Utah Valley University
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Investigating Propagation of Short-period Gravity Waves at High Altitudes Utilizing Re-analysis and Ray Tracing Models
- Investigating asymmetries in mesospheric gravity wave propagation at high-latitudes
- Recognition of Paleoseismicity along Creeping Faults: Examples from the Dry Lake Valley Site on the central San Andreas
- Statistical Characteristics of Polar Mesospheric Gravity Waves Observed Over Alaska
- Insights into Surface Manifestation of Aseismic vs. Coseismic Strike-Slip Faulting from UAV Imagery of Creep-Induced Surface Fracturing Along the Central San Andreas Fault
- Integrating Water, Actors, and Structure to Study Socio-Hydro-Ecological Systems
- Thermospheric Gravity Wave Characteristics Obtained Using the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar
- Combining Undergraduate Student Curriculum, Research, and Outreach: High-altitude Balloon and Rockets
- Imaging Spectrograph as a Tool to Enhance the Undergraduate Student Research Experience
- Insights into Surface Manifestation of Aseismic vs. Coseismic Strike-Slip Faulting from UAV Imagery of Creep-Induced Surface Fracturing Along the Central San Andreas Fault
- Linking Atmospheric Gravity Wave Research to the Undergraduate Curriculum
- Mantle Melt Contribution and Crustal Contamination of Volcanic Rocks in the Black Rock Desert and Markagunt Plateau, Utah
- Paleoearthquakes of the past ~2500 years at the Dead Mouse site, west-central Denali fault at the Nenana River, Alaska
- Utah Valley University Field Station at Capitol Reef National Park: A Venue for Improved Student Learning and Retention
- A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Tsunami Disaster Prevention in Java, Indonesia
- Assessment of Differential Uplift Along South Java, Indonesia from Terrace Elevations Mapped with Structure from Motion Photogrammetry
- Effects of Wind Filtering and Ageostrophic Generation on Middle Atmosphere Gravity Wave Activity at Chatanika Alaska
- Late Pleistocene to Holocene paleoseismicity of the House Range fault from UAV photogrammetry and exposure-age dating
- New Data on Quaternary Surface Offset and Slip Rates of the Oquirrh Fault (Utah, USA) from DSMs made with Structure-from-Motion Methods
- The Use of Portable X-ray Flourescence, Magnetic Susceptibility and Scanning Electron Microscope to Classify, characterize, and Determine Redox State of Granites
- Tsunami Disaster Risk Assessment and Prevention in West Java, Indonesia
- Bioaccumulation of PCB Contaminants in Five Fish Species in Utah Lake as Affected by Carp Removal
- Late Quaternary Surface Displacement Across a Normal-Fault Structural Boundary on the Northern Lost River Fault Zone (Idaho, USA)
- Modeling the Environmental Impacts of Potential Oil Pipeline Leaks in the PÁRAMO Region upon the Water Supply for Quito, Ecuador
- Using Point Clouds Generated from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Imagery Processed with Structure from Motion to Address Tsunami vs Storm Wave Boulder Deposition in Watu Karung, Indonesia
- The Use of Finite Element Modeling to Increase Efficiency of Low Environmental Impact Hydropower
- Three Dimensional Aseismic Creep Deformation from Differencing of Structure from Motion and LiDAR High Resolution Topography on the San Andreas Fault, California
- Use of a Mechanistic Model to Infer Accurate Paleoclimatic Information from Moss Cellulose D/H Ratios: Example from Lake Superior Swales
- Hydro-geochemical Processes Driving Arsenic Concentrations in Springs in the Highlands of Costa Rica
- Morphology and Hydrologic Behavior of Exfiltration Sites in a Small Watershed in Costa Rica
- Phragmites autralis control and its effects on trace metal concentration in sediments and water quality of Utah Lake in a formally industrial site.
- Preliminary Results from the Topliff Hill Paleoseismic Site: Evidence for 5-7 Basin and Range Normal Faulting Events in Tooele County, Utah Since the Late Pleistocene
- Rain or Shine: Changes in Water and Mass Fluxes of a Pristine Watershed in Response to Rainfall Events and Regional Drought
- Three Years of UAS-Based High Resolution Topographic Surveys of a Coastal Boulder Deposit to Monitor Change and Assess Tsunami vs Storm Wave Deposition in Java, Indonesia
- Unraveling Diffuse Deformation in the Drum Mountains, Utah, with Paleoseismology, Modern Geodesy, and Historical Aerial Photography
- Creep along the Central San Andreas Fault from Surface Fractures, Topographic Differencing, and InSAR
- Implications of the March 18, 2020 Magna Mw5.7 Earthquake for Coulomb Stress Change, Earthquake Hazard, and Listric Structure on the Wasatch Fault, Utah, USA
- Detection of polar mesospheric clouds utilizing Himawari-8/AHI full-disk images
- Titanite Petrochronology Reveals Autometamorphism and Meltamorphism within the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite, California
- Improvements in monitoring supraglacial glacier debris cover change in the Himalaya-Karakoram
- Paleorelief and footwall rotation adjacent to the Wasatch Fault Zone recorded by the Eocene-Oligocene paleosurfaces, Snyderville Basin, Utah, U.S.A.
- Petrochronologic Constraints on the Timing and Duration of Sill and Dike Emplacement and Associated Contact Metamorphism of Hornfels in the Alta Aureole, Utah, from Zircon and Monazite LA(SS)-ICP-MS
- Titanite petrochronology records multiphase construction of the Little Cottonwood stock, Utah U.S.A. accommodated by an upper crustal shear zone