University of Portsmouth, UK
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Micro- and Meso-topographic Temperature Regimes in Mountainous Terrain, Niwot Ridge, Colorado
- Mountain Snowpack, Lowland Winter Precipitation, and Variability in Three Western US Mountain Ranges
- Fracturing as a Quantitative Indicator of Lava Flow Dynamics
- Relationships Between Atmospheric Circulation, Mountain Snowpack and Adjacent Lowland Precipitation in the Western U.S.
- The Use of a Reflectorless Scanning Total Station for Non-Invasive Measurements of Snowpack and Glacial Ice Volumes.
- Elevational Gradients of Temperature and Atmospheric Moisture on Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
- Evidence of a Natural Iron Source Around the Crozet Islands, Southern Ocean.
- Mechanisms, Rates and Patterns of Channel Sedimentation and Floodplain Construction in Active Meandering Rivers
- Observed Changes in Elevational Temperature Gradients in the 20th Century.
- Comparison of Surface Mountain Climate With Equivalent Free Air Parameters Extracted From NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis: Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
- The Thermal Circulation on Kilimanjaro, Tanzania and its Relevance to Summit Ice-Field Mass Balance.
- A new model for cone sheet emplacement: data from the Isle of Skye (UK) and numerical modeling
- Patterns of cold-air drainage and microclimate in mid-latitude versus high-latitude mountains: contrasts and implications for climate change (Invited)
- Accessory mineral records of tectonic environments? (Invited)
- Bringing the world to a standstill: an investigation into the effects of a Novarupta scale volcanic eruption on today's aviation industry
- Developments in U-Th-Pb geochronology of allanite by LA-ICPMS
- Perspective of Using the Results of Monitoring and Modeling of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant's Cooling Pond as Analogue for the US DOE Contaminated Sites
- Zircon from East Antarctica: evidence for Archean intracrustal recycling in the Kaapvaal-Grunehogna Craton from O and Hf isotopes
- Last Glacial-magnitude Ice-Rafted Debris Deposition and its Provenance in the Earliest Pleistocene Sub-Polar North Atlantic Ocean
- Investigating the spatial expression of millennial-scale Holocene climate changes: a multi-proxy lake sediment approach, Finnish Lapland
- Seismic properties of Southalpine metapelite at high temperatures and pressures: revisiting the α-β quartz phase transition
- The influence of surface characteristics on lapse rates and temperature profiles in areas of complex terrain
- Towards better Greenland source attribution for IRD via Pb in feldspar and Ar-Ar in amphibole
- Accelerated warming at high elevations: a review of the current evidence and proposals for future research (Invited)
- Bedload Dynamics of a Lowland Gravel-Bedded River Monitored Using Geophones
- Dyke emplacement and propagation: a new laboratory approach
- Seismicity induced by deformation of synthetic, dry volcanic deposits in a laboratory rock mechanics experiment: An analogy for the upper edifice
- Zircon from Mesoproterozoic sediments sheds light on the subduction-collision history at the eastern active continental margin of the Archaean Kalahari-Grunehogna Craton
- Dynamic Evolution of Microscopic Hybrid Events
- Laboratory simulations of fluid-induced seismicity in shallow volcanic faults
- Time-dependent deformation at elevated temperatures in basalt from El Hierro, Stromboli and Teide volcanoes
- Use of a Novel Visual Metaphor Measure (PRISM) to Evaluate School Children's Perceptions of Natural Hazards, Sources of Hazard Information, Hazard Mitigation Organizations, and the Effectiveness of Future Hazard Education Programs in Dominica, Eastern Caribbean
- Comparison of MODIS Satellite Land Surface Temperature with Air Temperature along a 5000-metre Elevation Transect on Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
- Shallow Long Period (LP) Seismicity Controlled by Deformation of the Volcano Edifice
- Testing Models of Modern Glacial Erosion of the St. Elias Mountains, Alaska Using Marine Sediment Provenance
- Abrupt Climate Events in Britain and the North Atlantic during Marine Isotope Stage 11
- Archean Crustal Evolution in the Bundelkhand Craton, India: Constraints from Whole Rock Sr-Nd and Zircon U-Pb/Hf Isotopes
- Weathering Feedbacks and Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> during a Silurian Icehouse World: Insights from Os and Li Isotopes
- 3D Coda Attenuation Tomography of Acoustic Emission Data from Laboratory Samples as a tool for imaging pre-failure deformation mechanisms
- A 4.43 Ga Transition from Mega-impact to Habitability Deduced from Microstructural Geochronology of Martian Zircon and Baddeleyite
- Estimation of Continuous Velocity Model Variations in Rock Deformation Tests.
- Hydro-fracture in the laboratory: matching diagnostic seismic signals to fracture networks
- Localization, Weakening and Fluid-rock Coupling Mechanisms in Gypsum: Development and Initial Data From a New, Combined, Rotary Shear and Acoustic Emission Apparatus.
- Microanalyzing Metasomatism: Correlative Microanalysis of Trace Elements and Oxygen Isotopes in the Franciscan
- Near Field Observations of Seismicity in Volcanic Environments: A Read-Made Field Laboratory
- Sub-µm structure and volatile distribution of shocked lunar apatite
- The transition from brittle cataclasis to viscous flow during the weakening of carbonate gouges sheared at seismic velocities recorded through the activity of acoustic emissions.
- Euxinic water column anoxia prevailed in the early Silurian foreland basin of Baltica - new high-resolution geochemical data of the Sommerodde core, Denmark
- Frictional and mechanical behavior of simulated, sedimentary fault gouges
- Syn-depositional sedimentary structures as a record of flow conditions in pyroclastic density currents
- Time-Dependent analyses of First Motion derived Focal Mechanism Solutions in Volcanic Media
- Damage indicators and failure prediction in focal mechanism solutions
- Geoinformatics from ridge to reef: an open and integrated approach to assist disaster risk reduction for coastal communities in Fiji, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands
- Groundwater arsenic hotspots in Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) delta of Myanmar - Implications for rural water supplies
- Impact of storm surge inundation and monsoonal flushing on drinking pond salinity in coastal Bangladesh
- Infrastructure as both hazard victim and hazard multiplier on Dominica, during and after Hurricane Maria
- Public Perceptions of Volcanic Hazards and Risk in Australia
- Revised M-sequence of Late Jurassic though Early Cretaceous Polarity Chrons Based on New U-Pb Dates and Cyclostratigraphy
- Understanding past and future patterns of elevation-dependent climate change in mountains: a meta-analysis of global temperature and precipitation changes.
- Using AE based Machine Learning approaches to forecast dynamic failure during rock deformation laboratory experiments.
- Enhanced Climate Changes in Mountain Regions: High Elevation Trends in Temperature and Precipitation and Their Comparison with Lowlands
- Using AE based Machine Learning Approaches to Forecast Rupture during Rock Deformation Laboratory Experiments
- Genome-resolved Transcriptomic Evidence for Benthic Iron Cycling in Arctic Fjords, Svalbard (79°N)
- Microbial Ecosystem Responses to Alkalinity Enhancement in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre