Weber State University, Utah
flowchart I[Weber State University, Utah] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (46)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (8)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Geomagnetic Cusps as seen in High Charge State Shocked Solar Wind Ions Observed with s/c Polar during April 2001
- Internal Structure of a Star Dune Imaged Using Ground-Penetrating Radar
- Wind Erosion Regimes and the Evolution of the Surface of Mars Studied with the NASA Ames Mars General Circulation Model
- Impedance Probe Analysis of Ionospheric Plasma Properties Using a Finite Difference Time Domain Model
- The Current Distribution of a Dipole Antenna in Magnetized Plasma and Its Effect on RF Plasma Probe Diagnostic Techniques
- Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Image Terrestrial Analogs of Martian Aeolian Deposition: The Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Kanab, Utah
- A refined statistical approach to the paleomagnetic strike test: applications to the Wyoming salient, Sevier fold-thrust belt
- Determination of Absolute Plasma Electron Density and Electron Neutral Collision Frequency from Plasma Impedance Probe Measurements.
- Reconstructing the kinematics of thrust sheet rotation in the Wyoming Salient: a paleomagnetic study of Triassic redbeds
- AFM Observations of Weathering and Microbiological Alterations on the Surface of Calcite Buried in Arctic Soil (Spitsbergen)
- Aerodynamic Influence on Plama Impedance Probe Measurements in Sounding Rocket Missions
- Constructing a Baseline Model of Alpine Wetlands of the Uinta Mountains, Utah, USA
- Montane wetland water chemistry, Uinta Mountains, Utah
- Using AMS of weakly deformed red beds for determining the spatial and temporal evolution of layer parallel shortening fabrics in the Cordilleran of Wyoming, USA
- Confronting Misinformation in Climate Change Higher Education
- Debunking Climate Change Myths in the College Classroom
- Case Studies in Agnotology-Based Learning (Invited)
- Landscape response to extreme events on the southern slopes of the Uinta Mountains: sedimentary records of climate, vegetation, and fire linkages during the late Holocene
- Neighborhood Socio-Ecohydrology along a Gradient of Urbanization
- Ice/Bedrock Feedbacks as a Principle Contributor to Glacial-Interglacial Oscillations
- Observed Gamma Ray Radiation Variations Associated with Tropical Zone Rainfall Events
- Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Image Paleotopography and Structural Controls at Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Kane County, Utah
- Assessing the Biological Contribution to Mineralized Cap Formation in the Little Hot Creek Hot Spring System
- Microbial and Metabolic Diversity of the Alkaline Hot Springs of Paoha Island: A Late Archean and Proterozoic Ocean Analogue Environment.
- Through the minefield: teaching climate change in a misinformation-rich environment
- Discovery of Suprathermal Fe+ in and near Earth's Magnetosphere
- Fault Dating in the US Rockies and Large Regional Extent of Deformation Pulses Along the Sevier Orogen of North America.
- Modeling of phosphorus fluxes produced by wild fires at watershed scales.
- Questioning the Origin of the Great Salt Lake "Microbialites"
- Deglaciation of the Uinta Mountain Range: The role of paleoglaciers for human settlements in northeastern Utah
- Evolution of the Laramide Foreland from Early Layer-Parallel Shortening to Fault Linkage and Arch Growth: Relations to Lithospheric Stress Transmission and Crustal Architecture
- Investigation of Laminae Formation in Eocene Green River Formation Stromatolites Through Combined Micro-X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Petrography
- LHS 1140b: Habitable States and Observational Prospects
- VPLanet: A Simple Model for Planetary System Evolution
- Changes of water chemistry in the mixing zone between the Bear River Bay and Great Salt Lake.
- Nutrient Loss Model applied to forest wildfires.
- Analyzing the Influence of Traffic on the Urban Heat Island
- Energetic Fe Ions In And Near The Magnetospheres Of Earth, Jupiter, And Saturn
- Experimental production and geochemical modeling of abiogenic and biogenic carbonates in Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA
- Mapping the distribution and spatial patterns of microbialites in Great Salt Lake, Utah (USA) from satellite imagery
- One Year of Continuous Biogeochemical Monitoring of Carbonate Factory Sites in Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA
- The distinct microbial ecology and biogeochemistry of rotten sea ice on the Arctic shelf
- Leveraging facies-specific early diagenesis of lacustrine carbonate to improve basin-scale records of hydroclimate and microbial ecology
- Seasonality of Lacustrine Carbonate Early Diagenesis via in situ Microbial Metabolisms in Green Lake, Fayetteville, NY
- Statistical and thermodynamic constraints on the numbers and sizes of tropical clouds and their response to a changing climate