Boston College, Weston Observatory
flowchart I[Boston College, Weston Observatory] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (22)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Nonrandom Clustering of Seismicity in Southern California
- Magnitude, Location, and Ground Motion Estimates Derived From the Community Internet Intensity Maps
- Nonrandom Clustering of M4+ Seismicity in Northern and Central CaliforniaA<ƒ,›
- A Hidden Markov Approach to Modeling Interevent Earthquake Times
- Spatial Variation of Short-Term M4+ Earthquake Clusters in Southern California
- Evaluating Short-Term Probability Forecasts of M4+ Earthquakes in California and Western Nevada Since 2001
- Impact of Inquiry-Based Science Instruction on Middle School Student Understanding of Seismological Concepts
- The 2004 Parkfield, CA Earthquake: A Teachable Moment for Exploring Earthquake Processes, Probability, and Earthquake Prediction
- Exaggerated Claims About Success Rate of Earthquake Predictions: "Amazing Success" or "Remarkably Unremarkable"?
- Coincidence of Temporal Changes in Earthquake Clustering and Geodetic Velocity in the Basin and Range, western United States
- Temporal Variations in the M>=4 Seismicity of California and Western Nevada
- Analysis of Aftershock Activity in Stable Continental Regions: Implications for Aftershock Forecasting after Strong Earthquakes in the CEUS
- Evaluating Thermoelastic Strain as an Earthquake Trigger
- Evaluations of M>=4 Earthquake Probability Forecasts for California and Western Nevada From 2005 to 2008
- Evidence for Long-period (14-30 Days) and Against Short-period (12-24 Hours) Tidal Modulation of Volcanic Tremor at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
- A Database of M≥4 Earthquakes for the Central and Eastern U.S
- Mineral, Virginia earthquake illustrates seismicity of a passive-aggressive margin
- Nor Easters and Hurricanes: Correlation between Atlantic storms and microseismic spectra along the U.S. east coast
- Relative Location Analyses of Small Earthquakes to Image Seismically Active Faults in the Central and Eastern U.S
- TX-ESP and BC-ESP: A Collaborative Educational Seismology Project in Texas and New England
- Characterization of the Kappa (κ<SUB>0</SUB>) Spectral Attenuation Parameter in the Glaciated Area of the Northeastern United States
- Decrease in High-Frequency Background Seismic Noise after the COVID-19 Lockdown at a Suburban Site Outside Washington DC