Miami University, Ohio
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Applications of Os Isotopes to Subduction Processes
- Ophiolites and Continental Margins of the Mesozoic Western U.S. Cordillera
- Paleoclimate Reconstruction From the d13C Organic and d13C Carbonate Proxies in Triassic Paleosols and Sediments, Ischigualasto Basin Argentina
- The Role of Mantle Flow in driving Pre-Collision Subduction-Accretion Cycles: Preliminary Caribbean Model
- A Statistical Study On Ion And Neutral Metal Layers Observed At Arecibo
- Arecibo Observations in support of TIMED
- Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology
- Petrologic Development of Wrangell Volcanic Field Basement Granitoids From White Mountain, Nabesna, Alaska
- Re-Os Isotope Systematics in Carbonates from Serpent Mound, Ohio: Implications for Re-Os Dating of Crustal Rocks and Ordovician Seawater Os Isotopic Composition
- Source of Detrital Chrome Rich spinels with melt inclusions from the Cretaceous greywackes of the eastern Tethyan Himalayas: hot spot volcanics, not ophiolites
- Tectonic Setting of the Big Pine Volcanic Field, Eastern California
- Metal and ion layers observed by resonance lidars and incoherent scatter radar at Arecibo
- Os and Sr Isotope Signatures in Kamchatka Adakites, Nb-Rich Arc Basalts and Mantle Pyroxenites: Inferences on Mantle and Crustal Processes
- Simultaneous Observations of Neutral Ca and K Metallic Layers from Arecibo and the Possible Influence of Micrometeoroids on Sporadic Layers
- The Effects of Microbial Fe(III) reduction on Clay Sediment Flocculation and Mineral Transformation
- The ISR World-Day Campaign: Review of the April 2002 Geomagnetic Storm With Comparisons to the TIMEGCM/ASPEN Model
- Assessing Core Competencies
- Changes in Plate Boundary Conditions Along the NW Pacific Rim as Recorded in the Tertiary Mineoka Ophiolite (Central Japan)
- Climatic Controls on Fluvial Cut-and-Fill Cycles in Drainages with In-stream Wetlands in the Central Andes
- Geochemistry of Basaltic Dikes From the Northwestern Deccan Volcanic Province: Chemostratigraphic Implications
- Microbial Communities in Ultra-High Pressure Rocks and Fluids From Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD): A Unique Opportunity to Study Microbial Adaptation and Survival
- Petrogenesis of Quaternary Potassic Volcanism (Big Pine Volcanic Field) Along the Owens Valley Fault Zone in the Eastern California Shear Zone
- The Physical and Petrologic Evolution of a Multi-vent Volcanic Field Associated With Yellowstone-Newberry Volcanism
- The Role of Microbial fe (iii) Reduction in the Clay Flocculation
- Vorticity, Stokes' Theorem and the Gauss's Theorem
- Bacteria Community in the Terrestrial Deep Subsurface Microbiology Research of the Chinese Continent Scientific Drilling
- Change in Microbial Community with Salinity in the Sediment of Lake Chaka, a hypersaline lake in Northwestern China
- Connecting Active Subduction to Aseismic Remnant Slabs: Evolution of Petrologic Anomalies in the Mantle Transition Zone
- Cordilleran- Versus Tethyan-Type Ophiolites and Global Tectonics
- Distribution and Carbon-Isotope Composition of Lipid Biomarkers in Lake Sediments on the Tibetan Plateau, China
- Effects of Climate Change on Autotrophic Microbial Communities in Lake Qinghai on the Tibetan Plateau, China
- Fluid seepage, Deformation, Tectonics and Accretionary Prism Formation in Two Different Settings of the Nankai Accretionary Prism- Dive Results of YK05-08 Leg 2
- Global Double Benioff Zone Prevalence and Characteristics through Statistical Estimates of Slab-Normal Distribution
- Motivating Students to Write in Engineering Courses
- Navier Stokes Theorem in Hydrology
- Overview of Microbial Ecology and Geomicrobiology in lakes on the Tibetan Plateau
- Paleoaltimetry of the Tibetan Plateau based on stable isotopes from the Oiyug, Lunpola and Fenghuoshan basins, Tibet
- Particle Aggregation During Fe(III) Bioreduction in Nontronite
- Structural Architecture of the Nankai Accretionary Prism along the Tenryu Submarine Canyon as Revealed in Submersible Studies
- The Significance of Sheeted Dyke Complexes in Ophiolites For Spreading Dynamics in SSZ Environments
- Unique Microbial Community in Drilling Fluids from Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling
- Andean uplift and Neogene climate change in the Atacama Desert
- Automated Search for Tremor in Parkfield and the Bay Area, CA.
- Determination of Slow Slip Episodes and Strain Accumulation along the Cascadia Margin
- Hydrology and Conservation Ecology
- Influence of competitive electron acceptors during reduction and effective immobilization of technetium by reduced nontronite
- Investigating the Processes of Crust Formation and Intraplate Continental Volcanism in the High Lava Plains, Oregon
- Morphological and textural diversity of the Steens Basalt lava flows, southeastern Oregon, USA: implications for emplacement style and nature of eruptive episodes
- Preliminary results from a new large-aperture seismic and GPS array in southern Mexico
- Segmentation in Episodic Tremor and Slip All Along Cascadia
- Seismic Anisotropy and Thermo-Petrologic Evolution of Deep Subduction
- Soil Erosion and the Carbon Cycle: Perspectives From the Mississippi River Basin
- Survey of Archaeal Diversity in Sediments of Qinghai Lake, China and Implications for Paleoclimate Change
- Thermo-Petrologic Evolution of Subducted Lithosphere in the Transition Zone
- Using Writing as a Constructivist Instructional Tool
- Are Subducting Slabs Wet or Dry in the Transition Zone? Comparisons of Seismicity and Model Predictions
- Assessment of Double Benioff Zone Layer Separations Using a Modified JHD Method
- Constraining transient vertical deformation associated with slow slip events in Cascadia.
- Frequency Content of Subduction Zone Tremor and Similarities to Volcanic Tremor
- Kinematics of Faulting and Structural Evolution of Neogene Supra-detachment Basins on the Menderes Metamorphic Core Complex, Western Anatolia
- Reconstructing paleoaltimetry with D/H isotopic measurements on lipid biomarker
- Seasonal and Diurnal Variation of Electron and Iron Densities in the MLT Region Above Arecibo
- Significance of E. Paleozoic Paleo-Tethyan Ophiolites in the Balkan Terrane and the Greater Caucasus for the Cadomian-Hercynian Continental Growth of Southern Europe
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Non-Volcanic Tremor Source Locations All Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Non-Volcanic Tremor Source Locations Along the Oaxacan Segment of the Middle America Subduction Zone
- Thermo-Petrologic Evolution of Slabs in the Transition Zone Controls Deep Subduction
- Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography in the Pacific Northwest Employing Earthscope Flexible Arrays
- Exploiting the Frequency Content of Non-Volcanic Tremor to Characterize its Prevalence
- Fe-Mn Geochemistry of OIB From the Azores
- Geochemical and Sr-Nd Isotopic Compositions of Cenozoic Granitoids in Western Anatolia (Turkey): Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Continental Magmatism and Extension in the Aegean Province
- Geochemical and Temporal Evolution of Alkaline Magmatism Along a Subduction- Transform Edge Propagator (STEP) in SW Turkey (Isparta Angle): Mantle Response to Lithospheric Tearing in a Young Orogenic Belt
- Microbe-Clay Mineral Reactions and Characterization Techniques
- Microbial Mineral Weathering for Nutrient Acquisition Releases Arsenic
- Modern and Ancient Precipitation O-18/O-16 and D/H Gradients on the Tibetan Plateau
- Non-Volcanic Tremor along the Oaxaca segment of the Middle America Subduction Zone
- Paleoaltimetry of the Early Miocene-Pliocene Oiyug basin, southern Tibet
- Petrologic Anomalies in the Mantle Transition Zone
- Seismic evidence for overpressured subducted oceanic crust and sealing of the megathrust: Relations with ETS in Cascadia
- Seismicity of the Oaxaca Segment of the Middle American Subduction Zone
- Spatial and temporal patterns of nonvolcanic tremor and segmentation along the southern Cascadia subduction zone
- Subducting slab ultra-slow velocity layer coincident with silent earthquakes in southern Mexico
- Water is not Recycled into the Deep Mantle in Subducting Lithosphere
- A Multi-Faceted Approach to Inquiry-Based Learning
- An Earthquake Swarm Search Implemented at Major Convergent Margins to Test for Associated Aseismic Slip
- Chemical and Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of Cenozoic Pacific Northwest Volcanism
- Distinguishing wedge, slab, and sub-slab anisotropy in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction zone
- Episodic Tremor and Slip along the Oaxaca segment of the Middle America Subduction Zone and Comparisons to Cascadia and Nankai
- Evaluation of Non-Volcanic Tremor Detection Techniques
- Improved Moment Release Estimates of ETS Across Cascadia from Joint Seismic and Geodetic Analyses
- Is Storage a Solution to End Water Shortage?
- Local Earthquake Tomography of the Subduction Interface in Oaxaca, Mexico
- Non-volcanic tremor in Cascadia: Segmented along strike, anti-correlated with earthquakes, and offset from the locked zone
- Observations of sporadic metal atom, ion and electron layers in the MLT above Arecibo
- Segmentation of the Cascades Volcanic Arc Revealed Through Ambient Noise Based Surface Wave Tomography
- Seismic Anisotropy beneath Cascadia and the Mendocino Triple Junction: Interaction of the Subducting Slab with Mantle Flow
- Structure and Geochemistry of Tethyan Ophiolites and Their Multi-Stage Arc-Forearc Magmatic Evolution in Subduction Rollback Systems (Invited)
- Structure and Geochemistry of the Continental-Oceanic Crust Boundary of the Red Sea and the Rifted Margin of Western Arabia
- The Deep Subsurface Microbiology Research in China: Results from Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project
- Writers, Athletes and Engineers Learn by Doing
- Δ17O Isotopic Investigation of Nitrate Salts Found in Co-Occurrence with Naturally Formed Perchlorate in the Mojave Desert, California, USA and the Atacama Desert, Chile
- 800,000-Year Record of Plate Boundary Earthquakes in the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile
- An Analysis of tidal and planetary waves at Arecibo during January 2010
- Biomarker and molecular isotope approaches to deconvolve the terrestrial carbon isotope record: modern and Eocene calibrations
- Cenozoic magmatism in Gangdese, southern Tibet: Records of collision and subduction between India and Asia
- Chemoautotrophic Bacterial Production in the Redoxycline of an Ice-Covered Antarctic Lake (Invited)
- Comparative analysis of the collision-driven tectonic evolution of the Tibetan and Turkish-Iranian Plateaus
- Empirical relationships among slow earthquake source parameters from tremor and slip across Cascadia
- Enrichment of Thermophilic Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea from an Alkaline Hot Spring in the Great Basin, USA
- Episodic tremor and slip along the Rivera and Cocos subduction zones of southern Mexico
- Geochronology and Geochemistry of a Late Cretaceous Granitoid Suite, Santa Rosa Range, Nevada: Linking Arc Magmatism in Northwestern Nevada to the Sierra Nevada Batholith
- Groundwater/Surface-Water Interaction in the Context of South African Water Policy
- Imaging Lithospheric Cascadia Structure with Ambient Noise Tomography
- Importance of Technical Writing in Engineering Education
- Incoherent scatter radar measurement of E-region electric field at Arecibo
- Integrating observations from the lower stability transition of the seismogenic zone (Invited)
- Ionospheric Effects of Underground Nuclear Explosions
- Is The Water Shortage Crisis Really One of the Most Dangerous?
- L-Band Ionosphere Scintillations Observed by A Spaced GPS Receiver Array during Recent Active Experiments at HAARP
- Latest Miocene-Pliocene Tiliviche Paleolake, Atacama Desert, Northern Chile 19.5°S: Paleoclimatic and Paleohydrologic Implications
- Microbial diversity in ten hot springs on the Tibetan Plateau, China
- Non-volcanic tremor during several transient slip episodes in Alaska
- Os-Hf isotopes of the ultrapotassic rocks in southern Tibet: Significant crustal input into the mantle source region
- Properties of the quasi-three day wave in the equatorial lower thermosphere during January 2010 from both ground and space-based observations
- Quantifying NVT in southern Mexico and its apparent lack of correlation with slow slip
- Response of the low and mid-latitude ionosphere to the forcing by the quasi-three day wave in the equatorial thermosphere during January 2010 from both ground and space-based observations
- Seismic Analysis of the Tonga Subduction Zone and Implications on the Thermo-Petrologic Evolution of Deep Subduction
- Slow slip along the Cascadia margin: Offset updip from tremor, more heterogeneous along strike than tremor, and caused by a separate peak in inter-ETS plate coupling
- Water Velocity and Bioturbation Alter Sediment Resuspension and Biogeochemistry in an Experimental Freshwater Mesocosm System
- Are molecular and isotopic patterns in modern plants representative of ancient floras? Examples from Paleocene and Eocene floras and sediments in the Bighorn Basin (WY, USA)
- Cambrian bimodal volcanism in the Lhasa Terrane (southern Tibet) as part of an early Paleozoic Andean-type magmatic arc in the Australian proto-Tethyan margin
- Characterizing Shallow Seismicity at the Western End of the Middle America Trench
- Drivers of gas flux from temperate lakes: Partitioning the energetic contributions of wind and convection in 42 lakes
- Evidence for the formation of the central Andean rain-shadow from paleosols in the Atacama Desert
- Implementing and Assessing Inquiry-Based Learning through the CAREER Award
- Ionospheric disturbances locate the 2009 North Korean underground nuclear test
- L-Band Ionosphere Scintillations Observed by A GNSS Receiver Array at HAARP
- Mass-transport deposit and mélange formation in the Ligurian accretionary complex (NW-Italy) via mutual interactions of tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric processes
- Non-volcanic Tremor Triggered by Teleseismic Surface Waves in South-Central Alaska
- Non-volcanic tremor during several transient slip episodes in Alaska
- Occurrence of branched GDGT-lipids in Tengchong hot springs, China
- Peridotites of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana forearc and the Eastern Mirdita ophiolite (Albania) : implications for igneous activity during subduction initiation
- Plumbing of Continental Basaltic Volcanoes from the Mantle to the Surface, 2: Geochemical Variations of the Pliocene to Recent Volcanic Products of Lunar Crater Volcanic Field (nevada, Usa)
- Plumbing of continental basaltic volcanoes from the mantle to the surface, 1: Insights from field relationships at the Lunar Crater Volcanic Field (Nevada, USA)
- Progressive Subduction-Accretion Growth of the Late Paleozoic-Cretaceous Izmir-Ankara Suture Zone Melange in Northern Anatolia, Turkey, and a New Tectonic Model for the Evolution of Northern Neotethys
- Quantifying tectonic tremor in southern Mexico and its curious relationship to slow slip and other tremor triggers
- Redistribution of material and formation of polygenic mélanges in the External Ligurian accretionary complex (Northern Apennines, Italy)
- Stable isotopic composition of Middle-Late Miocene lacustrine carbonates from the Markam basin, eastern Tibet: Implications for the paleoelevation history of the eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Structural and metamorphic evolution of an ocean-continent transition (OCT) zone mélange deformed under HP conditions during Alpine subduction (Western Italian Alps)
- Subduction megathrust segmentation correlated with earthquake swarm locations appears to be caused by increased stress heterogeneity
- Tectonic tremor locations along the western Mexico subduction zone using stacked waveforms of similar events
- Validating Empirical Bioclimatic Model Predictions of Climate Impacts: Spruce Decline in Northern Arizona
- Adakitic volcanism in the eastern Aleutian arc: Petrology and geochemistry of Hayes volcano, Cook Inlet, Alaska
- Analysis of the Mw 7.4 March 20, 2012 Ometepec aftershock sequence and pre-mainshock background seismicity
- Animations and modeling of the 2012 slow slip event beneath southern Mexico and the accompanying 20 March 2012 Mw=7.4 Ometepec earthquake
- Challenges and Opportunities to Developing Synergies Among Diverse Environmental Observatories: FSML, NEON, and GLEON
- Characteristics of High Latitude Ionosphere Scintillations
- Crustal Structure of the Eastern U.S. from Regional Network Recordings of Wide Angle Moho Reflections
- Data Mining Student Answers with Moodle to Investigate Learning Pathways in an Introductory Geohazards Course
- Delineating future megathrust rupture in southern Cascadia with episodic tremor and slip
- Depth-dependent characteristics of simulated slow slip events
- Determination of Microbial Diversity and Nitrogen Cycling from Kizildere Geothermal Field with Next Generation Sequencing
- Diverse Propagation Characteristics of Tremor Episodes along the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone and Implications for a Migrating Slip Pulse
- Magmatic Evolution of the Western Azores Islands (Corvo and Flores)
- Megathrust Earthquake Swarms Contemporaneous to Slow Slip and Non-Volcanic Tremor in Southern Mexico, Detected and Analyzed through a Template Matching Approach
- Microbial Distributions Across pH, Temperature, and Temporal Conditions in Hot Springs of Tengchong, Yunnan Providence, China
- Organic geochemical constraints on paleoelevation
- Petrogenesis of mid-Miocene rhyolites from the Idaho-Oregon-Nevada region, USA: Implications from feldspar Sr and Pb isotope data
- Searching for Tectonic Tremor on the North Anatolian Fault
- Seismicity Patterns of the Oaxacan Segment of the Middle American Subduction Zone
- Single Investigator or Group Projects? Which is the More Successful Model for a REU Site?
- Six years of tectonic tremor observations prior to the M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.4 March 20, 2012 Ometepec Earthquake
- Spatial Heterogeneity of Ice Cover Sediment and Thickness and Its Effects on Photosynthetically Active Radiation and Chlorophyll-a Distribution: Lake Bonney, Antarctica
- Tectonic tremor locations using template matching of low frequency earthquakes
- The Importance of Water Conservation in the 21st Century
- 21st Century Water Conservation Principles
- Analysis of GNSS receiver signal processing modification of scintillation parameters
- Assessing Writing Skills
- Characteristics of Mesospheric Na Distribution over Arecibo, Puerto Rico
- Correlation Methods to Better Characterize Repeating Seismic Events
- Data Mining for Tectonic Tremor in a Large Global Seismogram Database using Preprocessed Data Quality Measurements
- Depositional History of a Saline Blue Hole on Eleuthera Island, Bahamas: Implications for Sea Level History and Climate Change
- Development of a monitoring protocol to enhance mentoring in the IRIS REU site
- Exploration of the impacts of distributed-site Research Experiences for Undergraduates using pre-/post- student interviews
- Highly siderophile element constraints on the genesis of Azorean lavas
- Holocene Depositional History of Shad Pond, a Hypersaline Coastal Lagoon, Eleuthera, Bahamas and Its Influence on Lucayan Occupation
- Investigating the origins of observed variability of slow slip events with fault slip simulations
- Investigation of the ability for slow slip events to trigger earthquakes through a comparison of seismic and geodetic observations with fault slip simulations
- Linking geochemistry to microbial ecology in hot springs: examples from southeastern Asia (Invited)
- Nothing But MORB at Shatsky Rise
- Paleoaltimetry of the Oiyug Basin, southern Tibet using clumped-isotope paleothermometry
- Seasonal Patterns In Microbial Communities And Physicochemical Conditions In Hot Springs Of Tengchong, Yunnan Providence, China
- The unusual mineralogy of the Hayes River rhyolite, Hayes Volcano, Cook Inlet, Alaska
- Adapt or Die on the Highway To Hell: Metagenomic Insights into Altered Genomes of Firmicutes from the Deep Biosphere
- Creation and Assessment of an Active E-Learning Introductory Geoscience Course
- Earthquakes Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing in Poland Township, Ohio
- GPS Constraints on the M<SUB>w</SUB>=7.5 Ometepec Earthquake Sequence, Southern Mexico: Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation
- Genesis of Diamond-bearing and Diamond-free Podiform Chromitites in the Luobusa Ophiolite, Tibet
- Influence of Sporadic E layers on Mesospheric Na and Fe Layers over Arecibo
- Investigation of small earthquakes and microseismicity at the down-dip end of the seismogenic zone associated with slow slip events and large subduction earthquakes
- Optimizing Multi-Station Template Matching to Identify and Characterize Induced Seismicity in Ohio
- Ostracodes on the Roof of the World: Timing the Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau Using Stable Isotope Paleoaltimetry and Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry
- Potential application of microbial iron redox cycles in nitrate removal and their effects on clay mineral properties
- Putting the Deep Biosphere on the Map for Oceanography Courses: Gas Hydrates As a Case Study for the Deep Biosphere
- Relationships between Slow Slip and Earthquakes at the Brittle-Ductile Transition of Subduction Zones
- Scalable Climate Forcing Optical Indices: How Effective Are They in Alpine Lakes?
- Studies of the Ionospheric Turbulence Excited by the Fourth Gyroharmonic at HAARP
- The Impact of Empirical Calving Laws on Thwaites Glacier Dynamics
- The Structural Architecture and Tectonic Inheritance of the Vlora-Elbasan Transfer Zone in Albanides-Albania
- A Disequilibrium Melting Spectrum: Partially Melted Crustal Xenoliths from the Wudalianchi Volcanic Field, NE China.
- Biogenic Carbon on Mars: A Subsurface Chauvinistic Viewpoint
- Consequences of Not Conserving Water
- Examining the Role of Aquatic Vegetation in Methane Production: Examples From a Shallow High Latitude Lake in Abisko, Sweden.
- Identifying Mantle Carbonatite Metasomatism through Os-Sr-Mg Isotopes in Tibetan Ultrapotassic Rocks
- Improving Correlation Algorithms to Detect and Characterize Smaller Magnitude Induced Seismicity Swarms
- Is there a crisis in American Higher Education?
- Leveraging EarthScope USArray with the Central and Eastern United States Seismic Network
- Local Earthquake Velocity and Attenuation Tomography of the Jalisco, Mexico Region
- Mountainous terrain and violent conflict in the post-Soviet Caucasus.
- Multistation template matching to characterize frequency-magnitude distributions of induced seismicity in the Central and Eastern US
- New Perspective on the Transition from Flat to Steeper Subduction in Oaxaca, Mexico Based on Seismicity, Nonvolcanic Tremor, and Slow Slip
- Observations of a hydrofracture induced earthquake sequence in Harrison County Ohio in 2014
- Source Parameters for Repeating Earthquakes along the Middle America Trench
- Ubiquitous radiogenic Os in Miocene to recent basalts from diverse mantle domains beneath the Colorado Plateau, USA
- Variability of Methane in Stordalen Mire Stream Sediments, Abisko, Sweden
- ~55Ma Aged High Topography of the Lhasa Block From Stable and Clumped Isotope Paleoaltimetry: Implications for ~50±25% Crustal Mass Deficit in the India-Asia Collisional System
- Adding Another Dimension to Learning: Application of Real World Globes to Undergraduate Geoscience Teaching
- An unrecognized development of retro-arc foreland basin system in northeast China during late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian)
- Delineating Concealed Faults within Cogdell Oil Field via Earthquake Detection
- Determination of the Effects of Magnesium on the Structural Order of Amorphous Calcium Phosphate
- Determining the Causes of Recent Seismicity in Johnson County, TX
- Detrital Zircon U-Pb Analysis of the Liuqu Conglomerate Along the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone, and Implications for the Mode and Timing of Collision Tectonics in Southern Tibet
- Full Wavefield Recordings of Oklahoma Seismicity from an IRIS-led Community Experiment
- Iron isotope contraints on mantle lithological heterogeneity beneath the Azores
- Low-latitude high elevation of the leading edge of southern Eurasia throughout the Cenozoic
- Proximity of Wastewater Disposal and Hydraulic Fracturing to Crystalline Basement Affects the Likelihood of Induced Seismicity in the Central and Eastern United States
- Refined earthquake locations for Oklahoma and Southern Kansas illuminate the regional fault network
- Seismicity Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing in Oklahoma
- Supporting student skill development in undergraduate research experiences through the development of a self-reflection guide
- Tephrochronology and Stratigraphy of Silicic and Basaltic Volcanic Ash Layers at Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument, Idaho, USA
- When People Push Water Deep Under Ground, It Can Cause Repeating Ground Shakes
- Case studies of Induced Earthquakes in Ohio for 2016 and 2017
- Characteristics of Swarm Seismicity in Northern California
- Compositional variation through time and space in Quaternary magmas of the Chyulu Hills Volcanic Province, Kenya
- Cryptic Carbonate Alteration in Orogenic Sedimentary Basins: Saving the Signal
- Crystal Cargo Characterization: Unravelling Granite Petrogenesis through Combined MicroXRF Imaging and In-situ Analyses.
- Evidence of Sulfate-Dependent Anaerobic Methane Oxidation within an Area Impacted by Coalbed Methane-Related Gas Migration
- Hydrology or biology? Modeling simplistic physical constraints on lake carbon biogeochemistry to identify when and where biology is likely to matter
- Imaging the 2017 M<SUB>W </SUB>8.2 Tehuantepec intermediate-depth earthquake using Teleseismic P Waves
- Linking Historical, Field, Airborne, and Satellite Data to Determine the Relationship Between Gas Emissions and Vegetation Health on Active Volcanoes
- Magma Mingling at Morne Patates Volcano, Dominica, Lesser Antilles: Evidence from Mafic Enclaves
- One Basin, One Stress Regime, One Orientation of Seismogenic Basement Faults, Variable Spatio-Temporal Slip Histories: Lessons from Fort Worth Basin Induced Earthquake Sequences
- Semi-automated Approach to Mapping Sub-hectare Agricultural Fields using Very High Resolution Data in a High-Performance Computing Environment
- Simulating ice thickness and velocity evolution of Upernavik Isstrøm 1849-2017 with ISSM
- Sources of Quaternary volcanism in the Itasy and Ankaratra volcanic fields, Madagascar
- Stacking GPS observations on ETS and inter-ETS tremor times to improve geodetic observations of slip in Cascadia
- Sub-hectare crop area mapped wall-to-wall in Tigray Ethiopia with HEC processing of WorldView sub-meter panchromatic image texture
- Two types of seismicity accompanying hydraulic fracturing in Harrison County, Ohio - implications for seismic hazard and seismogenic mechanism
- Where There's Smoke: Using Satellites to Monitor Impact of Human Activities on Agriculture and Glaciers in the Andes and Himalayas
- A broad distribution of accreted intraplate volcanic edifice in the Late Cretaceous Tokoro greenstone belt, NE-most of Japan
- Agricultural Burning in the Lumbini Region of Nepal: Open Source Coding for Agriculture Intervention Strategies
- Challenges in making meaning from Ground Motion Visualizations: The role of geoscience knowledge in interpreting dynamic spatiotemporal patterns
- Chlorophyll-a Detection for 317 Maine Freshwater Lakes Through the Use of Archived Data from LANDSAT Satellite Imagery, 23,000 in situ Samples, and Google Earth Engine
- Comparison of Theoretical Evapotranspiration Models, In-Situ Soil Moisture, and Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture Across a Complex Agricultural Landscape in Southwest Ohio, USA
- Creating a Timeline of Change in Open Burning Patterns in Punjab, India Using Satellite Data: Pre- and Post- Climate-Smart Agriculture Interventions
- Earth observations to verify farmer- and field-level changes in Punjab, India: Aligning Nationally Determined Contributions to meet Paris Climate Agreement commitments with Sustainable Development Goals
- Earthquake Swarms and Slow Slip on a Sliver Fault in the Mexican Subduction Zone
- Earthquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing are pervasive in Oklahoma
- Farmer Perception, Recollection, and Remote Sensing in Weather Index Insurance for Agriculture in the Developing World: an Ethiopia Case Study
- Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Seismicity in Ohio in 2016: Case study of the Conotton sequence in Harrison County
- HypMap: a web-based application for hyperspectral data visualization
- Imaging the Crust in South-Central Mexico from Receiver Functions.
- Impacts of Future Flood Risks to Agricultural Land Use and Human Settlements in the Western Mekong Delta of Vietnam
- Promises and limitations of geospatial data and science to study smallholder indigenous agricultural communities: A case study of coffee and greenhouses in the Chiapas Highlands.
- Response of Quasi 2 Day Waves in the MLT Region to the 2013 SSW Revealed by a Meteor Radar Chain
- We Didn't Start The Fire? Limitations of Northern High Latitude Satellite- and Geospatial Data-Based Arctic Wildland Fire Monitoring and Emissions Estimations for the 2017 Wildfire in Greenland
- An Evaluation of Spatial Visualization Strategies for Improving Student Understanding of the Elastic Rebound Theory of Earthquakes
- Analyzing Microseismicity Triggered by the DAG-2 Chemical Explosion Using Fiber Optic DAS Data
- Biomass burning: emissions, chemistry and transport
- Biomonitoring of Steel Plant Emissions using Os and Pb Isotopes
- Cartoon Llamas, Fire, and Climate-Smart Agriculture: Teaching concepts of climate change adaptation to primary students via active learning
- Evaluation of the Aftershock Duration of Induced Earthquakes
- Facilitating a Robust Expert Network in Response to Wildland Fire Smoke: Convening the Third International Smoke Symposium (ISS3)
- Global Black Carbon Emissions From Open Burning
- Hydraulic Fracture Injection Strategy Influences the Probability of Earthquakes in the Eagle Ford Shale Play of South Texas
- Induced Seismicity in the Delaware Basin
- Learning So Fast You'll Freak: The Effect of Immersion to Increase Online Learning Success
- Mafic Enclaves in Puerto Rico: A Window into Crustal Recycling and Structure
- Monitoring, Mapping, and Modeling Land-Cover/Land-Use Change: A Case Study of Shifting Agricultural Landscape and Livelihoods in An Giang and Đồng Tháp, Việt Nam
- Paleoaltimetry of the Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau-A Review
- Quantifying uncertainties of small fires in the contiguous U.S. from existing land-cover/land-use and fire satellite products
- Site characteristics of beaver dams in southwest Ohio
- Slab-Controlled Elemental-Isotopic Enrichments during Subduction Initiation Magmatism, and Variations in Forearc Chemostratigraphy: An Ophiolite Perspective
- Study of Mean Wind Variations and Gravity Wave Forcing Via a Meteor Radar Chain and Comparison with HWM-07 Results
- Triple oxygen isotopes, aridity and uplift: a case study from the Atacama
- Why the M5.5 Pohang, South Korea, main shock was likely not caused by a nearby Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) project
- Xenoliths and Cumulates: Insights into the Petrological, Geochemical, and Geochronological Stratigraphy of the Central Andean Arc Crust
- Arc melt production from hybrid slab and mantle sources - new evidence from Cr spinel bearing high-Ni olivines in central Transmexican Volcanic Belt
- Assessment of Multiple Intelligence in a Fluid Mechanics Course
- Creating opportunities for undergraduates during COVID-19: An online seismology skill building workshop for a global community
- Effects of a Forested State Park on Suspended Solid and Dissolved Organic Carbon concentrations in an Agriculturally Impacted SW Ohio Watershed
- FIREXAQ: Insights into satellite- and fuel-based fire emissions
- Formaldehyde Emissions Variability from Agricultural Burning
- Fuel and emissions in a prescribed fire in the Blackwater River State Forest during FIREX-AQ: synthesis of observations from ground, aircraft, and satellites and comparison with models
- Human-driven temporal shifts in fire activity: southwest Russia and north Australia as case study regions
- Hydrology Education and Creative Communication Skills
- Impact of a Forested State Park on Nutrient Dynamics in an Agriculturally-Dominated Watershed in Southwest Ohio
- Machine Learning Reveals Additional Regions of Hydraulic Fracture Induced Seismicity in the Eagle Ford Shale
- Siberia: An altered landscape that will act to transform the region and Earth
- Submicron Particle Composition and Acidity in Fire Plumes during FIREX-AQ aircraft study
- Tectonic switch from Triassic contraction to Jurassic-Cretaceous extension in the western margin of the Tarim Basin, Northwest China: New insights into the evolution of the paleo-Tethys Orogenic Belt
- Towards an Integrated Understanding of Soil-Microbe-Fungi Interactions in the Rhizosphere using Novel Sample Approaches and Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Imaging
- A Machine Learning Approach to Fire Source Attribution for the Improvement of Arctic Fire Emission Models
- Accentuating Student Performance in a Hydrology Class
- Agricultural Emission Factors from FIREX-AQ
- Assessing Student Accomplishments using the DISCUSS Model
- Changing food web dynamics and trophic structure during the Mesozoic Marine Revolution
- Constraints on Intraplate Magmatic Sources from Mafic Submarine Lavas of Socorro and San Benedicto Islands, Mexico
- Coupled Iron Reduction and Organic Matter Transformation in Soils
- Establishing the Continental Crust of the Central Andes: Insights from Zircons in Bolivian Crustal Xenoliths
- Indicators of Food Sovereignty and Food Security from Rice Growers Perspective in Northern Iran
- Insights into the Petrogenesis of Lunar Basaltic Breccia Dominion Range (DOM) 18666
- Magmatic Evolution of a Monogenetic Volcano Cluster in the Michoacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field, Mexico: the Late Holocene Zacapu Cluster
- New insights into lunar magmatism: Investigating open system processes in basaltic magma reservoirs on the Moon.
- Olivine Ca as Proxy to Mantle Wedge Depletion in the Central Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Pan-Arctic Fire Emissions: Understanding the Mismatch Between Official Statistics and Satellite-Driven Emission Inventories
- Petrogenesis of the Holocene Tacambaro Monogenetic Volcano Cluster in the Michoacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field, Mexico
- Quantifying Burned Area from Agricultural and Prescribed Fires in the Central and Southeastern U.S.
- Rapid Formation of Abiotic CO2 Results from Additions of a Simple Phenolic, Gallic Acid, to Soil
- A Systematic and Semi-Critical Review of Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Modeling in the African Context
- An Overview of Recent Injection Induced Seismicity in the Central and Eastern United States
- Anaerobic Biological Nitrogen Fixation Using Mineral-Associated Molybdenum as a Cofactor
- Assessment of The Impact of Late-Stage Meteoric Diagenesis on Siderite Geochemistry: Evidence from Core-Outcrop Comparison in Paleocene Fort Union Formation in Wind River Basin, Wyoming
- Center for Collective Impact in Earthquake Science (C-CIES): Building Inclusive Excellence, Diversity, Equity, and Community into Earthquake Science
- Changes in Marine Functional Ecospace Utilization During the Richmondian Invasion (Late Ordovician)
- Characterization of Seismicity Rates on the Megathrust and Sliver Fault in Southern Mexico with Potential Relationships to Aseismic Slip
- HVSR Analysis of Heterogenous Buried Glacial Valley Deposits, Southwestern Ohio
- Hydrology Education in an Online Environment
- Investigation Into the Effects of Shock Compression of Synthetic Goethite Using Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Lunar Highlands Regolith Depth: Implications for the Impact Flux in the Early Solar System
- Mineralogy and Textures of Talc Ore from the Willow Creek Mine, Montana: Investigating Origins and Hazards in a Historic Industrial Mineral Source
- New Petrological Insights into a Lunar Basaltic Breccia Meteorite from the Dominion Range, Antarctica: DOM 18543
- Primary Trait Analysis in an Online Environment
- Quantifying Burned Area and Smoke from Prescribed and Smaller Fires: Flint Hills, Kansas 2022
- Quantifying the Impact of Urban Expansion until 2030 on Peri-Urban Agriculture, Hydrometeorology, Food Security and Human Health
- The Evidence for Open Magmatic System Processes Recorded in the Crystal Cargoes of Lunar Basalts
- U and Fe Biogeochemistry in Wetland Sediments at the Savannah River Site
- Understanding Climatic and Anthropogenic Interactions on Organic Carbon Accumulation Rates in an Inland Lake
- Using stable metal isotopes and other techniques to understand cycling of urban pollutants
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Velasco
- A. J. Soja
- A. W. Rollins
- Alan Fried
- Alexandros Savvaidis
- Armin Wisthaler
- Bonne Ford
- Brian Freitag
- C. Hain
- C. Warneke
- Caroline C. Womack
- Donald R. Blake
- Edward J. O’Loughlin
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- G. S. Diskin
- Gabriel M. Filippelli
- George Pouliot
- Hailiang Dong
- Ilya N. Bindeman
- J. Andrew Neuman
- J. H. Crawford
- J. L. McCarty
- J. P. DiGangi
- Jack E. Dibb
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- John B. Nowak
- Jonathan J. Halvorson
- Joseph M. Katich
- K. A. Kelley
- K. L. Pankow
- Katherine R. Travis
- Liannie C. Velazquez Santana
- M. E. Brown
- M. P. Loocke
- M. R. Brudzinski
- Magdalena Oryaëlle Chevrel
- Maral Khodadadi
- Matthew Dietrich
- Miquela Ingalls
- P. R. Veres
- Pamela Weisenhorn
- Pedro Campuzano‐Jost
- Richard H. Moore
- S. L. Bilek
- Shannon L. Fasola
- Susanne M. Straub
- Tiegan Hobbs
- Zhigang Peng
- А. С. Соболев