University of Southern Maine
flowchart I[University of Southern Maine] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (26)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Geophysical Investigations of a Sinkhole in the Amargosa Desert, Nevada
- Summary of Geophysical Field Investigations to Constrain the Geologic Structure and Hydrologic Characteristics of Fortymile Wash Essential for Assessing the Performance of the Proposed High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Discrete Analytic Domains: a New Technique for Groundwater Flow Modeling in Layered, Anisotropic, and Heterogeneous Aquifer Systems
- Maine Pseudotachylyte Localities and the Role of Host Rock Anisotropy in Fault Zone Development and Frictional Melting
- The Gulf of Maine Ocean Data Partnership: Building a Region-wide Information System from the Bottom Up
- Digital Earth Watch And Picture Post Network: Measuring The Environment Through Digital Images
- Mapping the Deeply Eroded Roots of a Major Strike-Slip Fault System: a Summary of Recent Bedrock Mapping Along the Norumbega Fault System in Maine
- Research experience in Maine leads to teacher and student success in Texas
- Challenges in Incorporating Climate Change Adaptation into Integrated Water Resources Management
- Digital Earth Watch (DEW): How Mobile Apps Are Paving The Way Towards A Federated Web-Services Architecture For Citizen Science
- Digital Earth Watch And Picture Post Network: Measuring The Environment Through Digital Images
- Digital Earth Watch And Picture Post Network: Measuring The Environment Through Digital Images
- Evaluating the Ability to Monitor Eastern U.S. Forest Regrowth with IKONOS Stereo Imagery and Landsat Disturbance History
- Pseudotachylyte-bearing faults and shear zones along the Norumbega fault system in Maine
- Using Video to Enhance a Citizen Science Program: Digital Earth Watch And The Picture Post Network
- Explorations Around "Graceful Failure" in Transportation Infrastructure: Lessons Learned By the Infrastructure and Climate Network (ICNet)
- The Ray Corner High Strain Zone of the Norumbega Fault System in Maine: A Complex History of Ductile Shear, Brittle Deformation, and Paleoseismicity
- Digital Earth Watch: Investigating the World with Digital Cameras
- Multi-surface Earthquake Rupture Recorded in Pseudotachylyte Vein Geometries, Norumbega Shear Zone, southern Maine
- A Comparison Between Modeling and Field Observations of Off-Fault Strain around Pseudotachylyte Fault Veins, Norumbega Shear Zone, southern Maine
- An Integrated Framework to Analyze Local Decision Making and Adaptation to Sea-Level Rise in Coastal Regions in Santos-Brazil, Broward County-USA and Selsey-UK
- Stakeholder Choices in Adaptation and Public Finance Planning for Coastal Hazard Mitigation in a Changing World: Highlights from Case Studies in Santos, Brazil, Broward County, FL, US and Selsey, UK (The METROPOLE Project)
- Trading river services: optimizing dam decisions at the basin scale to improve socio-ecological resilience
- Geometric complexity of earthquake rupture surfaces preserved in pseudotachylyte networks
- Regions of Enhanced Tidal Heating in Icy Satellites
- Strength Implications of Multi-Stranded Pseudotachylyte Faults within Mylonites