University of Nottingham, UK
flowchart I[University of Nottingham, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (157)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (53)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Nottingham, Malaysia
- University of Nottingham, Ningbo
- University of Nottingham, School of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Distorted Froude-scaled Flume Analysis of Large Woody Debris
- GPS Tropospheric Modeling for SAR Interferometry: are~Small~GPS Networks Useful?
- Morphodynamic Modeling of Rip Channel Growth
- The Geochemistry Of Major And Selected Trace Elements In A Forested Peat Bog, Kalimantan, SE-Asia, And Its Implications On Past Atmospheric Dust Deposition
- Preliminary Analysis of the Absolute Cartographic Accuracy of the Clementine UVVIS Mosaics
- Assessing Suspended-Sediment Transport Rates at the Regional Scale: Lake Tahoe Basin
- Biomarkers Indigenous to Late Archean Rocks
- Precise Vertical Station Velocity Estimates in Regional GPS Networks: Monitoring UK Tide Gauge Sites
- The Dynamics and Characteristics of Aeolian Dust in Dryland Central Asia: Possible Impacts on Respiratory Health in the Aral Sea Basin
- Monitoring and Assessing Environmental Controls on Blowing Dust in Dryland Central Asia
- Numerical Experiments of Generation of Low-Frequency Waves
- The European Sea Level Service (ESEAS): The Continuous GPS Coordinate Time Series Analysis Strategy
- A Comparison of Vertical Land Movement Estimates at Tide Gauges: CGPS, Absolute Gravimetry and Independent Evidence Compared
- Neural Network Hydrological Modelling: Linear Output Activation Functions?
- Regional Numerical Weather Prediction Model Ray-traced Mapping Functions for GNSS Data Processing
- Testing Alternative Objective Functions using a Genetic-Neural Approach to Rainfall-Runoff Modelling
- Testing Bernese Precise Point Positioning Over a Five Year Period
- The Effect of Processing Technique and Reference Frame Definition on Noise in CGPS Position Time Series
- A GPS Network Densification in Saudi Arabia in Support of Geophysical Investigations in the Region
- Azimuth Dependent Modelling of the Tropospheric Delay in GNSS Data Processing Based on a High Resolution Numerical Weather Model
- Combining Independent Geodetic Measurements for Studies of Vertical Crustal Motions in the British Isles
- New Estimates of Three-dimensional Crustal Motions in the British Isles from Continuous GPS, Geological Evidence and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Models
- On the use of Near Real-Time GPS Inferred Humidity Fields for Monitoring Thunderstorm Activity
- Potential and Limitations of Spatial Wavelet Analysis (SWA) to Automatically Measure the Size of Individual Shrubs and Trees in Aerial Photography and Lidar Data
- Predicting Bed Pattern Formation at Duck, North Carolina
- Correlation Between Mapping Functions and Atmospheric Pressure Loading in the Processing of GNSS Data
- Current Arabian Plate Motion From Campaign GPS Measurements in Saudi Arabia: Preliminary Results
- Ambiguity Resolution in Precise Point Positioning for Sub-cm Precision With Hourly Data
- GPS Ionospheric Scintillation Monitoring and Investigation at High Latitude
- Interpreting and Integrating DInSAR Data of Mountainous Areas: The Case of the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake
- New Estimates of Present-day Arabia Plate Motion and Deformation From a Dense GPS Network in Saudi Arabia
- Possible Detection of Ocean Loading Deformation Associated With the 9 November 2007 North Sea Storm Surge Using GPS: Preliminary Results
- Science Base and Tools for Evaluating Stream Restoration Project Proposals.
- Stochastic Modeling Considering Ionospheric Scintillation Effects on GNSS Relative and Point Positioning
- Changes in Sea Levels around the British Isles Revisited (Invited)
- Climatology of GNSS ionospheric scintillation at high latitudes
- Late Noachian to Early Hesperian Climate Change on Mars: Evidence from Crater Lakes and Thermokarst Terrain near Ares Vallis
- Open system degassing, bubble rise and flow dynamics within volcanic conduits- an experimental approach
- Storm Surge and Non-Tidal Ocean Loading Effects on Geodetic GPS Observations
- The Assessment of Re-Processed GPS Satellite Products For Long-Term Monitoring of Geodynamic Processes
- Use of PSI to Investigate the Sites at Tide Gauges Across British Coast
- 25,000-yr diatom-based precipitation record for lowland, southern hemisphere tropical South America
- Interpretation of palaeomonsoon dynamics on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau from a 10kyr peat record of dust deposition and regional atmospheric model simulations
- Results from an initial re-processing of the British Isles continuous GNSS Facility (BIGF) archive of CGPS data for 1997 to 2010
- U-series constraints on the Holocene human presence in the Cuatro Cienegas basin, Mexico
- An Experimental Study of Effects in Soils by Potential CO2 Seepage
- Atmospheric deposition rates and isotopic trends of Pb in Asian dust during the last 9.5 kyrs in the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Deglaciation, lake ontogeny and organic carbon cycling in SW Greenland lakes
- Field study and laboratory simulation of CO2 seepage in aquatic environments
- Quality Metadata Management for Geospatial Scientific Workflows: from Retrieving to Assessing with Online Tools
- The effect of long range nitrogen deposition on nutrient limitation of phytoplankton growth in lakes in South West Greenland
- An Evaluation of Real-Time Zenith Total Delay Estimates
- Correlation of scintillation occurrence with IMF reversals and impact on GNSS receiver tracking performance in Northern Europe
- Detecting Leakage from Carbon Capture and Storage Facilities Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Techniques
- Early Anthropogenic Transformation of the Danube-Black Sea System
- Probabilistic Forecasting of Ionospheric Scintillation and GNSS Receiver Signal Tracking Performance at High Latitudes
- The Holocene history of the North American Monsoon: the opportunities and challenges of spatial and temporal variability
- 100% Retention of Snowpack Derived Nitrogen Over 10 Years in High Arctic Tundra
- A Comparison of Real-Time Precise Point Positioning Zenith Total Delay Estimates
- A catchment-scale palaeolimnological investigation into multiple forcings of algal community change
- Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and its Relation to Carbon Cycle Perturbations During Ocean Anoxic Event 1d: A High Resolution Record From Dispersed Plant Cuticle
- Back to the future: The Grassroots of Hydrological Uncertainty
- Estimation of Slant Tropospheric Delay from the Integration of Numerical Weather Modelling and CORS Network Data
- Exploring the Cigala/calibra Network Data Base for Ionosphere Monitoring Over Brazil
- Geostatistical interpolation applied to tracking jitter variance maps
- Greenland Ice Sheet delivers seasonally elevated nitrogen fluxes to the Arctic oceans
- Impact and Mitigation of Ionospheric Space Weather Effects on GNSS Receiver Performance (Invited)
- Impact of the Solar Radio Burst of 24 September 2011 on GNSS Receiver Performance
- Influence of the Little Ice Age on the biological structure of lakes in South West Greenland
- Investigating the Nature of Climate Shifts during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene in the Near East, using a New Sub-Centennial Resolution Lake Isotope Record from Nar Gölü, Central Turkey
- Lake Isotope-Climate Model comparisons: forward modelling of Lake Nar, central Turkey
- Multi-model assessment of water scarcity under climate change
- Robust GPS carrier tracking under ionospheric scintillation
- The Impact of Ionospheric Disturbances on High Accuracy Positioning in Brazil
- Towards a Pan-European network for the mitigation of ionospheric threats (Invited)
- An analysis of global climate variability from homogenously reprocessed GNSS measurements
- Can silicon isotopes be used to assess anthropogenic impacts and nutrient utilisation in Lake Baikal, Siberia?
- Changes in CO<SUB>2</SUB> during OAE1d: A Comparison to Other Carbon Cycle Perturbations of the Mesozoic
- Contemporary limnological and sedimentary analyses to investigate anthropogenic changes in nutrient fluxes at Lake Baikal, Siberia
- Holocene Carbon Fluxes and Palaeoproductivity in Aquatic Ecosystems: a Multiproxy, Palaeolimnological Approach
- Holocene Evolution of Precipitation Patterns in the Southwestern US, Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean: Comparison with Tropical SST Records
- IODP Expedition 351 Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Origins: Age Model for Site U1438
- Investigating the Benthic Foraminiferal Stilostomellid Extinction and Mid Pleistocene Phytoplankton Evolution
- Long-Period Surface Motion of the Multi-Patch Mw9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- The spectrum of natural forest disturbances and the Amazon forest carbon balance
- Tracing diatom utilisation, and its fate, in Lake Baikal, Siberia: the application of silicon isotope geochemistry
- Evolution of South Atlantic Density and Chemical Stratification across the Last Deglaciation
- Global Reference Frame Realization on National Level Based on the Integration of National CORS Networks
- Multiple Geodetic Observations for Identifying Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and the Causes of Sea-Level Change
- PRo3D®: A Tool for High Resolution Rendering and Geological Analysis of Martian Rover-Derived Digital Outcrop Models.
- Predicting and tracking spatiotemporal moments in electrical resistivity tomography
- The Lake Ohrid Drilling Project: initial interpretations of stable isotope data over the last 640 ka
- When Overturning Circulation Became Global: Insight into Timing of This Change
- Assessing the impacts of 1.5°C of global warming - The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) approach
- Boron Isotopes in Diatoms: a Proxy for pH?
- Global hotspots of water scarcity impacts due to human interventions
- Impact of Holocene terrestrial vegetation succession on the biogeochemical structure and function of an Arctic lake, Alaska
- Increased Drake Passage through-flow triggered abrupt re-invigoration of Atlantic Overturning Circulation during the last deglaciation
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Hydrological Changes During the Younger Dryas Onset from Decadally-Resolved Lacustrine Biomarker Records: a W-E European Transect
- Storm Clustering in the Mediterranean Sea
- The changing Arctic carbon cycle: using the past to understand terrestrial-aquatic linkages
- The potential of high-rate GPS for hazard and risk assessment
- A global validation of ERA-Interim integrated water vapor estimates using ground-based GNSS observations
- Cross-system nutrient transport: effects of locally-derived aeolian dust on oligotrophic lakes in West Greenland
- Detecting the Benefits of Shade Management in the Thermal Regime of an Upland River Under Positive and Negative Phases of the NAO
- Erosion patterns produced by the paleo Haizishan ice cap, SE Tibetan Plateau
- Global Synthesis of Common Era Hydroclimate using Water Isotope Proxies from Multiple Archives: First Results from the PAGES Iso2k Project
- Portable gamma spectrometry: measuring soil erosion in-situ at four Critical Zone Observatories in P. R. China
- Simulating the Impacts of Climate Extremes Across Sectors: The Case of the 2003 European Heat Wave
- The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models
- Varve-based Reconstruction of Seasonal Hydroclimate from Nar Gölü, Turkey over the last 2.6 ka BP
- A 2100 Year Ultra-High-Resolution Saharan Dust Record
- A rough business: Understanding earthquakes in the lab
- Assessing the impact of lianas on tree growth in tropical forests
- Assessment of Water Stress in India under Future Climate Change
- Better modeling of root-soil interactions by explicit representation of soil hardness
- Estimation of Gas-Water Relative Permeability Curves in Shale Rock Micro-structure Using FIB-SEM
- Historical Warming Has About Tripled Global Population Annually Exposed to Extreme Events
- Human or climate control of Holocene sediment flux? A test using lake varves from central Anatolia
- Hydromorphological and Ecological Impacts of Water Injection Dredging in the River Parrett, Somerset Levels, Somerset, UK.
- Petrophysical model link between X-ray Computed Tomography and Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Sustainable Software and a Satellite Data Hackathon- Outcomes from a UK Polar Network Workshop for Early Career Polar Scientists
- Using big data to detect and attribute global hydrological change
- 1.5 and 2-degree Warming Jeopardize Millions of People with Severe Water stress in South Asia
- A hybrid model-observation analysis of changes in global flood hazard
- Advancing knowledge of river temperature sensitivity to climate and other drivers of change
- Centrifugally forced viscous Rayleigh-Taylor instability:growth of the varicose modes
- Co-design of a Water Cycle Diagram to Discover Similarities and Differences among Global Water Impact Models
- Coal - the Ice Core of the Warm Past: Using the Palaeogene Coal Archive on Svalbard to Reconstruct High Resolution Paleoclimate from a Warm Arctic
- Exploiting Multi-GNSS Measurements to Improve Precise Point Positioning (PPP) Performance Under Scintillation Conditions
- Melting Snow Floccules in Microgravity
- Micrometer-scale Experimental Characterization of the Lower Huron Shale in the Central Appalachian Basin
- Monitoring the structure and function of Venezuelan Tropical Forests: A summary of findings and the future ahead
- New insights into spatial and temporal dynamics of the global water cycle from the Iso2k database
- Pore Pressure Driven Erosion into Suspension Currents
- Tracking Jitter Maps - A New Product to Mitigate Ionospheric Scintillation Effects on GNSS Positioning
- Impacts of climate change on global terrestrial water storage and the implications on future droughts
- Montane to lowland differences in biomass, turnover, and productivity are closely associated with tree species functional traits in tropical forests of northern South America
- On the Efficiency of Artificial Neural Networks for Detecting Natural Oil slicks on Copernicus Sentinel-1 Imagery
- Global drought events from 1971-2001 and their propagation from meteorological to hydrological drought
- Investigating Spatio-temporal Changes in Groundwater Quality for London Between 2000-2020
- Investigating past and future sensitivity of Ugandan crater lakes to drivers of (hydro)climatic change using an isotope mass balance approach.
- Quantifying uncertainty in hydraulic parameters estimates from geophysicsan induced polarization workflow example
- Remote Sensing based Assessment of sustainability of anthropogenic interventions on mountain slopes for Green Field Airport Development: a case study of the Pakyong Airport, India
- The Kids Arent Alright
- The timing of unprecedented hydrological drought under climate change
- Announcing Phase 4 of PAGES 2k: Hydroclimate of the Common Era
- Global Analysis of Ginkgo biloba Stomatal Frequencies and other Key Traits shows no Influence by Climate, indicating that the Stomatal Paleo-pCO2 Proxy is Robust.
- Global Water Cycle Shifts Substantially Beyond Stable Pre-industrial Conditions - Planetary Boundary for Freshwater Change Transgressed
- Lake Dynamics and Hydroclimate Evolution in the East Africa Rift Valley between 150 and 100 thousand years ago
- Late Neogene leaf wax and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon records from Lake Baikal, Russia
- Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions in the East Africa Rift Valley between 150 and 100 thousand years ago
- Provenancing Ancient Plant-Ash Glass on the Silk Roads: Inter-Regional Trade and Natural Resources Exploitation
- Recommendations for the Application of Near-Surface Geophysical Methods to Characterise the Subsurface around Glacier Margins
- The Role of Sub-Pore Scale Processes in Controlling Pressure Dissipation in Inertial Column Collapses
- The importance of understanding river temperatures in a human-dominated world
- The spectral species concept: lights and shadows of a challenging idea
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Akihiko Ito
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Amit Kumar
- B. L. Konecky
- Belén Martrat
- Benjamin J. Henley
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Chak-Hau Michael Tso
- Chinchu Mohan
- Christoph Müller
- Cécile A. Porchier
- Darren L. Ficklin
- David M. Hannah
- Edward Byers
- Fernando Jaramillo
- Gary N. Geller
- Hannes Müller Schmied
- Hans W. Linderholm
- Helen McGregor
- Hideo Shiogama
- Joeri Rogelj
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Julian Klaus
- Keely Mills
- Kerry Emanuel
- Lukas Gudmundsson
- Lukas Jonkers
- Marco A. Iglesias
- Margret Steinthorsdottir
- Maria J. Santos
- Melanie J. Leng
- Miina Porkka
- Naota Hanasaki
- Nikita Kaushal
- Niko Wanders
- P. J. Polissar
- Peter Burek
- Petra Döll
- Petra Šímová
- Rachel L. Gomes
- Richard S. Vachula
- Simon N. Gosling
- Sofie te Wierik
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Stuart Marsh
- Tokuta Yokohata
- Vili Virkki
- Virendra Mishra
- Vivek Agarwal
- Wenfeng Liu
- Wim Thiery
- Yadu Pokhrel
- Yoshihide Wada