Newcastle University Upon Tyne, UK
flowchart I[Newcastle University Upon Tyne, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (437)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (70)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- Newcastle University Upon Tyne, Department of Mathematics
- Newcastle University Upon Tyne, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A New Global Mode of Earth Deformation Forced by Seasonal Mass Redistribution
- A New Global Mode of Earth Deformation: Reference Frame Implications
- Crustal Strain in Greece and the Aegean from Multiply Repeated GPS Measurements in the Interval 1988--2000
- GPS Tropospheric Modeling for SAR Interferometry: are~Small~GPS Networks Useful?
- Towards a Fully Conservative Water Balance
- Geodetic strain in peninsular Italy between 1868 and 2001
- Ice Shelf Elevation Changes due to Atmospheric Pressure Variations
- Inversion of Solid Earth's Varying Shape 1: Global Mean Sea Level Variations
- Inversion of Solid Earth's Varying Shape 2: Using Self-Consistency to Infer Static Ocean Topography
- Parameter Bias When Processing GPS Data Containing Unmodelled Vertical Signals: Sensitivity Analysis
- A Comparison of ERS-2/ENVISAT and TOPEX/JASON-1 Tropospheric Zenith Wet Delay Measurements with Estimates from Offshore GPS Data.
- An inter-comparison of ocean tide loading estimates for Antarctica from models and GPS
- Organic Carbon Cyclicity in the Kimmeridge Clay (Dorset, UK)
- Seasonal Variation in the Spatial Distribution of Surface mass Estimated Using GPS.
- The Dissolved Oxygen Controversy: Reconciling Oceanographic Versus Geological Perspectives
- Can Continental and Ocean Water Mass Variability from Satellite Gravimetery be Used to Correct for the Loading Signal in Geodetic Time Series?
- Choice of Basis Functions for the Representation of Seasonal Surface Loading Signals in Geodetic Time Series
- Estimating Geocenter motions from GPS measurements
- A Method for Applying Fluvial Geomorphology in Support of Catchment-Scale River Restoration Planning
- Adriatic Tectonics: Rigorous Tests of Present-Day Plate Motion Using Continuous GPS
- Details of Tidally Modulated Stick-Slip Motion of Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Estimating the Importance of Geologic Sources of Methane
- Geocenter Motions From Satellite Geodesy; A Unified Observation Model
- High-resolution multi-molecular stratigraphic records from North Atlantic drift sediments (ODP Sites 980, 984) reflecting Holocene climate and ocean dynamics
- Ice shelf tides: Modeling, detection and removal
- Reconstruction of Sea Surface Temperatures During Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events Using Archaeal Paleothermometry
- The Effect of Discontinuities, Noise and Geophysical Signals on the Maintenance of a Terrestrial Reference Frame.
- Tidal Modulation of the Flow of Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Validation of ocean tide models around Antarctica using onshore GPS and gravity data
- A Comparison of GPS, VLBI and Model Estimates of Ocean Tide Loading Displacements
- A High-Resolution Geochemical Investigation of the OAE 3 (Demerara Rise) - New Insights Into the Behaviour of Trace Metals and Phosphorus
- A Low Cost Automated Monitoring System for Landslides Using Dual Frequency GPS
- A Multiscale Nested Experiment for Understanding and Prediction of High Rainfall and Flood Response Spatial Behaviour in the Eden Catchment, Cumbria, UK
- An interdisciplinary network for young scientists in Earth System Science: building bridges between human and environmental sciences
- Biomarker Evidence From Demerara Rise for Surface and Deep Water Redox Conditions in the mid Cretaceous Western Equatorial Atlantic
- Consistent and Accurate Representation of Surface Mass Loading Using Modified Basis Functions
- Drivers of the Middle Pleistocene Transition: the Role of the Southern Ocean in Modulating Changes in CO2 and the Transition to the 100ky World
- European Vertical Height Datums: Unification and Time variation
- Evolution of the Oceanic Sulfur Cycle in the Early Paleoproterozoic
- Four decades of elevation change of the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica
- Insight into the basal mechanics of ice streams from passive seismic observations
- Integrated Remote Monitoring of Coastal Geohazards
- Modelling the Timing and Location of Shallow Landslides and Debris Flows Using the SHETRAN Model
- Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 3, Demerara Rise: High-Resolution Geochemistry and its Paleoenvironmental Implications
- On the stability of a geodetic no-net rotation frame, effects of frame translation, and implications for the ITRF
- Rapid climate change and associated black shale deposition during past greenhouse conditions: The lower Albian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b
- Signal versus noise in glaciological GPS time series
- The Effect of UV-B Radiation on Dissolved Organic Matter and Nitrogen Biogeochemistry in Aquatic Environments
- Tidal control of ice stream flow at annual and semi-annual frequencies
- Timescales and Mechanisms of Rapid Redox Change in the Mid-Cretaceous Ocean
- Tropical and High-latitude Surface Ocean Circulation Across The Mid-Pleistocene Transition: Teleconnections And Impacts For Ice-sheet Growth And Environmental Change Onshore
- All Quiet on the Seaward Ice Front?
- Direct Observations of Melt-Water Lake Drainage and the Establishment of an Efficient Surface to Basal Water Connection on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- GPS Data Acquisition and Processing for Glaciological Applications: A Community View of the Unique Applications, Challenges, and Solutions
- InSAR and GPS Observations Show Seasonal Speedup of Ice Flow in Greenland Following the Onset of Summer Melting
- Large Alluvial Fans in the Araba Valley (Jordan) as a Record of Tectonic Deformation of the Southern Dead Sea Fault and Regional Paleoclimates
- Modelling Individual Sources Of Mass Distribution And Transport In The Earth System By Means Of Satellites
- Nano-Scale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Potential And Pitfalls Of This Technique For Soil Organic Matter Stabilization
- New Methods for Estimating Sea-Level Rise Contributions From Svalbard Glaciers
- Preliminary Results From The CHEETA Cruise Transect: Bulk And Molecular Proxies For Terrigenous Organic Matter Supply
- Preliminary Results from the CHEETA Cruise transect: Intercomparison and calibration of Mg/Ca, δ18O, UK37' and TEX86 SST proxies
- Quantifying the change in extreme seasonal precipitation events under global warming using a grand ensemble experiment
- Regional Probablistic RCM-Estimates of Extreme Rainfall for the UK
- The Sensitivity of Coastal Cliffs to Changes in Sea Level
- Tracking Soil Organic Carbon Transport to Continental Margin Sediments Using Soil-Specific Hopanoid Biomarkers: a Case Study From the Congo Fan (ODP Site 1075)
- Validation and use of General Circulation Models (GCMs) for past and future hydrological studies
- A glacial hydrofracture origin for the Sula Ridges, Skeidararsandur, Iceland.
- An Oceanic Perspective on the African Humid Period
- Application Of Bacterial Iron Reduction For The Removal Of Iron Impurities From Industrial Silica Sand And Kaolin
- Assessing the Redox Structure of the Proterozoic 'Sulfidic' Ocean
- Can we measure Geocenter Motion accurately?
- Continental Feedback Between Terrestrial Climate Change, Carbon Burial and Associated Ocean Redox Change in the Tropical Cretaceous Atlantic
- DOGEE-SOLAS: The Role of Surfactants in Air-Sea Gas Exchange
- Degradation of Nitrobenzene Using Bio-Reduced Fe-Clays: Progress Towards the Development of an in-situ Groundwater Remediation Technology
- Development Of A New Redox-Active Porous Material For Groundwater Remediation
- Dynamics of sulfidic and anoxic, non-sulfidic waters along the Cenomanian-Turonian NW- African shelf at Tarfaya (SW-Morocco)
- Early Neoproterozoic Ocean Chemistry: Fe-S Systematics from the Chuar Group
- Estimating the Uncertain Mathematical Structure of Hydrological Model via Bayesian Data Assimilation
- Estimation of climate change impacts on river flow and catchment hydrological connectivity incorporating uncertainty from multiple climate models, stochastic downscaling and hydrological model parameterisation error sources
- Fractionation of Fe Isotopes During the Reductive Dissolution of Fe Oxide Minerals by Dissolved Sulphide
- Geodetic Observation-level Modelling for the Measurement of GIA
- Kinematics of a Strike-Slip Fault Segment at Various Time Scales, Determined From GPS and Geomorphic Measurements: the Example of the Wadi Araba Fault, Dead Sea Transform.
- Late Glacial environmental change at Lake Suigetsu, central Japan: preliminary evidence from bulk organic and compound specific isotope geochemistry.
- Methane Emission From the Congo Deep Sea Fan and Subsequent Aerobic Oxidation in the Quaternary Tropical Atlantic
- Millennial-Scale Response and Impact of Climate Variability in the Gulf of California Across the LGM/Holocene Transition
- Onset of Turonian oceanic red beds in Central Italy: geochemical constrains for paleoceanographic change
- Physical Conditions in Subglacial Lake Ellsworth, West Antarctica
- Possible Detection of Ocean Loading Deformation Associated With the 9 November 2007 North Sea Storm Surge Using GPS: Preliminary Results
- Seasonal and diurnal melt-induced flow dynamics at a land terminating outlet of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Simulation Study to Monitor and Model Individual Sources of Mass Distribution and Transport in the Earth System by Means of Satellites
- Spatial and Temporal Sea Surface pCO2 and O2 Variability During the North Atlantic Deep Ocean Gas Exchange Experiment (DOGEE)
- The Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a at ODP Site 641C Galicia Margin, Tropical Atlantic
- The SOLAS Bergen Mesocosm Experiment 2008: The Role of the Sea Surface Microlayer in Air-Sea Gas Exchange.
- Transition metal isotope proxies for ancient anoxia: ground-truthing in a modern anoxic basin
- Tropospheric water vapour over Antarctia from 12 years of globally reprocessed GPS data.
- non-Bruun shoreline response to sea-level rise: simple models of the dynamic behavior of overwashing barriers and soft rock shores
- A Water Grid for the UK
- Chromium Isotopes Record Fluctuations in Precambrian Biospheric Oxygenation
- Documenting and describing the redox evolution of the Neoproterozoic ocean: lessons from the Canadian Cordillera (Invited)
- Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change: A Case Study on the Ebro River Basin (Spain)
- Hydrological forcing of ice motion at the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- IDS contribution to ITRF2008
- Iron and manganese controlled sulfur cycling recorded in sulfur and oxygen isotopes of pore water sulfate in glacial fjord sediments of west Svalbard
- Lake Suigetsu 2006 varved sediment project - towards a purely terrestrial radiocarbon calibration model (Invited)
- Long GPS coordinate time series: multipath and geometry effects
- Methane release from the terrestrial ecosystems of greenhouse climates: Challenges and potential (Invited)
- Organic geochemical evidence for climate changes over the lateglacial-Holocene in Lake Suigetsu, Japan
- Storm Surge and Non-Tidal Ocean Loading Effects on Geodetic GPS Observations
- Vertical Datums: Unification and time variation
- A Newly Reanalyzed Dataset of GPS-determined Antarctic Vertical Rates
- A bottom up approach for engineering catchments through sustainable runoff management
- A new Glacial Isostatic Adjustment model for Antarctica (Invited)
- Adjoint distributed catchment modelling for flood impact of rural land use and management change
- An investigation of Terrestrial Reference Frames for Sea-Level Studies: Experiences from the British Isles
- Belford proactive flood solutions: scientific evidence to influence local and national policy by multi-purpose runoff management
- Carbonate diagenesis in the methane-rich sediments of the Beringian margin, IODP 323 Expedition
- Carbonation of Artificial Silicate Minerals in Soils: Passive Removal of Atmospheric CO2
- Climate Change Impact on the Hydrology and Water Quality of a Small Partially-Irrigated Agricultural Lowland Catchment
- Dynamical system exploration of long-term memory in the climate system (Invited)
- Effects of modelling higher-order ionospheric terms on global GPS solutions
- Elemental, stable isotopic and biochemical characterization of soil organic matter alteration across a natural peatland gradient
- Enhanced Mean Dynamic Topography and Ocean Circulation Estimation using GOCE Preliminary Models
- Flow dynamics of a soft-bedded glacier in southeast Iceland during basal sliding events
- Hyperthermal climate events in the Mesozoic-Palaeogene greenhouse world: current status, challenges, novel approaches (Invited)
- Impacts of human activity and climate on the hydrology and ecosystem services of forests in the Guianas on the northern rim of Amazonia
- Investigating the Climatic Transition Zone in Guyana, South America
- Isotopic and Molecular Proxies for climate and vegetation shifts along the Portuguese and NW African margins since the last glacial period: the CHEETA Cruise Transect
- J2: an evaluation of new estimates from GPS, GRACE and load models compared to SLR
- Molybdenum Isotope Constraints on the Extent of Late Paleoproterozoic Ocean Euxinia
- Multiscale Monitoring and Analysis of the Impacts of Rural Land Use Changes on Downstream Flooding
- Seasonal acceleration of the Greenland Ice Sheet in contrasting melt-seasons
- Seasonal variations in Greenland Ice Sheet motion: inland extent and behaviour at higher elevations in a land-terminating transect
- Southern Hemisphere Precession forcing of Southern Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures in a Warm Climate (Invited)
- Summer basal melt rate at the Larsen-C ice shelf, Antarctic Peninsula, measured by phase sensitive radar
- The Demonstration Test Catchment Approach to Land and Water Management in the river Eden Watershed, UK. (Invited)
- The Detection of Offsets in GPS Experiment (DOGEx)
- The Impact of Elevated Temperatures on Continental Carbon Cycling in the Paleogene
- The dynamic variability of dissolved and particulate organic matter and nutrients in a changing tropical rainforest: First results from a new geochemical program in northern Amazonia, Guyana
- The fabric and compaction of mudstones in the Gulf of Mexico
- The relationship between steric and total sea level variability in the presence of topography
- Using Diatom-Based Transfer Functions in Shallow Lakes for Lake Management: Limitations and Multi-Proxy Approaches
- Using GOCE to estimate the mean North Atlantic circulation (Invited)
- Validating the Moisture Analyses and Predictions of AMPS Using Ground-based GPS Measurements of Precipitable Water
- A Rigorous Assessment of Models and Data: How to give Confidence in Model Predictions for Use in Water Management
- A catchment engineering approach to nutrient and sediment management: A case study from the UK
- A global Mean Dynamic Topography and Ocean Circulation Estimation using GOCE Gravity Models
- Anomalous ocean tide loading displacements in western Europe suggest mantle anelasticity
- Catchment Engineering: A New Paradigm in Water Management
- Challenges for seasonal and ENSO analogues of tropical Pacific climate response to Termination 1: new sea-surface temperature records from the Gulf of California
- Developing biohopanoid molecular proxies for bacterially derived soil organic matter and its fate in aquatic systems
- Diagenetic processes in the plant-soil system and their implications for palaeo-reconstruction
- Exploitation of peat geochemistry to reconstruct hydrological and biogeochemical variations during the late Holocene
- Fate and transport of lignin in the soil-water continuum
- GOCE enabled progress in determining the North Atlantic circulation
- Glacier Volume Change in the Antarctic Peninsula from USGS/BAS Archive Imagery and ASTER Data
- Gpgpu Accelerated Landscape-Evolution Modelling
- High resolution constraints on ice load changes in the Antarctic Peninsula and Iceland using radar interferometry
- Introduction of LL-IV Distributed Hydrological Model and Applications in DMIP-II
- Investigating the Effects of Non-Gravitational Force Modelling on GPS Satellite Orbits
- Molecular Characterization of Peatland-derived Dissolved Organic Matter Using Ultra-high Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide (TMAH) Thermochemolysis
- Non-Gaussian Winter Daily Minimum and Maximum Temperatures in a Regional Climate Model: Downscaling of Reanalysis, Historical Simulations and Future Projections for the Southeast United States
- Outgassing from the Congo River Basin: a Major Source of Atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- Sea surface temperatures from the southern Benguela region from the Pliocene and Pleistocene: tracking Agulhas Current input into the SE Atlantic
- Spatial variability of time-constant slip rates on the San Jacinto fault zone, southern California
- Sterol and n-alkane biomarker composition of modern fen plants - potential application for palaeoecological analyses
- Use of GOCE MDT and error information in Ocean Data Assimilation
- Weather extremes in very large, high-resolution ensembles: the weatherathome experiment
- Weighing the ocean: How a single mooring in the mid-Pacific can monitor changes in ocean mass.
- 'invisible' DOM in hourly-resolved headwater river records from Northern Amazonia
- A data-driven approach for the determination of Antarctic GIA
- A lower Antarctic sea level contribution estimated from GRACE using a new glacial isostatic adjustment model
- Analysis of Wavelet Application Results for Along Track Multi-Resolution Analysis of GOCE SGG Data
- Basin-scale ice mass balance estimates from GRACE, radar altimetry, InSAR, GPS, and RCM data
- Determining the Diversity and Species Abundance Patterns in Arctic Soils using Rational Methods for Exploring Microbial Diversity
- Environmental Controls on Lacustrine Alkenone and GDGT Compositions - Quantifying the Effect of Temperature
- Evidences for a more restricted Icelandic Ice cap re-advance after the Bølling warming period
- Exploration of Subglacial Lake Ellsworth
- Flow dynamics in the Weddell Sea Sector of West Antarctica from an analysis of basal roughness
- Geochemical controls on phosphatic carbonate deposition: A case study of the Cambrian Thorntonia Limestone, southern Georgina Basin, Australia
- Geological control of flow in the Institute and Möller Ice Streams, West Antarctica
- Ice flow in the Weddell Sea sector of West Antarctica as elucidated by radar-imaged internal layering
- Ice shelves record the history of channelised water flow beneath the Antarctic ice sheet
- Impact of glacial/interglacial changes in water column geochemistry on the diagenetic cycling of barium in Black Sea sediments
- Massive swings in the marine N cycle during the Great Oxidation Event
- Mean Upper-Ocean Circulation of the Southern Hemisphere Oceans Based on Goce Data
- Mid-Cretaceous cooling in the North and South Atlantic: Climate instability and marine biotic crisis
- Modeling of Radar-Rainfall Uncertainties for Hydrologic Applications: Preliminary Results
- Speed-up of a land-terminating margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet in contrasting melt years
- Use of GOCE MDT and error information in NEMOVAR a variational data assimilation scheme for NEMO
- Using GOCE error covariance information to quantify MDT errors and guide diffusive filtering
- 18S rDNA analysis of alkenone-producing haptophyte(s) preserved in surface sediments of Lake Toyoni, Japan
- A High-Resolution Lateglacial Pollen Record from the SG06 Lake Suigetsu Core, Japan: Contrasting Mechanisms of Holocene and Bølling Warming
- A High-Resolution Sensor Network for Monitoring Glacier Dynamics
- Changes in ocean circulation in the South-east Atlantic Ocean during the Pliocene
- Comparison of Weekly and Daily IGS Reference Frames: The First Year
- Constraints on transient and power-law rheologies from rapid uplift in the Antarctic Peninsula
- Contrasting ice sheet response to early and late summer rapid supraglacial lake drainage events on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Coupled modelling of cryosphere dynamics and hydrological processes at the watershed scale in the Upper Indus Basin (UIB)
- Dynamic ocean topography at the coast: Using satellite geodesy to resolve the conflict between ocean models and tide gauges connected by leveling. (Invited)
- Estimation of precipitable water vapour using kinematic GNSS precise point positioning over an altitude range of 1 km
- Examination of elevation dependency in observed and projected temperature change in the Upper Indus Basin and Western Himalaya
- Existing and emerging technologies that exploit sulfur cycling bacteria in subsurface petroleum reservoir microbial communities (Invited)
- Facilitating Scientific Research through Workflows and Provenance on the DataONE Cyberinfrastructure (Invited)
- GNSS Wave Glider: First results from Loch Ness and demonstration of its suitability for determining the marine geoid
- High-Resolution Monitoring of Glacier Dynamics During Calving Events at Helheim Glacier South-East Greenland
- High-resolution detrital flux and provenance records from the Lake Suigetsu (SG06/12 cores) and climate changes in Central Japan during the last deglaciation
- Improving the Assessment of Non-Ideal GPS Time Series in Antarctica
- Late glacial and Holocene monsoon variability in southern Tibet (Invited)
- Major strike-slip faulting along the tectonic boundary between East and West Antarctica: implications for early Gondwana break-up and Jurassic granitic magma emplacement
- Modulation of Whillans Ice Stream Stick Slip Cycle: Loading Rate, Subglacial Hydrology and Slowdown
- Monitoring tree health with a dual-wavelength terrestrial laser scanner
- OSL dating as a possible tool for provenance study of fine grained quartz/polymineral from Lake Suigetsu sediments
- Offset detection in GPS coordinate time series
- Porewater salinity and δ18O reveal a kilometer-deep subsurface pathway for glacial meltwater into the Gulf of Alaska
- Potential links between onshore tectonics and terrestrial organic carbon delivery to distal submarine fan environments: IODP Site U1417, Surveyor Fan, Gulf of Alaska
- Provenance and flux of detrital materials in Lake Suigetsu sediment (SG12 core) and their temporal changes during the last 20 kyrs based on color and XRF data
- Radio-echo sounding of 'active' Antarctic subglacial lakes
- Rapid bedrock uplift in the Antarctic Peninsula explained by viscoelastic response to recent ice unloading
- Resolving Trends in Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Loss and Glacio-isostatic Adjustment Through Spatio-temporal Source-separation
- Satellite-based estimates of present-day Antarctic GIA and ice mass change
- Scientific Workflows + Provenance = Better (Meta-)Data Management
- Sulfur as a Matrix for the Development of Microbial Biofilm Communities
- Using high resolution water quality monitoring across three English catchments to capture a storm event during a transition from dry to wet conditions
- 'unlocking the Archive': Using Digital Photogrammetry of Modern Airborne Aerial Photography for Analysis of Historic Aerial Photographs to Extend the Record of Glacier Mass Balance Change on the Antarctic Peninsula
- A Circulation Index for the Himalayan Mountain Arc: Reconciling Conflicting Signals of Climate Change Along the Third Pole"
- A Novel Remote Sensing Approach for Determining 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Multi-Decadal Glacial Change Across the Antarctic Peninsula
- Advances in Bank Erosion Modelling at a Catchment-Scale and Its Significance to the Sediment Budget
- Alkenones and hydrogen isotopic composition of n-alkanes as indicators of past temperature and hydrological variability using lacustrine sediments from Lake Toyoni (Japan).
- An Exploration, for the Upper Indus Basin, of Elevation Dependency in the Relationships Between Locally Observed Near Surface Air Temperature (SAT) and Remotely-Sensed Land Surface Temperature (LST)
- Analysing subglacial geology hidden beneath the ice streams flowing into the Weddell Sea (West Antarctica)
- Antarctic Glacial Isostatic Adjustment from an inversion of satellite and in-situ observations
- CRUCIAL: Cryosat-2 Success over Inland Water and Land: Preliminary Inland Water Heights and Validation
- Channelised Subglacial Hydrology Modulates West Antarctic Ice Stream Basal Conditions and Flow
- Collinearity assessment of SLR-derived geocentre coordinates
- Combination of remote sensing data products to derive spatial climatologies of "degree days" and downscale meteorological reanalyses: application to the Upper Indus Basin
- Dynamics of Glacier Calving at the Ungrounded Margin of Helheim Glacier, South-East Greenland
- GPS ensemble analysis applied to Antarctic vertical velocities
- Interstitial Water Geochemistry and Low Temperature Alteration in Volcaniclastic Sediments from the Amami Sankaku Basin at IODP Site U1438 (Expedition 351)
- Modelling 50,000 Years of Landscape Evolution in the Upper Thames Valley, UK: Preliminary Results from PARALLEM
- Pliocene Warm Period Upwelling in the Southern Benguela Region
- Projections of Increased Intensity of Summer Rainfall over the UK from Very High Resolution Regional Climate Model Simulations
- Regional glacial isostatic adjustment in Antarctica estimated from GRACE, Enivsat/ICESat and GPS observations (ESA-STSE project REGINA).
- Scale Effect in Nutrient Transport along a Rural River System: THE River Eden, Cumbria, Northwest, England
- Seismic Cycle Observations of the Lesser Antilles Megathrust Based on Coral Microatolls
- Simulating expected elevation dependent warming (EDW) mechanisms in a dynamically-downscaled perturbed physics climate model ensemble over the Himalayan region
- Tropospheric control of tropopause folding and the efficiency of mixing across tropopause in idealized simulations of baroclinc-wave life cycles
- Water-rock interactions in volcaniclastic sediments across the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc: comparison of sites U1438, U1201, 792 and 793.
- 20<SUP>th</SUP>-Century Strain Accumulation on the Lesser Antilles Megathrust Based on Coral Microatolls
- A novel bacteriohopanepolyol biomarker reveals anaerobic ammonium oxidation has been an important process in Gulf of Alaska nitrogen cycling over the last ~60 ka.
- Antarctic ice sheet mass loss, glacio-isostatic adjustment and surface processes from a Bayesian combination of gravimetry, altimetry and GPS data
- Causes, Dynamics and Impacts of Lahars Generated by the April, 2015 Calbuco Eruption, Chile.
- Development of a Landslide Monitoring System using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Factors Governing the Germination of Sulfate-Reducing Desulfotomaculum Endospores Involved in Oil Reservoir Souring.
- Fault morphology controls rupture size: Evidence from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence in Nepal
- Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste: Investigating the Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) Coupled Processes at the Waste Canister- Bentonite Barrier Interface
- How Skillfully can we Simulate Drivers of Aerosol Direct Climate Forcing at the Regional Scale?
- Integration Of Low-Cost Single-Frequency GPS Stations Using 'Spider' Technology Within Existing Dual-Frequency GPS Network at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat (West Indies): Processing And Results
- Long-term deformation of the Lesser Antilles arc recorded by Late Pleistocene carbonate platforms: questioning our present knowledge of the megathrust seismic behavior.
- Lowering the Barrier to Reproducible Research by Publishing Provenance from Common Analytical Tools
- Madagascar's Escape from Africa: New Constraints and Understanding for Plate Tectonic Reconstructions
- Monitoring our Hazardous Planet with Sentinel-1 InSAR: Results and Prospects
- Realizing the Living Paper using the ProvONE Model for Reproducible Research
- Reverse glacier motion during iceberg calving and the cause of glacial earthquakes
- Source and Seasonality Effects on Precipitation Isotope Values in the Gulf of Alaska
- The Impact of Rainfall Uncertainty on Flood Simulations
- A New Approach To Soil Sampling For Risk Assessment Of Nutrient Mobilisation.
- A Semi-Quantitative Study of the Impact of Bacterial Pollutant Uptake Capability on Bioremediation in a Saturated Sand-Packed Two-Dimensional Microcosm: Experiments and Simulation
- An Assessment of Magma-Hydrothermal Heat Output at the Costa Rica Rift
- An extensive subglacial lake and canyon system in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica
- Application of Lacustrine Biomarkers to Reconstruct Late Holocene Temperature Change in the Saskatchewan Prairies.
- Assessing fugitive emissions of CH<SUB>4</SUB> from high-pressure gas pipelines in the UK
- Characterizing Uncertainty of the Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change
- Current crustal deformation characteristics and its relationship to ground fissures of Fenwei basin, central China, revealed by GPS observations and modeling
- Demonstration Of A Green-blue Approach For A Strategic Management Of Urban Runoff.
- Development of a Regional Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraether (GDGT) - Temperature Calibration for Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Lakes
- Exploration of relative skill of individual CORDEX South Asia domain experiments (GCM/RCM combinations) for spatiotemporal simulation of temperature and precipitation over the Karakoram sub-region
- Export of Organic Matter and Microbes from the Greenland Ice Sheet: Sources, Composition, and Downstream Implications
- Extensive massive basal-ice structures in West Antarctica relate to ice-sheet anisotropy and ice-flow
- Extracting Small and Long-Wavelength Vertical Land Surface Movements from an InSAR Time Series: The Case of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Scotland
- Generation of High Resolution Water Vapour Fields from GPS Observations and Integration With ECMWF and MODIS
- Global Review of Induced and Triggered Earthquakes
- How Well do we Measure Precipitation? 'Wind-Induced Undercatch' Revisited
- Ice Flow Velocities and Response to Tidal Forcing at Helheim Glacier, South-East Greenland
- Idealised Modelling of Deep Ocean Circulation Driven by Conductive and Hydrothermal Fluxes Through the Seabed
- Insight on fault segmentation, linkage and hazard from the 2016 M<SUB>w</SUB>6.2 Amatrice earthquake (central Italy)
- Mitigating Agricultural Diffuse Pollution: Learning from The River Eden Demonstration Test Catchment Experiments
- Numerical modelling of floating debris-associated flash flood processes
- Past Penguin Colony Linkages to Climate Change and Catastrophic Volcanism on the Northern Antarctic Peninsula
- Past and Present Weathering Recorded in Cretaceous Shale Samples from Colombia - Implications for Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions
- Quantifying isostatic responses to Cenozoic incision in the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains and the Recovery catchment sectors of East Antarctica
- SAR and SARin Full Bit Rate Altimetric Waveforms from CryoSat-2: CRUCIAL Methodology and Validation of heights.
- Simulating Catchment Scale Afforestation for Mitigating Flooding
- Simulation of fan development using a coupled soilscape-landscape evolution model
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Extreme European Winter Windstorms
- Spatio-temporal dynamics in phytobenthos structural properties reveal insights into agricultural catchment dynamics and nutrient fluxes
- The Treatment Train approach to reducing non-point source pollution from agriculture
- Timing and pacing of Pliocene climate and paleoenvironmental change in southwestern Australia (IODP Exp. 356, Site U1459).
- Understanding changes in short-duration rainfall extremes under global warming: The GEWEX cross-cut on sub-daily rainfall extremes (INTENSE)
- Using Music to Communicate Weather and Climate
- A global dataset of sub-daily rainfall indices
- A new precipitation and meteorological drought climatology based on weather patterns
- Breaking barriers and halting rupture: the 2016 Amatrice-Visso-Castelluccio earthquake sequence, central Italy
- COMET-LICSAR: Systematic Deformation Monitoring of Fault Zones and Volcanoes with the Sentinel-1 Constellation
- Crushing of Subglacial Lake Sediment as a Source of Bio-utilisable Gases.
- CryoSat-2 SAR and SARin Inland Water Heights from the CRUCIAL project
- Evaluating the Mosul Dam's Instability after Resumption of Maintenance
- Geothermal heating in the Panama Basin and its impact on water mass transformation
- Global intensification in observed short-duration rainfall extremes
- Hydroclimatic Controls of the Hydrogen Isotope Composition of n-alkanes in Melaleuca quinquenervia Leaves: Implications for Understanding Past Environmental Change
- Interseismic Deformation along the Red River Fault from InSAR Measurements
- Large-Scale Flows and Magnetic Fields Produced by Rotating Convection in a Quasi-Geostrophic Model of Planetary Cores
- Modeling the Along-Strike Rake Variation in the 2009 Dachaidan Earthquake with Boundary Element Method
- Modelling Deep Ocean Circulation in the Panama Basin Driven by Geothermal Heating
- Prehistoric Human-environment Interactions and Their Impact on Aquatic Ecosystems
- Spatial and temporal delivery of tephra to the Eastern North American seaboard
- Subcritical thermal convection of liquid metals in a rapidly rotating sphere
- The CSAICLAWPS project: a multi-scalar, multi-data source approach to providing climate services for both modelling of climate change impacts on crop yields and development of community-level adaptive capacity for sustainable food security
- The lipid response of aerobic marine methanotroph communities under changing environmental conditions.
- The size, location and persistence of co-seismic loess landslide scars and their implications for landslide hazard
- A 'natural reservoir'-based framework for scalable assessment of drought risks and impacts across South and East Asia
- A stakeholder-focused approach to characterising drought risk and adaptation pathways in the middle Himalaya
- Alkenone distribution and producers in Canadian lakes: Implications for palaeotemperature reconstructions
- Application of Image-based Velocity Measurements for Computing River Discharge in Real-time
- Automated Detection and Categorization of Antarctic Basal Units Using Radar Sounding Data: Demonstration in Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Combining Water-borne Ground Penetrating Radar and Geomorphological Modelling to Estimate System Response to Low-head Dam Removal in an Ecologically-Sensitive Site.
- Data re-use: Tools for producing and displaying data provenance across DataONE repositories
- Detection of continental-scale intensification of hourly rainfall extremes and implications for future changes
- Developing a Full Scale Green Infrastructure Demonstration Facility and Evaluation Toolkit
- Dual control of fault intersections on stop-start rupture in the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence
- East Asian Monsoon History and Paleoceanography of the Japan Sea Over the Last 460,000 Years
- Evaluation of Himalayan Near-Surface Climate Representation in High Resolution HAPPI CAM5 Simulations
- Flooding Impact on Bridges: an Integrated Hydro-Transport Model
- Generic Atmospheric Correction Online Service for InSAR (GACOS): Validation and Implications for InSAR Time Series Analysis
- Holocene hydroclimatic change in south-central Alaska inferred from δ<SUP>18</SUP>O<SUB>diatom</SUB> at Sunken Island Lake, Kenai Peninsula lowlands
- Mapping Land Subsidence in Beijing with InSAR Time Series through the South-to-North Water Transfer Project
- Non-contact hydrometric systems for headwater catchments
- Observed shallow landslide size distributions controlled by the spatial correlation of strength variability
- Organic carbon sorting by turbidity currents: a Bouma Sequence for geochemists
- Quality Control of a Global Sub-daily Precipitation Dataset
- Simple rules versus hazard maps: what is lost or gained?
- Stable rate of slip along the Karakax Valley Fault from observation of inter-glacial and post-glacial offset morphology and surface dating
- The Importance of Volunteered Geographic Information for the Validation of Flood Inundation Models
- The Karakoram Vortex/Western Tibetan Vortex: Seasonal and year-to-year variability
- Towards large-scale, InSAR-derived surface velocities and strain rates for the global tectonic belts
- Transecting the Cordillera Blanca of northern Peru: a glacial geochronology determined from <SUP>10</SUP>Be exposure ages of moraine crest boulders
- Triggered Afterslips on the Hikurangi Subduction Zone Following the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake from InSAR and GPS Addressing Atmospheric Correction
- Understanding Rainfall Extremes Across Temporal Scales: From Process Understanding to Practical Application
- Velocity response of Petermann Glacier, northwest Greenland to past and future ice tongue loss
- A real-time risk forecasting system for urban flooding based on 2D hydrodynamic modelling and vulnerability analysis
- Applying the climatic water balance to the Volta basin to understand complementarity of grey and green infrastructure in ensuring water-energy-food (W-E-F) security
- Automated landslide detection out-performs manual mapping for research and response
- Automated methods for detecting volcanic deformation using Sentinel-1 InSAR time series
- Better, faster landslide detection from optical and radar satellite data
- Catchment scale flood management through spatial targeting: a case study of the East Rapti catchment, Nepal
- Characterisation of near-surface temperature variability and change in the headwaters of the Indus and Ganges/Brahmaputra basins since the early 20th century
- Demonstrating the potential for the climatic water balance, as applied to the Volta basin, to provide a framework to enable decision makers to understand water-energy-food (W-E-F) nexus trade-offs and synergies
- Filling the Evidence Gap: Physical and Mathematical Modelling of Leaky Barriers as Flood Risk Reduction Measures
- Land subsidence in Xiongan New Area revealed by Time Series SAR Interferometry
- North Atlantic blocking regulates cold season air temperature variability over Greenland coastal and ice sheet ablation areas
- Post-Seismic Deformation in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula Following the 2013 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.7 Scotia Sea Earthquake
- Rapid Detection of Earthquake-triggered Landslides with Satellite Radar Coherence
- Snow Modelling in the Western Himalaya using a Multi-Physics Ensemble
- Supraglacial lake mapping of the entire Greenland Ice Sheet using Google Earth Engine
- Tidally-induced motion of Helheim Glacier in South-East Greenland detected by GPS
- Towards an improved geotechnical understanding of landslide hazard and slope stability from ground-based geophysical survey and monitoring
- Turbidity current evolution in Bute Inlet, British Colombia, Canada
- Turbulent Convective Lengthscale in Planetary Cores
- 10-year global evaluation of tropospheric noise corrections derived from routinely leveraged weather models
- A Stakeholder Elicitation-based Socio-hydrological Model of an Inter-basin Water Transfer Mega Project in Southern India
- A review of climate change impacts on design rainfalls
- An Observation-Based Estimate of Precipitation Changes from Forestation in Europe
- Climate narratives to characterise and communicate uncertainty in climate change in South-eastern Africa
- Coupled impacts of sea ice variability and North Pacific atmospheric circulation on Holocene hydroclimate in Arctic Alaska
- Discharge dependent bifurcation asymmetry alters flow and sediment pathways through deltas
- Limits on the Validity of the Infinite Slope Stability Model
- Long term linked geoelectrical / hydro-mechanical monitoring of an active slow-moving landslide
- Lower crustal magma supply amplification: A key concept for silicic magma production
- Predicting beneath canopy radiation for land surface modelling from voxelised terrestrial laser scanning data
- Quantifying the impact of blanket-peat restoration interventions in terms their Natural Flood Management (NFM) potential
- Random Fields Simplified: Spatiotemporal simulation preserving extremes using the CoSMoS R package
- Restoration of Degraded Blanket peatlands: Impacts on Runoff and Potential for Natural Flood Risk Management
- Seasonal variability and future changes of physical characteristics of MCS-like precipitation objects in a Europe-wide convection permitting model simulation
- Spatio-temporal patterns in remote sensing signatures of submarine groundwater discharges
- The Causes, Dynamics and Impacts of the December 2017 Catastrophic Mass Flow Aluvión: Villa Santa Lucía, Chile.
- The Paleoclimate of Chew Bahir, Ethiopia, during the last 200 kyr: Human Responses to Hydroclimate Fluctuations
- The influence of uncertainty: assessing anthropogenic drivers in GRACE observations
- The triggers of the disintegration of Voyeykov Ice Shelf (2007), Wilkes Land, East Antarctica, and its subsequent evolution
- Turbulent Confinement of Large-Scale, Poloidal Magnetic Fields to Stellar Radiative Zones
- UKANET: Logistical Challenges and Preliminary Results from a Geodetic Network Recording Crustal Deformation in Antarctica
- Uncertain climate and socio-economic change: trade-offs for plans and priorities in an African transboundary basin
- Using a convection permitting model ensemble for projecting future change in precipitation extremes
- 20th-Century Strain Accumulation on the Lesser Antilles Megathrust Based on Coral Microatolls
- A Systematic Assessment of Value Addition by Stakeholder Elicitation in Socio-hydrological Modelling
- Advancing Space-Time Simulation in Hydroclimatology and the Environment
- AntArchitecture: towards the widespread linking of Antarctic ice-core records using radiostratigraphy
- Anthropogenic intensification of short-duration rainfall extremes and increasing flood risks
- Bottom-up Identification of Key Elements of Compound Events
- Carbon Fluxes in the Weathering Zone: Investigating the Role of Microbial Communities
- Drought Processes in Current and Future Climate and Implications for Irrigation Farming in Malawi
- Effects of Ionospheric Disturbances on GNSS Receivers in the Indian Low-Latitude Region
- Future changes in precipitation extremes in convection-permitting climate simulations
- How Should Diverse Stakeholder Preferences Shape Evaluations of Complex Water Resources Systems Robustness to Deeply Uncertain Changes?
- Hydrodynamic Modelling of Leaky Barriers in 1D and 3D
- Linking Changes in Storm Characteristics with Changes in Precipitation Extremes
- Oceans show a higher scaling of extreme hourly rainfall with dewpoint temperature than land
- Operational Reservoir and Dam Monitoring and Forecasting System using Multi-Basin Model And Space Techniques in the Greater Mekong Region (GM-ResDam v1)
- Opportunities Presented by the Attenuation of Volcanological Signals in Tephra Layers
- Reconstructing postglacial hydrologic and environmental change in the eastern Kenai Peninsula lowlands using proxy data and mass balance modeling
- Should input rainfall dictate model timestep? - A 'commensurability' perspective
- Simple rules to minimize exposure to rainfall triggered landslide hazard
- The Preservation of the 1980 Mount St Helens Tephra Layer
- The Role of Small-Scale Topographic Features in Tephra Layer Preservation
- Using LSTMs to Forecast Disturbance Storm Time (Dst) Index
- A Google Earth-GIS based approach to examine the potential of the current rainwater harvesting practices to meet water demands in Mityana district, Uganda.
- A framework for national risk and adaptation assessments across multiple sectors
- Aero-geophysical constraints on the crustal structure of the western margin of the Aurora Subglacial Basin, East Antarctica
- Assessing Water Management Pathways for Environmental Flow Management under Uncertain Futures in the Upper Yamuna Basin
- Can a 3D GIA Model Explain GPS Uplift Rates in the Southern Antarctic Peninsula?
- Channel Incision and Interaction with Erosion Resistant Delta Substrates
- Convective interchange mix-modes and phase scintillation In polar patches.
- Evaluating the Use of "Goodness-of-Fit" Metrics in GRACE Validation: GRACE Accuracy for Monitoring Groundwater Dynamics.
- Exploiting km-scale projections to gain new understanding of future changes in severe storms
- Exploring the Link Between Climate Change and Catastrophic Mass Movement Event Magnitude in High Mountain Regions
- Global Distribution of Urban Landslide Rainfall Thresholds
- Grounding-Zone Wedges, Till Sheets and Sediment Fluxes in Anvers-Hugo Trough: A Detailed Record of Ice-Stream Retreat Behaviour on the Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Hourly Historical and Near-Future Weather and Climate Variables for Energy System Modelling
- How Should Diverse Stakeholder Interests Inform Robust Adaptation Actions in Complex Water Resources Systems Confronting Change?
- Human-Induced Earthquakes: The Performance of Questionnaire Schemes
- Impacts of the 2020 Elliot Creek Outburst Flood on Sea Surface Turbidity
- Mesoscale Eddy Properties in the Southern Ocean
- Modelling the Impact of Surfactants on Global Air-Sea Gas Exchanges
- Next generation of regional climate projections
- Recent developments in time-lapse geoelectrical modelling and instrumentation for monitoring geohazards
- Scaling of Sub-Daily Precipitation Extremes with Temperature Over North Atlantic and Europe Depends on Storm Type
- Slash-and-burn in Karst Regions Lowers Soil Gross Nitrogen Transformation Rates and N-turnover
- Stress-testing development pathways under a changing climate: water-energy-food security in the lake Malawi-Shire river system
- Validation of ocean wave measurements using a Wave Glider and GNSS precise point positioning
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Ajay Gajanan Bhave
- Alexandre M. Ramos
- Alistair Ford
- Arnaud Watlet
- B. Philibosian
- Brian F. Thomas
- Brian Matthews
- C. T. Dhanya
- Christopher Hackney
- D. D. Blankenship
- Dan H. Shugar
- Daniel R. Parsons
- Darrell S. Kaufman
- David Milledge
- David V. Gold
- Diogo Araujo
- Douglas A. Edmonds
- Efthymios I. Nikolopoulos
- Emanuele Bevacqua
- Fiona J. Clubb
- G. Wang
- Georg Veh
- Hannah Bloomfield
- Hayley J. Fowler
- Hyongki Lee
- Ian Giesbrecht
- J. Nanteza
- J.K. Atul
- James Boyd
- James L. Best
- Jamin S. Greenbaum
- Jennifer L. Catto
- Joaquim G. Pinto
- John K. Hillier
- Jonathan Chambers
- Joseph A. MacGregor
- Julien Bodart
- Karin van der Wiel
- Kelly Hogan
- Lisa Luna
- Marina Baldissera Pacchetti
- Matthew Rodell
- Matthieu Cartigny
- Melanie J. Leng
- Michael J. Bentley
- Mohamed Akl
- Nadav Peleg
- Nicholas P. McKay
- Olaf Eisen
- Patrick M. Reed
- Pauline Rivoire
- Peter J. Clarke
- Pippa L. Whitehouse
- Polly Thompson
- RJ Dawson
- Rachel Warren
- Richard Streeter
- Riddhi Singh
- Robert D Larter
- Robert G. Bingham
- S. Papalexiou
- Salim Goudarzi
- Shannon Leakey
- Shuai Yan
- Stephen M. Hubbard
- Steven Chan
- T. D. van Ommen
- Tien L. T. Du
- Vassilis Glenis
- W. D. D. P. Welivitiya