Meteorological Service of Canada
flowchart I[Meteorological Service of Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (191)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Absolute Brewer Zenith-sky Radiance and Polarization Measurements with Application to the Retrieval of Aerosol Properties
- Assessment of a Combined SMMR and SSM/I Derived Snow Water Equivalent Time Series for Central Canada, 1978 - 1999
- Atmospheric Regimes: Their Recent Behavior and Future Change
- CRYSYS: Monitoring and Modelling the Cryospheric System in Canada
- Carbon Isotopic Enrichment: A Tool for Monitoring Degradation of Chlorinated Ethenes on Iron PRBs and Mineralization by Microbial Consortia
- Carbon Kinetic Isotope Effects in the Oxidation of Atmospheric Alkane and Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Hydroxyl Radicals
- Data Assimilation with the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model
- Longitudinal Variations of Mesospheric Temperature at Middle and High Latitudes - the WINDII Perspective
- Lévy/Anomalous Diffusion as a Mean-Field Theory for 3D Cloud Effects in SW-RT: Empirical Support, New Analytical Formulation, and Impact on Atmospheric Absorption
- Measurements of O<SUB>2</SUB>, O<SUB>3</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> During the MANTRA Balloon Campaign: Field-Testing the MAESTRO Space Instrument Concept
- Mercury Depletion Episode Studies in the Canadian High Arctic
- North American Lightning Detection Network (NALDN) - First Results: 1998-2000
- Ozone Profiles Retrieved From Odin/OSIRIS Obervations of Limb-Radiance Spectra
- Retrieval of Stratospheric O<SUB>3</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> Density Profiles From a DOAS Analysis of UV-Visible Limb Scatter Measured by OSIRIS
- Snow Cover in Canada: Data and Information for Understanding the Role of the Cryosphere in the Climate System
- Stratospheric Circulation and Tracer/Ozone Changes in Response to Alternative Doubled CO2 Climate Depictions
- The Vertical Structure of Wintertime Climate Regimes of the Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Circulation
- Using Daytime Eddy Covariance Measurements to Infer Nighttime Respiration and the Annual Carbon Balance of Three Boreal Forests
- A GCM-based analysis of the temporal variability of soil moisture and surface hydrological quantities
- A non-derivatization Analysis of Fatty Acids from C6 to C20 in PM 2.5 Aerosols using GC/FID and GC/MSD
- An assessment of simulated water balance for the Yenisey, the Lena, and the Amur River basins in an AMIP 2 simulation
- Analysis of Phytosterols and N-Alkanols in Atmospheric Organic Particulate Matter Collected in Vancouver During the Pacific 2001 Air Quality Study
- Application of Lidar Data in the Assessment of Observed and Model Output Temperature Soundings During the Pacific 2001 Field Study.
- Assessing Spatial and Temporal Variability and Source Attribution of Ammonia during Pacific 2001
- Carbon Isotope Measurements of Different Carbon Species (OC and EC) in Aerosols: Method Development, Application to Pacific 2001 Campaign Samples and its Implications
- Carbon Kinetic Isotope Effects in the Reactions of Atmospheric Non-methane Hydrocarbons with Hydroxyl Radicals, Chlorine Atoms and Ozone
- Chemical and Size Characteristics of Particles in the Lower Fraser Valley: Pacific 2001 Field Study.
- Detailed Characteristics of a Ship Plume Observed in Land During Pacific 2001
- Detection of Air Pollutants in the Lower Fraser Valley by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
- Evidence That a Complex Atmosphere Shown by High Resolution Lidar Imagery can be Represented by a Stratified Mulitfractal Field
- Monitoring Cryospheric Processes in Canada With Spaceborne Scatterometer and Passive Microwave Data
- Pacific 2001 Golden Ears Micro Field Study
- Pollutant Build-Up Over the Strait of Georgia and The Role of Mesoscale Flow Patterns on Onshore Transport
- Simulations of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) Photochemistry in the Arctic Surface Layer
- Stray and sky-scattered light in a Brewer spectrophotometer: Error assessment and correction
- The Carbon and Hydrogen Kinetic Isotope Effects of Non-methane Hydrocarbons in Their Reactions with OH Radicals, Cl Atoms and Ozone
- The Chemistry of NO3 During the Pacific 2001 Field Study
- The Pacific 2001 Air Quality Study: An Overview
- The Pacific 2001 Data Centre - The Making of a Successful Field Study Archive
- VOC Measurements in the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada
- A Coupled Regional Climate Simulator for the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada
- A Synoptic Climatological Approach to Assess Possible Impacts of Climate Change on Human Mortality in South Central Canada
- Assessing Scale Effects on Snow Water Equivalent Retrievals Using Airborne and Spaceborne Passive Microwave Data
- Attenuation Of Microwave Signals In Snow-Covered Boreal Forest
- Carbon Kinetic Isotope Effects in the Reactions of Atmospheric NMHC with OH, Cl and O<SUB>3</SUB>
- Chemical and Physical Processes Controlling the Distribution of Aerosols in the Lower Fraser Valley, Canada, During the Pacific 2001 Field Campaign
- Chemistry of Particles and Selected Trace Gases at Whistler Peak (elevation 2182 m)
- Evidence of a Positive Warming Effect on Boreal Productivity Derived From a 11-year Air CO2 Concentration Record at Fraserdale
- Historical Analysis and Charaterization of Ground Level Ozone for Canada and United State
- Intercomparison of Simultaneous Laboratory Gas Absorption Measurements With ACE-FTS and MAESTRO
- Investigation Of Volcanic Gas Emission By MAX-DOAS And I-DOAS
- Laboratory Studies of Stable Carbon Isotope Fractionation during The Formation of Secondary Particulate Organic Matter from Toluene-OH radical Initiated Reactions
- Lightning Behaviour in the Northwest Territories, Canada
- Modeling of Fire-Induced Supercell Convection and Transport of Biomass Burning Aerosol Into the Stratosphere: The Chisholm Fire of 28 May, 2001
- Observing Subcanopy CO<SUB>2</SUB> Advection
- On the CO2 Exchange Between the Atmosphere and the Biosphere: The Role of Synoptic and Mesoscale Processes
- One Year of Continuous In-Situ NMHC Measurements in Rural Ontario, Canada
- Patterns in Hygroscopicity of Ambient Particulate Matter at Urban, Rural and Forested Sites
- Precipitation and Radiation Forcings in Off-line Assimilation of Soil Moisture
- Pyro-Cumulonimbus: Strongly suppressed precipitation by smoke-induced extremely small cloud drops up to the homogeneous freezing level
- Reactive Halogen Studies by Long-term MAX-DOAS Observations at Alert, Nunavut
- Regional Impact of Terrestrial Ecosystem on Global Carbon Cycle: Indicated by Isotopic Measurements of Atmospheric CO2 at Boreal Forest (Fraserdale, Canada)
- Sensitivity Study of the Vertical Velocity Variation on Cloud Droplet Nucleation Process Using an Adiabatic Parcel Model
- Solar vs. Anthropogenic Forcing During the Maunder Minimum
- Stratospheric Smoke Down Under: Injection From Australian Fires/Convection in January 2003
- Studies of the Partitioning of Glyoxal into Atmospheric Particulates
- The Stable Isotopes of Atmospheric Methane: Long-Term Observations at Alert (Canada) and Neumayer (Antarctica)
- Using Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios to Determine Mean Photochemical Ages of Ethane and Benzene in the Arctic Troposphere
- Validation of Snow Cover Information Derived From AMSR-E Data Over Canadian Regions
- A Method for Measuring Subcanopy CO2 Advection
- CO2 Dynamics in Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Boreal Forest: Integrating Aircraft CO2 Concentration Profiles with Tower-Based Flux Measurements.
- Development of Bias-Corrected Precipitation Database and Climatology for the Arctic Regions
- Sensitivity of Ozone to Bromine in the Lower Stratosphere
- Winds and Ice Motion in Nares Strait and Smith Sound From a Regional Mesoscale Model and Satellite Observations
- A Simple Data Assimilation Technique For Vegetation Leaf Area Index Using MODIS Data
- A Trajectory Study Into the Origin of Spring Time Arctic Boundary Layer Ozone Depletion
- Arctic Biogenic Aerosol Sulphate Using Isotope Apportionment Techniques: 1993-2003
- Arctic Surface Ozone Depletion Meets Nitrate Isotopes
- Biogenic Sulphate and Sulphur Dioxide Over the North Atlantic: Spring 2003
- Bromine monoxide from short lived halocarbons: implications for atmospheric composition
- Comparison of Canadian Air Quality Forecast Models With Tropospheric Ozone Profile Measurements Above Mid-Latitude North America During the IONS/ICARTT Campaign: Evidence for Stratospheric Input
- Comparison of Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency Among Douglas fir Forest, Aspen Forest and Grassland Using Eddy Covariance and Carbon Isotope Techniques
- Evaluation of a Regional Air Quality Modelling System (AURAMS) Using Data Obtained During The ICARTT Campaign in Summer 2004
- Evolution and Characteristics of PyroCb Smoke From the Norman Wells August 1998 and Chisholm May 2001 Forest Fires
- Interactions between boreal forest snow water equivalent distribution and atmospheric circulation determined from regional climate model simulations, passive microwave remote sensing, and field measurements
- Investigating Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange Using VHF Radar and High Density Ozone-Sonde Launches
- Large Forest Fires in Canada and the Relationship to Global Sea Surface Temperatures
- Modelling Emissions From Boreal Wildfires for Climate Change and Air Quality Issues
- OOTI (Out On The Ice)
- Observations Pertaining to the Impact of Nitric Acid on Cloud Droplet Nucleation
- Ozone Measurements from the Canadian Arctic Validation of ACE Campaign: 2004 and 2005
- Partitioning Soil Respiration Between Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Components in a Mature Boreal Black Spruce Stand
- RIALTO (Routine Inflight Assessment of Lower Tropospheric Oxidants)
- Smoking Pyrocumulonimbus: analysis of a major Canadian boreal fire blowup from satellite and ground measurements
- Study of the Vertical Scale of Halogen Chemistry at Sunrise at Barrow, AK
- The Evaluation of PM2.5 Forecasts from Several Regional Air Quality Models Using Data from the ICARTT/NEAQS-2K4 Field Study
- Influence of lightning NOx on the summertime upper tropospheric ozone enhancement above eastern North America
- Interannual solar and net radiation trends in the Canadian Arctic
- Investigation of Water Stress Effects on Soil and Ecosystem Respiration in Boreal and Temperate Forests
- Lagged processes and critical timescales in boreal forest response to climate
- Mechanism Reduction for the Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosol for Integration into a 3-Dimensional Regional Air Quality Model
- Modeling Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in a 3-Dimensional Regional Air Quality Model
- Relationship Between Ensemble Mean Square and Ensemble Mean Skill in Four Climate Models
- Sensitivity of Low Flow Simulations by the HBV-EC Hydrological Model to the Choice of Downscaling Algorithm, Climate Predictors, and Global Climate Model
- The Lifetime of DMS in Northern Latitudes: Results from Four Shipboard Experiments
- Trajectory Analysis of Volcanic Clouds Produced by the 1992 Eruptions of Mount Spurr, Alaska
- Validating the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)/Albedo
- Variability in Light Use Efficiency With Changes in Vegetation Structure and Understory, Using a Temporally Changing Flux Footprint at the BERMS Old Jack Pine Site
- Volcanic Ash Transport and Dispersion Forecasting
- An interdisciplinary effort to identify source parameters for models that predict eruption cloud transport and dispersion for aviation safety
- Comprehensive comparison of gap filling techniques for eddy covariance net carbon fluxes
- Documenting PyroCb Development on High-Intensity Boreal Fires: Implications for the Arctic Atmosphere
- Evidence for a recurring eastern North America upper tropospheric ozone maximum during summer
- Integrating eddy covariance estimates of GPP, LUE, and airborne lidar estimates of fPAR for local to regional scaling and assessment of GPP from MODIS
- Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Aerosols Observed from Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling of the Okmok and Kasatochi Eruptions in Support of the Montreal VAAC Operations
- Changes in Net Ecosystem Productivity of Boreal Black Spruce Stands in Response to Changes in Temperature at Diurnal and Seasonal Time Scales
- Contemporary (1951-2001) Evolution of Lakes in the Old Crow Basin, Northern Yukon, Canada: Remote Sensing, Numerical Modeling, and Stable Isotope Analysis
- Environmental and Physiographic Controls on Inter-Growing Season Variability of Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapour Fluxes in a Minerotrophic Fen
- Estimating light use efficiency by linking flux tower data and fraction of absorbed PAR at chlorophyll level (FAPARchl) derived from daily MODIS observations
- Evaluation of the Canadian Numerical Weather Forecast in Support of the BAQS-Met Air Quality Modelling Effort
- Particle Nucleation Over and in a Forest: How Important is the Canopy?
- Simulation of Extreme Wind and Precipitation Patterns Associated with a Squall Line Passage in Southern Ontario on August 2, 2006
- The 20th century carbon budget simulated with the CCCma earth system model CanESM1
- A Flexible Nonlinear Modelling Framework for Nonstationary Generalized Extreme Value Analysis in Hydrology and Climatology
- Canadian and Siberian Boreal Fire Activity during ARCTAS Spring and Summer Phases
- Evaluation of the 2006 Canadian Air Quality Modelling Platform for Policy Scenarios
- Parameterization of large scale snow redistribution models using high-resolution information: tests in an alpine catchment (Invited)
- Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Light Use Efficiency Using MODIS
- Separation of Changes in Hydroclimatic and Basin Controls on Late-Summer Low Flow in British Columbia, Canada
- The North American Lightning Detection Network (NALDN) - 2001-2008: Flash Characteristics
- The microphysical properties of arctic cirrus derived from in-situ measurements during ISDAC and M-PACE: implications for the importance of small ice crystals
- Ash and dust together in the UTLS: April 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcano eruptions and Taklimakan Desert dust storms
- GEM-MACH15 Operational Air Quality Forecast Model: An Evaluation of the First Year's Performance
- Net Ecosystem Productivity of Temperate and Boreal Forests after Clearcutting - a Fluxnet-Canada Measurement and Modelling Synthesis
- Atmospheric temperature retrievals from lidar measurements using techniques of non-linear mathematical inversion
- Eight Years of Forest-Floor Carbon Dioxide Exchange in a Boreal Black Spruce Forest: Spatial Integration and Multi-temporal Trends
- Regional net carbon dioxide fluxes estimates by mutual constraint of "top-down" and "bottom-up" approaches from CO2 mixing ratio data and remote-sensing based modeling
- A year-long journey across the Arctic Ocean: the story of the chemical composition of the air as recorded by O-Buoy # 4
- Alberta Soil Moisture Analyses using CaLDAS
- Evaluation of Soil Moisture Analyses from the Canada Land Data Assimilation System (CaLDAS) : Results for the CanEXSM-10 and SMAPVEX12 periods
- Long-term ozone trends at rural ozone monitoring sites across the United States, 1990-2010
- Causes and Implications of Persistent Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Biases in Earth System Models (Invited)
- Daytime nitrogen oxides and photochemistry in the Lower Fraser Valley of British Columbia
- International collaboration between Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers: Geospatially enabled tools to ensure forecast harmonization across global air routes
- Source Attribution of Toronto Regional Air Pollution Measured with Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
- An Overview of the Uintah Basin Winter Ozone Study Intensives: 2012, 2013, and 2014
- Changes in SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> Pollution over the Past Decade Observed by Aura OMI
- Evaluation of Tropical Cyclogenesis Forecasts in Different Synoptic-Scale Environments
- Monitoring of the Canadian Oil Sands from the Aura Satellite
- Observations of nitrous acid (HONO) and peroxynitric acid (HO<SUB>2</SUB>NO<SUB>2</SUB>) made during the 2013 and 2014 Uintah Basin Winter Ozone Study (UBWOS)
- Secondary formation of nitrophenols in an oil and gas production region: insights from observations during the Uintah Basin Winter Ozone Study (UBWOS) 2014
- Aura OMI observations of changes in SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at local, regional and global scales
- Consistent High-Quality Global SO<SUB>2</SUB> and HCHO Datasets from EOS Aura/OMI and Suomi NPP/OMPS
- Detection of Sea Ice and Open Water from RADARSAT-2 Images for Data Assimilation
- Precipitation, Cloud Cover, and Mixing Layer Observations at the Iqaluit Supersite
- Predictability of Tropical Cyclqgenesis in Different Synoptic-Scale Flow Regimes
- Satellite-derived emissions inventories and detection of missing sources
- Analysis of Ozone Trends and Spatial Variations in the North American Lower and Middle Troposphere from a Long-term Ozone Climatology Dataset
- Continuing global monitoring of anthropogenic and volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> sources from Aura/OMI to SNPP/OMPS
- Impacts of Wildfires on Mercury Contamination in Canada
- Numerical Representation of Wintertime Near-Surface Inversions in the Arctic with a 2.5-km Version of the Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) Model
- Predictive Skill and Predictability of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclogenesis in Different Synoptic Flow Regimes
- Resilience of Socio-Hydrological Systems in Canadian Prairies to Agricultural Drainage: Policy Analysis and Modelling Approach
- Top-down Estimates of Greenhouse Gas Intensities and Emissions for Individual Oil Sands Facilities in Alberta Canada
- Exotic pollen to the Canadian High Arctic: possible sources, transport mechanisms and implications of climate change
- Global Water Futures - Translation of Transdisciplinary Observations, Science, and Predictions into Societal Action for Water and Climate Imperatives in Cold Regions
- Multi-scale Snowdrift-resolving Modelling of Mountain Snowpack Evolution
- The Global Water Futures Core Modelling Strategy
- The Great Lakes Runoff Inter-comparison Project for Lake Erie (GRIP-E)
- Total nitrogen deposition by measurement-model fusion using ADAGIO
- Calibrated Seasonal Ensemble Forecasts of Arctic Sea Ice Advance and Retreat Dates
- High-Resolution Modeling of Extreme Heat in Urban Areas in Canada
- Impact of ozone radiative coupling on the middle-atmosphere circulation and on the stratosphere-troposphere exchange in the Canadian Global Environmental Multi-scale model (GEM)
- Intensification of the dryline over the lee of the Canadian Rockies in a warmer climate
- Landscape Change in Canada's Taiga Shield on Discontinuous Permafrost: Documenting the Influence of 50 Years of Warming on Vegetation, Lakes, and Watercourses in a Subarctic Ecosystem
- Spatial Variation in Hydro-climatic Controls of Annual Peak Flows in Western Canadian Watersheds
- The Canadian Seasonal to Interannual Prediction System version 2 (CanSIPSv2)
- The FireWork air quality forecast system with biomass burning emissions from the Canadian Forest Fire Emissions Prediction System
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project Over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- Wildfires in subarctic Canada have no impact on downstream mercury transport but cause decreased delivery of dissolved carbon and nutrients
- A global framework for SWOT discharge
- An Extratropical Cyclone Categorization Using Atmospheric River Moisture Flux Applied to Western Canada
- Assessing the Impact of Corona-Virus-19 on Nitrogen Dioxide Levels over Southern Ontario, Canada
- Calibrated probabilistic forecasts of user-relevant Arctic sea ice measures on subseasonal-to-seasonal timescales
- Characterizing hydrologic thresholds using multiple meteorological factors
- Preferential elution of ionic solutes in melting snowpacks: Improving process understanding through field observations and modelling in the Rocky Mountains
- Probabilistic simulations and predictions of hydrological processes over North America
- Quantifying streamflow predictability across North America on sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales
- Seasonal cycle of isotope-based source apportionment of elemental carbon in airborne particulate matter and snow at Alert, Canada
- Spatio-temporal variability of snowpack and runoff response over north-western North America Under global warming