University of Notre Dame, Indiana
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Chemical Signatures Related to Atmospheric Impact on Groundwater: Initial Analysis for Central Benin, West Africa
- Climate-Induced Changes in the Chemical Characteristics of Natural Organic Matter at a Small Freshwater Wetland
- Closure of Thermodynamically Constrained Models of Multiphase Flow
- Entrapment of Air Near the Water Table due to Air Entry Barriers and Heterogeneity
- Fractionation of Natural Organic Matter Upon Adsorption to the Bacterium, Bacillus subtilis
- Highly Siderophile Element Abundances in Martian Meteorites
- Platinum Group Element Abundances in Mare Basalts: Sulfide Immiscibility in the Lunar Magma Ocean
- Platinum-Group Elements in Kerguelen Plateau Basalts: a Tale of Crystal Fractionation, the Core-Mantle Boundary, and no Sulfide Segregation.
- Siderophore Adsorption to and Dissolution of Kaolinite
- The Ontong Java Plateau: Evidence of Sulfide Involvement Using Platinum Group Elements.
- Adsorption of B. Subtilis and P. Mendocina Onto Fe-Oxide Coated Quartz and Pure Quartz
- Aging Continuous Time Random Walks
- Alkalic Lavas From Nintoku Seamount, Emperor Seamount Chain: Geochemistry of Hawaiian Post-Shield Magmatism at 55 Ma
- Compositional Variability in Lavas from the Ontong Java Plateau: Results from the Volcaniclastic Sequence of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 192 Site 1184.
- Fluid Interfaces at the Pore-Scale: Trying to Make Observations and Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations Meet
- Interfacial Area Measurements for Unsaturated Flow Through a Porous Medium
- Quantitative analyses of pore-scale multi-phase flow processes: An application of synchrotron-based micro-imaging in the environmental sciences
- Surface Complexation Modelling in Metal-Mineral-Bacteria Systems
- The Influence of MORB on a Plume-Generated Seamount: The Story Told by Plagioclase Phenocrysts From Detroit Seamount Lavas, Emperor Seamount Chain
- What Factors Control Platinum-Group Element (PGE) Abundances in Basalts From the Ontong Java Plateau?
- A Comparison of Fluvial Geomorphic Structure, Transient Storage Residence Time Distributions, and Nitrate Cycling Along a Gradient of Impacted Streams In and Around Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
- Effects of Fe on Physicochemical Characteristics of Natural Organic Matter
- Effects of Siderophores on Metal Adsorption to Kaolinite
- H and C Impurities in Synthetic Majoritic Garnets: Implications for Speciation and Solubility
- Insights into the dynamics and timing of crustal contamination of Kerguelen plume magmas using "Crystal Stratigraphy".
- Multi-Phase Flow at the Pore-Scale: Making Lattice Boltzmann Simulations fit Experimental Data
- Platinum Group Element (PGE) Abundances in Lava Flows Generated by the Hawaiian Plume: Insights into Plume Evolution
- Roadside Accumulation of Pt, Pd, Rh and Other Trace Elements From Automobiles: Catalytic Converter Attrition and Platinum-Group Element Mobility in the Roadside Environment.
- The Crystal Stratigraphy of Ontong Java Plateau Plagioclase Pegacrysts: New Insights into the Evolution of LIP Magmas.
- A Study of Oil-Water and Air-Water Interfacial Areas Measured Using Synchrotron-based CMT
- Effects of Photoirradiation on Natural Organic Matter: Importance for Studies of Stream Hydrobiogeochemistry
- Flow Emplacement Styles and Flow Rates From Flow Margin and Channel Topography: Examples From Terrestrial Field and Martian Altimetry Data
- Influence of Air Entry Pressure and Degree of Sorting on Air Entrapment below the Water Table: Simulation Results
- Lava flow-field emplacement at Rock Corral Butte, Eastern Snake River Plains, Idaho: It's doesn't look like Hawaii from here
- Stream Transient Storage as a Function of Land Use in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
- A Demanding Future in the Hydrologic Sciences: International Collaborations and Incorporating the Social Sciences
- A Textural and Microanalytical Evaluation of Magma Mixing in Detroit Seamount Lavas.
- Characterization of Intensively Managed Landscapes: Illinois River Basin Case Study
- Crustal Xenoliths From Malaita, Solomon Islands: A Window to the Lower Crust of the Ontong Java Plateau
- LNAPL Entrapment in the Partially-Saturated-Fringe Under Natural Imbibition
- LakeNet: An Integrated Sensor Network for Environmental Sensing in Lakes
- Multiple Reaction Pathways during Radiolytic Oxidation of Pyrite
- The Lunar Seismic Network (LuSeN) Mission: The Need for Compact, Robust, Long-Lived Power Supplies.
- Towards the Theory of the Age, Origin and Demise of the Universe - A Geochemical/Isotopic Perspective
- Village-Level Identification of Nitrate Sources: Collaboration of Experts and Local Population in Benin, Africa
- Controlling Horizontal Flow in the Vadose Zone Using Suction Lysimeters in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Landscape Controls Over Seasonal Dissolved Organic Matter Concentrations in a Northern Michigan, USA Watershed
- The Need &Utility of Creating a Global Lunar Seismic Network
- A Design for an Integrated Lunar Geophysics Instrument Package (L-GIP)
- A Revised Caribbean Plate Motion Model: GPS Geodetic Results From the Dominica NSF- REU Site
- Alfven Waves in the Solar Corona
- Bacterial Physiology and Viability in the Presence of Quantum Dot Nanoparticles: Towards an Environmental Perspective
- Dislocation Modeling and Comparison With GPS Data to Assess Possible Elastic Strain Accumulation in the Central Lesser Antilles: New Constraints From the NSF REU Site in Dominica Between 2001 and 2007
- Synthesis and structure determination of uranyl peroxide nanospheres in the presence of organic structure directing agents
- The Enigma that is Ontong Java: The Giant of Unknown Origin
- Thermodynamic Modeling of the Adsorption of Metals onto Microbial Cell Walls: Current Challenges
- Volcanic Surface Deformation in Dominica From GPS Geodesy: Results From the 2007 NSF- REU Site
- Ethane Seasonality and Incorporation Into Firn at Summit, Greenland
- Extreme climate event trends: The data mining and evaluation of the A1FI scenario for 2000-2100
- The impact of Holocene soil-geomorphic riparian development on the role of salmon- derived nutrients in the coastal temperate rainforest of southeast Alaska
- A Translation of Metrics from Single Transient Storage Zone to Multiple-Transient Storage Zone Models of Solute Transport in Streams
- Characterization of Coastal Hydraulics: Simple Tools and Sweat Equity
- Chemical and U-Pb dating investigation of zircons from alnöites on Malaita, Solomon Islands: evidence for prolonged kimberlite-type magmatic activity
- Complex networks as a tool of choice for improving the science of climate extremes and reducing uncertainty in their projections
- Induction and Control of Non-vertical Flow in the Vadose Zone
- International Collaboration on Groundwater Research in Benin, West Africa: Lessons from an IYPE Groundwater Project
- LUNETTE - A Discovery Class Mission to the Moon to Establish a Geophysical Network
- Open-Path High Sensitivity Atmospheric Ammonia Sensing with a Quantum Cascade Laser Instrument
- Titanite mineralization of bioalteration textures - the possible Ti precursor
- A Bayesian Approach to Integrate Real-Time Data into Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Remediation Efforts in NAPL Sites
- A Markovian model for reaction and diffusion: analytical study of the Master Equation through the van Kampen system-size expansion
- A Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Groundwater-Related Risks at Excavation Sites
- A Translation of Metrics from Single Transient Storage Zone to Multiple-Transient Storage Zone Models of Solute Transport in Streams
- Acquisition of Fe from Natural Organic Matter by an Aerobic Pseudomonas Bacterium: Siderophores and Cellular Fe Status
- An Infrared Spectroscopy Study Of Pb(II) And Siderophore Sorption To Montmorillonite
- Anomalous Mixing and Reaction induced by Superdiffusive Transport
- Can Skateboarding Save the Planet? A Curricular Unit on Global Climate Change Developed Through the NASA LIFT-OFF Program
- Data Quality Analysis for the Bighorn Arch Seismic Array Experiment
- Definition of a mixing scale for transport in heterogeneous media
- Divide and Conquer: A Valid Approach for Risk Assessment and Decision Making under Uncertainty for Groundwater-Related Diseases
- Effects Of The Microbial Siderophore Desferrioxamine-B On Pb Sorption To And Desorption From Nanohematite (Invited)
- Geoelectrical investigation of the freshwater-saltwater interface in coastal Benin, West Africa
- High Resolution Hurricane Storm Surge and Inundation Modeling (Invited)
- Linking observed break-through curves from tracer injections in streams to experimental and environmental conditions
- Lunette: A Dual Lander Mission to the Moon to Explore Early Planetary Differentiation
- Mixing and spreading are complementary non-Fickian. (Invited)
- On the Equivalence of Purely Lagrangian Reaction Algorithms and Eulerian (Continuum) Reaction Equations: Required Adjustments to the Classical Theory
- Preliminary in-situ major and trace element and isotopic investigation of carbonatites and associated alkaline silica-undersaturated rocks from the Oka complex, Québec (Canada)
- Probabilistic Risk Analysis and Fault Trees as Tools in Improving the Delineation of Wellhead Protection Areas: An Initial Discussion
- Stochastic modeling of reactive solute transport in rivers
- Using Hydrologic Data from Africa in a Senior-Level Course in Groundwater Hydrology (Invited)
- A Groundwater project for K-12 schools: Bringing research into the classroom
- Anomalous Plagioclase Compositions from Apollo 16 Impact Melts: Modification of Impact Melts on the Lunar Surface
- Anomalous Transport, Incomplete Mixing and Reactions
- Black carbon mass loadings in snow quantified with a Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2) and a Integrating Sandwich Spectrophotometer (ISSW)
- Developing a Collaborative Research Environment for a Study of Coastal Groundwater Hydraulics: Benin, West Africa
- Hydrothermal Occurrences in Gusev Crater
- Last millennia terrestrial ecosystem model intercomparison: challenges and goals
- LunGradCon: The Lunar Graduate Conference
- Mafic Silicate and Ferric Oxide Mineralogy of Gale Crater and the Mars Science Laboratory Rover Field Site
- Mixed-Layered Clays as Evidence for Widespread Diagenesis on Mars
- Multi-faceted, micron-scale trace element and isotopic investigation of magmatic apatite and calcite: valuable insights gained into melt crystallization processes
- Obliquity-Controlled Water Vapor/Trace Gas Feedback in the Martian Greenhouse Cycle
- On the impact of spatial heterogeneity in aquifer remediation and risk analysis
- Petrogenesis of Apollo 14 high-Al basalts: Constraints of Rb-Sr isotope and trace element data
- Reliability, Resilience, and Vulnerability criteria for the evaluation of Human Health Risks
- Sedimentation rates in eastern North America reveal strong links between regional climate, depositional environments, and sediment accumulation
- Some Speculations Concerning The Abitibi Greenstone Belt As A Possible Analog To The Early Martian Crust
- Southwest Pacific Oceanic Plateaus and the Greater Ontong Java Plateau Event: A Unique Magmatic Episode in Earth History?
- Statistical Models for Inferring Vegetation Composition from Fossil Pollen
- Synthesis of sub-millimeter calcite from aqueous solution
- The Effect of Imperfect Mixing on the Rates (and Governing Equations) of Chemical Reactions
- The MATERHORN Experiment
- The Mineralogical Stratigraphy of Gale Crater: A Record of Changing Environmental Conditions on Ancient Mars
- The limits of scientific information for informing forest policy decisions under changing climate
- Uncertainty and Decision Making: Examples of Some Possible New Frontiers
- Using Vegetation Indices from MODIS to Estimate Evapotranspiration for the Godomey Well Field in Benin, West Africa
- Using settlement vegetation data for paleoclimate and carbon modeling: Preliminary results of the PalEON project
- Using the Abitibi Greenstone Belt to understand Martian hydrothermal systems and the potential for biosignature preservation in high temperature aqueous environments
- A Crystal Stratigraphy Approach to Deciphering the Petrogenesis of the Detroit Seamount
- Advantages of conducting in-situ U-Pb age dating of multiple U-bearing minerals from a single complex: Case in point - the Oka Carbonatite Complex
- Application of a Particle Method to the Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Equation
- Contrasting nitrogen and phosphorus export regimes in agricultural streams of the Upper Mississippi and Great Lakes Basins
- Effects of Heterogeneous Adsorption Affinity on Natural Organic Matter (NOM) Transport in Laboratory Sand Columns
- Forest Composition and Biomass at Euroamerican Settlement in the Upper Great Lakes
- How did the Lunar Magma Ocean crystallize?
- Inertial effects in a channel with periodically varying aperture and impact on solute dispersion
- Interfaces in Heterogeneous Media -Role on Transport and Mixing
- Intermittent Properties of Flow in Porous Media
- Investigating the Origin of Silica Occurrences on Mars through Laboratory Observations
- Mixing between Fresh and Salt Waters at Aquifer Regional Scale and Identification of Field Scale Transverse Dispersivity
- Modeling Bimolecular Reactions and Transport in Porous Media via Particle Tracking
- Moderation of photosynthesis and terrestrial carbon uptake rates in millennial scale simulations
- Non-stationary forest dynamics in New England during the millennia preceeding European settlement
- Numerical analysis of anomalous tailing on breakthrough curves during a typical convergent-flow tracer tests
- Nutrient dynamics and primary production in a pristine coastal mangrove ecosystem: Andaman Islands, India
- Reliability, resilience and vulnerability criteria for the evaluation of time-dependent health risks: A hypothetical case study of wellhead protection
- SURA-IOOS Coastal Inundation Testbed Inter-Model Evaluation of Tides, Waves, and Hurricane Surge in the Gulf of Mexico
- The Importance of Apollo to Solar-System Science and Future Human Exploration
- The Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations (MATERHORN) Program: The First Field Experiment (MATERHORN-X1)
- The effect of cellulosic biofuel production on water resources at a regional scale
- Transport of Graphene Oxide through Porous Media
- Tree growth and mortality at the former Northern Old Black Spruce research site
- Water in a young Moon constrained from ferroan anorthosites
- Anomalous Sediment Mixing by Bioturbation
- Anomalous Transport across a Sharp Macroscopic Interface - Real of Experimental Artifact?
- Application of triple Doppler wind lidars for the study of an atmospheric boundary layer over a mountainous area
- Can increased biomass offset carbon release from permafrost region soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert elicitation?
- Challenges and Opportunities of Long-Term Continuous Stream Metabolism Measurements at the National Ecological Observatory Network
- Controls on compound specific <SUP>2</SUP>H/<SUP>1</SUP>H of leaf waxes along a North American monsoonal transect
- Dissolution patterns from geochemical reactions during CO2 convective mixing in saline aquifers
- Drivers of post-fire successional trajectories in arctic tundra: the importance of physical and biophysical interactions
- Effect of High Pressure on Uranyl Nanocages
- Effects of reservoirs on river nitrogen and phosphorus export in the Mississippi and Great Lakes Basins: A regional comparison
- Estimating carbon and energy fluxes in arctic tundra
- Forest cover change in the upper Midwestern United States results from both climate and land use change following European settlement: Historical survey and weather records provide robust support for modeling applications
- High Resolution WRF Modeling for MATERHORN Field Campaign
- Horizontal Advection and Mixing of Pollutants in the Urban Atmospheric Environment
- Linking the planting of cover crops to soil and water nutrient dynamics in Shatto Ditch Watershed, IN
- Observing dynamic Arctic surface optical properties with an optical sensor network
- Reactions in Non-Uniform Flows
- Sensible heat flux at the spray-laden air-sea interface
- Simulating carbon and water fluxes at Arctic and boreal ecosystems in Alaska by optimizing the modified BIOME-BGC with eddy covariance data
- Spatio-temporal changes in forest composition inferred from fossil pollen records in the Upper Midwestern USA
- Substrate size rather than heterogeneity controls downstream travel time distributions in replicate small streams
- The Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations (MATERHORN) Program: An Overview
- The effect of shadow fronts on dynamics of the surface layer during evening transitions
- Air-sea enthalpy fluxes and evidence of spray effects within tropical cyclones
- An Integrated Approach to Identification, Assessment and Management of Watershed-Scale Risk for Sustainable Water Use Through Reuse and Recycling
- An Overview of Interdisciplinary Research at Notre Dame Addressing "Grand Challenges" in the Midwest and Great Lakes Region
- An automated dual chamber system to partition the Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in arctic tundra
- Assessing the long-term performance of terrestrial ecosystem models in northeastern United States: linking model structure and output
- Characterization of the intermittent behavior of sediment transport from numerical simulations on a flat bed channel
- Constraining Centennial-Scale Ecosystem-Climate Interactions with a Pre-colonial Forest Reconstruction across the Upper Midwest and Northeastern United States
- Demonstrating benthic control of anomalous solute transport: biofilm growth interacts with substrate size.
- Disorder Versus Correlation Control: Non-Fickian Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media and Correlated Continuous Time Random Walks
- Effects of European land use on contemporary tree-climate relationships in the northeastern United States: Implications for predictive models
- Efforts to Find, Recover and Restore "A National Treasure", The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Data Set
- Experimental and numerical study of turbulent flow associated with interacting barchan dunes
- Hot "spoments" in river networks.
- Hyporheic exchange induced by channel-spanning obstacles in a coarse, highly-permeable laboratory streambed
- Incomplete Mixing and Reactions - A Lagrangian Approach in a Pure Shear Flow
- Increased Tolerance to Heavy Metals Exhibited by Swarming Bacteria
- Legacy phosphorus accumulation and management in the global context: insights from long-term analysis of major river basins
- Long-term hydrometeorological trends in the Midwest region based on a century long gridded hydrometeorological dataset and simulations from a macro-scale hydrology model
- Magnetite Nucleation in Mantle Xenoliths During Quasi-Adiabatic Ascent
- Mixing Induced By Slope and Valley Flow Collisions in Complex Terrain
- New insights from velocity field measurements in multiphase flow of water and liquid CO<SUB>2</SUB> in 2D porous micromodels for
- Numerical Upscaling of Transport Through Obstructed Regions Over a Broad Range of Reynolds Numbers
- Onshore Transport of Large Nearshore Boulders during Super Typhoon Haiyan
- Peak and Tail Scaling of Breakthrough Curves in Hydrologic Tracer Tests
- Predicting the Hydrogen Isotope Ratios of Leaf Waxes Across Landscapes
- Preferential Flow Paths and Recirculation-Disrupting Jets in the Leeside of Self-Forming Coarse-Grained Laboratory Bedforms
- Probabilistic multi-scale modeling of pathogen dynamics in rivers
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Spatio-temporal Forest Composition Changes Inferred from Fossil Pollen Records
- Rock Magnetic Mineral Assemblage in Mineral Separates from Xenoliths of Continental Lithospheric Mantle
- Scaling Nitrous Oxide Emissions Along Stream Networks Depends on Streambed Morphology
- Simulation of Convective Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows Using a Lattice Boltzmann Method
- Stochastic Modeling of Carbon Photo-mineralization along Arctic Rivers
- Sub-Surface Currents and High-Salinity Intrusions in the Southern Bay of Bengal during the Northeast Monsoon
- Synoptic Flow Interactions in Complex Terrain
- The Alsep Data Recovery Focus Group of NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
- The Fluid Mechanics of Chemical Reaction
- Upscaling Preasymptotic Reactive Transport with a Spatial Markov Model
- Using Mobile App Development Tools to Build a GIS Application
- WRF Modeling of Synoptic Flow Cases of MATERHORN Spring Field Campaign
- Weakly Penetrative Mixing in the Surface Layer of the Bay of Bengal
- A Progressively Wetter Climate in Southern East Africa Over the Past 1.3 Million Years
- A Study of the 24-26 March 2015 Rainfall Event over the Atacama Desert (Chile) using WRF Simulations
- Assimilating Paleoecological Data into a Forest Gap Model
- Asynchronous Reductive Release of Iron and Organic Carbon from Hematite-Humic Acid Complexes
- Biochar-Facilitated Reduction of Crystalline Fe(III) in Hematite
- Biofilm-flow interactions in aquatic environments
- Broadband Strong Ground Motion Simulation For a Potential Mw 7.1 Earthquake on The Enriquillo Fault in Haiti
- Carbon Nanotubes-Mediated Reduction of Hematite by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
- Carbon and nutrient responses to fire and climate warming in Alaskan arctic tundra
- Chasing the long tail of environmental data: PEcAn is nuts about Brown Dog
- Combining UAV and high-resolution image-based particle image velocimetry to monitor flow in lakes and rivers
- Convergent Ecosystems from Divergent Environmental Drivers: Revisiting Drivers of the Past Prairie-Forest Ecotone Across the North American Prairie Peninsula
- Coupled Effects of Hyporheic Flow Structure and Metabolic Pattern on Reach-scale Nutrient Uptake
- Declining Snow Cover Reduces Radiative Cooling from Historic Land Use Change in the Western Great Lakes Region
- Deep crust vs shallow mantle: sources of long wavelength magnetic anomalies
- Detecting Subsurface Agricultural Tile Drainage using GIS and Remote Sensing Technique
- Determining Distances for Active Galactic Nuclei using an Optical and Near-Infrared Color-Magnitude Diagram
- Determining High-Wind Enthalpy Fluxes from Dropsonde Profiles in Tropical Cyclones
- Ecosystem composition changes over the past millennium: model simulations and comparison with paleoecological observations
- Effects of interface orientation on deformation, mixing, and reaction rates in steady-state and transient shear flows
- Environmental and Physiological Controls on Plant Leaf Wax δD from Western Greenland
- Experimental investigation of turbulent flow over a permeable rough wall
- Fitting Emptying Rates of Conservative Contaminants in a Two-Storage Model of a Lateral Cavity in a Stream
- Fractal patterns in riverbed morphology produce fractal scaling of water storage times.
- Fusing data and models to forecast disturbance impacts on ecosystems: past, present, and future
- Ground-based Light Curves Two Pluto Days Before the New Horizons Passage
- Humic substances-mediated microbial reductive dehalogenation of triclosan
- Influence of reservoir conditions on multiphase flow in natural sandstone using lattice Boltzmann simulation: Investigation of suitable conditions in CCS and EOR
- Influence of the Tussock Growth Form on Arctic Ecosystem Carbon Stocks
- Integrated Surface Water/Groundwater Modeling in the Northern Midwest
- Interaction between Carbon Nanotubes and Aromatic Hydrocarbon-degrading Microbes and its Effect on Carbon Nanotubes Transformation
- Interactions of Marine Hydrokinetic Devices in Complex Bathymetries: Numerical Simulations in the Chacao Channel in Southern Chile.
- Macro-Scale Correction of Precipitation Undercatch in the Midwest/Great Lakes Region
- Micro-PIV measurements of multiphase flow of water and supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> in 2D heterogeneous porous micromodels
- Millennial-scale drivers of carbon storage and flux in terrestrial ecosystem models
- Nocturnal surface ozone enhancement over Portugal: Influence of different atmospheric conditions
- Occultation Evidence for Haze in Pluto's Atmosphere in 2015 at the New Horizons Encounter
- On the Dividing Streamline Concept for Stratified Flow Past Three-Dimensional Axisymmetric Topography: Theoretical Advancements and Unsolved Questions
- Parameter Estimation for Observation Bias with an Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Peak Scaling of Breakthrough Curves in Reactive Flows
- Reconstructing Above Ground Forest Biomass Increment and Uncertainty Using Tree-ring Data
- Sensitivity of WRF model to landuse, with applications to Chicago metropolitan Urban Heat Island and lake breeze
- Statistical Characterization of the Intermittency of Bedload Transport in Conditions Near the Threshold of Motion
- Structural evolution of a uranyl peroxide nano-cage fullerene: U60, at elevated pressures
- Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Water Flow in Two-dimensional Porous Micromodels: Micro-PIV Experiments
- Synoptic Flow Interactions with an Isolated Mountain in Complex
- The Impact of Early Time Behavior of Solute Transport at High Peclet Number on Upscaled Markovian Transport Models
- The development of a color-magnitude diagram for active galactic nuclei (AGN): hope for a new standard candle
- The loss of late successional species has a disproportionate impact on terrestrial carbon storage in North America
- WFIP2 - The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies
- What measurements are needed to capture coupled carbon and nitrogen cycles in arctic tundra?
- Whole-field velocity measurements of flow around colliding barchan dunes
- <p>Arbitrarily Complex Chemical Reactions on Particles
- 1-D Photochemical Modeling of the Martian Atmosphere: Seasonal Variations
- A Model-Based Approach to Infer Shifts in Regional Fire Regimes Over Time Using Sediment Charcoal Records
- A model of growth and carbon storage in Eriophorum Vaginatum L.
- A process-based model for bioturbation-induced mixing
- Air Quality Modeling and Forecasting over the United States Using WRF-Chem
- Biomass Stability during the Holocene in the Upper Midwest
- Carbon... and What Else?: Watershed Leachate Potential in Lakes of Northern Wisconsin
- Coarse Graining of Non-Fickian Solute Transport - PTRW on Smoothed Velocity Fields
- Comparing solute and particulate transport in streams using Notre Dame Linked Experimental Ecosystem Facility (ND-LEEF)
- Cooling rates of lunar volcanic glass beads
- Data-Informed Large-Eddy Simulation of Coastal Land-Air-Sea Interactions
- Developing Flexible, Integrated Hydrologic Modeling Systems for Multiscale Analysis in the Midwest and Great Lakes Region
- Effects of In-stream Mixing on Photo-mineralization of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Arctic Rivers
- Effects of biofilm on flow over and through a permeable bed
- Evaluation of a wavelet-based optical flow algorithm through the use of large eddy simulations
- Floodplain restoration via the two-stage ditch alters nutrient export from agricultural watersheds
- Flow-structure interaction between a model biofilm streamer and water flow: an experimental study
- FracFit: A Robust Parameter Estimation Tool for Anomalous Transport Problems
- Geochemical and Isotopic Investigation of the Miaoya Carbonatite Complex, Central China
- Historical and Future Projected Hydrologic Extremes over the Midwest and Great Lakes Region
- Impact of Droplets on Turbulent Latent and Sensible Heat Flux at the Air-Sea Boundary
- Impacts of Vegetation on the Decoupling between Air and Soil Temperatures across the Arctic
- Impacts of paleo-climatic variability on ecosystem stability and model performance in the modern era
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Pore-Scale Flow Interactions between Water and Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> in a 2D Heterogeneous Micromodel at Reservoir Conditions
- Multi-centennial ecosystem modelling in northeastern America at the species level
- Navigating translational ecology: Creating opportunities and overcoming obstacles for scientist participation
- Observed effects of an exceptional drought on tree mortality in a tropical dry forest
- Parameter Estimation for Geoscience Applications Using a Measure-Theoretic Approach
- Pore-Scale Flow of Water and Liquid CO<SUB>2</SUB> in 2D Heterogeneous Porous Micromodels: an Experimental Investigation at Reservoir Conditions
- Pore-Scale Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Porous Micro-Media: Interaction Between Water, Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB>, and Hydrophilic Solid Substrates at Reservoir Conditions
- Pre-industrial baseline variation of upper midwestern forests in the United States
- Quantifying Aeolian Flow-Landform Interactions Using Novel Lab-Scale Experimental Approaches
- Quaternary Activity of the Erciyes Fault Southeast of the Kayseri Basin, Turkey
- Reproducible Research in the Geosciences
- Show me the data: advances in multi-model benchmarking, assimilation, and forecasting
- Simulating Groundwater Recharge using a Physically Based Surface Water Hydrology Model: A Case Study in Northern Indiana, USA
- Surface-subsurface turbulent interaction at the interface of a permeable bed: physical modeling of coarse-gravel river bed
- The Effect of Arrow Mass and Shape on Penetration into a Target
- The Effect of Different Tea Varieties on Iron Chelation
- The Effects of Incomplete Mixing on Reactive Transport in Flows through Heterogeneous Porous Media Using a Lagrangian Particle Tracking Method
- The role of disappeared disturbances in driving the North American prairie-forest boundary
- The role of nitrogen fixation in neotropical dry forests: insights from ecosystem modeling and field data
- Variability in Surface Energy Dynamics and Soil Climate Through Differing Vegetation Types in an Alaskan Tundra Ecosystem
- Watershed-Scale Cover Crops Reduce Nutrient Export From Agricultural Landscapes.
- What is the iron isotope composition of the Moon?
- Whole-field velocity measurements of flow around interacting barchan dunes in a novel flume environment
- A Machine LearningFramework to Forecast Wave Conditions
- A Non-Stationary Approach for Estimating Future Hydroclimatic Extremes Using Monte-Carlo Simulation
- A multi-model assessment of terrestrial biosphere model data needs
- Altering the Rate of Mitosis by Introducing Low-Gigahertz Radiation to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cells
- Assessing the effect of marginal water use efficiency on water use of loblolly pine and sweetgum in ambient and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> conditions
- Biofilm Effect on Flow Structure over a Permeable Bed
- Biogeochemical stability and reactions of iron-organic carbon complexes
- Boundary Layer Characterization during Perdigão Field Campaign 2017
- COMET-LICSAR: Systematic Deformation Monitoring of Fault Zones and Volcanoes with the Sentinel-1 Constellation
- Can green roofs reduce urban heat stress in vulnerable urban communities: A coupled atmospheric and social modeling approach
- Challenges in Understanding and Forecasting Winds in Complex Terrain.
- Cross-plane particle image velocimetry measurements of the flow structure associated with interacting barchan dunes in a refractive index matched flume
- Design of a Data Catalogue for Perdigão-2017 Field Experiment: Establishing the Relevant Parameters, Post-Processing Techniques and Users Access
- Development of a New Methodology for Computing Surface Sensible Heat Fluxes using Thermal Imagery
- Diagnosing causes of extreme aerosol optical depth events
- Drought sensitivity changes over the last century at the North American savanna-forest boundary
- Eco-morphological Real-time Forecasting tool to predict hydrodynamic, sediment and nutrient dynamic in Coastal Louisiana
- Economic and hydrogeologic disparities govern the vulnerability of shared groundwater to strategic overdraft
- El Niño, Rainfall, and the Shifting Geography of Cholera in Africa
- Emergence of nutrient limitation in tropical dry forests: hypotheses from simulation models
- Estimating the ecology of extinct species with paleoecological data assimilation
- Examining the Effects of Anthropogenic Landscape Transformation on Wetland Habitats within the Grand Kankakee Watershed
- Examining the role of shrub expansion and fire in Arctic plant silica cycling
- Experimental Quantification of Pore-Scale Flow Phenomena in 2D Heterogeneous Porous Micromodels: Multiphase Flow Towards Coupled Solid-Liquid Interactions
- Exploring mechanisms of transport and persistence of environmental DNA (eDNA)
- Forecasting Flood Hazard on Real Time: Implementation of a New Surrogate Model for Hydrometeorological Events in an Andean Watershed.
- Groundwater controls on post-fire permafrost thaw
- High Affinity Methanotrophy is an Important but Overlooked Methane Sink in the Pan-Arctic Budget
- Hydrology or biology? Modeling simplistic physical constraints on lake carbon biogeochemistry to identify when and where biology is likely to matter
- Impacts of vegetation cover on soil respiration in a North Eastern Siberian tundra landscape
- Improving Estimates and Forecasts of Lake Carbon Pools and Fluxes Using Data Assimilation
- Improving wave forecasting by integrating ensemble modelling and machine learning
- In-situ Planetary Subsurface Imaging System
- Inferring biogeochemistry past: a millennial-scale multimodel assimilation of multiple paleoecological proxies.
- Influence of a forest canopy on velocity and temperature profiles under synoptic conditions
- Insights into Evaporative Droplet Dynamics in the High-Wind Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Interrelationship of Cn<SUP>2</SUP> & Eddy Dissipation rate based on Scintillometer and Doppler Lidar observations in complex terrain during the Perdigao Campaign 2017
- Investigating Summer Thermal Stratification in Lake Ontario
- Litter decomposition, N<SUB>2</SUB>-fixer abundance, and microbial dynamics govern tropical dry forest recovery to land use change
- Nocturnal Reversed Flows Above Parallel Ridges in Perdigão, Portugal
- On the Effects of NOx Emission Control and Drought on an Ozone-Polluted Ecosystem
- Orbital and Rover-based Exploration of Perseverance Valley, Endeavour Crater, Mars
- Paleoclimate reconstruction through Bayesian data assimilation
- Parameterizing the Spatial Markov Model from Breakthrough Curve Data Alone
- Physical Modeling of Flow Over Gale Crater, Mars: Laboratory Measurements of Basin Secondary Circulations
- Predicting Upscaled Behavior of Aqueous Reactants in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Simulating Non-Fickian Transport across Péclet Regimes by doing Lévy Flights in the Rank Space of Velocity
- Slope flows in the presence of vegetation during Perdigão
- Stand, species, and individual traits impact transpiration in historically disturbed forests.
- Statistical Compression of Wind Speed Data
- Surface-subsurface turbulent interaction at the interface of a permeable bed: influence of the wall permeability
- Temperature modulates dengue virus epidemic growth rates through its effects on reproduction numbers and generation intervals.
- The Effect of Various Oral Hygiene Products on Bacterial Growth
- The development of a Planetary Broadband Seismometer (PBBS) for the Lunar Geophysical Network and the Ocean World
- The effects of droughts on nitrous oxide emissions from streams
- Turbulent transport of large particles in the atmospheric boundary layer
- Uncertainty and inference in the world of paleoecological data
- Understanding spatial and temporal behavior of sea spray droplets in the marine atmospheric boundary layer using an Eulerian-Lagrangian model
- User-inspired Research Quantifies How Floodplain Restoration Paired With Cover Crops Reduces Nutrient Export From an Agricultural Catchment Translating to Conservation Success in the Midwestern Cornbelt.
- A Deep Learning-based Inversion Approach for Simultaneous Identification of a Contaminant Source and Highly Heterogeneous Hydraulic Conductivity Field
- A Framework for Testing Plant Allocation and Reactive Transport Hypotheses
- A Subgrid Model for Shallow Water Equations Accounting for Irregular Bathymetry
- A near doubling of Arctic plant silicon accumulation following a decade of post-fire succession
- Accelerating rates of Arctic carbon cycling revealed by long-term atmospheric CO2 measurements
- Airborne Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Characterize Arctic Boreal Zone Productivity
- Applying the Spatial Markov Model to predicting breakthrough curves in laboratory column experiments
- Biomarker Records of Late Pliocene Aridity from Southeastern Africa
- Can We Predict How Forest Composition Shifts Will Impact Surface Properties?
- Characterizing the impact of Lagrangian particle behavior at fracture intersections on transport through three-dimensional fracture networks
- Complete Partitioning of Variance to Improve Predictability of the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle in a Forest Gap Model
- Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Networks for Uncertainty Quantification of Dynamic Multiphase Flow in Heterogeneous Media
- Did post-industrial human activity inadvertently make Midwestern landscapes more sustainable?
- Downscaling of Real-Time Coastal Flooding Predictions for Decision Support
- Ecotypes impact GPP in Eriophorum vaginatum L. with implications for the Arctic C cycle.
- Effect of Fine Particle Deposition On Hyporheic Exchange Flux Under Mobile-Bedform Conditions
- Environmental Conditions Influencing Stream Water Temperature Sensitivity to Changes in Air Temperature Vary Seasonally and Spatially Across the United States
- Episodic Buckling and Collapse - The Breathing Subduction Zones
- Evaluating the Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Telomere Length of UV-sensitive Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cells
- Examining the Role of the Air-Sea Interaction for the Observed Variability Evaporation Duct Height during CASPER
- Flow Over and Inside Mars-like Impact Craters: An Experimental Study
- Forecasting forest responses in real-time: How close are we and how do we get there?
- Global Earth Mineral Inventory : A DCO Data Legacy
- High affinity methanotrophs are an important overlooked methane sink in the pan-Arctic and global methane budget
- Hydrologic and biogeophysical parameter estimation for simulating watershed-scale conservation to reduce nutrient losses to surface waters using SWAT
- Impacts of anthropogenic changes on water use efficiency and climate sensitivity: a data-model comparison
- Influence of a forest canopy on thermal driven slope flows in complex terrain
- Inter-annual variation in seasonal dengue epidemics driven by multiple interacting factors in Guangzhou, China
- Is arctic greening consistent with the ecology of tundra? Lessons from an ecologically informed mass balance model.
- Just open a window: Understanding the combined effects of heat and smoke on a mountain community in the western United States, Missoula, Montana
- Modeling Rapid Flood Propagation in Andean Rivers: High-Resolution Simulations and Surrogate Models for Early Warning Systems
- Modeling benthic vs. hyporheic nutrient uptake in unshaded streams with varying substrates
- Multiphase Flow of Water and Supercritical CO2 in 2D Circular Porous Micromodels: High-Speed Micro-PIV Measurements Under Reservoir-Relevant Conditions
- Neighborhood scale heat mitigation strategies using Array of Things (AoT) data in Chicago
- New Risk-Based Decision Support Tools for Designing Culverts for Fish Passage in a Changing Climate
- Numerical simulations of marine hydrokinetic devices for improving their representation in ocean circulation models
- Nutrient Constraints on Carbon Cycling in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest
- Oceanographic variability across the mid-Pleistocene Transition at the Agulhas Plateau
- On the relation between hydrologic variability and violence
- Parameterized vertical concentration profiles for aerosols in the marine atmospheric boundary layer
- Particle image velocimetry measurements of the flow structure associated with interacting barchan dunes in a refractive index matched flume
- Performance of statistical and dynamical downscaling approaches for the analysis of convective storms over the Midwest and Great Lakes region
- Post Fire Response to Nutrient Addition in Northern Alaskan Tundra
- Primitive mantle reservoirs investigated using short-lived Hf-W systematics
- Probing the Panglossian Paradigm: Local Adaptation in Eriophorum vaginatum and its Relation to Functional Traits
- Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Reach-scale modeling of transport and reaction due to aerobic respiration in streams
- Reconstructing Forest Composition in the Northeastern United States from Fossil Pollen Data during the Common Era
- Regional loss of long-lived tree species reduces the capacity of the biosphere to store carbon over centuries
- Return to the Moon: Findings from the Lunar Science for Landed Missions Workshop
- Science, containerized: Integrating provenance and compute environments with the Whole Tale
- Significant variability in the δ<SUP>44/40</SUP>Ca of global carbonatites: implications for carbonate recycling, magma differentiation and source-mantle mineralogy
- Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence exhibits a nearly universal relationship with terrestrial photosynthesis across a wide variety of biomes
- Spatial heterogeneity of offshore internal boundary layer growth under different stability conditions
- Stratification Effects on Flow through a Microscale Gap
- Study of Ducted EM Propagation over the Gulf Stream from Measured Data and Numerical Simulations
- Subgrid-Scale Corrections to Increase the Accuracy and Efficiency of Storm Surge Models
- The Great Lakes Runoff Inter-comparison Project for Lake Erie (GRIP-E)
- The Importance of Sea-Spray Timescales on the Parameterization of Air-Sea Heat Fluxes
- The Space-Time Adaptive Smoothing Approach to Reactive Random Walk Particle Tracking
- The effects of nutrient fertilization on belowground allocation in tropical dry forests: linking results from a model and an experiment
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- Tools and RESTful Services to Improve Preservation and Re-use of Research Data & Software
- Tree carbon allocation strategy mediates terrestrial productivity in the Anthropocene
- Tropical dry forest's responses to drought depend upon soil nutrient availability and plant community composition
- Turbulent transport and turbulence modulation due to large particles in the lower atmospheric boundary layer
- Uncovering Competitive Mechanisms of Tree Competition with Data Assimilation
- Upscaling mixing-driven processes in heterogeneous porous media
- Variation in soil nutrients shape tropical dry forest structure, function, and recovery
- A counterfactual approach to causal assessment of the Ganges water agreement
- A novel method for deriving supersaturation in marine fog using kappa-Köhler theory
- A spatiotemporal analysis of algal blooms and cholera outbreaks in Bangladesh using remote sensing
- Airborne Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Characterize Arctic Boreal Zone Productivity
- An improved empirical quantile mapping procedure for bias correction of climate change projections
- Analyzing the Effects of Cover Crops and Climate Change on Nutrient Runoff in Midwestern Agricultural Watersheds
- Assessing Spray-Mediated Heat Transfer and Feedback Effects in Bulk Air-Sea Models via Direct Numerical Simulation
- Biogeographical constraints on a tussock forming sedge and its impact on near surface Arctic carbon stocks
- Boundary-Layer Thermodynamic Characteristics Linked to Fog Life Cycle from the Measurements Made at Ferryland Supersite.
- Catchments as Modulators of Climate Variability
- Climate Variability and Cholera Risk in Equatorial Africa
- Coastal Gravity Currents: A Fog Formation Mechanism
- Creating, Managing and Evaluating Data Legacies : Updates on the Global Earth Mineral Inventory.
- Determination of Fracture Apertures via Calibration of Discrete Fracture Network Models
- Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Mudstone Geochemistry Evidence for Tectonic History of the San Gregorio-Hosgri Fault
- Developing High-Resolution Channel to Basin-Scale Unstructured Grid Hydrodynamic Models for Tide/Storm Predictions in the US East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts
- Do cover crops reduce the leaching risk of soil legacy phosphorus in agricultural watersheds?
- Effect of Cation Concentration and Radius on Nano-Scale Boehmite Aggregation
- Evaluation of Nutrient Allocation Hypotheses in the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)
- Field Transport of Nano- and Micro-Particles in Granular Media Show Highest Mobility for Nano- to Micro-Size Transition Particles and Hyperexponential Distribution from Source for all Sizes
- First Steps to Geoscience Additions to Based on an Assessment of Neon for Dataset Discovery.
- Fog prediction by COAMPS during C-FOG field experiment
- Genetic variation in coastal wetland plants contributes to salt marsh resilience
- Genotypic differences in stomatal conductance of a dominant marsh sedge as mediated by interacting global change factors
- Geophysical Exploration Of the Dynamics and Evolution of the Solar System (GEODES)
- High Resolution Numerical Simulations of Advection Fog Events during C-FOG Field Campaign
- High-Resolution Modeling of Coastal Flooding along the South Atlantic Bight under Historical and Near Future Climates
- Icebergs at the Agulhas Plateau through the Pleistocene: Accumulation, Provenance, and Interpretation of Ice-Rafted Debris
- Impact of Clay Addition Size on Hyporheic Exchange During Bedform Migration
- Implications of the Syrian Civil War and Migration Crisis on Virtual Water Trade
- Improving forecasting of biome shifts with data assimilation of paleoecological data
- Inferred sea spray generation functions in the marine atmospheric boundary layer using an Eulerian-Lagrangian model
- Interplay between hyporheic exchange and bedform morphodynamics in mobile clay-sand beds
- Investigating Drivers of High Latitude Soil Microbial Community Distributions Across an Alaskan Transect
- Investigating the sensitivity of marine fog to physical and microphysical processes using large-eddy simulation
- Latitudinal Migrations of the Subtropical Front at the Agulhas Plateau across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Log-law wind profiles for the prediction of the drag coefficient and their radial dependence in tropical cyclones
- Marine fog formation due to stratus cloud-base lowering
- Modeling Turbulent Mixing Across the Sediment-Water Interface of Streams
- On Water Resources Variability, Income Shocks and Violent Conflicts
- On the Separate Treatment of Mixing and Spreading by the Reactive-Particle-Tracking algorithm: An Example of Accurate Upscaling of Reactive Poiseuille Flow.
- Optical seismometer for the Lunar Geophysical Network
- PIV measurements of intracrater flow dynamics utilizing a model of Gale crater in a refractive index matched environment
- Planetary and Earth seismology with space geodesy: seismic requirements on performances for Earth, Europa, the Moon and Jupiter.
- Potential Natural Vegetation Biases Seasonal but not Annual Estimates of Historical Albedo and Surface Temperature
- Predicting transport through a 2D porous media with a Bernoulli CTRW model with sorption -desorption
- Predicting unknown mineral localities based on mineral associations
- Quantification of Dispersal Distances Needed by Freshwater Species to Cope with Projected Changes in Water Temperature Over the Coming Century
- Quantification of Meniscus Dynamics and Contact Angle in Displacement of Water by Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> in a Circular Micromodel
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Probabilistic Storm Surge Estimates Using Surrogate Modeling Techniques - Recent Advances in Research and Applications
- Quantifying global shocks to self-assessed household food insecurity
- Reactive Particle-tracking Solutions to a Benchmark Problem on Heavy Metal Cycling in Lake Sediments
- Resolving the pore-scale dynamics of supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB>-water displacement in a 2D circular porous micromodel: High-speed micro-PIV measurements under variable wettability
- Scavenging of Aerosol Particles by Fog Droplets in the North Atlantic
- Sea Spray and its Feedback Effects in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer: A Small-Scale Perspective
- Simulating Variably Saturated Transport and Mixing Through Complex Watersheds with Single- and Multi-Domain Spatial Markov Models
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Standing on Apollo's shoulders: MEMS seismometers for the Lunar Geophysical Network
- Storm Surge Prediction - A Subgrid Scale Model for Improved Connectivity
- Surface and deep-water variability on the southern Agulhas Plateau: Interhemispheric links over the past 2 Ma
- The C-FOG Project: Toward Improving Coastal Fog Prediction
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The Origin of Aeolian Dunes - PIV measurements of flow structure associated with early stage protodune development in a refractive-index-matched flume
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project Over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- The role of microbial dynamics of methanogens and high affinity methanotrophs in current and future net land methane emissions in the Arctic
- Thermodynamic and Geochemical Heterogeneity within Mid-Ocean Ridge Peridotites
- Toward A More Comprehensive and Integrative Approach to Multidisciplinary Food Insecurity Research
- Towards a Unified Modeling Framework for Coupling Coastal Ocean Models and Inland Hydrology at NOAA's National Ocean Service
- Tundra wildfire triggers long-term lateral nitrogen loss
- Turbulent flow structure associated with isolated and interacting barchan dunes
- Understanding relationships between demography and climate change to improve urban resiliency: A case study
- Upscaling: including local processes to predict global responses
- Visibility Observations and Predictions during the C-FOG Project
- A Particle-Based Image Segmentation Method for Phase Separation and Interface Detection in PIV Images of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
- A reversal in global terrestrial stilling andits implications for wind energy production
- Advances to Global Unstructured Mesh Storm Tide Modeling for Operational Forecasting
- Affinity analysis of mineral co-occurrence: Predicting unknown mineral occurrences with machine learning
- Allelopathic Effects of Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus viminalis, and Juglans californica on Triticum aestivum (Wheat)
- An Anomalous Atmospheric Event during 2019 MISO-BOB Field Campaign
- Analysis of a coastal marine fog episode during C-FOG field campaign
- Analyzing Online Patient-EKG Data Sets: A Novel Approach for the Early Detection of Heart Disease
- Assessment of global wave models on unstructured domains
- Biodegradation of Polyethylene Fragments and Microbeads using Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas putida
- Boundary Layer and Microphysical Characteristics of Marine Fog- Mist Transitions.
- Building a lunar network using a flexible, long-lived Lunar Geophysical Package (LGP)
- COAMPS processes leading to a false positive fog forecast during C-FOG IOP12
- Can distance-base agreements mitigate the overexploitation of transboundary aquifers?
- Coastal Fog Microphysics and Dynamics During C-FOG: Parameterization Development and Scale issues
- Competing incentives and poor water quality in private water systems
- Designing a Visual Fire-Predicting Algorithm for U.S. Counties Using Weather Datasets
- Detecting the Impact of COVID-19 Shutdowns on Anthropogenic Emissions in the Los Angeles and Baltimore/Washington Urban Regions
- Differences in Groundwater Contributions to Streamflow Versus Watershed Nitrate Export Reveal the Importance of Scale in Evaluating Agricultural Conservation Practices.
- Examining the Continental-Level Relationship Between Solar-Induced Fluorescence and Gross Primary Productivity at High Latitudes
- Extratropical Surge & Tide Operational Forecast System (ESTOFS): Global Upgrade, Future Development, Pacific Enhancement
- Fine-scale spatial heterogeneity of drought-induced mortality in tropical dry forests
- Fog Formation during Gravity Currents Interacting with Coastal Topography
- Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes Reveal Northward Migrations of the Subtropical Frontal Zone During the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Functional Differences between Trees and Lianas in a Dry Tropical Forest: a Whole Plant Perspective
- Hysteresis Patterns During Storms Suggest that Vegetative Cover Mediates Nitrate Export in Two Agricultural Watersheds
- Improving the Publication and Re-Use of Data via PresQT Tools and Services
- Informing the Ganges Water Treaty: Analysis of simulated transboundary streamflow and downstream salinity in Bangladesh
- Interactions Between Climate and Vegetation Regulate Lateral Carbon Export from Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Intermittency effects in single- and multi-phase flow and anomalous transport in heterogeneous porous media
- Interplay between suspended particles, hyporheic exchange and bed sediments suppresses bedload transport and produces heterogenous deposits
- Interpreting Ilmenite Crystal Size Distributions Derived from CT Images of Basalt Clasts in Previously Unopened Apollo 17 Drive Tube 73002
- Introducing the NEON Ecological Forecasting Challenge hosted by the Ecological Forecasting Initiative Research Coordination Network.
- Linking the flow across a permeable boundary using a refractive index matching approach: first evidence of amplitude modulation crossing the interface
- Maritime fog edge event investigation during the C-Fog Campaign
- Microphysics and Optical Attenuation in Coastal Fog
- Modeling migration of motile bacteria in confined porous media
- Modeling tussocks of Eriophorum Vaginatum L.
- Multiscale Convection During Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Bay of Bengal
- PIV measurements of intracrater flow dynamics utilizing a mound-bearing impact crater model in a refractive index matched environment
- Plant Hydraulic Traits Variation Across Temporal and Spatial Scales Affects Responses to Drought in the Tropical Dry Forest Biome
- Predicting HIV Protease Cleavage Sites using Neural Networks
- Projected Cover Crop Performance in the Midwestern U.S. Improves in Response to Climate Change
- Reducing Carbon Footprints Through a Novel Approach to Bicyclist Safety Using an Applied Arduino Sensory Network
- Simulating Accumulation of Low-Conductivity Layer in Streambeds Under Moving-Bedform Conditions
- Statistical and Cellular Analysis of Rhizopus stolonifer Growth as Affected by Potassium Sorbate Concentration
- Strong N and P co-limitation constrains post-fire community composition and productivity in arctic tundra.
- Surface Moisture Budget of Tundra and Boreal Ecosystems in High Latitudes: Variations and Drivers
- Teaching Geoscience Using Aspects of the Arts with Marginalized Student Populations
- Tensile Strength and Hydrophobic Effect of Starch-Based Biodegradable Polymers
- The C-FOG Project: Salient Outcomes
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The Moon as a cornerstone of understanding for terrestrial planetary interiors
- The Origin of Aeolian Dunes: the development of flow structure over low-angle protodunes
- The Short-Term Effects of Carbon Dioxide on the Cellular Respiration of Ipomoea Batatas (Sweet Potato)
- The Synergies between Space Agencies and Scientific Ocean Drilling: An Exciting Partnership for the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- The impact of spatial and temporal aggregation on the relationships among SIF, GPP, and hyperspectral reflectance using airborne data
- Turbulence and Instabilities in the Southeastern Bay of Bengal
- Wrestling the four V's of small unoccupied aerial systems data in the cloud and on national cyberinfrastructure
- A Mechanistic Model for Tree-Liana Interactions and Canopy Dynamics
- A No Cost Comprehensive Diagnostic Application for Parkinson's Disease Using Image and Voice Recognition
- A Synthesis of Wildfire Impacts on Permafrost Thaw Depth Across Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems
- A pore-scale computational experiment of scalar mixing through porous media columns
- A summary of microphysical research performed during C-FOG and challenges for Fatima
- Accounting for genetic variation and diversity in plant functional traits alters predictions of marsh accretion and carbon sequestration
- Amplifying library efforts to educate faculty and students about research data management
- Assessing the Effect of Sediment Type and Biofilm Accumulation on Particle Transport in Streams Using an Inverse Stochastic Random Walk Model.
- Assessing the impact of replacing corn with second generation perennial bioenergy crops in the US-Midwest.
- Atmospheric Equatorial Wave Observations During the 2019 MISO-BOB Field Campaign
- Atmospheric circulation and precipitation patterns in the eastern Mediterranean during the late Quaternary (Marine Isotope Stages 15)
- Bathymetry and Resolution: Keys to Develop a Channel-to-Ocean Basin-Scale Hydrodynamic Model for the US East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts
- Biostatistical Analysis of Microgravity on Bacteria Gene Mutations Observed in Data from the International Space Station
- Climate and hydraulic traits interact to set thresholds for liana viability
- Climbing the FAIR Data Mountain: Librarians as Knowledge Sharing Mountaineers
- Co-producing an Integrated Vision for Science and Management of Tropical Dry Forests in the Age of Rapid Climate Change
- Coastal Boulder Deposits as a Record of Extreme Inundation: the Inundation Signatures on Rocky Coastlines (ISROC) Research Coordination Network
- CoastalApp : The Extensible Coupled Multi-Model-Component Framework For Coastal and Regional Modeling Applications
- Combining high-speed planar PIV and motion tracking of a flexible vegetation element in cross-flow
- Cross-scale Interactions Regulate Lateral Carbon Transport from Terrestrial Ecosystems and its Fate Across the Terrestrial-aquatic Continuum
- Designing a Compact, Efficient Photobioreactor for Home or Commercial Production of Algal Biofuel
- Designing a Fire-Predicting Machine Learning Model Using Environmental Datasets
- Eco-evolutionary responses of Schoenoplectus americanus carbon sequestration under global environmental change
- Enhanced Forest Ecosystem Monitoring for Carbon Accounting and Climate Mitigation: the Case for Adding Tree Rings to North American's National Forest Inventories
- Enhancing STEM education and soil monitoring with a durable DIY low-cost soil temperature data logger
- Explicit Oceanic Tides in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Fatima: A mega-project at the nexus of (marine) fog and turbulence
- Footprints in the tundra: Considerations for linking remote sensing observations with flux tower data in the Arctic-Boreal Zone
- How Groundwater Infiltration Into Sanitary Sewers Modulates Streamflow Dynamics in Urban Watersheds
- Identifying the Best Image Classification Algorithm for COVID-19 Diagnosis with a Small, Imbalanced Chest X-Ray Dataset
- Impacts of Lake Surface Temperature on Atmosphere Over the Great Lakes Region
- Impacts of liana-tree competition on leaf area and mortality within an individual-based model
- Impacts of lianas on tree growth and mortality in secondary seasonally tropical dry forest: a twelve-year record
- Implementing Self-Attraction and Loading Calculation in the Model for Prediction Across Scales
- Information Tradeoffs for Uncertainty Reduction in Air Pollution Mortality Risk Estimates
- Interspecific variation in Arctic plant phenology
- Investigating The Dependence Of Hurricane Intensity On Varying SST Patterns Using Idealized Model Simulations.
- Modeling Four Types of Dead Zones to Measure the Difference in Oxygen Production of Blue-Green Algae (Cyanobacteria)
- Modeling real convective boundary layers in the terra incognita: evaluation of different approaches
- Nexus of Equatorial Waves and MISO Events in Bay of Bengal
- Optimal time step length for Lagrangian, interacting-particle simulations of diffusive mixing
- Pore-Scale Dynamics of Liquid CO2-Water Displacement in 2D Axisymmetric Porous Micromodels Under Strong Drainage and Weak Imbibition Conditions: High-Speed micro-PIV Measurements
- Probabilistic Coastal Hazard Analysis: A Comprehensive Framework for Quantification of Coastal Storm Hazards Integrating Synthetic Hurricanes, Joint Distributions, Numerical Modeling, and Machine Learning
- Progress in Data-Model Integration for Long Term Carbon Burial Rates in Coastal Wetlands
- Remotely-sensed reduced ecosystem resilience reveals large variations of drought-mortality relations driven by fine-scale ecosystem heterogeneity in tropical dry forests
- Savanna Fire Activity Responds Heterogeneously to Rainfall Shifts During the African Humid Period
- Spatial Variability in Coastal Wetland Porewater Methane Concentration and Associated Environmental Covariates
- Temporal Dynamics of Refugee Camp Establishment and Tree Cover Change
- Terrarium Models of the Effects of Wildfire Particulates on the Growth of Blue Elderberry (Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea)
- The Effects of Combinations of Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics on the Production of Glucose from a Variety of Grains
- The Effects of Temperature on Leaching of Antimony from Plastic Bottles and Subsequent Impact on Brine Shrimp Hatch Rate
- The Stochastic Ice Sheet Project and Its Approach to Greenland Surface Mass Balance
- The Use of an Inverse Multi-Domain Rate Transfer Model in Predicting Colloid Attachment under Different Environmental Charge Conditions
- The role of Convective Coupled Equatorial Waves in Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations (MISO)
- The unequal water footprint of refugee displacement
- Tropical Dry Forest Response to Nutrient Fertilization: A Model Evaluation
- Trust and transboundary groundwater cooperation
- Understanding Initial Terrestrial Planet Differentiation: The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- Upscaling linear chemical reactions in porous and fractured media with a continuous time random walk framework
- 3D Fluid Deformation Dynamics of a Mixing Front: Looking at Concentration Isosurfaces of a Solute in a Pore-scale Geometry
- A Coupled Model Approach to Quantifying the Redistribution of Terrestrial Carbon via Lateral Carbon Transport
- A Neural Differentiable Framework for Efficient Simulation and Rapid Optimization of Energy Harvesters
- A Stochastic Eco-hydrological Model Reveals the Impact of Active Stream Dynamics and Connectivity on Metapopulation
- Age dependent responses of boreal forest tree growth to recent climate change
- Air Quality, Public Health, and Equity Implications of Electric Vehicle Adoption in Chicago, IL
- Aircraft Observations during the MISO-BOB Field Campaign
- An Experimental Study of Pore-Scale Mineral Dissolution Using 2D Porous Micromodels
- Assessing the influence of matrix diffusion with finite block size on particle transport in fractured media
- Biofilm Accumulation and Substrate Type Influence Anomalous Transport in an Experimental Stream System
- Building equity and inclusion for the long term at the Arctic LTER
- Changing Land Cover via the Planting of Winter Cover Crops Reduces Storm-Driven Sediment Export in Agricultural Streams.
- Comparing the Development of Decarbonized Electricity Systems under Different Environmental Co-Priorities: A California Case Study
- Constraining tropical tree growth sensitivity to CO2 fertilization and climate variability
- Continuous Monitoring of Net CO2 Drawdown from Experimental Ocean Alkalinity Additions
- Designing and testing hyper-realistic artificial feeders to analyze hummingbird feeding preference and behavior
- Dissipation Mechanisms in an Unstructured Global Tidal Model
- Do tragedies of the commons contribute to the premature depletion of transboundary aquifers?
- Downslope Windstorms in Coastal Environments and Interactions with the Continental and Marine Boundary Layers: Lessons Learn from the Sundowner Winds Experiment (SWEX-2022), Santa Barbara, CA
- Drought-driven Changes in Terrestrial Water Use Efficiency Impact Lateral Carbon Transport
- Earth, Fire, Water, Waste: Using Multiple Lipid Biomarkers to Unravel Complex Environmental Histories in the Maya Lowlands
- Efficiently Incorporating Baroclinic Effects in a Global, Depth-Averaged Storm Tide Model
- Elucidating the Role of Environmental Turbulence in the Lifecycle of Marine Fog Using the Novel Super Combo Probe
- Exploring Linkages Between Ammonium and Nitrate Losses from Fields, Nutrient Export, and Stream Metabolism in Two Agricultural Watersheds
- Extreme storm events contribute to forest dynamics in the Amazon
- Geostatistical Modeling of Trends and Uncertainties of Air Pollution Impacts on Human Health
- Global barotropic tide modeling using inline self-attraction and loading in MPAS-Ocean
- High Frequency Nutrient Sensors Enhance Understanding of Biogeochemical and Hydrological Dynamics of Runoff from Agricultural Fields
- How Research Teams Conceptualize "Co-production of Knowledge" in the Arctic
- Hydroclimate during Marine Isotope Stage 7 (MIS 7) at Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala
- Identifying challenges to increase collaboration between field ecologists and modelers
- Impacts of Liana-Tree Competition on Canopy Leaf Area and Tree and Liana Mortality within an Individual-Based Forest Dynamics Model
- Impacts of Urbanization and Lake Michigan on Chicago's Heat Stress and its Disparities
- Improving and optimizing wetting and drying algorithms for finite element modeling of coastal flooding with ADCIRC
- InSAR Estimates and In-situ Observations of Supra-permafrost Water Storage in Undisturbed and Burned Areas in the Arctic Foothills
- Indian Ocean Walker Circulation Signals Reflected in Regional Precipitation δ18O
- Information Entropy Tradeoffs in Estimates of Air Pollution Mortality: Efficient Uncertainty Reduction and its Environmental Justice Implications
- Introducing a Typology for Hydroelectric Dams
- Investigating the influence of sea surface temperatures on southeastern African hydroclimate during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Layering in Stable Marine Boundary Layer with moist thermodynamics and Its Observations during Marine Fog Events in FATIMA Campaign
- Leveraging Remote Sensing and Deep Learning to Estimate Suspended Sediment Concentration
- Long-term Satellite-based Estimates of Wildfire Impacts on Air Quality and Health in Equatorial Asia through Deep Neural Networks
- Mapping the Planting Schedules of Rice Paddies using Unsupervised Classification of Sentinel-1 SAR Images
- Marine fog microphysics and associated weather systems during Fatima Campaign
- Measurements of Marine Turbulence in Grand Banks during FATIMA-2022 Campaign
- Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effect by Optimizing Urban Landuse Planning - Use Runoff Coefficient as a Landcover Type Indicator
- Modeling and Numerical Simulation of the 1949 Tacoma Narrows Landslide-Induced Tsunami (Washington, USA)
- Modeling the Impact of Land Use Change on Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions, Nutrient, and Sediment Loads from a Lake Michigan Catchment (St Joseph River, USA) using SWAT
- Neighborhood-Scale Air Quality and Health Impacts Associated with Electrifying Heavy-Duty Vehicles in the U.S. Midwest
- Neighborhood-Scale Air Quality and Health Impacts from EV Adoption in the U.S. Midwest
- Nested Large Eddy Simulations of Microscale Flow over the Perdigão Valley: A Sensitivity Study
- New theory to improve estimates of emerging contaminant exposure times
- On the contribution of river network to nitrous oxide emissions
- Open Environmental Data Stewardship: Challenges and promises of FAIR-CARE integration for data protection and sharing
- Opportunities and challenges in evaluating photosynthetic activity across Arctic-Boreal land cover types using solar-induced fluorescence
- Panamá Coral Ba/Ca Reconstruction of River Discharge from 1719-2018 CE Reveals that Central Pacific El Niño Events and Large Volcanic Eruptions are Predictors of Drought: Implications for Management of the Panamá Canal
- Post-Fire Controls On Active Layer Depth Across The Anaktuvuk River Fire
- Propagating Uncertainty through GEFS-Enabled Global ESTOFS: Assessing Machine-Learning and Finite-Element-based Frameworks
- Quantification of Lateral Advection of Dissolved Oxygen to Improve Metabolic Rate Estimations in Apalachicola Bay, Florida
- Quantifying the Coupled Flow- Plant Swaying in Submerged Flexible Vegetation: an Experimental Method
- Reconciling and improving formulations for thermodynamics and conservation principles in Earth System Models (ESMs)
- Reductions in Nitrate and Soluble Reactive Phosphorus Loss with Cover Crops in Two Midwestern Agricultural Watersheds Using SWAT and Field Validation
- Retirement of US Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants Increases Water Availability
- SMaRt: A Toxicity Classification System through SMILES and Multimodal Representation to Cross-check Hazardous Chemicals
- Simulating of Colloids Trajectories in Complex Porous Media under Favorable and Unfavorable Conditions.
- Subgrid Correction of Storm Surge Modeling in Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates
- Summer climate change over Great Lakes Region in late 21st century
- Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Pore Scale PDFs of Solute Concentrations to Study Incomplete Mixing in Porous Media
- The Effectiveness of Various Soils as Filtration Systems for Saline Water
- The Fog and Turbulence in Marine Atmosphere (Fatima) 2022 Field Campaign
- The SCU Complex wildfire's effect on the composition of topsoil and the seed germination of Eschscholzia californica
- Towards an improved understanding of Central American hydroclimate during the Last Glacial Maximum: Insights from global water tracer simulations
- Understanding the Coupled Effect of Upland Hydrology and Ocean Hydrodynamics During Extreme Events Along the East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts of the US
- Upscaling linear chemical reactions in porous media; a case study of Dry Creek, ID
- Urban Impacts on Deep Convection in the Southern Great Plains
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. V. Rocha
- Aaron S. Donahue
- Adam S. Ward
- Adrienne M. Marshall
- Alan F. Hamlet
- Aleksandra Pachalieva
- Alessandra Marzadri
- Alexander J. Thompson
- Alexander Robel
- Ali Abdolali
- Allison T. Karp
- Amanda C. Spivak
- Anastasia Montgomery
- Andrew F. Thompson
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Andrew Kennedy
- Andrew Roberts
- Andrey A. Grachev
- André Scarlate Rovai
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Anna C. Talucci
- Anna T. Trugman
- Anna Vincent
- Arash Modaresi Rad
- Audrey K. Taylor
- B. Banerdt
- B. L. Konecky
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Ben Chiewphasa
- Beth Drewniak
- Braddock K. Linsley
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian Buma
- Brian K. Arbic
- Brian Tarroja
- Bryce E. Harrop
- Byron C. Crump
- C. R. Neal
- Caroline Beghein
- Caroline Coward
- Carsten Lemmen
- Ceara J. Talbot
- Charles Jones
- Christiane Jablonowski
- Christopher Erdmann
- Christopher N. Janousek
- Coleman Blakely
- Colin A. Shaw
- D. C. Richardson
- D. Medvigy
- Daniel E. Horton
- Daniel Fernàndez-García
- Daniele Tonina
- Darren Engwirda
- David H. Richter
- David Lloyd George
- David R. Bowling
- Edwin Saavedra Cifuentes
- Elizabeth Hunke
- Emily Grubert
- Eric R. Pardyjak
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Eva Sinha
- Farzan Kazemifar
- Fengwei Hung
- G. B. Bonan
- Gabriel G. Katul
- George W. Kling
- Georgina Falster
- German Vargas G.
- Gert‐Jan Duine
- Gianluca Botter
- Go Iwahana
- Gopal Penny
- Gregory B. Noe
- H. Fuqua Haviland
- H. W. Wijesekera
- Hannah Rose Spero
- Harindra J. S. Fernando
- Hideki Kobayashi
- Housen Chu
- Howard E. Epstein
- Hui Wan
- Hélène Seroussi
- Iossif Lozovatsky
- J. A. O’Donnell
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- James Andrew Leong
- James R. Holmquist
- James T. Morris
- Jamon Van Den Hoek
- Jason Kreitler
- Jeffrey D. Hyman
- Jennifer S. Powers
- Jianfeng Li
- Jingyi Chen
- Jonathan Sanderman
- Jordan L. Schnell
- K. Hollister
- Katherine Calvin
- Katherine R. Barnhart
- Katherine Todd-Brown
- Kelly Y. Huang
- Kenneth T. Christensen
- Kevin Roche
- Kevin T. Uno
- Kyle A. Arndt
- Kyle Frankel Davis
- L. T. Berner
- Landon Marston
- Leila M. V. Carvalho
- Leonardo Enrico Bertassello
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- Lizz Ultee
- Logan Brenner
- Loren D. White
- Luc Lenain
- Luke Pangle
- M. A. Mischna
- M. A. Walvoord
- M. Bayani Cardenas
- M. E. Gonneea
- M. Grott
- M. M. Loranty
- M. P. Panning
- M. Syndonia Bret‐Harte
- Marc F. Müller
- Marco Dentz
- Mariana Alifa
- Mark J. Lara
- Mark Petersen
- Marta Tuninetti
- María Teresa Contreras Vargas
- Meredith L. Carr
- Michael C. Dietze
- Michael Person
- Michael Schindelegger
- Michael Schmidt
- Mirella Shaban
- Mojtaba Sadegh
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. E. Petro
- Nicholas B. Engdahl
- Nicola Durighetto
- P. H. Lauritzen
- P. H. Reiff
- P. J.
- P. Lognonné
- P. R. Moorcroft
- Paola Crippa
- Paolo Giani
- Pengfei Xue
- Peter V. Caldwell
- Philip J. Rasch
- Philip Marsh
- Philipp Köhler
- Q. Wang
- R. E. Grimm
- R. Schumer
- Randi R. Jandt
- Raphaël Garcia
- Raymond G. Najjar
- Rebecca E. Hewitt
- Ricardo González‐Pinzón
- Robinson I. Negrón‐Juárez
- Rui Cheng
- Rémi Tailleux
- Rónadh Cox
- S. Nagihara
- S. Vance
- Saeed Moghimi
- Sandeep Wagh
- Sander Veraverbeke
- Sara C. Pryor
- Shannon L. Speir
- Slava G. Turyshev
- Stephen B. Ferencz
- Susan C. Anenberg
- Susan M. Natali
- T. R. Watters
- TC Chakraborty
- Thomas A. Douglas
- Thomas A. Schad
- Thomas Sherman
- Tobias Gerken
- Troy S. Magney
- V. J. Bray
- William L. Quinton
- William Pringle
- Xiangtao Xu
- Xylar Asay‐Davis
- Yun Qian
- Zhao Yang
- Zoe Pierrat