Oregon Health and Science University
flowchart I[Oregon Health and Science University] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (65)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Beach Erosion and Accretion: Comparison of the Seasonal Influence of Suspended- and Bedload-Sediment Transport at Grays Harbor, Washington, U. S. A.
- Historical Changes in River Discharge in the Lower Columbia River: Impacts on River Stage, Tidal Range and Salmonid Habitat
- Manganese Oxide Biomineralization by Spores of the Marine Bacillus sp. Strain SG-1
- Sand Bedforms and Sand Suspension on the Grays Harbor Ebb-Tidal Delta, Washington, U.S.A.
- The Global Distribution and Trends of Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide
- Controls on the Efficiency of Estuarine Particle Trapping: Ecosystem Implications
- Estimates of Hydrodynamic Roughness and Bedform Heights in a Wave-Dominated Flow
- Structure and Propagation of the Outer Front of the Columbia River Plume
- An overview of the 2003 Chemical Emission, Loss, Transformation and Interactions within Canopies (CELTIC) study
- PTR-MS and GC-MS Analyses of Sesquiterpenes
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Elevated Concentrations of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in Unsaturated-Zone Vapors Near a Chemical and Low-Level Radioactivity Waste-Disposal Facility, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- Columbia River Plume Salinity: the effect of maintenance dredging in the mouth of the Columbia River
- Columbia River Suspended Sediment Monitoring
- Daily forecast of Columbia River plume: a tale of two cruises
- Decadal-Scale Changes in Shelf Internal Tides in the Columbia River Plume Area
- Frontal circulation and sediment distribution in the Columbia River plume during the 2004 RISE cruise
- Hindcast modeling of short waves at the mouth of the Columbia River estuary
- Interplay of Structure and Sediment Supply May Influence Subduction Zone Rupture Patches and Propagation
- Near-Field Frontal Observations From a High-Volume River Plume
- Elucidating the Mechanisms of Microbial Weathering of Submarine Basalts
- Estuary and Plume Forecasts in Support of Oceanographic Cruises: Generation, In-Vessel Delivery and Quality Control
- From CORIE to NANOOS: Scaling Up Coastal-Margin Observing Systems
- Nanometer Scale Morphology of Bacteriogenic Mn Oxides
- Quantitative Evaluation of the Factors Controlling Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Rice Fields in China.
- Toward a Molecular Understanding of the Role of Manganese Oxidation in the Maintenance of the Suboxic Zone in the Black Sea
- A magnetic approach for determining mineralogy and particle size of hydrothermal iron flocs at Vailulu'u seamount
- Assimilating in-situ Measurements into a Reduced-Dimensionality Model of an Estuary- Plume System.
- Basaltic substrate composition affects microbial community development and acts as a source of nutrients in the deep biosphere
- Effects of Entrapped Bubble Formation on Flow Through Porous Media During Electrical Resistance Heating
- Methane Emissions From Rice Fields
- Microbial Diversity And Evidence For Bacterially Mediated Basalt Dissolution On Vailulu'u Seamount
- Data and Semantic Interoperability for the Oceans Sensor Web
- Effects of Aging and Colloids on Iron Nanoparticle Transport in Groundwater
- Interplay of Structure and Sediment Supply May Influence Subduction Zone Rupture Patches and Propagation
- Testing Numerical Tsunami Simulations Against the Inland Extents of Prehistoric Cascadia Tsunami Deposits at Cannon Beach, Oregon
- Reconstructing Hydrodynamic Flow Parameters of the 1700 Tsunami at Ecola Creek, Cannon Beach, Oregon
- Tsunami Hazard Assessment of the Northern Oregon Coast: A Multi-Deterministic Approach Tested at Cannon Beach, Oregon
- Community Analysis of Dynamic Microbial Mat Communities from Actively Erupting Seamounts (Invited)
- Emerging biogeography of the newly discovered Zetaproteobacteria
- Quantification of Unidentified BVOC and their Oxidation Products in a forest canopy Using PTR-MS
- The Application of Low Temperature Electrical Resistance Heating for Subsurface Remediation
- Effect of Gas Bubble Mobilization on Contaminant Transport during Thermal Remediation
- Injection of Nano Zero-Valent Iron for Subsurface Remediation: Evaluation of Methods for Assessment of Nanoparticle Delivery (Invited)
- Reconciling Phytoplankton Growth Rates and Standing Stocks in the Northern Gulf of Alaska: Evidence for a Physical-Biological Mosaic (Invited)
- Tracking changes in silicon isotopic composition during diatom descent and dissolution in the Cariaco Basin
- Simulating Tsunami Inundation in Southern Oregon, USA Using Hypothetical Cascadia and Alaska Earthquake Scenarios
- Tracking changes in silicon isotopic composition during diatom descent and dissolution in the Cariaco Basin
- Event turbidity-discharge patterns: A survey of U.S. streams and the search for descriptive relationships
- Impact of thermally induced buoyant flow on contaminant transport in homogeneous and layered systems
- Spatial and temporal structure of fluxes between a lateral embayment and the Columbia River estuary channel
- Adaptive autonomous sampling toward the study of microbial carbon and energy fluxes in a dynamic estuary
- Culture-Independent Identification of Manganese-Oxidizing Genes from Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Chemoautotrophic Ferromanganese Microbial Communities Using a Metagenomic Approach
- Estuarine 'collaboratories:' regional and global perspectives (Invited)
- Improved characterization of stream turbidity-discharge behavior using continuous monitoring data
- Microbial community composition and metagenomes across the river-to-ocean continuum of the Columbia and Amazon Rivers (Invited)
- AUV Measured Variability in Phytoplankton Fluorescence within the ETM of the Columbia River during Summer 2013
- Cryogenic Coring and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Quantification of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids in Unconsolidated Soils
- Extensive hydrothermal activity in the NE Lau basin revealed by ROV dives
- Isotopic constraints on the decadal trends of global methane emissions favor increasing fossil fuel emissions over recent decades
- Soluble Manganese(III) in the Marine Environment
- Estuarine Biogeochemical Dynamics of Nutrients and Organic Carbon in the Columbia River: Observing Transformations Using a Biogeochemical Sensor Network
- Parameter Space of the Columbia River Estuarine Turbidity Maxima
- The bottom line: measuring public financial investments in, and returns on, research
- Marked isotopic variability within and between the Amazon River and marine dissolved black carbon pools
- Quantifying increased groundwater demand from prolonged drought in the East African Rift Valley