Texas Technological University
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Environmental Characterization of Global Sources of Atmospheric Soil Dust Identified with the NIMBUS-7 TOMS Absorbing Aerosol Product
- High-Resolution Stable Isotope Variation of Aeolian Sediments over a Wind-Eroding Playa Surface
- Sources and chemistry of atmospheric aerosol in the Southern High Plains of west Texas, USA
- Surface Charge and Ion Sorption Properties of Titanium Dioxide
- A Trans-North-America Dust Storm 6-7 April 2001: Mineral Aerosol Transport From Mexico and the Southwestern USA to Canada
- Microbial Community Structure and Enzyme Activities in Semiarid Agricultural Soils
- Modeling flow and sedimention of slurries
- Open-System Alkaline Magmatism in the Caledonides of North-Central Norway
- Oxygen Isotopic Ratios of Mafic Volcanics from the Langjokull Region, Iceland
- Receiver Function Analysis of the Crust and Upper Mantle Beneath Puerto Rico
- The Askja- Sveinagja Connection: Implications for the Origin of Low O-18 Magmas in Iceland
- The Utility of in situ X-ray Standing Wave Measurements to Help Constrain Surface Complexation Models
- Aircraft Observations of the Tampa Urban Plume during BRACE: Transport, Photochemical, and Depositional Processes
- Episodes of Middle to Late Jurassic Arc Development in the Klamath Mountains, California and Oregon
- TOMS and the Identification and Environmental Characterization of Global Dust Sources.
- Texas Tech Uuniversity Measurements at BRACE Sydney Site, May 2002
- Evidence for Localized Down Welling of Lithospheric Material Through the Upper Mantle Transition Zone Beneath Southern California
- Integrated Geophysical Methods to Examine the lithosphere beneath the of the Southern High Plains
- Saharan Air Layer Interaction with Hurricane Claudette (2003)
- A nonhomogeneous stochastic weather typing approach for statistical downscaling of precipitation in Illinois
- Crustal melting in the Helgeland Nappe Complex, central Norway
- Deformation, Migmatization, and Intrusive Diatexites Along the Contact of the ~~470 Ma Vega Pluton, Helgeland Nappe Complex, North-Central Norway
- Detection and Preliminary Assessment of Source Areas of the 15 December 2003 Dust Storm in the Chihuahuan Desert, Southwestern North America
- Disaggregation of Quartzite Enclaves in the S-type Vega Pluton, North-Central Norway
- Estimating Per-Pixel GPP of the Contiguous USA Directly from MODIS EVI Data
- Geo-Ontology: Empowering new Discoveries in Earth Sciences
- Granulometry and geochemistry of aeolian dust during emission from Owens (dry) Lake, California
- Gravity and Magnetic Survey of Southern Oklahoma Alcugen in Texas Panhandle, Near the 2000 earthquake swarm North of Amarillo
- Investigation of a playa lake bed using geophysical electrical methods
- Land-Use Change in Arid Regions Can Mobilize Millennial Accumulations of Unsaturated-Zone Salts
- Mechanistic explanations of correlations between MODIS EVI and carbon flux in a wide range of vegetation types across North America.
- Mid-crustal Magma Mixing and Forced Garnet Stability in a Caledonian Pluton, North-central Norway
- Potential Mobilization of Arsenic and Other Solutes in the Vadose Zone through Land Use Change in the Southern High Plains, USA
- Receiver Function Analysis of the upper mantle Beneath Northern California
- Sheeting, Mingling, and Up Direction?, Hortavaer Igneous Complex, North-central Norway
- Xenolith incorporation, distribution, and dissemination in a mid-crustal granodiorite, Vega pluton, central Norway
- A Composite Geologic and Seismic Profile Beneath the Southern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, Based on Xenolith Mineralogy, Temperature, and Pressure
- A Critical Evaluation of the Dust Bowl and its Causes
- A Graduate Seminar on Science, Public Policy, and Outreach
- A Reservoir of Natural Perchlorate in Unsaturated Zones of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions, Southwestern USA
- Aegirine as a late-stage phase in an alkaline pluton associated with carbonate assimilation
- Characterization of ^{239,240}Pu Radionuclide Adsorption to Soil Particles and Mineral Dust Aerosols
- Correlation of Lake Agassiz Shoreline Deposits Through Reconstruction of Late-Glacial Paleotopography
- Developing quantitative criteria to evaluate AOGCMs for application to regional climate assessments
- Does Atmospheric Stability Affect Inertial-Range Properties of Boundary Layer Turbulence?
- Dynamic LES Modeling of a Diurnal Cycle
- Effects of Land-Surface Heterogeneity on the Evolution of Low-Level Jets: A Numerical Study
- Evaluating GCM Simulations of Climate Change in the Northeast US over the Last 100 years
- Large-Eddy Simulation of the Neutrally Buoyant Atmospheric Boundary Layer Using two Subgrid-Scale Closures: a Comparative Assessment.
- Observed linear trends in seasonal circulation patterns over North America in the second half of the 20th century
- Potential Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change in Northeastern USA During the 21st Century
- Regional Integrated Assessments in Support of Decision-making: Process, Product, and Policy
- Unit Hydrographs For Small Watersheds in Texas Using Particle-Tracking
- Use of MODIS LST and EVI to Directly Estimate Ecosystem Respiration Across a Wide Range of Vegetation Types in North America.
- Characterizing AOGCM Ability to Simulate Northern Hemisphere Teleconnection Patterns
- Crustal Structure of the Southern Rio Grande Rift Defined by Wide Angle Reflection Data
- Effect of atmospheric neutral density on the Earth's trapped-belt proton flux
- Enriched Perchlorate and Relationship with Other Major Anions in Atmospherically Derived Deposits of Nitrate of the Mojave Desert
- Environmental Monitoring in the Northeast US: Foundation for Assessing the Impact of Our Changing Climate
- Formation Of Perchlorate By Ozonation Of Aqueous Oxy-chlorine Anions: An Insight To Natural Perchlorate Formation
- Integration of deformable layer tomography and shot gather modeling for pre-stack velocity and Q analysis
- Isotopic Discrimination of Perchlorate Sources in Ground Water
- Mars' internal viscosity structure and response to short-period loads
- Natural Perchlorate and Climate-An Imperfect Relationship
- Perchlorate Mobilization Related to Land Use Change in the Southern High Plains, USA
- Perchlorate in Turfgrass Systems, Suffolk County, Long Island, NY
- Perchlorate in the Hydrologic Cycle - An Overview of Sources and Occurrence
- Perchlorate in the San Antonio Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Texas
- Simulation of Paleoclimate Impacts on Groundwater Elevations in The Southern High Plains Of Texas
- Systematics of Natural Perchlorate in Precipitation, Soils, and Plants at the Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- The Use of Bayesian Modeling to Assess the Impact of Altered Precipitation on Leaf-level Carbon Exchange in Four Desert Savanna Ecosystems
- Wet Deposition of Perchlorate Over the Continental United States
- Widespread Occurrence of Plant Perchlorate
- A Comparison of Synoptic Classification Methods for Application to Wind Power Prediction
- A Three - Dimensional Receiver Function Study of the Western United States
- Deriving Monin-Obukhov Similarity Functions from Dynamic Large-Eddy Simulations
- Discrimination of Sedimentary Lithologies Through Unmixing of EO-1 Hyperion Data: Melville Island, Canadian High Arctic
- Does the Altitude of the Charge Source Region Influence Stroke Multiplicity?
- Dynamic WRF-WAsP Downscaling
- Effects of carbonate host rock assimilation on trace element and isotopic variation in minerals from a layered alkaline intrusive complex
- Evaluating the Performance of a New-Generation Numerical Weather Prediction Model in Representing the Antarctic Surface Layer
- Implications of the GABLS LES Intercomparison Studies for Future Wind Energy Projects
- Introducing a New International Society of Aeolian Research
- Mechanism of Carbonate Assimilation in the Middle Ordovician Hortavær Igneous Complex, north-central Norway
- Model for wind resource analysis and for wind farm planning
- Past and Projected Changes in Snowpack and Soil Frost at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire
- Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change in the City of Chicago
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Great Lakes Region
- Semantics-Based Interoperability Framework for the Geosciences
- Sensible Heat Flux Measurements Using a Large Aperture Scintillometer Over Irrigated Cotton
- Summary of Colorado State University's LMA-Related Observations from STEPS
- The Influence of Stable Boundary Layer Flows on Wind Turbine Fatigue Loads
- An updated interpretation of the Hales 1969 onshore-offshore refraction experiment: an investigation of the rifted margin of the Northern Gulf of Mexico and Gulf Coast Plain
- Combined VLF and VHF lightning observations of Hurricane Rita landfall
- Crustal structures on Saturn's icy satellite Enceladus produced by active and paleo diapirism
- Effect of Scintillometer Height on Structure Parameter of the Refractive Index of Air Measurements
- Estimating Recharge through Playa Lakes to the Southern High Plains Aquifer
- GIS-Based Paleotopographic Reconstructions of the Queen Elizabeth Islands at 8500 14C yr B.P
- Geomorphology of MODIS-Visible Dust Plumes in the Chihuahuan Desert - Preliminary Results
- Observational and Modeling Studies of Evening Transitional Boundary Layers
- Observing the Great Plains Low-Level Jet Using the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS): A Comparison with Boundary Layer Profiler Observations
- Potential effects of Rising CO2 and Climate Change Interactions with Atmospheric Deposition in Northeastern U.S. over the 21st Century Using a Dynamic Biogeochemical Model (PnET-BGC) (Invited)
- Receiver function study of the rifted margin of the Gulf Coast Plain: A Pilot Project
- Simulation and Analysis of Wind Turbine Loads for Neutrally Stable Inflow Turbulence
- Speciation and Source Identification for Arsenic in the Southern High Plains Aquifer
- Stable Boundary Layers with Low-Level Jets: What did we Learn from the LES Intercomparison within GABLS?
- Timing and style of emplacement of the Wooley Creek batholith, Klamath Mountains, California, using zircon U-Pb SHRIMP data
- Vegetation Fraction Mapping with Artificial Neural Network and High Resolution Multispectral Aerial Imagery Acquired During BEAREX07
- Vegetation cover mapping at multiple scales using MODIS, Landsat, RapidEye, and Aircraft imageries in the Texas High Plains
- A Kaleidoscope of Understanding: Pre-service Elementary Teachers' Knowledge of Climate Change Concepts and Impacts
- A Standardized Framework for Evaluating the Skill of Statistical Downscaling Methods
- Developing Regionally Downscaled Probabilistic Climate Change Projections for the Southeast Regional Assessment Project
- Evidence of partial melting in xenoliths from the Wooley Creek batholith, Klamath Mountains, California: implications for assimilation processes
- From Science to Policy: How Climate Impacts Research Informs Decision-Making (Invited)
- GPR-Based Characterization of Retrogressive Thaw Slumps Near Eureka, Ellesmere Island, Canadian High Arctic
- Inconsistencies in Estimates of Near-Surface Water Abundance are Resolved by the Volcanic Origin of Martian Outflow Channels
- Overcoming uneven ray coverage in crustal seismic tomography of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China
- Relocating small earthquakes with reverse time modeling: Examples in the Three Gorges Reservoir region, China
- Stoping & Screen Formation In The Wooley Creek Batholith And Andalshatten Pluton: Complex Pluton - Host Rock Interactions During Magma Emplacement
- The First Bachelor of Science Degree in Wind Energy in the US at Texas Tech University Authors: A. Ruiz Columbié, K. Rozsavolgyi, P. Hughes, D. Farris, A. Swift, R. Walker and M. Baker
- The Properties of Hrad Vallis are Consistent with Volcanic Origins
- Total lightning flash characteristics observed from TRMM Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) and their relationship with regional convection and precipitation type
- Use and Evaluation of Psuedo-Geostationary Lightning Mapping Data within the 2010 Experimental Warning Program and GOES-R Proving Ground
- Using and testing WAsP over West Texas area
- Assessing Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on the Agro-ecosystems in California and Southwestern United States
- Beamforming of transportable array data to improve content of PP/SS precursors from the central Pacific region
- Comparison of Tropical and Extratropical Gust Factors Using Observed and Simulated Data
- Computation of Three Component Receiver Functions (R3) by Beamforming of Optimal Regional Vertical Component Seismograms Before Simultaneous Iterative Deconvolution
- Cross site analysis of forested watersheds in the northeastern U.S. to climate change and increasing CO2 over the 21st century using a dynamic biogeochemical model (PnET-BGC)
- Development and Testing of Proboscis Heat Flow Probe with Gas-Enhanced Drilling System
- Distribution of Natural Perchlorate in a Desert Landscape-Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nevada
- Estimation of local velocity model by matching phases in receiver fuctions
- Geometry and Kinematics of Structures in the South Polar Terrain of Enceladus: Over-Interpreting Kinematics?
- Lightning Flash Size Spectra: Observations and Theory
- Lineaments of the Southern High Plains: possible indicators of recent faulting
- Long-term Integrated Crop-Livestock Agroecosystems in the Semi-Arid Southern High Plains and Their Influence on Soil Carbon
- Mapping the depth to ice-cemented ground in the high elevation Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Neutron Imaging Reveals Internal Plant Hydraulic Dynamics
- Plagioclase Phenocrysts of the Mafic Magmatic Enclaves, Wooley Creek Batholith (WCb) N. California
- Predictability Characteristics of Land-Falling North American Cyclones
- Preliminary results of receiver function analysis of seismic data recorded from a broadband deployment across the Gulf Coast Plain
- Sources and fate of xenoliths in the Wooley Creek batholith-a geochemical perspective
- Testing of the Prototype Mars Drill and Sample Acquisition System in the Mars Analog Site of the Antarctica's Dry Valleys
- The Caledonian Bindal Batholith: episodic Ordovician-Silurian arc magmatism in nascent arc crust
- The Impact of Chemical Abrasion on Trace Element Analysis of Zircon by In Situ Micro-Analytical Techniques
- The Optical Properties of Atmospheric Aerosols at the CALNEX Pasadena Site During May-June 2010
- Total lightning within electrified snowfall using LMA, NLDN and WTLN measurements
- Using Cotton Model Simulations to Estimate Optimally Profitable Irrigation Strategies
- Using Rare Earth Element (REE) tracers to identify preferential micro-sites of post-fire aeolian erosion
- Using mineral trace element geochemistry to track magma processes in a "big tank" magma chamber: a laser ablation ICP-MS study of hornblende and augite
- What is the real orientation of hypersolidus and high-temperature subsolidus foliations and lineations in the Atlantis Bank?
- A Broadband Investigation of the Texas/Gulf of Mexico Passive Margin
- A Comparative Size-Composition-Distribution Analysis Of Xenoliths In Plutons
- A comparison of Gridded Quantile Mapping vs. Station Based Downscaling Approaches on Potential Hydrochemical Responses of Forested Watersheds to Climate Change Using a Dynamic Biogeochemical Model (PnET-BGC)
- An Overview of the Lightning - Atmospheric Chemistry Aspects of the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Experiment
- Crustal Structure of Salton Trough using Deformable Layer Tomography
- Development of a large volume of eruptible mush in the upper Wooley Creek batholith, Klamath Mountains, California: evidence from bulk rock, mineral analyses and textural observations
- Do all Rocky Planets Undergo Early Development of Large Volcanic Outflow Channels?
- Effect of soil texture and chemical properties on laboratory-generated dust emissions from SW North America
- Field And Structural Constraints On Batholith Growth, Mush Deformation, And The Size Of A Magma Chamber
- Fractal-based lightning channel length estimation from convex hulls of VHF sources
- Geophysical investigation of a ponding playa lake on the Southern High Plains, USA
- Improved resolution of PP precursor imaging through array processing and simultaneous deconvolution
- Improving the Ensemble Predictability of High-impact Events using Forecast Sensitivity
- Is the past a guide to the future? Evaluating the assumption of climate stationarity in statistical downscaling
- Long-lasting Science Returns from the Apollo Heat Flow Experiments
- Major and trace element and lead isotope composition of rapakivi feldspar: New data from the locus classicus Wiborg batholith, Finland
- Neutron imaging of root water uptake, transport and hydraulic redistribution
- Observation of the Lithosphere and upper mantle structure from Greenland to the Mid Atlantic ridge using PP-precursors
- Observations of the vertical electric field on days with airborne dust in West Texas
- Overcoming barriers to public understanding of climate change
- PP-precursor study of the lithosphere and upper mantle in the South Pacific using transportable array data
- Quantifying the effects of emissions targets with climate and impact metrics
- Receiver function analysis of the Texas Gulf Coast to better understand the Ouachita Orogeny, opening of the Gulf of Mexico, and current state of the southern margin of North America
- Seismic and gravity study of the lithospheric structure of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen and surrounding region
- Shape-preferred orientation (SPO) of oceanic gabbros at IODP Hole 1256D: Implications for magmatic processes
- The Life and Death of Secondary Organic Aerosols: A Molecular Structure Based Approach
- The U.S. National Climate Assessment: The Science of Climate Change
- The basin structure imaged by teleseismic virtual-source profiling - a case study in Three Gorges region, central China
- Thermal and Mechanical Erosion by Low-Viscosity Lava Flows at Hrad Vallis, Mars
- Thermal conductivity in deformed quartzites: the role of mineral preferred orientation
- Trace elements in calcite from carbonatite of the Bear Lodge deposit, northeast Wyoming: evidence of hydrothermal alteration?
- Triangulations of sprites relative to parent lighting near the Oklahoma Lightning Mapping Array
- Use of Rare Earth Elements in Investigations of Aeolian Processes
- A Comparison Of The Performance Of Texan Data Loggers With 1 HZ Seismometers And Broad Band Instruments Applied To Receiver Function Imaging
- A WRF-Chem flash rate parameterization scheme and LNOx analysis of the 29-30 May 2012 convective event in Oklahoma during DC3
- A framework for evaluating statistical downscaling performance under changing climatic conditions (Invited)
- An Overview of Lightning NOx Production Research Associated with the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Experiment (Invited)
- Beyond the Alphabet Soup: Molecular Properties of Aerosol Components Influence Optics. (Invited)
- Comparing statistical downscaling methods: From simple to complex (Invited)
- Crystal accumulation and compositional trends in a calc-alkaline batholith: implications for correlation of plutonic and volcanic rocks
- Deep Seismic Structure of the Texas-Gulf of Mexico Passive Margin
- Developing High-Resolution Climate Projections at the Watershed Scale: A Hubbard Brook Case Study
- Effect of Plant Uptake on Perchlorate Isotopic Composition
- Evaluation of Wind Forecasts and Observation Impacts using Variational and Ensemble Data Assimilation over the WFIP Southern Study Region
- Evolving dominant charge structures during upscale storm growth in West Texas on 4 June 2012
- Future Projections for Southern High Plains Agriculture Using Coupled Economic and Hydrologic Models and Climate Variability
- Geochronology and assembly model of the Wooley Creek batholith, Klamath Mountains, northern California: A potential equivalent for magma reservoirs below cordilleran volcanoes
- High temperature structural relationships in re-oriented cores from the Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) and Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR)
- Investigation of global variations in the in amplitude and frequency content of the PdP, SdS and Pds phases from common upper mantle discontinuities
- Investigation of the upper mantle beneath the North Pacific and Aleutian Trough using PP bounce point functions
- Modeling potential interactions of acid deposition and climate change at four watersheds in Shenandoah National Park, VA using the dynamic biogeochemical model PnET-BGC
- Perchlorate in The Great Lakes: Distribution, Isotopic Composition and Origin
- Quantifying Climate Risks for Urban Environments
- Terrestrial Occurrence of Perchlorate and the Relationship to Nitrate in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas (Invited)
- Thunderstorm lifecycle and morphological influences on lightning channel distributions (Invited)
- Tomographic study of the velocity structure of the Three Gorges region, China
- Using PP and SS precursors to Image Lithospheric and Upper-mantle Discontinuities Beneath the Line Islands in the Central Pacific Basin
- Using TRMM Precipitation Radar to Understand the Pakistan and India Floods of 2010-2012
- An improved high-throughput method for p-nitrophenol based enzyme assays to aid soil ecology studies
- Characterization of Hypersolidus and Subsolidus Fabrics in the Lower Oceanic Crust, Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Climate Change Misconceptions: Can Instruction Help?
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure of Texas-Gulf of Mexico from Surface Wave Dispersion and Migrated Ps Receiver Functions.
- Efforts to Find, Recover and Restore "A National Treasure", The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Data Set
- Explorations Around "Graceful Failure" in Transportation Infrastructure: Lessons Learned By the Infrastructure and Climate Network (ICNet)
- Extreme Precipitation: Resolving the Added Value of High-Resolution Physical and Statistical Modeling
- Flash Location, Size, and Rates Relative to the Evolving Kinematics and Microphysics of the 29 May 2012 DC3 Supercell Storm
- Improving Spectral Crop Coefficient Approach with Raw Image Digital Count Data to Estimate Crop Water Use
- In Situ Assimilation Tracked By Trace Element Variation in Augite: Sausfjellet Pluton, North-Central Norway
- Initial Results from an Energy-Aware Airborne Dynamic, Data-Driven Application System Performing Sampling in Coherent Boundary-Layer Structures
- Plume Dynamics, Turbulence and Volcanic Lightning
- Recent Advances in the Tempest UAS for In-Situ Measurements in Highly-Dynamic Environments
- Sediment Deposition into a Valley-Margin Lake in a Managed Floodplain, Catahoula Lake, Louisiana, USA
- Testing the Performance of a Proposed Geotechnical Based Method in Detection of Liquefiable Soil Layers Subjected to Earthquake Excitations - a Case Study
- The Alsep Data Recovery Focus Group of NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
- The Influence of Downscaling Models and Observations on Future Hydrochemistry Reponses of Forest Watersheds
- The Use of Ensemble-Based Sensitivity with Observations to Improve Predictability of Severe Convective Events
- The application of UAS towards tornado research and forecasting
- An Assessment of Wind Plant Complex Flows Using Advanced Doppler Radar Measurements
- An Ice Shell Impact Penetrator (IceShIP) for Organic Analysis on Europa
- An LES study on the spatial variability impact of surface sensible heat flux (SHF) on the convective boundary layer (CBL)
- Carbon Dynamics of Bioenergy Cropping Systems Compared to Conventional Cotton Cropping Systems in the Southern Cotton Belt Region of the U.S.
- Characteristics of Lightning within Electrified Snowfall Events using Total Lightning Measurements
- Classification and Feature Selection Algorithms for Modeling Ice Storm Climatology
- Correlating Petrophysical Well Logs Using Fractal-based Analysis to Identify Changes in the Signal Complexity Across Neutron, Density, Dipole Sonic, and Gamma Ray Tool Types
- Emerging deforestation trends in tropical dry forests ecoregions of Mexico and Central America
- Estimation of static corrections to improve the stacking of Ps reflection data from weathered layer converted phases
- Experimental Study on Isotope Fractionation of Soil water in Arid Environments
- Geometrical Dependence of Electrical Energy dissipated for Intra-Cloud Flashes using LMA Data
- Geophysical investigations of the crust and mantle beneath Texas' Gulf Coastal Plain
- Importance of Preserving Raw Data
- Improvment of the Trapezoid Method Using Raw Landsat Image Digital Count Data for Soil Moisture Estimation in the Texas (usa) High Plains
- Integrating Infrastructure-Relevant Climate Projections into City Planning: Learning from Boulder CO, Austin TX and Washington DC
- Investigating the relationship between turbulence and lightning
- Joint Knowledge Generation Between Climate Science and Infrastructure Engineering
- Lab-on-a-Chip Instrumentation and Method for Detecting Trace Organic and Bioorganic Molecules in Planetary Exploration: The Enceladus Organic Analyzer (EOA)
- Large Eddy Simulation Embedded in Mesoscale Modeling of Convective Boundary Layers observed at the ARM SGP Central Facility
- Large-scale processes relevant to extreme hot and dry summer conditions in the South Central U.S.: Comparing observations with CMIP5 simulations
- Magma volumes and storage in the middle crust
- Observations in variations in the amplitude and depths of the 410 and 520 km discontinuities from PdP and SdS bounce point studies.
- Observations of the spatial and temporal distribution of lightning flash sizes
- Perchlorate and Volatiles in the Brine of Lake Vida (antarctica): Implication for the Analysis of Mars Sediments
- Position-Specific Hydrogen and Carbon Isotope Fractionations of Light Hydrocarbons by Quantitative NMR
- Response of Moist Convection to Multi-scale Surface Flux Heterogeneity
- Retaining Underrepresented Minority Undergraduates in STEM through Hands-on Internship Experiences
- Simulated Source and Flash Detection Efficiency during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Field Campaign Using a New Interactive Tool.
- Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century: Projections of the Responses of an Old-Growth Douglas-Fir Forest in the Pacific Northwest under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 Climate Change Scenarios
- Validating the WRF-Chem model for wind energy applications using High Resolution Doppler Lidar data from a Utah 2012 field campaign
- Zero offset seismogram estimation using inversion to fit common conversion point data in three component reflection data
- Zoning in hornblende as a key to petrologic evolution of sub-volcanic granitic plutons
- An analysis of small changes in environment which resulted in diverse charge structures on 4 June 2012 in West Texas
- Assessing CMIP5 Model Ability to Reproduce Large-Scale Drivers of Growing Season Drought Across the South-Central U.S. and the Impact of Model Performance on Future Projections
- Blowing Dust on Highway Safety: Characterizing and Modeling of Dust Emission Hot Spots in the Southern Plains
- Comparison of Observed and Predicted Models of Type 1 AGN
- Contrasting Modes of Detachment Faulting at Slower-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Development of an Extraterrestrial Organic Analyzer (EOA) for Highly Sensitive Organic Detection on an Ice Shell Impact Penetrator (IceShIP)
- Electrical and turbulent kinetic energy spectra during the Kinematic Texture and Lightning Experiment
- From Paris to Iowa and Back: Global Temperature Targets, Agricultural Impacts, and Producer Response
- Ground Detection of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes from Distant Radio Signals
- Hf Isotope Systematics of Archean Anorthosites: Manfred Complex, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
- Integrating Climate Projections into Multi-Level City Planning: A Texas Case Study
- Lightning flash sizes relative to storm structure and turbulence during the Kinematic Texture and Lightning Experiment
- Locating the ocean-continent crustal boundary of the eastern Gulf of Mexico based on heat flow observations
- New Insight into the Lithosphere Structure of the Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana
- On the Possible Role of Gently Sloping Topography in Influencing the Nature of Convective Storms: A Case Study on the High Plains of the U. S.
- Recovery of Missing Apollo Lunar ALSEP Data
- Response of an Alpine Tundra in the Southern Rocky Mountains to Climate Change by 2100: Projections of Water, Carbon, and Nitrogen Cycling under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 Scenarios
- Stable Isotope Analysis of Chlorate
- The Links Between the Formation of the Gulf of Mexico and the Late Proterozoic to Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of Southern North America
- Three dimensional lightning channel distributions in thunderstorms
- Turbulent Boundary Layer Over Geophysical-like Topographies
- A receiver function investigation of the Lithosphere beneath Southern California using Wavefield Iterative Deconvolution(WID)
- Analysis of the Variations in Rock Magnetic Properties of the Quaternary Blackwater Draw (Eolian) Formation, West Texas
- Characterization of the Long-term Subsurface Warming Observed at the Apollo 15 and 17 Sites Utilizing the Newly Restored Heat Flow Experiment Data from 1975 to 1977
- D.C. resistivity investigation to identify pathways for infiltration through playa lake in the High Plains of Texas
- Development of a Lunar Borehole Seismometer
- Ensemble-sensitivity Analysis Based Observation Targeting for Mesoscale Convection Forecasts and Factors Influencing Observation-Impact Prediction
- Evaluating a flash size and energy dissipation relationship through various modeling techniques
- Hydrothermal Alteration of the Lower Oceanic Crust: Insight from OmanDP Holes GT1A and GT2A.
- Impact of Oxidative Dissolution on Black Shale Fracturing: Implication for Shale Fracturing Treatment Design
- Increased Carbon Throughput But No Net Soil Carbon Loss in Field Warming Experiments: Combining Data Assimilation and Meta-Analyses
- Investigating and Modeling Ecosystem Response to an Experimental and a Natural Ice Storm
- Investigation of the lithosphere of the Texas Gulf Coast using phase-specific Ps receiver functions produced by wavefield iterative deconvolution
- Key Findings from the U.S.-India Partnership for Climate Resilience Workshop on Development and Application of Downscaling Climate Projections
- NHERI: Advancing the Research Infrastructure of the Multi-Hazard Community
- Nitrogen and Martian Habitability: Insights from Five Years of Curiosity Measurements
- Photosynthetic capacity regulation is uncoupled from nutrient limitation
- Recovery and Restoration of Apollo Data - An Update
- Reduction of Chlorate by Iron Mediated Processes: Implications for Oxy-Chlorine Species on Mars and Earth
- Seismic investigation of Infiltration Through a Playa of the Llano Estacado Region of Texas
- Strategies for oxychlorine removal to facilitate pyrolytic organic matter analysis in subsurface oxychlorine-rich brines on Earth and Mars
- Tethyan Anhydrite Preserved in the Lower Ocean Crust of the Samail Ophiolite? Evidence from Oman Drilling Project Holes GT1A and 2A
- The impact of including export limitation in photosynthetic models from leaf to global scales
- Video, LMA and ULF observations of a negative gigantic jet in North Texas
- "I Don't Believe in Climate Change" - Moving Beyond Political Polarization to Agreement on Actionable Science
- A new technique to produce Ps receiver function to image crustal structure free of reverberations
- An Overview of the U.S.-India Partnership for Climate Resilience
- Climate Science in the Fourth US National Climate Assessment
- Decreases in asphalt pavement performance and lifetime in the U.S. due to climate change
- Energy harvesting from the flow induced motion of flexible mangrove root-type models with different flexibilities
- Ensemble Sensitivity-Based Subsetting Overview and Evaluation Activities at the 2018 NOAA HWT
- Evaluation of Drought Level and Anthropogenic Land Use Impact on Dust Emission in Southwestern United States: Quantitative and Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Dust Point Sources
- Fmask 4.0: Cloud and Cloud Shadow Detection in Landsats 4-8 and Sentinel-2
- History and Status of ALSEP and the Apollo Lunar Data Project
- How Did Updraft Variations in the Geary Supercell Influence Local Electrification?
- Hypabyssal Intrusions Capturing the Physical Development of an Upper-Crustal Magma Plumbing System and Links Between Magma Chambers and Volcanism: From Map to Mineral Scale
- Laboratory Experiments to Unravel Inner Secrets of Continents
- Making Landsat Time Series Consistent: Evaluating and Improving Landsat Analysis Ready Data
- Monitoring Abandoned Cropland using Dense Landsat Time Series: A Spatial-temporal Approach
- Observational Strategies towards Capturing Peak Wind Speeds in Land-falling Hurricanes
- Our Changing Climate: National Climate Assessment NCA4 Vol. 2, Chapter 2
- Physical properties of the lower oceanic crust and mantle: quantifying the relationships in wireline logging data from the Oman Drilling Project Phase I
- Projections of future stream water chemistry under the Representative Concentration Pathways in an old-growth Douglas-fir forest of the Pacific Northwest using a biogeochemical model with improved algorithm on soil cation exchange capacity
- Quantifying Cotton Water Stress Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Reduction and quantification of forest change mapping error: supporting carbon accounting in seven East African countries
- Science curiosity can predict success in science courses
- Taking Geostationary Lightning Mapper data to the community with Python
- Towards A Moderate Spatial Resolution Data Record of 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Global Land Cover, Land Use, and Land Cover Change
- Using rock magnetic parameters to determine different weathering profiles and provenance changes reflecting the mid- Pleistocene Transition in the Pleistocene Blackwater Draw Formation, Southern High Plains, Texas.
- A Climatology of the Sensitivity of Severe Convection
- A Comparison Study of Source Functions for PdP and SdS Teleseismic Bouncepoint Data
- Alberta Bog and Poor Fen Responses to Experimental Nitrogen Addition Lead to New Conceptual Frameworks of N Cycling
- Bulk and intramolecular isotopic geochemistry of natural gas from source rocks to reservoirs: Insights from pyrolysis and sorption experiments
- Deep Seismic Structure of the Aleutian Trench Using Teleseismic PP Precusors Functions
- Effect of Grinding on Dust Particle Size Distribution
- Effects of Local-Scale Land Cover Changes on Characteristics of Urban Atmosphere: A Case Study of the City of Phoenix
- Enhancement of electric fields and charge density by thunderstorm turbulence leading to flash initiation in simulated thunderstorms
- Establishing calibration standards for remote sensing retrievals of greenhouse gases
- Evaluation of the GOES 16 and 17 Geostationary Lightning Mappers (GLM) using Ground Based Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) Observations
- Field in situ Microbial Growth Response to Warming using H<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>18</SUP>O qSIP in Deglaciated Soils of the Marr Ice Piedmont Glacier, Anvers Island, Antarctica
- First Two Dimensional Core-Scale Permeability Measurements in a Submarine Volcano: Insights into Fluid Circulation in the Active Hydrothermal System at Brothers Volcano
- Flash propagation relative to radar-estimated turbulence during the KTaL experiment
- Global bioclimatic controls of leaf nitrogen: an implementation of Least-Cost Optimality Theory
- Heat Flow Probe for Short-duration Lander Missions under NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Service Program
- How Does Sea-Level-Rise Affect the Release of Pollutants from Flood-Prone Contaminated Coastal Sediments?
- Hydrological Response of High Elevation Watersheds in the Conterminous United States to Climate Change under the Representative Concentration Pathway Scenarios
- Investigation of Drop-offs in Detection Efficiency of GOES-16 Geostationary Lightning Mapper Data as Compared to Lightning Mapping Array Data
- Machine learning for a better understanding of the Earth System
- Quantification of lightning flash characteristics using meteorological imagery from the Geostationary Lightning Mapper
- SLUSH: Search for Life Using Submersible Heated Drill
- Schlieren-Bound Magmatic Structures Record Local Flow-Sorting Events in Multi-Scale and Spatially Heterogeneous Magma Mush Mixing Bowls
- Seismic Investigation of Playa Lake in the Llano Estacado Region of Texas
- She Space International - an Educational Project to Advance and Empower Female Students in STEM Focusing on Space Science.
- Terrestrial Carbon Flux Responses to a Warming Experiment Along a Primary Productivity Gradient in a Glacier Forefield on the Western Antarctic Peninsula.
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- Thermal Properties of the Mojave Mars Regolith Simulant and Their Sensitivity to Ambient CO<SUB>2</SUB> Gas Pressure and Temperature
- Time series analysis of VIIRS-DNB nighttime lights imagery for change detection in urban areas: A case study of devastation in Puerto Rico from hurricanes Irma and Maria
- Using Rock Magnetic Proxies to study the Pleistocene paleoclimatic conditions of the Southern High Plains, West Texas
- Using optimization to better understand leaf-to-whole plant acclimation
- What's in a Dust Storm? A Characteristics Comparison of Dust Storms Measured by AEROS in West Texas and What it Means to Our Health.
- Winter Lightning Events in Iowa
- Analytical Instrumentation Techniques for the Icy Moon Penetrator Organic Analyzer(IMPOA)
- Building a lunar network using a flexible, long-lived Lunar Geophysical Package (LGP)
- Changing Paleoclimatic Conditions in the Southern High Plains during the Quaternary and Their Effects on the Development of Different Magnetic Phases: A Study of Magnetic Enhancement and Magnetic Depletion within the Blackwater Draw Formation
- Deep Seismic Structure of Aleutian Subduction Zone Using Teleseismic PP and SS Precursor Functions
- Effect of Biogeomechanical Altered Properties on Geologic Carbon Storage in Unconventional Reservoirs
- Exploring XCO<SUB>2</SUB> spatial variability across frontal boundaries using airborne lidar observations: Findings from ACT-America Field Campaigns
- High Performance Computing-Enabled Ice Sheet Response Analysis under Oceanic Forcing
- How does optimal photosynthetic acclimation affect future carbon and nutrient cycling?
- Molecular thermodynamics for scaling prediction in filtration of hypersaline brine: Case of membrane distillation
- Multi-Scale Simulation of a Frontal Passage Through a Wind Turbine Array
- Multi-sensor comparison of lightning datasets in West Texas
- SLUSH: Search for Life Using Submersible Heated drill
- Searching metadata stored in self-describing file formats efficiently
- TRacking Aerosol Convection interactions ExpeRiment (TRACER): An upcoming field campaign
- The Attributes and Formation Mechanisms of Kallistos Vallis, Venus
- The Impact of Clay Minerals on Lung Cells - an Analysis at the Single Cell Level
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- Winter cover cropping increases albedo and latent heat flux in the Texas High Plains
- A Statistical Analysis of Bolides Detected by GOES GLM and its Implications to Planetary Defense
- An analysis of lightning activity in response to microphysical processes in Southeast U.S. Storms
- Antecedent channel bed elevation dictates stability of delta lobes after avulsions and diversions
- Assessing the effect of thermal maturation on the mechanical properties of organic matter in Bakken Shale using atomic force microscopy
- Characterization of the elastic properties of Bakken Shales using nanoindentation and homogenization methods
- Convection-indicating GOES-R products assimilated in the experimental UFS Rapid Refresh System
- Deep Seismic Structure of Aleutian Subduction Zone Using Teleseismic PdP and SdS Precursor Functions
- Dust events, a growing concern for air quality and human health
- Early- and in-season crop type mapping from historical information: generating labels via a topology-based approach
- Ensemble Subsetting for Operational Use
- Evaluating potential sediment transport changes in lower Mississippi River due to engineered meander cutoffs in the 20th century: no case for large-scale flux increases
- GLM Flash Data Trends during Tropical Cyclone Intensification Changes
- Heat Flow Measurements Planned for Upcoming Robotic Lunar-landing Missions
- Heat Flow Probe for Europa Deployable from a Small Lander.
- Illuminated flash fraction imagery derived from GOES Geostationary Lightning Mapper data
- Impact of Various African Dust Particles on Human Health
- Impacts of tectonic subsidence and variable basin depth on delta lobe building as informed by the Selenga River delta, Lake Baikal, Russia
- Investigating the Significantly More Abundant Leonid Meteor Shower Bolides in the 2020 vs 2019
- Investigation Of The Upper Mantle Under Hawaii Using PP And SS Precursor Functions
- Linking natural delta development and artificial river diversion scenarios to promote sustainability of urbanized deltaic coastlines
- Lowland river diversions and impacts on channel sedimentation and stage: a case study from the Old River Control Complex, lower Mississippi River
- New Flow Regimes of Viscous Fingering Instabilities with Two Wells inside a Hele-Shaw Cell
- Novel radio, optical, and meteorological observations of a gigantic jet with extraordinary charge transfer
- On the Hydrodynamically-Driven Deposition of Mud in River Systems
- Pace of Meandering and Avulsion Set River Sinuosity near Coast on Earth and Mars
- Preliminary assessment of giant dune morphology in fluvial and aeolian environments
- Public Drinking Water Access in Texas Communities during the Winter Storm of 2021
- Quantification of soybean expansion in South America using satellite observations and field survey
- Spatiotemporal analysis of cold pool and lightning observations for a tornadic supercell from VORTEX-SE 2016 field campaign
- Study of Mud Flocs in the Mississippi River in Southern Louisiana
- Time dilation in the stratigraphic record driven by changes in fluvial morphodynamics
- Translated Emission Pathways (TEPs): Long-Term Simulations of COVID-19 CO2 Emissions and Thermosteric Sea Level Rise Projections
- Using allies to expand your network: The state of recruitment and retention of minoritized students in the geosciences and the role of allies
- Vertical profiles of mud floc size and concentration in the lower Mississippi River
- Viscous Fingering Instabilities in Miscible Displacements in Porous Media with Dead-End Pores: A Parametric Study
- Application of Supervised Machine Learning Classification Techniques for Preprocessing Passive Seismic Earthquake Data
- Channel migration patterns of streams in peat bogs: An example from Cedar Creek, Minnesota
- Do all dust events have a similar impact on air quality? An analysis of particle size distribution and PM concentrations during different types of dust events will reveal the answer
- Experiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation and Environment (ESCAPE)
- Giant dune dynamics: Findings from a recent field survey in the Algodones Dune Field, CA
- Impacts of Local and Long-range transport Dust particles on air quality and human health
- Investigating Predictor Importance for a Next-Day Severe Weather Hazard Machine Learning Model
- Investigation of the Upper Mantle Transition Zone Structure beneath Central America using PP and SS precursors
- Lateral Migration Dynamics and Bank Erodibility of the Lowermost Mississippi River
- Neural Network Postprocessing of Solar Irradiance from Convection-permitting Ensemble Model Output for Probabilistic Point Forecasting
- New Perspectives on Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis
- Preliminary PERiLS Analyses from a New Mobile Lightning Mapping Array
- Radar polarimetry and flash rate variability in varying thermodynamic and aerosol environments in Houston, TX
- Reconstructing Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during Heinrich Stadial 1 using carbon isotopes.
- Renewable and Decentralized Utilities in a Smart Home for Resiliency in a Changing Climate
- Temperature distribution on ice particle surfaces and the microphysical implications on charge transfer
- Using Modeled Charge Distributions and Calculations of the Resulting Electric Field to Improve Understanding of Thunderstorm Charge Structures Inferred from Electric Field Profiles Measured by Balloon-Borne Electric Field Meters
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alan R. Gonzalez
- Andreas Schmittner
- Andrew M. Dzambo
- Audrey H. Sawyer
- Bowen Ling
- Brandee Carlson
- Brandon McElroy
- Chenliang Wu
- Christina S. McCluskey
- David Mohrig
- Douglas M. Mach
- Ehsan Abolfazli
- Eric Barefoot
- Eric C. Bruning
- Eric James
- Frank T.-C. Tsai
- Gary Parker
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Hsi-Pin Ma
- Jeffrey A. Nittrouer
- Jeffrey C. Smith
- Joan Montanyà
- John R. Mecikalski
- Julia Cisneros
- Kristin M. Calhoun
- Kyle Strom
- Marcus van Lier-Walqui
- Mariko Oue
- Matthew R. Kumjian
- Michael P. Jensen
- Michael Peterson
- Milind Sharma
- Ningyu Liu
- Oladoyin Kolawole
- Oscar A. van der Velde
- P. H. Reiff
- Paul J. DeMott
- Pavlos Kollias
- Qingwang Yuan
- R. Anthony Shaw
- R. Paul Lawson
- Ryan Patnaude
- S. Nagihara
- Susan C. van den Heever
- Sylvia Dee
- Tian Y. Dong
- Timothy Logan
- Travis Swanson
- Tsair-Fuh Lin
- V. Chmielewski
- Wonsuck Kim
- Zackary Mages