- Field-aligned currents calculated based on the upgraded Prairie View Magnetosphere- ionosphere Coupling Model
- Flux-Tube Depletions During Substorms
- 3D Visualization of Solar Disk: Martian Radiation Assessment of Solar Particle Events
- Effects of the field-aligned currents and potential drops in the magnetosphere on the coupling of the ionosphere with the magnetosphere
- Electric potential in low latitude ionosphere: Influence of neutral wind.
- Geophysical Investigation of an Abandoned Cemetery: Teachers Discover Evidence of Unmarked Graves in Prairie View, TX
- Partial Dropouts of the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet at Substorm Onsets
- Rice Convection Model simulations of the injection of plasma bubbles into the inner magnetosphere
- The Role of Low-Entropy Flux Tubes During Geomagnetic Activity
- 3D Visualization of Solar Disk: Mars Radiation Environment 2003-2008
- Effects of Field-aligned Potential Drops on the Inner Magnetosphere
- Rice Convection Model Simulation of Injection of an Observed Plasma Bubble Into the Inner Magnetosphere
- Specific Entropy During Substorms Observed With Themis
- The Role of Specific Entropy During Geomagnetic Activity
- The modeling of a substorm event using the Rice Convection Model with an equilibrium magnetic field
- An algorithm to estimate flux tube volume and entropy parameter for non-zero dipole tilt
- Application of a constant-alpha force-free field in a toroid to fit magnetic clouds
- Flow of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Energy in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet Associated With Substorm Onsets
- Geophysical Survey of an Abandoned Cemetery in Prairie View, Texas: Unmarked Burials from Slave Era Discovered on College Campus
- Geophysics and Texas History: Teachers Utilize GPS and GPR Technology to Help Restore an Abandoned Cemetery
- Low Solar Activity and High GCR Particle Flux Variations: Assessment with Ulysses and ACE/CRIS Data 2007-2009
- Specific Entropy During Substorms Observed With THEMIS
- Daily Observation at Pvso
- Particle Flux Variations at Solar Minimum: Comparisons of ACE/CRIS Data with Model Calculations
- Specific Entropy During Substorms Observed With Themis
- Expansion of magnetic clouds in the solar wind
- The New Era in Operational Forecasting
- Acquisition of Multicomponent-4C Seismic Data from Unconventional Marine Reservoirs to Improve Exploration and Risk Attenuation in Reservoir Characterization
- Decision Support System to Guide Land Use Fingerprinting Using Stable Isotopes under Hydrologic Uncertainty
- Operational specification and forecasting advances for Dst, LEO thermospheric densities, and aviation radiation dose and dose rate
- Watershed Scale Stable Isotope Distribution and Implications on Soil Organic Carbon Loss Monitoring under Hydrologic Uncertainty
- Potential Hydrological Responses, and Carbon and Nitrogen Pools of a Two Distinct Watersheds to Rainfall and Brush Management
- Prediction of Uncertainty in Watershed Scale Sediment Provenance Model Using Tracers
- Prototype Operational Advances for Atmospheric Radiation Dose Rate Specification
- Assessment of 2012 on-road mobile source episode specific emissions on air quality in Houston
- Space weather effects measured in atmospheric radiation on aircraft
- Assessing the Current Status of Atmospheric Radiation Modelling: Progress, Challenges and the Needs for the Next Generation of Models
- Exploring the Interactions between Land Use, Climate Change and Carbon Cycle using Satellite Measurements
- Hydrology and hydraulics of Cypress Creek watershed, Texas during Hurricane Harvey and Impact of Potential Mitigation Measures.
- Performance of the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor System over the Lower Colorado River, Texas
- An Integrated Approach Using Satellite Soil Moisture and Terrestrial Water Storage Products in Studying Hydrological Extremes Across Texas under a Changing Climate
- Application of Fully Convolutional Neural Network on Fault Detection
- A deep learning approach to discriminate between explosions and earthquakes
- Assessment of water use efficiency over croplands in the Korean Peninsula
- Exploring the impact of Hurricane Harvey on the Carbon Cycle
- Gridded Climate Data based Irrigation Scheduling Tool for Agricultural Crops and Urban Landscapes in the United States
- Performance of Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor in Monitoring Precipitation Under Extreme Rainfall Events in Harris County, Texas
- Toward a process-based understanding of precipitation-phase impacts on streamflow
- Effects of climate change on surface water flows and crop water requirements in North-Central Texas
- Improvement of the Global Air Quality: the Bright side of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Effects of Hurricanes on the Carbon Cycle