Trent University, Canada
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Coupling GIS-based and Steady State Dissolved Organic Carbon Models for Export and Lake Retention in a Large Watershed on the Precambrian Shield
- Dissolved Organic Carbon in Aquatic Systems in the Boreal Ecozone
- FTS Measurements of Enhanced Methane in Jet Contrails
- Longitudinal Variations of Mesospheric Temperature at Middle and High Latitudes - the WINDII Perspective
- Observation of a Contrail at 65 km from the Shuttle
- Polar Mesospheric Clouds Observed by the Optical Spectrograph on Odin in July-August, 2001
- The Validation Inter-comparison of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from OSIRIS with WINDII
- Detection of Air Pollutants in the Lower Fraser Valley by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
- Validation of OSIRIS Ozone Inversions
- Validation of OSIRIS on Odin: Ozone Profiles and Total Column Since November 2001
- Dependency of Ecosystem Respiration in a Cool Temperate Bog on Peat Temperature and Water Table
- Ecosystem Productivity and Carbon Exchange in Northern Peatlands
- Intercomparison of Simultaneous Laboratory Gas Absorption Measurements With ACE-FTS and MAESTRO
- Quantifying Reemission Of Mercury From Terrestrial And Aquatic Systems Using Stable Isotopes: Results From The Experimental Lakes Area METAALICUS Study
- Hg Isotope Ratios of a Sediment Core from Plastic Lake, Ontario: Implications for Hg Cycle in Aquatic Environment
- Six year carbon budget of a northern peatland: no evidence for substantive increase in DOC loss due to `biogeochemical drought'
- Thio-arsenic species in alkaline, hypersaline, meromictic Mono Lake, California
- Below-ground C Turnover in a Northern Ombrotrophic Bog
- Ecosystem Phenology from Eddy-covariance Measurements: Spring Photosynthesis in a Cool Temperate Bog
- Long Path Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (LPFTS) for Qualitative Approach to Development of Quantitative Knowledge Regarding Anthropogenic GHG Emissions.
- The Influence of Various Cloud Particles on Radiation in the 0.2 to 1.7μm Wavelength Region
- Characterizing Hydrological Pathways in the Context of Sustainable Forest Management
- Landscape Controls Over Seasonal Dissolved Organic Matter Concentrations in a Northern Michigan, USA Watershed
- Impact of Seasonal Shifts in Stream Flow on Long-Term Trends in Dissolved Organic Carbon
- Discrepancies in Watershed S Budgets in Southeast Canada and Northeast U.S.--A Comparative Mass-Balance Approach
- Emerging Hydrological Processes With Increasing Spatial Scale: Examples From Forested Precambrian Shield Landscapes
- Structural Identification of Thioarsenates and Their Differentiation From Thioarsenites by EXAFS
- Using A Modified Ensemble Kalman Filter Approach To Filter Pan-Arctic Eddy Covariance Flux Data
- A phosphorus budget for the Lake of the Woods, a large freshwater lake
- Bioavailability, Bioaccumulation and Biotransformation of arsenic in coral reef organisms surrounding an arsenic-rich marine shallow-water hydrothermal vent system in the coastal waters of Ambitle Island, Papua New Guinea
- Effects of Climate Change on Alpine Lakes in the Georgia Basin, British Columbia, Canada
- Estimates of ice sheet and glacier mass losses and their contributions to sea level from a fingerprinting analysis
- Longitudinal dynamics of dissolved organic matter in a mixed land use watershed
- Production and Cycling of Methylated Mercury Species in Arctic Marine Waters
- Satellite Driven Predictions of Tundra NEE Based on a Plot Scale Model
- Si Fluxes in Boreal Catchments
- The Sensitivity of Sea-Level Fingerprints to the Geometry of Ice Sheet Mass Balance
- Analysing the isotopic evolution of Silicon in the weathering zone by numerical modelling
- Canadian High Arctic glacier surface mass budget (1950-2009)
- Estimating impacts of snow cover on net ecosystem exchange near Daring Lake, NWT, Canada (65oN, 111oW)
- Fast Scanning Single Collector ICP-MS for Low Level Isotope Ratio Measurements
- Internal Accumulation as a Bias at Large Spatial Scales
- Magnesium isotope fractionation in volcanic soils controlled by clay mineralogy and exchangeable Mg
- Optical properties of DOM and their relationships with dissolved trace metals in shallow lakes of southern Ontario, Canada
- Primary Productivity in the High Arctic: Measurements and Predictions for Climate Change
- Role of Cryosphere in Present-Day Sea-Level Rise
- Satellite derived estimates of NEE for North American tundra ecosystems from 2003 - 2005 (Invited)
- Simulation of changes in arctic terrestrial carbon stocks under using ecosys mathematical model
- The silicon isotopic composition of I- and S-type granites
- Using Temporally Frequent Surface NDVI Observations to Determine Light Use Efficiency of High Latitude Ecosystems
- A comparison of SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> drought response in streams across southeastern Canada and northeastern USA
- A moderate resolution inventory of small glaciers and ice caps surrounding Greenland and the Antarctic peninsula
- An assessment of the carbon balance of Arctic tundra: Comparisons among observations, process models, and atmospheric inversions
- Contribution to future sea level rise of glacier melt in response to modeled global climate scenarios from CMIP5
- Cross-Regional Assessment Of Coupling And Variability In Precipitation-Runoff Relationships
- Geoelectrical Monitoring of Shallow Vadose Zone Moisture Dynamics over Three Annual Cycles: Electrical Resistivity Tomography Results
- Glacier Speeds and Elevation Change Rates from ASTER Satellite Data for the Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Himalayan glaciers: future monitoring of the mass balance
- Mass changes of glaciers of the Antarctic periphery
- Modeling Phosphorus Dynamics in Multi-branched River and Lake Systems in the Lake Simcoe Catchment, Ontario, Canada
- Past and future mass changes of all High Asian Mountain glaciers
- Progress toward Consensus Estimates of Regional Glacier Mass Balances for IPCC AR5
- THE CONTRIBUTION FROM GLACIERS TO SEA LEVEL RISE - assessing the present state of the art
- Antarctic periphery glacier mass changes: uncertainty of 21st century projections
- Asian High Mountain Glacier Mass Balance Estimate
- Boundary-layer turbulence characteristics during aeolian saltation
- Integrated Landscape Responses to Climate in Northern Catchments
- Narrowing the gap: A consensus estimate of glacier mass wastage for 2003-09
- Projections of 21st century contribution of Alaska glaciers to rising sea level
- Recent experimental developments concerning the mechanisms underlying dust emission
- Shrub Cover and the Carbon Dioxide Sink Strength of Canadian Low Arctic Tundra
- Variation in Peak Growing Season Net Ecosystem Production Across the Canadian Arctic
- Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long-term experimental watershed sites across North America
- Contemporary Asian High Mountain Glacier Mass Balance Estimates from GRACE Gravimetry (Invited)
- Divergent effects of drought on peatland methane emissions
- Global analysis of glacier mass balance - how important are firn pack changes? (Invited)
- Hydrological recovery in forested landscapes (Invited)
- Improving the resolution of a global-scale elevation dependent surface mass balance model using point mass balance observations: an application of Alaskan glaciers
- Observing dynamic Arctic surface optical properties with an optical sensor network
- Representativeness of regional and global mass-balance measurement networks (Invited)
- Climate Effects on Methylmercury Bioaccumulation Along a Latitudinal Gradient in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
- Dust emission thresholds from sodic playas with varying geochemistry and environmental conditions
- Estimation of Dynamic Storage across Northern Catchments
- Hydrological Controls on Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Exchange in a MIXED Tundra and a FEN within an Arctic Landscape UNDER Current and Future Climates
- Hydrological Footprints of Urban Developments in the Lake Simcoe Watershed, Canada: A Combined Paired-Catchment and Change Detection Modeling Approach
- Influence of vegetation on water isotope partitioning across different northern headwater catchments
- Nonlinear and Synchronous Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in Streams Across an Agriculture Land Use and Climate Setting
- Progress and Challenges for GLIMS 2: Merging the GLIMS and RGI Glacier Databases
- Silicon Isotopes As a New Method of Measuring Silicate Mineral Reaction Rates in the Critical Zone
- Unusual mercury isotopic compositions in aqueous environment
- Asia High Mountain Glacier Mass Balance
- Glacier Contributions to Sea Level Rise
- Improving model estimates of glacier change through improved boundary conditions from remote sensing
- Land cover controls on depression-focused recharge: an example from southern Ontario
- More Data and Better Tools for the GLIMS Glacier Database
- Relationships between vegetation dynamics and hydroclimatic drivers in the northern high-latitude uplands
- VeWa: Assessing Vegetation Effects on Water Flows and Mixing in Northern Mountain Environments using Stable Isotopes and Conceptual Runoff Models
- Will greater shrub abundance greatly impact tundra surface-atmosphere exchanges of energy and carbon?
- Ecological Responses to Five Years of Experimental Nitrogen Application in an Upland Jack-pine Stand
- Enhanced Carbon Uptake from Nitrogen Deposition in North American Forests is a Species Dependent Phenomenon
- Glacier melting contributions to the inland lakes on the Tibetan Plateau
- Impacts of Vegetation on the Decoupling between Air and Soil Temperatures across the Arctic
- Monitoring glacier change: advances in cross-disciplinary research and data sharing methods
- Recent Advances in the GLIMS Glacier Database
- Seasonal freeze-thaw cycles and iron mobilization from peat soils: role of organo-metallic complexes
- A meso-network of eddy covariance towers across the Northwest Territories to assess high-latitude carbon and water budgets under increasing pressure
- Nutrient Budgets Calculated in Floodwaters Using a Whole-Ecosystem Experimental Manipulation
- Species- to continental-scale influences of nitrogen and sulfur deposition on tree growth and mortality across the conterminous United States
- Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacterial Mercury Uptake Driven by Phytoplankton Organic Matter Composition and Molecular Weight
- Mining to mitigate climate change
- Properties of Wind-Blown Sand on Titan Obtained Through Calibrating Model to Laboratory Experiments
- Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Soil Microbial Community Composition (PLFA) under Different Grazing Systems in the Canadian Prairies
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- Winter weather whiplash: impacts of extreme meteorological events misaligned with natural and human systems in seasonally snow-covered regions
- A new tool for paleoenvironmental reconstruction: amino acid δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>2</SUP>H analysis reveals shifts in a Holocene nearshore ecosystem
- Biogeographical constraints on a tussock forming sedge and its impact on near surface Arctic carbon stocks
- Geochemical modeling of carbon mineralization in low-water environments
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Streamflow and water quality responses to winter weather whiplash events at long-term research sites
- The Dorset Catchments: A History of Boreal Shield Catchment Research in Central Ontario, CA
- The Fate and Effects of Nanosilver in the Aquatic Environment: Lessons Learned from Mesocosm and Whole Lake Ecosystem Studies
- Water transit time estimates for 13 forested headwater catchments based on comprehensive and long-term observations from the Turkey Lakes Watershed Study
- Do Headwater Lakes Moderate Downstream Temperature Response to Forest Harvesting?
- Evaluation of kimberlite residues for carbon dioxide removal
- Weathering of mineralogically complex materials and its implications for CO<SUB>2</SUB> mineralization
- Biomass Burning Impact on Air Quality in Northern Sub-Saharan Africa (NSSA)
- Biosignatures within Aragonite found in Magnesium Carbonate Environments: Implications for Sample Collection on Mars
- Lessons learned from the NSERC Canadian FloodNet on improving flood forecasting systems and management capacity
- Stability of Hydromagnesite on Mars Under Current Surface Conditions and (Impact) Heating
- A Carbon Balance for Lake Erie
- Effects of Nutrients and Dissolved Organic Matter on Ecosystem Metabolism in Southern Ontario Streams
- Influence of Landscape, Climate and Disturbances on the Chemical Composition of Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter across Canada's Forested Ecozones
- Legacy Impacts of Clear Cut Harvesting on End Member Contributions to Stream Flow and Phosphorus Concentrations at Turkey Lakes Watershed
- Limnology of the Land Between
- Linking plant hydraulics, groundwater access, and tree water isotopes to understand water strategies in a tropical ecosystem
- Microplastics Research Data: Evaluating the Current State of Findability and Accessibility and Recommendations for Improving Data Sharing
- Quantifying Contribution of Biomass Burning to Air Quality in Africa
- Rates and limitations of CO2 removal by MgO looping
- Recovery and Biogeochemical Assessment of Smelter Impacted Peatlands in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
- Spatial Asynchrony in the Western Basin of Lake Erie derived from High Frequency Buoy Data
- The metabolic balance of Lake Superior as measured from autonomous underwater vehicles
- Towards consideration for an Indigenous-directed sister Smart Great Lakes Initiative (I-SGLi)