Royal Military College of Canada
flowchart I[Royal Military College of Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (36)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A New Atmospheric Neutral Analyzer Instrument for Thermospheric Composition, Density and Wind Velocity Measurements on the ISWEAT Micro-Satellite
- Conjugacy between the two hemispheres at high latitudes in the null-separator model of the magnetosphere
- A field scale study of nZVI Mobility
- Event Study of the Peak Auroral Emission Altitude from All-sky Images
- Modeled Ionospheric and Electrodynamic Response to Electron Precipitation Arcs of Varying Hardness, Width, Edge Sharpness and Orientation
- Siberian Apparent Polar Wander Path for the Phanerozoic Eon: towards finding Siberian place on Earth
- Comparison between triangulated auroral altitude and precipitating electron energy flux
- Evaluation of Polarimetric Radarsat-2 data for development of Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithms for Boreal Alaska
- Ion Temperature Anisotropy Effects on Threshold Conditions of Shear-Modified Current Driven Electrostatic Ion-Acoustic Instability in the Auroral F Region
- Modeling the Perpendicular Electric Field Structure in the Vicinity of Auroral Precipitation Arcs
- Comparison between triangulated auroral altitude and precipitating electron energy flux
- Density enhancements in the thermosphere and lower exosphere during the geomagnetic storms of October 2003 and November 2003
- Effects of ion temperature anisotropy and shears on PFISR theoretical incoherent scatter spectrum of stable CDEIA modes in the topside auroral F-region
- Enke-like method for tracing trajectories of charged particles
- Ionospheric Tomography Using Faraday Rotation of Automatic Dependant Surveillance Broadcast UHF Signals
- Altitude variations of the peak auroral emissions within auroral structures
- Motion of a Charged Particle in an Axisymmetric Magnetic Field Inversely Proportional to the Radius
- Multipoint Measurements of Injection Region Evolution in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Use of Radarsat-2 Polarimetric SAR Images for Fuel Moisture Mapping in Alaska Boreal Forests and South Africa Savannahs
- Combined remediation technologies: results from field trials at chlorinated solvent impacted sites
- Farley-Buneman Waves at Large Aspect Angles
- Ionospheric Sounding Opportunities Using Signal Data From Preexisting Amateur Radio And Other Networks
- Modeling particle injections during magnetospheric substorm by a propagating earthward electromagnetic pulse.
- Particle injections associated with magnetotail dipolarizations
- The influence of IMF clock angle on the cross-section of the tail bow shock
- Electron Injections Caused by a Dipolarization Flux Bundle
- Faraday rotation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) signals as a method of ionospheric characterization
- Threshold energy for confinement of charged particles by an axisymmetric magnetic field.
- Impact of PFAS on in-situ microbial communities at a field site
- Ionospheric sounding using signal of opportunity
- Non adiabatic energization of electrons and ions by electric field gradients.
- From commercial products to subsurface wetlands: a mesocosm approach examining the impacts of silver nanomaterials
- The CaNoRock Undergraduate Student Rocket School
- The International Space Mission, a Canada-Norway collaborative training program
- Treatment of Varying PFOS-and PFOA-Amended Porous Media by Planetary Ball Milling
- Performance of a Forecast Model for Storm Surge and Surface Wave Prediction in Lake Ontario