Geological Survey of Canada Pacific
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3-D Velocity Structure of Southwestern British Columbia and Northern Washington
- Absolute Control in the Canadian Gravity Standardization Net: Challenges and Opportunities
- Absolute Gravity Measurements in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Antarctic Ice Mass Change and Predictions of Crustal Seismicity and Lithospheric Stress
- Constraints on the Mid-Continent Deformation Gravity Gradient Determined from Co-located GPS and Absolute Gravity Observations
- Discovery of an Active Submarine Mud Volcano Along the Nootka Fault West of Vancouver Island
- Effective Transition Zone and Revised 3-D Dislocation Model of Interseismic Deformation for the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Episodic Silent Slip: A New Aspect of Cascadia Megathrust Behaviour
- Extracting 3D Structure From 2D Marine Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data Collected Over the Eastern Nankai Trough
- Heat Flow on the Incoming Plate Offshore Nicoya, Costa Rica margin: Implications for Hydrothermal Circulation and the Thermal State of the Subducting Plate
- In-Slab Earthquakes at the North End of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Locking State of the Northern Cascadia Megathrust Fault Inferred From Inversion of GPS Velocities
- Normal Magnetization at ca. 1.5 Ma at Three Sites in Yukon Territory, Canada: The Gilsa Sub-chron?
- On the Importance of Serpentine in the Subduction Factory
- Proximal Ignimbrite Geometry on Santorini, Greece Using Ground Penetrating Radar
- Relative Plate Motions and Stress Orientations in the Offshore and Continental Region of British Columbia From Regional Moment Tensor Analysis
- Scale Analysis of Bottom Reflectors Using the Wavelet Decomposition
- Seamounts as conduits for hydrothermal fluid discharge and recharge: Examples from the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Cascadia Basin.
- The Thermal Structure and Seismogenic Zone of Warm Subduction Zones: Mexico, Nankai, and Cascadia
- Variation in Nisqually Earthquake Ground Shaking across Greater Victoria, British Columbia
- Wireline CORKs Deployed for Long-term Hydrogeological Investigations in Holes 504B and 896A, Costa Rica Rift, and the First In-situ Video Collected from Within Upper Oceanic Crust
- Yakutat Block Collision in the Gulf of Alaska and Stress Transfer Across the NE Canadian Cordillera
- 3-D Elastic and Viscoelastic Models of Cascadia Interseismic Deformation
- A possible deep, long-term source for water in the Northern San Andreas Fault system: A ghost of Cascadia subduction past?
- An Inverted Continental Moho and the Serpentinization of the Cascadia Forearc Mantle
- Aseismic Slip on the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone: A Regular but Unique Process?
- Costa Rica Rift Revisited: Constraints on Shallow and Deep Hydrothermal Circulation in Oceanic Crust
- Deep Structure of the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone From Reflection, Tomography and Seismicity Studies
- Fault Parameters of the Nisqually Earthquake Determined from Moment Tensor Solutions and the Surface Deformation from GPS and InSAR
- Improving Model Constraints for Vertical Deformation Across the Northern Cascadia Margin
- In the Pursuit of Hydrothermal Circulation and Hydration Depths of Oceanic Plates
- Large Historic Earthquakes of the Northern Canadian Cordillera: The 1953-1957 MacKenzie Mountains Earthquake Sequence
- Mapping of near Surface Active Faults in Georgia Strait
- Morphology and Sedimentology of the Subtidal Zone and Upper Slope of Roberts Bank (Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, Canada)
- New MAXimum Intersection Method (MAXIM) Applied to the Determination of Earthquake Hypocenters in a Structurally Complex Area, Offshore Eastern Taiwan
- Permeabilities of Young Oceanic Crust on the Flanks of the Juan de Fuca Ridge and Costa Rica Rift Determined from Borehole Temperature and Pressure Measurements
- Petrochemistry of Mafic Rocks Within the Northern Cache Creek Terrane, NW British Columbia, Canada
- Physical Properties of Gas Hydrate Related Sediments, Offshore Vancouver Island
- Progress in the Mallik 2002 Data and Information System
- Recent developments on intraslab earthquakes in warm-slab environments that are relevant to seismic hazard appraisal with applications to the Cascadia system
- Seafloor Geodetic Evidence of Episodic Spreading 25 km East of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Seismic Attenuation Characteristics in the Canadian Cordillera
- Tectonics of Western Canada From GPS Observations
- The M=7.9 Alaska Earthquake of 3 November 2002: Felt Reports and Unusual Effects Across Western Canada
- Thermal Regime, Effective Elastic Thickness, and Strength of the Lithosphere in Western Canada
- Vertical Crustal Movement Correlated with Seismicity in the Eagle Oilfields, British Columbia: Application of the InSAR Coherent Scatterer Technique
- Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip: An Ideal Target for PBO Studies
- Combining SHRIMP, TIMS U-Pb and Ar-Ar to Resolve Magmagenesis, Metamorphism and Fluid Flow in Three Coincident Magmatic Arcs (Yukon-Tanana Terrane, Western Yukon)
- Contemporary Strong-motion Network in Southwestern Canada
- Cosmogenic <SUP>36</SUP>Cl dating of the all time limit of glaciation, Del Bonita upland Alberta/Montana border and insights into changing extents and ice-flow patterns in successive continental ice sheets
- Crustal Velocity Structure From First Arrival Seismic Tomography in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia and Washington
- Elastic and Viscoelastic models of Crustal Deformation in Great Earthquake Cycles
- Episodic Tremor and Slip in the Cascadia Subduction Zone: A Story of Discovery
- Lithosperic strength and current tectonics of the Northern Canadian Cordillera
- Long Valley Deep Hole Geophysical Observatory --- Strain Instrumentation and Installation.
- Measuring Seismic Surface Waves with 1-Hz GPS
- Mobile Belts, High Lithosphere Temperatures, and Subduction Zone Backarcs
- Monitoring co-seismic plate deformation and fluid flow with ODP hydrogeologic observatories
- Northern Cascadia Earthquake Catalogue, 1980-Present
- Spherical Viscoelastic Finite Element Model for Cascadia Interseismic Deformation
- Strain and stress partitioning of the Pacific/North America interaction along the Queen Charlotte Islands-Alaska Panhandle
- Structure of the Juan de Fuca Plate and Forearc Mantle below Vancouver Island
- Structure of the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- The Common Phenomenon of Transient-Triggered Seismicity
- The Effect of SCIGN Domes on the Vertical Antenna Phase Centre Position in Routine Processing of GPS Data
- The Intersection of the Nootka Fault Zone with the Continental Margin off Vancouver Island
- The Paleomagnetic Effects of Reheating the Ecstall Pluton, British Columbia
- The north Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip (ETS) Event of February and March 2003
- Thermogenic and Biogenic Gas Hydrates on the Northern Cascadia Margin: A Molecular, Isotopic and Geochemical Comparison
- Twelve Years of Results from ODP Subseafloor "CORK" Hydrogeological Observatories
- Why Gas Hydrate Is Where It Is At Hydrate Ridge: The Story From Infrared Images
- Why is the Cascadia subduction zone backarc hot? Numerical tests of mantle wedge flow
- A High-Resolution Record of Holocene Climate Variability from a Western Canadian Coastal Inlet
- An Integrated Geoscience Assessment of the Influence of Geologic Processes and Climate on the Permafrost Environment of the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T.
- Challenges in Defining Seismogenic Zone Using Geodetic and Structural Observations
- Communicating Climate Change Science to Stakeholders for Assessments of Impact and Adaptation: Experiences at the Municipal Level in Canada
- Comparative Study of Subduction Zone Thermal Structure: Implications for Slab Dehydration and Fluid Supply for Mantle Wedge Serpentinization and Arc Volcanism
- Continental mountain belts and subduction zone backarcs
- Coseismic Strengthening of the Shallow Portion of the Subduction Fault and Effects on Frontal Prism Taper
- Cretaceous Apparent Polar Wander Relative to the Major Cratons and Displacement Estimates of Baja British Columbia
- Decoupled, localized deformation in the SE crater of Mount St. Helens associated with the 2004 eruption
- Delineation of Rupture Propagation of Large Earthquakes Using Source-Scanning Algorithm: A Control Study
- Effects of fluid circulation in subducting crust on temperatures along the plate interface in Nankai margin
- Evidence for Along-Strike Hydrothermal Circulation Within Young Oceanic Crust on the Eastern Flank of the Endeavour Axis, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- First Results From the Deployment of a Buried Broadband Seismometer on the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- GPS Measurement of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Antarctica: Current Results and Future Prospects
- GPS Measurement of Neotectonic Motions in the Antarctic Interior
- Local Earthquakes on the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: First Seismic Results from the Keck Seismic/Hydrothermal Observatory
- Magnetic and Sedimentological Records of Late Pleistocene - Holocene Climate Variability from a Western Canadian Coastal Inlet
- Mantle wedge flow at the northern Cascadia subduction zone: Observational constraints and numerical models
- Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetics for Gas Hydrate Evaluation on the Cascadia Margin: Correlation Between Resistivity Anomalies and Seismic Blank Zones
- Multibeam Mapping of Active Slope Instability Features: Examples from the Fraser River and Squamish River Deltas, British Columbia, Canada
- Oblique Subduction as a Controlling Factor for Stresses and Earthquakes in Subducting Slabs at the Cascadia and Nankai Subduction Zones
- Quantifying Glacial Valley Widening and Deepening With Apatite (U-Th)/He Thermochronology: Coast Mountains, B.C.
- Review of Episodic Tremor and Slip in Cascadia
- Sedimentology and Permafrost Characteristics of Pingo-Like Features (PLFs) from the Beaufort Sea shelf, NWT, Canada
- Spatial Distribution of Seismic Tremors During Episodic Tremor and Slip Events in Southern Vancouver Island
- Stable and Critical Noncohesive Coulomb Wedges: Exact Elastic Solutions
- Structure of the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone: A 3-D Tomographic P-wave Velocity Model
- A Canadian Pilot Project for a GPS-Augmented Tsunami Warning System
- A High-Resolution Geochemical Reconstruction of Holocene and Deglacial Climate from the Eastern North Pacific.
- A New Antarctic glacial history approaching spatial and temporal resolution required for contemporary geodesy
- Amplitude Variation With Offset (AVO) Inversion in Marine Gas Hydrate Studies
- Cabled Network Observatory for Assessment of Slope Stability, Roberts Bank, British Columbia
- Constraints on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) Motion in North American Using GPS
- Fluid pressure, sediment compressibility, and secular and transient strain in subduction prisms: Results from ODP CORK borehole hydrologic observatories
- Investigating the Relationship of Episodic Tremor and Slip to Seismic Activity Along the Cascadia Margin
- Latest Results of formation Pressure Monitoring Using CORKs Penetrating Upper Basement on the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Magnetic Hysteresis Parameters and Day-Plot Analysis to Delineate Diagenetic Alteration in Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments
- Methane Leakage from Pingo-like Features on the Arctic Shelf, Beaufort Sea, NWT, Canada
- Natural Carbon Sequestration in Mine Tailings
- Occurrences of Intrapermafrost Gas Hydrates and Shallow Gas in the Mackenzie Delta area, N.W.T., Canada
- Pockmarks and Associated Shallow Gas, English Bay, Vancouver, Canada
- Post-Glacial and Paleo-Environmental History of the West Coast of Vancouver Island
- Rupture Characteristics of the 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake from Surface Waves Observed at Regional Distances by 1-Hz GPS
- Scientific Drilling into Deep Permafrost: An International Polar Year Proposal
- Seismic Characterization and Continuity Analysis of Gas Hydrate Horizons Near the Mallik Research Wells, Mackenzie Delta, Canada
- Shallow, non-episodic tremor in the forearc of the Cascadia subduction zone
- Submarine Wedges and Great Subduction Earthquakes: The Theory of Dynamic Coulomb Wedge
- Tectonic Discrimination with Classification Trees
- The Origin of Global Mountain Belts: Hot Subduction Zone Backarcs
- Wedge Dynamics, Forearc Basins, and Seismogenic Zone of Cascadia Megathrust
- An Automatic Tremor Activity Monitoring System (TAMS)
- Analysis of the Enderby Land, East Antarctica anomaly in trend data obtained from GRACE: Is it caused by glacial isostasy or snow accumulation?
- Bedrock Motions From a Decade of GPS Measurements in Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica.
- Canada's Interagency Volcanic Event Notification Plan: A Work in Progress Since 1990
- Coastal subsidence and relative sea-level rise in the Fraser River delta, Greater Vancouver, BC, from a combined CTM-InSAR, GPS, leveling, and tide gauge analysis
- Comparative Study of Nonvolcanic Tremor Locations in the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using two Different Methods
- Crustal Motion and Gravity Change Predicted from Scenarios of Ice Mass Change in Marie Byrd Land and the Eastern Ross Sea
- Effects of 3-D Slab Geometry on Mantle Wedge Flow and Subduction Zone Thermal Regime
- Effects of Reduced Slab-Mantle Coupling on Mantle Wedge Flow and Serpentinization of the Forearc Mantle Wedge
- Glacio-isostatic Adjustment Modelling of Improved Postglacial Sea-level Constraints from Vancouver Island, British Columbia
- IODP Expedition 311 A review of gas hydrate research on the Northern Cascadia Margin
- Imaging Using a Deep-towed Multichannel Seismic System at a Hydrate-related Vent Site on the North Cascadia Margin
- Migration Characteristics of Seismic Tremors in Northern Cascadia Margin
- Modelling Sediment Transport through the Mackenzie River System and Coastal Beaufort Sea
- Observations and Theories on the Updip Limit of Megathrust Seismogenic Zone
- Post-glacial Paleo-oceanographic and Paleo-climatic Conditions and Linkages Along the West Coast of Canada
- Prolonged Exposure of Basement Edifices caused by Dissolution of Biogenic Ooze by Hydrothermal Venting
- Reconciling GPS, absolute gravity, and tide gauge data for northern Cascadia
- Single and Cross-hole Experiments Indicate Very High Permeability in Young Ocean Crust
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Topography and Glacial Erosion From Apatite (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry, Southern British Columbia
- Temperature Control of Continental Lithosphere Elastic Thickness: Effective Elastic Thickness Te vs Upper Mantle Velocity Vs
- Velocity Structure of Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments on the Cascadia Margin From Seismic Tomography
- Arc - arc collisional tectonics within the Central Mobile Belt of the Newfoundland Appalachians
- Combining Geological, Geodetic, and Tide-Gauge Data to Estimate Coastal Subsidence and Flooding Hazards in the Mackenzie Delta, Western Arctic Canada
- Comparative Study of Subduction Zone Thermal Structure: Implications for Slab Dehydration and Fluid Supply for Mantle Wedge Serpentinization and Arc Volcanism
- Constraints on The Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Structure From 3D Shear-wave Tomographic Velocities
- Coseismic Strengthening of the Shallow Portion of the Subduction Fault and Effects on Frontal Prism Taper
- Crustal Structure And Magmatism, Coast Mountains Orogen, Latitude 52-53 degrees North, British Columbia, Canada
- Effects of fluid circulation in subducting crust on temperatures along the plate interface in Nankai margin
- Enormous Power Output and Fluid Fluxes Driven Through a few Mid-plate Outcrops
- Formation of Regional Bottom-Simulating Seismic Reflectors (BSRs) and Their Use in Quantifying Upward Fluid Flow
- GPS Seismology Results from the 2002 M=7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake
- Introduction of the 2007-2008 JOGMEC/NRCan/Aurora Mallik Gas Hydrate Production Research Program, NWT, Canada
- Observing Episodic Slow Slip with PBO Borehole Strainmeters along the Northern Cascadia Margin
- Paleoshoreline Record of Crustal Uplift in the Dry Valleys Region, Antarctica: A Pilot Study Using ALS Digital Elevation Data
- Results from the GRACE Prime Mission: Monitoring Water Comparison of GRACE Monthly Estimates with Surface Gravity Variations at North American Sites
- Sensitivity of the Carbon Cycle in the Arctic to Climate Change
- Significance of Picritic and Tholeiitic Lavas Within Wrangellia Flood Basalts on Vancouver Island for the Melting History and Magmatic Evolution of a Major Oceanic Plateau
- Spatial Variations of Subsidence, Uplift, and Sea-level Rise in Western Canada and Northwestern U.S.: Implications for Coastal Communities
- Spatiotemporal Filtering of Eastern Canadian GPS Data
- Stratigraphic and Paleomagnetic Study of Glacial Lake Missoula Lacustrine and Flood Sediments
- Teleseismic imaging of Northern Cascadia upper mantle in the Explorer region
- Thermal Models of the Sumatra Subduction Zone: Implications for the Megathrust Seismogenic Zone
- Towards Real-time Recognition of Near-Field Tsunamigenic Earthquakes
- Triggered Microearthquakes but no Tremor Accompanying Slow Slip in the Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New Zealand
- Using Earthquake Data to map Faults in 3-D: Applications and Results
- Variable Fluid Flow Along The Nova Scotian Slope - A Study Of Gas Hydrates With Ocean- Bottom Seismic Data
- Where Does Subducted Water Go? Estimates from Seismic Tomography of Serpentinite in the Forearc Mantle and Quartz in the Deep Crust
- A recent investigation of gas hydrate as a factor in northern Cascadia accretionary margin frontal ridge slope failures and cold seep biogeochemistry
- Age of Volcanism of the Wolverine Volcanic Center, West-Central Yukon Territory, Canada and its Implications for the History of Yukon River
- Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Basaltic Formation Fluids on a Ridge Flank: Using Drilling Perturbations to Elucidate Water-Rock-Microbial Reactions
- Common Maximum Depth of Slab-Mantle Wedge Decoupling: Understanding Variations in Fluid Supply and Thermal-petrologic Processes Among Subduction Zones
- Comparison of geodetic and paleoseismic rates of deformation in the Puget Sound- Georgia Basin, Pacific Northwest
- Degrading gas hydrates as a possible source for gas release and the formation of pockmark features, Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T., Canada
- Effects of Fluid Circulation in Subducting Crust on Megathrust Temperatures in Nankai Margin
- Geochemical Investigation of Slope Failure on the Northern Cascadia Margin Frontal Ridge
- Glacio-isostatic Adjustment Modeling of new Relative Sea-level Observations From the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone, British Columbia, Canada
- Magnetostratigraphy of a Marine Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Section, Kennecott Point, Queen Charlotte Islands: Implications for the Temporal Correlation of a 'Big Five' Mass Extinction Event.
- Mapping Crustal Structures of the Nechako Basin Using Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Methane Seepage From the Arctic Shelf; 20 Years of Research on the Beaufort Sea Margin
- Middle Cambrian to Ordovician Arc - Back-arc Development on the Leading Edge of Ganderia, Newfoundland Appalachians
- Monitoring the 2008 Northern Cascadia ETS Episode With Absolute Gravity Measurements
- Northern Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip: A Decade of Observations from 1997 to 2007
- Reappraisal of Displacement of Northern Cordilleran Terranes Since the Triassic and Jurassic
- Recent Findings on the Nature of Episodic Tremor and Slip Along the Northern Cascadia Margin
- Seafloor Uplift Recorded by Pressures in the CORK in Hole 857D, Middle Valley, Northern Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography of Canada
- Slow Slip and Co-Shock Microseismicity Beneath the Mahia Peninsula, Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New Zealand
- Status of the Canadian Pilot Project for a GPS-Augmented Tsunami Warning System
- Surface Wave Tomography of the Nechako Basin, British Columbia, Using Ambient Seismic Noise
- Tsunami Hazard Assessment of the Northern Oregon Coast: A Multi-Deterministic Approach Tested at Cannon Beach, Oregon
- Where Does Subducted Water Go? A Summary
- A Comparison of Methods for Locating Non-Volcanic Tremor
- A “Mini-CORK” “smart bridge plug” for initial NanTroSEIZE borehole monitoring
- Evaluation of Non-Volcanic Tremor Detection Techniques
- GPS Constraints on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Models and Implications for Ice Sheet Mass Balance in West Antarctica
- Geophysical Signatures of cold vents on the northern Cascadia margin
- High-Precision Global Geodetic Systems: Revolution And Revelation In Fluid And 'Solid' Earth Tracking (Invited)
- Incorporating Social Determinants into a Groundwater Risk Framework
- Large Contrast Between the Moment Magnitude of Tremor and the Moment Magnitude of Slip in ETS Events
- Reconstruction of cyclical and abrupt changes in northeastern Pacific precipitation during the Late Holocene based on marine sediments preserved in Effingham Inlet, British Columbia
- Regional variations of mantle anisotropy across the Canadian Cordillera from teleseismic shear-wave splitting
- Rheological constraints on the deformation of Snake River-type ignimbrites: an experimental study
- Secular absolute gravity trends in the northern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Seismogenic Behaviours of Smoothly and Roughly Coupled Subduction Faults (Invited)
- Sharp Thermal Transition in the Forearc Mantle Wedge as a Consequence of Nonlinear Mantle Wedge Flow
- The 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and the Rise and Fall of Earthquake Prediction in China
- The Fate of Water in the Cascadia Forearc Unveiled by Teleseismic Imaging
- The NEPTUNE Canada Seismograph Network
- Thermal and Petrologic Environments of ETS
- Timescale of ignimbrite eruptions in the Snake River Plain (USA)
- Understanding Nearshore Processes Of a Large Arctic Delta Using Combined Seabed Mapping, In Situ Observations, Remote Sensing and Modeling
- Unravelling Responses for the Canadian National Seismic Network
- Welding of Pyroclastic Deposits: Questions Arising from Experiments (Invited)
- Why are Global Mountain Belts High? Hot Backarcs and Thermal Isostasy
- An Improved Source-Scanning Algorithm for Locating Earthquake Clusters or Aftershock Sequences
- Character and Fate of Methane Plumes from Sediments on the North Cascadia Margin
- Characterization of Long-Period Ground Motions in the Georgia Basin Region, British Columbia, Canada
- Dense Strong Motion Seismograph Networks in Canada: Opportunities and Applications. (Invited)
- Establishing Near-Real-Time Monitoring of Landslides and Mud/Debris Flows (LMDF) for West Canada
- GPS Seismology: Using Precise Point Positioning for Resolving Surface Wave Displacements from Large Earthquakes
- Geodetically-Constrained Glacial Isostatic Adjustment models of Antarctica: Implications for the Mass Balance of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Ground Shaking and Earthquake Engineering Aspects of the M 8.8 Chile Earthquake of 2010 - Applications to Cascadia and Other Subduction Zones (Invited)
- High-resolution diatom records of climate and hydrological variability over the last two millennia along coastal British Columbia (Canada)
- Highlights of Recent CORK Hydrologic Borehole Observatory Results: Applications to Oceanography, Seismology, and Geodynamics
- Impact of the Yakutat collision on the seismo-tectonics of Yukon and Alaska - New results and future projects (Invited)
- Investigating 2010 Northern Cascadia ETS Processes With Absolute Gravity & Deformation Measurements Near Port Renfrew, British Columbia
- Mapping Crustal Stress and Strain in Southwest British Columbia
- Measuring In situ Dissolved Methane Concentrations in Gas Hydrate-Rich Systems. Part 2: Investigating Mechanisms Controlling Hydrate Dissolution
- Measuring in situ dissolved methane concentrations in gas hydrate-rich systems, Part 1: Investigating the correlation between tectonics and methane release from sediments
- Middle Valley in perspective: New outlooks from changes in local hydrothermal venting
- Precise Geodetic Infrastructure: National Requirements for a Shared Resource
- Quantifying glacial landscape processes with numerical modeling and thermochronology
- Recent Development of Source-Scanning Algorithm and Its Applications in Earthquake and Geohazard Studies (Invited)
- Refining predictions of relative sea-level change and vertical crustal motion from glacial isostatic adjustment in northern Canada: past, present, and future
- Sharp Arc-ward Grain Size Increase in the Forearc Mantle Wedge and Its Implications for Subduction Zone Dynamics
- Slope failure of continental frontal ridges offshore Vancouver Island, British Columbia
- Spherical-earth Finite Element Models of Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation of the M 8.8 Maule Earthquake of 27 February 2010
- Strain Partitioning, Current Tectonics and Deformation on the Southern Queen Charlotte Fault, Northern Vancouver Island, and the Adjacent Mainland
- Sulfur Isotopic Inferences of the Controls on Porewater Sulfate Profiles in the Northern Cascadia Margin Gas Hydrate System
- The "Weak Asperity" Alternative (Invited)
- The Effect of Megathrust Earthquakes on the Southern Andean Backarc
- The Yukon Windy McKINLEY Terrane Highly Depleted Peridotites, Analogous to the Mid Atlantic Ridge?
- Thermo-Petrologic Structure of Subduction Zones and Its Implications for Fluid Availability at Depth (Invited)
- Uncertainty Estimation of Shear-wave Velocity Structure from Bayesian Inversion of Microtremor Array Dispersion Data
- Updates to the IGS Data Center Infrastructure
- VLBI2010: Next Generation VLBI System for Geodesy and Astrometry
- A Global Assessment of Oceanic Heat Loss: Conductive Cooling and Hydrothermal Redistribution of Heat
- Absolute gravity and GPS deformation rates in the regions of mid-continental North America and the northern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Andean Backarc Deformation and the Plate Boundary Earthquake Cycle
- Batholith Construction In Actively Deforming Crust, Coast Mountains Batholith, British Columbia
- CORK Borehole Observatory Meets NEPTUNE Canada Cabled Observatory: First Experiences and Future Plans
- Cascadia tidal marshes archive repeated episodes of coseimic subsidence from late Holocene great megathrust earthquakes
- Coseismic Fault Slip in the Tohoku-Oki Earthquake: How Large and How Close to the Trench?
- Deformation processes in great subduction zone earthquake cycles
- Does the "sleeping Dragon" Really Sleep?: the Case for Continuous Long-Term Monitoring at a Gulf of Mexico Cold Seep Site
- Geochemical Constraints for Plate Scale Subseafloor Fluid Circulation: The Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Heterogeneous Rupture in the Great Cascadia Earthquake of 1700 Inferred from Coastal Subsidence Estimates
- Historical Overview of ODP/IODP CORK Hydrological Observatories
- How Climate Science got to be in the Next Generation Science Standards (Invited)
- In Situ Performance of Paroscientific Digiquartz Broadband Pressure Sensors
- Late Holocene paleoenvironmental history of an anoxic basin on the central coast of British Columbia: Frederick Sound
- Measuring in situ methane concentrations over time at Gas Hydrate seafloor observatories
- Observing ETS Evolution With Borehole Strainmeters
- Refining Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Models in Northern Canada: Implications for Ice Sheet History, Sea-Level Change, and Land Emergence Along the West Coast of Hudson Bay
- Seafloor Uplift in Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge: New High-Resolution Pressure Data
- Simulating Tsunami Inundation in Southern Oregon, USA Using Hypothetical Cascadia and Alaska Earthquake Scenarios
- The Great British Columbia ShakeOut - Seismology and kinaesthetic learning
- The use of social media and mobile device applications to disseminate natural hazard information by Natural Resources Canada
- Variations in Tectonic Styles of Arc-Continent Collisions
- WaveHRL: a high resolution, modular seismic event system and its application to the L'Aquila 2009 earthquake sequence
- 10+ years of ACORK: Continuous pore pressure record from the decollement zone at Nankai Trough off Muroto
- 4.5 Years of Seafloor Uplift in Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Modeling a Source Mechanism
- A water storage anomaly in mid-continent North America from combined gravity and GPS observations
- Ambient Noise Tomography of Canada: Crustal Structures, Lithosphere Temperatures and Topography
- Automatic Detections of P and S Phases using Singular Value Decomposition Analysis
- Characterization of Gas-Hydrate Reservoirs in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, by Integration of Core-Log Data
- Comparison of Different Techniques for Processing GNSS Data in Real Time for Tsunami Warning
- Controlled source electromagnetic study on the response of cold vent sites and gas hydrate occurrences on the northern Cascadia margin
- Development of Observatories for the Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project
- Enhancing Seismic Monitoring Capability for Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Seismicity in Canada
- Gas Release Near Bullseye Vent - New Observations From NEPTUNE Canada's Seafloor Cable
- Geological records of redox change related to methane seepage in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea
- Ice Age Geomorphology of North America
- Identification and Frequency of Holocene Earthquakes from the Marine Sedimentary Records of Effingham Inlet and Other Pacific Ocean Fjords Along the West Coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
- Importance of Mantle Viscosity in Interseismic Deformation
- Initial Pressure Data from the IODP Expedition 336 CORKs at North Pond
- Investigating Geological Controls on the Seismogenic Behavior of Asian Subduction Faults
- Is There a Relationship Between Cascadia Non-Volcanic Tremor, the Forearc Mantle Wedge, and the Down-dip Limit of Seismogenic Rupture?
- Observed and Projected Sea-level Change in Eastern Canada
- On the Possibility of Interseismic Creep of the Cascadia Megathrust
- Passive acoustic derived bubble flux and applications to natural gas seepage in the Mackenzie Delta, NWT, Canada and Coal Oil Point, CA
- Preliminary Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment of Canadian Coastlines
- Present-day strain partitioning and strain transfer across the Fairweather and Denali Faults in SW Yukon - SE Alaska
- Progress on the NEPTUNE Canada Seismograph Network
- Recent gravity monitoring of ETS transient deformation in the northern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Reconstructing the magnitude for Earth's greatest earthquakes with microfossil measures of sudden coastal subsidence
- Regional Analysis of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Northern Canada: Improvements to the Laurentide Ice Sheet History Constrained by Relative Sea-Level and GPS Data
- Seismic behavior and geodetic locking in areas of rough seafloor subduction
- Structural Characteristics of the Northern Cascadia Deformation Front: Preliminary Result of the SeaJade Experiment
- Submarine slope failures in the Beaufort Sea; Influence of gas hydrate decomposition
- Tectonic Significance Of Structures On Ellef Ringnes Island, Queen Elizabeth Islands, Canada
- Tectonic reconstruction and geophysical investigations of IOCG occurrences: Great Bear magmatic zone, NT, Canada
- Temporal correlation between ETS tremor and b-value anomalies in northern and southern Cascadia subduction zone
- The Consequences of Uniform High Temperatures in the Cordillera and Other Subduction Backarc Mountain Belts Compared to Cratons
- Thermal Regime of the Makran Subduction Zone and Relationship to Past and Future Megathrust Earthquakes
- Were parts of the Laurentian margin of Iapetus hyper-extended?
- A Mini-Megathrust Event in an Incipient Subduction Zone: The 2012 Mw 7.8 Haida Gwaii Earthquake Sequence
- Active Structures in the Georgia Basin, NW Washington State, USA, and SW British Columbia, Canada
- Analysis of the 2012 Oct 27 Haida Gwaii Aftershock Sequence
- Bayesian inversion of microtremor array dispersion data with hierarchical trans-dimensional earth and autoregressive error models
- Cretaceous Magmatic Episodes and Saucer-Shaped Sills in the Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic Islands
- Crustal Structure Beneath the Gulf of ST. Lawrence, Atlantic Canada, from Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography
- GPS-Observed Displacements for the M7.7 October 27, 2012, Haida Gwaii Earthquake
- Gap Between Cascadia Megathrust Rupture Area and Episodic Tremor and Slip (ETS) Suggests Forearc Mantle Control of ETS
- Induced Seismicity in Northeast BC, Canada: Correlation With Operation Parameters of Shale Gas Hydraulic Fracturing
- Mapping the late Quaternary evolution of the lower Mississippi Valley
- Modeling the effects of 3-D slab geometry and oblique subduction on subduction zone thermal structure
- Northern Cascadia Seismicity From Ocean Floor Observations -- Campaign and Permanent Seismic Experiments
- Outstanding Issues in the Study of Megathrust Processes and Great Earthquakes at Cascadia (Invited)
- Post Earthquake Investigation Of The Mw7.8 Haida Gwaii, Canada, Rupture Area And Constraints On Earthquake Source Models
- Postseismic deformation associated with the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (M9.0) based on terrestrial and seafloor geodetic observations
- Progress on Antarctic Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and GRACE constraints on ice loss (Invited)
- Real-time Automatic Detectors of P and S Waves Using Singular Values Decomposition
- Seismic Structures Beneath the Deformation Front of the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone: Preliminary Results from the SeaJade Project
- Stress and Strength of Seismogenic and Creeping Subduction Faults (Invited)
- The Successful Deployment of a New Sub-Seafloor Observatory
- Three-Dimensional Thermal Structure of the Middle-America Subduction Zone: Along-margin mantle flow and slab metamorphism
- Viscoelastic Landward Motion of the Trench Area Following a Subduction Earthquake
- Viscoelastic Postseismic Deformation Following the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku Earthquake
- 2009 Slow Slip Event under the Northeast Taiwan at the Backarc Extension of the Ryukyu Subduction Zone from Continuous GPS Data
- Absolute Strength of Megathrust Faults: Constraints From Stress Drop of the 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake
- Along-Arc Variations in the Location of Frontal Volcanoes and the Orientation of Volcanic Cross-Chains in Subduction Zones: 3-D Mantle Wedge Flow and Sub-Arc Mantle Temperatures in the southern Kuril-NE Japan subduction zone
- Correlated Paleoseismic Interpretation of Turbidites from 3 Distinct Sedimentary Environments in the Cascadia Subduction Zone Off Vancouver Island Canada
- Counter-intuitive Behavior of Subduction Zones: Weak Faults Rupture, Strong Faults Creep
- Dominance of Viscoelastic Relaxation after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Revealed By Seafloor GPS Observations
- Evidence for Early Pleistocene Glaciation obtained from borecores collected in East-Central Alberta, Canada
- Heat Transport and Long-Term Change in the Southern Ocean: Assessing the Role of Eddies
- Morphology of Neptune Node Sites, Barkley Canyon, Cascadia Margin
- One Year of Data of Scimpi Borehole Measurements
- Real-Time GNSS Positioning Along Canada's Active Coastal Margin
- Stress evolution within the seismogenic zone due to Slow Slip Events, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Studying Near-Trench Characteristics of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Megathrust Rupture Using Differential Multi-Beam Bathymetry before and after the Earthquake
- Ted Irving's legacy: recent developments on his pioneering work in paleomagnetism
- Ten Years of Slow Slip Events Observed by cGPS Network in the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- The Current Tectonics of the Yukon and Adjacent Area
- The thickness history of the northern sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: an assessment of glacial isostatic adjustment models, sea-level measurements, and vertical land motion rates
- Triggering Mechanism of Subaqueous Sediment Density Flows on the Fraser Delta Slope: What Can be Gained through Continuous Observation from Venus?
- Twenty-three Years of Evolving "State-of-the-Art" CORK Borehole Geophysical Monitoring: A Review of Technologies and Case Studies
- Updated Rupture Model for the M7.8 October 28, 2012, Haida Gwaii Earthquake as Constrained by GPS-Observed Displacements
- Viscoelastic Postseismic Deformation Following the 2012 Mw8.6 East Indian Ocean Earthquake
- APT: An Autonomous Tool for Measuring Acceleration, Pressure, and Temperature with Large Dynamic Range and Bandwidth
- Analysis and Preliminary Results of the Seafloor Earthquake Array-Japan-Canada Cascadia Experiment (SeaJade)
- Benthic Gouge Marks in the Canadian Beaufort Sea: Associations Between Whales and Methane Seeps?
- Cabling a Tectonic Plate—Continuous Live Data from the Cascadia Subduction Zone is Enabled through Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE Observatory and the Ocean Observatories Initiative's Cabled Array
- Correlation of Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Seismicity with Operation Parameters of Shale Gas Extraction: Two Case Studies in Western Canada
- Effects of Two Subducting Slabs on the Temperature Distribution Along the Subduction Faults in the Kanto Region, Japan
- Empirical Constraints on Water Stress-induced Tree Mortality and its Impacts on Forest Biomass Dynamics in Western North America
- Empirical Tsunami Hazard Assessment of Near-Field Plate-Boundary and Crustal Fault Sources Demonstrated for the Pacific Coast of Canada
- Evaluation of the Suitability of GNSS Instruments as Proxy Tide Gauges in a Tsunami Early-Detection Context
- Fragility of Forearc Stresses as a Consequence of Extreme Weakness of Megathrust Faults
- GPS and Relative Sea-level Constraints on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in North America
- Influence of deformation on Ar retention in white mica: Devonian reactivation of the Silurian Dover fault, Newfoundland Appalachians
- Insights into Methane Formation Temperatures, Biogenic Methanogenesis, and Natural Methane Emissions from Clumped Isotopes
- Investigate the Spatiotemporal Relationship Between Slow Slip Transients and Tremor in Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Lithospheric structure of the Sea of Japan from surface wave tomography
- Marine heat flow measurements across subsea permafrost limit in the eastern Mackenzie Trough, Canadian Beaufort Sea
- Mud Volcanoes from the Beaufort Sea to the South China Sea
- On the Possibility of Slip-to-trench Rupture in Cascadia Megathrust Earthquakes
- On the Rheology of Slow Slip Events Around Continental Moho
- Preliminary tsunami hazard assessment in British Columbia, Canada
- Remote Dynamic Triggering of Earthquakes in Three Canadian Shale Gas Basins Based on a Multi-station Matched-filter Approach with Dense Station Coverage
- Slip to Trench: Coseismic, Postseismic, or Interseismic?
- Slope Edge Deformation and Permafrost Dynamics Along the Arctic Shelf Edge, Beaufort Sea, Canada
- Three-dimensional Thermal Model of the Mexican Subduction Zone
- Time-Dependent characteristics of Slow Slip Events beneath the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Traffic Light Protocol for Induced Seismicity: What is the Best Strategy?
- Velocity models and images using full waveform inversion and reverse time migration for the offshore permafrost in the Canadian shelf of Beaufort Sea, Arctic
- Viscoelastic Postseismic Deformation Following the 2002 Mw7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake
- Dynamic interactions between the October 28<SUP>th</SUP> 2012 Haida Gwaii and January 5<SUP>th</SUP> 2013 Craig earthquakes and other faults in Southeast Alaska
- "The Bridge" from Earthscope to EarthsCAN to Maintain North American Geoscience Momentum
- A Comparison of the Crustal Deformation Predicted by Glacial Isostatic Adjustment to Seismicity in the Baffin Region of Northern Canada
- A Sensitivity Analysis of Triggers and Mechanisms of Mass Movements in Fjords
- Advances in Solid Earth and Basal Water Dynamics and their Relation to GIA in Antarctica
- Advances in Understanding the Seismogenic Plate Interface From Nearly Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismic Observations on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Changes in physical properties of the Nankai Trough megasplay fault induced by earthquakes, detected by continuous pressure monitoring
- Characteristics of Shear Wave Velocity Structures Beneath the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Eastern Canada from Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography
- Development of a Low-Cost, Station-Based, Broad-Band, Real-Time Positioning Stream for Use in Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning
- Duration of Opposing Crustal Motion Following Large Subduction Earthquakes Controlled by Mantle Rheology and Earthquake Size
- Improved Modeling of Vertical Crustal Motion in Canada for a New North American Reference Frame
- Influence of obliquely subducting slab on Pacific-North America shear motion inferred from seismic anisotropy along the Queen Charlotte margin
- Integrated Land- and Underwater-Based Sensors for a Subduction Zone Earthquake Early Warning System
- Low-Stress Upper Plate Near Subduction Zones and Implications for Temporal Changes in Loading Forces
- Postseismic Stress Evolution Following the 2011 M<SUB>w</SUB>9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Predictable and powerful unconfined turbidity currents examined by a custom cabled platform
- Repeating and triggered slow slip events in the near-trench region of the Nankai Trough detected by borehole observatories
- Role of subduction obliquity in controlling mantle wedge flow and subduction zone processes
- Seismic and Tectonic Monitoring of the Endeavour Ridge Segment—Recent and Future Expansion of Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE Observatory on the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Static stress drop of the largest recorded M 4.6 hydraulic fracturing induced earthquake and its aftershock pattern in the northern Montney Play, British Columbia, Canada
- Statistical Features of Deep-ocean Tsunamis Based on 30 Years of Bottom Pressure Observations in the Northeast Pacific
- Tectonics and Current Plate Motions of Northern Vancouver Island and the Adjacent Mainland
- Testing direct and interactive effects of tree size, stand competition, water balance, heat, and freezing on probability of mortality
- The Distribution of Slab Dehydration in the Cascadia Subduction Zone beneath Mt. Rainier
- The Largest Hydraulic Fracturing - Induced Earthquake in Canada: Source Characteristics and Seismic Hazard Implications of the August 17, 2015, Mw 4.6 Earthquake in Northeast British Columbia
- The Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault Zone - The Knife-Edged Pacific-North American Plate Boundary
- The impact of water on dislocation content and slip system activity in olivine constrained by HR-EBSD and visco-plastic self-consistent simulations
- Three Dimensional Viscoelastic Postseismic Deformation of the 2013 M<SUB>w</SUB>8.3 Okhotsk Deep-Focus Earthquake
- Toward Improving Seismic Hazard Estimates for Northwest Coastal British Columbia
- Tsunami hazard assessment at Port Alberni, BC, Canada: preliminary model results
- A Long-Term Geothermal Observatory Spanning Subseafloor Gas Hydrates in IODP Hole U1364A, Cascadia Accretionary Prism
- A Real-time, Borehole, Geophysical Observatory Above The Cascadia Subduction Zone
- A tsunami deposit from Vancouver Island, Canada ― Geological evidence for the penultimate great Cascadia earthquake?
- Active Deformation of the Northern Cordillera Observed with GPS
- Active Tectonics of the Far North Pacific Observed with GPS
- Comparison of Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPE) for Chile and Canada With Recent Chilean Megathust Earthquakes
- Discoveries and Controversies in Geodetic Imaging of Deformation Before and After the M=9 Tohoku-oki Earthquake
- Evidence for different patterns of microcrack change related to the 2004 Niigata earthquake from S wave splitting
- First direct observations linking confined supercritical turbidity currents to their depositional architecture and facies characteristics
- Go big or die out: Bifurcation and bimodality in submarine sediment flow behaviour
- HR-EBSD as a new tool for quantifying geometrically necessary dislocations in quartz: Application to chessboard subgrain boundaries
- Hydraulic Fracturing Completion Volume is Associated with Induced Earthquake Productivity in the Duvernay Play
- Implication of Broadband Dispersion Measurements in Constraining Upper Mantle Velocity Structures
- Insights from field observations into controls on flow front speed in submarine sediment flows
- Investigating the ancient landscape and Cenozoic drainage development of southern Yukon (Canada), through restoration modeling of the Cordilleran-scale Tintina Fault.
- Low-Temperature Fault Creep: Strong vs. Weak, Steady vs. Episodic
- P-wave velocity model of mud volcano on the continental slope of the Canadian Beaufort Sea from frequency-domain full waveform inversion
- Plans for a Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Observatory
- Re-assessing Present Day Global Mass Transport and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment From a Data Driven Approach
- Repeat AUV Mapping and ROV Observations of Active Mud Volcanos on the Canadian Beaufort Sea Continental Slope
- The Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault Zone - Geomorphology of a submarine transform fault, offshore British Columbia and southeastern Alaska
- Thermal, Petrologic, and Structural Conditions for the September 2017 M=8.2 and M=7.1 intra-slab earthquakes in Mexico
- Transient Viscoelastic Relaxation and Afterslip Immediately After the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku Earthquake
- A framework for forecasting tree mortality in boreal North America using long-term multi-scale satellite data
- APT: An easily deployed low-power tool for measuring acceleration, pressure, and temperature with wide dynamic range and bandwidth
- African cratonic lithosphere carved by mantle convection
- An assessment of array types and processing algorithms for microtremor observations, via the COSMOS Blind Trials
- Application of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks in Automatic Seismic Event and Phase Identification
- Characterizing crustal seismicity and its associated stress field in Chile
- Comparing and Contrasting the Crustal Imprints of the Snowbird and Great Falls Tectonic Zones
- Continental lithosphere - a complicated birth
- Direct Bayesian inversion for 2D/3D velocity structure in surface-wave tomography
- Earthquake-cycle Deformation on Northern Vancouver Island and Haida Gwaii
- Evaluating the impacts of climate change on forest demography and carbon cycling in boreal forests
- Exhumed Mafic HP Rocks are Warmer than Forearc Oceanic Crust in Modern Subduction Zones Suggesting Preferential Exhumation from Warm Subduction Settings
- Far-field Viscoelastic Postseismic Deformation of the 2011 Mw9 Tohoku Earthquake and Implications to Spatial Variations in Mantle Viscosity
- Glacier-volcano Interactions Provide Insight on Glacial History and Geomorphic Evolution, Ft. Selkirk, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Initial data observed by LTBMS sensors installed in the IODP C0006G observatory
- Interplate Locking and Dissipation of Viscoelastic Postseismic Displacement of the 1960 Valdivia, Chile, Earthquake
- Interseismic deformation along the southern Kurile trench - Reexamination of forearc sliver behavior and megathrust locking -
- Intriguing Mechanics of Fault Creep in the Neighborhood of Locked Patches
- Knickpoint Migration and Long-term Submarine Channel System Evolution within Bute Inlet, British Columbia, Canada
- Learning From Observed Crustal Deformation Following Ten M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.0-9.5 Subduction Earthquakes
- Lithospheric Strength and Stress Revisited: Pruning the Christmas Tree
- Majority of large earthquakes in Taiwan occurred along tomographic edge zones
- Mantle dynamics and seismic structure at the boundary between the southern Canadian Cordillera and North America Craton
- Methane Production Rates from Laboratory Incubations of Arctic Coastal Plain Permafrost
- Model of Viscoelastic Relaxation of Shallow Crustal Material for Seismically Induced Tension Cracks in the Chile-Peru Forearc
- Morphodynamics of Knickpoints Active Turbidity Current Channels
- New Images of upper mantle structure beneath western Canada from teleseismic body-wave tomography
- New Long-Term Subseafloor Pressure Records from the IODP Expedition 336 CORKs at North Pond, Western Flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Observatory
- Organic carbon sorting by turbidity currents: a Bouma Sequence for geochemists
- Searching for New Types of Slow Slip Events in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Seismicity-Scanning based on Navigated Automatic Phase-picking (S-SNAP)
- Stress Drop Analysis of Cascadia Rupture Scenarios
- Studying Shallow Subduction Zone Processes Using Heat Flow Observations
- Subaqueous Tectonic Geomorphology Along the Queen Charlotte Fault: Evidence for Plate Boundary Localization Based on Slip-Rate Estimates For The Last 17,000 years
- Systematic Mapping of An Ocean-Continent Transform Plate Boundary: The Queen Charlotte Fault System, Southeastern Alaska and Western British Columbia
- Tectonic Strain Rate as a Controlling Factor of Injection-Induced Earthquakes in Western Canada
- The Crust and Upper Mantle of the Eurasia Basin Revealed by Geophysical data and Mantle Tomography Models
- The Effects of Plate-Bending-Related Thickening of the Oceanic Crustal Aquifer on Subduction Zone Temperatures
- The dominant control on submarine channel evolution revealed by new high-resolution time-lapse bathymetry
- Toward operational tsunami early warning in New Zealand
- Waveform tomography of the South Atlantic Ocean and the African and South American Continents
- A Decade of High-resolution Ocean Bottom Pressure Measurements in the Northeast Pacific — The NEPTUNE Observatory Turns 10 years old
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- Antarctic Mass Balance and High-end Cases: Status and Future Prospects for Guidance on Sea-level
- Aseismic Deformation Following the 2012 Haida Gwaii Earthquake, Evidence from Postseismic Geodetic Observations
- Compliant volcanic arc and backarc crust in southern Kurile suggested by interseismic geodetic deformation
- Deciphering Vertical Deformation Following Great Subduction Earthquakes
- Efficient, Automatic, and Accurate Determination of Focal Depths for Local Earthquakes
- Enhancing seismic hazard with declining annual water load in southwest Taiwan
- Ground motion evaluation along the Chilean subduction zone: variability and possible causes
- High Frequency Tremor Below Southern Vancouver Island
- How Is Sediment Transported through Submarine Channels and onto Lobes? New Insights from Turbidity Current Monitoring and Repeat Seafloor Mapping
- Intermediate-depth Earthquakes in the Mantle of Subducting Slabs Could Occur Under Hydrated Condition
- Is Turbidity Current Activity Predictable?
- Knickpoints and Their Interactions with Crescentic Bedforms: the Building Blocks of Submarine Channel Systems
- Landscape-scale variability of methane in the Mackenzie-Beaufort Delta region of northern Canada, during winter and summer.
- Localization of Interseismic Deformation in Viscoelastic Earthquake-Cycle Models for Strike-slip Faults
- Migrating knickpoints are primary morphodynamic agents in submarine channels that control deep-water stratigraphy
- Modern sedimentation rates measured along the Queen Charlotte Fault, southern Haida Gwaii, Canada to Icy Point, Alaska
- Morphodynamics of a Bedrock Confined Estuary and Delta: Patterns and Processes of the Skeena Estuary along the NW Coast of Canada
- Non-standard applications of seismic data from the Ocean Networks Canada NEPTUNE offshore cabled observatory array
- On the paradox of very low differential stress causing permanent deformation in subduction zone forearcs
- One-dimensional Reference Models of the Upper Mantle Constrained by Surface Waves
- Onshore-offshore 3-D seismic velocity structure in western Canada from surface-wave tomography
- Performance Analysis for the Match-Filtering Method: Problems and Proposed Solution
- Plate Deformation at Cascadia's Northern Terminus
- Postseismic Deformation and Stress Perturbation in NE China due to the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Predicting biomass change at boreal North American forest inventory sites using long-term satellite vegetation indices and environmental drivers.
- Quantitative Relationship Between Injection Operations and Induced Seismicity in the Southern Montney Play, British Columbia, Canada
- Recovery of the upper crustal structures from forward modeling and inversions of receiver functions
- Seismic Evidence for Craton Chiseling and Displacement of Lithospheric Mantle by the Tintina Fault in the Northern Canadian Cordillera
- Seismic evidence for megathrust fault-valve behavior during episodic tremor and slip
- Signatures of focused fluid flow and methane venting along the Queen Charlotte Fault off southeastern Alaska and western British Columbia
- Stress chatter on a fault/fracture network reactivated by hydraulic fracturing
- Submarine Permafrost Dynamics Along the Arctic Shelf Edge
- The Iceland Plume rising from beneath Greenland imaged by waveform tomography
- The geodynamics of Cordilleran mantle in northern Canada
- The significance of tomographic edge zones for large earthquakes in Taiwan
- Thermal and Structural Constraints on Megathrust Seismogenic Potential of the Northern Manila Trench Subduction Zone
- Towards an improved geotechnical understanding of landslide hazard and slope stability from ground-based geophysical survey and monitoring
- Turbidity current evolution in Bute Inlet, British Colombia, Canada
- A Petrophysical Footprint of the Canadian Malartic Gold Deposit, Québec, Canada
- An assessment of landslide risk using 4-Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography for monitoring an unstable slope that affects transport infrastructure in British Columbia, Canada
- An improved earthquake catalogue in southern British Columbia supplies new constraints on the fault responsible for the 1946 M 7.3 Vancouver Island earthquake
- Analysis of the 2018 and 2019 Episodic Tremor and Slip Events in Northern Cascadia Using Novel Location Methods
- Assessing the potential tsunami hazard of poorly-constrained active crustal faults in the northern Cascadia forearc
- Benchmarking Scenario Performance in the First Generation Canadian Seismic Risk Assessment
- COVID-19 Lockdown Impacts on Seismicity in Canada
- Continuous dynamics of dissolved methane and its stable carbon isotopes over two years in bottom-waters of a small Arctic lake in the Mackenzie Delta (Canada)
- Developing a national earthquake early warning system in Canada: Considerations for the network layout
- Does the stability of talc in the mantle wedge control the maximum depth of slab-wedge decoupling in subduction zones?
- Frequency-dependent tectonic tremor beneath southern Vancouver Island
- Improving Situational Awareness During Early Earthquake Response Using Existing Seismic Risk Models to Rapidly Estimate Damage
- Interpreting the Queen Charlotte plate boundary from 3D seismic tomography and relocated earthquakes
- Investigating the tsunamigenic potential of crustal faults in the Strait of Georgia
- Mass Extinction on a Slow-Burn: The Late Triassic Paleoenvironmental Record of Williston Lake, British Columbia
- Modeling of Landslide-generated Tsunamis in Georgia Strait, Southern British Columbia, Canada
- Radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopes of methane and dissolved inorganic carbon reveal mixing and dissolution of thermogenic methane from bubbles seeping into an Arctic lake under ice through winter
- Seismic Characterization of Subsea Permafrost: Interpretative Advantages of Using All Seismic Arrivals.
- Shallow versus deep slow slip events on the Nicoya megathrust observed with GPS
- Some impacts resulting from seismic noise reduction in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown
- Surface-wave tomography of the northern Canadian Cordillera using earthquake Rayleigh-wave group velocity measurements
- Tectonics of the Beaufort Sea margin, western Canadian Arctic and Northern Canadian Cordillera
- The Europa Seismic Package
- The Henkel Petrophysical Plot: Mineralogy and Lithology from Physical Properties
- The predictability of near-term changes in forest biomass: a case study in boreal North America
- Tracking Earthquake Sequences in Real Time: Application of Seismicity-Scanning based on Navigated Automatic Phase-Picking (S-SNAP) to the 2019 Ridgecrest, California Sequence
- Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismological Insight into the Seismogenic Zone: A View from Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Understanding Postseismic Uplift and Subsidence Following Great Subduction Earthquakes
- Canadian EON-ROSE: Induced Seismicity, Mineral Exploration and Critical Zone Observatories
- Crustal Deformation and Fault Zone Architecture Along the Queen Charlotte Fault, Offshore Southeast Alaska, Using Long-Offset Multichannel Seismic Data from the Transform Obliquity on the Queen Charlotte fault and Earthquake Study (TOQUES)
- Examining micro-seismicity across southern Vancouver Island: applying automated detection to augment existing seismic catalogues
- High Anisotropy of Fractured Oceanic Crust Revealed by Seismic Formation Fluid Pressure Variations
- Insights into strain-partitioning along a continental-oceanic transform from comprehensive marine seismic imaging of the Queen Charlotte Fault, offshore western Canada and southeast Alaska
- Is the large depth of the 2021 Chignik earthquake responsible for the small amplitude of its tsunami?
- Near-field observations of shallow slow slip events revealed by IODP observatories at the Hikurangi subduction zone
- New Insights on Strain-Partitioning Along the Southern Queen Charlotte Fault, Offshore Haida Gwaii, Canada, from 2021 Multi-Channel Seismic Reflection Imaging
- Observations of High-frequency Energy from the 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake on a Hydrophone Streamer
- Optimizing fault frictional parameters using Bayesian data assimilation in a subduction zones earthquake cycle model
- Preliminary Evidence of Late Quaternary Faulting in the Rocky Mountain Trench from New Lidar Data and Field Investigations
- Re-evaluating the Tsunamigenic Potential of Trench-breaching Versus Buried Megathrust Ruptures
- Searching for dynamic triggering on the central Queen Charlotte Fault following the July 28th 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake using a dense short period OBS array
- Seismicity and structure of the Queen Charlotte plate boundary: insights from earthquake relocations and seismic tomography
- Slab subduction vs. slab window: structural and rheological contrasts reflected in uplift measurements north and south of the Chile Triple Junction
- Understanding the complexity of coastal uplift and subsidence following great subduction earthquakes
- Evolution of Crystal Preferred Orientation in the Forearc Mantle Wedge Corner in Subduction Zones
- Fault frictional optimization using Bayesian data assimilation in a subduction zone earthquake and slow slip model
- Linking Subaerial and Subaqueous Channel Dynamics in Fluvioglacial Fjord Deltas
- Mapping Tectonically Active Faults for Geothermal Energy Exploration in the Yukon, Canada
- Metamorphism-Facilitated Faulting in Deforming Metastable Orthopyroxene: Implications for Global Intermediate-Depth Seismicity
- Near-Trench Postseismic Subsidence Following the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake Revealed by GNSS-Acoustic Observations
- Renewed Appreciation of the Tsunamigenic Potential of Megathrust Ruptures That do not Extend to the Trench
- Rheological controls on lithospheric deformation at Japan Trench subduction zone and their implications for dynamic origin of plate tectonics
- Short-duration Far-field Postseismic Deformation of the 2012 Mw 7.8 Haida Gwaii Earthquake and Its Implications to Regional Rheological Structure
- Source Untangler Guided by Artificial Intelligence Image Recognition (SUGAR)
- Spatial-temporal Comparison of Tectonic Tremor and Low-Frequency Earthquake Catalogues
- Sulfur Isotope Systematics of Island Arc Cumulates: Polaris Alaskan-type Ultramafic-Mafic Intrusion, North American Cordillera
- Tectonic Contributions to Regional Sea-level Projections: Global Probabilistic Vertical Land Motions Model at Subduction Zones
- Tectonics and structure offshore the Canadian Cordillera: Insights into strain-partitioning along the Queen Charlotte Fault from comprehensive marine seismic imaging
- The Thermochemical Structure of Superior Craton from Multi-Observable Probabilistic Inversion
- Thrust earthquake on a transform boundary? Investigating the seismicity and structure of the Queen Charlotte plate boundary using 20+ years of seismic data
- Use of High-sampling-rate Seafloor and Subseafloor Fluid Pressure Monitoring in Studies of Ocean and Seismic Loading over a Broad Bandwidth
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Schaeffer
- B. J. Phrampus
- Brandee Carlson
- Brian Menounos
- C. A. Williams
- C. D. Rowe
- Chie Honsho
- D. M. Saffer
- Daniel S. Brothers
- David W. Eaton
- Dejan Milidragovic
- Edwin Nissen
- Emma M. Hill
- F. A. Darbyshire
- Feng Shi
- Fengzhou Tan
- Fumiaki Tomita
- H. J. Gilbert
- Haipeng Luo
- Henno Martin
- Honn Kao
- I. Overeem
- Jan Dettmer
- Jesse Hutchinson
- Kelin Wang
- L. L. Worthington
- L. M. Kenyon
- Laura Wallace
- Lupei Zhu
- M. A. L. Walton
- M. G. Bostock
- M. R. Nedimović
- Matías Carvajal
- Nathaniel C. Miller
- R. D. Hyndman
- R. Dave
- R. Merrill
- Ryota Hino
- S. J. C. Oliva
- Shijie Zhong
- Stan E. Dosso
- Tianhaozhe Sun
- Tony Yu
- Toshitaka Iinuma
- Victoria L. Stevens
- Wenqiang Zhang
- Yajing Liu
- Yan Jiang
- Yanbin Wang
- Yusaku Ohta