Clarkson University, New York
flowchart I[Clarkson University, New York] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (98)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (5)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Effects of Shear Heating on Stability of a Dilating, Fluid Saturated, Slip-Weakening Fault
- Preparing College Students to Teach an Environmental Problem Solving Curriculum to Middle School Students
- Two-Yield Surface Model for Compaction Band Formation in High Porosity Rock
- Using a Multi-Step Outflow Technique to Estimate Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity Function for Quartz Sands With Variable Interfacial Properties
- Antarctic Sea Ice in the IPY
- Conditions for Localized Deformation in Porous Granular Materials Under Axisymmetric Loading Using a Two Yield Surface Model
- Effect of Confining Pressure on Compaction Localization in Notched Samples of Bentheim Sandstone: Experimental Observations and Finite Element Modeling
- Nitric Acid Uptake on Subtropical Cirrus Cloud Particles
- Gamma Function Parameterization of Sea-Ice Thickness Distribution
- Microbial Heterogeneity in the Subsurface and its Effects on DNAPL Interfacial Properties
- Observations of Gas- and Condensed-Phase Nitric Acid in the Tropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- AUTOSUB UNDER ICE: Exploration of the environment under sea ice and an ice shelf using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.
- A Stereolithography Pore-Throat Model
- Coupling Surfactants with Permanganate for PCE DNAPL Removal: Coinjection or Sequential Application as Delivery Methods
- Enhanced Delivery of Permanganate Using a Manganese Dioxide Particle Stabilization Aid
- Measurement of Particle Concentrations above a Forest and Surrounding Farmland
- Measurement of SOA Precursor Compounds in the Nucleation In ForesTs (NIFTY) Campaign
- Particle Nucleation Over and in a Forest: How Important is the Canopy?
- Particle Nucleation and Growth During the NIFTy Experiment
- 3 Years of Ammonia Monitoring in the Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming
- Differences between the lab-scale fracture of frozen-rewarmed antarctic sea ice versus larger-scale in-situ fracture (Invited)
- Elastic-Plastic Coupling and Localization of Porous Sandstone Under Axisymmetric Compression
- Mercury Inputs, Outputs, Cycling, and Ambient Concentrations under the Forest Canopy in the Adirondacks of New York
- Preliminary Results from a Mercury Dry Deposition Measurement Methods Intercomparison
- Strain Localization Conditions for Porous Sandstone under True Triaxial Stress States
- True Tri-axial testing of Castlegate Sandstone
- Light-Absorbing Aerosol during NASA GRIP: Overview of Observations in the Free Troposphere and Associated with Tropical Storm Systems
- SENSE IT: Student Enabled Network of Sensors for the Environment using Innovative Technology
- A first evaluation of the role of wave-ice interactions on the global sea ice volume
- A new airborne sampler for interstitial particles in ice and liquid clouds
- An Overview of Observations of Interstitial Aerosol during ICE-T
- Climate Change Education for Engineering Undergraduate Students
- Failure of Castlegate Sandstone under True Triaxial Loading
- Influence of Intermediate Principal Stress on Deformation Band Formation in Porous Sandstone
- Real-time Monitoring Network to Characterize Anthropogenic and Natural Events Affecting the Hudson River, NY
- Characteristics of Interstitial Aerosol in Cold and Warm Clouds during the Ice-T Campaign
- Establishing a connection between hydrologic model parameters and physical catchment signatures for improved hierarchical Bayesian modeling in ungauged catchments
- Evaluating Changes in Climate Literacy among Middle and High School Students who Participate in Climate Change Education Modules
- Experimental Assessment of Collection Efficiency of Submicron Aerosol Particles by Cloud Droplets
- Identification of Potential Sources of Aerosol Concentration at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
- Measurements of Vertical Profiles of Turbulence, Temperature, Ozone, Aerosols, and BrO over Sea Ice and Tundra Snowpack during BROMEX
- Model Assessment and Optimization Using a Flow Time Transformation
- Preparing teachers to address climate change with project-based instructional modules
- a Climate Change Course for Engineering Undergraduate Students
- An assessment of factors controlling spatial and temporal patterns of stream discharge in forested mountain watersheds
- Are Hydrologic Model Parameters Scalable? An Investigation into the Catchment Connectivity Model
- Chemical Composition and Sources of Aerosols in Finnish Arctic: 1964 - 2008
- How can the Value of Data for Predictions in Ungauged Basins be Maximized? A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
- Ice Cover as a Factor Driving Microbial Community Structure in the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Investigating the relationship between hydrologic model parameters and physical catchment metrics for improved modeling in data-sparse regions
- Mo & Fe Influences on Nitrate Assimilation in Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence River
- Monothetic Clustering of Hydrologic Catchment Characteristics
- Viscosity-Modification to Improve Remediation Efficiencies within Heterogeneous Contaminated Groundwater Aquifers: Laboratory and Field-Scale Evaluation
- Atmospheric Black Carbon Concentrations in the Finnish Arctic over Five Decades: Comparisons between measurements and model
- Comparing ground-based and airborne aerosol measurements during the Houston and Colorado DISCOVER-AQ field deployments
- Determination of an Effective Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) Oxidation Method
- Development of a Thermodynamically Consistent Constitutive Framework for Castlegate Sandstone
- Development of constitutive parameters from true triaxial tests performed on Castlegate Sandstone
- Diagnosing the regional sensitivity of a process-based hydrologic model
- Laboratory Experiment of Wave Propagation Through Different Ice Covers
- Laboratory Validation of Passive Flow Focusing of Horizontal Wells for in Situ Groundwater Remediation
- Seasonal Variation in the Inputs and Fate of Mercury in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- The Impact of Project-Based Climate Change Learning Experiences on Students' Broad Climate Literacy
- Typecasting catchments: Universal donors and acceptors
- Water Quality Monitoring of the Upper St Lawrence River Using Remote Sensor Arrays Placed in a Hydropower Dam Combined with Hydrodynamic Modeling
- Can Signatures Predict Hydrologic Model Performance in Validation Mode?
- Catchment Classification via Hydrologic Modeling: Evaluating the Relative Importance of Model Selection, Parameterization and Classification Techniques
- Evolution of Elastic Moduli for High Porosity Sandstone under True-Triaxial Stress Conditions
- Ice nucleating particles from biomass combustion: emission rates and the role of refractory black carbon
- Improving Uncertainty Quantification Through Better Bayesian Inference
- Key Concepts for and Assessment of an Undergraduate Class that Engages Engineering Students in Climate Change Grand Challenge
- Time Domain Transformations to Improve Hydrologic Model Consistency: Parameterization in Flow-Corrected Time
- Aerosol Properties over the Remote North Atlantic Ocean: Impacts of Phytoplankton Bloom Seasonality and Long-Range Continental Transport
- Air Toxics Emissions from Open Burning of Crop Residues in Southeast Asia
- Are Process Consistent Models Attainable? Reconciling Model Assumptions With the Reality of Observations
- Characterization of Dilatant Shear Bands in Castlegate Sandstone Using Micro-Computed Tomography
- Constitutive Modelling for High Porosity Sandstone: Castlegate Sandstone
- Marine Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions During NAAMES 2015-2016: Influences of Changing Seasonality and Aerosol Loadings
- Vertical profiles and ground-based measurements of Black Carbon, Particulate matter and Optical properties over New Delhi during the foggy winters of 2015-16
- Constitutive Modelling and Deformation Band Angle Predictions for High Porosity Sandstones
- Diagnosing the impact of alternative calibration strategies on coupled hydrologic models
- Modification of Turbulent Pipe Flow Equations to Estimate the Vertical Velocity Profiles Under Woody Debris Jams
- Sensitivity of Rainfall-runoff Model Parametrization and Performance to Potential Evaporation Inputs
- Assessing Hydrologic Model Performance Using a Hydraulically Modeled Stage-Discharge Relationship
- Multi-Model Analysis to Understand the Sensitivity of Rainfall-Runoff Model Structure to Potential Evapotranspiration Inputs.
- Igniting Communities to Advance Hydrologic Science Communication
- Investigating the Value of Multi-Time Scale Calibration of Hydrologic Models
- On the Relationship Between Classification, Optimization, and Regionalization
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana: A decade of research and education on coupled carbon and water cycles in snow-dominated watersheds
- The Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment Well (HRX Well<SUP>®</SUP>) for Passive In Situ Remediation
- Addressing Uncertainty in Flood Mapping from an Integrated Bayesian Model Perspective: A Real-World, Data-Limited Case Study
- Development of a Pressure-Controlled Inlet (PCI) coupled with a PM2.5 lens for the Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) measurements in the lower stratosphere on aircraft platforms
- Model parameter transferability under a sensitivity analysis clustering approach
- Modelling Wave-Ice Interactions in the Marginal Ice Zone
- Turning the Corner: Moving From Emergency to Intentional Online Learning in Water Resources
- Development of a new aircraft inlet for the aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer for quantitative measurements of PM2.5 in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
- Model parameter sensitivity across time scales
- How to select an objective function using information theory