South Carolina State University
flowchart I[South Carolina State University] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (225)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- International Polar Year (IPY): Thinking Beyond Polar Bears and Penguins
- Student Investigations of Ozone: An NSF Undergraduate Research Project
- Event Detection Tools Applied to Volcanic Swarms - An Assessment of Comparative and Complementary Performance
- MS PHD'S: Bridging the Gap of Academic and Career Success Through Educational and Professional Development for Minorities
- The NASA EV-2 CYGNSS Small Satellite Constellation Mission
- 227Ac in the Deep South Pacific along the Peru-Tahiti GEOTRACES Transect
- A Record of Deglacial Ventilation from Foraminiferal Radiocarbon at Intermediate Depths in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- A Subtropical North Atlantic Regional Atmospheric Moisture Budget
- Controls on plan-form evolution of submarine channels
- Estimation of Fresh Water and Salt Transports in the Northern Indian Ocean Using Aquarius and Model Simulations
- Exploring for Volcanic and Hydrothermal Activity Above Off-axis Melt Lenses near the East Pacific Rise
- Fe, Zn, and Cd stable isotopes from the eastern tropical South Pacific from GEOTRACES cruise GP16 - Methods and data
- Fluid Exchange Across the Seafloor of the Continental Shelf in the South Atlantic Bight
- High Spatial Resolution Soil Moisture with Passive Active Sensors Using a Change Detection Approach: Studies Using SMAPVEX12 Data
- Hydrothermal Chimney Distribution from AUV Sentry bathymetry and Alvin at the Galapagos Spreading Center
- Influence of paleochannels on submarine groundwater flow from CHIRP seismic surveys and sediment cores on the shelf offshore Charleston, South Carolina
- Microbial Substrate Use at Sites of Continental Serpentinization: The Tablelands, NL, CAD and the Cedars, CA, USA
- Net Subterranean Estuarine Export Fluxes of Dissolved Inorganic C, N, P, Si, and Total Alkalinity into the Jiulong River Estuary, China
- Numerical and Experimental Study of Levee Breach
- Point bar Fine Deposits: Controls, Process and Pattern
- Position of the freshwater-saltwater interface in a coastal confined aquifer
- Preliminary Results on Sediment Sorting Under Intense Bedload Transport
- Propagation of Tidal and Subtidal Free Surface Oscillations into River Channels from the South Atlantic Bight
- Radium as a tracer of benthic trace element inputs from the Peruvian continental margin (2013 U.S. Pacific GEOTRACES cruise)
- Response of the Length and Stratification of the North River Estuary to Changes in Forcing
- The Isotopic Evolution of Modern Water (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δD) Across the Andean Plateau Controlled by Easterly-Derived Precipitation Modified by Surface Water Recycling
- The LIP-OIB transitional phase in the Galapagos mantle plume
- The Role of Fresh Water and Salt Fluxes in Southern Ocean Deep-Ocean Warming
- A Carbon Monitoring System Approach to US Coastal Wetland Carbon Fluxes: Progress Towards a Tier II Accounting Method with Uncertainty Quantification
- A History of Warming Sea Surface Temperature and Ocean Acidification Recorded by Planktonic Foraminifera Geochemistry from the Santa Barbara Basin, California
- A Numerical Model of Armor Development in Flash Flood-Dominated Channels: Sensitivity to Sediment Supply, Hydrograph Shape, and Base Flow
- A chilling perspective on Greenland's early Cenozoic climate from coupled Hf-Nd isotopes
- Alaskan Arctic Soils: Relationship between Microbial Carbon Usage and Soil Composition
- An Application of Advanced Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Methods to Assess Potential Impacts of the 2015 - 2016 ENSO Event over the Colorado River Basin
- Assessing the Effects of Sea Level Rise on Plum Island Estuary Marshes Using a Hydrodynamic-marsh Modeling Tool
- Benthic Gouge Marks in the Canadian Beaufort Sea: Associations Between Whales and Methane Seeps?
- Bulk Sediment Hf-Nd Isotopic Composition Across the EOT, Northern Hemisphere Glaciation?
- Can we predict the response of large sand bed rivers to changes in flow and sediment supply? The case of the Missouri River.
- Changes in Bedform Shape at the Transition Between Upper Plane-Bed and Sheet-Flow Bedload Transport Regimes
- Coastal marsh response to rising sea levels in the Grand Bay, MS estuary
- Critical Aspects of the Coastal Drought Index: Length of Salinity Data Record and Ecological Response Data
- Detection of high-silica lava flows and lava morphology at the Alarcon Rise, Gulf of California, Mexico using automated classification of the morphological-compositional relationship in AUV multibeam bathymetry and sonar backscatter
- Developing a Greater Understanding of Rocky Intertidal Ecosystems using NASA Earth Observations
- Estimation of Variability in Water Resources in the Major River Basins of the World Using Satellite Data
- Exploring for Volcanic and Hydrothermal Activity Above Off-axis Melt Lenses near the East Pacific Rise
- Exploring the Metabolic Potential of Microbial Communities in Ultra-basic Reducing Spring at The Cedars, CA: Evidence of Microbial Methanogenesis and Heterotrophic Acetogenesis
- Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site 1438, Amami Sankaku Basin: Implications for Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc Initiation
- Gravel Wedge Progradation in Sand-Gravel Laboratory Experiments: New Insights on the Gravel-Sand Transition
- Inner shelf circulation patterns driven by synoptic weather systems on the South Carolina Coast
- Latitudinal Study of the Geochemical and Lipid Biomarkers in Alaskan Arctic Soils
- Mapping ENSO: Precipitation for the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands
- Modeling the transition between upper plane bed regime and sheet flow without an active layer formulation. Preliminary results.
- New Products for Near Real-Time Enhanced Landslide Identification and Precipitation Monitoring
- Observations of Intense Internal Mixing at the Mouth of the Laurentian Channel
- Organic Matter Sulfurization in the Cariaco Water Column Revealed by High-Sensitivity and Compound-Specific d<SUP>34</SUP>S Analyses.
- Platinum group and chalcophile element systematics of serpentinized peridotites from the St. Elena ophiolite in Costa Rica
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Distributed Flash Flood Forecasting for a Semiarid Region
- Record of the Pacific Large Low Shear Velocity Province Upwellings Preserved in the Cretaceous Large Igneous Provinces
- Spatiotemporal analysis of soil moisture in using active and passive remotely sensed data and ground observations
- Spatiotemporal dynamics of human settlement patterns in the Southeast U.S. from DMSP/OLS nightlight time series, 1992-2013
- Stable patterns of downstream fining and coarsening in mixed bedrock-alluvial rivers
- Sub-mesoscale Eddies and Their Propagation Paths in Long Bay, SC Observed in HF Radar Surface Currents
- The Influence of Natural Variability on Future California Current Upwelling
- The Role of Sea Level Rise and in Situ Carbonate Accumulation on the Morphodynamic Evolution of a Carbonate Tidal Channel. The Case of the Bahamas Islands.
- The Role of Slope in the Fill and Spill Process of Linked Submarine Minibasins. Model Validation and Numerical Runs at Laboratory Scale.
- The Role of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific in Carbon Sequestration and Ventilation over the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition
- Tracking along-arc sediment inputs to the Aleutian arc using thallium isotopes
- 2015-16 ENSO, Precipitation, and the Ridiculously Resilient Ridge
- A General-purpose Framework for Parallel Processing of Large-scale LiDAR Data
- A system of systems assessment of the mitigation of surge and nuisance flooding under present and future conditions
- Advances in detecting localized road damage due to sinkholes induced by engineering works using high resolution RASARSAT-2 data
- Ages and geochemical comparison of coeval plutons and volcanics from the central and eastern Aleutian arc
- Air- Sea Interactions in the Southwest Tropical Indian Ocean
- Alongshore Momentum Balance Over Shoreface-Connected Ridges, Fire Island, NY
- Archean recycled oceanic crust sampled in Azores lavas
- Assessing Effects of Sea Level Rise on Plum Island Estuary Marshes Using the Hydro-MEM Model.
- Assessing Hydrological Uncertainties Using the SWAT Model to Simulate Streamflow Over the Alpine Himalayas
- Assessment of Water Sustainability Index Using Reliability-Resilience-Vulnerability Criteria Considering Climatic Variation over India
- Basement Basalts from IODP Site 1438, Amami-Sankaku Basin: Implications for Sources and Melting Processes during Subduction Initiation in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana System
- Beam Forming HF Radar Beam Pattern Measurements and Phase Offset Calibration Using a UAV
- Bed Degradation and Sediment Export from the Missouri River after Dam Construction and River Training: Significance to Lower Mississippi River Sediment Loads
- Characterizing decadal-scale vegetation and ecohydrologic change associated with the Mozambican civil war via multiple-sensor remote sensing datasets
- Combined Use of Satellite Timing Information and Rain Gauge Measurements for Enhanced Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Estimation.
- Comparisons of Satellite Precipitation Estimates over the United States Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI)
- Crustal Scale Shortening Structures of the Southeastern Appalachian Margin - Reinterpretation of ADCOH and COCORP Seismic Reflection Data with Constraints from New Potential Field Data and Structural Modeling
- Decadal Surface and Subsurface Salinity Changes in the Oceanic Subtropical Gyres
- Dinoflagellate Cyst Contribution to Settling Organic Matter in the Coastal Ocean
- Direct access to the serpentinite subsurface: a biogeochemical investigation to characterize a unique habitat
- Downscaled Soil Moisture from SMAP Evaluated Using High Density Observations
- Drought assessment using multi-sattelite remote sensing in Brazil
- Eddy Interactions in the Somali Current Region during Summer Monsoon Seasons
- Estimation of Fresh and Saltwater Fluxes and Transports in the Southern Ocean
- Evaluating Renewable Groundwater Stress with GRACE data in Greece
- Evaluation of Convective Storms and their Vertical Distributions over Indian Region Using GPM Precipitation Features Database
- Evaluation of Crop-Water Consumption Simulation to Support Agricultural Water Resource Management using Satellite-based Water Cycle Observations
- Evidence of Enhanced Respired Carbon in Eastern Equatorial Pacific Deep-Waters over the last 30,000 years
- Exploring the Origin of the Bering Sea: Initial Results of Cruise SO249-2 (17<SUP>th</SUP> July - 13<SUP>th</SUP> August 2016)
- Geophysical Mapping of the South Carolina Atlantic Offshore for Wind Energy Development
- Impact of Permeability and Mineralization on an Injected Carbon Dioxide Plume in the South Georgia Rift Basin.
- Influence of crop type specification and spatial resolution on empirical modeling of field-scale Maize and Soybean carbon fluxes in the US Great Plains
- Leveraging field and remotely sensed data to reduce uncertainty in national inventories of coastal wetland carbon fluxes: Year 2 findings from the NASA "Blue" Carbon Monitoring System
- Long-term of analysis of MODIS, NDVI and NDWI for the Mesopotamian Marshlands, Iraq.
- Mapping past salt marsh dieback in South Carolina's North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve using remote sensing
- Modeling the Impact of controlled flow and sediment releases for the restoration of the Nile River-Delta system, Egypt
- Modern Microbial and Old Carbon Coexist on Glacier Surfaces
- New Insights into the Origin of the Bering Sea from SO201 and SO249 cruises
- Nitrogen controls the lability of Alaska Arctic soil carbon
- No Substitute for Going to the Field: Correcting Lidar DEMs in Salt Marshes
- Numerical Simulation of Missouri River Bed Evolution Downstream of Gavins Point Dam
- On a Paradigm Shift in Disaster Science
- On the Past, Present, and Future of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems
- Precambrian Origin of the Brunswick Magnetic Anomaly: New Insights from the Revised Extent of the Suwannee Basin Offshore
- Predicting the variability of water resources in eleven global river basins using multivariate and decision tree analysis with satellite data
- Range and beam angle dependence of the empirical wave inversion method of HF radars
- Record of Cyclical Massive Upwellings from the Pacific Large Low Shear Velocity Province in the Mesozoic
- Reducing Uncertainty and Bias in US Coastal Wetland Carbon Stock Estimates
- SMAP Soil Moisture Disaggregation using Land Surface Temperature and Vegetation Data
- Sensitivities in a game theoretic approach to analyze allocation of water resources in the Nagobo basin, Ghana
- Serpentinization and Synthesis: Can abiotic and biotic non-volatile organic molecules be identified in the subsurface of the Atlantis Massif?
- Sr Isotopes in Western Aleutian Seafloor Lavas: Implications for the Source of Fluids and Geochemical Decoupling of Trace Metals from Water
- Study of hydrological extremes - floods and droughts in global river basins using satellite data and model output
- Submarine Groundwater Discharge to the Continental Shelf in the South Atlantic Bight
- TRMM-3B43 Bias Correction over the High Elevations of the Contiguous United States
- Tectonics of the Philippine Sea plate before and after 52 Ma subduction initiation to form the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc
- Temporal and spatial variation in CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange in a salt marsh dominated estuary (PIE LTER)
- The 2015-2016 El Niño and Alabama-Mississippi Hydrologic Response
- The 2015-2016 El Niño: Impacts to the Lower Colorado River Basin
- The Contribution of Lateral Unsaturated Flow in a Headwater Catchment
- The Graded Alluvial River: Variable Flow and the Dominant Discharge
- The Newly Identified Subsurface Hazlehurst Formation and Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of the South Georgia Rift Basin, Southeastern U.S.
- The Potential Role of Formate for Synthesis and Life in Serpentinization Systems
- The Thermal Evolution of the Galapagos Mantle Plume: Insights from Al-in-Olivine Thermometry
- Trends and shift changes in the SWE in the western US
- Using detrital zircon data to reconstruct the Eocene paleogeography of the southern Canadian Cordillera hinterland
- Utilization of downscaled microwave satellite data and GRACE Total Water Storage anomalies for improving streamflow prediction in the Lower Mekong Basin
- Wetland Responses to Sea Level Rise in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- 3D Numerical Investigation of the Role of the Slope in the 'Fill-and-Spill' Process in Submarine Minibasin
- 4-D Visualization of Seismic and Geodetic Data of the Big Island of Hawai'i
- Assessing the Responses of Streamflow to Pollution Release in South Carolina
- Characteristics of the newly identified Hazlehurst formation and re-mapping of the Pre-Cretaceous red beds stratigraphy in the southeastern U.S.
- Characterizing Impacts of Land Grabbing on Terrestrial Vegetation and Ecohydrologic change in Mozambique through Multiple-sensor Remote Sensing and Models
- Comparison and Evaluation of Long-Term NDVI product Derived from the NOAA AVHRR, MODIS and Landsat ETM+ Over the Mesopotamian Marshlands.
- Continuous Probabilistic Modeling of Tracer Stone Dispersal in Upper Regime
- Coupling MAST-1D, a sediment routing model for channel-floodplain complexes, with channel migration relationships to predict reach-averaged river morphodynamics. Preliminary results
- Critical Beach Habitat for Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle Endangered Before Mid-Century
- Crustal Deformation in the Northern Andes - New GPS Velocity Field and "Broken Indentor" Model
- Determining the Sensitivity of the Hf-Nd Proxy to Glacial Weathering
- Discrete Element Method Modeling of Bedload Transport: Towards a physics-based link between bed surface variability and particle entrainment statistics
- Evidence of Glacial Mid-Depth Respired Carbon Storage in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific and Links to Deglacial Ventilation
- First results of eclipse induced pressure and turbulence changes in South Carolina
- Flood extent mapping and water level change using Sentinel-1 data
- Flow characteristics and longitudinal sorting patterns associated with stable alluvial-bedrock and bedrock-alluvial transitions
- Geophysical Mapping of the South Carolina Offshore for Wind Energy Development
- Glacial-Holocene variability in pelagic denitrification and OMZ intensity along the NW Mexican Margin
- Impact of mineralization on carbon dioxide migration in term of critical value of fault permeability.
- Initial studies of submarine groundwater discharge in Mississippi coastal waters
- Landuse change impact on actual evapotranspiration using SEBAL and future changes
- Machine-learning classifiers applied to habitat and geological substrate mapping offshore South Carolina
- Massive units deposited by bedload transport in sheet flow mode
- Modeling the Impact of controlled flow and sediment releases for the restoration of the Nile Delta, Egypt
- Physical and Biological Regulation of Carbon Sequestration in Tidal Marshes
- Precipitation estimates and comparison of satellite rainfall data to in situ rain gauge observations to further develop the watershed-modeling capabilities for the Lower Mekong River Basin
- Reinterpretation of ADOCH and COCORP Seismic Reflection Data with Constraints from Detailed Forward Modeling of Potential Field Data - Implications for Laurentia-Peri-Gondwana Suture
- Resolving the Subsidence Anomaly of the East Tasman Plateau Using New Insights from the Cascade Seamount, Southwest Tasman Sea
- Snow Cover Distribution and Variation using MODIS in the Himalayas of India
- Statistically Based Morphodynamic Modeling of Tracer Slowdown
- The Late Paleozoic Alleghanian Suture Zone: Re-Interpretation of Seismic Reflection Data Provide New Constraints on the Location and Orientation of Terminal Collision in Southeastern North America
- The Neoproterozoic Osceola Arc and Brunswick Suture Zone: Preserved Continental Collision in the Southeastern U.S.
- The Occurrence of Tidal Hybrid Kelvin-Edge Waves in the Global Ocean
- Understanding restoration of Oregon's Wood River through multi-modal hydrogeomorphic monitoring
- Use of C-band Sentinel-1 and L-band UAVSAR data for flood extent mapping during Hurricane Harvey
- A hybrid empirical method for wave spectra inversion from a single VHF Radar Site.
- An attempt to model the continuum of channel patterns in 1D
- Bias correction of long-term satellite based monthly precipitation product (TRMM 3B43) using Gauge based IMD data in India
- Ce-anomalies, elevated Ba/Th, Metasomatic Orthopyroxenite, and variably Depleted Indian-Type MORB Mantle in Mafic and Ultramafic Xenoliths from Kharchinsky Volcano, Kamchatka
- Constraints on the evolution of the Tasman Gateway from the Cascade Seamount, East Tasman Plateau
- Determining ocean tide influences on Antarctic ice shelf circulation using GFDL MOM6
- Downscaling SMAP radiometer soil moisture using land surface temperature and vegetation over CONUS
- Downscaling of SMAP enhanced soil moisture product in the Lower Mekong River Basin
- Dronning Maud Land ice sheet activity during the early stages of the Eocene Oligocene Transition
- Dynamics of Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Indian Ocean
- Estimation of Freshwater Fluxes from the Arctic Ocean using SMAP and CFS Salinity
- Estimation of inundation, depth, and magnitude of flooding during the Hurricane Harvey using Sentinel-1 and UAVSAR data
- Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Southeastern United States Outer Continental Shelf.
- Experimental and 3-D Numerical Modeling of Steady Levee-Breach Flows.
- Influence of Hurricane Michael (2018) on Upper Ocean Circulation in the Gulf of Mexico
- Mesoscale and Submesoscale Structures in the Arabian Sea using Sea Surface Height
- Neodymium isotopes in the western Arctic highlight the role of sediment-water interaction in the distribution of Nd isotopes
- New Approaches to Understanding the MJO initiation over the Indian Ocean
- Sonar Bathymetric Side-scan Mapping to Locate and Characterize Endangered Freshwater Mussel Habitats
- Temporal variability of seafloor spreading processes documented along an 80-Myr geophysical transect across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- The Role of Southern Ocean Transports on the Global Ocean Circulation
- Using an Interdisciplinary Pop-Up Learning Community to Respond to Climate Change Misinformation in News and Social Media
- Water quality and quantity assessment using SWAT in Ganga-Brahmaputra river basin
- Wave Spectra and Ocean Current Measurements from a Multirotor UAV
- A Model of the Success of Mangrove Colonization at its Northeastern Boundary in Florida (USA) and Persistence in the Face of Rising Sea Level
- A New Model for Submarine Groundwater Discharge
- An attempt to model the internal structure of alluvial deposits in 1D
- Borehole Observatories on the Mariana Forearc: A Window Into Dynamic Processes Within a Subduction Channel
- Channel-floodplain response to changes in flow regime
- Detecting SGD, Hyporheic/Hypokymatic Flow, and Sediment Transport in Coastal Environments Using Low-Cost and Opensource Tooling
- Dynamic Response of Florida Big-Bend Wetlands to Sea Level Rise
- Epigenetic Gorges as Thresholds of Fluvial Response at Watershed and Centennial-to-Millennial Scales
- Evaluation of Landslide Susceptibility in the Lower Mekong Basin using LHASA Model
- Experimental Study of Flood mitigation by an Engineered Levee Breach
- Extreme Daily Weather Events and Climate Change in the Late Little Ice Age
- Extreme Flooding: A Non-Stationary Hydrologic Assessment of Seasonal Floods in South Carolina
- Immediate impacts and sustainability of sediment augmentations on an alpine gravel bed river: results from 1D morphodynamic modeling of the lower Buech River, SE France
- Mo Isotopes in the Aleutians Track Changes Along-Strike in the Subducting Plate
- Predicting the Tensile Failure due to of Carbon Dioxide Storage.
- The Competing Roles of Melting and Metasomatism on the Water Systematics of the Oceanic Lithosphere.
- The evolution of ice-sheets in the late Eocene; reconstructions from coupled Hf-Nd isotopes in authigenic and lithogenic sediments
- Use of two approaches to downscale satellite-based calculated daily actual evapotranspiration from MODIS using SEBAL
- Using time series of Meteorological and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index data for Monitoring Drought over Iraq.
- A 161-Year Experiment in Sediment Production, Storage, and Flux in a Small, Episodically Aggraded Mountain Catchment
- DON Cycling in the Eastern Canadian Arctic Archipelago from Isotopic Data
- Effects of Mineralization on Carbon Sequestration in the South Georgia Embayment of the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf
- Estimating Submarine Groundwater Discharge to Continental Shelves
- Extensive decentralized hydrogen export from the Atlantis Massif
- Investigating the 2018-2020 Pinniped Unusual Mortality Event Along the Northeast Coast Through Aerial Survey Data
- Keys to Success: Assessing the Usefulness of Citizen Science Information in Drought-Related Decision Making
- N<SUB>2</SUB>O cycling in the Gulf of Mexico from concentration and stable isotopic data
- Northwest Florida Coastal Wetland Response to Sea-Level Rise Using Apalachicola-Big-Bend (ABB) Hydrodynamic Model
- So Why Does The Drought Map Look Like That? Unpacking The Linkages Between The Transparency Of Drought Monitoring Processes And Usability Of Drought Communication Products
- Warming effects and biogeochemical drivers on methylmercury production in Arctic soils